(!LANG: Entertaining activities in kindergarten. Scenario of musical entertainment "Visiting the Fairy of Music" (for the preparatory group)

Characters : princess - music director; king; detective; courtiers - 2-4 people; a donkey; rooster; cat; dog; children; fencers - 4 people; foreign guests.

Props: box with the inscription "Surprise"; an inscription with the name and number of the preschool educational institution; shiny cutting; 2 cubes or chairs; 2 draperies; camera; magnifier; branches with flowers according to the number of children; musical instruments: guitar, drum, trumpet, microphone; mobile phone; swords; Balloons- 8 pcs; dolls: dog, cat, donkey, rooster; a scroll with a decree; inscriptions with numbers; fans; handkerchief.

Entertainment progress

The music of N. Mangini "Pink Panther" sounds. The detective comes to the fore with a cautious step. He places a large box labeled "Surprise" in the center of the stage, taps it gently, and looks at his watch. Something is ticking in the box. The detective, looking around, giggles, rubs his hands and runs backstage. Now the clock has stopped. Explosion simulation. The box opens, a shiny cut flies out of it and a child appears. He is holding a sign with the inscription "DOE No. ___".

In the recording, the song “We stopped by for an hour” sounds, music. G. Gladkova, sl. Y. Entina.

The Bremen town musicians run out of the hall, and courtiers (support team) run out of the wings. All together sing the verse and chorus of this song and dance.

We came to you for an hour

The whole world is in our hands

We are the stars of the continents!

Smashed to smithereens

We are our competitors!


We've been here for an hour!

Hello! Bonjour! Hello!

Come on, love us

You are very lucky!

Well, all together...

Hang your ears

Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

Princess. Nothing makes me happy! I do not want anything!

King. Daughter, a ball of Arts is being announced in your honor. I hope this helps you.

All the characters, discussing what they heard, leave the stage. The solemn music "Minuet" sounds. Appear on the stage young dancers. They sing the minuet. At the end of the performance, they line up in a "living corridor" and lift up the branches entwined with flowers, forming an arch. Along this "corridor" the King and the Princess enter the stage. The courtiers transform the stage into a throne room (cubes and chairs, drapery, flowers). The Princess and the King perform the duet of the Princess and the King (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).


Oh, my poor Troubadour,

Look how skinny the figure is.

I will take care of you!

Princess. I do not want anything!

King(after the song he complains to the courtiers). What to do? How can we be? How to cheer up a princess? (Sighs. The courtiers sympathize: fanning with fans, tying a scarf)


I'm tired of living!

I want a big deal!

Rejoice and surprise!

Explore the creative life!

Courtiers (advise).

You will invite the detective.

He will help you, understand!

King(makes a call from a mobile phone).

Detective, hurry to the palace

And help the princess!

The song "Brilliant detective" sounds. Dance of the detective (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).


I'm a genius detective

I don't need help.

I will even find a pimple

On the body of an elephant.

Like a lion I fight in a fight.

I swim like a flounder

A scent like a dog

And an eye like an eagle!

After the song, the Detective quickly studies footprints in the forest, takes pictures and performs other detective activities.


I understand the essence of the problem -

Living without a goal is unpleasant.

We will try to help

To overcome the longing of the Princess.

I will invite guests

To make it more fun.

Guest performances can go non-stop, or they can be announced by the Detective: an oriental magician, sword fencing, flamenco dance, etc.

The princess doesn't like what she sees.

Princess. It's not, it's not, it's not...

Everyone throws up their hands in amazement.


I want to sing and dance!

More skills to give.

Bring joy to children

Save the children from boredom! (Screaming backstage)

Musicians, help!

Create a miracle of childhood!

Bremen musicians appear on the stage to the song of friends (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).

A donkey. We understand the desire.

Rooster. And it's nice for everyone.

All. We will help you now.

Cat. Let the King issue a decree...

Dog(unfolding the scroll, reads loudly, like a herald).

There is no place for sadness in DOW!

Our musical secret

Every child knows...

All. Both toddler and preschooler.

King. Accept this decree now!

Princess(claps hands).

Daddy, you are simply awesome! (kisses on the cheek)

Musicians, don't pull

Call the little ones!


Well, Princess, this moment -

A very important argument! (Leave)

The recording contains a song about a kindergarten from the fairy tale “About Vera and Anfisa” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by E. Uspensky). The King and Princess are dancing. Children appear on the stage. At the end of the dance, they surround the Princess and, to the music, begin to discuss something emotionally. Suddenly the discussion ends.


We agreed with you

You made friends with art.

We start to tell

Fantasize, create.

Children. Introducing the panorama children's creativity kingdoms preschool № ____ .

All. 1, 2, 3! Started!

Show potpourri numbers preschool pupils No. ___ under the direction of the music director. The potpourri inserts are musical theme Bremen town musicians"On a halt." The names of the rooms can be obtained from the Surprise box.

Children(after potpourri).

Life is so clear to us.

It is good for the soul.

The holiday will continue

Fix boring adults.

Our sweet princess

Help us guys

Cute preschoolers.

The theme of the song of the Bremen Town Musicians (music by G. Gladkov) sounds in the recording. All heroes sing the final song.

There is nothing better in the world -

Music to teach the subject.

Those who are busy are not afraid of anxiety.

We need creative roads!

We will never forget our calling.

We bring laughter and joy to people!

We never have gray worries

Will not replace creativity freedom!

At the end of the final song, the musicians leave the stage through auditorium, handing out balloons stylized as funny faces on the go. Everyone else leaves the stage, led by music director.

Scenario musical entertainment for younger children preschool age during the spring and summer period.

Material Description: this summary may be of interest to music directors and educators working with children of primary preschool age.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Target: contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate in the group, to attract children to the feasible participation in games and fun. Continue to cultivate interest in music, singing and performing the simplest dance movements. Promote children's interest in objects of nature, contribute to the formation of ideas about elementary relationships in nature. Bring up careful attitude To her.


Educational: form an idea of seasonal changes, plants (flowers), to consolidate knowledge about summer, to learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Developing: develop musical and aesthetic perception, observation;

Educational: cultivate respect for nature, curiosity.

Methodical methods: conversations with children, reading poetry, game situations.

The party starts in the group room. The teacher tells the kids that summer has come, and she invites them to go to the flower meadow, where real friends are waiting for them. And since the clearing is “flowery”, then friends are also going to be “flowery”. Children dress up in costumes of flowers and beetles.

To the music of Tchaikovsky P. I. “Waltz of the Flowers”, children enter the hall and examine the decoration of the hall. The hall is decorated with various flowers. The presenter draws attention to the decoration of the hall, leads a conversation about flowers. - Do you guys like flowers? What flowers do you know?

Leading: Admire the flowers:

They have a lot of beauty!

Smile, my friend, chamomile,

Bend over to the fragrant porridge!

There grows another flower -

Gently blue cornflower.

Blue eyes opened

He beckoned for himself!

Wonderful clover - clover

So it asks in the mouth!

Bees hover over the meadow, -

Soon we will be with honey!

How many butterflies around!

It's summer, young friend!

The children are given artificial flowers. Performed

"Dance with flowers", Russian folk melody"I walk with loach."

Leading: Who woke us children

Forest and field illuminated?

Who heated the grass, the bench?

Even the water in our watering can?

Who shone in the window in the morning?

Guess this is…. (children's answer).

Children: Sun!

Leading: We are about our sun

Let's sing a ringing song!

The sun will hear us and look out.

Song "Sunshine"

The Sun appears: Hello guys! You are as beautiful as my flower friends. We are very friendly with them. When I look at them, they smile back at me, when I extend my rays to them, they also reach out to me. I miss winter so much when the flowers are sleeping, and I am so happy when they wake up, raise their heads and look at the sky.

presenter: Hello Sunny, bucket!

Come up quickly

light up, warm up

our little children. (folklore)

We are so happy for you and accept a gift from us - a large bouquet. (Children give flowers) ...

But you know, Sunny, flowers still have a friend - this is a cheerful summer rain! Without it, they would be very hot. Without water, flowers wither and dry up.

Sunny: let's call him to our clearing. Summer rain loves to play with children.

Game: "Rain"

The first drop fell - drop! (from above with a finger show the trajectory of its movement)

And the second came running - cap!

We looked at the sky (looking up)

Droplets drip-drops sang,

wet faces,

We wiped them off. (wipe face with hands)

Shoes - look - (point down and look)

They became wet.

Let's move our shoulders together (shoulder movements)

And shake off all the drops.

Run away from the rain

Let's sit under a bush. (squat)

The sound of rain sounds in the audio recording. An adult in a rain suit appears.



Pour full

small kids

Rain: I'm summer, I'm warm, I'm kind .. I like to play and joke.

The game "Sun and rain".

Leading: The sun came out, all the children went for a walk (children go loose, rejoice in the sun). It's raining (all the children are hiding under a big bright umbrella).

The host sits the guys down, asks to remember who else is friends with flowers (children's answers).

Sun: and different insects (beetles, bees, butterflies) are friends with flowers.

Butterfly, let's be friends!

It's more fun to live in friendship.

We have flowers in the garden

Fly over them. A. Sarsekov.


Bumblebee heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day.

He didn't just fly

He counted the flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: “It’s hard work!

After all, the flowers in the garden are countless! (E. Feyerabend)

2- Child


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us some bread

Black and white, but not burnt. (folklore).

Presenter: Guys, do you know why flowers and insects are very friendly? They help each other: flowers for beetles house, food, protection, and beetles treat flowers from diseases.

Dance of the bugs "Gopachok" (Ukrainian) nar. Melody in arr. M. Rauchverger.


Bloomed in our forest

Various flowers:

Poppy, chamomile, cornflowers

Blue eyes.

I took my watering can

And watered the flowers.

Flowers will drink water

They will grow well!

The game "Field flowers from a watering can." (The ratio of the color of the watering can with the color of the flowers).

presenter: Well done boys! Take good care of the flowers, because they are alive, and all living things love warmth, light, water, and respect for themselves. Never throw garbage on the ground, she gives us flowers, do not pick flowers, do not offend bugs and butterflies - flowers are bad without them.

In parting, I want to tell you:

Do not tear flowers, do not tear,

Let the Earth be beautiful.

And instead of bouquets give

Cornflower blue, forget-me-not

And chamomile fields.

The music of Y. Antonov “Do not pick flowers” ​​sounds. Children say goodbye to the heroes of the holiday, leave the hall.

Pay attention to the pleasure with which your baby runs to kindergarten. How much he loves his teachers and classmates. Not surprising. After all, every children's entertainment in kindergarten attracts children, cheers them up, leads to complete delight.

It is here that the baby learns why night follows day, why it rains, where which animals live, etc. The brain remembers a lot of information. But all this must be done in game form. Otherwise, the baby will just be bored.

Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the mind of the child

So, in more detail. Each children's entertainment in kindergarten is a bright and joyful event in the life of a child. Through various specially designed tasks, the child tries to become more aware of his feelings and thoughts. Conducting all kinds of entertainment contributes to moral education kids. Children are united by common experiences, the concept of collectivism is brought up, patriotic feelings, discipline and a culture of behavior are formed. In addition, the crumbs expand their horizons, develop speech, memory, imagination and mental development.

certain idea

Children's entertainment in kindergarten is the participation of kids in games, singing, dancing and round dances. Such activities develop and strengthen the child's body, improve the coordination of his movements. Preparation for entertainment should take place systematically and systematically. That is, the general rhythm of life of a preschool institution should not be disturbed. Well, a good teacher knows the kids, their individual characteristics and interests. Therefore, entertainment is joyful and meaningful.

Do not forget that entertainment is based on certain ideas and goals that need to be conveyed to each child. For example, May 1 is Workers' Solidarity Day, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. These same ideas should go through the content of the entire holiday. For this, decoration, dramatizations, round dances, dances, music, songs and poems are used. The main thing is to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the kids. The repertoire must be carefully selected taking into account the level of development of motor and vocal skills.

Another important point. In toddlers, younger and middle groups fatigue sets in earlier than in older children. The crumbs are not able to perceive too many songs, poems, etc. Therefore, the duration of entertainment should not exceed thirty minutes. Older preschoolers can enjoy a more varied and richer repertoire. The holiday can last up to an hour.

Combination of different types of art

Each children's entertainment in kindergarten should harmoniously combine all kinds of tasks, collective and individual work. Different types arts complement each other in solving one topic, increase the emotional impact on the kids. It is only important to alternate classes correctly, taking into account the excitability of children and their rapid fatigue.

Entertainment brings joy to the crumbs. Therefore, it is necessary to give every child the opportunity to take part in them. With great pleasure, children repeat well-known songs, dance, dance. This is the main part of the program of every entertainment evening. Of course, new numbers are also needed.

Holiday types

When are ceremonial events organized in kindergartens? Of course, especially for the holidays. By construction and ideological orientation they are different.

The first group is social and political holidays. These include May 1, Victory Day, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The second group is domestic holidays. These are: New Year's party, prom, etc.

And last group- Holidays are seasonal. These include themed spring, summer, autumn and winter activities in kindergarten.

Social and political holidays

And now a few words about each group specifically. Socio-political entertainment scenarios in kindergarten are held especially solemnly. As a rule, such holidays begin with the children entering the hall with flowers and balloons. After welcoming the guests, the concert begins. The program, as usual, includes games, dances and round dances. Performances are interspersed with tasks that bring animation and fun. Pre-training they don't require. Children get the opportunity to compete in intelligence and dexterity. The final part also emphasizes the solemnity of what is happening.

Household holidays

What is the second group? Most often, these are musical entertainment in kindergarten, accompanied by a certain construction and decoration. Such holidays are connected with the life and life of kids. They are less solemn. There is much more immediacy in them than in social and political holidays. Special attention given in kindergarten New Year's party. This holiday is full of magical transformations and mysterious surprises.

In the center new year holiday there is a chic Christmas tree, decorated with toys and garlands. The luxury of spruce, as a rule, captures the kids so much that the holiday begins with it. To the cheerful music, the children enter the hall together with the teacher and look at the New Year tree. After they go around the Christmas tree, they sit down, taking turns going to the center of the hall and reciting poems. However, all the fun begins with the arrival of Santa Claus. Good Wizard appears with fun, jokes, riddles, games and, of course, gifts.

An artificial Christmas tree usually stands in the hall for several days. After that, it can be taken out to the playground. There she is for some time surrounded by animals made of snow. The spruce is removed as soon as the children's interest in it weakens. In the memory of the kids, she always remains elegant and beautiful.

Seasonal holidays

And the last group. Seasonal holidays often involve physical education in kindergarten. For example, during a summer celebration, kids can demonstrate how they grew up and got stronger in the country, how strong and dexterous they became. Such holidays are held outdoors. Teachers and children decorate the playground. For this, garlands made of flowers and greenery, paper lanterns, painted balls, figurines rotating from the wind, large cardboard huts and mushrooms, etc. are used. Sports competitions cannot but attract children. They bring fun and joy to the crumbs, serve important element their harmonious development.

Teaching staff

Conducting entertainment in kindergarten largely depends, of course, on the teachers. They are responsible for the preparation of events. The program is compiled by educators together with the music director. This takes into account the program of education in kindergarten. The script is approved at the pedagogical meeting. Also at the meeting, they are determined with responsible people for preparing costumes, decorating the hall, attributes, etc.

The success of the holiday largely depends on the leader. His choice must also be taken very seriously. This should be a cheerful, resourceful teacher, who knows the kids well, who knows how to keep at ease and freely. Often in preparatory work parents are included.

At the next pedagogical meeting, the results of the next event are summed up. Here they determine the work to deepen the impressions of the kids in the days after the holidays. As a rule, conversations are held with the guys about the past matinee. Children's words can be written down and placed on a stand for parents. After the holiday, the educators clean up the decorations along with the crumbs. In the classroom for fine arts you can draw or sculpt crafts from plasticine on the theme “Our holiday”.

Entertainment content

And finally. The organization of entertainment in kindergarten is carried out quite often. It doesn't have to be holidays. It is perfectly acceptable to hold events without any reason. The main thing is that the children are interested.

According to the nature of the participation of adults and children, events are divided into three types. It can be entertainment prepared by adults; entertainment prepared by the forces of the kids; and mixed evenings of entertainment in which adults and children take part.

According to the form of organization, events are also divided into several types: themed evenings, concerts, sports entertainment, evenings-fun and children's amateur performances. In a word, there are many options. You just need to organize everything correctly. Dare! Happy entertainment!

Software content.

  • To teach children to feel and understand the beauty of music, to convey it in movements, playing on musical instruments corresponding to the character of the music.

Development tasks:

  • To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music and its images.
  • Develop creativity and imagination.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention.
  • Develop creative imagination through musical-rhythmic movements and playing musical-noise instruments.
  • Develop speech, auditory attention, musical memory.

Educational tasks:

  • Cultivate a love for music, for musical instruments
  • Improve the ability to feel your body and own it.
  • To enrich the emotional impressions of children from acquaintance with musical works.
  • Equipment: animal hats (donkey, goat, bear, monkey goat kids wolf) caps for music (do re mi fa sol la si) wooden spoons, glockenspiel, tambourine postcards with the image of instruments


  • Leader - adult
  • Queen of Music - Adult
  • Goat - adult
  • Wolf - adult

Leading (music plays) Hello dear guys! Today we will go on an unusual, magical journey - to the country of music. We hope that this trip will give you a smile, joy and good mood. Today, children from music school they brought their musical instruments with them and prepared a small concert.

No music, no music
Can't live at all.
Don't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.

And you won't spin in the dance,
And you won't march
And a fun song
You will not sing on a holiday!

Let me tell you a secret:
There is no mood without a song!

The song sounds "Wonderful Song" (music by Birnov).

Host: Today we are going to have an exciting journey to magical land Music!

Do you hear the music?

(On the forest clearing come out, donkey, goat, bear, and monkey)

scene "Quartet" Krylov's fable (acting with children)


naughty monkey,
A donkey,
Goat, Yes, clubfoot Mishka.
They decided to play a quartet.

We got notes, bass, viola, two violins.
And they sat down on the meadow under the limes, -
Captivate the world with your art.
They hit the bows, they tear, but there is no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts Monkey. -
How does the music go? You don't sit like that.
You are with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against the viola,

I, prima, will sit against the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains!”
They sat down, began the Quartet;

He still doesn't go well with them.
“Wait, did I find a secret? -
The Donkey shouts, - we, surely, will get along,
Let's sit next to each other."

They obeyed the Donkey: they sat down decorously in a row;
And yet the Quartet is not going well.
Here, more than ever, their analysis went
And disputes

Who and how to sit.
It happened to the Nightingale to fly to their noise.
Here with a request all to him, to solve their doubts.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,

To put our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and we have instruments,
Just tell us how to sit down! -
“To be a musician, you need the ability

And your ears are softer, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;
You're not fit to be a musician" (animals are sad) who will teach us songs to sing and dance)


We will go to the country of magical Music for the holiday.
And if you want, we will take you with us.
The Queen of Music lives in that country
And today he is waiting for all of us to visit.

animals: we sing songs and play instruments, we don’t know how!


Nothing, because Music loves us all,
To sing songs and play instruments, she will teach everyone.
Leading: Well, then, get ready, forest people, music is waiting for us!
Don't feel sorry for your feet

Get on the road soon.

Composition (children imitate train movement) "Song of Friends" (We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands good neighbors, cheerful friends ...).

Host: So we arrived in the country of magical Music.

(The Queen of Music enters to the music.)


My name is music, my friends!
And now I will meet you.
Take a look at my outfit -
There is a whole scale on the dress.

There are various icons
Even the treble clef.
I want to invite you friends
To the world of music and happiness.

Queen: My assistants live in the world of music, run my assistants and tell the children about yourself (children read poetry)

The note is full of worries,
She has been given an important task.
She is the basis of the scale,
She always needs to be there.

Re brings joy to everyone around
And for girlfriends chamomile tears.
Like a brook she calls
And everyone can hear from afar.

Mi loves peace, tranquility,
Magic golden month.
She dreams of beauty
And dedicates melodies to her.

Fa is a dreamer and a poet,
She has a bicycle
Winged with a bright lantern,
The Fa rushes across the sky on it.

Salt loves the sun's bright light,
There is no lighter and cleaner note.
She grows beans in the garden,
You will certainly be served.

House notes of La from petals,
She is a great connoisseur of flowers
Forest, garden, meadow,
She looks like La herself.

And our C note is modest,
She is the last one in the line.
Si loves dreams and fairy tales
And baby blue eyes.

Every note has its own life
But together they are all family.
It contains seven magical "I" live
And they sing songs loudly.

Presenter: Queen of music, your helpers of notes will help our animal friends learn how to sing and dance correctly. And then they get nothing.

Queen: Of course I will! Listen to our orchestra play.

Orchestra "Merry Spoons" (boys play)

Queen: This is very interesting. Learn to sing songs and dance, and even more interesting, hear the voice of the flute, (child plays the flute)

Queen: I have musical riddles for you, friends.

Whoever guesses the riddle gets the answer! (postcards with the image of the instrument)

Riddles: this is known in Russia,
Just ask someone about it!
She only has three strings
But she is the love of the country.

Vanya will come out behind the wattle fence
And he will play "tribble" and "nonsense". (Balalaika)

Six-string foreigner
This resonant instrument
They love a bard, a soldier, a student,
And honored artist
And a loaded tourist. (Guitar)

Very ancient and simple
Tool, empty inside.
Sticks beat hard
The rhythm of the ensemble is set.
He is always happy
Lead the parade. (Drum)

This performer is young
FROM musical notation sign.
He is on gentle thin strings
Leads with a small bow. (Violinist)

A three-row is poured,
And the people are squatting!
A three-row is not bad -
There are buttons and furs.
And funny old ladies
Ditties sing under it! (Accordion, harmonica)


We have the tools

They will play it for us now. The game "Guess the Tool" (a child behind a screen plays instruments, a metallophone, spoons, a tambourine) children guess.

The game is repeated 2-3 times at the request of the children.

surprise moment (the role of the goat and the wolf is played by adults, the goats are children)

A goat with goats comes in - Hello, friends, I am a dereza goat, and these are my goats, we live in the forest, you have not met a forest wolf, sometimes he is very angry, and strives to offend my goats, we are afraid of him.

Queen: Do not be afraid of the wolf goat dereza, we will not let your kids be offended, and we will defeat the wolf, stay with us at the holiday, have fun.

A wolf runs in, oh, where are you, kids, kids, I was looking for you in all the fairy tales, ran to the three piglets, they didn’t open the door for me, knocked on the hare in the bast hut, and there was silence, Mishke looked into the thicket and there was no one where lost forest dwellers

Queen: They don’t want to be friends with you, you can’t run around the wolf kids and goats, and all the neighbors in fairy tales, stay on our holiday and listen beautiful music and dance with the boys (sounds excerpt from the musical "Mother" wolf dancing with children

Wolf: now I will also be friends with goats and listen to beautiful music, and learn to sing and dance beautifully.

Queen: What is a song?
This is a true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter all around

And now, kids
It's time for me to say goodbye!
See you at music and dance lessons.
(Queen of Music exits.)

Host: So our journey to the country of wonderful magical music has ended, let's smile at each other, and we will never be bored when such cheerful music sounds, we want to sing and dance. (song sounds "Smile" )


  • V. Semernin "Music is everywhere" ,
  • "Musical Mysteries" (source internet).
  • Fable Krylov I.A. "Quartet"

Entertainment for the day of music in the preparatory group " Magic world music"

Target: To draw the attention of children to the beauty of the sounds of nature. Consolidation of the basics musical literacy
Tasks:- develop timbre hearing, sense of rhythm, imagination, associative thinking.
- engage in listening and perception classical music.
- distinguish the nature of musical works.
- enrich visual, auditory, motor sensations.
- to consolidate the understanding of the terms "notes", "stave", "major", "minor"
Material and equipment: writing, spoons, rattles, castanets, tambourine, emoticons, hats for Major, Minor, Treble Clef, Brushes, screen, projector

To the music, the children entered music hall.

Host: Hello guys! Good afternoon, dear guests. We have gathered here for a celebration dedicated to MUSIC. Music surrounds us everywhere. Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot, makes us better, smarter, kinder.

1 child.
The wind is barely audible,
Linden sighs by the garden -
Sensitive music lives everywhere -
In the rustle of grasses, in the noise of oak forests,
You just need to listen.
2 child.
The stream flows loudly
Thunder falls from the sky -
This melody forever
The world is filled with nature!
3 child.
The willow sheds its quiet tears at the ford...
Nightingales only greet the night
The sound of branches, the song of rain
The world is filled with nature.
4 child.
The birds greet the sunrise
The swallow is happy with the sun!
Sensitive music lives everywhere
Just need to listen

The teacher takes out an envelope from the Fairy of Music.
- Guys, today a letter came to the kindergarten address.

Presenter: What is this envelope? It must be from the Fairy of Music herself! I wonder what she writes to us, let's read: “Dear guys! I know that you are very fond of music and musical activities. I also love music very much, and I miss you very much. Let's celebrate Music together! Wait for a visit. See you soon! Your Music Fairy.
presenter: Today we will not only hear music, but also show our knowledge, skills and talents. If we cope with all the tasks, answer the questions, then the Fairy of Music promises to visit us.
1 task: unravel the words that, as in a crossword puzzle, are hidden in empty cells.
Seven baby circles
They sit on the lines.
Oh, how everyone lives together,
Songs are sung loudly.
Very busy with work
These joyful ... (notes)

I am your friend, I am your companion,
On the road without me, nothing will work
With me, friends, it is always interesting.
Know who I am? Well, of course ... (song)

He writes music for us
Melodies are playing
He will put poems on a waltz.
Who composes songs? (Composer)

Very fond of music
Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,
And so we bought
I'm big... (piano)

Children showed number
Just "excellent"!
Everyone danced to the music
Friendly and rhythmic.
What did the guys do
On a holiday in the New Year's hall? (Dance)

These were the words: notes, song, dance, piano, composer.

2 task. Association exercise - what movements do you want to do to the music? March, waltz, music at a fast pace sounds. Children perform movements: march, dance, run in place.
Parsing pictures. What is associated with: cake, gift, sun, spring, thunderstorm, rain, night. Children show a happy emoji or a sad emoji.

Presenter: Guys, did you pay attention to the house? What do you see on it?

Children: Seven notes, seven colors of the rainbow.

presenter: Sofia will tell us about this house.
The poem "Oh, what a wonderful house"
Oh what a wonderful house
So many bright colors in it!
If you override them,
You can make a rainbow.
Together with notes later
We will sing about the rainbow
Children will be happy
Kraskoryad and sound range.
Tell your mom and dad, ask them to repeat:
The scale is called the scale -
Let's collect the sounds
Let's play rainbow!

Presenter: Guys, who lives in this house? And the Tassel and the Treble Clef live in it. Once they argued among themselves, and what we will now learn.

Scene: How the Brush and the Treble Clef argued.


The world is full of stories of people arguing
Who is taller, stronger, more beautiful and smarter.
But the price of disputes and quarrels is a copper penny,
After all, everyone is good in their own way.

Where and when, I will not give you an answer,
But here's how this story happened...
The Violin Clef argued with the Brush,
About who is more important ... Well, everything is as usual.

Treble clef:
- The seven best notes in my squad!
I will build them, as in a parade,
I wave my hand - they sound.
What, tell me, do you have?

- And I have seven colors,
And each in a thousand tones.
I easily put them on the canvas,
Whatever you want, I'll draw

Treble clef:
- I can easily show
The buzzing of bees in the meadow,
Dawn, the breath of the breeze,
The coolness of a summer stream...

All this I will tell you
I paint easily on canvas.
And sadness and joy, without difficulty
Show my colors!

Treble clef:
- Can I make people
Melt in the sound of my notes:
Laugh, cry and love...
It's easier for people to live with me!

- This is not for you to judge!
... I can stop a moment,
I bring beauty to the ages,
I will save the world with beauty!

Treble clef:
- No, I do not agree with you!
Nothing is eternal under the Moon,
Only music is always alive
Only beauty is hidden in it!

- How can you, a simple hook,
Fill the whole world with beauty?
Yes, the sound of music is sweet
But there is more beauty in colors!

Treble clef:
You are just a stick with hair
Your destiny is only drawing!
What is beauty? Your daub?
…Well, you made me laugh!

A man intervened in their argument.
He was an artist and a poet
Dancer, singer and musician,
He was a multifaceted talent.

- What are you arguing about? What for?
I will judge you without any problems:
You tell me about
What a wonderful world we live in.

- I'll take the paint and start painting!

Treble clef:
- I'll make the notes sound with music!

Seven notes, seven colors will come to life overnight.

- It was not worth arguing: Happiness is in harmony!
If someone is lonely, sadness gnaws at someone,
Let the Fairy of Music come, and she will help everyone.
The Music Fairy appears to the music.

Fairy: Hello, dear guys! Hello dear guests! Did you get my letter? My name is Music Fairy. I am very glad to be your guest. Music accompanies a person all his life. Guys where can you hear the music other than music lessons? (children's answers)

presenter: I wonder how music is recorded, let's guess the riddle:
1. Seven girlfriends - seven wonderwomen,
Put together - there will be a song. (Notes)

2. Guys, where do the notes live, guess:
Seven steps - ladder,
On the steps - a song. (Music staff)
That's right, it's a musical staff or staff.
Seven are just notes in the world,
You remember these notes!
Long in memory wear:
Together: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!

Fairy: Let's talk about the notes:
Every note has a home.
Where do you live, note "Do"?
Before: Here on a small bench,
On the extension line

Fairy: Note "Re", where do you live?
Where do you sing songs?
Re: Guess the best - ka-
Under the first line.

Fairy: The note "mi" climbed higher,
On the ruler of the village, quieter.
The note "mi" will now sing:
Mi: “an airplane flies to the sea”

Fairy: Between the first and second "F" looks out the window.
Fa: Between the first and second, I feel a little cramped.

Fairy: On the second line, "sol" with the note "F" occurs.
Sol: If you say "F" and "Sol" -
The word is obtained.

La: Did you notice me?
Fairy: Asked the note "La"
La: Between the second and third
I sit comfortably.

Fairy: On the line of the third "C",
At the very middle.
Si: I'll sing when you don't ask
Loudly, without hesitation.

Fairy: Well done! All notes are placed correctly. Let's sing a happy song.
The song "Together it's fun to walk"
Fairy: Once I met clowns - Major and Minor. Clown Major is always cheerful, never lose heart. But the clown Minor is often upset over trifles and cries.

Clowns appear MAJOR AND MINOR
- My name is Senor Major,
Glad to meet you!
I always bring with me
Smiles for kids.
- Well, my name is Minor.
I'll tell you this:
With laughter I'm not on the way,
I value sadness.
With a sad smile on your face
You are in difficult times
With me you will be quiet and sweet
In a minor mood.
- So let it be everywhere and let it always
Smiles brighten faces!
- Smile with sadness in half
We'll need it too.
And if you want, my friend,
Get a little sad
Call me: "Senior Minor! .."
I will be coming.
- You will always be with me
In a major mood
You will overcome any difficulty
You are amazing to everyone!
Do not be afraid of difficulties along the way,
Go ahead and sing!
And remember, my friend, always
Senor Major is with you!

presenter: I think that the clowns Major and Minor will never quarrel again. They are both very important and needed in music. Guys, where else can you hear the music? Let's look at the screen.

Presentation of the film "I want to hear music ..."

Presenter: Dear Parents we invite you to take part in music quiz.
1. What can be attributed to folklore? (vocalise, concert, ditty)
2. As they called in medieval Russia an itinerant musician, singer, dancer and actor? (juggler, buffoon, comedian)
3. What is the name of the first public speaking on the theater stage or concert stage? (debut, creative evening, benefit performance)
4. What Russian composer created many operas based on fairy tales? (Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Dargomyzhsky)
5. What is the name piece of music, usually performed in evening hours in front of the beloved's house in Spain and Italy? (serenade)
6. Name Russian folk dance fast, perky character with a clear rhythmic pattern, accompanied by stomping? (lady, gypsy, trepak)
7. What is the name of a group of several performers? (ensemble)
8. Who can be called a performer? (musician, singer, instrumentalist) - all three answers

And now we offer to plunge into the world of music, and perform musical composition on musical instruments.
And the conductor will be chosen by counting:
Luntik rode on a cart
He handed out nuts to everyone
Who is two, who is three
You will be the conductor.

The game "Orchestra" Parents perform Rachmaninov's "Italian Polka"

presenter: Today we learned so much about music and about ourselves. We want to tell you a wish in the words of the Russian composer D.D. Shostakovich: “Love and study the great art of music. It will open you the whole world high feelings. It will make you spiritually richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new, previously unknown strengths in yourself. You will see life in new colors and colors.”