(!LANG: The meaning of the name Milena for a summer girl. Full and abbreviated name, how will it be on behalf of Milena and Milan, Milana? Nickname options for social networks

Milena is a pleasant-sounding name for a girl, but difficult in origin and interpretation. According to historical data, it came to us from the time Ancient Russia. By virtue of Slavic affiliation, girls named by this name are distinguished by love of freedom, pride and self-esteem.

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Today, the name Milena is very popular in the Slavic states: Russia, Poland, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Belarus and Bulgaria.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    The most common hypothesis for the origin of the name Milena is Slavic. According to this version, the root "Mil", which is part of the word "sweetheart", was the basis. From here comes the meaning of the name: “kind”, “sweet”, “tender”. Derivative, but independent names with the same root: Milana, Mila, Milica, Milada.

    The second interpretation is French. Its adherents are sure that Milena comes from Milene (Mylène).

    Name forms are presented in the table:

    AT Orthodox saints Milena's name is not listed. Therefore, at baptism, a child is chosen consonant. For example, Militsa or Melania, in honor of the saints Melania of the Romans, Militsa Serbian, Militsa Kuvshinova. In this case, name day church calendar fall on the following dates: September 12, August 1 and 7, February 5 and 7.

    Famous people named Milena:

    1. 1. M. Vukotic is a famous actress in Italy.
    2. 2. M. Letitia Ruchka is a famous female wrestler, a former Canadian catwalk star.
    3. 3. M. Kunis is an American film actress born in Ukraine.
    4. 4. M. Farmer - French singer and actress.

    Darina - the meaning and mystery of the name, the character and fate of the girl

    Character and fate

    The peculiarity of Milena is in her extreme jealousy and bias. Even having matured, she does not become more condescending: she envies the successes of other people, considering all achievements dishonestly earned. She also has a stubbornness that cannot be broken under any circumstances. Although outwardly Milena is very kind, caring and gentle.

    Briefly, Milena is characterized by the following features:

    • independence;
    • enterprise;
    • good-natured;
    • tenderness;
    • resistance;
    • straightness;
    • erudition.

    Influence on the nature of the season in which Milena was born:

    1. 1. Winter- The personality is rather closed and unsociable. From the outside it looks stale and cold. In fact, an insecure woman is hiding inside, who finds it difficult to make any decisions. Because of this, the girl cannot leave parental care for a long time and create her own family. When growing up, Milena shows perseverance, irascibility and importunity.
    2. 2. spring- a punctual, neat, diligent and prudent girl. She is responsible for all actions and words, so you can completely rely on her. Endowed with a light disposition, freely finds mutual language with people. Attractive to men, inspires respect from others. Spring Milenas manage to achieve a lot in their work, realizing their abilities to the fullest. They usually have a strong and friendly family.
    3. 3. Summer- the lady is sensitive and vulnerable. He is great at handling his emotions. Thanks to stability and responsibility, it successfully moves up the career ladder. But in personal life, not everything always goes well, which is associated with gullibility. The woman is amorous and promiscuous in the choice of partners.
    4. 4. autumn- demanding, but total absence independence. Needs the constant support of relatives, under the influence of which he easily falls. Dislikes surprises and not ready once again to risk. Marries at a fairly mature age.

    All qualities are gradually manifested as they grow up and form a personality. On the life path may be influenced by heredity and upbringing. Therefore, the decoding of the name lays only a landmark for the future. The main thing is not to slow down the harmonious development of the child, which will allow the girl to fully open up.


    Milena s early age surrounded by increased attention and care of relatives and friends. This explains why girls are characterized by increased capriciousness and exactingness. If parents do not stop in time, then a dependent, infantile and inert personality grows up. In the worst case scenario, it is possible to fall under the negative influence of others, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

    Along with this, little Mila is kind, warm-hearted, sympathetic, trusting. But she is used to the fact that others do everything for her, and this is a problem. Before doing something, he thinks and wonders for a long time. Among relatives he feels confident and free, but getting into a strange society, he turns into a frightened, silent and timid child.

    In her studies, Milena is kept at the level of a good student, she rarely gets out as an excellent student. She does not seek to occupy a leading position and does not need universal recognition. For modesty, educators and teachers love her.

    Young woman

    As she grows older, Milena becomes more independent, although selfishness and spoiledness do not go anywhere. As before, a teenager needs increased attention and tries in every possible way to attract it. In communication it is quite difficult, which is due to its exactingness, instability and inconsistency of behavior. Often tries to impose his opinion.

    If in childhood she is more friends with girls, then in her youth she prefers to communicate with young people. They, in turn, show an increased interest in it. Milena is a coquette by nature, able to create a light and mysterious atmosphere around her. In fact, her character is extremely complex, which not everyone can understand.

    For Milena, any changes are terrible. Whether they are positive or negative, it doesn't matter.

    In her youth, the girl has a strong attachment to her parents, with whom she shares all the secrets. Therefore, there is no need for friends. She prefers spending her leisure time at home to cheerful gatherings and parties with her peers.


    Having matured, Milena are transformed. These are no longer timid and insecure girls, but smart and interesting ladies. They know how to present themselves favorably in society, they are interesting in communication. But they don't know how to make friends. They are alien to the problems of others, but in an emergency they are ready to lend a helping hand. They do it deliberately and unemotionally.

    The older, the more confident Milena becomes. Gradually begin to appear leadership skills. In place of credulity comes vanity, ambition, stubbornness.

    For Milena, the only true thing is personal opinion. She gives everyone advice that she thinks is wise. Having crossed the line of 30 years, a woman significantly changes her life priorities. Transforms into a gentle, tolerant, compassionate person. Only then close friends and a beloved man begin to appear.

    Spheres of life

    The name leaves an imprint on the fate of its bearer in various areas.

    Health and psyche

    Breast Milena often scream, children are predisposed to bronchitis and sinusitis. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful to keep the girl healthy. The physical condition of little Milena is weak: she belatedly begins to hold her head and walk.

    Those born in the morning have a strong immune system, but despite this, the body is constantly weakened by something. Because of this, the girl gets sick a lot.

    August children have late teething, which is accompanied by high fever. They are also characterized by the following health problems: colitis, bloating, nephritis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, constipation. In terms of the psyche, there is often increased nervousness and irritability, incontinence.

    Milenas tend to feel sorry for themselves and constantly complain about being unwell, which they try to attract attention to themselves.

    In the period of 3–5 years, the girl has poor appetite and sleep, which slows down physical development. Therefore, it is important to teach her to observe the daily routine. Usually children complain of pain in the head, stomach and intestines. With age, health improves, all inflammatory processes are reduced to nothing.

    Love relationship

    In terms of sexuality, Milena has no equal. They are naturally endowed with charm and charm. They spare no effort to maintain their beauty, they always look fashionable and neat. This does not go unnoticed by men. With the right approach, this outwardly cold woman capable of becoming an ardent and temperamental mistress.

    Milena is amorous, but does not accept the open manifestation of her feelings. Even with great love for the chosen one, he will never admit this to him. In love, he tries to take leadership positions, but waits for courtship and compliments from a man. She rarely truly falls in love, but if this happens, she is ready for anything, just not to lose the relationship.

    When choosing a life partner, a girl pays attention to personal traits(ambition, determination, intellectual ability) and character more than appearance.

    She is in no hurry to marry because of her love of freedom. Building relationships largely depends on the behavior of a man, since Milena is closed by nature. An exception to the rule are spring girls who easily find an approach themselves and are able to make it clear what they need. BUT born in summer and in winter they are in no hurry to reveal their soul at the beginning of a relationship. They need to get to know a person well before trusting him completely.

    Marriage and family

    Milena does not decide on marriage for a long time, as this is too serious a step for her. But he has a lot of fans. This is explained more by rationality: it is convenient for her to live with her parents, who indulge any whims of her daughter. Everything changes when true love comes.

    In marriage, the emphasis is on calmness, constancy, high financial situation and confidence in her husband. Therefore, the choice usually falls on strong and self-confident men who have already achieved something in life. For Milena, her husband becomes a second dad, next to whom it is safe and reliable. In the family circle, a woman is more silent and does not show emotions, but sometimes she shows kindness and tenderness. Due to such features of character, she manages to maintain a calm and cozy atmosphere in the house.

    This is a good hostess: she regularly performs her duties, welcomes guests cordially, and cooks deliciously. It just doesn't give her much pleasure. But a woman is ready to do anything to please her husband. She tries to live close to her parents, otherwise it is difficult for her to cope with family life alone.

    Milena is a caring and attentive mother, but she does not forget about herself.

    After leaving in maternity leave The wife rarely returns to work. She is ready to surround her children with affection incessantly. Particularly acute is their growing up. She needs to feel needed.

    When the children leave Father's house, Milena switch to creativity and begin to engage in self-development. It is during this period that a strong attachment to her husband flares up and a warmer relationship is established. A woman prefers a quiet pastime to a cheerful company at home or with her family.

    Milena has high compatibility with the following male names:

    • Dmitry;
    • Alexander;
    • Evgeniy;
    • Sergey;
    • Andrew;
    • Egor;
    • Maksim;
    • Ivan;
    • Denis;
    • Vladimir.

    Anton, Artem, Nikolai, Mikhail, Pavel, Vadim are not suitable for a woman.

    Business and career

    Mila is a very impressionable and active person, she loves a change of scenery. She is so active that she "energizes" everyone around her. Therefore, the occupation of a girl should be selected with a focus on this feature. Then all the enthusiasm will be directed to achieving the goals.

    Scrupulousness, pedantry and disinterestedness allow Milena to achieve tangible success in the following professions: teacher, accountant, economist, engineer, doctor, salesman.

    But the achievement maximum heights hindered by the lack of ambition in the character. If you manage to get rid of childhood indecision and insecurity, then success in your career will not happen. Most bearers of this name do not dwell on labor activity their family is their priority.

    Leadership positions are not suitable for Milena, as they require a certain responsibility and the solution of important organizational issues. It is easier for them to do work according to their abilities and not to chase recognition. It is also not recommended for a woman to be a businessman, because of the same unsteadiness of character. Lack of assertiveness will not allow her to succeed in the entrepreneurial field.


    Astrological symbolism of the name:

    • planet - Sun and Jupiter;
    • element - Water;
    • favorable zodiac sign - Leo, Sagittarius;
    • totem animal - swallow, grasshopper;
    • color - blue, lilac, raspberry;
    • plant - ash, bluebell;
    • talisman stone - aventurine, amethyst;
    • metal - bronze.

    The most successful day of the week is Saturday, the season is spring.

    The interpretation of the name according to the sign of the zodiac is presented in the table:

    Sign Personality characteristic
    AriesOpen, active and cheerful. He does not tolerate boredom and monotony, therefore, he strives to be with friends more often. Constantly looking for new sensations. From this follows her love of travel. With men, she is relaxed, which makes her attractive.
    Taurusfull of doubts and internal contradictions. Does not know how to understand people, which usually leads to disappointment. Against this background, she is very sincere and good-natured. People use her credulity for their own purposes and often deceive. Strong and lasting personal relationships do not happen, due to promiscuity and inconstancy
    TwinsFeminine, sophisticated and always charming. He uses his appearance as a means to achieve his goals. Men fall in love with twin Milena from the first meeting and are ready for a lot for her. On her part, there is coldness and inaccessibility.
    CrayfishNaive and infantile persons. Sometimes it seems that they are from another planet. Their key character traits are kindness, empathy and understanding. They are very insecure internally, which makes it impossible to act decisively in any direction. They try their best to avoid any responsibility. Dependent on someone else's opinion, so they easily fall under male influence
    a lionStraightforward, honest and unselfish. He says everything he thinks openly, because he does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. He takes criticism quite painfully, striving to defend his opinion to the end. For her, a man is a reliable shoulder and protection, and only then - a lover and husband
    VirgoA girl with a difficult character: impulsive, absurd, nervous. Actions are dominated by emotions, not common sense. Independent and active, only she does not know how to properly manage her independence. And this usually leads to difficulties in the family and at work.
    ScalesRomantic and dreamy. Experiencing many disappointments in life, which is associated with naivety. Inoffensive, quickly forgets all the bad things. As a chosen one, only sincere and kind person, since falsehood will immediately push the girl away
    ScorpionWayward, impetuous and independent. They are used to teaching everyone around, but they will not tolerate this in relation to themselves. Do not have close friends because of their complex nature. Nobody is trusted, especially men. The husband is selected carefully and legibly, paying attention even to trifles.
    SagittariusInquisitive, which manifests itself in all aspects of life. Diversified, it is pleasant to have a conversation with her. The girl's problem is that she immediately takes on several cases and does not finish any of them. She needs a man who is just as addicted, then there will be peace and harmony in the relationship.
    CapricornVulnerable and sensitive, but benevolent. Outwardly reasonable and cold, but this is only a mask. Difficulty accepting criticism, even constructive. Able to control emotions. Needs a gentle and suave partner who can fully reveal her rich inner world
    AquariusProtective, funny and charming. She is not inclined to enter into conflicts, from which she escapes with jokes. Freely compromises, so long as the world does not shake. In men, he appreciates endurance, purposefulness and composure
    FishA dreamy dreamer, she tends to idealize everyone and everything. But he understands with his mind that dreams are impossible. Therefore, it is subject to disappointments and subsequent depressions. The chosen one sometimes endows with unrealistic qualities, as a result of which personal life does not add up for a long time

Milena- an Old Slavonic name, etymologically similar to other names that have a common root “mil”: Militsa, Milana, Milada, in which not only one basis can be distinguished, but also a common underlying meaning - the listed names come from the word “sweetheart”.

Often they are used in colloquial speech as a diminutive form for each other, however, it is worth noting that these names are independent, and their owners have both a similarity in character, due to a common root, and certain differences.

The sound vibration of Milena disposes other people to a warm, positive perception of the bearer of the name. It didn't find widespread within the territory of Russian Federation, however, its analogues (Meloni, Milen, Milaniya, etc.) are actively used in other countries.

Milena - character traits

Milena grows up as an affectionate girl, kind, sympathetic. In childhood, she often gets sick, mainly with colds, so her parents take care of her excessively, completely depriving her of independence in actions and decisions. All her life the girl is under the influence of her parents, she is deeply attached to them and always adheres to their rules. It will not be easy for her to change tactics and priorities after marriage.

Milena is a receptive and emotional person. In adult life has great taste - likes to look attractive and dress. She is inquisitive - she must certainly know everything about everyone, sensitive and incredibly talkative, she can chat with her friends on the phone for hours. The conversation is relaxed and easy.

In adolescence, she is somewhat shy of boys, but with age, the situation changes, and she already flirts and flirts with them with ease. The pleasant, euphonious name Milena, which is also rare, distinguishes its owner from the background of the whole crowd. A sea of ​​​​fans and friends will inevitably revolve around her.

In general, the girl is active, but on her own decision it’s hard for her, she thinks for a long time, reflects, she is tormented by doubts, and in the end Milena even doubts whether she did the right thing in this or that situation? The girl is trying in every possible way to avoid cardinal changes in her life, she does not pursue wealth and career growth, but simply wants to live in abundance and be loved.

Milena - name compatibility

Milena, so accustomed to attention and affection, will always need guardianship and care. In childhood - from the parents, in adulthood - from the husband. Marriage enters relatively early. The reason for this is excessive amorousness, which drowns out the voice of reason. She completely surrenders to the hands of her beloved, forgetting about everything in the world.

Milena is a prudent wife and mistress, she forgives her husband a lot in order to save the marriage. The girl is afraid to have children, but takes this step for the sake of her beloved husband. Realizing the happiness of motherhood, she realizes that she was deeply mistaken in her fears. It is the child that makes the girl become more independent and responsible.

For marriage, Milena needs a strong and affectionate man who can take care of the family and provide for it properly, such as Vasily, Timofey, Matvey, Yakov. Representatives of the names will not suit her at all: Andrei, George and Albert.

Milena - famous people with this name

Among celebrities with an unusually attractive name, one can single out M. Letitia, a former Canadian fashion model, and on this moment professional wrestler, M. Khyubshmannov - a specialist in Indian philosophy and defender of gypsy rights, as well as M. Farmer - French singer, actress and M. Simonov - TV presenter.

Milena - interesting facts about the name

- correspondence of the zodiac sign - Pisces, Sagittarius;
- cosmic body - Jupiter;
- colors of the name - blue, crimson, lilac;
- totem animal - swallow, grasshopper;
- plants - violet, lavender, jasmine, bluebell;
- talisman stone - amethyst.
The patroness of the name - blessed Milica - founded a monastery, led a pious lifestyle (name day on August 7).

The name Milena refers to the Slavic culture. Therefore, girls with this name are very freedom-loving and are distinguished by pride, natural dignity and article.

For a complete answer to the question of what the name Milena means and what effect it has on the girl, you need to analyze in more detail the origin of the name, as well as consider its sound content.

Slavic roots

The origin of the name is related to Slavic culture, which was distinguished by independence and uneven development. The constant dangers that lay in wait for the Slavs from all sides, the harsh living conditions and lack of cohesion formed independence in them, strong character and self-sufficiency.

Due to the large spaces and unlimited movement, they rarely obeyed the rules. Therefore, carriers of Old Slavic names rely more on their desires, and not on norms and requirements.

Given their restless, rebellious nature, they are best suited for activities related to the struggle for the implementation of ideas. Indeed, the Slavic origin of the name is usually associated with the fact that such a person becomes extremely active and energetic when there is an ideal that inspires him.

The name Milena is translated from the common Slavic as "sweet", "gentle", this is primordially Russian woman's name . And that is precisely why it is not in the Orthodox calendar, because most of the names in them are of Jewish, Greek or Latin origin. Therefore, when baptizing a child, you should choose a similar sound. For example, according to the church calendar, there are two holy wives with the name Milica: Milica Serbian (commemorated September 12 and August 1) and Milica Kuvshinova (February 5 and 7).

There is another way to choose a name at baptism. This method is more suitable for an adult. When a person, already at a conscious age, decides to undergo the rite of baptism, he can choose for himself as patrons the saint whose path is closest to him.

It is no longer important here whether the worldly name corresponds to what the person decided to be baptized with. Thus, at baptism, a person embarks on the path of a saint, choosing which ideals to adhere to in life, which values ​​to profess.

The name Milena is common in the Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia and even Italy. By the way, in Italy it is often used as a diminutive form for compound names (Maria Elena).

On the Internet you can find information that the name from Latin means illness, but this is unfounded. Consonant with him - Melena - really translates as "black disease", and the name Milena is of Slavic origin and is not associated with Latin. Yes, and the Italians, because for them Latin is a rather close language, would not call their children the Latin name of the disease.

Sounds and their energy

So, the meaning of the name Milena is closely associated with love of freedom and energy, with rebelliousness and a bright personality, with respect for other people's desires and the denial of authorities. But besides the influence of the culture from which the existence of the name originates, there is a connection between the meaning of the name and its letters.

Words affect people in different ways, but each has its own individual energy. They can hurt or inspire, soothe or excite. This is due to the fact that when spoken, words affect us through sounds, because each sound conveys a certain mood.

Thoughts and moods give rise to emotions, and emotions become deeds. Therefore, words are so important, the name is one of the most frequently heard words with which a person identifies himself.

A girl named Milena is usually caring and generous, due to the influence of the first letter "M" that sets the tone. "I", "L" - reflect peacefulness, a very developed intuition, the desire to solve mysteries, refinement and sensitivity.

These letters, together with "A", "E" and "H", speak of a creative, creative and very energetic nature, the calm nature of which is an expression of firmness and independence. The main impetus for action is desire, Milena will not waste herself on monotonous and uninteresting things for her.

The most striking features of girls named Milena:

  • Independence.
  • Energy.
  • Kindness and gentleness.
  • Caring for the environment.
  • Rejection of other people's rules and authorities.
  • Sharp mind.

All these qualities are manifested as the personality develops in different ways. The fate of a person depends on a huge number of factors, among which words do not occupy a leading position. Heredity and upbringing are two pillars that form character and life path.

Therefore, the meaning of the name Milena only outlines the trajectory of the future with a dotted line. The main thing is not to interfere with the harmonious development of the child, then everything positive will be revealed to the end and the personality will be holistic.

Growing up process

As a child, the girl has a calm character, she rarely takes the initiative. Her kindness admires many, in communication she is directed at the interlocutor and does not try to stand out. Although the girl does not have pronounced self-control, she rarely gives in to momentary impulses. Thanks to sensitivity, she empathizes with people and helps them without holding grudges.

In adolescence, Milena's character is complemented by exactingness and perseverance. Moreover, if in childhood Milena preferred friendship with girls, now it is easier for her to find a common language with boys. This is understandable, because some of the most important features personalities determined by the meaning of the name Milena: independence, pride, self-sufficiency and love of freedom.

The fate of any person depends on the people around him. And great value for Milena in adolescence has independence. You should not limit her or impose something on a girl, her mind and intuition will allow her to choose the right decisions, although mistakes would be useful.

When Milena reaches maturity, such contradictory qualities as gentleness and perseverance, concern for others and healthy egoism, ambition and generosity begin to coexist harmoniously in her.. A sharp mind and amazing erudition, a balanced character and peacefulness, energy and prudence allow a woman to achieve her goals both in personal relationships and in her career.


The girl is not used to loudly declaring her feelings, although she prefers to take a leading position in relationships. She needs to know that a man has strong and sincere feelings for her. Only then is she fully able to open up, while the girl will become gentle and helpful. Relationships for her great importance, Milena does not prioritize her whims.

Choosing a partner, a girl focuses on his vigor, ambition, intelligence. She practically does not care about the appearance of a man. Since the meaning of the name Milena is associated with love of freedom, she is not in too much of a hurry to get married.

The fate of the relationship largely depends on the behavior of the man at the very beginning of the rapprochement due to the secrecy of the girl. However, Milena, born in the spring, usually knows how to find an approach to a person and give him what he needs. And summer and winter rarely reveal their souls at the beginning of a relationship, so it will take time for the girl to begin to behave quite openly. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

The meaning of the name Milena is sweetheart. It originates in the Slavic languages. Its symbols are femininity and sensuality. Such a girl conquers with her unique tenderness and softness.

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Milena's name day falls on August 1st. She loves a quick change of events, actions, environments, impressions. Her destiny is to charge the people around her with her energy. At the same time, the girl does not see anything around her, thereby ignoring quite important things.


    The name Milena does not have a single characteristic:

    • A girl born in winter does not quite fit the cute image. On the contrary, she is quite spoiled, stubborn and demanding of the attention of others. Milena seems to correspond to her patroness - winter. The girl is cold and persistent, does not like to admit her mistakes, because she is always right. It is almost impossible to convince her, someone else's opinion is nothing. On the other hand, the absence of exposure to other people's influence helps her to maintain her individuality.
    • Milena, born in the spring, has a gentle character. She has a much easier winter life. The girl is malleable and tender, conflicts and quarrels are not her element. She is quite calmly inferior to other people.
    • Summer endows little Milena with gentleness and the ability to resolve conflicts. She harmonizes the space around her, although sometimes her character is unpredictable. An older girl begins to demand more attention.
    • Milena autumn has been gifted with out-of-the-box thinking since birth. Creativity contributes to the implementation of many projects. The older a girl gets, the more her talents develop. This applies to both study and work. She quickly adapts to any situation, achieves her goals.

      Milena has a large number of beautiful character traits:

      • kindness
      • humanity;
      • softness;
      • independence (rarely listens to other people's opinions).

      This cute-looking girl is very easy to learn languages ​​and sciences, because she knows how to competently organize her learning process. She easily achieves goals, she can do almost everything.

      Milena is very devoted to friends and family. She is always ready to stand up for them (if necessary).

      Family for Milena is a fortress and the meaning of life. For a little girl, they are parents. For a woman - a husband and children. As a rule, she leaves the family late in adulthood. separate life. The church recommends calling May girls Milena.

      Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility

      Childhood and youth

      Milena's life path is multifaceted:

      • Usually a girl grows up in a family alone, without brothers and sisters. This makes her spoiled, because she gets all the very best. But this is what helps her in the future, contributing to her achievements. Milena very quickly gets used to everyone's attention. In the future, she does not tolerate loneliness.
      • AT early years the girl leaves her parents, because of which she loses a large number of attention. This helps her become independent, eliminates disorganization. During this period, the young lady usually falls in love for the first time. However, not everyone is able to conquer it. A kind, sympathetic, caring young man will achieve the love of a girl. Too independent men she does not like.

      Milena wants to take everything from life. This explains her variability both in relationships and in classes, hobbies. She can start creative project and, without finishing, immediately plunge headlong into science.

      The girl is advised not to rush to get married. She falls in love very often, so the first man will not be the last. She easily betrays her beliefs. He believes that those who do not change their minds do not develop, but mark time

      Milena has adequate self-esteem. The young lady only seems too soft, in reality she is a lively girl. Despite a quiet and calm lifestyle, she sets quite realistic goals and achieves them.

      The humanitarian mindset does not prevent the Milens from becoming excellent economists. They have a great eye for profit. The girl easily makes financial forecasts, knows how to make money. Choosing educational institution and profession, the girl will calculate everything and make the best decision.

"sweet, tender"

origin of the name Milena

Slavic. Variants of the name: Militsa, Milen.

Characteristics of the name Milena

despite the meaning of their name, Milena is not always gentle and patient. The character of little Milenka with early childhood complex and controversial. This is a stubborn girl, and later a jealous woman who requires increased attention to herself. Often exalted, likes to fantasize and impose her opinion on others. If she does not like something in a person, she begins to treat him evenly and coldly, does not like to sympathize with someone else's grief. But after getting married, Milena, as a rule, becomes softer and more tolerant, forgives her husband a lot for the sake of preserving the family, and even concedes leadership positions to him. You can’t call her an exemplary hostess, but she is always hospitable and hospitable. Good, caring mother. Milena is one of those women who need to pick up “your key” - and this must be taken into account not only by her future husband, but also by the parents of a little girl with this name. Milena's professional field of activity is medicine, pedagogy, economics, finance, trade, engineering work. And if Milena becomes interested in art, she can make a good actress, dancer, artist.

Famous people: Mylène Farmer is a contemporary French singer.


Saint Milica of Serbia was the wife of Saint Prince Lazar, who died during the Battle of Kosovo (1389). She was a princess until her son, Stefan, grew up. In 1393, Militsa entered the Zhupanevachsky monastery with the name of Eugenia. When her son left the country for a while, she, despite the monastic rank, ruled the state. Saint Militsa took care of widows, taking into the monastery many wives whose husbands-soldiers died in battles, helped to build and supported many monasteries and churches. At the end of her life, she accepted the great schema with the name of Euphrosyne. After her death, Saint Militia performed miracles, her myrrh-streaming relics healed many sick people.