(!LANG:Hairstyles for girls for long. Hairstyles for long hair for girls

luxury long curls- the pride or envy of most girls. This is not strange: you will hardly find in classic fairy tales or cartoons a princess cut like a boy. In addition, hairstyles for girls on long hair are interesting and varied. How can you style the hair of a little fidget so that the hairstyle has not only an elegant look, but is also practical? We tell.

What are children's hairstyles for long hair?

Hair is considered long to the level of the shoulder blades and below. For a girl of any age, they are really a source of pride. But for mom or grandmother, helping to care for hair, there is a lot of trouble. Due to the restlessness of girls, hair may require frequent washing, neat combing, and not a single styling (even with a huge amount of special tools) can last longer than a few hours. And if on a normal day you can close your eyes to such inconveniences, then on a holiday a young fashionista should be on top.

Conventionally, children's hairstyles, like adults, can be divided into two categories - daytime and evening. With daytime hairstyles, everything is usually very simple: a ponytail, one or two braids or a bun is the case when you need to hold out with a beautiful hairstyle for as long as possible. There is only one reason for this monotony: in the morning, when the girl is going to school, adults are in a hurry to work and there is no time to invent new, interesting hairstyles. Meanwhile, psychologists consider the morning, “pre-working” time, the most important for communicating with loved ones.

There are a lot of options for hairstyles for girls for every day. Even with ordinary pigtails, you can come up with at least 31 variations and not repeat yourself for a whole month! And believe me, it will not take you very much time - there would be inspiration and a little cheat sheet with step-by-step recommendations.

Simple but interesting hairstyles for every day

Any braids for long hair made using non-standard techniques look spectacular - from four or more strands and so on. Experiment at your leisure, this is a great way to style your hair beautifully. a short time but needs a little practice.

You can make a girl's hair without knowing how to weave braids. For example, weaves of strands fixed in ponytails look very elegant, and require very little time and experience. This is a great opportunity to experiment: you can make such a "grid" on one side only, build it from several levels, and even create interesting patterns. In addition, multi-colored rubber bands, hairpins and invisible hair should be used - this way the hairstyle will become even brighter.

Doing a chic children's hairstyle on your own?

Implementing several step by step instructions above, you will understand that it is quite simple to make an interesting children's hairstyle for every day. And what to do in the case of the upcoming holiday - entrust everything to a professional stylist or take a chance? Of course, take risks!

There are several reasons for refusing the services of a professional:

  • you know how the hair of a daughter or granddaughter can behave in a hairstyle;
  • you know the preferences of the little princess;
  • you better understand what image she needs to create for the holiday;
  • significant savings in the family budget;
  • have fun with the girl and improve your skills.

The decision is yours, but for “standard” events like the first / last call, birthday, and even more so going to the cinema or theater, you should not undermine the family budget for the sake of a hairstyle for a girl. Mom, grandmother or even older sister can easily cope with this task.

All that is required from all participants in the process is a little time, patience and perseverance.

Options for children's hairstyles for the holiday

If you think about it, almost all of the mentioned hairstyles for little girls can be made more elegant and festive.

Try to play with weaves of strands and tails, braids, but not by collecting all the hair, but by styling it in a more free way. Unused strands wind with a curling iron or curlers, add beautiful accessories, and voila - a luxurious look for a girl is ready.

By the way, interesting accessories create a huge field for creativity. Just think - slightly curled hair, decorated with a horizontal interlacing of two thin braids, will instantly become a festive styling with an interesting decorative element. AT last years headbands and wreaths are especially popular - both live and artificial. You can create a natural headband with your own hands using available small flowers, leaves and berries. Very realistic and elegant accessories can be found at hand-made masters.

Do not panic and the thought of the upcoming graduation. Treat the hairstyle as responsibly as the choice of dress: you need to see a lot with the young graduate, be sure to try it on, think about how all the elements of the image will look together. Start preparing for the holiday a month in advance by trying a few hairstyles every weekend. This will help you not only train and choose the best option but also have fun.

Top 5 easy hairstyles for prom girls

When creating any hairstyle, always be interested in the opinion of the girl. Perhaps the styling that you learned to do for two weeks will not please her or seem uncomfortable. Try everything that seems interesting and don't be afraid to experiment.

A girl's long hair is always beautiful and makes it possible to make complex and beautiful styling.

Lace braids, tails, bows - it will all become great option for a festive hairstyle for a matinee or any other celebration.

Simple hairstyles for a holiday for girls with long hair

hair band

Make a straight parting and divide your hair into two parts. Then grab the front strands on both sides and lower them over your face.

Take a curl with right side near the temple. From it, start weaving a spikelet, picking up strands that hang freely forward.

Weave to another temple. Make sure that the rim is neat and evenly frames the face.

In the end, the remaining strand can be hidden under the bulk of the hair with an invisibility. Straighten the main part of the hair with an iron or wind it on a curling iron. Simple holiday hairstyle ready for the child.

sliding scythe

Gather your hair into a tight ponytail without "cocks". Separate a small strand from the tail and braid the braid.

Twist it around the elastic band, and hide the tip with an invisibility. Take a bigger strand and braid it.

Then pinch the strand at the end and pull up hard. The pigtail will become voluminous and uneven.

Take another strand and repeat the same. At the end, tie the pigtails with thin elastic bands.

Holiday hairstyles for girls with long hair: simple braids

hair heart

Divide your hair into two sections along an even parting. Pin the left side so that it does not interfere with working with the right side.

Divide the right section of hair into two parts. Pull back the back and tie with a hairpin. Now you don't need it. From the remaining hair, pick up a small strand and start braiding a simple reverse spikelet, adding strands on both sides.

It is necessary to move to the temporal region. Having reached the temples, begin to take the pigtail back, so that a semicircular spikelet is formed.

Having finished with the first part of the hair, take the second and continue to weave the spikelet, moving towards the parting. Repeat the same manipulations with the left side of the hair.

At the end, connect the hair into one braid and tie with an elastic band or a bow.

Two openwork braids

Divide your hair into two equal parts. Take a small front strand on the left. Start braiding a regular spikelet, weaving strands on both sides.

You need to move towards the back of the head. Do not pick up all the strands, leave 3-4 free. At the end of weaving along the head, pick up these loose strands and weave into a common braid.

Each strand must be woven through a small gap. They will create a lacy effect and make the hairstyle more voluminous.

Finish weaving a regular braid along the entire length. Repeat the same on the other side.

Hairstyles for a holiday for girls with long hair: a spectacular mesh braid

Separate two thick strands in front on both sides. Tie the main part of the hair with an elastic band or secure with a clip so that it does not interfere with work. Comb the front of your hair thoroughly. Take a strand from this mass of hair in the middle, near the parting.

Divide the strand into two parts, and tie it, but do not tighten it to the end, leave 2-3 centimeters. Step back 2-3 centimeters from the first knot and make another one. Continue to step back 2-3 centimeters and make knots. From long hair, on average, 6-7 knots are obtained. When you reach the elastic band, secure the strand with a clip.

Now take another strand, next to it, on the right. Divide into two parts. Tie the first knot with a slight indent. Pass one strand through the adjacent ring of hair and tie the knot again.

Now you need to weave each knot in such a way that the left part of the strand passes through the adjacent ring of a completely finished strand. When you start weaving on the right side of the very first strand, then you need to thread the right strand into the adjacent ring. It turns out a beautiful weaving in the form of a mesh.

Repeat this with all front hair. The remaining ends of the hair must be added to the bulk. After that, you can stop and simply tie the ponytail with a pretty ribbon, elastic, or bow.

In order to make the hairstyle even more elegant, continue the hairstyle. To do this, from the main part of the hair, braid two or three simple braids and wrap them around the elastic band.

Each braid must be secured with invisibility. At the end, stick a beautiful hairpin or hairpin into the middle. It turns out a very effective hairstyle for a holiday for girls with long hair.

Hairstyles for a holiday for girls for long hair: 2 complex braids

Festive braid

Start by making a side parting. Separate the front part of the hair, roll it into a flagellum and pin it with a hairpin.

Until you need it. Start working with the main part of the hair. At the right temple, separate the lower strand. Twist into a flagellum and remove to the first tourniquet. Take the middle strand at the temple on the left.

Start braiding a regular spikelet, picking up the side strands. Move towards the middle of the head. Periodically loosen the strands to make the hairstyle look more voluminous. Continue making a horizontal braid with all the remaining hair.

Tie the resulting braid with an elastic band. Wrap the rest of the hair around it and hide under a decorative bow. Now take the part of the hair that you separated at the very beginning.

Starting from the left side, weave the braid, moving from the front to the right side. Each time pick up a strand of hair from the main part. Braid the braid to the end. Carefully twist the free end into a shell and pin next to the bow with invisible ones. If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with ribbons, flowers or bows.


Make a straight parting and divide the hair into two parts, with one bottom of them should be larger than the other. Secure one part (large) with an elastic band or hairpin so that it does not interfere with work.

Take a small front strand from the right side. Start braiding a simple spikelet, adding strands on the right and left sides.

Weave along the entire head. Finish like a regular three-strand braid. Now separate a small strand in front from the left side of the hair.

Insert a hairpin into the beginning of the finished spikelet. Twist the flagellum from the strand, and thread it with a hairpin into the braid, so that you get a small bow.

Add another strand to the remaining free part of the strand, twist the flagellum and again, in the form of a bow, thread it into the braid with a hairpin.

Add thin strands and form bows all over the head.

Repeat the same on the left side. Don't forget to leave a free section of hair near the parting, from which you will form bows on the left side. It turns out a very beautiful hairstyle for a holiday for girls with long hair.

Luxurious long hair is a real wealth not only for adult girls, but also for little girls, because this is a huge variety of bright hairstyles that will make the young princess even more cute and beautiful.

Many mothers, believing that all children's hairstyles are something simple and ordinary, like a ponytail or a spikelet that has long ceased to be fashionable, are very mistaken. This article shows beautiful hairstyles for girls with long hair, which can be done in just 10-15 minutes.

Hairstyles for school: quick and practical

The main requirement for children's hairstyles for school is that the hair is collected and does not interfere with the child during class. The best option is a ponytail, but it boring look probably tired of both mothers and daughters, so we will try to slightly diversify this comfortable, but not very bright hairstyle.

Quick braided ponytail

For this hairstyle, you will need 2 elastic bands, a comb and quite a bit of free time.

  1. To get started, gather your hair into a regular low ponytail, secure it with an elastic band. Now you can start making flagella.
  2. Divide the hair in the tail into 3 approximately equal parts. Take one of them, divide it into two strands and twist it as if you are trying to make a pigtail-harness. Repeat with the remaining hair.
  3. As a result, you will get 3 small pigtails, from which you now need to weave one large one. We fix it with a second elastic band at the bottom, decorate the hair with a hairpin or a bow - and you're done!

cute twisted tail

This simple but beautiful ponytail can be done not only for school, but also for a walk or even for some small events.

  1. First you need to collect your hair in a "weak" low ponytail.
  2. Slightly lower the elastic and divide the hair near the head into two parts, forming a "hole". Gently thread the main tail there, twist it, returning it to its original position.
  3. Carefully pull the elastic up, being careful not to overtighten the hair. Ready! For decoration, under the twisting point, you can fasten a small bow or a beautiful hairpin.

It will also look very original and beautiful if the same hairstyle is done not on the back of the head, but on the side. However, this option is more suitable for any event, as the hair will be collected quite loosely and may interfere with the child during class.

If you don’t have time at all even for such simple hairstyles, you can just slightly change the usual ponytail by decorating it with bright bows, ribbons, hairpins, etc. A classic ponytail will look beautiful on older girls - a high hairstyle with a small but spectacular fleece and a loose top strand that entangles and hides the elastic.

The ponytail is also the basis for many other simple and beautiful hairstyles for little girls.

Fluffy bun with ribbon

This is a simple and neat hairstyle that not only keeps the hair out of the face well, but also looks very pretty and cute. It is suitable for girls with both long and medium hair - only the volume of the bun depends on this.

For this hairstyle, you will need a regular elastic band, a wide ribbon suitable color and a couple of studs or stealth.

  1. Before creating a bun, you need to comb your hair well and collect it in a high tail at the back of your head. You can fix it with an elastic band of any color, in the completed hairstyle it will not be visible at all.
  2. Next, tie a ribbon at the end of the ponytail so that its length is the same on both sides.
  3. Now you can start twisting the beam. Tuck the ends of the hair so that they do not come out and spoil the hairstyle, and start slowly and carefully twisting the ponytail along with the tape into a “roll”, to the very base of the hair.

  4. Tie the ribbon into a beautiful bow, while holding the “roll” so that it does not fall apart. You can ask a girl for help - this will not only make your work easier, but will also interest the child.
  5. Now it remains only to fix the upper part of the beam with hairpins and invisible hairpins so that the hairstyle holds better and acquires the desired shape. The bundle is ready!

Unusual hairstyle with two tails

This hairstyle is a very beautiful and original variation of the usual ponytail, which is suitable even for some kind of solemn event, and will stand out noticeably among the lush curls and varnished unnatural curls.

  1. To create it, you need to collect all the hair in two tails. In the first, high - the upper layers of hair, side strands and bangs, if any. In the second, located about 5-7 cm below, collect all the remaining hair. Remember that the resulting ponytails should be approximately the same thickness.
  2. Now we take the upper tail, draw it under the lower one on the left side and return it up again, draw it over the upper elastic band, now on the right side.
  3. We draw the remaining tip of the upper tail through the first curl we have obtained, and bring it up, fix it with an invisible or hairpin. Hairstyle is ready! If desired, you can fix the result with a varnish of light or medium fixation.

Simple braid hairstyles

This way to collect hair is perhaps the most common and beautiful. What kind of braids for long hair have not been invented! This is both an amazing fishtail and a luxurious french braid, and unusual African braids, and many, many others!

However, all of them require a lot of time and effort, and the baby will obviously not be able to sit for so long in a stationary state. Therefore, it is better for a child to choose simpler pigtails. Consider examples.

This convenient and beautiful braid is made quite simply and quickly:

Before starting, thoroughly comb the child's hair and apply a little water, burdock oil or gel on them - then the hairstyle will turn out neat, the hair will not come out of the braids and become more shiny.

  1. Divide your hair into 2 equal parts and make low ponytails out of them. Weave a pigtail from each ponytail.
  2. Then lift the right braid up to the beginning, and secure with the same elastic band that tied its base (tail).
  3. Thread the second braid into the resulting “donut” and attach it in the same way as the first. If you want to make everything more neat, you can hide the elastic band under some kind of decoration.

This braid is a more original and interesting form of the well-known “spikelet”, but you can make such a hairstyle for a girl in just 15 minutes. Before starting work, it is advisable to lightly spray the hair with varnish or straighten it with an iron - this will help to avoid ugly "roosters" in the finished hairstyle.

  • From the “tail” remaining from the braid, collect a beautiful bump and secure it with hairpins or stealth.
  • Weave the braid and tie a beautiful bow at the end.
  • Leave the resulting tail, not forgetting to tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or ribbon. It will look very nice if you slightly twist the tail with a curling iron.

Simple and beautiful modern hairstyles

Such hairstyles are perfect not only for school or a walk, but also for any holiday or reception. They look very original and fresh, and making them is quite simple, and it does not take much time.

This is another ponytail hairstyle that will make your daughter look like a real princess!

  1. To begin, collect your hair high and, after separating one top strand, hide the elastic band under the hair.
  2. Now mentally divide the entire length of the hair into 5-6 equal segments and separate each one with a small rubber band.
  3. Gently pull out the hair in each gap, trying to create a balloon. Try not to overdo it, otherwise the strands will start to come out, and the whole hairstyle will be ruined.

french twist

A slightly simplified version of this trendy hairstyle, more suitable for children, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful. This bright and original hairstyle can even be done for a girl at graduation.

  1. To begin with, carefully comb the hair and remove it to one side. We fix with stealth or hairpins so that the future “twist” does not fall apart.
  2. Then we wrap all the hair to the side (if you originally laid the hair on left side- turn right, if on the right - vice versa). The resulting "bundle" is also fixed with stealth.
  3. We collect the remaining length of the hair in a regular low ponytail and hide the elastic band under the strand of hair. Ready!

Of course, there are a huge number of other interesting and beautiful hairstyles, but we showed the simplest and most popular options, step by step describing the process of their creation.

Now you can delight yourself and your daughter with new ideas every morning, some of which you can even adopt for yourself. And although the creation of hairstyles is something creative and free, you should still follow a few rules.

Rules for beautiful children's hairstyles

  • Pull all your hair back into your hair.

If you are collecting a girl for school, then you should not forget where she goes. Try to collect hair so that it does not interfere with the child during study, do not climb into the eyes, etc.

In addition, you should not make a little girl too complicated or fanciful hairstyle: children are children, and for sure there will be nothing left of styling within an hour, and you will be offended for the time and effort spent.

  • Do not use a lot of cosmetics.

Of course, on holidays everyone wants beautiful hairstyle, and varnish can help a lot in its creation. However, this is undesirable for a child - at such a young age it is not at all necessary to torment hair with varnishes, gels and mousses.

If you still want to style your hair well, then it’s better to use burdock oil- it not only does not harm the hair, but even benefits them. Also try to minimize the use of various irons, curling irons, hair dryers, etc. Successful creations!