(!LANG: Exercises for obesity - special physical exercises, complex. How exercise therapy helps to lose weight - examples of exercises depending on the stage of the disease

Therapeutic exercises are beneficial at any stage of obesity, although they do not guarantee rapid weight loss.

Exercise 1

  • normal, on the spot, at an average pace (30 seconds);
  • on socks (30 seconds);
  • high hips (30 seconds);
  • normal (30 seconds).

Exercise 2

Starting position:

Stretch your arms forward, lift your right leg up, then take it back, put it on your toe, take a breath. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

Exercise 3

Starting position: standing, heels together, socks apart, arms lowered along the body.

Take a step to the right with your right foot, spread your arms to the sides, palms up. Return to starting position. Breathing is free. The pace is slow. Perform the exercise 5-8 times in each direction.

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder width apart.

Slowly tilt the body from side to side, sliding your hands along the torso and legs. When tilting to the right, inhale; when tilting to the left, exhale. Perform the exercise 5-8 times in each direction.

Exercise 5

Starting position:

Slowly turn your body to the right and left. Breathing is free. Run 5-8 times in each direction.

Exercise 6

Starting position:

Bend your knees and place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible. Leaning on the elbows and feet, raise the pelvis and inhale. Return to starting position and exhale. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body.

Within 30-40 seconds, perform the exercise "bike".

Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body.

Sit down, stretching your arms forward, do not bend your knees, exhale. Return to starting position and inhale. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 9

Starting position:

Leaning on the left forearm, right palm and the outer edge of the left foot, push off the floor with the left side, lifting the pelvis. Do the same, lying on the right side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 10

Starting position: lying on the left side, arms bent at the elbows, the right palm on the floor at waist level.

Leaning on your hands, tear off both legs from the floor, hold them in an elevated position for 3-5 seconds (they should be straight) and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise lying on the right side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 11

Starting position: lying on your back, legs extended and closed, hands behind the head.

Turn sharply to the left side, then, rolling over the back, to the right. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 12

Starting position: on my knees.

With a quick movement, sit on the floor to the left of the legs, arms outstretched in the opposite direction. Return to starting position. Sit on the floor to the right of your feet. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing is arbitrary. This exercise is not recommended for varicose veins.

Exercise 13

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Make circular movements with the hips, first to the left, then to the right. The head and chest are motionless. Repeat 10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 14

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Perform body turns to the right and left, while the legs should be motionless. Repeat 10-12 times on each side.

Exercise 15

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart.

As you exhale, lean forward right hand to the toes of the left foot, do not bend the knees. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Bend over, reaching with your left hand to the toes of your right foot. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 16

Walk at a slow pace for 1 minute.

Exercise 17

Starting position: standing with your right side to the chair and holding on to its back.

Swing forward and backward with your left foot. Breathing is free. Then turn to the chair with your left side and swing with your right foot. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 18

Jump rope for 3 minutes. Breathing is arbitrary.

A set of exercises for the abdominal press

The starting position for all exercises of the complex is lying on your back. Each exercise should be done at least 10 times.

Exercise 1

Tilt your head forward, tear your shoulders off the floor, reach for your socks, exhaling. On inspiration, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2

Bend one leg, then stretch it forward and up, bend again, put the foot on the floor, exhale, straighten the leg, inhale. Repeat for the other leg.

Exercise 3

Bend both legs, then stretch them forward and up, bend again, lower your feet to the floor, exhale, straighten your legs, inhale.

Exercise 4

Raise bent legs and, imitating cycling, alternately bend and unbend them at the hip, knee and ankle joints so that the toes of the legs describe the correct circles. Repeat movements 10 times forward and backward.

Exercise 5

Bend your knees, then straighten them forward and upward at an angle of about 45 °, then spread them apart, then bring them together, bend, lower, inhale and return to the starting position, exhaling.

Exercise 6

Raise your head, put your palms on your forehead and press them, as if resisting the oncoming movement of the head, then exhale, return to the starting position and inhale.

Massage for obesity

Massage for obesity is aimed at improving blood and lymph circulation in tissues and organs. It can also help reduce body fat in specific areas of the body.

Massage technique depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body of a woman. Sometimes it is not possible to put the patient on her stomach due to the presence of a large fat mass. In such cases, the woman is placed on her back.

Massage should begin with the lower extremities along the front and back surfaces of the thighs. After that, they move to the shins and feet and do a massage using a suction technique.

When performing massage for obesity, techniques such as rubbing, stroking, vibration and kneading are used. Particularly carefully massage the places where the muscles pass into the fascia. Here, kneading techniques are combined with vibration. The massage of the lower extremities should be finished with wrapping strokes over the entire surface of the legs.

  • vibration - labile continuous and intermittent, stable continuous and intermittent, shaking, chopping, tapping, patting, puncturing.
Special attention at this stage of the massage, kneading should be given. The greatest emphasis should be placed on the latissimus dorsi.

The next step is a neck massage, which is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • stroking - planar, encircling, tong-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing;
  • rubbing - rectilinear, circular, tongs, sawing, crossing, hatching, planing;
  • kneading - longitudinal, transverse, tongs, pressure, shifting, stretching;
  • vibration - continuous labile and stable, shaking, chopping, tapping, patting, puncturing.
Particular attention is paid to kneading.
  • stroking - planar, encircling, tong-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing;
  • rubbing - rectilinear, circular, spiral, tong-shaped, comb-shaped, hatching, planing, sawing, crossing;
  • kneading - longitudinal, transverse, tongs, rolling, pressing, shifting, stretching;
  • vibration - labile continuous and intermittent, stable continuous, shaking, chopping, tapping, patting, puncturing.
Pelvic massage should be performed with sweeping movements with a wide amplitude, with weights, especially focusing on kneading.

After massaging the pelvic area, you should proceed to massage the back of the hands:

  • stroking - planar, encircling, tong-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing;
  • rubbing - rectilinear, circular, spiral, pincer-shaped, comb-shaped, sawing, crossing, hatching, planing;
  • kneading - longitudinal, transverse, forceps, pressure, shifting, stretching, felting;
  • vibration - continuous labile and stable, shaking, chopping, tapping, patting, puncturing, shaking.
Massage of the extremities is most often carried out according to the suction technique.

Upon completion of such exposure, one should proceed to chest massage, which is performed in the direction from the anterior surface of the cervical region to the diaphragm and consists of the following techniques:
  • stroking - planar, encircling, tong-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, ironing;
  • rubbing - rectilinear, circular, spiral, hatching, planing;
  • kneading - longitudinal, transverse, pressing, shifting, stretching, rolling;
  • vibration - varieties of intermittent and continuous vibration with shaking of the entire chest.
Next, the abdomen is massaged using the following techniques:
  • stroking (it should start from the navel) - circular, planar, ironing, comb-shaped, tong-shaped, rake-shaped;
  • rubbing - circular, spiral, tong-shaped, comb-shaped, sawing, crossing, hatching, planing;
  • kneading - longitudinal, transverse, tong-shaped, rolling, pressing, shifting and stretching;
  • vibration - varieties of intermittent and continuous vibration with shaking, chopping, tapping, patting, puncturing, shaking.
All movements must be performed clockwise. At the end of the procedure, the lower and upper limbs are shaken. The course of treatment includes 15-20 massage procedures.

Self massage

For this procedure, you need only 15 minutes a day and determination. best time for therapeutic self-massage for obesity is the morning.

The intensity of the massage must be gradually increased, as well as the time of its implementation - from 15 to 60 minutes or more. After the procedure, passive rest is required for 15-30 minutes.

S.V. Dubrovskaya

Violation of metabolic processes in the form of excessive fullness in the absence of proper treatment is fraught with serious consequences. To normalize weight indicators, diet therapy and physical activity are usually practiced, and if necessary, medications are selected. Exercise therapy for obesity helps to improve metabolism with the subsequent elimination of extra pounds. Classes should be started after consulting a doctor, while it is important to properly prepare for the upcoming workouts.

Therapeutic exercise is considered one of the effective methods of dealing with excess fat accumulation. For the best effect, it must be combined with a diet.

The tasks of exercise therapy for obesity are:

  1. Stimulation of metabolic processes, in particular, lipid metabolism, the violation of which leads to an increase in body weight.
  2. Restoring the balance between energy intake and its costs.
  3. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is achieved by reducing weight.
  4. Building muscle mass and maintaining muscle tone.
  5. Increased physical activity and endurance.

Thanks to physiotherapy exercises recommended by experts for obesity, there is a gradual decrease in body weight with a simultaneous improvement of the body. The selection of exercises should be done by a doctor who takes into account the stage of the disease, the possible presence of concomitant pathologies and the age category of patients.

It must be understood that obesity with the help of exercise therapy is not removed in a few days. To bring the weight to normal levels, it will take time and patience, as well as the regular implementation of a set of exercises.

Before you start training, the body must be properly prepared.

Adaptation to therapeutic exercises will be successful if the patient follows a number of recommendations:

  1. Since the visible effect of training will not be visible soon, you should be emotionally prepared for long workouts.
  2. It is good to make time for walking. Initially, 20 minutes per day is enough. It is necessary to increase the duration of walks gradually.
  3. Walking, if desired, can be alternated with cycling and skiing (in winter).
  4. Active weight loss preparatory stage encourages swimming.
  5. It is important to control your breathing. If shortness of breath occurs, you need to stop and wait for the normalization of the pulse.
  6. Jogging at a moderate pace (10-15 minutes) is allowed.

Experts advise alternating slow walking with accelerated walking, while breathing exercises should be performed.

Before each workout, you need to measure the pulse. If the patient is obese grade 1 or 2, the heart rate may increase during exercise by up to 75%.

After a 5-minute load, it is worth taking a 3-minute break. The duration of the first lesson is no more than 30 minutes. In the future, you can train for about 1-1.5 hours.

A set of the most effective exercises

The set of exercises depends on the level of physical fitness of the patient and the degree of neglect of the pathology. For example, at the first stage, the requirements will be the same, and at 3-4 - slightly different.

As a warm-up before performing physical exercises used in obesity, it is necessary to imitate walking in place, lifting the legs bent at the knees high and slowly.

  1. Torso to the right and left side holding hands on the waist (5-6 times).
  2. Raising the arms to the sides and bending forward, while the right palm should touch the left knee, and the left - the right (5-6 approaches).
  3. Circular rotations of the torso with hands brought together at the back of the head (at least 10 times in different directions).
  4. Flexion and pulling the knee to the chest in a supine position (5-6 repetitions with each leg).
  5. Performing a popular exercise for obesity "scissors" or "bike".
  6. Raising the body, while lying on your back and holding your hands behind your head (3-6 times).
  7. Torso forward, sitting on the floor with straight legs.
  8. Lifting on toes in a standing position, accompanying the movement with a deep breath. Then, after exhalation, you need to squat down (8-10 sets).

At the end of the charge, walking is again performed with a high hip lift and slow inhalations-exhalations.

Power training

If there are no contraindications, a specialist can recommend a set of strength exercises, the essence of which is to strengthen the muscles. Thanks to strong muscles, metabolic processes proceed much faster than during normal exercises.

The main condition is super-slow execution of movements. In other words, the muscles are in isotonic mode of operation.

In order to lose weight, workouts may look like this:

  1. The patient lies on his back with his hands in the area of ​​the solar plexus. After inhaling and exhaling for 10 seconds, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible. You can breathe only after relaxation. A similar movement is also performed in a standing position. Exercise is done 2 times in the morning, afternoon and evening for 2 weeks.
  2. While on your back, you should pull your legs bent at the knees as close as possible to the buttocks, and then spread them wide apart. Holding your hands behind your head or on your chest, you need to slowly raise the body, counting up to 10. After lingering for a while in one position, you need to slowly lower yourself to the floor, and then repeat the exercise without rest (6-8 lifts).
  3. The patient takes a vertical position, raising his hands up and clasping them in the lock. Legs are spaced shoulder-width apart. Stretching for your hands, you need to lean to the left for 5 seconds, and spend 10 seconds returning to the starting position. After 4-8 repetitions, you can rest and start tilting to the other side.

Strength training example:

  • lifting straight arms to the sides on exhalation;
  • lunges back alternately with the right-left foot, while the arms should be kept lowered.

To speed up the metabolism, it is also useful to exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike.


In some cases, gymnastics for obesity can seriously worsen well-being, therefore, it is necessary to train only according to indications and after prior agreement with the doctor. On the other hand, contraindications to exercise therapy do not mean that fitness is absolutely prohibited for the patient.

From intensive training you need to refrain from:

  • an acute form of an inflammatory or infectious disease with high fever and signs of general intoxication;
  • malignant tumors with metastases;
  • detection of a foreign body near a large artery;
  • violations of the coronary / cerebral circulation;
  • exacerbations of thromboembolism;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • predisposition to sudden bleeding;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • bradycardia / tachycardia;
  • aneurysms of the abdominal aorta.

Caution does not interfere with patients suffering from joint problems, in particular, those who have a seriously injured osteoarticular apparatus.

Exercise therapy for people with 3-4 degrees of obesity

There is a difference between which stage of completeness is present - the first or fourth, since, for example, with grade 4 obesity, concomitant diseases are often found that significantly aggravate the patient's well-being.

In addition, excessive body weight is a serious obstacle to active movements. Therefore, the features of pathology of degree 3 or 4 must be taken into account by a specialist when selecting exercises.

  • sitting on a chair, while inhaling, raise your hands, while exhaling, pull your knee with your hands to your stomach;
  • leaning back in a chair, lift your leg with your hand and take it to the side, after which, exhaling, return to its original position;
  • putting your hands on your stomach, stick it out on the inhale and retract it on the exhale;
  • perform squats, leaning on the back of a chair;
  • lying with bent legs, raise one leg, taking a breath, then, as you exhale, take it to the side, then inhale again, raising your leg, and exhale, lowering it to the starting position;
  • while on your back with legs apart and arms outstretched to the sides, turn on your side, trying to reach with one palm the other.

The number of approaches is 8-10. It is important to monitor your breathing and avoid excessive effort. Before performing the main part of exercise therapy, it is necessary to warm up, and at the end, breathing exercises are done. To do this, you need to inhale and raise your hands up, and then exhale, lowering them relaxed down.

A set of exercises for children

Completeness in childhood- a frequent occurrence, because of which you subsequently have to deal with various problems. First of all, the health of the child suffers. Also, self-esteem is seriously reduced, which makes it difficult to fully communicate with peers.

Sports will help the student to lose weight. The main thing is that parents are engaged in children, controlling the exercise. With obesity in children, it is better to train sitting on the floor or in a supine position.

List of the most effective

The list of the most effective exercises includes the following:

  • lifting the body from a prone position, while the legs should be placed under the furniture, making the movements a little easier to perform;
  • imitation of cycling;
  • lifting and lowering straight legs, while on the back with arms extended along the body (to complicate the exercise, the legs should be raised slowly, holding them on weight for a certain time);
  • resting on the floor with your hands and kneeling, move the weight onto your hands, straightening your legs, and then return to the starting position;
  • lifting straightened legs in a prone position, while it is necessary to try to reach the floor behind your head with your socks;
  • turning over on his stomach and resting his chin on the floor, at the same time raise his arms extended along the body, and first one leg, and then the other (ups are accompanied by inhalations, relaxation - by exhalations).

Exercises should be done at a calm pace 3-4 times.

With obesity 2 degrees

Necessary complex:

  • circular rotation of the head to the right and left;
  • retraction of the abdomen with voluntary breathing;
  • raising the arms, accompanied by the removal of the leg back and the deflection in the back;
  • quick lifting of the legs in a supine position, followed by a slow lowering and spreading to the sides;
  • protrusion of the abdomen on inhalation and retraction on exhalation;
  • lifting the upper body with an emphasis on the hands, lying on the stomach;
  • swings to the sides and back and forth alternately with each foot, holding on to the crossbar or back of the chair;
  • leaning forward, trying to touch the right foot with the left hand, and the left foot with the right hand.

During the first week, exercises for obesity are done 3-5 times. By the end of the month, the number of approaches should be increased to 10-12.

If a child has shortness of breath and heavy sweating during training, the intensity of the training decreases. In the absence of concomitant diseases, you should not be afraid of overload.

To cope with fullness, it is necessary not only to perform special gymnastics designed specifically for children. Of considerable benefit are outdoor games in the fresh air, as well as a visit to the pool.

Exercise therapy is an integral part of the treatment program for the development of obesity. The main thing is to first make sure that there are no contraindications and train in compliance with medical recommendations.

Obesity is manifested by increased deposition of adipose tissue in the body. Most often, the disease occurs with excess nutrition of high-calorie foods containing fats and carbohydrates. This is primary obesity, alimentary, especially aggravated by low physical activity. Obesity, which manifests itself in diseases of the endocrine glands and the central nervous system, is called secondary. Obesity is a risk factor for atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension. Obesity is accompanied by various pronounced changes in the cardiovascular system, manifested by myocardial dystrophy, damage to blood vessels, heart, brain and lower extremities; high standing of the diaphragm and a decrease in its mobility leads to a decrease in the respiratory capacity of the lungs; increased secretion of gastric juice; increased weight overloads musculoskeletal system and in combination with altered metabolism contributes to the occurrence of arthrosis; reduced physical performance. With proper complex treatment, including exercise and a rational diet, all manifestations of obesity disappear, especially in the primary, alimentary, form.

Assessment of the severity of obesity

For each person there is a certain amount of body weight (proper body weight), which contributes to the achievement of the greatest life expectancy. The Quetelet formula is popular for calculating body mass index (BMI).

BMI \u003d body weight / (height) 2 measured in kg / m 2

: in a person weighing 110 kg and with a height of 180 cm (1.8 m) BMI \u003d 110 / 3.24 \u003d 33.95 kg / m 2

At high values BMI (more than 30 kg/m 2) significantly increases mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stroke, cancer of the colon, breast, uterus and other so-called diseases of civilization. Prevention of further increase in body weight is necessary when reaching BMI = 26kg/m 2 . At low values ​​of BMI (less than 20 kg/m2), mortality increases from diseases of the pulmonary system: bronchitis, tuberculosis, cancer of the respiratory system.

Tasks of exercise therapy

  • stimulate metabolism, increasing redox processes and energy consumption;
  • contribute to the improvement of the impaired functional state of the cardiovascular system and respiration;
  • reduce the patient's body weight in combination with diet therapy;
  • increase physical performance;
  • contribute to the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
Indications for the appointment of physiotherapy exercises:
primary and secondary obesity I, II, III degrees. They use morning hygienic gymnastics, therapeutic exercises, exercises on simulators, dosed walks on flat terrain and climbing (health path), special exercises in the pool, swimming in open water, running, hiking, rowing, cycling, skiing, skating, moving and sport games.

Contraindications to training on simulators:

  • obesity of any etiology IV degree;
  • concomitant diseases accompanied by circulatory failure II and III stage;
  • hypertensive and diencephalic crises;
  • exacerbation of calculous cholecystitis;
  • increase in blood pressure above 200/120 mm Hg;
  • decrease in heart rate to 60 beats per minute.

Other forms of exercise therapy are contraindicated in hypertensive and diencephalic crises, exacerbation of concomitant diseases.

In exercise therapy, the total physical load should be submaximal and individualized in accordance with the functional capabilities of the patient's body. To achieve the greatest effect, various forms of exercise therapy should alternate throughout the day. The duration of each therapeutic gymnastics procedure is from 5 to 45-60 minutes. In therapeutic gymnastics, objects and equipment should be used - medical balls (1-4 kg), dumbbells (1-3 kg), expanders, etc.

The greatest effect of reducing body weight and improving the functional state of the cardiovascular system in patients with the primary form - I degree is caused by exercise on simulators (exercise bike, rowing bicycle ergometer, treadmill).

Patients with II degree of obesity under the age of 40, who have functional changes in the cardiovascular system or signs of myocardial dystrophy with concomitant hypertension not higher than stage I or arterial hypertension, who have previously been involved in physical culture or sports, should be recommended to exercise while exercising on simulators, causing an increase in heart rate by 75% of the initial heart rate (at rest), while 5 minutes of exercise should be alternated with 3-minute rest breaks. The duration of one lesson is from 30 to 90 minutes, for a course of 18 - 20 procedures.

In patients with grade III obesity and concomitant diseases (stage IIa hypertension in remission, circulatory insufficiency not higher than stage I), physically unprepared under the age of 60, during training on simulators, physical activity is recommended that causes an increase in heart rate by 50% of baseline heart rate (at rest). In this case, you should alternate 3-minute loads with 5-minute rest breaks. The duration of the lesson is from 20 to 60 minutes. For a course of 18-20 procedures. Classes on simulators should be combined with therapeutic exercises, special physical exercises in the pool to influence the abdominal muscles and other forms of physiotherapy exercises. Running for 1-2 minutes should be alternated with walking and breathing exercises. Walks should be carried out 2-3 times during the day, starting from 2-3 km and gradually reaching 10 km per day (fractional). During walks, you can alternate slow walking with accelerated walking (50-100 m), after which breathing exercises and calm walking are recommended. Gradually accelerated walking is increased to 200-500 m. After training for 2-3 months. jogging is shown, starting from 25-50 m and gradually increasing to 300-500 m due to several runs during the day. Self-massage is recommended as an independent effect, as well as in the procedures of therapeutic exercises. Self-massage increases energy consumption and reduces body weight.

The proposed complexes of special physical exercises for obesity are designed for moderately trained women with obesity of the 1st degree. These exercises are also suitable for obesity of the 2nd degree. You need to do them every day, or 2 times a day. The number of repetitions is indicated for each complex. Starting class time is 20 minutes. As endurance develops, gradually increase the duration of classes to 40 minutes, respectively, increase the number of repetitions.

Don't expect fast weight loss- a uniform weight loss is more useful for the body, which helps to gradually rebuild all organs and systems on new weight, incl. and metabolism.

Exercises for obesity - special physical exercises 1 COMPLEX:

Repeat each exercise of this complex 12-16 times.

1. Within 1 minute, walk with your knees high and run in place.

2. Feet shoulder width apart. Spread your arms to the sides and make circular movements with your hands forward, backward.

3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward slightly, lower your arms. Make circular movements with your torso and arms at the same time.

4. Do some squats. If deep squats don't work, do half squats.

5. Sit down, put your hands on the floor, take one leg back and straighten it, putting it on your toe. Leaning on your hands and pushing off with your legs, change their position.

6. Sitting with legs wide apart. Perform inclinations to the left leg, then to the right.

7. Sitting, put your hands on the floor behind. Slightly raising the pelvis, swing your straight leg forward and up.

8. Lie on your back, raise your legs a little and perform various movements with them (bend, unbend, circle movements, etc.) for 30-45 seconds.

9. Lie on your stomach, hands on the back of your head. Raise your head, shoulders and both straight legs at the same time, hold for 3-5s.

10. Kneel down, raise your hands. Sit on your knees, lean forward, head reaches for your knees, lower your arms and take them back.

11. Kneeling, hands raised up. Squat to the left side and kneel again. Do the same on the other side.

12. Jumping in place, first on the right leg, then on the left leg, then on two legs, for 30-40 seconds.

13. While standing, inhale and holding your breath, strain and relax the abdominal muscles for 7-10 seconds. Then - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise for obesityspecial physical exercises 2 COMPLEX:

1. Stand up straight, hands on the belt. Rotate the body to the left and right, 5-6 times in each direction.

2. Stand up, arms to the sides. Lean forward and reach your left knee with your right hand, return to the starting position. Then, with the left hand, reach the right knee, return to the SP. Repeat 5-6 times with each hand. After a while of classes - get not your knees, but your toes.

3. Stand up straight, hands behind your head in the castle. Rotate the torso to the left and right, 10 times in each direction.

4. Lie on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your right leg up, press your knee to your stomach with your hands, return to the starting position. The same with the left foot. Repeat 5-6 times with each leg.

5. The starting position is the same. Perform the exercise "bike" and "scissors".

6. Lie on your back, hands behind your head in the castle. Raising the body, sit down and lie down again. Repeat 3-5 times. Legs are straight.

7. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Leaning forward, try to reach your toes with your hands, and touch your knees with your head. Repeat 5 times.

8. Stand up straight, hands down. While inhaling, slowly rise on your toes, while exhaling, lower yourself on your heels and sit down slightly, without lifting your heels from the floor. Run 10 times.

9. At a slow pace, perform 7-10 squats.

10. Walk with your knees high for 1 minute.

If desired, exercises in the complexes can be changed or performed with dumbbells in the arms and legs.

In addition to special exercises, with obesity it is useful to ride a bike, go skating, and choose the sport that you like best - then you will be happy to do it, and it will bring more benefits.




Artistic and graphic faculty

Department of Design


in physical education

Therapeutic Physical Culture with obesity

Completed: 2nd year student of 22-2 groups

Nesan S.V.


Zheleznov V.A.

Vitebsk, 2014


Characteristics of obesity

1Causes and degrees of obesity

2 Forms of obesity and its causes

Exercise therapy technique for overweight

1Principles of treatment and prevention of obesity

2 Therapeutic exercises for overweight

3Complexes of exercise therapy for obesity




The main factor leading to the development of obesity is a violation of the energy balance, which consists in a discrepancy between energy intakes in the body and their costs. Obesity is most commonly caused by overeating, but may be due to impaired control of energy expenditure. The undoubted role of hereditary-constitutional predisposition, decreased physical activity, age, gender, occupational factors, some physiological conditions (pregnancy, lactation, menopause).

Obesity is a hypothalamic-pituitary disease, in the pathogenesis of which the leading role is played by hypothalamic disorders expressed to varying degrees, causing a change in behavioral reactions, especially eating behavior, and hormonal disorders. The activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system increases: ACTH secretion increases, the rate of cortisol production increases, its metabolism accelerates. The secretion of somatotropic hormone, which has a lipolytic effect, decreases, the secretion of gonadotropins and sex steroids is disturbed. Characterized by hyperinsulinemia, a decrease in the effectiveness of its action. The metabolism of thyroid hormones and the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to them are disturbed.

Therapeutic gymnastics for overweight people is the most accessible form of physical exercise that can be done at home under the supervision of a polyclinic doctor.

Relevance of the topic: I chose this topic because I want to know effective methods recovery of overweight people.

Object: exercise therapy as a means of recovery.

Subject: Exercise therapy as a method of improving overweight people.

Purpose: To identify in exercise therapy a method of correction in overweight people.

Hypothesis: We assume that exercise therapy tools and methods are effective in reducing weight in overweight people.

Analysis of literary sources.

To reveal the method of exercise therapy for overweight people.

To study the complexes of therapeutic gymnastics for overweight.

Research methods: analysis of literary sources.

. Characteristics of obesity

1 Causes and degrees of obesity

Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive development of adipose tissue. More often obesity occurs after 40 years, mainly in women.

The main factor leading to the development of obesity is a violation of the energy balance, which consists in a discrepancy between energy intakes in the body and their costs. Obesity is most commonly caused by overeating, but may be due to impaired control of energy expenditure. Undoubtedly, the role of hereditary-constitutional predisposition, decreased physical activity, age, gender, occupational factors, certain physiological conditions (pregnancy, lactation, menopause) (2)

Obesity is a hypothalamic-pituitary disease, in the pathogenesis of which the leading role is played by hypothalamic disorders expressed to varying degrees, causing a change in behavioral reactions, especially eating behavior, and hormonal disorders. The activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system increases: ACTH secretion increases, the rate of cortisol production increases, its metabolism accelerates. The secretion of somatotropic hormone, which has a lipolytic effect, decreases, the secretion of gonadotropins and sex steroids is disturbed. Characterized by hyperinsulinemia, a decrease in the effectiveness of its action. The metabolism of thyroid hormones and the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to them are disturbed. (6.8)

Allocate alimentary-constitutional, hypothalamic and endocrine obesity. Alimentary-constitutional obesity is of a family nature, it develops, as a rule, with systematic overeating, eating disorders, lack of adequate physical activity, often among members of the same family or close relatives. Hypothalamic obesity occurs as a result of a violation of hypothalamic functions and, in this regard, has a number of clinical features. Endocrine obesity is one of the symptoms of the primary pathology of the endocrine glands: hypercortisolism, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism. However, in all forms of obesity, there are, to varying degrees, hypothalamic disorders that occur either initially or during the development of obesity.

Obesity is called weight gain due to adipose tissue: in men by more than 25%, and in women by 30%, and in children - usually if the weight exceeds 120% of the ideal for a given age.

Depending on the causes, obesity is divided into primary (or exogenous) and secondary.

The main causes of primary obesity are overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, namely in the case when the total calorie content of food exceeds energy costs. Predisposing factors are not well understood. The prevalence of familial cases of obesity indicates the role of genetic and environmental factors. Overeating during emotional stress can also be the cause of obesity.

Primary obesity is one of the most common diseases in developed countries. Primary obesity is the most common metabolic disorder in the US.

Obesity can start at any age, more often in adults at 40 years of age, and in women after pregnancy.(6)

Obesity in developed countries affects approximately 10% of older children and 15% of adolescents. Parents often associate obesity with endocrine diseases, but in reality, obesity in children, as in adults, is usually primary. In children, obesity most often occurs before the age of 4 or between 7 and 11 years of age.

If patients deny overeating (which is often the case), they are asked to keep a diary in which they note the amount of food eaten and exercise performed daily. Relatives of the patient can provide valuable information.

Some risk factors for primary obesity: family obesity, female gender, physical inactivity, low socioeconomic status, emotional disturbances, depression, alcoholism, smoking cessation, tricyclic antidepressants.

Primary obesity should be distinguished from secondary obesity, which develops with various diseases, such as dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Secondary obesity is observed in less than 1% of patients. In secondary obesity, children usually show short stature or growth retardation.

Constitutional variants of obesity and obesity-related risk of developing chronic diseases.

The accumulation of subcutaneous tissue predominantly in the upper half of the body is called obesity. male type(apple type, abdominal, visceral obesity), and in the thighs and buttocks - obesity in female type(pear type, peripheral obesity).(8)

Calculation of body mass index is a simple and informative method for diagnosing obesity.

Body mass index is calculated by the formula: H/W2, where H is weight (kg), W is height (m). The body mass index is normally 20-25 kg/m2.

The consequences of obesity are mainly due not to overweight per se, but to an excess amount of adipose tissue and its distribution. Thus, male-type obesity predisposes to atherosclerosis to a greater extent than female-type obesity. If the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference in men is more than 1.0, and in women it is more than 0.9, then the risk of diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease and premature death increases.

Eating Disorders

The main three eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive overeating), as well as overconcern about one's own figure, are much more common in women than in men. AT last years their prevalence has increased. The main manifestations of these disorders are the fear of fullness, self-restriction in food, bouts of gluttony and starvation.

It is believed that binge eating is a risk factor for obesity and that a large proportion of obese people have an eating disorder. Bouts of gluttony complicate the treatment of obesity, undermine the patient's faith in their own strength. In addition, in obesity with binge eating, the risk of complications is even higher than in simple obesity. Thus, frequent weight fluctuations are an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and binge eating appears to contribute to such fluctuations.

Overeating affects many people who are predisposed to anxiety and depressive responses to stress. AT recent times believe that people who are prone to stress eating have disorders in the metabolism of serotonin, a specific regulator of the function nervous system.

2 Forms of obesity and its causes

Obesity is primary and secondary (a consequence of dysfunction of the endocrine glands and the nervous system). It is believed that the cause of primary obesity, which includes alimentary forms with predominantly functional disorders (“disease of general nutrition”), is, as a rule, systematic overeating. In this case, the intake of energy in the form of food exceeds its consumption. There is an imbalance. The amount of fat increases, body weight increases. The dangers of overeating have long been known. A folk proverb says: "Too much food is a disease and trouble." (8)

Obesity is facilitated by a decrease in muscle load, which, due to scientific and technological progress, affects the bulk of the population of economically developed countries. Eating habits are more conservative and change more slowly. Overeating can be related to pleasure, a defensive reaction, compensation for failure, or a habit developed in childhood. Interestingly, in overweight people, physical activity is significantly reduced. Special studies have shown that obese people, on average, stay in bed 65 minutes longer than thin people. Obese only 22% of the day are on their feet, and those with a normal weight - 36%.

Thus, unbalanced nutrition (systematic overeating with little or moderate exercise) is the main cause of alimentary obesity - the most common form, observed in approximately 75% of obese patients. Secondary obesity occurs as a result of endocrine and cerebral diseases and is discussed in detail in special works. (2)

An increase in the amount of adipose tissue in the body can occur through the formation and maturation of new fat cells and an increase in the volume of adipocytes as a result of the accumulation of fat in them. Depending on the state of adipocytes, 2 types of obesity are distinguished: hypertrophic and hyperplastic. The hypertrophic type is characterized by an increased accumulation of triglycerides in fat cells and an increase in their size. The number of adipocytes does not differ significantly from the norm. This type of obesity is usually seen in adults who were previously lean.

In hyperplastic obesity, the total number of adipocytes increases significantly. Judging by the data of intravital morphometric study of adipocytes, 73% of the examined patients have a hypertrophic type of obesity, 27% - hyperplastic. With obesity occurring in early age increases both the number of fat cells and their volume. Adipocytes, the number of which increased in the first years of life, can reach 190%, and in some cases even 350% in relation to their number in people of normal fatness. With an extreme degree of obesity, the mass of fat in the body can increase 10 times compared to the norm.

In the treatment of obesity, weight loss occurs mainly not as a result of a change in the number of adipocytes, but due to a decrease in fat in each cell. As soon as the diet is broken, fat cells, like a sponge, begin to fill up with fat again. That is why the treatment of obesity is an extremely difficult task. The hypertrophic type of obesity, which is more easily amenable to dietary treatment, proceeds relatively favorably. Hyperplastic obesity is characterized by greater resistance.

Some adults believe that with age, the child's tendency to become obese will disappear. The famous Czech doctor R. Dolechek in the book "The Dangerous World of Calories" provides data from an interesting survey. By determining the weight in childhood and 20 years later, its authors proved that out of 100 obese children, 86% of obese men and 80% of obese women grew up, while out of 100 children with normal weight - only 42% of obese men and 18% of obese women. The presence in the body of an increased amount of fat creates a permanent basis for the development of obesity. Parents should not forget that much in the fate of their children is decided in the first years of life.

According to modern concepts, the laying of adipose tissue and the process of formation of adipocytes begin in the embryonic period of development of the body (the thirtieth week of pregnancy) and ends mainly by one to two years after birth. That is why prevention of obesity should begin even before the birth of a child. The question of whether a person is obese or not seems to be largely decided before birth, as well as in the first years of a child's life. (3,8)

Excess nutrition of a pregnant woman, primarily her excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates, leads to the formation of an excessive amount of fat cells in the fetus. The same is observed when overfeeding children in the first years of their life. The more fat cells a person has, the higher their body weight and the likelihood of obesity. It has also been established that malnutrition of a child in prenatal development and in the first years of life prevents the reproduction of adipose tissue cells.

In later age periods, the growth of adipose tissue is carried out mainly due to an increase in the volume of fat cells. There is evidence that after 10-13 years, the process of new formation of adipocytes practically stops. Therefore, the number of fat cells is stable for every adult. It is believed that it reflects a genetic predisposition to obesity. As for the size of fat cells (labile factor of obesity), it reflects the amount of fat, depending on nutrition. Not last place among the causes leading to obesity is the restriction of physical activity. (6)

Thus, the leading factor in the mechanism of obesity development is the imbalance between the intensity of lipogenesis and lipolysis. Both an increase in its formation and a weakening of the processes of its splitting below the physiological level can lead to excessive deposition of fat. Age-related changes in the regulation of lipolysis, which reduce the mobilization of fat, also contribute to the accumulation of its excess amounts in the elderly. Overeating and limiting physical activity are the most common causes of overweight.

. Exercise therapy technique for overweight

1 Principles of treatment and prevention of obesity

The only way to correct primary obesity is to limit the calorie content of food and increase physical activity. Treatment of the underlying disease in secondary obesity allows weight loss to be achieved.

Medications are rarely effective. Surgical interventions are sometimes successfully used, but these methods are fraught with late complications.

In infants, it is desirable to detect obesity at an early stage and adjust the diet in time. Parents should not comfort the child with feeding.

Successful treatment is not possible without the active participation of the patient and his family.

Treatment depends on the degree of obesity, the presence of concomitant diseases, and other risk factors. There are four main principles for the treatment of obesity: reducing the calorie content of food, changing the composition of food, increasing physical activity, psychotherapy (the so-called behavioral psychotherapy is most often used). Medical and surgical treatment is used only for obesity of the III degree.

Set realistic goals for yourself. Make a weight loss plan for 6-12 months and stick to it. You should lose weight slowly, for example, by 5-10 kg per year. For the patient, it is recommended to draw a weight loss schedule. Eat natural foods, not canned food. Use skim milk instead of cream white bread- wholemeal bread, instead of cakes - fruits.

Avoid alcohol, sugary soft drinks, and high-calorie fruit juices. Combine diet with exercise. Reduce the amount of food by a third. Do not eat cakes and buns between main meals. If you are very hungry, eat better fruits and vegetables. Eat sweets no more than once a week. Eat only at set times. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly. Do not self-medicate for weight loss. In general, it is better to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor evaluates the results, gives additional recommendations. At the beginning of treatment, as a rule, the patient visits the doctor once every two weeks, then monthly, after reaching the desired weight - once every three months.

A common feature of all forms of obesity is overweight. There are four degrees of obesity and two stages of the disease - progressive and stable. At degree 1, the actual body weight exceeds the ideal by no more than 29%, at II - the excess is 30-40%, at III degree - 50-99%, at IV - the actual body weight exceeds the ideal by 100% or more. (7 )

Sometimes the degree of obesity is estimated by body mass index, calculated by the formula: Body weight (kg) / height (m) (squared); the mass index is taken as the norm, which is 20-24.9, with I degree - an index of 25-29.9, with II - 30-40, with III - more than 40.

Patients with I-II degree of obesity usually do not complain, with more massive obesity they are concerned about weakness, drowsiness, decreased mood, sometimes nervousness, irritability; nausea, bitterness in the mouth, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities, pain in the joints, spine.

With hypothalamic obesity, increased appetite is often disturbed, especially in the afternoon, hunger at night, and thirst. In women - various menstrual disorders, infertility, in men - a decrease in potency. Impurity and trophic skin disorders, small pink striae on the thighs, abdomen, shoulders, armpits, hyperpigmentation of the neck, elbows, friction points, increased blood pressure. An electroencephalographic study of patients with hypothalamic obesity reveals signs of damage to the diencephalic structures of the brain. Determination of the excretion of 17-OKS and 17-KS often reveals their moderate increase.

For differential diagnosis of hypothalamic obesity and hypercortisolism, a small dexamethasone test, an X-ray examination of the skull and spine are performed.

In the presence of thirst, dry mouth, the content of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach and during the day is determined, according to indications, a glucose tolerance test is performed. (5)

In case of menstrual irregularities - gynecological examination, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, measurement of rectal temperature, other tests of functional diagnostics.

Treatment is complex, aimed at reducing body weight, including diet therapy and physical therapies. A balanced low-calorie diet is recommended by reducing the content of carbohydrates and partly fats, predominantly of animals, with a sufficient content of proteins, vitamins, and minerals (taking into account energy costs). Use foods high in fiber, which promotes rapid satiety, speeding up the passage of food through the intestines. Food is fractional, 5-6 times a day. Apply fasting days. Active motor mode, systematic therapeutic exercises, shower, massage are necessary. In grade IV obesity, surgical methods of treatment are the treatment of choice. With endocrine forms of obesity, the underlying disease is treated.

2 Therapeutic exercises for overweight

In the absence of contraindications from the side of the cardiovascular system, exercise therapy is indicated. Therapeutic exercises are carried out for 20-60 minutes.

In classes, exercises should be used that have a maximum range of motion with the involvement of large muscle groups. Exercises are recommended to be performed in various positions (lying, sitting, etc.).

Great importance has a daily routine. In the morning, you should do hygienic gymnastics (15-20 minutes) or take a walk (30-90 minutes) followed by water procedures (shower, wiping). It is useful to combine hygienic gymnastics with various sports (volleyball, badminton, etc.), tourism, as well as water treatments and massage.

The special tasks of therapeutic physical culture in obesity are: improving metabolism, activating oxidative processes, enhancing the processes of fat splitting, and reducing excess body weight. It has been established that under the influence of long-term moderate loads, more favorable changes in fat metabolism can be achieved than with short-term intense loads. This approach is especially appropriate in the first period of training, when the possibilities of the cardiovascular system are still limited.

In this period, the patient is adapted to increasing physical activity, his motor skills and physical performance are restored, using morning hygienic exercises, therapeutic exercises, dosed walking, and massage.

In the II period, in addition to these means, they actively include exercises of a cyclic nature at a moderate pace: walking, hiking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing. General developmental and applied exercises in the form of walking, running, jumping are especially indicated for young and middle-aged patients who do not have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Breathing exercises, exercises for the abdominal muscles, corrective exercises, outdoor games are recommended. At the same time, all methods of increasing the load are used: involving large and medium muscle groups in motor activity, increasing the amplitude of movements and the duration of classes, using exercises with weights and resistance.

Such a load is especially effective for exogenous (alimentary) obesity. Patients with this form of obesity are recommended morning hygienic gymnastics (duration 20-30 minutes) with elements of walking and running and subsequent water procedures, therapeutic exercises (duration 30-60 minutes) with repeated exercises for large muscle groups, including exercises with deep breathing, with objects, on shells and outdoor games. AT evening hours expedient sports games and walks.

With the endogenous (endocrine-cerebral) form of obesity, the total load in the classroom is reduced. During therapeutic exercises, breathing exercises and exercises for medium muscle groups are recommended. The pace of their implementation is slow and medium. The duration of classes is 25-30 minutes.

Therapeutic Gymnastics is the most accessible form of physical exercise that can be done at home under the supervision of a polyclinic doctor. Therapeutic Gymnastics must be practiced systematically and for a long time. Therapeutic gymnastics in obese patients should be a permanent part of their lifestyle. To increase energy expenditure and achieve weight loss, as mentioned above, long and fairly intense physical work is required, accompanied by sweating. With Therapeutic Gymnastics, this is achieved by increasing the duration of the session to 45-60 minutes. Application of exercises involving large muscle groups of the back abdominal lower limbs shoulder girdle exercises with weights dumbbells stuffed balls weighing from 2 to 5 kg and more emphasis hanging application of a larger repetition of each exercise and the average with periodic acceleration of the pace of work. (1)

The starting position in Therapeutic Gymnastics for obesity can be used in all basic starting positions - standing, sitting and lying down.

The selection of exercises for classes should be carried out taking into account the state of the patient's cardiovascular system. When selecting exercises, preference should be given to combined exercises involving large muscle groups of the trunk and limbs. These floor exercises, depending on the condition and preparation of the patient, are carried out at the expense of 4, 6, 8, etc. For obese patients, special exercises involving the abdominal muscles are very valuable. For them, it is recommended to allocate 30-40% of the time in the lesson. Exercise options should be selected according to the development of the abdominal muscles in the patient.

When selecting exercises with weights with shells, preference should be given to exercises that have a swing character and are carried out without holding the breath. Exercises on shells and on special devices are also very useful. Exercises on the gymnastic bench and the wall are recommended to select those in which several large muscle groups participate. Exercises for the abdominal press on the gymnastic wall also give a good effect. At the beginning of the course, it is recommended to use variants of walking with a high leg lift with energetic work of the hands, and later on, walking with a gradual acceleration of the transition to slow running followed by walking (if there are no contraindications to running).(1)

To determine the ideal weight, several simple empirical formulas have been developed:

Cooper formulas.

Ideal weight for a woman (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.

Ideal weight for a man (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

M = (P - 100) x 0.9 for women and M = (P - 100) x 0.85 for men, where

M - normal weight in kg, P - height in cm.

BMI (body mass index). Body weight (in kg) divided by height (in meters) squared. If the result obtained exceeds 25 kg / sq.m, but less than 30 - this indicates overweight, but this is not yet obesity. With a BMI of more than 30 kg / sq.m, we are already talking about obesity: group 1 - 30 -34.9.2 group - 35 -39.9 40, group 3 - above 40

There are two main ways to get rid of excess weight - a low-calorie diet and exercise. They are inextricably linked, one without the other is meaningless.

Mode of physical activity. It is most convenient to start with walking, gradually increasing the distance traveled and increasing speed. When walking fast at a speed of 7 km / h, the energy consumption is 400 kcal / h.

3Complexes of exercise therapy for obesity

physical obesity medical gymnastics

Therapeutic gymnastics helps with all forms and degrees of obesity. There is no need to strive for rapid weight loss, slow weight loss allows all organs and systems of the body to get used to a new lifestyle and to a "new" weight.(1)

Complex №1

Walking for 30 seconds a) normal, in place, at an average pace, b) on toes, c) with high hip elevation, d) normal.

IP (starting position) - standing, heels together, socks apart, arms lowered along the body. Stretch your arms forward, lift your right leg up, take it back to the toe (inhale). Repeat 8 times with each leg.

IP is the same. Take a step to the right with your right foot, spread your arms to the sides, palms up. Return to IP. Breathing is free. The pace is slow. Run 5-8 times in each direction.

IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Slowly tilt the torso to the sides, sliding your hands along the torso and legs. When tilted to the right - inhale, when tilted to the left - exhale. Run 5-8 times in each direction.

IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Slow body turns to the right and left. Breathing is free. Run 5-8 times in each direction.

IP - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Bend your knees and place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible. Leaning on the elbows and feet, raise the pelvis, standing on the "half-bridge" (inhale). Return to IP - exhale. Repeat 8-10 times.

IP is the same. For 30-40 seconds, perform the "bike" exercise.

IP is the same. Sit down, stretching your arms forward, do not bend your knees (exhale). Return to IP - inhale. Repeat 8-10 times. 21

IP - lying on the left side, arms bent at the elbows, right palm on the floor at waist level. Leaning on the left forearm, right palm and the outer edge of the left foot, push off the floor with the left side, lifting the pelvis. Do the same on the right side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary.

IP is the same. Leaning on your hands, tear off both legs from the floor, hold them (straight!) in an elevated position for 3-5 seconds and return to the PI. Do the same on the right side. Repeat 8-10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary.

IP - lying on your back, legs extended and closed, hands behind your head. Turn sharply to the left side, then, rolling over the back, to the right. Repeat 12-15 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

IP kneeling. With a quick movement, sit on the floor to the left of the legs, arms outstretched in the opposite direction. Return to IP. Sit on the floor to the right of your feet. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing is arbitrary. This exercise is not recommended for varicose veins.

IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Make circular movements with the hips, first to the left, then to the right. The head and chest are motionless. Repeat 10 times on each side. Breathing is arbitrary

IP is the same. Perform body turns to the right and left, legs are motionless. Repeat 10-12 times on each side.

IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart. Lean forward, reaching with your right hand toes of your left foot, do not bend your knees - exhale. With a breath, return to the IP. Bend over with your left hand reaching the toes of your right foot. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

Walk at a slow pace for 1 minute.

IP - standing with the right side to the chair and holding on to its back. Swing forward and backward with your left foot. Breathing is free. Then turn to your left side and swing with your right foot. 10 times with each leg.

Jumping rope for 1-3 minutes.

Complex №2

I.P. - Lying on your back

Hands behind the head, stretch - inhale; lower your arms along the body - exhale.

Draw in and then relax the stomach. Breathing is arbitrary.

Bend the right leg diagonally to the left shoulder, then straighten. Alternately with each foot. Breathing is arbitrary.

Legs are bent. Leg movements to the right, then to the left (legs together). For the first 1-2 weeks, perform the exercise without lifting the feet from the support, then the legs are suspended. Breathing is arbitrary.

Stretch your hands behind your head - inhale; bend your legs, pressing them to your chest with your hands - exhale.

Raise your right leg diagonally to the left, then lower it. Alternately. Breathing is arbitrary.

Circular movements with straight legs (feet together). Alternately in each direction. Perform the circle on the exhale.

The arms are bent at the elbows. Unbend your arms forward and bend - perform circular movements with your arms and at the same time with your foot. Breathing is arbitrary.

Move from a lying and sitting position and return to the previous position. Breathing is arbitrary. Standing on all fours

Lower the pelvis to the right, then to the left, without taking your hands off the support. Breathing is arbitrary.

Bend your arms and move to a prone position, then straighten your arms, returning to the position on all fours (do not move your arms). Breathing is arbitrary.

Raise the leg - inhale, lower - exhale. Alternately. standing

Walking is normal; walking, rolling from heel to toe; walking, raising your knees high - 2-3 minutes. Breathing is arbitrary.

Circular movements of the arms forward, then back. Breathing is arbitrary.

Hands up. Lean forward - exhale, then return to the starting position - inhale.

Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Circular movements of the pelvis to the right. Then to the left. Breathing is arbitrary.

Hands down. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides with a turn to the right - inhale, take the starting position - exhale. Same with turning left.

Holding the back of the chair with your hand, raise and lower your right leg without touching the floor with it. Then the left leg. Breathing is arbitrary.

Holding on to the back of the chair with your hands, move and lower your right leg without touching the floor with it. Then the left leg. Breathing is arbitrary.

Hands up, feet shoulder width apart. Circular movements of the body. Alternately in each direction. Breathing is arbitrary.

Squats. Inhale - stand up, exhale - sit down.

Walking is normal; walking, performing a step with the left foot to swing the arms to the left, with the right foot to swing to the right. Breathing is arbitrary.

Standing, holding hands on the back of the chair - alternately raise your legs, touching the back of the chair with your knees. Breathing is arbitrary.

Slow run. 0.5-5 min.

Walking is normal; walking hands through the sides up - inhale, lower - exhale. 1-3 min.

Standing, holding on to the back of a chair. Mahi with a relaxed leg forward - back. The same with the other leg. Breathing is arbitrary.

Standing, holding hands on the back of a chair, rise on toes - inhale; roll on your heels, raising your socks - exhale.

Hands to the sides - inhale; lower your arms with a half-tilt forward, relaxing - exhale.

Hands on stomach. Inhale - the stomach protrudes, the brushes slide along the stomach to the sides; exhale - the stomach is drawn in with the help of the hands.

Abdominal Exercises

If the abdominal muscles are very weak, in order to avoid divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, you should begin to strengthen the abdominal muscles with lighter exercises and massage. IP - lying on your back on the floor. 10 times. 21

Tilt your head forward, raise your shoulders off the floor, reach for your toes - exhale. Return to IP - inhale.

Bend one leg, stretch it forward and up, bend, put the foot on the floor - exhale, straighten the leg - inhale. Repeat for the other leg.

Bend both legs, straighten them forward and upward, bend, lower your feet to the floor - exhale, straighten your legs - inhale.

. "Bicycle" - raise bent legs and, imitating cycling, alternately bend and unbend them at the hip, knee and ankle joints so that the toes of the legs describe the correct circles. 10 times forward and backward.

Bend your knees, straighten them forward and upward at an angle of about 45 degrees, spread them apart, bring them together, bend, lower them - inhale, return to PI - exhale.

Raise your head, put your palms on your forehead and press them, as if resisting the oncoming movement of the head - exhale, return to PI - inhale.

After the abdominal muscles are strong enough, you can move on to more complex and intense exercises. (one)


I gained valuable experience in this term paper on exercise therapy as a method of correcting overweight, a disease characterized by excessive development of adipose tissue.

The main factor leading to the development of obesity is a violation of the energy balance, which consists in a discrepancy between energy intakes in the body and their costs. Obesity is most commonly caused by overeating, but may be due to impaired control of energy expenditure. The undoubted role of hereditary-constitutional predisposition, decreased physical activity, age, gender, occupational factors, some physiological conditions.

Therapeutic Gymnastics is the most accessible form of physical exercise that can be done at home and under the supervision of a polyclinic doctor. Therapeutic Gymnastics must be practiced systematically and for a long time. To increase energy expenditure and achieve weight loss, as mentioned above, long and fairly intense physical work is required, accompanied by sweating. With Therapeutic Gymnastics, this is achieved by increasing the duration of the session to 45-60 minutes. Application of exercises involving large muscle groups, abdominal back, lower extremities, shoulder girdle, weight-bearing exercises, dumbbells, stuffed balls weighing from 2 to 5 kg and above, hanging, the use of a larger repetition of each exercise and the average with periodic acceleration of the pace of work.


1. Belaya N.A. "Therapeutic FC and massage" Soviet Sport Moscow 2001.

Popova S.N. "Physical rehabilitation" "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don 2005.

Beyul E.A. Obesity. - M.: "Medicine" 2006.

Grinenko M.F. "The healing power of movements." 2001.

Dubrovskaya A.V. "Therapeutic massage" Moscow 2004.

Therapeutic physical culture Epifanov V.A. 2006


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