(! LANG: Dream Interpretation interpretation of dreams why a witch dreams. Neutral and positive meanings of dreams about a witch. Why a witch or a sorceress dreams - Freud's Dream Interpretation

The witch is not only a character that appears in the works folklore, the heroine of cartoons and science fiction films - in the very recent past it is also the object of hatred of the inquisitors, and even now some simply attract this common name. What if the witch becomes the heroine of our dreams? Why is the witch dreaming?

What does the symbol mean?

Most Popular dream books offer the following interpretations the witch who appeared to us.

    Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

    By this dream book a witch in a dream portends a pastime in the company of friends and close acquaintances, joint fun, which, however, will end extremely negatively for the dreamer - humiliation, resentment or disappointment.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    In this dream book, a dreaming witch read acquaintance with a cheerful company, in the circle of which the person who saw her in a dream will fall. But in the end, such an acquaintance will have an extremely sad effect on both your emotional state and your financial position. Try to be careful with new acquaintances.

    Intimate dream book

    The sorcerer in a dream this is a warning that your rash actions can lead to bad consequences. It can also indicate a subconscious rejection of the norms of etiquette and behavior.

    Freud's dream book

    The psychoanalyst claimed that he who saw a witch in a dream waiting for a romantic attachment to a person to whom the dreamer was previously indifferent.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    According to this dream book, the appearance of a witch in a dream means that a person is faced with a choice in his life aspirations , it may also indicate that the dreamer's desires are getting out of his control.

    Modern dream book

    AT modern dream book witch in a dream portends danger, despondency or illness.

    Esoteric dream book

    Witch seen in a dream portends a dangerous adventure to the dreamer, and the danger itself will be the most intriguing moment in it.

What did the witch do in her dream?

Depending on the actions of the witch in a dream, dreams will have the following meaning for the sleeper:

  • The witch attacks. The aggressive behavior of the witch towards the dreamer suggests that the latter has internal unresolved conflicts. However, this is not as bad as it seems at first glance - perhaps it’s just worth less focusing on problems and dramatizing the situation.
  • Witch on a broom. The classic witch on a broom means for a person who sees her in a dream a meeting with a stranger who will serve as a source of trouble. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of the illness of a person close to the dreamer.
  • Witch in the house. Seeing a witch in your own home means receiving some kind of news, both good and undesirable. It may also indicate that soon the dreamer should wait for guests who will seek to harm him.
  • Dreamed dwelling of a witch- both with her and without her, portend strange events in real life dreamer. If the sleeper entered the witch's house, their character will depend on the emotions in the dream - the stronger the discomfort, the more negative they will be, and vice versa.
  • The witch kisses the dreamer's lover- in real life, she may have a rival who will be able to use her cunning in the fight for his recognition.
  • The witch kisses the dreaming man- perhaps his soulmate will betray him soon.
  • Coven. The witches who dreamed at the Sabbath mean spiritual growth dreamer, his desire to open new horizons in real life.
  • witch in the forest- such a dream is a dream for an unplanned meeting with an old friend, which will leave a pleasant impression.
  • The witch offers something to eat- in the immediate environment of the dreamer there is a person who can betray him for his own selfish purposes. There should be less talk about plans for the future so that they are not destroyed by anyone.
  • The witch haunts the sleeper- in the near future, his plans will not be able to be realized. You don't have to do anything important.

What did it look like?

A young witch in a dream portends an acquaintance with pleasant people with whom it will be interesting to spend time. It may also indicate that the dreamer is too passionate about himself and pays little attention to the opinions of others.

Witch of middle age such a dream reads the appearance of a fan or fan of a sleeping person. The grandmother-sorceress is a symbol of wisdom for the dreamer. Such a dream means that the sleeper does not fully use the accumulated baggage of knowledge.

Wicked witch with a terrible appearance - the dreamer has inner beauty which will soon be appreciated by the people around him.

A naked witch at a sabbath portends an acquaintance with interesting person to which real deep ones can flare.

A neat, tidy witch in a dream - surrounded by the dreamer there is an ill-wisher who, with his flattery, managed to win a good impression. You should identify him as soon as possible and reduce any contact with him to a minimum.

Who dreamed of her?

For a man, a witch seen in a dream portends unpleasant news or a loss of self-confidence, a need for the assistance of a more influential person. If the dreaming witch was young and beautiful, this could mean cooling in feelings with her wife or lover, which could lead to a serious quarrel.

For a girl, a witch in a dream means the appearance of rumors and gossip, a bad trend in the professional sphere or in everyday life, as well as troubles coming from her inner circle. If the witch was beautifully, brightly dressed, this could indicate a stormy but short-lived romance with a young man.

I dreamed that I was a witch - this is a positive symbol. For an unmarried girl, it means that she will soon meet her soul mate.

A woman has a dream in which she saw a witch reads a meeting with interesting new people who will bring many new impressions into her life. For a pregnant woman, a witch in a dream is not good sign- she should pay attention to her own.

kill her

If a person who dreamed of a witch attacking him was not passive, but fought with her, drove her away or even killed her, this means that in reality changes await him. At the same time, if the dreamer was satisfied with the current state of his affairs, the defeated witch will read minor troubles or the envy of others.

For the one who could not boast of success in business, an exiled or murdered sorceress - this is a good sign that portends the right decisions in the professional and financial sphere.

Dreams - Magic world where fairy tales come to life. Dragons, ancient warriors, fantastic animals appear before us as if alive. The world of majestic queens, wise wizards and dark witches opens up.

A sorceress in a dream can be absolutely anything: a red-haired beast brewing another potion in a cauldron, or a witch waving a broomstick, or a pretty grandmother looking out of a gingerbread house. But no matter how this woman looks, she still remains a witch.

Many such dreams are frightening, some even believe that they have been spoiled or the evil eye. But if we turn to ancient knowledge, we will understand that a witch is a knowing woman, that is, a woman with secret, sacred knowledge. From time immemorial, witches have been turned to as ancient oracles to find out both their past and their future.

If you are worried about what the witch is dreaming of, then be calm. If you look into the dream book, the witch is a symbol of the knowledge that will be revealed to you, so try to write down the whole dream so as not to miss anything. A sorceress in a dream can either do something important and symbolic, or speak. Moreover, you may dream of a witch in different guises, so be attentive to everything.

  • Age.
  • Appearance.
  • At home or in the woods?
  • Brewed a potion or guessed?
  • Your actions.

What was the witch?

To understand why a witch is dreaming, it is important, firstly, to determine the age. Of course, it is not always possible to determine this “by eye”, but it is worth trying.

  • So, the young sorceress dreams as a harbinger of pleasant meetings. Interesting acquaintances and pleasant company are provided to you.
  • The middle-aged sorceress speaks of the appearance of a fan.
  • If you dreamed of a witch in years, then this is a symbol of your wisdom. It's time for you to learn how to use the knowledge you have.

If you dream of an evil witch, grouchy, scary and with a long, hooked nose, then this indicates your inner beauty. You have a natural charm, which will soon begin to manifest itself more and more.

A mysterious witch in a pointed hat is a symbol of a rival. There is a woman in your environment who has long been claiming your place. Do not be afraid of her, but try to gently and gradually reduce the number of contacts with her. A kind sorceress in white clothes is a symbol of your inner purity. Try to develop all your positive traits. Also, such a vision may indicate that you have extrasensory abilities.

A seemingly pleasant woman, neat and tidy, sitting at the door of a gingerbread house, means that there is a person next to you who is actually your ill-wisher. He is a subtle psychologist and a very good flatterer. Communication with this person will not lead to anything good, so you should keep your contacts with him to a minimum.

A bright red-haired, laughing plump witch dreams on the eve of celebrations. You have fun where you will eat Tasty food and drink sparkling drinks. You will have a wonderful time!

A naked sorceress at Satan's ball says that interesting things are waiting for you. love adventures. You will meet a passionate and restless man. If a man dreams of a witch, then such a vision promises him a meeting with a dream. will come into his life real woman, capable of being both a friendly hostess and a real enchantress.

To see the witch in - to a meeting with an old acquaintance. This will be a random meeting, after which you will have high spirits. To see a witch in oneself - to a meeting with oneself. Soon you will learn a lot about yourself. You will find yourself in a situation in which you will show both your positive and negative traits.

To be in the house of the sorceress herself - to meet a wise and very perspicacious woman. She will share her experience and knowledge with you. All her advice will help you a lot in communicating with the opposite sex. Seeing a witch in a dream, cackling, dashing, flying on a broom - to the news from afar. The news that you have been waiting for so long will be received. Also, such a dream speaks of unforeseen and amazing events that await you.

What did she do?

To understand why a witch dreams in a dream, you need to pay attention to what she does, because each of her actions has its own meaning and interpretation. If the witch conjured, threw something into the cauldron and cast spells, then you are waiting for great luck. Now it is still difficult for you to imagine what awaits you, but believe me, there will be no limit to your delight.

  • If an evil sorceress attacks you, then you are guilty somewhere. Retribution will not be long in coming. To avoid consequences, it is better to correct what you have done.
  • If a witch attacks your friends, they will soon need your help.
  • And if the witch attacks your enemies, then they will have a hard time.

If the witch spoke or, then wait for the guests. But if she stuck it under the threshold or into a doll, it means to be in a quarrel with a loved one. To see how the sorceress guesses on cards or on runes is a change in life. Moreover, all the changes will mainly be related to your personal life and your place of residence.

If the witch persuaded you to eat something, looked you straight in the eyes and smiled, then betrayal awaits you. Someone wants to set you up and advance at your expense career ladder. To avoid this, do not share your plans with anyone.

If the witch just looked at you and was silent, but you felt an unpleasant chill on your skin, then you offended someone very much. Apologize to this person, as he is very worried.

If in your vision old witch flew in a mortar or in a cauldron, which means that urgent matters will overtake you. Expect trouble, worries and fuss, the only good thing is that all this confusion will end quickly. If the sorceress tried to kill you, then you should postpone your trips and travels. Reschedule your vacation for another time.

your behavior

If you were numb with fear, could not move, and instead of screaming, you emitted only a strangled wheeze, then you are tormenting yourself with unnecessary thoughts too much. You have brought yourself to a state of nervous exhaustion, so try to relax and not be alone, solitude on this moment it only hurts you.

If you, too, were a witch and felt quite comfortable, then soon you will meet a kindred spirit. You will have a girlfriend who will fully share all your interests and hobbies.

Trying to kill a witch is a battle in real life. Only this battle will not be physical, but moral. You will be tested, morally put pressure on you - do not give in and do not resist, be flexible and independent, like water.

If you managed to kill the witch, then you can be congratulated: you can easily overcome all hardships. There is nothing that could prevent you from realizing your plans.

Witches, witches, sorceresses - all these are mysterious and mysterious women. Knowing what the witch is dreaming of, you understand how you should proceed, which step is justified, and which should be abandoned. Be true to yourself and your heart, and then nothing will stand in your way.

How to find out why a witch is dreaming? Most dream books agree on the main details and allow you to understand not only general meaning dreams, but also a certain influence on life, which differs radically depending on the accompanying details.

In the article:

When a witch dreams - differences in the interpretation of dreams

If you dreamed of a witch, you need to look into the dream book and find out what it is for. But there are many dream books, and interpretations can not only differ from each other, but even have opposite meanings. Some, for example, have practically not survived to this day.

It’s worth doing this: look through several dream books and try to interpret dreams that could already come true. The most popular are the seasonal dream book, gypsy, esoteric or any ethnic group.

Do not forget about intuition. If the fact that a person saw a witch in a dream, but did not experience negative emotions, this does not bode bad events. When a witch tried to harm or caused negative feelings, you need to prepare for trouble.

Fly on a broomstick in a dream - what is it for

If a person liked it in a dream, this is to something good. Impressions and the nature of the flight tell a lot. If in a dream there was a carefree flight in a clear cloudless sky over a fussy big city, there will be no problems. How careless a person is in a dream, so in life. In difficult periods, this dream may come to an early end of the black streak.

The atmosphere around was pleasing, and the flight had a goal - the right course was chosen, and there were no obstacles on the way to the dream. A flight to work to celebrate a promotion promises a meteoric rise through the ranks.

Clouds, lightning, precipitation while flying on a broom in a dream means that there will be obstacles on the way to the goal. Flying high marks the achievement of the goal. Too low a flight puts the possibility of fulfilling a dream in doubt, and falling from a broom dreams of a collapse of hopes. An aimless flight over a tornado, a volcano or a thunderstorm - to a sudden change of scenery, adventure and an interesting life.

If the broom ride passes over clear water, the conscience will remain clean, above the dirty one - you will have to put up with the pangs of conscience. A flight over an abandoned city is a dream of suffering from loneliness or misunderstanding. Traveling with someone on the same broom means that the second person climbs into personal life and will become a serious hindrance. Someone flying on a separate broomstick promises the appearance of a like-minded person.

Dreams of group activities or broomstick games, like Harry Potter's Quidditch, mean that the inner child is still alive and wants to break away from daily household and work problems.

Witch in a dream - bad meanings from different dream books

If you dreamed of an old and gray-haired witch, you need to pay attention to skin care so as not to look older than your years. A terrible and ugly witch hints what needs to be done healthy lifestyle life, because alcohol and smoking lead to rapid aging (according to the seasonal dream book, if the dream was in the fall). Ugly witches dream of scandals due to the inability to keep their mouths shut, old ones often portend illnesses, sometimes mental ones.

If a witch came to a woman in a dream, this is a warning. A thirst for adventure and a penchant for fun can lead to resentment, humiliation and disappointment in past entertainment. Friends will turn out to be unreliable people, casual acquaintances will lead to problems.

A witch attack is a dream for women before disappointment in work or household chores. If you managed to kill the attacking witch in a dream, you can deal with disappointment.

Sometimes witches dream of bad news. In the near future, someone will try to interfere in life, forcing them to act in their own way. You will have to choose what is more expensive - your own future or relationships with a person.

Why dream of a witch performing a magical rite - this promises a lack of confidence in own forces and opportunities. You will have to use the help of an influential person (if this has already been done, the person is extremely unreliable).

When a man dreams of a witch with the appearance of a beloved girl or wife, this portends a temporary cooling of her feelings or a quarrel, the consequences of which will not affect the relationship. Acquaintances and friends turn into sorcerers? So they provide strong influence for life.

The mother-in-law, who in a dream is a witch or takes the form of a witch, portends obstacles from relatives to making a profit. You should not listen to their advice - your own decision promises great benefits.

Sometimes people see witches in dreams. This is one of the manifestations of intuition. This interpretation is especially true if the witch has the appearance of an enemy or in the plot of a dream with him at the same time.

The sorceress also dreams of the appearance of an insidious woman in life, who must beware. The witch touches the body with her hands - to evil gossip, turns into animals or uses other supernatural abilities - there is a female enemy.

In Ukrainian villages, they believe that a witch in a dream is always unexpected trouble. When the sorceress is young and beautiful, problems turn into great luck.

The sorceress and the dead dream of widowhood, death in the family, danger to the sleeping person. The Sabbath portends the danger of sects. Hear spells - to gossip. Witch on a broomstick - to illness or trouble, the cause of which will be close relative or a good friend.

Neutral and Positive Meanings of Witch Dreams

In some dream books, the witch symbolizes desires when a person seeks to do away with the norms and rules imposed by society.

Esoteric dream books promise that the witch in a dream symbolizes the foremother. Seeing her means that the forces of nature are awakening inside. Perhaps a woman who saw a sorceress in a dream is a witch. This can be checked: there are .

Sometimes such dreams are interpreted as an opportunity for adventure. If the dream is terrible, you will have to be scared in life: the adventure will leave unforgettable impressions, but only negative ones. If the witch does not scare, only fun and pleasant impressions await.

Witch with a spoon or other kitchen or apothecary utensils - advice from Higher powers. If the witch tells something, it is better to remember - this is valuable advice.

A gift from a good witch is a very good sign. Money is for improvement financial situation, the key - to new opportunities or a major purchase, the book - to gain knowledge and success in learning. The good witch portends a useful and pleasant acquaintance with the continuation.

Drinking a witch's potion not under compulsion - to longevity, recovery, good luck, new ideas and a surge of vitality. - one of best dreams, which promises happiness and good luck in all areas of life, the beginning of a bright streak.

Why kill a witch in a dream

If you managed to kill a witch, it is difficult to unravel the dream: there is no unambiguous interpretation. It is necessary to pay attention to associations and thoughts. Was it a pity to kill a witch? Was it self-defense or was the sorceress killed by mistake? In a dream, a person was an inquisitor, purposefully, without understanding, are they evil or good?

If you dream of witches, along with other people, most likely from your environment, you want to take part in adventures, have fun and have fun, but these desires of yours can turn against you: you will be humiliated or disappointed.

If witches attack you in your dream, you should take a closer look at your current affairs: there is a possibility that there will be a gap in the commercial sphere, however, other things will not go so well. Household chores can also be frustrating.

Loff's dream book

In fact, it is not so uncommon to meet in your dream with a representative of the conjuring brethren or become the owner of magical spells in the course of a dream. According to the plots of dreams based on the occult, you find your personal, even exclusive things and endow them with special magical powers in a dream. They seem to entrust their power to you and allow you to use it against other people. Although it could be the other way around. It is important in such a dream to understand exactly who the occult person is: you or someone else?

It also matters how magical powers are used. If it is you who use them against other people or creatures, then you will probably feel some resentment that your opponents have an unfair advantage, and you strive to ensure that you have the same chances in a competition, battle, playing party. On the other hand, such a dream may also indicate your desire to show yourself, to demonstrate all your talents, capabilities, power, and power. Another reason explaining the plot of the dream may be hiding in your constraint. You do not give vent to feelings that just want to break out. For example, anger, or aggression, discontent or claims. The fourth option, which characterizes you according to the plot of sleep, boils down to the fact that you simply want to make someone fall in love with you, bewitch with romance. In a dream, you will probably direct your magical power at a man you do not know. However, in reality, someone you know, or even your subconscious self, may be hiding behind a stranger. If, on the contrary, someone uses his charms against you, then most likely you think that this person influences you, your life, or weaves intrigues behind your back.

And one more question that you need to ask yourself during the analysis of a dream: when in your dream you or an outsider try to use magic, magical abilities, what is the result of these steps: are spells successful, or magic is powerless?

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova

If you met a witch in a dream, then you will be in search of something that can cheer you up, including meeting new people. interesting personalities. Well ... it may also turn out that the pleasures will not bring proper satisfaction, and you will experience disappointment. Moreover, newfound friends and suitors may not pass the test of decency.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A witch in a dream portends the appearance of an insidious woman in your life. If you dreamed of an ugly witch, be prepared for the fact that you will have to be in the heart of a scandal. If in a dream a witch touches you, be ready: they may think of slandering you.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

The appearance of a witch in a dream can be taken as a warning: the desire for all sorts of adventures and the desire for entertainment in the company of people from your environment can turn against you. Situations may arise in which you will be humiliated or offended. Either way, you will be disappointed. Did you dream that a witch attacked you? Will you be frustrated by business affairs or household chores?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

A witch can dream of as a warning sign: you are in danger or in danger.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The witch personifies everything negative in the female essence. This is the "old woman" - a witch, and a seductive red-haired beauty, bewitching everything around.

Correct dream book

To see a witch in a dream is to be ready to take part in an adventurous enterprise. However, beware of the initial attraction of such an idea, you will probably regret it later. If in a dream witches come closer to you, then an unsuccessful period will come in your affairs, not to mention

Sometimes in dreams there are inexplicable encounters with magic and various fabulous creatures. Depending on how events unfold, such dreams can be exciting or frightening. It will be interesting to find out what the witch is dreaming of, and what is recommended to do in such cases.

What is the dream of a witch or sorceress

Different dream books have their own version of what a witch or sorceress dreams of. According to Miller's interpretation, such a vision portends imminent bright events, for example, a party with close friends. However, the finale of such entertainment can turn into trouble or resentment for the dreamer. If a threat comes from a witch in a dream, in reality one should expect danger or a dirty trick at work.

Other dream books consider meeting a witch in a dream a warning to beware casual dating or dubious scams. If the evil sorceress looks frightening, this may indicate dark plans someone from the inner circle of the sleeping person. Perhaps this person wants to use black magic for base purposes.

If at night a kind healer was seen, seeking to help, a dream can be considered a harbinger of positive changes in real life. The sleeper can count on receiving unexpected help, good news, an easy solution to financial issues.

You can find many different explanations of why a witch dreams in a girl's dream. A dream may warn of:

  • the upcoming decline in all areas of life and the abundance of everyday problems;
  • rumors and gossip that threaten the good name and reputation of the dreamer;
  • danger posed by a woman from the immediate environment.

If a young girl saw in a dream a witch dressed in colorful bright clothes, this indicates the imminent beginning of a new romance, which, unfortunately, will not last long.

According to one version, to see yourself as a sorceress is to prepare for the upcoming scandal. According to the second interpretation of such a dream, this promises the realization of current plans, the fulfillment of a cherished desire, or success in amorous affairs.

Being surrounded on all sides by several witches is a symbol a large number ill-wishers seeking to harm the sleeping woman in real life.

Why does a witch dream in a woman's dream

The explanation of what a witch dreams about in a woman’s dream differs in many ways from the previous one. By her presence in a dream, the sorceress is able to warn of future meetings with unusual, previously strangers. At the same time, new communication promises to be unforgettable and unlike anything that has taken place before.

For a pregnant woman, a dream with a witch does not bode well. After such a night vision, the expectant mother will need to pay more attention to her own health, and try to be less frank with unfamiliar people.

If a woman sees in a dream how a witch kisses her husband, such a dream can warn of the appearance of a rival who will surpass the dreamer in cunning and resourcefulness. Killing a witch in a dream is a sign of minor but persistent health problems that can become a serious obstacle to what you have planned.

Sometimes the question arises - why does a witch dream in a man’s dream? Most often this is an unfavorable sign. Interpretation options:

  • soon you will receive unpleasant news;
  • you should expect obsessive actions from others;
  • the dreamer is waiting for the loss of self-confidence and the need for the help of an influential person.

If the witch appeared in the form of a girl or the wife of a sleeping man, this promises a quick quarrel and a temporary cooling of relations. If the sorceress was embodied in her mother-in-law, the dream portends interference in her plans and failure in the implementation of secret plans. If she collects herbs or mushrooms in a dream, this suggests that laws must be observed (when the dreamer has a desire to bypass them). A dream in which an old witch prepares a witch's potion in a dream is interpreted as the imminent occurrence of a situation in which you will need to protect your dignity.

According to Freud's dream book, an attractive witch in a man's dream is a symbol of his unrevealed sexuality. Subconsciously, the dreamer strives for a relationship with a strong and temperamental woman who surpasses him in many ways.

If the sleeper kisses the witch, and after that she disappears, one should expect a break with her half or betrayal on her part. To drink a potion from the hands of a witch is to be intoxicated with love for a girl who will deceive sooner or later.

Why dream of an evil witch

Why dream of an evil witch? Most dream books explain such a dream in the same way. The image of an angry sorceress can promise:

  • unpleasant surprise;
  • difficulties in work and personal life;
  • emergency illness.

If a witch chases a sleeping person in a dream, night vision portends failure in the implementation of important plans. Another explanation for the chase in a dream is that the dreamer or dreamer is doing something wrong, and they should abandon their usual tactics of behavior.

An evil old witch in a dream often says that dark forces take possession of a person and bad thoughts. In this case, it is worth paying more attention to your bright essence, and doing good deeds.

When present in a dream intense fear and confusion, such emotions warn that a tempting offer or entertainment will turn into disappointment and shame.

It is curious to know what the witch on the broom is dreaming of. Most often this is a bad sign. It can warn of diseases loved one or about big troubles in the family.

Sometimes this symbol is interpreted as an imminent intervention in the life of a sleeping powerful person, seeking to disrupt his plans and sow chaos. In this case, dream books recommend not to engage in an unequal fight, but to retreat in a timely manner for your own safety.

If a unmarried girl sees himself as a witch flying on a broomstick, this predicts an early successful marriage. Mature woman similar dream promises to successfully marry off his daughter.

What is the dream of a witch in the house

Often in a dream, events take place in a closed space. After such a night vision, the dreamer becomes interested in what the witch is dreaming of in the house.

Seeing a sorceress in her own home is a symbol of the fact that new news should be expected soon. At the same time, they can be both positive and bleak. Another explanation is to meet uninvited guests who have bad intentions towards the owner.

Sometimes in a dream you can see not the witch herself, but her house. At the same time, it can be empty or with a hostess. Many dream books interpret this as amazing events coming to the dreamer in real life.

If the sleeper entered the witch's dwelling, the interpretation of the dream will depend on his feelings. If at that moment there was discomfort and a desire to leave as soon as possible, this portends an early attempt to clear one's tarnished reputation.

What is the dream of a young witch

Dream interpreters are convinced that it is very important to know what a young witch is dreaming of. In most cases, this makes it clear to the dreamer that he does not control his powers and does not know his own potential. The latter may be quite large.

If the dreaming witch had unearthly beauty, the sleeper will soon be able to realize the powers hidden in him. However, they should not be used for evil purposes, but only for the benefit of mankind.

The second option - the dreamer is overly absorbed himself and doesn't care about other people. A dream with a young sorceress suggests that it is time to analyze your behavior and draw the right conclusions.

AT various dream books you can find a wide variety of interpretations of what the witch dreams of. To get a reliable explanation of night vision, you need to take into account the various details of sleep. The accuracy of interpretation largely depends on the accompanying circumstances - the day of the week, time of day, previous events and other moments.