How to understand which hairstyle will suit you. Horoscope of haircuts and hairstyles: how to choose a hairstyle according to the Zodiac

Haircut is one of the most important components female image, and you need to approach the choice of hairstyle very responsibly, because a lot depends on the right haircut. A hairstyle can hide imperfections or, on the contrary, emphasize them, so choose your hairstyle very responsibly. If you are still wondering: “What hairstyle will suit me?”, our article will give you the answer to this serious question, in addition, here you will find many other useful and interesting information on this topic.

Determining the type of face

You need to choose a hairstyle based on your face type, but before that you need to find out what face shape you have, this is very easy to do. For this you will need a mirror and a felt-tip pen.

  • First, you need to remove your hair from your face; it is best to put it in a bun at the back of your head.
  • Actions must be performed in a brightly lit room; no unnecessary shadows should fall on the face.
  • Now is a very important moment: take a felt-tip pen and trace your face on the mirror. Start from the chin, moving upward; the actions must be performed very carefully.
  • Now look carefully at the resulting image, which one geometric figure it is most similar, this is the shape of your face.

Oval face type

This shape is considered the most ideal; girls with this face shape can conduct any experiments with their hair and try on any length. Both a short bob and long curls. Try the very popular asymmetrical haircut today. If you are a brave girl, you can give yourself a boyish haircut; paradoxically, girls with such a hairstyle look very feminine, and those with an oval face shape can afford it.

Round face type

The main task of a hairstyle for those with a round shape is to visually “stretch” the silhouette of the face. Haircuts just below the chin will suit you perfectly, but they should be full. If your hair is not naturally very voluminous, you can comb it at the roots, or treat it with a corrugated iron. With this face shape, bangs are allowed only if they are on the side, but in no case straight. Avoid straight parting, small curls and large waves.

Rectangular face type

Hair with this face shape should not be too long and straight; also avoid too “slicked” hairstyles and straight parting. Also, with this type of face, there is no need to cut off straight and thick bangs. For owners of this face shape, the most ideal length would be shoulder length, or a little shorter. You will need to hide the too “heavy” jaw, characteristic of this type of face, but it should not be strands sticking out in different directions, it should be a neat styling.

Square face type

The square shape, in principle, looks very nice, the main thing is to remove the angularity a little. For girls with this face shape, hairstyles with curly curls are perfect; for this shape it is better not to choose too short haircuts, it can be a bob, but below the chin; straight thick bangs, straight partings and an overly open face are also undesirable.

Triangular face type

This shape is characterized by a wide forehead and a very narrow chin, so the main task of the hairstyle is to create harmony; oblique torn bangs will cope with this task, it will hide the wide forehead and the shape will be close to ideal. Volume at the back of the head can also add harmony; you can comb the hair at the back of the head. For this shape, both straight and side parting are acceptable.

  • If you have a very long neck, these will suit you long hair, if, on the contrary, it is short, you are better off choosing short haircuts that will completely open your neck.
  • If you have protruding ears, you need to disguise them with a hairstyle; a bob or curls will do the job perfectly, but high hairstyles, tight ponytails, and so on are contraindicated for you.
  • If you are very tall, lush and voluminous hairstyles are perfect for you, especially if they are done on the hair medium length.
  • If you don’t know what kind of hairstyle you want to do, refer to fashion trends, for example, asymmetrical haircuts or hairstyles in a “casual” style are very popular today. For an everyday hairstyle, you can make a ponytail with protruding strands and “cockerels”.
  • Girls with very tall It’s better not to have short haircuts, as this will make you appear even taller, but short women can pay attention to this style, especially if their face shape allows it.
  • Girls with full figure It’s better not to choose too voluminous and fluffy hairstyles, as this will visually give you even more centimeters.
  • Girls of short stature need to create additional volume on the top of the head; this will look especially advantageous on short hair Oh.

Contents of the article

When the time comes for some changes in herself, a woman immediately starts with her hair. But when it comes down to it, it turns out that few of us know exactly what hairstyle suits us.

First, let's determine the shape of your face. This can be easily done by looking at yourself in the mirror and roughly outlining your reflection with a felt-tip pen. And so it turned out? Then read on!

Oval - which hairstyle is suitable for this face shape

For an oval shape, there are no restrictions when choosing a hairstyle, so you can safely keep up with fashion without fear of change.
However, if you really want to reduce the roundness, then your hair should clearly outline your face and cover your ears.
Uneven, oblique bangs, medium-length hair, soft curls, and a short haircut will suit you.

Square - which haircut to choose

On a square shaped face, medium to long hair, smooth or slightly wavy hair looks good as you want to elongate and smooth out the angularity of the jaw.

Rectangle - hairstyle and haircut

Graduated haircuts (long and cascaded), wavy hair and medium length are suitable for you, since your goal is to make your face shorter and wider. However, long straight hair is contraindicated for you.

Triangle face shape

If you have a triangular face, then you need to reduce the width of your face at forehead level and give the missing volume to your cheekbones and chin.

Hairstyles with oblique or long straight bangs that are laid on the side are suitable for you, as well as wavy hairstyles and waves that start at the level of the cheekbones. Hair length can be either long or short.

Haircut for trapezoid shape

This type of face has a very wide lower part and in order to achieve a harmonious look, you need to create volume in the upper part. Therefore, bouffant hairstyles that have volume at the top, thick bangs and curled hair are perfect for you, while keeping the lower part of the hair straight.

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Useful tips

Have you ever thought that a person’s appearance can tell a lot about his character, and some character traits imprint on appearance? Each zodiac sign, as you know, has its own characteristics, which are reflected in appearance, in particular in hairstyle and hair.

Today I would like to talk about the hairstyle horoscope, about what haircuts and hairstyles are most suitable for one or another zodiac sign, you will also learn about the best time to go to the hairdresser and what hair care products to choose. The Moon will tell you all these subtleties and Lunar calendar, as well as your sun sign.

Hair has always been considered magical part our personality, the guardians of life force among many peoples. The first haircut of children was considered a special rite; even to this day, many parents keep the first cut strand of their child’s hair as a souvenir. Having made a certain haircut, you can change something in your life and inner world.

It's easier in spring and summer grow your hair than in the cold season, especially if you trim the ends during the waxing moon. On average, hair grows by 12 millimeters per month, so if you cut at least 5-6 millimeters monthly, in a year you can grow about 7-10 centimeters hair! However, hair growth can be accelerated if you use special stimulating agents in the form of masks, nourishing wraps, lotions, and rinses.

Hair cutting horoscope


Representatives of the Aries sign often have blond, slightly curly hair. If the hair is straight, they may often have the desire to curl it with curlers or do “chemistry”. In most cases, this hairstyle suits them very well.

Aries' hair is coarse and unruly. Often they prefer to cut their hair short so as not to bother with long curls, but they usually choose modern, bright and memorable hairstyles, because fire signs always like to stand out.

The head is the weak spot of Aries, so representatives of this sign should especially take care of your hair, regularly make hair masks, and also massage your head to speed up hair growth and improve your well-being.

What will suit you?

When choosing a haircut you should always remember golden rule: measure a hundred times, cut once. The point is that your often spontaneous and unpredictable desire to act can play a role cruel joke, and a hairstyle invented hastily will disappoint a lot.

It is better to go to the hairdresser after you have thought it over carefully and only change your appearance if you have been for some time (at least several days or weeks) you want it. They say that short haircuts suit classic Aries “ male type"or in a unisex style, but you will quickly get bored with too standard hairstyles. The hairstyle should be non-classical, stylish, maybe even asymmetrical.

Try to choose haircuts so that you can still change appearance , for example, pinning up your hair, changing the location of your partings, using curlers, or changing your hairstyle using styling. You can also use washable hair dyes, because if you often recolor your hair, your hair will quickly deteriorate, become thin and brittle.

For young representatives of the Aries sign, a short sporty haircut will help them find your style, will emphasize sexuality. Mature women with this hairstyle can “throw off” several years and look younger and more attractive.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Days when the Moon is located in fire signs - Leo and Sagittarius, are ideal for changing the image of Aries. It is especially recommended to have your hair cut in waxing moon days so that your hair grows back quickly and you can update your hairstyle or completely change it, because you quickly get bored with everything and constantly want something new.

Tuesday- the day of Mars, the planet that patronizes the sign of Aries. On this day you can make an appointment at the hairdresser, or you can use it for hair care.

Aries should not cut their hair on a day when the Moon is in the sign Virgo and Capricorn. These days, hairstyles will turn out to be too strict and classic and will not suit your image.

How can Aries hairstyles help?

If representatives of another zodiac sign choose sporty short haircuts, “Aries” hairstyles, then they can speed up your pace of life, find your place and purchase some leadership qualities. Of course, having done an Aries hairstyle, you will never fully become one, but it will give you self-confidence. It will become easier for you to realize your plans, generate new ideas and start doing something that you have not dared to do for a long time!


Taurus is a feminine earthly sign of the Zodiac, patronized by the beautiful Venus, which is why the appearance, and especially the hairstyle for Taurus, has vital importance. Taurus love long hair, because they are the symbol of femininity. Natural hair They don't have Taurus light shades, usually it's more dark hair, very thick.

What will suit you?

Medium length hairstyles – not too long, but not short either, will suit you best. Taurus people are often distinguished by a down-to-earth, “stocky” physique; they may appear shorter than their height; they cannot be called “light fluff,” so hairstyles should not be airy with backcombing and fine chemicals, but more strict, neat.

Most suitable for Taurus loose hair, not raised up with hairpins and hairpins, or fluffy ponytails. Curls of curled hair should be perfect, not tangled with the rest, lying separately. Such hairstyles can be easily achieved with the help of special curlers and gels. The obligatory presence of a form in the hairstyle is the main condition, because Taurus, like no other sign of the Zodiac, knows how to feel the shape.

Taurus also suits hairstyles with braids, woven ribbons, and long bobs.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The best time for Taurus to go to the hairdresser is when the Moon is in the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Avoid days Air and Water, then the hairstyle will not turn out the way you would like, and the new haircut simply will not suit you. The best day of the week for haircuts is Friday.

Get a haircut on the waxing moon if you would like to enhance hair growth. If the length suits you quite well, you can go get a haircut on the waning moon.

How can Taurus hairstyles help?

If you use the Taurus style (do a neat styling, cut your hair to medium length, style it so that the hairstyle retains its shape), you can stabilize your financial situation, attract good luck.


Gemini is an ambivalent, fickle sign that strives for change, which is why it chooses hairstyles lightweight and easy to change. Mercury, the planet of Gemini, does not give representatives of this sign a bright and catchy appearance. Their attractiveness, first of all, is associated with the ability to find common language literally with everyone.

Typically, women of this sign are refined, slim, and are characterized by ease of movement and airiness. When choosing hairstyles, Geminis value convenience and practicality. Hair color is usually dark or brown. The facial features are quite small.

What will suit you?

Usually representatives of this sign go light airy hairstyles. Very important in choosing a hairstyle will be the ability to transform it: especially in this case, long hair that is easy to pin up, lift, loosen or curl is suitable.

You may benefit from “chemistry” or simply having your hair curled in curlers. However, you shouldn’t overload your hairstyles with details. It could be simple but stylish haircuts , light, slightly careless curl.

If you are short, you can do higher hairstyle, but remember the sense of proportion. Try lifting your hair with backcombing, hairspray, and special foams. Those who naturally have voluminous hair will especially want to have thin hair, which is quite common among Geminis.

You can also dye your hair the color you like best, ideally for Geminis ashy shades.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To get the perfect hairstyle for your type, you need to go to the hairdresser on the days when the Moon passes through. signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Avoid days Sagittarius and Capricorn when the hairstyle may turn out to be too “heavy” for you. Good luck will come to you if you go to the hairdresser in Wednesday.

How can Gemini hairstyles help?

Easy hairstyles in the style of Gemini will help you harmonize nervous system . Such hairstyles will attract new acquaintances and allow you to significantly expand your social circle. This is especially true for those who are moving and want to quickly make new connections and acquaintances, find like-minded people and friends.

Cancer women usually have some differences roundness of shapes, especially stands out in in this case a face that is almost never narrow. The round shape gives this sign Moon, which rules Cancer. Hair is often quite thick, but a lot depends on your personal horoscope. With a disharmonious Moon in the birth chart, hair may be quite weak and thin and will require more careful care.

Cancer women are usually great attention pay attention to their appearance, prefer to often visit beauty salons and hairdressers, adore and home treatments on self-care, because at home they feel much more comfortable than in public.

What will suit you?

Haircuts and hairstyles that allow you to visually lengthen the face, for example, long bobs, asymmetrical hairstyles, haircuts with side partings and bangs.

If you have long, straight hair, you can curl it at chin level down and leave the top straight or slightly wavy. Don't do it wide and very voluminous bangs that will make your face even rounder.

You might also want to go ponytail, as well as a slightly raised top without bangs.

When to go to the hairdresser?

If you want your hair to be thicker, try to cut it on days waning moon in days Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. When the Moon grows in these signs, it is recommended for those representatives of the Cancer sign who want to quickly grow long locks to get a haircut. On the days when the Moon passes signs Aquarius and Capricorn going to the hairdresser is not recommended, hairstyle may disappoint you.

Monday- the day of the Moon, which means the day of the Cancer sign, so you will be most lucky if you go to the hairdresser on Monday.

How can Cancer hairstyles help?

“Crayfish” hairstyles (like a long bob) will allow you to improve your work digestive system. Try this haircut if you have stomach problems. Cancer hairstyles also help improve relationships with older people, as well as become family man find a life partner.

Leo hair is often thick and coarse, chestnut or golden in color. They are also often frizzy. Leo's face is wide and round in shape. Facial features – large, high forehead. Representatives of this sign can be easily recognized by demeanor: lionesses walk in such a way as to appear taller than they are; they stride importantly, raising their heads and keeping their backs straight. Leos love to decorate themselves in every possible way with jewelry, jewelry, often of their own production.

Attention to hairstyle is emphasized bright details. Leo is a fire sign, so he loves to stand out. There is something “cat-like” in the manners of female lionesses; by the way, many of them adore cats and keep them at home.

What will suit you?

The most important thing for you is to have a hairstyle that attracts attention and is beneficial will highlight your individuality and style, will be complemented by bright and spectacular makeup.

Lionesses will really like lush hairstyles that look like a mane. If you don't naturally have beautiful voluminous hair, you can... hair extensions, use clip-ins with strands, chignons, false ponytails and so on.

To make your hair appear fuller, you can use stepped haircut.

will suit you better long hair, and if you decide to cut it off, let the hairstyle still retain its curvy shape. You can curl your hair in curlers or perm it with wide curls. By the way, you can style your hair using wide curlers, wrapping them around slightly damp hair and letting it dry.

You also cannot do without foams, shampoos and volume masks to always maintain a voluminous hairstyle. Don't forget to regularly cut off the ends of your hair. Ideally - once a month on the waxing moon so that your hair grows faster and the ends don’t split.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best to go to the hairdresser on days waxing moon in fire signs: in Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Don't go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is transiting signs Virgo and Capricorn, since hairstyles during this period are obtained not your style at all. Leo controlled Sun, which corresponds to the day of the week – Sunday, so this is the best day for hair care as well as haircuts.

How can Leo hairstyles help?

Lush Leo hairstyles will help you reveal your creativity , become more self-confident, add romance to relationships with the opposite sex, joy and fun in life. If you want to fall in love, you also cannot do without such a hairstyle.

Which hairstyle should you choose?


Virgo is an earthly, reserved sign, distinguished by great accuracy, as well as incredible femininity. The hair of representatives of this sign is often brown and dark; light hair is less common. Wavy hair is not typical for Virgos; it is usually very straight hair. Virgos' facial features are usually small, but pretty.

What will suit you?

Hairstyles with clear lines, without complex parts, if possible quite simple will suit representatives of the Virgo sign most of all. The hairstyle must look very neat; the use of artificial strands, false hair, and wigs is allowed.

It’s unlikely that you will want to do something ultra-modern; they won’t suit you either bright and catchy hair colors, like fiery red and red. It is better if these are natural colors - light brown, chestnut of different shades.

If your facial features are particularly small, you should make more bouffant hairstyle, you can curl your hair. Better to avoid small parts in a hairstyle like small braids, and also do not cover your face with hair.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The best time for you to get haircuts is when the moon is passing earth signsTaurus, Virgo and Capricorn. At this time, hairstyles are neat, feminine, and classic. Wednesday- day Mercury, which is the ruler of the Virgo sign, so you better make an appointment with the hairdresser on Wednesday.

How can Virgo hairstyles help?

Hairstyles that are suitable for the Virgo sign can be done by representatives of other zodiac signs if they want achieve success in areas where precision, accuracy and patience are required. Such hairstyles will also bring success in trade and education. For those who suffer from intestinal problems, Virgo haircuts will help.


Libra is feminine, airy and very light sign, and its representatives are distinguished by their ability to easily find a common language, talkativeness, diplomacy and tact.

Planet Libra – Venus, so Libra women know a lot about beauty, they know how to teach themselves, they know the secrets of how to improve their appearance, and they know how to do beautiful hairstyles. They are also distinguished by their slimness and beautiful shape; even with a relatively large weight, such a woman looks very elegant, her figure is very feminine. Libra's hair is usually light in color, very shiny and lush. The facial features are usually very pretty, a little “angelic”, the eyes are large, and the mouth is small and plump.

What will suit you?

Lush hairstyles will suit you classic style, without ultra-modern details, multi-colored strands and bright hair clips. Long hair can be gracefully laid out, raised up, or braided.

You can make it quite simple classic haircut, but add a small detail in the form of neat fine highlights. The hairstyle will look completely different and will be beneficial make you stand out. Hairstyles with a cascade will also suit you - strands of different lengths will give your hairstyle lightness, and if your hair is very thin, your hair will seem much thicker.

You intuitively choose your own special feminine style, which can also be seen in your hairstyle. If you have fairly large facial features, you should not do your hair. too lush, but not too small. You should also avoid hairstyles that are too heavy using large quantity varnish, since they most likely will not suit your fragile figure.

When to go to the hairdresser?

You should make an appointment at the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in air signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. It is on these days that it turns out very airy light hairstyles, which will not only be stylish and modern, but will also favorably emphasize your character traits. Day of the week good for haircuts - Friday, day Venus.

How can Libra hairstyles help?

Easy hairstyles in the style of Libra will help you become a diplomat, find an approach to different people and understand them well. You will be able to more easily establish relationships with those with whom you often quarrel, and you will be able to learn to compromise. This hairstyle will also allow you correct kidney function.

Choosing a hairstyle according to your horoscope


Scorpio women usually stand out with their gaze - piercing, concentrated. They have a very developed intuition, which they know how to use when choosing cosmetics, clothes, and hairstyles. Scorpio is one of the sexiest signs of the Zodiac, which is why there is always something wrong with the appearance of Scorpio women. sexuality and sensuality. Their hair is usually coarse, dense and unruly. The color is more dark than light.

What will suit you?

The “vamp” style is certainly associated with the sign of Scorpio, and hairstyles in this style will give even more mystery to your image. Long hair styled in neat waves looks sexy. The hairstyle should definitely be complemented with bright makeup, then your image will become more complete.

Straight and smooth ones will also suit you bob with bangs. Long straight hair is also a great choice. Scorpio haircuts may vary extravagance, unusual haircuts with straight lines take first place on this list. Hairstyles in the “I just got out of bed” style will not be entirely appropriate here; this is more of an airy path. It is better if the haircut is neat and smooth.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To go to the hairdresser, you should choose days when the Moon is in the signs of the water element - Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. And although the signs Cancer and Pisces not very favorable for haircuts, choose them when the Moon is waxing. Haircuts made during the moon will also be successful for you. Aries and Aquarius.

Junior ruler of Scorpio - Mars, so haircuts done in Tuesday, will be the most successful. Choose days waxing moon for a haircut if you are growing long curls.

How can Scorpio hairstyles help?

Vampire hairstyles will naturally attract the attention of the opposite sex and you should use this style if you desire conquer someone. However, you should not go too far, remember that you should look mysterious and interesting, and not too vulgar, otherwise you will easily catch the wrong fish with your fishing rod.

Scorpio-style hairstyles help protect against extreme situations , awaken your guardian angel, help you find harmony in the sexual sphere.

Lunar horoscope haircuts


Sagittarius women are self-confident, very purposeful and active people who constantly need change of impressions, environment, communication and the opportunity to learn something. Due to the perpetual movement, they often do not have enough time to pay attention to their appearance, so they choose simple hairstyles that are easy to style and do not need to be corrected often. However, Sagittarians' hair grows very quickly, so if they do not grow long hair, then their hairstyles change quite often.

What will suit you?

Light haircuts and styling will suit you, without complex bells and whistles, which are easy to style, or, better yet, which style themselves when the head dries. Long hair also suits you perfectly, and your hairstyle can be just natural, without bangs, with neatly trimmed ends. It will look impressive if comb long hair back.

Your hairstyle should be comfortable so that you can style it without any problems, even being in the farthest corner of the planet, because you are so love to travel!

Stepped haircuts and light curls will also suit you, but without much extravagance. A little tousled hair with a short haircut will look beautiful, which can be easily styled with hair foam. This hairstyle will look new every time.

They will also suit you very well ponytails, as well as hairstyles with ponytails in the back and short in the front. Such hairstyles will emphasize the dual nature of your sign and will allow you to always be different and interesting.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best for you to go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in fire or air signs. It is at this time that light and comfortable hairstyles are obtained. Thursday– Sagittarius day, as it is ruled by its home planet Jupiter.

How can Sagittarius hairstyles help?

With Sagittarius hairstyles you will be able to set goals and achieve them, it will also be easier for you achieve recognition in the chosen business, you will be able to do something that was not possible at all before. Hairstyles of this type will correct the functioning of the liver.


Capricorn is a serious and very hard-working zodiac sign. Representatives of this sign treat themselves quite critical That's why they try to look perfect. But their style is rather a little heavy, dry, businesslike, rather than light and serene. This is also reflected in hairstyles. Capricorns are usually not distinguished by their emotionality; they do not like bright colors in clothes and hairstyles and, first of all, turn to the classics.

Capricorn's hair is predominantly dark shades, they are often thin and sparse, which makes it difficult to choose hairstyles.

What will suit you?

Capricorn is a rather conservative sign, so old good classics you feel much more confident. Discreet and laconic haircuts will suit you better, without unexpected details, uneven edges, or cutting-edge techniques. This can be simply hair neatly collected at the back, braids, buns using special masking pins, sponges and rollers. Short haircuts must be strict and neat.

Hair can be collected using headband or scarf. You can hide your hair under a scarf, which can sometimes look very stylish, but without a hint of your religion.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The most successful days for you to visit a hairdresser will be the days when the Moon is located in the signs of the earth element: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Don't choose air signs, especially Aquarius so that your hairstyle does not disappoint you. Also, you will be out of luck if you go to the hairdresser on days Cancer. Day of the week Capricorn – Saturday, so it’s better to get a haircut on this day of the week.

How can Capricorn hairstyles help?

Hairstyles in a strict “Capricorn” style will help you achieve your goals. materially, achieve financial independence and stability, get a good and profitable job. You will also be able to achieve success in your profession.


Aquarius is the most unconventional and original sign Zodiac, so Aquarius women always attract attention with their unusualness, which can be expressed in appearance, behavior or character traits.

Aquarians are very unpredictable people, they don’t particularly like to plan something, so the idea of ​​going to the hairdresser may come to them very unexpected. If you meet an Aquarius lady and see her new hairstyle, it is possible that the next day her hairstyle will be completely different.

Aquarians don't like it when they are limited in some way, they dictate something, their imagination always works very well. They can take the most interesting things from fashion, combine the incongruous, combine different styles and directions.

Aquarians intuitively can ahead of time and therefore they sense fashion as if “in advance”. The haircut that the Aquarius woman wears this season can only come into fashion next year, so this year seems somewhat unusual and different from everyone else.

What will suit you?

Unusual and stylish haircuts will suit you, which you can invent it yourself. It could be something non-standard - contrasting colors, bright colors, cascades, a combination of long and short strands. You can add unusual hairpins, bows, headbands and other details to your hairstyles.

Short ones may suit you cutting edge haircuts, and hairstyles with long hair. The main thing is that these hairstyles are special, unusual and unique.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is better to go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in Air signs - in Gemini and Aquarius. Moon in Libra will allow you to make a light haircut, but special there won't be any zest. You should also avoid days that are boring for your sign. Virgo and Capricorn. Saturday- day Saturn, the second ruler of Aquarius, so it’s best for you to get your hair cut on this day of the week.

How can Aquarius hairstyles help?

Such hairstyles will give you courage, help you generate brilliant ideas and look into the future with confidence. You'll get started with ease new projects, you can find an approach to to the right people, surround yourself with friends. This the right way find new friends.


Pisces is the most mysterious, vulnerable and melancholic sign of the Zodiac. Pisces are subtle and intuitive natures, very gentle and feminine. Their hair is often are soft and wavy. Pisces love long hair and, even if they cut their hair mostly short, they try to at least for a while grow long curls. Pisces love romance, and long hair is often associated with it.

What will suit you?

If you have long or medium hair, hairstyles with using braids and complex weaves, which are symbols of the interweaving of different forces of the Universe into one single one.

Choose harmonious hairstyles without sharp corners and strict straight lines. It's better if the hair curls a little. The hairstyle should be smooth and neatly styled. For example, for short hair a bob will do.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in the sign Pisces or Scorpio, and also Taurus and Libra. Pisces ruled Jupiter, so your day of the week is Thursday.

How can Pisces hairstyles help?

Hairstyles in the style of Pisces will help you find inner harmony, add romanticism to gray everyday life, will give patronage higher powers, will help improve the health of the entire body. You can also feel a surge of new strength, calm your thoughts if something is bothering you. Such hairstyles should be done by those who feel that their nerves are on edge.