(!LANG:Male name for a child. The most beautiful male names are a difficult choice. Choice by character

Often in a family where a male baby is expected to be born, one of the most difficult problems is choosing a name. Now they choose names for boys with a slightly “foreign” sound, and traditional Russian ones. But in any case, the choice should be balanced, depending on many criteria.

The most important

In pursuit of the best or most beautiful of names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue the clan and protect the family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis of a good sonorous patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless names of boys are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of your favorite series can become an object of ridicule for a child at school and kindergarten.
  • Psychologists do not recommend naming a child after the father. In addition to domestic inconvenience with a coincidence, this may be the cause of nervous breakdowns of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A peculiar tradition of naming a boy as a sign of respect, gratitude, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will the owner of the name like it in the future? Here are examples of whom male children are often named after:

  • Relative. It can be a dear grandfather, uncle, beloved godfather of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be the darling of a beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • Deceased relative. Not the best idea for superstitious parents. So it was customary among the people that the newborn in this case, on a subconscious level, will copy all the character traits and fate of the deceased.

A child can be named in honor of a man - an obstetrician who safely delivered, or any other person who once gave a helping hand, who played a crucial role in the fate of the father or mother of the unborn child. In any case, the decision must be balanced, negotiated by both the father and the mother.


The time of the year when the birth of a child is planned affects the fate and character of the newborn.

Consider the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin. Soft and calm names are necessary for a kind of compensation for the stubborn, strong, strong-willed nature of winter men.
  • Spring. Harder-sounding ones are suitable here, because spring children rarely have a lively character. So that the unborn child is always confident in himself, he can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Victor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous ones are suitable for these people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Autumn. Balanced realists born in autumn trust few people. Smart and calm boys of this season need sonorous names that claim attention: Nikolai, Sergey, Peter, Felix, Herman, Cyril.

Surname and patronymic

Parents sorting out names for a boy need to think about the euphony of the name in combination with the patronymic and surname of the child. Consonants play an important role. It can be predominant voiced or deaf consonants. The name must contain the same consonant sounds as in the patronymic or surname. For example, Ivanov Matvey Semenovich (the predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (solid consonants).

This combination is considered pleasant for hearing and pronunciation, and also makes communication with the owner easy and convenient. Many people think that short boy names are more suitable for long surnames and vice versa.

It's fashionable

Naming a boy in a fashionable way is the choice of many modern parents who keep up with the times. Each new year is rich in an abundance of popular male names.

What are relevant in the mid-2010s?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable ones are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Khariton, Clement, Zakhar. In an effort to pay tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not call the boy too funny, complicated or strange.

According to the church calendar

A little time has passed since then, when all children were named according to the name day in the church calendar. Such a calendar prompted parents for male names for a newborn. To this day, it is believed that a boy named according to the calendar will have good health, a successful job and a happy family. Unfortunately, such a calendar has a limited number of names that modern spouses might like.

According to value

Each name, translated from various ancient languages, has a special characteristic, meaning. When choosing a name for a boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future heir:

  • Andrew is courageous.
  • Boris is a fighting man.
  • Leo - intelligence and foresight.
  • Nikita is a winner. An excellent choice for a future athlete.
  • The novel is a favorite of women.
  • Peter - independence, conviction.
  • Sergey is an ideal father and husband.
  • Tikhon is a lucky man.
  • Constantine - constancy.

Valery, Vitaly - those names that personify health and fortitude. Anton is a competitive person who struggles with difficulties. So it is advised to call weak or premature children so that the magic of the name gives the boys vitality and improves health.

Important Points

Names for boys can be beautiful, short, old, double, foreign.

But, among other things, when choosing, attention should be paid to such points:

  • Nationality. Many families where the spouses are representatives of different nationalities experience difficulties in choosing how to name the child. Here it is important to think about it in advance, find a compromise and take into account the national identity of the future baby. This will avoid further marital disagreements and resentment.
  • A diminutive form of the name. This form should not irritate, cause irony, be too difficult to pronounce.
  • Place of residence. Prim, refined, rare names for boys are out of place in small villages with a predominance of traditional views on life. Marseille, Alfred, Antonio, Emmanuel will be more harmoniously perceived by the society of megacities.

By month

An approximate alphabetical list of popular boy names:

  • August, Augustine, Auror, Agap, Adam, Aksen, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexei, Alexy, Albert, Anastasy, Anatoly, Anvar, Andrey, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarkh, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Athanasius, Afinogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valerian, Vasily, Vatslav, Velimir, Velor, Veniamin, Vincent, Victor, Vilen, Vitaly, Vlad, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Vlasy, Volodar, Voldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gavrila, Gaidar, Gaspard, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, Herman, Hermogenes, Gleb, Count, Grigory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danila, Dar, Dementy, Demid, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofey.
  • Eugene, Evgraf, Evdokim, Evlampy, Evlogii, Evsey, Evstafiy, Egor, Elizar, Eleazar, Elisha, Emelyan, Epifan, Yeremey, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofey, Efim, Ephraim.
  • Zhdan.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zoriy, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Hilarion, Ilya, Innokenty, Joseph, Ippolit, Iskander, Iriny, Julius.
  • Casimir, Kapiton, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Cyrus, Cyril, Claudius, Klementy, Klim, Kondraty, Kondrat, Konstantin, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Laurus, Lawrence, Lazar, Larion, Leo, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Lermont, Fox, Luke, Lukyan, Love.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Maximilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marseille, Manuel, Martin, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Mecheslav, Milad, Milen, Miloslav, Mir, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonil, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nikodim, Nikolai, Nikon, Nile, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgerd, Onesim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostromir.
  • Pavel, Panteleimon, Panfil, Paramon, Pahom, Peresvet, Peter, Plato, Potap, Prozor, Prokofy, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Rolan, Rostislav.
  • Saveliy, Samson, Light, Svetlan, Svetozar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, Sever, Severyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Glory, Spartak, Spiridon, Staliy, Stanislav, Stepan, Stefan.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terenty, Tikhomir, Tikhon, Tryphon, Trofim, Tunguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Fadey, February, Fedor, Fedor, Theodore, Theodosius, Feofan, Filaret, Filat, Filimon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, Brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedipus, Edmund, Edward, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energies, Erasmus, Erast, Erg, Eriy, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Hume, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Yakov, Jan, Jaromir, Yarodan, Yaroslav.

But which one to choose?

Based on the month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may differ in special qualities of character.

  • January. An independent person, a devoted friend. Has difficulty making important decisions. The names Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, George, Artem, Trofim will do.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, vulnerable nature. He is a caring father, a meticulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonty, Alexander, Yegor, Ephraim, Savva, Luka.

  • March boys are optimists and merry fellows, they are not afraid of difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Benedict, Heraclius, Alexei.
  • April - mobile and light natures that do not stand in one place. They crave change. Dedicated to the women you love. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarchus, Samson.
  • May. Energetic and non-confrontational person. Favorite of cheerful companies. Dmitry, Yegor, Fedot, Pavel, Pahom, Athanasius, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely lucky person, and in the future - an authoritative person with good health. Ignatius, Sergey, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. He is a leader, an organizer. He will never regret the past, clearly planning all his actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniil, Gury, Stanislav.
  • August. This boy knows how to keep secrets, is principled and faithful. Roman, Semyon, Makar, Naum, Nikolai, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. The men of this month are never bored. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, conflict-free. Andrey, Fadey, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising nature. They take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by the environment. Names for the boys of November: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men is an ocean of passions, but an ardent nature is hidden under a mask of cold indifference. Little trust in others. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Leo, Pavel, Spiridon, Semyon, Filaret, Modest.

So, the choice of how to name the boy must be approached with all responsibility so that the future man is proud and not ashamed of his name.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is an important and responsible task. The fate of the baby depends on the decision of the parents. When choosing names for boys, it should be borne in mind that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be harmonious, go well with last name. In the old days, children were given a name according to the holy calendar. Currently, some believing parents adhere to this, others often name their children based on family traditions and personal preferences.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the name of the baby has been given special importance. The name is associated with many different beliefs and customs. It is believed that you should not give the baby the name of a deceased relative, you can repeat his fate. However, many families have tradition of naming a child after his father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person, so that the child takes an example from him and grows up to be a good person himself.

The meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference should be taken into account. How to choose a name so that the boy calls it with pride, so that it evokes a benevolent reaction from other people. ancient sages linked the fate of the boy with his name. This name became a kind of amulet, the true one was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictitious middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed, the best happy share would not be taken away from him.

The name may indicate that the little man belongs to a particular nation. Depending on the character, it is able to emphasize the talent, dignity of its owner. Some names form male features, emphasize power, strength, others express the love of parents for children, a connection with nature. There are different approaches to choose from. Someone looks at the calendar, others at popularity, each nation has its own traditions. When a person is satisfied with a name, it helps him achieve his life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names names are considered today:

  • Maksim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrew.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexei.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matthew.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he calls his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their babies by well-established, time-tested old names. Long names are shortened. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also affects the popularity of the name. Easy-to-understand names are becoming common. Fashion for boys names can change the established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. To make it sound good should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. You should think about the middle name that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant to the ear.

An overly unusual name can lead to ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and possibly takes a leadership position, to him will be addressed by full name. A favorable combination of a name with a patronymic plays an important role. An adult male is addressed by his first name. It is necessary to choose an easy-to-pronounce combination.

If the middle name is of medium length, the name will fit the same size. With a long patronymic, it is better to choose a short name. For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents call their sons the name of a famous actor or famous hero of history. Better not to do it. Every man lives his own destiny.

You should not call the boy the same name as his father. It's not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and properties inherent in the character of the spouse. This creates confusion in communication when 2 people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached the heights in life. These qualities are appreciated at all times. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong male names for their children. These include:

Strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Eugene, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with a patronymic, are beautifully pronounced and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names without thinking about their meaning and how a boy can live with it. Parents name the child in such a way that even the registry office employees refuse to register it under that name. Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, Elka. Choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology, they name the child in honor of famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR, at the dawn of communism, strange names were given. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names coined in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism, Joseph Stalin. In the US, there is a real boom in unusual names. What you should know when choosing rare names, what are the recommendations of psychologists, the nuances, you need to think about this. Some rare names resonant and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving world).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giving peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing the future course of life child.

According to the Orthodox Church, from the very birth of the child, the Guardian Angel protects. In Russia it was accepted name the child after that saint, on the day of memory of which the baby was born. Often parents choose the names of prominent historical figures. Such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav were called Slavic princes. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nicholas is the conqueror of nations.
  • George is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexei is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Often boys are called Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. In our time, they are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, recalling the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good value and understandable to any person.

The birth of a child is a significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment. Today in the arsenal there is a huge number of names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find the right solution. And you chose names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any others? Read more about names below.

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As a rule, all parents try to choose a name for the boy in such a way that it would certainly be harmonious. This is how parents subconsciously plan that the future man in adult life will be called using not only the first name but also the patronymic, and create the most basic comfort in the life of an adult, namely a beautiful, euphonious name.

However, we must not forget that all sonorous male names they are simply obliged to have a meaning corresponding to the sound, for example, the same strength, and masculinity, and sometimes leadership, and even some militancy, this is the most necessary of all the qualities of the future male owner of the house, the male protector of the weak, the male breadwinner and breadwinner.

A male name is more than a female one, it must culturally correspond to the lifestyle of your family, it must be suitable according to religion, according to the traditions of the area where you live, and always according to the traditions of the clan. Choosing a particular name for a boy is often obligated by tradition, for example, the tradition of naming a boy after his grandfather, great-grandfather, or possibly a family friend. You should not be afraid of such traditions at all, because when you choose a family name for a man, you will mean all the best features of the person who previously bore such a name, you will, of course, program the continuation of the family line and the mandatory strengthening of your family values, and your family unity.

Especially carefully and extremely carefully choose a male name come to us from other languages. You should definitely think about exactly how this name will sound as the patronymic of your future grandchildren, and of course, the meaning of a foreign name should be clear and well studied for you so that it doesn’t happen that one day the child will find himself in a funny or worse unpleasant situation.

We provide on this page a wide variety of male names with familiar and somewhat original sounding, taken from different cultures and languages. This reliable and versatile information will help you make the right choice of a name for a boy, which will fully comply with all your preferences and, of course, those tasks that you subconsciously, or vice versa, absolutely consciously put into a name for your child.

Choosing a name for your boy is not an easy task. Every parent wants the name not to bring inconvenience to the child, to be capacious, beautiful and have a good influence on the future. And it can have an impact on the future life of the baby, because any name carries a certain energy. There are many meanings of male names, they can be evil and kind, hard and soft, weak and strong, but we will talk about the latter in particular detail.

Is that what a boy should be called?

Often, parents call babies unusual and extravagant names that do not always fit well into that social environment. For example, sending a boy named Zeus to kindergarten, where he will be among the usual Nastya, Mish and Oleg. And imagine, Zeus Pavlovich. Yes, it stands out well, but is it really necessary and what will the child be like?

In choosing a name, you can and should resort to something original, most importantly - without fanaticism. The collection of Russian names is so extensive that it has quite a number of powerful meanings. Well, a sonorous name that stores a strong property gives a stunning, in a good way, effect.

For example, Arseny is courageous, a boy with that name will be a support for the family and a faithful companion to close people, whom it is always possible to rely on and trust. Giving an exact answer to this question is quite difficult, because there are many aspects to consider, including your own attitude. But it's safe to say - a person with a strong spirit has a wonderful big future. Of course, there will be obstacles, but due to the peculiarities of character, they will not become global problems and will be successfully overcome.

Pros and cons

Absolutely any living being and inanimate object has pluses and minuses, this does not bypass Russian names. Calling the future man a strong name, be prepared that the child will definitely have his own point of view on this or that situation, but in case of a wrong outcome, he will calmly accept defeat and apologize if necessary.

Positive fundamental features for strong names are steadfastness in views, perseverance, mental balance and purposefulness, also a sober assessment of one's abilities becomes a pleasant property, but this does not come immediately.

Of the negative qualities, there is a share of selfishness, so do not consider that you have complete influence over the child. In adolescence, the guy will be highly susceptible to the inherent maximalism. Characteristic upholding and disagreement with others will lead to numerous disputes and conflict situations.


  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • a responsibility;
  • quick adaptation to changing conditions;
  • perseverance.


  • selfishness;
  • reassessment of one's own abilities;
  • often able to be conceited.

Don't limit your child's independence. If he makes a mistake, he will remember this for a long time, which will serve as a lesson for the future. But do not forget to control some processes. Follow the rules and avoid overprotection.

The coolest and most courageous - list

Remember that each name is saturated with its own energy, on which the behavior and character of a person depends. For example, Vadim - sows confusion and discord, so we can conclude that the boy is not against mischief. And another name, Michael - equal to God, on the contrary, will be distinguished by a calm character and non-conflict. In order to simplify your search, we have compiled a detailed list of Russian names with favorable meanings that contribute to success in the life of a boy.


  • Alexander - human protection;
  • Alexey - protection;
  • Andrew - brave;
  • Anton - entering the battle;
  • Arseny - masculinity;
  • Artem / Artemy - healthy, unharmed.
  • Boris - fighting, not giving up;
  • Bogdan - given by God;
  • Bulat is strong.
  • Valentine - strong, healthy;
  • Valery is strong;
  • Victor is the winner;
  • Vitaly - vital;
  • Vladimir - who owns the world;
  • Vladislav - owns fame.
  • George is a farmer;
  • German - native;
  • Gerasim - respected, respected;
  • Gleb is big, tall.
  • Daniel / Danil / Danila - the judgment of God;
  • Demyan - conquering;
  • Denis - a surge of strength;
  • Dimitri / Dmitry - fertile;
  • Dobrynya is a good fellow;
  • Dorotheus is a gift from the Lord.


  • Eugene - nobility;
  • Elizar - God helps him;
  • Elisha - saved by the Lord, protected;
  • Efim - a good honor;
  • Ephraim is prolific.

Zhdan - waiting.

Zakhar is the memory of God.

  • Elijah / Elijah - the fortress of God;
  • Innocent - innocent, not discrediting;
  • Joseph is the reward of the Lord;
  • Heraclius - glorified as a hero.
  • Cyril is the lord;
  • Klementy - gracious lord;
  • Constantine is constancy.
  • Lawrence - showered with laurels;
  • Lazar - God's help;
  • Leo - lion power;
  • Leonid - the son of a lion;
  • Luke is happiness.


  • May is a warm heart;
  • Maxim is great;
  • Mark is a hammer;
  • Matthew is a man of God;
  • Myron - kindness;
  • Michael is equal to the Lord.
  • Nazar - connected with God;
  • Nikita - he wins;
  • Nikolai - people's victory.
  • Oleg is a saint;
  • Oscar is a spear to God;
  • Ostap is persistent.
  • Pankrat - omnipotent;
  • Peter is a stone, a rock.
  • Radomir - rejoices in the world;
  • Ratmir - world defender;
  • Ruslan - lion's strength;
  • Rodion - a song to the lord.
  • Saveliy / Savva / Sava - desired;
  • Samuel - God hears;
  • Svyatoslav / Svetoslav - bright glory;
  • Semyon - heard by people;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Sergey - highly respected;
  • Socrates - holds power.


  • Timothy - honors God;
  • Timur - iron;
  • Tikhon is lucky.

Felix is ​​successful.

  • Khariton - benefactor;
  • Brave - Courage.

Cheslav - honor and glory.

Yuri is a farmer.

  • Jacob - imitates the Lord;
  • Jaromir - sunny world;
  • Yaropolk - sunny;
  • Yaroslav - burning glory.

These names carry only positive qualities. In addition to the name, a sonorous combination with a patronymic is a good bonus, this significantly increases the well-being of the little man.

No matter how difficult it is, you will definitely cope with this task. Russian culture is full of courageous names, both native Russians and those who originated abroad. The name is your will that will remain with the child forever, and it depends on you how it will affect his life. Be original, but do not overdo it, and the grown-up boy will say “thank you” more than once.

    Modern names for a boy

Adam- from other Hebrew. "human"; often explained as red because, according to legend, God molded the first man, Adam, from red clay.

Akim– Russian unfold cm. Joachim.

Alexander- from the Greek "protect + husband (rank)".

Alexei- from the Greek "protect", "repel", "prevent"; church Alexy.

Anatoly- from the Greek "east", "sunrise".

Andrew- from the Greek "courageous".

Anisim, Onesimus- from the Greek "useful".

Antip- from the Greek "enemy"; church Antipas.

Anton- from Latin, means a Roman generic name, possibly from Greek. "combat", "compete"; church Anthony.

Apollo, Apollinaris- from lat. "referring to Apollo", "Apollo".

Aristarch- from the Greek “best + command”, “lead”.

Arkady- from the Greek "inhabitant of Arcadia, pastoral region in the Peloponnese", "shepherd".

Arseniy- from the Greek "courageous"; unfold Arsenty.

Artem, Artemy- from the Greek "dedicated to Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon"; church Artem.

Arkhip- from the Greek "command + horse"; church Archippus.

Askold- from Scandinavian, Swedish; the name of one of the ancient Russian princes, comrades of Rurik; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Athanasius- from the Greek "immortal".

Boris- from Russian; possibly abbr. from Borislav.

Bronislav- from glory; from bases with the meaning "protect", "protect + glory"; absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Bogdan- from Russian, "given by God."

Vadim- from Russian; possibly from other Russian. "vaditi", i.e. "sow confusion", perhaps as an abbreviation. from Vladimir.

Valentine- from lat. "strong", "healthy"; will reduce. on behalf of Valens.

Valery- from Latin, Roman generic name, "to be strong, healthy"; church Valery.

Basil- from the Greek "royal", "royal".

Velimir- from glory; from the basis of the word "vely", i.e. "big + world". Absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Benedict- from lat. "blessed".

Benjamin- from other Hebrew. "son of the right hand", obviously, allegorically beloved wife.

Vincent- from lat. from "win".

Victor- from lat. "winner".

Vissarion- from the Greek "forest".

Vitaly- from lat. "vital".

Vladilen- from Russian; abbreviation from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Vladimir- from other Slavs. Vladimer, which, in turn, may be borrowed from other German. and mean "reign", "rule + glorious, famous".

Vladislav- from glory; from the basics of words with the meaning "own + glory".

Vlas- from the Greek "simple", "rough"; church Vlasiy.

Vsevolod- from Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "all + own".

Vyacheslav- from fame. the basics are “higher”, “higher”, i.e. “more + glory”.

Gabriela, Gabriel- from other Hebrew; from the basics of words with the meaning "strong husband + god"; church Gabriel.

Galaction- from the Greek "milk"; truncated Laktion.

Gennady- from the Greek "noble".

George- from the Greek "farmer"; Russian unfold Egory, Egor, Yuri.

Gerasim- from the Greek "venerable".

Hermann- from lat. "single womb", "native".

Gleb- from other German. “given to God”, “given under the protection of God”.

Gordey- from Greek; the name of the king of Phrygia, according to legend, Gordius tied an intricate knot on which the fate of Asia depended; Russian church Gordius.

Gregory- from the Greek "awake", "awake".

Gury- from other Hebrew. "animal", "lion cub"; unfold Gur, Gurei.

David, David- from other Hebrew. "beloved"; church David.

Daniel, Daniel- from Hebrew, traditionally perceived as "God is my judge", although the basis is not entirely clear; church Daniel; unfold Daniel, Danilo

Dementy- from lat. Domitius, a Roman generic name, possibly means "to tame"; church Dometius.

Demid- from the Greek "divine + take care", "patronize"; church Diomede.

Demyan- from Latin, possibly “dedicated to the goddess Aegina and Epidaurus Damia”; church Damian.

Denis- from the Greek "dedicated to Dionysus", the god of wine, winemaking, poetic inspiration and cheerful folk gatherings; church Dionysius.

Dmitry- from the Greek "pertaining to Demeter", the goddess of agriculture and fertility; church Dimitri.

Dorotheus- from the Greek "gift, gift + god."

Evgeniy- from the Greek "noble".

Evgraf- from the Greek "good writer".

Evdokim- from the Greek “glorious”, “surrounded by honor”.

Evstigney- from the Greek "good, good + relative"; church Eusignius.

Egor, Egor– Russian nar. you are named George.

Elisha- from other Hebrew. god + salvation

Emelyan- from Latin, means a Roman generic name; church Emilian.

Epifan- from the Greek "prominent", "noble", "famous"; church Epiphany.

Eremey, Jeremiah- from other Hebrew; from the basics of words with the meaning "throw, throw + Yahweh" (the name of God).

Yefim- from the Greek "benevolent", "benevolent"; church Evfimy.

Ephraim- from Hebrew, possibly a dual number from "fruit".

Zakhar- from other Hebrew. "God remembered"; church Zechariah.

Zinovy- from the Greek "Zeus + life".

Ivan- from other Hebrew. "God has mercy"; church John.

Ignatius- from lat. "fiery"; Russian unfold Ignat.

Igor- from other Scandinavian, means the name of Scand. god of "abundance + protect".

Ishmael- from other Hebrew. "God will hear"; church Ismail.

Izyaslav- from glory; from the basics of words with the meaning "take + glory".

Hilarion, Hilarion- from the Greek "happy".

Ilya- from other Hebrew. "My God is Yahweh (Jehovah)"; church Or me.

Innocent- from lat. "innocent".

Joseph, Osip- from other Hebrew. "He (God) will multiply", "He (God) will add".

Ipat, Ipatiy- from the Greek "Supreme".

Hippolyte- from the Greek "horse + untie, unharness".

Heraclius- from the Greek "Hercules".

Isaiah- from other Hebrew. "salvation of Yahweh (god)"; church Isaiah.

Carp- from the Greek "fetus".

Kasyan- from lat. "Cassius is a Roman generic name"; church Cassian.

Kim– Russian new (from the initial letters of the name of the Communist International of Youth), is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Cyrus- from the Greek "power", "right", "strength".

Kirill- from the Greek "ruler", "lord", "master".

Clement, Clement, Klim- from lat. "merciful", "indulgent".

Kondrat, Kondraty- possibly from lat. "square", "broad-shouldered"; church Kodrat (but another origin is not excluded - from the Greek "spear").

Konstantin- from lat. "constant".

Roots- from Greek, from Latin, Roman generic name from "horn"; Russian unfold Kornil, Korniy, Korney, Kornil.

Kuzma- from the Greek “peace”, “order”, “universe”, figurative meaning - “decoration”, “beauty”, “honor”; church Cosmas, Cosmas.

laurel- from Greek, from Latin. "tree laurel".

Lawrence- from lat. Laurentian in Lavrent is the name of a city in Latium.

Lazarus- from Latin, a variant of the name Eleazar, cm. Elizar.

a lion- from the Greek "a lion".

Leon- from the Greek "a lion".

Leonid- from the Greek "lion + appearance, likeness".

Leonty- from the Greek "lion".

Luke- from Greek, possibly from Latin. "light".

Makar- from the Greek "blessed", "happy"; church Macarius.

Maksim- from Greek, from Latin. "greatest", superlative from "large", "great".

Mark, Marco- from Latin, is a Roman personal name, possibly meaning "to be lethargic, weak" or "born in March".

Martin- from Latin, derived from Mars - in Roman mythology, the name of the god of war; unfold Martin.

Matvey- from other Hebrew. "gift of Yahweh (God)"; church Matthew, Matthew.

Methodius- from the Greek "method", "theory", "research".

Mieczysław- from the Slavs, from the basics of words with the meaning "throw + glory"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Milan, Milen- from glory. "cute"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Myron- from the Greek "fragrant myrrh oil".

Miroslav- from glory; from words with the meaning "peace + glory"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Michael, Micah- from other Hebrew. "who is like God."

Modest- from lat. "modest".

Moses- Possibly from Egypt. "child, son"

Mstislav- from Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "revenge + glory".

Nazar- from other Hebrew. "he dedicated."

Nathan- from other Hebrew. "God gave"; bibl. Nathan.

Naum- from other Hebrew. "comforting".

Nestor- from Greek, the name of the oldest participant in the Trojan War.

Nikanor- from the Greek "win + man".

Nikita- from the Greek "winner".

Nikifor- from the Greek "winner", "victorious".

Nicholas- from the Greek "to win + the people."

Nikon- from the Greek "win".

Nile- perhaps from the Greek. Neleus is the name of Nestor's father or from the name of the Nile River.

Oleg- from scand. "St".

Olgerd- from lit. Algirdas or from other German. "noble + spear"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Orestes- from Greek; the name of the son of Agamemnon.

Paul- from lat. "small"; family name in the genus Aemilia.

Pahom- from the Greek "broad-shouldered"; church Pachomy.

Peter- from the Greek "stone".

Proclus- from the Greek "before", "ahead + glory", the name of several ancient kings.

Prokhor- from the Greek "dance ahead."

Rodion- from the Greek "Inhabitant of Rhodes"

Novel- from lat. Roman, Roman.

Rostislav- from glory; from the basics of words with the meaning "grow + glory."

Ruslan- from Arabic. through Turk. Arslan - "lion"; in this form the name was created by Pushkin; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Savva, Savvaty- from the Greek "Saturday"; until the 17th century spelled with one "v".

Savely- from the Greek "sabinsky"; church Savel.

Samuel- from other Hebrew. "there is a god."

Svyatoslav- from Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "holy + glory".

Sevastyan- from the Greek "sacred", "revered"; church Sebastian.

Severin- from lat. "Severs"; unfold Severyan.

Semyon- from Greek, from other Hebrew. "God Hearing"; church Simeon; etymologically the same as Simon, in fact, in all languages, both names stand apart.

Seraphim- from other Hebrew. "serpents" - in the biblical tradition, symbolized the flame around the throne of God; hence the seraphim, the fiery angel.

Sergey- from Latin, Roman generic name; church Sergius.

Sylvester- from lat. "forest", figurative meaning - "wild", "uneducated", "uncivilized".

Spartacus– Russian new (in honor of the leader of the rebellious gladiators in Rome); absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Spiridon- from Greek, possibly from Latin. personal name and means "illegitimate".

Stanislav- from glory; from the basics "to be established, to stop + glory"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Stepan- from the Greek "wreath"; church Stephen.

Taras- from the Greek "excite", "excite", "excitement"; church Tarasy.

Timur- from Mong., Turk. "iron"; mong name. Khan, known in Europe under the name Tamerlane, i.e. Timur Khromoy; absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Tikhon- from the Greek the name of the god of chance, fate and happiness.

Tryphon- from the Greek "live on the fat of the land".

Trofim- from the Greek "breadwinner", "feeder".

Ustin– Russian cm. Justin.

Fadey- from other Hebrew. "praise".

Fedor- from the Greek "god + gift"; church Theodore.

Felix- from lat. "happy", "prosperous".

Philip- from the Greek "Loving horses", "hobby for horseback riding"; the name of several Macedonian kings.

floor- from lat. "flower"; unfold Frol, Fleur.

Thomas- from Aramaic. "twin".

Julian- from the Greek "Juliev"; church Julian; unfold in-t Ulyan.

Julius- from Latin, Roman generic name, means "curly"; the founder of the Julius family is traditionally considered the son of Aeneas; the month of quintiles was renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar; church Julius.

Yuri- from Greek; cm. George.

Jacob- from other Hebrew. "heel"; according to biblical legend, Jacob, the second-born twin, grabbed his first brother Esau by the heel in order to keep up with him; church Jacob.

Yaroslav- from glory; from the basics of words with the meaning "fierce, bright + glory."

Muslim boy names

Aasim is a protector.
Abbas is a gloomy boy, strict, severe.
Abdullah (Abdul) is a servant of God.
Abid is a praying boy.
Abrek is the most fertile boy.
Abulkhair is a boy who does good.
Avad is a reward, rewarded.
Agil is a smart boy, understanding, knowing.
Adil (Adyl) is a fair boy.
Adele is a righteous boy.

Hebrew boy names

Abba - the name means "father".
Avi - the name means "my father".
Avigdor - "set boundaries" for the Jewish people.
Avner - means "my father is light."
Aviram - means "my father is great."
Abraham is the true forefather of the Jewish people.
Adam means "earth".
Azriel - means "My help is G-d."
Akiva - "held by the heel."

Tatar boy names

Agzam is a tall boy, sublime.
Azat - noble, free.
Azamat is a knight, a hero.
Azim is a great boy.
Aidar is a generic, one of the worthy husbands.
Ainur - meaning moonlight.
Airat - khairat-amazement, forest people.
Akbars - the meaning of the name White leopard.
Alan is the name of a good-natured boy.

Kazakh names for boys

Abai is a prudent, vigilant boy
Abzal - respected, highly respected.
Abyz is a defender, a clairvoyant boy.
Abylai - the meaning of the name grandfather, father.
Agzam - almighty, great.
Adiya - a gift, a gift, a reward.
Adil - honest, fair.
Azamat is a real horseman.
Azat is an independent, free boy.

When a son is born, parents immediately face the question of choosing the right name for the child. Given the father's name, they try to find a good combination of first and middle names in order to avoid difficult to pronounce or dissonant treatment in the future.

Sometimes they want to call a boy a foreign name. But no matter how beautiful it sounds, you must first find out what exactly it means, so that the child could not later, in the future, get into an unpleasant situation, unintentionally provoked by loving parents. In addition, you need to try how the name you have chosen for the baby will be combined with the name of the father and whether it is suitable for the sonorous patronymic of future grandchildren.

A wide selection of names for boys, offered to your attention, will satisfy the most diverse needs of parents. Here there are both familiar and well-known names, as well as those taken from other languages ​​and sometimes having an unusual sound. You just have to agree on your preferences and make a good choice of a name for your son. Remember, the name can predetermine the successes and failures in the life of a child, so take this seriously.

Author of the publication: Rostislav Belyakov