(!LANG: It means paradise. How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman. Raisa's career and business

According to the first version, the female name Raisa came from Arabic word"rais" and means "boss" or "leader". According to the second, this is a variant of the name Iraida, which, translated from ancient Greek takes on the meaning of "heroine" or "daughter of the hero".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Sapphire
  • Color: gray
  • Wood: pine
  • plant: tulip
  • Animal: lark
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Raisa is a quiet girl who prefers quiet activities. She almost never takes part in noisy games and is not the leader in children's tricks and pranks. However, with her departure, all games stop, and the company goes home. There is something in a girl with this name that attracts others to her. From the very early years She is independent and self-confident. Able to argue even with the elders. Confidently defends his innocence. If someone allows himself to treat her in a boorish way and infringes on her rights, he may be rude in response.

The secret of the name Rais hides a realist who looks at life soberly and has no illusions about others. This is a very practical person. She rarely has her head in the clouds, preferring to practice real deeds. In communication with loved ones, he absolutely does not tolerate omissions and lies. To deceive Paradise means to lose a friend in her face forever. To negative traits girls can be attributed to excessive vindictiveness. She remembers insults for a very long time and almost never forgives her offenders.

Autumn Raisa cannot get married for a long time. This is especially true for those born in September. Zimnyaya often finds herself involved in numerous problems of her relatives, which she is forced to solve even to her own detriment. Born in the spring, overly vulnerable and closed. As for the summer, she is usually a wonderful hostess and wife.

Interests and hobbies

Raisa analytical warehouse mind. She is calm and diligent. Thanks to these features, the exact sciences are well given to her. Often, as a hobby, she chooses needlework, and those that require great attention and perseverance - for example, knitting or beadwork.

Profession and business

Raisa can choose any profession - from a shop assistant to a programmer. It all depends on life circumstances and education received in youth. If necessary, even with higher education, may agree to a not very prestigious job (if it pays well). This shows the practicality of a woman with this name. She will never let her children have nothing to eat.


Raisa may have problems with her kidneys and pancreas. She needs to watch her diet, avoiding excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods. Obesity is another problem that often overtakes her in adulthood. With the birth of a child, she often gains extra pounds, which it can be very difficult for her to get rid of.

Sex and love

Raisa is a passionate and temperamental lover. But at the same time, the choice of a sexual partner is approached with great care. Most often, it turns out to be only the person for whom she would agree to marry. If she is mistaken with the choice of such a man, then she suffers personal disappointment in her soul for a very long time, does not trust others. The next gentleman should seriously try to make the owner of this name believe in feelings.

Family and marriage

Raisa is usually a patient and devoted wife who is faithful to her husband. She can put up with the stinginess and even tyranny of her husband, adjusting to his difficult character. Family relationships are very important to her. Whatever happens to a spouse: job loss or a serious illness, he will always find support and comfort in his wife. Divorce Paradise can only in the most extreme case. In marriage, she often has two children, and usually boys are born.

Forms of the name Raisa

Short form of the name Raisa. Paradise, Raechka, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Isa, Raiska. Brief and diminutive variants: Rayushka, Raiska, Raisochka, Raisonka.

Raisa's name in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 賴莎 (Lài shā). Japanese: ライサ (Raisa). Armenian: Ռաիսա (Rraisa). Yiddish: רייסא (Ryysʼa). Ukrainian: Raisa. Marathi: रइसा (Ra "isā). English: Raisa (Raisa).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Raisa, Belarusian Raisa, Polish Raisa, Finnish Raisa.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Raisa.

origin of the name Raisa

The name Raisa has several versions of origin. According to one of them, AT Orthodox saints the name Raisa corresponds to the name Iraida, so it is possible that Raisa is one of the forms of the name.

According to another version of the origin, perhaps the name Raisa has, comes from the Arabic "rais" - "chief", "leader".

The nature of the name Raisa

At first glance, Raisa is an angel in the flesh, she looks so charming, calm and responsive. In fact, the character of Raisa resembles flint - she is practical, independent, efficient, wise, decisive, independent, but irritable and quick-tempered. Raisa has the ability to calm quarrels and conflicts, she looks at life soberly, you will never meet emptiness in her actions, she does everything as it should. Raisa has a choleric temperament, but she knows how to keep her feelings and emotions "in check".

The most important thing in Raisa's life is work. She has an enviable ability to work, loves to teach everyone. That is why the best professions for this woman will be a teacher or educator. Raisa, born in winter, can try her hand at programming and mathematics. A woman named Raisa will make an excellent tour guide, journalist, medical worker. In professional relations, Raisa considers her colleagues to be serious opponents, and sometimes even enemies. Purposeful, she always achieves her goals. Raisa is independent in her judgment and will never bend to people who are above her in rank. This woman is very reliable, and always brings what she started to the end.

The secret of the name Raisa

Such a woman does not like to cheat. She always tells the truth, especially in family life. For Raisa, it is better to remain silent than to make excuses. She feels when she is being lied to. The penetrating gaze of such a woman can lead anyone to a dead end.

Raisa never throws tantrums, she tries to figure everything out on her own. True, if she is offended, she can withdraw into herself and withdraw. If Raisa is treated well, she also responds with kindness and provides for the lives of her loved ones.

In a company, such a woman is a leader. She behaves relaxed, loves noisy parties and being the center of attention. May lose control of himself if he drinks too much.

Astrological characteristics of the name

10. Type. These women are as strong as nature itself. Possess several male character. They start like an arrow or a lark. They are choleric, so it is better not to tease them.

11. Psyche. They like contact with the outside world, but they are absolutely unaffected.

12. Will. They are very demanding both to themselves and to others. Often I wish they were more tolerant.

13. Excitability. They are often restless, which sometimes spoils even their best impulses.

14. Reaction speed. These women respond to attacks so violently that you can't stand on your feet. Their husbands must come to terms with this ... however, as well as relatives!

15. Field of activity. Raisa is extremely hardworking and always achieves her goal. The scope of their activities is very extensive: they become doctors, pharmacists, are fond of the exact sciences, languages. Among them there are agronomists, even hostesses of bars and cafes. All of them are by nature educators and teachers, and in any work they strive to teach.

16. Intuition. They do not even want to hear about it, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

17. Susceptibility. These women prefer to wait until others make the first move.

18. Morality. Raisa's own moral principles depend on the foundations of her environment.

19. Health. They tend to be overweight, so they need to follow the diet. They should be engaged in swimming, hardening, spend vacations at sea, because they need iodine. Weak organs are the stomach and genitals.

20. Sexuality. For them, it is primarily a pleasure, how to live well and eat deliciously. In relation to men, they show a certain aggressiveness. In childhood, they are closer to their father than to their mother. Growing up, they do not succumb to impulses of sensuality, they are guided by calculation. Great value give the bonds of marriage. They don't like other women.

21. Activity. They consider their work colleagues to be opponents, even enemies, but, if necessary, they can moderate their aggressiveness.

22. Sociability. Raisa is friendly as long as it doesn't go against her interests.

23. Conclusion. These are not the women who are easy to live with, but they are so stubbornly moving towards the goal, they have such efficiency and strive for good so much that it is not a sin to bow their heads before them. Which is what some men do in the end ... The only advice to the latter is to beware of their anger!

Compatibility of the name Raisa and patronymic

Raisa Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna, at first glance, a modest, balanced woman. But she has strong character, she is decisive, stubborn, domineering, energetic, secretive. Under her amiability and sociability, deep dissatisfaction often lurks. Raisa dreams of ardent passion; sublime love, but most often her. personal life develops more prosaically. She is getting married. either very early, or already after thirty years. In the first case, marriage. unsuccessful and does not last long due to her inexperience, inability to understand her feelings. Raisa is getting married again on a sober calculation, with a full understanding of what she is getting into. From the first marriage there is a son, in the second, children of different sexes can be born. . When Raisa marries after thirty, she can count on strong family, stable relationship, but for cloudless happiness - hardly. Her husband is usually much older than her, smarter, more intelligent, burdened with caring for children from her first marriage. Raisa is a clean hostess, a good cook. Her house has everything, she knows the value of money, knows how to spend it prudently. She is hospitable, loves society, she visits friends with pleasure. . But she doesn't have any close friends. There are periods when it is difficult for Raisa to hide her longing for unfulfilled hopes, she is depressed, dejected, but she will not share with anyone what is in her soul.

Raisa Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna is somewhat slow and imposing. Carefully monitors his appearance. Pedantic, punctual. Adheres to strict moral rules family traditions, does not deviate one iota from generally accepted norms. Very restrained in the manifestation of feelings, secretive. But all this does not prevent her from getting along well with people. She knows how to remain silent, to give in, remaining at her opinion. Marriage is not in a hurry, thoroughly approaches the choice of a spouse. She rejects many offers, waiting for her betrothed. She cannot marry only by calculation, she must definitely feel a feeling of love for her future husband. Not very happy in marriage. Her excessive restraint cools her husband's ardor. Raisa would gladly throw herself into his arms, but her pride does not allow it. As a result family life turns into a monotonous existence, every day is clearly planned, scheduled by the minute, all household members have their own responsibilities. Often a spouse in such a life is looking for diversity on the side. Raisa has excellent intuition and insight, guesses about love adventures her husband, but does not show it, pride hinders her here too. This woman does not like to cook, but she is happy to clean up the house and improve it. Always fit, elegant, looks great. She has children of different sexes, but most often she has only one child.

Raisa Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna is independent and determined. Not cruel, but strict and demanding of others. Benevolent, not capable of meanness. Attracts weak men. Picky in partners, cannot enter into short-term relationships, does not share love and sex. Does not seek to get married, but is afraid to be alone. A little grumbling, fussy. It is difficult to make friends, rely more on himself and does not need outside participation. Having fallen in love, but not feeling reciprocity, he will find the strength to break off relations, he will not seek reciprocity. Proud and independent. A sober look at any life situation never changes her. Can surround himself the right people, likes to do favors to others in the expectation that someday she will be helped. Quite temperamental, sexy and does not hide it. In marriage, a wonderful mistress - economical, clean, her house is a full bowl. Doesn't bother himself with preparing lunches or dinners every day, prefers to make do with sandwiches or convenience foods, but guests can be surprised unusual dish. In the marriage of Raisa with such patronymics, they are quite happy. They give birth to children of different sexes.

Raisa Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Simonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna is an introvert by nature. Domineering, energetic, stubborn, irritable, in a fit of anger - uncontrollable. Painfully endures failures and defeats. She is successful with men, spoiled by their attention, few of them manage to win her. If Raisa falls in love, then once. You don't always marry for love. In such cases, her marriage is not too happy, but the family is calm, the relationship is stable, based on mutual trust and respect. Raisa herself is not a lover of romantic adventures on the side; she will not forgive her husband for betrayal. She skillfully manages the household, but at the same time manages to build a good career. She has an organizational streak, knows how to set things right, but then she can leave everything and do something at that moment more interesting for her. She needs to act all the time, spend the energy that is in full swing in her. Such Raisa has many friends from among influential people, good connections. She is lively and inquisitive. Longs for change, new experiences. Passionate and sexy. If the spouse does not satisfy her physiological needs, finds a way to distract herself, goes headlong into work, is fond of art, reads a lot. But if such Raisa marries for love, then her husband is the most happy man in the world. She gives birth to more boys.

Raisa Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna is very energetic, does not tolerate monotony, is a lover of risk, thrills. Fussy, creates a lot of difficulties for himself and his loved ones. Imperious, seeks to lead a spouse and children. Stubborn, stubborn, assertive. Enjoys increased attention of men, attractive, cheerful. Knows how to cheer everyone up, get others around. The company behaves cheerfully, relaxed. She sings well and loves to dance. Before marriage, often changes partners, highly sexual, temperamental. Uncomplexed, likes to have fun, it is interesting to spend time. Marries early, most often successfully. She helps her husband build a career, but she herself does not become a housewife, she tries to achieve something in the professional field. He manages the household well, organizes it so that everyone in the family has his own duties, helps her. Everyone in her family is united, close, friendly and love each other. Raisa is their backbone. Children of different sexes are born to her, but more often daughters who grow up independent, ready for all the vicissitudes of life.

Positive traits of the name

Raisa has a bright personality. She is gifted with a vibrant creative imagination. Raisa is smart, witty, charming. She lacks only one thing - a sense of reality.

Negative traits of the name

Raisa is often restless, nervous and emotionally unstable. Her selfishness becomes all the more painful, her intolerance towards people is more acute, the more likely a successful career is.

Choosing a profession by name

Raisa is the most wonderful companion. She knows everything in the world and nothing really. Superficial, incapable of deep insight into the essence of things, she has a rare talent for storytelling. Her possible professions may be in the field literary creativity, politics, linguistics, electronics.

The impact of the name on business

In life, Raisa often lacks material well-being, household comfort and just pocket money.

The impact of the name on health

Origin: The name Raisa (simple Raisya) is presumably ancient Greek origin- from the word "radia", which means light, careless. According to another version, the name Raisa comes from the Arabic word for "boss". The name Raisa means light, submissive, compliant, careless, boss.

Meaning: The power of the energy of this name penetrates into the sphere of emotions with a penetrating stream, giving rise to an image of passion. His sound asserts itself with scope and perseverance. It is perceived as cold and brave. But this does not mean at all that most Rais are masculine warriors. General impression on behalf of - good, big and bright. The name Rais is not often found, but its use is stable - one or two in a thousand other names.

Name zodiac: Virgo.

Planet: Mercury (Saturn).

name color: Gray, blue, ruby ​​red with blue-gray, steel, red, brown. The most favorable colors are orange and white. The active, even rebellious red color of the name of Paradise does not disappear with age, but is complemented by pure and deep blue.

Talisman stone: Sapphire, agate, amber.

Plant: Pine, tulip.

Animal: Lark.

Main features: Activity, strength, will, health, perseverance, practicality, scrupulousness in work, gaiety and joy.

Type of: Equal in communication with loved ones. Strong as nature itself. Has a somewhat masculine character. Launches like an arrow or a lark. Choleric, so it is better not to tease her.

Name and character: Raisa is impetuous and uncontrollable by anyone and nothing but her own interests. It does not lend itself to any influence, but it likes to test its power on others. Demanding both to himself and to others. Extraordinarily hardworking. Always achieves his goal. Maybe a friend, if it does not conflict with her interests. Unrestrained in anger, vindictive. But she is so smart and talented that even her enemies, gritting their teeth, forgive her for her sins. Raisa's bright character combines strength with flexibility. She is characterized by a sense of self-confidence, independence in decision-making. A large personality, always open, but dangerous for his enemies. He tries to avoid quarrels, disputes, showdowns.

Fate: Raisa irresistibly crashes into different layers of life - work, family, and even the fall into sin, and everywhere she rises to the occasion, because she knows how to bring things to the end she needs. Relentless. Not a woman but diamond drill. As a child, Raya is always in the center of children's games and fun, makes the children unite, forget insults and engage in common cause. The combination of mobility and commitment in the character of Raisa has been present all her life.

Mind: Raisa likes to communicate with others. The tendency to analyze helps her avoid emotional outbursts and eliminate conflicts in the bud. However, if it explodes, then the force of this explosion will be colossal. Raisa is an everyday woman, without complexes.

Intuition: He does not believe in any intuition, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

Intelligence: Communication with Raisa does not cause any trouble to an outsider, since she usually takes the initiative in the conversation herself. He behaves very kindly and diplomatically. However, it is quite difficult to win her over to your side.

Moral: Moral principles Raisa depend on the foundations of her environment. She does not forgive deceit - immediately and forever terminates all relationships. From others, she expects a return equivalent to the emotions and forces spent by her. And she will answer the blow with a blow, sometimes three times the blow of the offender.

Health: Raisa tends to be overweight, so she needs to follow her diet. Weak organs are the stomach and genitals. Raisa should be engaged in swimming, hardening, and spend holidays at sea, as her body needs iodine.

Sexuality: In relation to men, Raisa shows a certain aggressiveness. As a child, he stays close to his father. Growing up, it does not give in to breakthroughs of sensuality, it is guided by calculation. Doesn't like women. Attaches great importance to the bonds of marriage. Her sexual possibilities are practically unlimited, both quantitatively and qualitatively. She loves variety, change of sensations in erotic games. Sex for her is good performance where there are improvisations. With a partner, she first checks his psychological and physical capabilities. She finds an intimate understanding with Alexei, Yuri, Fedor, Mikhail, Sergei, Peter, Ruben, Gleb and Vladimir.

Marriage: Raisa is a good hostess. In the family, she dominates, forms the whole way of life. Under her leadership, the family successfully overcomes all difficulties. When everything is good in the family, Raisa is all radiant and glowing. She gets along with all the relatives. Usually Raisa and her husband form a quite stable and harmonious couple. It is almost impossible to break such an alliance. The husband does not even notice how he becomes an instrument in her hands. But by old age, her desire to influence people often turns into grouchiness and grumbling.

Favorable alliances: with Vladimir, Gleb, Evgeny, Mikhail, Sergey, Fedor or Yuri.

Unfavorable alliances: with Igor, Stepan and Yakov.

Hobbies: Likes to travel or just relax in nature. Thirsts for new experiences, including sexual ones. She likes to shop for the whole family - and she does it especially well. In the company behaves relaxed and cheerful, likes to sing.

Field of work: The scope of its activities is very extensive. Her energetic nature makes her pay a lot of attention, career and professional growth. She can become a doctor, a pharmacist, she is fond of the exact sciences, languages. Raisa is by nature an educator and teacher, she strives to teach everyone. Among such women there are agronomists, hostesses of bars and cafes.

Business: As a rule, Raisa does not try to create a good, albeit a false impression about herself. Cunning and resourcefulness are not peculiar to her. She strives to go ahead, overcoming troubles and misfortunes with work and perseverance. Neutralizes emerging conflicts. He loves sensation, enthusiastically picks up new ideas. Sometimes it seems that she is happy with everything in the world. But behind this seeming satisfaction, Raisa usually continues to bend her own line of the behavior of people she needs. Everyone notices her organizational skills, so she often takes the lead.

Celebrities: Glezer, Gorbacheva, Kirsanova, Nemchinskaya, Nedashkovskaya, Plotnikova, Ryazanov, Smetanina, Sayed-Shah, Trukhina.

From the history: Raisa (Pulcheria) was the sister of the Roman emperor Theodosius II, who forbade her to marry. After the death of her brother, she married Flavius ​​Marcian and in 450 elevated him to the throne. Thanks to the support of Raisa, he had the courage to refuse tribute to the leader of the Huns, Atilla.

/ Raisa

Raisa's name Russian name, original and quite rare. It is believed that the name comes from the word "reistos" - light (ancient Greek). The meaning of the name Raisa is "light, careless, soaring." According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic word "raisat". Its meaning is "commanding".

The name carries light and light energy, is associated with air and scattered streams of sunlight.

Raisa: the meaning of the name and its influence on character

The meaning of the name directly affects the character of its owner. On the one hand, Raisa is a joyful person who never loses heart and has a wonderful sense of humor. On the other hand, she is not devoid of authority and leadership qualities. She is very demanding both to herself and to the people around her. This is a very purposeful and strong-willed woman. She is hardworking and diligent, thanks to which she achieves success in everything she undertakes. Raisa is self-sufficient, self-confident. Often gifted with creative talents.

In communication, Raya is friendly, affable. Complexes are alien to her. She is a realist, not used to soaring in the clouds, she evaluates everything logically. He does not have intuition and does not believe in it.

Name origin

AT Orthodox calendar the name appeared thanks to the great martyr Raisa of Alexandria (IV century). Initially, in Russia, this name was a monastic one, and was not found in the world. Wide use it received after October revolution. Along with the etymological meaning, people often associate this name with the word "paradise", with airy and bright images, angels.


Fatalism is a term that means nothing to Raisa. She strives to be the mistress of her own destiny. He succeeds in all spheres of life: he successfully completes any business he starts. She is a wonderful hostess loving wife and mom, successful in her career. He tries not to depend on other people and the will of chance. Very prudent. The bright energy of the name has a beneficial effect on her fate.

name day

Raisa celebrates Angel Day on September 18 and October 16. She has only one patroness - Raisa of Alexandria.


Rai is not in very good health. To strengthen her immunity, she needs annual leave on the seashore, hardening and proper balanced nutrition. Vulnerabilities - the digestive and reproductive systems.


Raisa knows how to manage her partner very wisely and subtly. In the family, she takes on the role of a hidden or overt leader. Under her sensitive and caring guidance, all problems of the family are solved. Usually, she is happy in love, and her marriage is strong and harmonious.

Names with which Rai has good compatibility: Yuri, Fedor, Sergey, Evgeny, Mikhail, Gleb, Vladimir.

Relationships with a man named Stepan, Igor, Yakov can be difficult.

Protect, zodiac, colors.

  • The sign that harmonizes with the name: Virgo,
  • Charm stones: amber (a symbol meaning love and warmth) and agate (a stone meaning well-being, will bring health and longevity to Raisa),
  • Totem: lark,
  • Charm plants: tulips and pine.

The meaning of the name Raisa, translated from the ancient Greek language, is "compliant, light, submissive."

The girl, who received the name Raisa, grows up as a sociable woman, endowed with charm and the ability to avoid conflicts. Hesitations and doubts are alien to her, she does not hover in the clouds, being able to objectively assess the situation, she stands firmly on the ground. He treats those around him kindly.

Raisa never submits to emotions, she does not trust her intuition, preferring to give a sober assessment of events. All her further actions logically calculated. She is always ready to listen to others and provide assistance, or give advice, but she expects an adequate attitude towards herself.

In joy and in sorrow, Raisa does not change her critical attitude towards life. -

She becomes the real head of the family. Boldly takes responsibility for her decisions. All family members implicitly obey her, and she, in turn, finds optimal solutions to get out of the most difficult situations.

Raisa is appreciated at work, the task entrusted to her will be completed accurately and on time. She is respected not only by colleagues, but also by management, despite the fact that she always defends her own point of view, fawning is alien to her, she does not know how to flatter. However, a woman named Raisa always maintains warm relations with people who can do her a favor. The Latin proverb "The hand washes the hand" largely determines her life credo.

Lying causes her physiological disgust. Once a person who has deceived her trust is finally and irrevocably deleted from the list of friends or acquaintances. Similarly, Raisa behaves in own family. She immediately knows how to distinguish between deceit, so it’s better not to try to cheat with her. By the way, Raisa not only cannot stand lies from other people, but she herself never resorts to it.

She just has a gift for housekeeping. Everything in the house sparkles and shines. She can turn every lunch or dinner into a small celebration, the dishes prepared by her are so tasty and unusual. She becomes the center of a small Universe - a family. Children receive an excellent upbringing, Raisa easily finds mutual language with her husband's relatives. He cares for the sick and infirm with care and concern.

Sex for her is an opportunity to compensate for the routine Everyday life. A woman named Raisa willingly experiments, looking for new sensations.

Most often, he chooses medicine, pedagogy, journalism as a field of activity, where he achieves significant success.

See also the meaning of the name:

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery female name Raisa will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Raisa cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, therefore on our website you will also find various horoscopes, compatibility pages, find out what it means to belong to one or another sign of various calendars. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Raisa means, but also your zodiac sign, an animal according to the Eastern Calendar and much more.

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Raisa means "light", and translated from Arabic - "chief", "leader".

Name origin: The name Raisa has several versions of origin. The first version states that given name has Greek roots, and the second is that Raisa is an Arabic name. The patron of the name is the martyr Raisa, who believed in God and lived a charitable life. The pagans forced her to give up her faith, but Raisa believed only in the power of the Lord. After long torment and beatings, Raisa was thrown to be torn to pieces by lions, but when she began to pray, the predators retreated. Then the martyr was beheaded. In our country, the peak of the popularity of the name was in Soviet times. Currently, this name is rare, but it has a strong and good energy, so parents who choose the name of their daughter should pay attention to the name Raisa.
Other forms: Paradise, Isa, Raiska, Rayushka.

March - 8th;

August - 7th;

September - 5, 18, 23;

October - 6th.

Name characteristic

The secret of the name Rais endows its owners with such qualities of character as independence, courage, calmness. Women with this name have a sober outlook on life, they are kind and energetic, they love to show leadership skills.

As a child, Raisa is a lively and cheerful girl, she is calm and silent. Very inventive, often comes up with different ideas. funny Games. However, in the company of friends, she is calm and quiet. AT school years Raisa is responsible and hardworking, she studies well and always pleases her parents with good grades. She has many friends, she is cheerful and open. Growing up, Raisa becomes independent, responsible, she will not allow anyone to stand in her way. In a fit of anger, Raisa does not know how to control her emotions, she is malicious, vengeful.

A woman named Raisa can be safely called an "angel in the flesh." Outwardly, she is charming, calm and responsive. But in fact she has complex nature She is practical, independent, efficient, wise, determined, independent, irritable and quick-tempered. This woman has the ability to calm quarrels and conflicts, she knows how to look at life realistically. Raisa has a choleric temperament, but she knows how to keep her feelings and emotions "in check".

A special place in Raisa's life is occupied by her work, which she cherishes and gives herself completely. The owners of this name always achieve their goals, they are purposeful and independent. Never adapt to other people, and always do as they see fit. Raisa is a reliable and self-confident woman who always finishes what she starts.

The nature of the name

The owners of the name Larisa have a strong will and nature. In their character you can find many masculine qualities. Raisa's interests are above all. Sometimes this woman is uncontrollable. He never gives in to other people's influence, but he loves to use his power on other people. She is demanding of herself and others, very hardworking. A woman with this name does not rely on her own intuition, but is guided by common sense. In anger, she is sharp and angry, she will always take revenge on her offender.

Raisa has sober views on life, she does not like to take risks and is guided only by facts. In communication, women named Raisa are open, they know how to have fun. In her character, the traits of a leader are clearly visible, she loves to manipulate and control people.

"Winter" - calm, responsible;

"Autumn" - reasonable, prudent;

"Summer" - simple-minded, sharp in statements;

"Spring" - cautious, prudent.

The fate of the name

As a child, Raisa at first glance seems quiet and inconspicuous, but leadership qualities are expressed in her character. She is organized and quick-witted, often coming up with her own rules for playing various games. Already in childhood, Raya demonstrates a strong character and self-righteousness. She does not like to obey someone else's will, but at the same time she likes to rule over others. She is kind and fair, she always helps her parents around the house, she is a good student at school. Growing firmness in the character of Raisa, it becomes more pronounced, she is resolute and stubborn. However, this woman is very smart, practical and charming. When meeting Raisa, she creates the impression of a sympathetic, kind and sincere person. However, in complex or critical situations she reveals other sides of her character, and can be harsh in her statements, stubborn and angry. In adulthood, Raisa knows how to control her emotions, becomes more restrained and calm. The owner of this name does not know how to forgive deceit or betrayal and will always take revenge on her offenders. She can easily delete from her life the person who hurt her and will definitely find a way to take revenge on him.

Raisa's professional activity often occupies the main place in her life. She is extremely stubborn, likes to teach other people. Thanks to such qualities, she easily moves along career ladder and always holds high positions. If Raisa works as a leader, then it will not be easy for her subordinates. She is demanding, domineering, likes to control other people. Raisa is ideally suited for the profession of an educator or teacher. He can also work in the banking sector, as a journalist, programmer. Can realize itself in the field of tourism.

Outwardly, Raisa is attractive, has good taste, many fans. However, the choice of a life partner is very responsible. AT family relationships she prefers to be a leader, so her man should be complaisant and calm. Raisa is a good wife and loving mother, but excessive hard work often puts the family on the back burner. Raisa's house is always in perfect order, she is hospitable and economic.

Raisa's health is not very strong. She is emotional and unbalanced. Such character traits often lead to nervous disorders. In addition, Raisa often complains of headaches and bowel problems. The owners of this name should take more time to rest and avoid overexertion or fatigue.

Positive traits of the name

Raisa is a bright individual personality with a great creative imagination. She is smart and very hardworking. Always relies only on facts and rarely trusts his intuition.

Negative traits of the name

Women named Raisa are often unbalanced, sharp, and nervous. They are emotionally unstable, so they should not fall under " hot hand". Raisa is self-confident, domineering, vengeful and vindictive.