Exercises on a fitball - a set of exercises for every day, video. Useful exercises for exercises on a fitball. Exercises on a fitball

Nowadays it is hardly possible to find a fitness club that does not offer fitball training. This equipment has gained great popularity because exercises with it are interesting and, most importantly, effective for losing weight. In addition, anyone can purchase a fitball and do the exercises on their own.

What can the projectile be used for?

A fitball is a large ball that is designed to do many things. physical exercise. At one time, the projectile was invented for people with back problems. But later the scope of the fitball began to expand, and now it is not only a simulator for rehabilitation. With its help, you can effectively lose excess weight; exercises with a ball are successfully used in fitness for weight loss.

Fitball exercises allow you to:

  • create and correct posture. When performing exercises on the ball, you must constantly maintain balance. Consequently, the work involves the torso muscles, which are often not loaded in many other workouts, but they are the ones responsible for straight posture. In addition, exercises with a fitball train the muscles that allow you to keep your body upright when walking or other movements;
  • strengthen the abdominal press. The need to maintain balance also involves the abdominal muscles. And additional abdominal exercises allow you to work this area much more effectively and make your stomach flat;
  • tighten your buttocks, and much more effectively than with other exercise machines;
  • increase body flexibility and stretching.

It should be noted that the fitness ball has no age restrictions: both children and the elderly can use it. In addition, fitball can be used by people with different physical fitness and health conditions.

What effect does exercise with fitball have on the body?

A distinctive feature of the projectile is that during training with it several apparatuses are simultaneously used: motor, vestibular, visual and tactile.

In order to even just sit on such an unstable object as a ball, it is necessary to include the muscles of the back, “core”, etc. in the work. Therefore, the muscle tissue of the body and ligaments are intensively strengthened. In addition, the vestibular apparatus is trained and coordination of movements is improved.
Thanks to the round shape of the fitball, the range of movements increases when performing exercises. Accordingly, muscle stretching improves and joints warm up.
The ball tends to spring during training. Such oscillatory movements of the projectile make it possible to stimulate the work of internal organs and systems: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Exercises with a fitball help speed up your metabolism. All metabolic processes in the body are activated, which promotes health improvement, strengthening the immune system and weight loss.

How to choose a fitball

The effectiveness and comfort of training largely depends on how correctly the equipment is chosen.. In addition, a well-chosen ball will eliminate possible injuries and sprains.
The size of the fitball is selected depending on the height of the person or the length of his arm, which is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

Table: fitball diameter

If there is no centimeter nearby, then the ball can be picked up using another method. You need to sit on the top of the fitball, with your knees bent at an angle of 90° and your feet pressed firmly to the floor. If you can maintain this position, then the size of the fitball is suitable for training.

When purchasing a ball, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • There should not be any pungent odor, which indicates the presence of components harmful to health in the rubber. During training, breathing becomes more intense and deeper, and inhaling toxic substances will cause significant damage to health;
  • the density of the rubber must be high enough, otherwise there is a possibility that the fitball may burst under dynamic loads;
  • the rubber from which the ball is made must be uniform over the entire surface, otherwise, over time, bulges or depressions may appear on the projectile;
  • the seams on the fitball should not be too noticeable, much less stick out;
  • the nipple must be firmly pressed into the surface of the ball;
  • It is desirable that the fitball be equipped with an anti-burst system. Then, if there is an accidental puncture or cut, the ball will simply slowly deflate. The document for such a product will be marked ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality);
  • a good projectile should have antistatic properties. This eliminates the accumulation of dust and dirt on its surface;
  • A high-quality fitball should be warm to the touch.

When choosing a projectile, you should also focus on who it will be intended for. There are several types of ball:

  • smooth fitball is universal;
  • fitball “with horns” - used in training children and pregnant women. “Horns” are needed to maintain balance and additional support;
  • a projectile with spikes allows you to additionally combat cellulite deposits.

Workouts with a fitball for weight loss at home

Ball activity includes mandatory warm-up, during which all muscle groups warm up. Then comes the main training to strengthen muscle tissue. Special attention Focused on problem areas: abdominals, hips, buttocks. The final stage of the session should be stretching.

To lose excess weight and give your figure a toned appearance, exercise with a fitball should be repeated 2-3 times a week. In this case, the training duration should be 40–60 minutes.

In order for the exercises to bring the expected results, you need to breathe correctly:

  • you cannot hold your breath;
  • all efforts must be made while exhaling, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Abdominal Strengthening

Video: abdominal exercises

Passing the ball

This exercise allows you to effectively tighten your stomach. It can be recommended to women who want to recover after the birth of a baby.

  1. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms behind your head and take a fitball (position A).
  2. Tighten your stomach and rise, bring the ball to your feet and grab it with your feet (position B).
  3. Place your arms and legs on the floor (position C).
  4. Rise up again and take the fitball with your hands.

Number of repetitions: 8–12 times.

Abs + thighs

The exercise allows you to tighten your stomach and adjust your hips.

  1. The fitball should be clasped with your legs (position A).
  2. Pull your legs towards your chest, while raising your pelvis (position B).
  3. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. For those who want to complicate the exercise, you can simultaneously raise your shoulders with your legs, holding your hands behind your head.

Do 8-10 reps.

Making your waist thinner

To reduce your waist size, you should also work on your oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Sit on a fitball with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head.
  2. Turn your torso to the right, and you should also raise your right leg.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat turns 12–15 times.
  4. Then do everything in the same sequence in the other direction 12–15 times.

Working on the buttocks

Buttocks + hamstrings

  1. The fitball should be pressed tightly between the lower back and the wall (position A).
  2. Then you should squat deeply (position B) and rise to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, you noticeably feel the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh tightening. Squats should be repeated 8–12 times.

Buttocks + outer thighs

When performing this exercise, not only the muscles of the buttocks and outer thighs are tightened, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. You need to kneel down and lean your right side against the apparatus, clasping it with your right hand.
  2. Raise your left leg.
  3. On the count of “one”, pull your left knee towards the ball, on the count of “two” straighten your leg to the side.

Repeat the exercise 8-12 times, and then change sides.

Pelvic lift

After just a few workouts, the results will be noticeable.

  1. Lie on the floor with your arms outstretched and your feet on the ball (position A).
  2. Raise your hips above the floor (position B).
  3. As you exhale, bend your knees. In this case, the ball should remain under the feet (position C).
  4. Inhale and straighten your knees.

Repeat the exercise 8–10 times. In order for the buttocks to receive maximum load, the hips should be kept in constant support.

We strive for slender legs

Legs will not look slender if the inner thighs are not toned.

  1. While standing, place the ball between your legs.
  2. Bend your knees, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, keep your back straight.
  3. Squeeze the fitball tightly with your knees for two to three seconds.

Fitball is a universal sports equipment with which you can perform many exercises, and for the most different groups muscles. It is used both during the main workout at home and for warm-up exercises.

How to choose the right fitball for yourself?

Surely, coming to gym, you noted that not every fitball was equally convenient for you to perform certain exercises. Indeed, this is so, and in some cases a person will not even be properly tired due to the fact that the fitball was chosen incorrectly. Perhaps even here it is not the quality of the ball itself - the ratio of the height of the person himself and the fitball does not match.

There are two important points that you will need to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. The ball should be made of a hard material and should be inflated when you try it. Necessarily. Otherwise, there is every chance of purchasing a ball that actually allows air to pass through. It is logical to assume that with this approach you will under no circumstances conduct an effective workout. Never buy it without first trying it by touch, although this is easy to do. It will be enough to sit on the ball and evaluate your sensations. It will not be suitable if the landing is equivalent to being on a feather bed - the fitball must be hard. Otherwise, not only will you not bring any benefit to your health, but you also risk damaging the projectile itself (especially if your weight exceeds 100 kg);
  2. It is equally important to maintain the ratio of height and size of the fitball. In order to get the maximum benefit from training, you will need to proceed from the following formula: human height - 100 = fitball diameter.

A set of exercises that will bring results in the shortest possible time.

One important point, which will need to be clarified before you start performing a set of exercises using a Swiss ball - they all must be performed as a superset. This means that there should be no break in the exercises - different types are done right after each other. This will ensure maximum stress on the cardiovascular system and burn fats that you want to get rid of.

Before you start performing this set of exercises, you will need to go for a run (or exercise on an orbitrack), 7-10 minutes is enough, no more. In order to prepare the body for the upcoming process.

We pump the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles - twisting

This exercise is performed as follows:

  1. A person sits on a fitball in such a way that only the buttocks and a small area of ​​the lower back are on it. The legs should be stretched forward, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Hands locked behind your head. At first, while you get used to this set of exercises, you should perform it in front of a mirror; it will be easier to keep track of yourself and avoid making purely technical mistakes. It is very important to maintain this exact starting position so that you do not have to eliminate the back strain later;
  2. The first movement is that you try to reach your feet with your head. It is clear that you will not be able to fulfill this intention (few gymnasts are capable of this), but it should be fulfilled in this way. There is tension in the rectus abdominis muscle, which, when you lose excess weight, will give you the desired six-pack of perfect abs;
  3. This is followed by a side tilt - your hands are also locked behind your head, but only now you are leaning not in the center, but to the right. If you try to reach your right foot with your head, your attempt will most likely not be successful, but the technique of the exercise will undoubtedly be absolutely correct;
  4. Similar movements will need to be repeated on the left side. Such exercises perfectly work the oblique abdominal muscles - you get rid of fat from the sides, the so-called “ears”.

Movement in the other direction

This is where the approach ends. It will be necessary to do such “triples” of 30-40 repetitions, 5 approaches each, but these approaches should alternate with other exercises. One more thing - there should not be a break in which you do nothing, but in principle it is necessary (you just do another exercise at this time). The ideal option is to do raises and raises with dumbbells while lying on the floor. It's very simple - hold dumbbells with your arm straight and move them from the point of contact with the floor to the point of contact in front of your face (the angle of movement is 90 degrees). Such 10 - 15 repetitions and back to the fitball.

We work with the “lower” press

Removes all folds from the lower abdomen, destroys fat deposits. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth placing a metal disc on your stomach while performing the exercise - thanks to this, your muscles will be in constant tension. The exercise itself goes like this:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, wrap your feet around the Swiss ball and ensure maximum tension in your abdominal muscles. Throw your arms back, hold dumbbells or a weight plate so that you are not tempted to help yourself while doing the exercise, thereby reducing its effectiveness;
  2. Raise the fitball to maximum height- It is advisable to reach it to your face. It is very important to ensure that your legs do not bend at the knees. Otherwise, the entire effect of the exercise will be neutralized;
  3. Make sure that you perform the full range of motion - grab the exercise ball with your feet while it is still on the floor and lift it to the limit, and then carefully return it to the floor, without bending your knees even once. The exercise is done slowly, without haste. Do not try to deceive yourself and make the task easier for yourself - you should feel how each of your muscles tenses throughout the entire exercise.

Do these repetitions 20 times, 5 approaches. A break between this exercise and the next one can be a jump rope, so that you can further “warm up” the body.

Push-ups with feet resting on fitball

The final exercise, which is the most difficult of all listed. It is done as follows:

  1. Starting position - you lean on the fitball with your fingers, and with your hands (even better - your fists) you rest on the floor. At the same time, strive to position yourself in such a way that your buttocks are raised as much as possible, in order to ensure maximum load on precisely those muscle groups that will need to be tensed;
  2. Perform push-ups in such a way that your body reaches the floor without bending. In order to lose weight as quickly as possible, try to ensure maximum load - at the lowest point, when you feel maximum tension, stay for 10 seconds;
  3. After you do one push-up, return to the starting position and stay there for 3-4 seconds to restore your breathing and heart rate.

It is advisable to perform 15-20 push-ups, the number of series will also be 5. An exercise that can be done during the break is leg raises on the uneven bars. It is done as follows - go to the uneven bars and fix your body at the top point (stretched out on your arms). After this, lift your legs to the level of your lower back (perform leg swings). Ideally do 5 repetitions. You can do less, the most important thing is that you feel muscle tension - without this there is no way, the exercise loses all its effectiveness.

Important note!

Many people believe that intensive exercise with a fitball will replace your diet. This is a dangerous misconception, since no training, in principle, can replace it and allow you to eat whatever you want. A strict diet combined with intense exercise is a guarantee of results.

Supersets exclusively with exercises on a fitball

The versatility of this sports equipment allows you to perform complex exercises for all muscle groups. Below are six exercises that are done one after another, without interruption (3 series each - superset):

  1. Squats with a fitball near the wall. It is necessary to fix the ball from the wall with your back and perform deep squats, and then gradually straighten up. The number of repetitions is 10, then immediately proceed to the next exercise;
  2. Reverse hyperextension. You need to lie on your stomach on the fitball (so that its edges are under the costal arch) and take a lying position, and then perform leg raises with your back arched. 10 repetitions;
  3. Squats with an overhead exercise ball. Bend your back, lift the fitball in your arms, legs apart. In this position, perform squats, number of repetitions - 10;
  4. Fitball push-ups. It is necessary to lean on the fitball with your shins and feet, bend your torso slightly upward and perform push-ups, the recommended number is 10;
  5. Plank. Place your arms bent at the elbows on a fitball, legs apart. You must be in this position for at least 30 seconds (static load is performed);
  6. Hyperextension. Lie on your stomach on the fitball, hands behind your head. Perform flexion and extension exercises with the upper body, number - 10.

If this set of exercises was aimed at strengthening the back muscles, then the following superset allows you to work the muscles of the arms, chest and abdomen:

You will need to perform three such supersets, with a break of 1 minute between each.

Many are already familiar with the fitball, which is also called the Swiss ball. It is recommended to buy it for almost everyone who wants to lose weight.

Gymnastics on a fitball helps develop strength and achieve a slim, fit figure, and increase muscle tone. Exercises from such gymnastics are often recommended by doctors to their patients during rehabilitation after injuries.

Fitball is suitable for pregnant women and older people, as it allows you to perform exercises that are difficult for the muscles without putting stress on the spine and joints.

With such sports equipment, any actively involved person will find a lot of new solutions to improve the effect of their exercises.

The gymnastic ball is made from special materials, thanks to which it has wonderful shock-absorbing properties that help relieve tension from the muscles and reduce the level of stress on the joints and spine. Exercises on a fitball can significantly reduce the likelihood of injury.

Also, during a session with a fitball, several groups are effectively worked out at once. Even people suffering from varicose veins can exercise on it, because most exercises do not require heavy loads on the legs.

The instability of the Swiss ball will help improve coordination and balance, which immediately affects your posture and body flexibility. When balancing, most of the muscles of the body are under tension, so even when simply sitting on a fitball, significant energy consumption is observed, which helps to get rid of fat reserves and tighten your figure.

In general, exercises with a fitball bring much more pleasure - the ball makes them more fun and interesting than any fitness routine. In addition, during training, all muscles are toned, due to which fat is intensively burned.

The resulting double benefit from regular exercise helps to tighten the abs, thighs and buttocks, which will now never be depressing with their flabbyness. And to balance on a fitball, muscles that are not used during regular workouts are activated, which is why you will spend much less time and effort on a slender and attractive body.

If you do exercises on a fitball regularly, working on problem areas, you can quickly get your figure in order.

True, you shouldn’t consider a fitball a magical exercise machine from a TV store. It will have the greatest effect in the fight against cellulite in combination with proper nutrition and other methods of losing excess weight.

All means will be good, so there is no need to feel sorry for yourself. By combining fitball with other types of training, you can achieve amazing results.

For even greater effectiveness, you need to more closely connect your life with fitball. You just need to replace a chair and a sofa with it, sit on it while working at a table and a computer instead of a chair. This will immediately improve your posture and straighten your shoulders.

Your back and legs will hold your body stronger in any position, you will feel strength and self-confidence, and the results of your training will not keep you waiting.

How to choose a fitball

When choosing a gymnastic ball, first of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • dimensions;
  • color;
  • handles and massage relief.

The size of the fitball is selected according to the following ratio: “person’s height / ball diameter”:

  • up to 152 cm - 45 cm;
  • from 153 to 165 cm - 55 cm;
  • from 166 to 185 cm - 65 cm;
  • more than 186 cm - 75 cm.

Take the fitball you need and sit on it. The ball should be comfortable, each leg should stand with its full foot on the surface, bent in knee joint at a right angle, that is, the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Your future ball is needed not only to become a tool for hard work on yourself. It is also designed for fun and joy. All fitballs are available in bright colors, even gray balls shine and immediately catch the eye.

Green will relax and calm, red will excite and lift you up, blue will help you concentrate on training, luxurious purple will awaken passion, purple will inspire, yellow will cheer you up. You'll know which color supports your workout just by looking at the exercise ball.

Pens on a Swiss ball are only needed if you are going to jump on it. The seating surface on these balls is usually covered massage relief, enhancing the pleasant sensations from exercise.

In order for the fitball to function as a sports equipment, it needs to be pumped up more than usual. It will become more elastic and it will be more difficult to balance on it, which means you will have to strain more while using it. This way, weight loss will happen faster.

Don't worry that the exercise ball will explode and you will fall to the floor. Manufacturers have foreseen this and equipped it with a special system that, when a breakthrough occurs, slowly releases air, preventing the ball from exploding.

The best exercises on a fitball to achieve an ideal figure

We present to you a complex for training with a mid-level gymnastic ball for all muscle groups. The complex is designed for three workouts per week, alternating every other day. Already after three to four weeks with proper nutrition you will notice the loss of the first kilograms.

Let's warm up

To begin, take side steps left and right 20 to 30 times. Then take the ball in your hands and continue to take side steps (about the same number of times), bringing it in the direction of movement, but not lifting it above shoulder level. Then place the ball to the side, walk in place, raising your knees high - about 60 steps.

Then, continuing to walk, but without lifting your knees high, pick up the ball again. Squeeze it with your palms, lift it above your head and lower it to your waist while walking. Do 10-15 squats with a ball on outstretched arms. You can also jump on the ball while moving around the room if possible. Now you can start training.

Hip exercise

For this exercise, squeeze the exercise ball with your inner thighs as hard as you can and hold in this position for a minute. Try not to arch your pelvis back, and also try to pull in your stomach, training the transverse abdominal muscles. At the end of the exercise, jump on your toes 20-30 times without releasing the ball. You can do 2-4 approaches of this exercise.

Butt lift exercise

You need to put one foot on the ball and roll it to the side. So you need to perform 10 squats on one leg, and another 10 on the other. The exercise also develops the ability to maintain balance. As in the previous one, try to pull in your stomach.

It looks like ordinary push-ups, only your feet are placed on a fitball for unloading.

Since the center of gravity will shift, push-ups will become more difficult, so it will be enough to do 5 times in two ways:

  • palms wider than shoulders, elbows spread to the sides;
  • palms shoulder-width apart, elbows back along the body.

After push-ups, you can relax by jumping on the ball in the same way as during the warm-up.

Full body exercise

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, only you need to place your feet on the ball instead of your shins.

For the first minute you need to hold this position:

  • the stomach is retracted;
  • the shoulder blades are brought as close to each other as possible;
  • the lower back strictly continues the line of the legs.

In the second and third minutes, you need to alternately pull out the right and left hand up or forward. At the end, tighten your abs and try to bend at a corner to roll the ball towards you with your feet, moving your feet. Slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise for losing belly fat

You need to lie on the floor and hold the gymnastic ball between your legs with your shins. Lift the ball with your feet and pull it to your chest, pass it into your hands and touch the fitball to the floor behind your head. Also return the ball back to your feet and place it on the floor.

Repeat until you get tired. During this exercise, the abs are tensed the most, which contributes to the formation of a beautifully defined abdominal relief.


10 basic exercises with fitball

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

Exercising on a fitball not only gets rid of excess weight, but also improves posture, relieves stress on the spine and adds vigor. Get 6 super-effective sets of exercises and lose those extra pounds without leaving home!

Fitball (fit – “health improvement”, ball – “ball”) is a ball that is used to perform gymnastic exercises. It was originally developed for people with musculoskeletal injuries and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. However, over time, this projectile began to be used for figure correction. Today, fitball exercises are an independent area of ​​fitness.

Benefits of classes

  • Correct posture is formed: exercises strengthen the back muscles without overloading the spine. Fitball is an excellent prevention of scoliosis.
  • Increases endurance: sets of exercises train all muscle groups, thereby increasing their tone.
  • The vestibular apparatus is trained and coordination of movements is improved: during classes, your task is to stay on the fitball (so as not to fall). And this is constant concentration, which activates and trains muscle tone, allowing you to more confidently control your own movements.
  • Flexibility and grace: exercises allow you to effectively stretch muscles and knead joints, due to which the figure acquires more graceful outlines and smoothness appears in movements.
  • General strengthening effect: exercises on a fitball relieve the spine, stimulate blood supply to all parts of the body and internal organs, improve metabolism, the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems.
  • Vigor: due to the absence of “improper” loads on the back and legs, the exercises are not exhausting. In addition, during training, endorphins are released into the blood, and the bright color of the projectile can enhance this effect - the main thing is to choose the best option.

Types of fitballs

You can purchase a fitball at almost any sporting goods store or online store. The cost of “fits” depends on the diameter, configuration, manufacturer and purpose.

  1. “Classic” smooth is the most common option for practicing in a club or at home. Price: 700 – 2500 rubles (150-550 hryvnia).
  2. With ears or handles (hopper) - provides additional support and allows you to maintain balance. Intended for children and pregnant women. Price: 500 – 1300 rubles (100 – 300 hryvnia).
  3. With pimples - creates a massage effect, thereby improving blood circulation. Price: 1200 – 3000 rubles (270 – 700 hryvnia).

How to choose the right one

The diameter of the ball should be selected based on height:

  • For a person shorter than 152 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is suitable.
  • With a height of 152-164 cm, the diameter is 55 cm.
  • For height 164-180 cm - diameter 65 cm.
  • For height 180-200 cm - diameter 75 cm.
  • 85 cm – maximum diameter.

Effective exercises on a fitball for weight loss

Exercises on a fitball are divided into aerobic complexes: for the back, legs, arms, stretching, abs, etc. To strengthen your muscles and lose weight using this gymnastic equipment, you need to learn how to maintain balance. Having learned to maintain balance (for this you need to strain all muscle groups). Once you learn, you will be able to perform exercises of any complexity.

To effectively lose weight using fitball exercises, you need to exercise regularly and eat right. It is recommended to switch to split meals (4-6 meals). It is worth giving up fatty and fried foods, confectionery and fast food and giving preference to natural foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy and fermented milk products), drink at least 2 liters clean water and sleep at least 7 hours a day. To enhance the effect, try to walk more, massage using anti-cellulite cream and wrapping problem areas (no more than three times in Week).

How to exercise correctly?

Dress properly. During training, you should be comfortable, but not too comfortable. Casual clothes. Remove heavy jewelry (earrings, pendants, bracelets, etc.) and tie up your hair if you have long hair.

Start each workout with a warm-up: spend 10-15 minutes stretching, squats, bending, and running in place. This will warm up the muscles and speed up metabolic processes. Plus, you'll burn more calories. The load should be increased evenly: start with a ten-minute workout, gradually increasing the time. To lose weight, it is recommended to exercise 3-5 times a week for 30-40 minutes. If you eat right, you will notice a transformation in your figure in a month.

You should exercise no earlier than 2 hours after eating. During exercise, try to maintain deep and even breathing.

Exercises for different muscle groups

For the back

A specialized complex will help get rid of fat deposits on the stomach, back, and make the waist more graceful. In addition, back exercises relieve stress from the spine, strengthen the muscle corset and stimulate blood flow to the tissues.

Lie on the exercise ball with your stomach. Place your feet against the wall, fold your arms in front of your chest, and spread your elbows to the sides. Raise your back and shoulders without raising your head. Look down - not in front of you. Stay as long as you can.

Continue lying on your stomach. Cross your arms behind your head, lower your body down, as if hugging a ball. Slowly lift your torso up. Pause at the top and then slowly lower down.

Place the ball in front of you. Take dumbbells and kneel down. Lay your body on it. Stretch your arms as far as possible, lower your head down. Raise your head, arms and shoulders without arching your lower back. Rotate your body to the left, then to the right. Return to the starting position.

Lie on the ball with your chest, stomach and thighs. Raise and lower your body. To focus on your lower back muscles, cross your arms behind your head. To load your upper back, spread your arms out to the sides.

Perform each exercise from 1 to 15 times (in the process of increasing the load).

For the press

Sit on a fitball and place your feet on the floor. Take slow steps forward. In this case, the projectile should roll under the back. Lay down right hand behind your head, sharply push your pelvis up. Pull your stomach in. Raise your shoulders and turn into left side. Repeat the same with your left hand.

Lie on your back with the ball between your ankles. Throw your arms up, grab the support. Legs should be straight. Pull your knees towards your chest, tensing only your abdominal muscles. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Lie on your back, take the fitball in your hands and place it behind your head. Tightening your abs, lift your body up until the projectile is at your feet. Pinch it with your feet and slowly lower yourself to the floor while raising your legs with the ball. Take it in your hands and repeat the movement.

Place the ball near the wall so that when you lie sideways on it, your feet rest against the base of the wall. Lie on your side, on your oblique or thigh. The body should be one straight line - from the back of the head to the feet. Place your hands behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Raise your upper body, holding this position for 1-2 seconds. Then slowly lower yourself. Then switch sides. Do 10-20 repetitions for 2-3 sets.

Repeat abdominal exercises from 5 to 15 times (gradually increasing the load).

For the buttocks

Sit on the ball and place your feet on the floor. Jump vigorously for five minutes without lifting your butt off.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Place the fitball under your feet and press your lower back to the floor. Pressing it with your feet, lift your buttocks as high as possible. Stay as long as you can.

Stand near the wall. Place the ball between your shoulder blades and back. Press your back firmly against him. Perform squats for five minutes, rolling the projectile along the wall.

For the spine

Sit on the ball, keep your back straight. Roll back and forth, make circles with your hips in both directions, then gently jump with a small amplitude. Do this for five minutes.

While sitting on the apparatus, spread your arms horizontally to the sides. Raise one leg, try not to bend it. Helping with your other leg, jump up and down, and then roll in both directions and in a circle. Switch legs and repeat the exercise. Perform 10 approaches.

Sitting on your heels, rest your hands on the ball. As you exhale, roll it away from you, stretching your whole body and straightening your spine as much as possible. As you inhale, return to your starting position. Repeat 15 times.

Sit on the ball with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend from side to side, extending the opposite arm above your head. Try to stretch your side as much as possible. Do this for 5 minutes.

Lie on your stomach. Roll over your side to a supine position and then back again. Repeat on both sides 5 times.

Lie with your back on the “fit”, legs straight, slightly apart. Press your feet to the floor, stretch your arms behind your head. Take calm, deep breaths.

For legs

Stand straight, place your left foot on the ball. Bend your right leg slightly. Then roll it back and start squatting on one leg. Perform 15-20 squats, then repeat for the other leg. Do 2-3 approaches.

Stand up straight and press the fit with your knees so that it does not touch the floor. Squeeze and unclench your knees 40-50 times.

Lie on the ball with your back, bend your legs on the floor. Then straighten one leg, lowering and lifting your pelvis. Keep your hips straight. Do 15 reps for each leg.

After childbirth

The problem of excess weight and weight lost after childbirth muscle tone can be effectively solved with the help of a fitball. It will help restore the slimness of your figure.

Lie on your back and squeeze the ball between your legs with your shins. Slowly lift it with your legs and then pull it towards your chest. Pass it into your hands and reach the floor behind your head with your hands. In the same way, return the ball back to your feet and place it on the floor again. Repeat until you feel tired.

Place the projectile under your shoulder blades. Perform a pelvic lift. Do not lift your feet off the floor. Repeat 20-30 times.

Lie on the ball with your back so that it is under your lower back. Hands behind your head, your pelvis does not move, do not lift your legs off the floor - rotate your torso until you feel tired. Do 2 sets.


  • Severe forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • the first six months after giving birth if you had a caesarean section.

Before you start exercising on a fitball, you should consult your doctor and trainer. You may need an individual training plan, which only a specialist can create.

Fitball exercises are a great way to get rid of extra pounds, gain elegance, grace and improve health.

Many women with abdominal problems (loose skin, cellulite) for some reason underestimate the effectiveness of exercises on a fitball (also known as a Swiss ball). But in vain, because it really helps in losing weight. Its big advantage is that you can study at home, and this will also save your cash, and time.

At first, the exercises do not seem so simple - after all, you will have to learn to balance on the ball, and this skill does not come with the first lessons.

But this is the beauty of fitball - while you are trying to find balance, all your muscles tense, i.e. strengthening. While you are trying your best to stay on the ball, fat burning goes faster, and this is exactly what the main objective sports activities. Coordination of movements also improves, which is also important.

Fitball helps develop flexibility; during exercise, your muscles stretch well.In addition, the ligaments are strengthened, and muscle strength depends on the elasticity of the ligaments. And, of course, you will be able to correct your posture, because strengthening muscles and ligaments contributes precisely to this.

Features of training

Fitball training has many benefits. They are indicated for those who cannot exercise on the steppe or run, but at the same time want a beautiful belly. That. the ball removes the impact force from the legs; people who are overweight, as well as the elderly and people with varicose veins and damage to the joints of the legs can exercise on it. Training on a ball develops endurance, because by increasing the amplitude, you force your muscles to always be tense.

It is very important to choose the right ball for your practice. If your height is from 164 to 180 cm, you should buy a ball with a diameter of 65 cm, if you are shorter, then the diameter should be 55 cm (this is not the smallest ball, there are also 45 cm), etc. Each height has its own fitball size.

You can choose the ball differently. To do this you have to sit on it (yes, right in the store). Keep your back straight. The legs in this position should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees at the knee. If you have done everything as described, but you are uncomfortable sitting, then the ball is simply not yours. This is a way to select a ball “by eye,” so to speak. The ball should not sag too much under you during exercise, but you also don’t need to pump it up too much so that it is completely hard. When purchasing, you should look at how much weight this ball can withstand (this is usually indicated on the packaging). Fitness instructors recommend buying a ball that can withstand up to 150 kg of weight, even if you weigh 2 times lighter. You need to exercise in a well-ventilated area; in warm weather, you can move into the air, do everything on the street or on the balcony.

Exercises on the ball: 5 varieties

Fitball exercises will give more effective and faster results if you combine them with cardio exercises. This means that one day you exercise on a fitball (you’ll find out what exercises you need to do a little later), the next day you take a break from it, but load yourself differently - go for a walk or ride a bike, pedal at home on a cardio machine - choose any type of cardio load. Why is this necessary? This sequence of training allows you to burn fat faster and more efficiently. If your health allows and you have time, you can give yourself a little cardio exercise on “ball day” - it won’t be superfluous.

In terms of time, training on the ball should take from 25 to 40 minutes, on a “cardio day” you need to load yourself from 50 to 60 minutes. You shouldn’t be afraid of cardio - after all, no one is forcing you to run a marathon or ride a bike until you sweat - do it for yourself for pleasure. Walk and ride through the forest or park as fast as you feel comfortable doing it.

Basic Rules

What you need to know when doing exercises on a fitball?

  • Do them slowly to get a good feel and tense the muscles.
  • Constantly pull your stomach in so that your lower abs tense.
  • Don't try to do everything at once. Adequately assess your capabilities.
  • Before the main exercises, it is better to do a short general warm-up for the whole body (10-15 minutes) to warm up the muscles a little.
  • Between exercises, rest for 2 minutes (if it’s very hard, you can just sit, but it’s better to move during these breaks too - walk in circles, do squats - fat will burn faster).
  • Repeat the exercises 10-15 times.
  • Exercise in socks, without shoes.
  • It is better to practice on a special gymnastics mat.

By following these simple basic rules and exercises on the ball, you will make your training as effective and enjoyable as possible.

Reverse crunch

What are we working on?: oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, thighs.

How to do a reverse crunch?

  • Lie down on the mat.
  • Legs bent at the knees, hold the fitball between your legs.
  • Hands on the back of the head (you can join them in a lock).
  • Using the press, lift yourself up so that your shoulder blades do not touch the floor and begin doing crunches. The chest reaches towards the ball.


The most effective abdominal ball exercise if done correctly.

What are we working on?: the upper thighs, the biceps are slightly tensed, the rectus abdominis muscles are slightly activated, and the oblique muscles are also slightly involved.

How to do it?

Twist on the ball

View effective exercise on the ball, after which your abs will “burn”, but will thank you.

What are we working on?: straight and oblique (to a lesser extent) abdominal muscles.

How to do it?

Push ups

What are we working on?: thigh muscles, rectus abdominis muscles

How to do it?


What are we working on?: oblique and rectus abs, thigh muscles

How to do it?

Errors during classes

  1. Awkward ball. Choose the ball correctly! You will not be comfortable practicing on a ball that is not your size.
  2. Arched back. It must always be level, otherwise it can be damaged.
  3. Retracted shoulders. This cannot be allowed, open them.
  4. Shortness of breath or holding it. Yes, when it’s hard for a person to do something, he holds his breath. But this is not true. Even in the most difficult exercises, you must breathe, oxygen must definitely enter your body.
  5. The abs don't tense up. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to pull in your stomach and tighten your lower abs.
  6. Excessive enthusiasm. Many people begin to perform exercises with excessive zeal - quickly or more than 15 repetitions - there is no need to do this. All exercises should be fun. Remember this and train at your own rhythm, otherwise exhausting exercises can quickly get boring and you will quit them
  7. Nutrition. There is no need to eat an hour before training, otherwise it will be very difficult to perform the exercises.