(!LANG:Regions with the highest number of HIV infected. Countries where the level of HIV carriers is going through the roof


In Russia, for 11 months of 2017, 85 thousand new HIV-infected people were officially detected, the incidence (ratio of the number of cases per population) of HIV was 57.9 cases per 100 thousand of the population of the Russian Federation. Every hour 10 HIV-infected people appear in Russia.

The total number of registered HIV-infected people for all the years of observation as of November 1, 2017 amounted to 1,193,890 people, of which 269,282 died.

The number of HIV-positive people living in the Russian Federation has approached very close to a million, and to be precise, in 2017 it was 924,608 people.

And as a result, the rate of HIV infection of the Russian population is 629.8 HIV-infected citizens per 100,000 population. If recalculated as a percentage, it turns out that 0.6% of the population of the Russian Federation are infected with HIV.

Russia ranks third, after South Africa and Nigeria, in terms of the rate of emergence of new cases of HIV-infected people per unit of time (growth rate).

Often this is associated with an increase in the population's testing for HIV, but in fact, an increase in the number of people tested. In Europe, more than half (64%) of all new HIV infections occur in Russia.

TOP20 territories by HIV incidence in 2017

The leading territories in terms of the incidence of HIV infection in 2017 (by default for 10 months) were:

  1. Kemerovo region- 174.5 per 100 thousand of us. (hereinafter %000 ), i.e. in absolute terms, 4,727 new HIV-infected people were identified.
  2. Irkutsk region – 134.0% 000 (3228 people), 2% of the population of the region are infected!
  3. Sverdlovsk region- 128.1% 000 (5,546 people). In the city of Yekaterinburg, 1,347 patients with HIV infection (92.5%,000) were identified.
  4. Vladimir region- 124.6% 000 (1,731 people).
  5. Perm region for 11 months of 2017 – 126.2%,000 (3,322 people), 13.1% more than the previous year.
  6. Novosibirsk region - 120.3% 000 (3,345 people).
  7. Tyumen region - 109.2% 000 (1,614 people, including 5 teenagers).
  8. Chelyabinsk region - 109.1% 000 (3,821 people).
  9. Tomsk region - 104.6% 000 (1 129 people).
  10. Kurgan region - 99.3% 000 (848 people).
  11. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 97.0% 000 (2 789 people).
  12. Orenburg region – 96,3%000 (1 916 people).
  13. Altai Territory - 85.8% 000 (2 030 people).
  14. Omsk region - 84.8% 000 (1 673 people).
  15. Samara region - 84.2% 000 (2,698 people), every 100th inhabitant of the region is HIV-infected.
  16. Republic of Crimea - 79.0% 000 (1 849 people).
  17. Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region– Yugra – for 11 months 2017- 83.5% 000 (1,374 people).
  18. Ulyanovsk region - 72.3% 000 (906 people).
  19. Republic of Khakassia - 71.0% 000 (382 people).
  20. Udmurt Republic - 69.2% 000 (1,050 people).

The territories most affected by HIV infection (by default as of 01.11.2017) are:

  1. Irkutsk region– registered 1,738.2 living with HIV per 100,000 population (hereinafter %000) (41,872 people),
  2. Sverdlovsk region– 93,494 people are infected with HIV. (1 704.3% 000 ), i.e. ~ 2% of the population have HIV infection, in addition, 2% of pregnant women (every 50th) are infected with HIV, p.e. The Sverdlovsk region is ahead of all in terms of the number of children (~15,000) born to HIV-infected mothers. This is very serious, this is a real epidemic.
  3. Kemerovo region – 1 630,7%000 (44 173 people).
  4. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug- 1,513.6%,000 (24,915 people) (as of December 1, 2017 -1,522%,000 (25,054 people)).
  5. Samara region - 1,473.3% 000 (47,200 people).
  6. Tyumen region - 1,393.3% 000 (20,592 people).
  7. Orenburg region - 1,284.7% 000 (25 560 people).
  8. Chelyabinsk region - 1,198.0% 000 (41,958 people).
  9. Novosibirsk region - 1,104.3% 000 (30 695 people).
  10. Perm region as of 03.12.2017 – 1 237,8%000 (32,581 people).
  11. Republic of Crimea - 1,037.9% 000 (24,296 people).
  12. Ulyanovsk region - 960.1% 000 (12,029 people).
  13. Altai Territory - 902.7% 000 (21 355 people).
  14. Leningrad region - 872.9% 000 (15 642 people).
  15. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 853.4% ​​000 (24,538 people).
  16. Tomsk region - 835.1% 000 (9 010 people).
  17. Kurgan region - 823.4% 000 (7,033 people).
  18. Tver region - 771.8% 000 (10,009 people).
  19. Omsk region - 737.5% 000 (14,549 people).
  20. Moscow region as of 01.12.2017- 565.8% 000 (42,000 people).

10 most dangerous regions of Russia for HIV.

Leading cities by HIV prevalence (by default as of 11/01/2017):

  1. Kemerovo - 2,154.7% 000 (more than 12,000 people). 2% of Kemerovo residents are infected with HIV.
  2. Novosibirsk as of May 19, 2017 - 2,121.1 (more than 34,000 people). More than 2% (every 47th) of Novosibirsk citizens are infected with HIV.
  3. Irkutsk as of 01.12.2017- 1,964.0% 000 (more than 12,250 people). 2% of Irkutsk are infected with HIV, every 50th.
  4. Yekaterinburg – 1,956.0%,000 (28,478 people) Almost 2% of city dwellers are affected by HIV, every 51st, p. Yekaterinburg is called the “AIDS capital”.
  5. Chelyabinsk - 1,584.8%,000 (19,000 people) 1.6% of the city's population are HIV-infected, every 63rd.

St. Petersburg - 880.4% 000 (46 499 people).

Moscow city as of 01.12.2017- 710.8% 000 (more than 88,000 people).

Gender composition

In 2017, men still predominate among HIV-infected people - 62.9% of them, women - 37.6%.

Age composition

The age group of 30-39 years old is most affected by HIV, in it every 50th is sick with HIV infection. The epidemic migrates to older age groups: for example, in 2000, the age group under 30 years old was 87%, and in 2017, HIV-infected people diagnosed at the age of 30-50 years old made up 69%. But here also possible cause may be late detection. Question: “When did they get HIV?” In addition, cases of infection at a very advanced age have become more frequent, for example

in Yekaterinburg, a 98-year-old grandfather was identified as infected with HIV.

Ways of infection

The sexual path continues to predominate, which should be very alarming, because. The population of people with more than one sexual partner is large and has enormous potential for an HIV epidemic.

In 2017, more than half of newly diagnosed HIV-infected people became infected through natural sexual contact, 2.3% - through unnatural sexual contact (“special” men), 46.1% - through the use of psychoactive substances, 1.4% - children born to HIV-infected women.

Infection is growing within the walls of medical institutions, which is also an indicator of the epidemic unfavorability for HIV:

h a 10 months of 2017 registered 12 cases of suspected HIV infection while providing medical care .


In the first 10 months of 2017, 24,713 HIV patients died in Russia, which is 8.2% more than in the same period last year.

Every day, 80 HIV-infected people die.

Educational composition

Persons with an average predominate special education. Perhaps in the future we will face a shortage of specialists due to HIV infection.


Only one third of HIV-infected people (328,138 out of 709,022 in need) received the necessary treatment. There were interruptions in the supply of necessary drugs, some patients (21,903 people) interrupted the intake of necessary drugs. Treatment regimens are obsolete and do not contribute to adherence to their intake. HIV treatment coverage barely reached 35.5% of all living HIV-infected, among those under medical supervision this percentage is higher - 46.3%.

Population testing for HIV

In 2017 (10 months), survey coverage increased slightly, by about 10.8% - 27,330,821 Russians were examined, among which 95% are not representatives of risk groups. That's why linking an increase in HIV infection with an increase in screening (examination), at least unprofessionally.

HIV prevalence in risk groups

According to biological and behavioral studies of the Open Institute of Population Health Foundation with the support of Rospotrebnadzor, among key population groups vulnerable to HIV (IDUs, MSM, CSWs) in 7 major cities RF.


According to the results this study found that all vulnerable groups of the population are severely affected by HIV. Among drug users, half are infected with HIV, among “special men” up to 23%, although this group is perhaps the most concerned about their prevention, but with the increase in the frequency of “safe” sexual contacts, the risk of HIV infection is growing.

  1. In 2017, HIV and AIDS continued its victorious march across the territory of Russia, involving more and more population groups in the epidemic process.
  2. The preventive measures taken were insufficient. It turned out that just handing out condoms and leaflets is not enough.
  3. Low coverage of treatment for people infected with HIV does not allow to reduce the growth rate of the HIV epidemic.
  4. To prevent an epidemic catastrophe, the intervention of the main political figure of Russia is required, volleys from all weapons: fidelity, abstinence, condoms, pre-exposure, post-exposure drug prophylaxis.
  5. It is necessary to develop our own pharmaceutical production facilities to create inexpensive, affordable drugs to maintain an undetectable viral load in HIV-infected people, pre-exposure, post-exposure prophylaxis.

Video. HIV situation in Russia in 2017.

The information is based on official data from the Russian Federal AIDS Center, territorial AIDS centers, ROSPOTREBNADZOR.

Forecasts. Scenarios for the further development of HIV infection in the Russian Federation.

1st scenario. Fantastic.

The first person of the state gives an order to the people to whom we, as taxpayers, pay money for the prevention and fight against HIV / AIDS, and they finally begin to work for a result. A methadone treatment program for drug users is being introduced, used syringes are exchanged for new ones, in in public places there are infomats with free rubber bands (approx. there is another word, but it is prohibited for use on the territory Russian Federation ), the “optimization” of medical institutions stops, Dom-2-like series are no longer shown on TV, and fidelity in marriage, abstinence before marriage, mutual monogamy are promoted, patients receive 1 tablet per day and become “undetectable”. The incidence is gradually going down, we have overtaken America and are happily walking into a brighter future.

2nd scenario. Catastrophic.

Everything is being done as it is being done now, i.e. nothing (according to the results) is done. Panic is growing among the population, the stigmatization of HIV-infected people is growing, the number of able-bodied and able-bodied population is declining, as a result, the economy is falling, military power countries. The country plunges into chaos, the apocalypse is here.

3rd scenario. Plausible.

Everything is done as it is done, i.e. nothing is being done, BUT ... people realize that they are on their own and begin to act independently, as best they can: someone falls into abstinence, someone establishes the right marital relationship, someone begins to always carry a pack of rubber bands with them and puts them on 2-3 pieces, someone just quits injecting. The growth rate of HIV infection is stabilizing. People understand that they can still do something to change their lives.

Last week it became known that every 50th inhabitant of Yekaterinburg is infected with HIV. Today, the Ministry of Health officially announced that elevated level The spread of the disease is observed in 10 regions, including the Sverdlovsk region. Life found out which regions of the country are most likely to contract a deadly disease.

On November 2, Tatyana Savinova, First Deputy Head of the Health Department of the Administration of the City of Yekaterinburg, announced a pandemic of the immunodeficiency virus in the Ural capital. According to her, the disease is firmly rooted in all segments of the city's population and the spread of the disease no longer depends on risk groups. In total, 26,693 cases of HIV infection have been registered in Yekaterinburg, but this includes only officially known cases, so the actual incidence is much higher.

Later, the city health department informed about the epidemic, and the refutation was made by herself Savinova. According to her, on P press conference, journalists asked her a question about the situation in Yekaterinburg. And in response she just " voiced the data broadcast in the media."

Of course, for us, physicians, this has long been an HIV epidemic, since many people are sick in Yekaterinburg, the official said. - It didn't happen yesterday and nothing has been officially announced.

Today, the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Veronika Skvortsova, that an increased level of the spread of HIV disease has been recorded in 10 regions Russia.

In our country, 57% of all sources of HIV infection are the injection route, as a rule, among heroin addicts, she added.

Meanwhile, according to experts, it is really high time to declare the epidemic officially, moreover, on a national scale.

The epidemic is spreading throughout the country, and only one administrator had the courage (the administration of one region. - Approx. ed.) admit it. There is unevenness: the population of cities is more affected. And where the urban population is higher than the rural population, the percentage of those affected is higher there. This is the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia. These are signs of the general epidemic which at us goes, - Life reported. Director of the Federal Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Epidemiology Vadim Pokrovsky.

To prove what was said, the head of the center cited figures.

Now we have 1% of the population infected with HIV, and in age group 30-40 years - 2.5%. On the day we register a total of 270 new cases of HIV infection in the country, every day 50-60 people die from AIDS. What else is needed to talk about the epidemic? asked Pokrovsky.

In Yekaterinburg, the situation with HIV is not even the worst. Every 50th inhabitant of the city (2% of the population) is infected there. But in Tolyatti (Samara region), as told by p Head of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Vadim Pokrovsky,already 3% of the population are HIV-positive.

On the Life map, you can find your region and see how many cases are among your fellow countrymen.

The share of HIV-infected people in the total number of inhabitants of the region

As you can see, the epidemic covered Russia unevenly. Half of all those infected live in 20 of the 85 regions. The worst situation is in the Irkutsk and Samara regions (1.8% of the inhabitants are infected with HIV). In third place is the Sverdlovsk region, the capital of which is Yekaterinburg (1.7% of the inhabitants are infected with HIV).

Slightly fewer infected in the Orenburg region (1.4%), Leningrad region (1.3%), Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region (1,3%).

And here are the statistics on the mortality of HIV-infected people by region (data from the Federal AIDS Center, dated 2014, no more recent statistics yet).

As of December 31, 2014 in Russia 148,713 HIV-positive adults and 683 children died. In 2014, 24.4 thousand HIV-positive people died.

Pokrovsky explained why HIV "selected" these regions:

These are the regions where drug trafficking took place, for example, the Orenburg region. As well as materially prosperous parts of the country where drugs were easier to sell (Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions).

Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman also said that the majority of HIV-positive people became infected due to drugs.

I started talking about it in 1999,” he said. - Of those addicts who passed through my hands, the guys are heroin addicts, of which 40% were HIV-positive. The girls are heroin addicts, if without HIV infection, it was an event. Moreover, they were all, as a rule, also prostitutes. Then, when what was called a crocodile started, everyone there was HIV-infected. They could buy disposable syringes, but they recruited from one bowl. Now there is a sexual spread. Indeed, we are ahead of the whole of Russia. The situation in the Sverdlovsk region is worse than in Yekaterinburg. Ahead of all of Russia - this was due to drug addiction, - said Evgeny Roizman.

Vadim Pokrovsky stressed that among the main problems in this area is the lack of medicines.

Now we need to treat a little more than 800 thousand HIV-infected people. 220,000 have died, and, according to estimates, another 500,000 have not yet been diagnosed with us,” Pokrovsky noted.

Previously Pokrovsky, which is bad with prevention.

There are no strategic programs to fight AIDS in the regions, Vadim Pokrovsky says. - As a result, they will print and hang several posters and flyers. This is where prevention ends.

It turns out a vicious circle.

People do not even suspect how difficult the situation with HIV is in Russia, Vadim Pokrovsky notes. - Information is the main method of combating the spread of the disease. In addition, it also saves costs, because what less people becomes infected, the less then it will have to be treated.

AIDS , the full name according to medical terminology is “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”) - a painful condition that progresses when the human body is damaged by an incurable disease caused by pathogenic retroviruses of the genus Lentoviruses. The homeland of HIV is considered to be Central Africa, where similar viruses were found in the blood of chimpanzees. The first cases of HIV infection were noted in the United States in 1981. This is how the statistics of AIDS patients was born.

Further, the disease began to gradually spread throughout the world and already in 1987 reached the expanses of the USSR. The first case was a man who had worked as an interpreter in African countries for a long time. Today, this disease poses a real threat to humanity. official statistics AIDS patients is disappointing, despite all the measures taken, and forces medicine to look for new methods of dealing with a dangerous disease.

Causes of the disease

AIDS itself is not a disease. It is only a consequence of the action of HIV, manifested in the weakening of the basic functions of organs and, as a result, the high susceptibility of all systems human body to varying degrees of severity. Despite advances in medicine, HIV/AIDS treatment remains the cornerstone of the industry. So far, it has not been possible to destroy the virus causing the infection, only drugs have been developed that can slightly suppress the pathogen, reduce its activity in weakening the immune system. The main culprit of AIDS enters the body in several ways:

  1. Through seminal fluid during sexual intercourse with an infected person without using a condom.
  2. When injecting drugs needles previously used by HIV patients.
  3. When transfused virus-infected donated blood

In addition, there is a risk of infection of the child from the mother through the tissues of the placenta and. According to the statistics of AIDS patients, the probability of such infection is 12-13%. The infection is not transmitted through saliva with kisses, with friendly handshakes.

Detect the disease at an early stage using various blood tests in medical institutions and specialized centers - HIV positive result of such tests indicates the presence of the causative agent of the disease in the body and transfers the person to the rank of infected.

The plague of our time

AIDS is one of global problems humanity. The statistics of AIDS patients in the world shows that as of 2016, more than 40 million people were infected with HIV. The disease is most prevalent in African countries:

  1. Zambia - 1.2 million
  2. Kenya - 1.4 million
  3. Tanzania - 1.5 million
  4. Uganda - 1.3 million
  5. Mozambique - 1.5 million
  6. Zimbabwe - 1.6 million
  7. Nigeria - 3.4 million

South Africa ranks first in terms of HIV incidence in the world. Here, about 6.3 million people are infected with the deadly virus. This situation is associated with low level life, developed prostitution, ignorance of the population in matters of disease prevention.

In Asian countries, India ranks first in the number of HIV-infected people. According to official figures, 2 million people are affected by the disease.

In Europe of the 2.5 million infected, the bulk (more than 1.0 million people) of patients are in Russia. The quantitative ratio of the ways of infection with the disease is quite diverse across countries. AT European states Most HIV infected among homosexuals, infected through unprotected sexual contact. In third world countries, the main route of spread of the disease is sexual contact between heterosexual men and HIV-infected prostitutes. In the open spaces former USSR an ambiguous situation with the incidence of HIV has developed in two neighboring countries - Russia and Ukraine.

Center for the AIDS Epidemic in Europe

Russia is the most unfavorable region of the Eurasian continent in terms of the spread of HIV. At the end of 2016, according to the statistics of AIDS patients in Russia, there were 1,114,815 people, of which 223,863 people died, of which 30,550 people died in 2016 (almost 11% more than in the previous 2015). Average age infected with HIV is:

  • from 20–30 years old - 23.3% of the total;
  • from 30 to 40 years old - 49.6%;
  • from 40–50 - 19.9%.

The majority (53%) became infected while injecting drugs through non-sterile infected needles. 2016 was marked by another increase in the incidence of HIV in Russia - from January to December, the disease was detected in 103,438 people, which is 5.3% higher than in 2015. By regions, the most unfavorable regions for the spread of HIV are the following regions:

  1. Irkutsk.
  2. Samara.
  3. Sverdlovsk.
  4. Kemerovo.
  5. Tyumenskaya.
  6. Chelyabinsk.

The HIV incidence rate for 2016 in these regions is several times higher than the national average. Data for these areas are shown in the table below. Regions of Russia with high rates of HIV incidence in 2016:

Region Affectedness, living HIV patients/ 100 thousand population Incidence in 2016, HIV infected / 100 thousand population
Irkutsk 1636,0 163,6
Samara 1476,9 161,5
Sverdlovsk 1647,9 156,9
Kemerovo 1582,5 228,0
Chelyabinsk 1079,6 154,0
Tyumenskaya 1085,4 150,0
National average 594,3 70,6

By city high levels incidences are noted in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Krasnoyarsk. In Yekaterinburg, every 50 resident is infected with HIV.

The statistics of AIDS patients (HIV) in Russia indicate that in the future the situation will be very difficult and its solution depends on how effective measures the state takes to combat this disease.

AIDS in Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine in terms of the level of HIV/AIDS infection is also very difficult. The official statistics of AIDS patients in Ukraine during the spread of the disease in the post-Soviet space is as follows:

  • 295,603 people have been infected with HIV since 1987;
  • as of 2016, 41,115 people have died.

The areas most affected are:

  1. Dnepropetrovsk.
  2. Kyiv.
  3. Donetsk.
  4. Odessa.
  5. Nikolaevskaya.

The statistics of AIDS patients here exceeds the national average by 1.5–2 times. The level of infected people in Kyiv is also high. The main route of transmission of the virus is unprotected sexual relations- more than 57% of all cases. Given the increase in the number of patients in 2013–2015, the forecast for the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine in 2017 is disappointing. If last year's trend continues, the number of patients will increase by another 15,000–17,000 people.

AIDS patients statistics both in individual countries and in the world is inexorably progressing. How many AIDS patients will appear by the end of this year is difficult to predict. Until a cure for HIV is found, the virus continues to advance.

HIV infection is one of the most progressive sexually transmitted diseases in the world. It is also worth noting that AIDS statistics in the world, as a rule, absolutely do not correspond to the true picture of the spread of the disease, since research methods are based only on patients who are served in medical institutions. At the same time, most carriers and patients are not even aware of their infection due to unwillingness or lack of access to a doctor.

Another factor contributing to the concealment of truthful information about the spread of AIDS in the world is the fear politicians and doctors find themselves to blame for the inability to contain the avalanche of infection that is rapidly moving towards humanity.

The state of the spread of HIV in the world

The number of HIV-infected people in the world is growing exponentially. First of all, this is due to the fact that the problem of AIDS in the world does not lend itself to the basic rules for combating infectious diseases, which are based on the exclusion of one of the components of the epidemiological process:

  1. The source of the disease.
  2. transmission path.
  3. susceptible population.

In the countries of the world, HIV has long been the number one problem. For every infection to spread, there must be a source, a route of transmission that ensures that the virus reaches a susceptible population. In the case of HIV, there is no way to act on any of the three components that contribute to the spread of the disease. Huge problem is that most people become infected from virus carriers who are in the so-called “serological window”, when a person is already infected, but the tests are still negative. It has not been possible to exclude the latter factor for many decades, since the invention of a vaccine against immunodeficiency has been postponed indefinitely due to insufficient knowledge, research and technical capabilities.

Given the above, the statistics of HIV in the world will worsen every year, as many people on the planet underestimate the danger of the immunodeficiency virus. Only awareness of the population and support of the fight against AIDS at the state level can affect the current epidemiological situation on HIV in the world.

The prevalence of HIV infection (AIDS) in the world

Only by the end of the eighties, the statistics of HIV-infected people in the world reached indicators that shocked the world community. In 142 countries, the World Health Organization has found more than 120,000 people with AIDS and more than 100,000 infected with a retrovirus. The real prevalence of HIV in the world is much higher than these data, since there is always a percentage of the population that is not registered in medical institutions and therefore cannot be taken into account in statistical indicators. There are also carriers who are not even aware of their infection. The AIDS epidemic in the world affects mainly people of reproductive age. This leads to a significant loss of the able-bodied population, a decrease in the birth rate of healthy children and, accordingly, a decrease in the health indicator of all strata of mankind.

How many HIV-infected people are there in the world?

The question that interests many is how many people have AIDS in the world today? The countries of southern Africa, India, Russia, the USA and Latin America. In these states, infected people make up approximately 15% of the total population. Every year, the number of HIV-infected people in the countries of the world increases by 5-10 million. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, the number of AIDS patients in the world amounted to more than 60 million. The first place in AIDS in the world community is occupied by the countries of southern Africa. Due to the unstable economic situation, the possibility of treating and identifying HIV-infected people is very difficult. This leads to a rapid and rapid spread of immunodeficiency among people. The disease progresses very quickly to stage 4 - AIDS.

The epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the world

Countries where the incidence of immunodeficiency is rapidly increasing:

  1. Brazil.
  2. countries of Central Africa.
  3. Haiti.
  4. Indonesia.
  5. Bangladesh.
  6. Pakistan.
  7. Mexico.
  8. Great Britain.
  9. Turkey.

The ways of spreading AIDS in the countries of the world to some extent depend on the economic situation in the state and on its policy towards HIV-infected people. There are such features:

  1. The countries of the European Union, the USA, Australia and New Zealand are characterized by a high early detection of the disease among the population. This is due to compulsory health insurance and relatively frequent high-quality medical examinations. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that 80% of the infected were found among homosexual men and drug addicts who use intravenous drugs. AT childhood incidence is almost non-existent. This is due to the timely and high-quality treatment of infected pregnant women, which prevents the vertical transmission of immunodeficiency (from a sick mother to a healthy fetus through the placenta, blood, breast milk). Cases of non-sexual transmission in these countries are practically not registered.
  2. For the states of Africa and the adjacent warm islands, as well as the states of the Caribbean, Indonesia, the rate of early detection of AIDS is very low. In these countries, the majority of patients are heterosexual. Their age is 18-38 years. Most of these people were infected through sexual contact with prostitutes. Studies show that more than 90% of them are infected with a retrovirus. In Africa, HIV transmission is often associated with sexual contact with an ill woman. More often, such intercourse additionally leads to diseases that are sexually transmitted. And genital ulcers that develop due to these pathologies lead to a higher likelihood of transmission of the pathogen. In such states, transfusion of blood and its products from an infected donor to a healthy recipient is not uncommon.
  3. Countries where HIV has been introduced relatively recently. These include Asia and Eastern Europe. Infection with a retrovirus here occurs mainly through sexual contact. The highest risk of infection in people who have many sexual partners do not neglect unprotected relationships with prostitutes.

HIV in Russia

The Urals Federal District occupies the first place in terms of HIV in the Russian Federation. About 800 patients per 100 thousand of the population are registered in it, which is a very high figure. Over the past 15 years, cases of detection of immunodeficiency in pregnant women have increased by 15% in Russia. At the same time, such women are registered at a later date, which leads to intrauterine infection of the fetus due to the lack of necessary treatment in the early stages of embryo formation. The Siberian Federal District also claims the first place in Russia in terms of AIDS, in which about 600 infected per 100 thousand people are registered, of which most of have the last stage of the development of the disease, that is, AIDS.

Medical news in the world of HIV

Nowadays, the task of creating a vaccine against a retrovirus in scientists is in the first place. There are now a huge number of research work in the field of molecular microbiology, which undoubtedly brings humanity closer to the creation of an AIDS vaccine. Despite this, there are a number of factors that prevent the possibility of obtaining such a drug:

  • The high ability of the virus to mutate.
  • Variety of HIV strains (per this moment 2 types are known.
  • The need to fight not only with a retrovirus, but also with infected cells of the body, as well as AIDS-associated infections.

Due to the fact that the spread of HIV in the world is growing every year, many patients simply do not have time to wait for a vaccine. Therefore, the main way in the fight against this disease should be directed to preventive measures. All HIV-infected people in the world receive free treatment, which provides them with the most comfortable life. With adequate and competent therapy, patients can live a full and long life. HIV treatment in the world is carried out in regional AIDS centers according to uniform standards and provides for an individual approach to any patient, the selection of a scheme depending on the stage of progression of the pathology. The main principle of medical care is maximum confidentiality.

AIDS is constantly spreading among the world's population, while curing it completely is not yet possible. Therefore, it is worth directing maximum efforts to prevent such a dangerous pathology.

Ten regions of Russia are in critical condition in terms of HIV prevalence. This was stated by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova. The sad list is headed by the Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions.

“HIV is spread very unevenly across the country,” the head of the Ministry of Health noted. “The prevalence is significantly higher, several times higher, in those regions through which drug trafficking routes pass. Therefore, there are 10 critical regions out of 85. In the first place is the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, which got (in connection with this) to the press," said Skvortsova.

According to the minister, "57% of all sources of HIV infection are injections, usually among heroin addicts." As for such a traditional risk group as homosexuals, this trend is less pronounced in Russia.

“40% of cases of sexually transmitted infections relate to heterosexual couples,” Skvortsova said, stressing that the increase in the number of infections is due to well-off women who have picked up the virus from their own husband.

According to the Federal Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, at the end of last year the list of the most HIV-affected regions was as follows: Irkutsk region, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Samara, Orenburg, Leningrad region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen regions.

During the year, anonymous testing was conducted in problem regions, which was passed by 23.5 thousand young people under 30 years old. Among them, 2.3% of HIV-infected people were identified.

In early November, the Ministry of Health of Yekaterinburg announced that every 50th inhabitant of the city had AIDS.

"Our infection rate is 1,826 people per hundred thousand, which is 1.8% of the city's population, 26,693 thousand infected," Tatyana Savinova, deputy head of the Yekaterinburg city health department, said. "And these are only known cases, the real incidence is even higher," she stressed.

But this situation in Yekaterinburg has been developing for decades, so doctors do not make announcements about the beginning of the epidemic, the city health department emphasized.

According to the criteria of WHO and the Joint United Nations Program on HIV, more than 1% of those infected means that the infection is firmly rooted in the population and its spread is practically independent of risk groups.

Meanwhile, the Federal Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS believes that Russia is now on the verge of transition to the third, last stage of the HIV epidemic.

"An epidemic is a relative concept. There are three stages of HIV. Initial - the first cases are imported from abroad. The second is concentrated, risk groups are affected. We now have 10% of men who have sex with men and 20% of drug addicts are infected. And when more than 1% of pregnant women are infected, then it is generalized. Here we are now at the stage of transition from the second to the third, "Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the center, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told the L!fe portal.