(!LANG: A detailed analysis of the novel Eugene Onegin. Analysis of Eugene Onegin. Composition: the general construction of the work

The work "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was published in 1833, but it still excites the hearts of people. Every senior schoolboy knows passages from the novel by heart and all its main characters. In order to understand what is the secret of the success of the work, we will make a brief analysis of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" in this article.

General characteristics of the novel

  • Direction and genre. "Eugene Onegin" is one of the first Russian realistic novels of a socio-psychological direction. Moreover, this novel was written not in prose, but in verse. The history of its creation covers several periods of the poet's work.
  • Ideas and thoughts. The novel is named after the name of the protagonist, for a reason. By this Pushkin emphasized the special significance of the character. In the image of Eugene Onegin, he wanted to show the image of the hero of the time. According to Pushkin, a distinctive feature of the youth of the 19th century was indifference to life, to its pleasures, the poet called this "premature old age of the soul."
  • Another important idea is to show the national character of the Russian heroine. Tatyana is not only a "Russian soul" heroine, but also the ideal of a woman.
  • In this novel, the author also showed the nobility that formed the main characters. On the one hand, this elite Petersburg and Moscow, imbued with the spirit of "empty" and "cold", on the other - the nobility of the province. The attitude of the poet towards them was different, which he showed in the novel.
  • Subject. The novel covers extensive life material. Therefore, the problems and themes of the work are so diverse and versatile. It depicts in every detail the social, everyday and cultural way of the entire Russian society of the early 19th century.
  • Issues. At the heart of the problematics of the work lies the main problem of the society of that time. This is the opposition of the main part of Russian society, honoring national traditions, European-enlightened Russian nobility.
  • Main heroes. In the novel, there is a contraposition all the time: the city - the countryside, the national - non-national. The heroes of the novel are contrasted in the same way. The "Hero of Time" appears before the reader in the form of Eugene Onegin. He acts as a representative of "Russian Byronism". Tatyana Larina is a "sweet ideal", the poet put into her his ideas about the Russian character. Vladimir Lensky is also a representative of the Russian nobility, but of a different type - he is a young romantic, a dreamer, in contrast to the Byronic Onegin.

Brief analysis of the chapters

  • Analysis of the 1st chapter of "Eugene Onegin". In the first chapter, in order to explain the appearance of Onegin, such an unusual hero, Pushkin describes in detail what happened to him. As a result of the chapter, it becomes clear that there is a contradiction. With all the opportunities that a brilliant metropolitan life gives the hero, he is not carried away by it. And the reader has a question about why he lost interest in life.
  • Analysis of the 2nd chapter of "Eugene Onegin". In the second chapter, the main characters are described, their portrait characteristics, some character traits are drawn. And again the question: why does Onegin shun his neighbors, but converges with Lensky? After all, they are so different, so different from each other, like ice and fire.
  • Analysis of the 3rd chapter of "Eugene Onegin". It is believed that this chapter begins the beginning of the conflict. But would Pushkin, with his poetic energy, stretch the exposition into two chapters? He began the novel strongly. The plot of the novel lies in the contradictions that torment the hero, the oddities of his longing, with all the splendor of living conditions. The second chapter leads to a change of environment, to a change of place. But even here, in the estate, Onegin yearns almost the same as in the capital. Chapter 3 is just the next step of this plot. The hero will not face the village, but with a feeling reminiscent of the elements - with love. The feeling that flared up in Tatyana and her deed, a letter of love, are central to this chapter. And again questions. Why did love awaken so unexpectedly in Tatyana? And what prompted her to write a letter to Onegin?
  • Analysis of the 4th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". The chapter shows the reader the main character's reaction to love. How do the author of the novel and Tatyana evaluate his explanation in the garden? Is it the same? Why did the author need to demonstrate in this chapter the holiness of Onegin and happy love Lensky and Olga?
  • Analysis of the 5th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". Here the hero is waiting for a new test, and the question arises before him: what will win - the desire for his own peace, backed up by the consciousness of superiority over other people, or sympathy for someone else's love, indulgence in friendship? The chapter answers the questions: how did Tatyana manage to predict Lensky's collision with Onegin, how is Tatyana's dream similar to name days?
  • Analysis of the 6th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". It reveals all the imaginary feeling of superiority inherent in Onegin. This is the denouement of the duel with society, which was outlined in the moping Onegin and ended in the murder of a friend, a young poet. Only the physical shell of the protagonist remained alive, he is morally broken. The condemnation of the environment, which he despises, turned out to be stronger than his hidden feelings and sincere desires. Questions that should be answered: what happened, how friends suddenly became enemies and clashed in a duel, who is still to blame for the duel, in its sad ending?
  • Analysis of the 7th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". It is built on 2 events: Tatiana's visit to the house where the Onegins live, and Tatiana's arrival in Moscow. There is no hero in Moscow. The reader is hesitant about Onegin's assessment. There is even greater uncertainty and mystery in his figure. Having suffered a moral fiasco, it would seem that he should be condemned by us. The doubts that overcome Tatyana and plunge her into indifference seem to contribute even more to our condemnation of Onegin. But in the eighth chapter, Pushkin leads us out of erroneous delusions and does not allow us to recklessly condemn the hero. A hero who, at the end of the novel, is capable of sincere feelings and deep suffering. And here we ask questions: has Tatyana's attitude towards Onegin changed in connection with all the events that have taken place?
  • Analysis of the 8th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". In this chapter, Onegin discovers opportunities that he did not have before. The hero ascended, a direct, selfless and lyrical feeling opened in him. But, nevertheless, he finds himself in a tragic impasse. According to Pushkin, falling into love, expressing cold contempt for society, is not salvation. This is the denouement of the inner meaning of the novel. And we have to answer the question: Onegin loves Tatyana, but why is she rejecting him now?

We have presented you a small analysis of the novel "Eugene Onegin", we hope that it will help you better understand this work.

The Russian reality of the 20s of the XIX century appears before the reader in the novel of the great poet of reality Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". This work has a very great importance in world literature. The author was able to combine romanticism and realism, humor and elegy, truth and dream in it. Beautiful verses combined with lyrical digressions and conveyed amazing pictures of Russian national life. Pushkin subtly describes the urban reality of Moscow and St. Petersburg, village life, seasons. called the encyclopedia of Russian life great critic Belinsky's novel "Eugene Onegin". An analysis of the work will show you its significance and grandiosity.

How was the novel created?

Analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin proves that the novel was created over several periods of the poet's work. The genius himself said that work on the book lasted a little over 7 years. The novel was published in parts as it was written, and in 1833 a complete edition appeared. Pushkin had always made some amendments to the text before that. As a result, the master turned out to be a masterpiece, consisting of 8 songs, or parts, and the appendix "Excerpts from Onegin's Journey". Pushkin wrote another chapter, but since it contained some dangerous political allusions related to Decembrism, the author had to burn it. The poet began work on the book while in exile in the south (in Odessa), finished work in the village of Boldino.

Orientation and genre originality of the work

"Eugene Onegin" is a realistic novel with a socio-psychological direction. It is written in poetic form. There was no such work in Russian literature of that time. Alexander Sergeevich retreated from the romantic canons and gave his creation more realism.

What did A.S. want to show in his book? Pushkin? The reader sees young man, Eugene Onegin, typical hero that time. Next to him, the poet draws a few more images, their characters, behavior, situations in which they find themselves. In this way, the author explains the various social problems. The formation of the views and character of the hero took place under the influence of various events in secular society. A detailed and thorough description of the actions of the characters allows us to call the novel a social one.

The love story of the work is devoid of the usual romance. Pushkin shows the mutual feeling that the heroes have to eradicate under the influence of external circumstances. In addition to the world of the heroes of the work (Eugene, Tatyana, Lensky), the world of the author-narrator is clearly traced in the novel, which is reflected in lyrical digressions. This allows us to attribute the work to the lyric-epic genre.

Brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin

The masterpiece of Alexander Sergeevich begins with an appeal to the reader, where he characterizes his work, calling its chapters half funny, half sad, common people and ideal. Get acquainted with the plot and a brief analysis of "Eugene Onegin" by chapters:

  • name day. Lensky made an offer to Olga and is preparing for the wedding. The Lenskys invite Yevgeny to Tatyana's name day. Before that girl sees prophetic dream in which Onegin kills Lensky. Excited Tatyana at the party does not know how to behave in front of Yevgeny. He noticed this confused behavior of the girl and is angry with Lensky, who brought him there. As a sign of revenge, Eugene courts Olga, and she flirts with him. A jealous poet challenges Onegin to a duel.
  • Duel. Analysis of the 6th chapter of "Eugene Onegin" is very important for common understanding the whole novel. Eugene is aware of his mean act, but still agrees to a duel. Onegin shoots first and kills Vladimir. A poet who could have become famous all over the world died.
  • Moscow. Olga did not grieve for Lensky for a long time and soon got married. Tatyana still loved Onegin. After some time, she is taken to Moscow to be married off. One general became her husband.
  • Wandering. big light . Onegin traveled the world for several years. Upon his return, at one of the balls in the capital, he met Tatyana, who turned into a secular lady. He falls in love with her and writes several confession letters. The changed Tatyana still loves him, but chooses the honor of her family and husband. The novel ends with a touching farewell between the characters.

Mirror composition of the novel

Alexander Sergeevich used the method of mirror composition to create his masterpiece. This method reveals spiritual development Onegin and Tatyana. At the beginning of the work, the reader sees Tatyana in love, suffering from unrequited feelings. The author strongly supports, sympathizes and sympathizes with his heroine.

At the end of the novel, Evgeny, in love, opens up to everyone, but Tatyana has already married. Now the author sympathizes with Onegin. Everything is repeated in a mirror sequence. Examples of the boomerang effect are two letters: one from Tatyana, the other from Onegin.

Another example of mirror symmetry is Tatyana's dream and her marriage. The bear that saved her in her dream was her future husband.

Main themes and issues

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Sergeevich showed the typical nature of his era in their formation. The reader sees representatives of different strata of society: the capital's high society, the provincial nobility, ordinary urban residents and peasants. Depicting realistic images of the nobility, Pushkin touches on the following topics:

  • education;
  • upbringing;
  • family relationships;
  • cultural traditions;
  • love;
  • friendship;
  • politics;
  • customs and manners;
  • historical issues;
  • morality.

The novel is full of lyrical digressions, where the author's reflections on life are most clearly visible. Pushkin talks about literature, theater, music. The author reveals the most important social and moral and philosophical problems:

  • purpose and meaning of life;
  • real and false values;
  • destructiveness of egoism and individualism;
  • fidelity to love and duty;
  • transience of life;
  • the value of moments.

Main idea and pathos

Pushkin's novel is named after the protagonist, which indicates the importance of this character in the book. The task of the author was to create a hero of that time. And he did. Pushkin shows that happy life waiting for only a few who think, few knowledgeable people who do not aspire to anything spiritual and lofty. People with a sensitive soul are waiting for suffering. Some, like Lensky, perish, others languish in inaction, like Onegin. People like Tatyana are destined to suffer in silence.

Pushkin does not blame the heroes for everything, but the environment in which their characters were formed. She made beautiful, noble and intelligent people unhappy. Moscow and St. Petersburg high society, the writer draws critically. To portray him, Pushkin uses satirical pathos.

Hero of his time - Eugene Onegin

Onegin represents the highest Petersburg light. He grew up selfish, not accustomed to work, his training was joking. He spends all his time on secular entertainment. This led to the fact that he could not understand the feelings of young Tatyana, her soul. The life of the hero did not work out the way he wanted it to. The reason for this misfortune is that he did not understand the simple truth - happiness next to a devoted friend, a faithful woman.

An analysis of the hero of "Eugene Onegin" proves that many events influenced his transformations, especially the death of Lensky. The inner world of Onegin at the end of the book became much richer.

Tatyana Larina - the sweet ideal of the poet

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin is associated with ideas about Russian national character. Russian soul, she absorbed all the traditions and customs of the Larin family. The heroine grew up among Russian nature on fairy tales and legends of her nanny. The heroine is very thin inner world and pure soul.

Tatiana - strong personality. Even at the end of the novel, she remains simple and natural. She sacrifices her love for moral purity, fidelity to duty, sincerity in relationships.

Vladimir Lensky

Another representative of the nobility, Lensky, is a young romantic dreamer. The author sympathizes with this hero, admires him, sometimes sad and smiles. Vladimir strives for heroism, lives in an imaginary world. He is very passionate, impetuous and far from reality.

Holy concepts for Lensky are love, nobility and honor. In a heroic impulse, Vladimir dies during an absurd duel with a friend.

According to V. G. Belinsky, Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" can be safely called "an encyclopedia of Russian life." From this work, one can reliable source, to find out virtually everything related to that era, right down to what they ate and how people dressed. It reflects the life and life of the Russian people, the atmosphere of that time. We offer you to get acquainted with a brief analysis of the work according to the plan of "Eugene Onegin". This material can be used to work at literature lessons in grade 9, as well as in preparation for the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1823 - 1830

History of creation– Work on the novel lasted more than seven years, as the poet himself said, it was created on the basis of his reflections and assessment of the events taking place in his native state.

Topicmain theme"Eugene Onegin" is unrequited love. All the topics accompanying human life are involved here - friendship, love, loyalty and disappointment.

Composition- Poetic novel, consisting of eight chapters.

Genre- A. S. Pushkin himself defined the genre of "Eugene Onegin" as a novel in verse, highlighting the lyric - epic content.

Direction- Realism, but in the initial chapters there is still a direction of romanticism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" began in 1823, when the poet was in exile. At this time, the writer is already abandoning romanticism as the leading way to convey the meaning of works, and begins to work in a realistic direction.

The events of the novel cover the period of the reign of Alexander the First, the development of Russian society during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. The creation of the work is dedicated dramatic fate nobility.

Against the background of all the ongoing events, the love plot of the novel develops, the experiences of the main characters, the influence of the environment on their fate and worldview. The completion of the novel fell on the "golden" time of the poet's heyday, when the cholera epidemic detained him at the Boldino estate. The novel clearly reflects his brilliant skill, creative upsurge, which gave the work a unique depth of content.

The creation of individual chapters corresponded to a certain period of the author's life, and each of them can serve as an independent work, or be part of the entire novel. Long years of writing fell on the period from 1823 to 1830, the book was published as parts were written, the novel was published in full already in 1837.


The main idea of ​​the novel is Tatyana's unrequited love for Onegin. Pushkin's book fully and colorfully reflects all spheres of the life of Russian society of that period. The author showed the life and life of the Russian village, secular capital society, typical portraits of heroes, fashion and tastes of people of that time.

The protagonist of the novel, a young nobleman Eugene Onegin, disappointed in life. His uncle left him an estate. Fed up with social life, Eugene leaves for the village. Here he meets Lensky, they communicate a lot. Lensky introduced Evgeny to the Larin family. Lensky himself is in love with Olga, a young windy beauty who has a sister, Tatyana, her complete opposite. This is an educated young girl, brought up on novels. Her pure romantic soul longs for bright love, sincere and true. A young girl decides on a strong act: she declares her love to the hero of her dreams, embodied in the image of Onegin. The young nobleman rejects the girl's love. It is hard to imagine what feelings cover the girl after Onegin's words. It is pain, shame, disappointment. This is a huge stress for a girl who grew up in complete confidence about the true feelings of book characters.

Lensky is ready to fight for his love, he challenges Onegin to a duel after Onegin began to openly court Olga. The young man dies. A few years later, having met with the already married Tatyana, he understands, he understands that he missed true love. He explains to Tatyana, but now she rejects his love. The girl is highly moral, and she will never commit adultery. The main idea of ​​the novel is to show the problems love relationship. The feelings of the heroes, their experiences, reflected the essence of the society of that time. The problem of man is that he is subject to the opinion of people. Tatyana rejects Yevgeny's love, as she is afraid of the condemnation of high society, in whose circles she now revolves.

Summing up the conclusion in "Eugene Onegin" analysis of the work, we can highlight main point novel- a person who is spiritually devastated falls under the influence of society, not striving for self-affirmation. The conflict of man and society subordinated to one thing, to the fact that the general force suppresses and destroys one individual, if he does not go to resistance against the system.

What this work teaches always remains relevant - the ability to make your own own choice and live life to the fullest.


Pushkin's work, the features of the composition of which emphasize the deep meaning of the content. The poetic novel consists of eight parts.

The first chapter of the novel introduces the main character, highlights his life in the capital. In the second chapter there is a plot storyline The second theme of the novel is the acquaintance of the young, vital poet Lensky with Onegin. In the third chapter, the plot of the main theme of the work is traced, where Eugene meets Tatyana. The action develops: the girl writes a letter, her conversation with Onegin takes place. Eugene courts his friend's fiancee, who challenges him to a duel. Tatyana has a prophetic dream.

The culmination of the novel - Vladimir dies in a duel, Olga marries another, Tatiana is married to a respectable general.

The denouement is Tatyana's meeting with Onegin, their explanation, where the girl, who continues to love Yevgeny, rejects him. The ending itself has an openness, there is no specific certainty.

In the chapters of the poem there are lyrical digressions, and not departing from the main plot, but, at the same time, being the author's appeal to the reader. Initially, the poet conceived 9 chapters, but the strict limits of censorship forced the poet to remove one of the chapters, and conclude all his thoughts and feelings between the lines, and use digressions. Therefore, all the chapters and the poem as a whole have, as it were, an unfinished look, some kind of understatement.

main characters


The love line of the plot of the novel is an epic beginning, the development of the action takes place in it. The author's reflections and his digressions are a lyrical beginning, and the poet defines his work as "lyric-epic" novel in verse.

During the creation of the novel, the poet had already abandoned romanticism, starting a new round of creativity, and the novel "Eugene Onegin" received a realistic direction.

Despite the fact that the ending of the novel is not too optimistic, it is written in such a lively and sonorous language that the reader is optimistic about the future, sincerely believes in noble impulses and real feelings. "Eugene Onegin" is truly an expression of the strength and power of the talent of the unsurpassed Russian poet and writer, the great genius Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

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History of creation

Pushkin began writing the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823 year in Chisinau, during the period of southern exile. Work on the work was basically completed in 1830 in Boldin. AT 1831 Onegin's letter to Tatyana was included in the novel. In subsequent years, some changes and additions were made to the text of "Eugene Onegin".

Initially, Pushkin did not have a clear plan for the novel. In 1830, preparing for the publication of the full text of the work, Pushkin sketched out a general plan for the publication. It was supposed to publish nine chapters. However, the eighth chapter, which told about Onegin's wanderings, was significantly reduced and was not included in the final text of the novel (excerpts from it were published separately, in the author's notes to the novel). As a result, the ninth chapter was in place of the eighth. In this way, there are eight chapters in the final text of the novel.

In addition, there is hypothesis what Pushkin wrote tenth chapter, where he spoke about the secret societies of the Decembrists. The poet burned the manuscript of the tenth chapter in 1830 in Boldin. Some of its fragments have come down to us. Until now, scholars have argued about whether there was a tenth chapter as such. It is possible that we are dealing with scattered fragments of the draft text of the work, which did not constitute a separate chapter.

Time of action

Pushkin wrote: "In our novel, time is calculated according to the calendar." According to Yu.M. Lotman, beginning of events(Onegin goes to the village to visit his sick uncle) falls on summer 1820. The first chapter describes the Petersburg winter of 1819-1820. Many researchers believe that the action of the novel ends in the spring of 1825. However, there is a hypothesis that the last chapter tells about the post-December era.


The main theme of "Eugene Onegin" - life of the Russian nobility in the early 1820s.

In addition, Pushkin recreated in his work the most diverse aspects of the life of Russia at that time. Yes, he reflected life not only the nobility, but also other classes, especially the peasantry.

The novel presents extensively Russian and Western European literature and culture.

In addition, in his work, Pushkin showed nature Russia, paintings of Russian life. That's why V.G. Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" "encyclopedia of Russian life".


The central problem of the novel is time hero problem. This problem is raised mainly in connection with the image of Onegin, but also in connection with the images of Lensky and the author himself.

The problem of the hero of time correlates with another problem of the work - with the problem individual and society. What is the reason for Onegin's loneliness in society? What is the cause of mental emptiness Pushkin's hero: in the imperfection of the surrounding society or in itself?

As the most important in the novel, we will name the problem of the Russian national character. This problem is comprehended by the author primarily in connection with the image of Tatyana (a vivid example of the Russian national character), but also in connection with the images of Onegin and Lensky (heroes cut off from national roots).

The novel puts a number of moral and philosophical problems. it the meaning of life, freedom and happiness, honor and duty. The most important philosophical problem of the work is human and nature.

In addition, the poet puts in his work and aesthetic problems: life and poetry, author and hero, creative freedom and literary traditions.

Ideological orientation

In "Eugene Onegin" is reflected spiritual evolution of Pushkin: the crisis of enlightenment ideas (the period of southern exile); awareness of the values ​​of folk life (period of exile in Mikhailovskoye); doubts and mental anguish, the struggle between faith and unbelief (the period of wandering).

Wherein humanistic ideals- freedom of the individual, "the inner beauty of a person" (Belinsky), the rejection of cruelty and selfishness - remain the main ones for the poet in all periods of the creation of the novel.

At the same time, the poet claims spiritual values ​​associated with national roots. it proximity of man to nature, following folk traditions as well as such Christian virtues as selflessness, fidelity to marital duty. These values ​​are revealed primarily in the character of Tatyana.

Pushkin the poet claims in his novel creative attitude to life.

At the same time, Pushkin's novel was noted and satirical pathos: the poet denounces the conservative noble society, the serfdom that reigns in it, vulgarity, and spiritual emptiness.

"Eugene Onegin" as a realistic work

"Eugene Onegin" - the first realistic novel in Russian literature.

Pushkin's work distinguishes historicism: here we find a reflection of the era of the first half of the 1820s, the most important trends in the life of the Russian nobility of that time.

In his work, Pushkin showed bright typical characters. In the image of Onegin, Pushkin recreated the type of an educated nobleman, who later received the name "superfluous person." In the image of Lensky, the poet captured the type of romantic dreamer, also characteristic of that era.

In the person of Tatyana, we see a type of Russian noblewoman. Olga is the type of an ordinary provincial young lady. In the images of secondary and episodic characters (Tatiana's mother, the Larins' guests, Zaretsky, Tatiana's nanny, the Moscow relatives of the Larins, Tatiana's husband and others), Pushkin also presented the reader with vivid types of Russian life.

Unlike romantic poems, in "Eugene Onegin" the author is separated from the characters, he depicts them objectively, from the side. At the same time, the image of the author, for all its importance in the novel, does not have a self-contained value.

In "Eugene Onegin" we find realistic pictures of nature, numerous details of Russian life, which also testifies to the realism of the novel.

Exactly real life(rather than abstract romantic ideals) becomes for Pushkin source of creative inspiration and the subject of poetic reflection. Belinsky wrote: "What was low for former poets was noble for Pushkin, what was prose for them, then poetry was for him."

Novel written living spoken language. Pushkin often uses words and expressions of the "low" style in his work, thereby bringing the verbal fabric of the novel closer to the everyday language of his time.

Genre originality

As is known, novel- this is an epic work in which the narrative is focused on the fate of an individual in the process of its formation and development. (In the epic, unlike the novel, the fate of an entire people is in the foreground.)

The peculiarity of the genre of "Eugene Onegin" is that it is not just a novel, but novel in verse. The genre definition of the work was given by Pushkin himself. in a letter to Prince P.A. Vyazemsky dated November 4, 1823: "I am not writing a novel, but a novel in verse - a diabolical difference."

Belinsky was one of the first to characterize the features of the genre of Pushkin's novel. Firstly, the critic noted as Pushkin's greatest merit the creation of a novel in verse at a time when there were no significant novels in prose in Russian literature.

Secondly, Belinsky compares Pushkin's novel with Byron's poems, revealing both the related features of the works of the two authors and Pushkin's fundamental innovation.

Belinsky names some byron tradition in Eugene Onegin. it poetic form, casual manner of storytelling, "a mixture of prose and poetry", that is, a combination of everyday, prosaic phenomena and lofty objects, digressions, "the presence of the poet's face in the work he created."

At the same time, Belinsky notes innovation Pushkin, which the critic sees in the following. First, this national identity Pushkin's work. Byron, according to Belinsky, "wrote about Europe for Europe ... Pushkin wrote about Russia for Russia." Secondly, this "fidelity to reality" Pushkin - a realist poet - as opposed to the "subjective spirit" of Byron - a romantic poet.

Finally, Pushkin's novel features free form. Pushkin speaks of this feature of his work in his dedication to P.A. colorful chapters... "At the end of "Eugene Onegin" the poet mentions "the distance of a free novel." This form is given to the novel by the unique voice of the author, whose inner world finds free, direct expression in the work. The author's digressions, written in an easy, relaxed manner, are combined with strict symmetry in the arrangement of the central characters and the "mirror" of the plot structure.

Composition: the general construction of the work

As already noted, the final text of the novel consists of eight chapters.

The plot of "Eugene Onegin" distinguishes " specularity", the system of characters - symmetry.

The first and second chapters can be considered as exposure to the main action of the piece. In the first chapter, Pushkin introduces the reader to main character Eugene Onegin, talks about his upbringing, about his life In Petersburg. In the second chapter, the story shifts to village. Here the reader is introduced to Lensky, Olga and Tatiana.

The third chapter contains the beginning of a love affair: Tatyana falls in love with Onegin and writes him a letter. Tatiana's letter to Onegin compositional center of the third chapter. The fourth chapter, starting rebuke Onegin, contains a story about Tatyana's suffering from unrequited love and about Lensky's idyllic relationship with Olga. The fifth chapter deals with Christmas divination, about Tatyana's dream about her name days, about quarrel Onegin with Lensky.

The sixth chapter contains climax in the development of the plot - a story about duel Onegin and Lensky. Among the most important events seventh chapter note Tatyana's arrival in Moscow. The eighth chapter contains plot denouement. Here the heroes, in accordance with the principle " specularity”, “change places”: now Onegin falls in love with Tatyana writes to her letter and also gets rebuke, after which the author leaves his hero "in a minute, evil for him."

important compositional role plays in "Eugene Onegin" landscape. Descriptions of nature help the author organize artistic time novel, "calculate" it according to the calendar.

In the composition of "Eugene Onegin" a special place is occupied by copyright digressions. Thanks to them, a holistic image of the author.

Pushkin's novel written Onegin stanza, which also gives the work harmony, completeness, integrity.

Characters. general review

main characters novel should be called Onegin and Tatyana.

Lensky and Olga are not among the main characters, but this is also central persons in the work. The fact is that these characters, along with Onegin and Tatyana, perform plot-forming function.

An important role in "Eugene Onegin" is played by author, speaking occasionally like a character own work.

To secondary characters let us include those persons who, while not plot-forming, nevertheless play any significant role in the development of the action. it Tatiana's mother, Tatiana's nanny, Zaretsky, Tatiana's husband.

Let's also call episodic characters, which appear in separate scenes, episodes, or are only mentioned (these, for example, are guests at the Larins' name day, Onegin's servant the Frenchman Guillo, lancer - Olga's fiancé, Moscow relatives of the Larins, representatives of St. Petersburg society).

It is difficult to draw a clear line between secondary, episodic characters and mentioned persons.


Eugene Oneginmain character Pushkin's novel. In his image, Pushkin sought to recreate character and spiritual image of his contemporary- a representative of the educated part of the nobility.

Onegin is a young aristocrat, born and raised in St. Petersburg, a social dandy.

This is a person with liberal views, as evidenced by some of the details noted by the author. So, he did not serve anywhere, which at that time was a sign of freethinking; was fond of the theory of Adam Smith; read Byron and other contemporary authors. He made life easier for the peasants on his estate, replacing the "yoke ... of the old corvée" with a light quitrent. Onegin is the face of Pushkin's circle: he dines with Pushkin's acquaintance Kaverin, compares himself with Chaadaev, becomes a "good friend" of the author himself, although he does not share his poetic view of the world.

Talking about his hero, Pushkin draws the reader's attention to some significant contradictions in his worldview and life principles.

Onegin - educated person, well-read, knowing compositions ancient and contemporary authors. However, his Onegin's education is divorced from national origins, spiritual traditions. From here - skepticism hero, his indifference to matters of faith, ultimately - the deepest pessimism loss of the meaning of life.

Pushkin's hero nature is subtle, uncommon. He is distinguished, according to the poet, by “an inimitable strangeness”, “a sharp, chilled mind, the ability to understand people. However, the hero withered the soul in secular hobbies and was unable to respond to Tatyana's deep and sincere feeling.

Onegin, in the words of Pushkin, " good fellow ”: an honest, decent, noble person. Meanwhile, it distinguishes extreme selfishness, egocentrism, which manifested itself most clearly in the clash with Lensky.

Hero indifferent to secular society, burdened by being in a secular crowd. However, the hero is a slave public opinion, which does not allow him to avoid a duel and killing a friend.

All these contradictions in the character and worldview of the hero are revealed throughout the course of the novel. Onegin passes tests of love and friendship. He can't stand any of them. Lensky dies tragically. At the end of the novel, Tatiana already rejects Onegin. She kept in her heart a feeling for the hero, but refused to share his passion.

Consider some artisticmeans of creating the image of Onegin.

Appearance description Onegin does not play any significant role in creating the image of the hero; it emphasizes only his belonging to fashionable secular youth:

Shaved in the latest fashion

Like a London dandy, dressed...

A more important role in revealing Onegin's character is played by interior, in particular descriptions of the hero's offices in the first and seventh chapters. First Description characterizes Onegin as secular dandy. Here are some specific details:

Amber on the pipes of Tsaregrad,

Porcelain and bronze on the table

And, feelings of pampered joy,

Perfume in faceted crystal...

Looks different Onegin's village office described in the seventh chapter:

And Lord Byron's portrait,

And a column with a cast-iron doll,

Under a hat, with a cloudy brow,

With hands clasped in a cross.

The details of the second description characterize intellectual and spiritual life of the hero:“a pile of books”, “a portrait of Lord Byron”, “a column with a cast-iron doll” - a figurine depicting Napoleon. The last detail is extremely important; she recalls such a personality trait of Onegin as individualism.

Descriptions of nature, unlike the interior, are not so important for revealing the character of the hero. Onegin is surrounded by books and things. He is far from nature, does not feel its beauty.

Only in the eighth chapter, Onegin, who is in love with Tatyana, is able to feel the awakening power of spring, but this is only a moment in the hero’s spiritual life:

Spring makes him alive: for the first time

Their chambers are locked

Where he wintered like a marmot

double windows, fireplace

He leaves on a clear morning

Rushing along the Neva in a sleigh.

On the blue cut ice

The sun is playing melts dirty

The streets are full of snow.

So, typical features are combined in Onegin socialite and uncommonness of nature.

Onegin is a hero who failed to find the meaning of life and happiness, doomed to an aimless existence. He opens gallery of "extra people" in Russian literature: this is a hero,


Vladimir Lensky - one of the central characters novel. It's young poet-freethinker of a romantic warehouse. It should be noted that among the opposition-minded noble youth of the first half of the 1820s, there were both cold skeptics, like Onegin, and ardent romantics, like Lensky.

On the one hand, the image of Lensky sets off the image of the protagonist of the work. On the other hand, it has an independent meaning in the novel.

We learn that Lensky studied at the University of Göttingen, one of the most liberal universities in Europe. The young poet was fond of the ideas of Kant, who was perceived in Russia as a freethinker philosopher. Both Lensky and his love for Schiller's work testify to Lensky's "freedom-loving dreams". The hero received a good education for those times, but it, like Onegin's education, was cut off from national sources.

Lensky is an honest, sincere, noble person, full of good intentions, but extremely emotional and completely incapable of living in the real world.

RomanticLensky opposed skepticOnegin. The protagonist of the novel really looks at things, soberly judges them. Lensky is in the clouds. Onegin, according to Belinsky, "is a real character", Lensky is divorced from reality.

It is interesting to compare the characters of Lensky and Tatyana. Heroes brings together poetry nature. At the same time, Tatyana's personality is nourished, according to Pushkin's plan, by deep national, folk roots. Lensky, with his German idealism, is alien Russian reality; his romanticism is not connected with the national soil.

Lensky's choice of Olga as an object of worship is not accidental. Outwardly attractive, in reality, Olga turns out to be very ordinary. The romantic Lensky idealizes his bride, attributing to her spiritual qualities that are absent in reality.

The fate of Lensky– important a link not only in a love affair, but also in the plot of the work as a whole. The story of Lensky's love for Olga, which ended in a tragic denouement, testifies to the inability of the hero to behave soberly and coolly in critical situations. A very insignificant reason pushes Lensky to a duel, to a tragic death. The death of Lensky in the sixth chapter has symbolic meaning. Pushkin shows here the failure of romantic illusions, the lifelessness of ideas divorced from reality. At the same time, the lofty ideals of the poet, his service to "glory and freedom" are dear to Pushkin.

Creating the image of Lensky, Pushkin uses and portrait details("shoulder-length black curls"), and images of nature, and romantic:

He loved thick groves,

solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon...

An important means of creating the image of Lensky are hero poems, deliberately stylized "under romanticism":

Where, where did you go,

My golden days of spring?

So, Pushkin recreated in the image of Lensky the type of an educated nobleman, no less characteristic of Pushkin's time than the type of Onegin's "extra man". This is a romantic poet.


Tatyana Larina - main character novel.

In her image, the poet realistically recreated the wonderful type of noblewoman. The author endowed the heroine with bright features of the Russian national character, showed her in the broad context of the life of Russia in the 1820s. Belinsky saw the "feat of the poet" in the fact that "he was the first to poetically reproduce the Russian woman in the face of Tatyana."

Tatyana combines the typical features of the noblewomen of Pushkin's time with the features of an outstanding personality. Pushkin notes in Tatyana the traits of a gifted nature that distinguish the main character of the novel from her environment. Tatyana is characterized by a lively mind, depth of feelings, poetry of nature. According to the author, Tatyana

... gifted from heaven

rebellious imagination,

Mind and will alive,

And wayward head

And with a fiery and tender heart.

Like many noble girls, Tatyana was brought up, apparently, by French governesses, hence her knowledge of the French language, her passion for the novels of Western European authors, which the heroine read in French.

At the same time, life in the countryside, in the bosom of nature, communication with ordinary peasants, especially with a nanny, introduced Tatyana to the Russian folk culture. Unlike Onegin, the heroine was not cut off from national origins.

Hence those moral values that were characteristic of Tatyana. it living faith in God(Tatiana "delighted with prayer / the anguish of an agitated soul"), mercy(“helped the poor”) sincerity,chastity, no doubt about the sanctity of marriage. In addition, this love for Russian nature, live connection with the people,knowledge of folk customs(“Tatiana believed in the legends / of the common folk antiquity”); indifference to secular life: The "hateful life of tinsel" does not attract the heroine.

Consider Tatiana's place in the character system of the novel.

In oppositionTatyana Olga the principle of symmetry in the arrangement of the central characters of the work clearly emerges. Olga's external beauty hides her ordinary and superficial nature and at the same time sets off Tatyana's inner, spiritual beauty.

Tatiana opposed not only to sister Olga, but also mother - Praskovya Larina, ordinary landowner.

It is also interesting to compare the characters Tatyana and Lensky. Heroes are brought together by the poetic nature. At the same time, Tatyana's personality is nourished, according to Pushkin's plan, by deep national, folk roots. Lensky, with his German idealism, is alien to Russian reality; his romanticism is not connected with the national soil.

It is important for Pushkin to emphasize such a personality trait of Tatyana as national identity. In this regard, of particular importance in the system of characters is nanny Tatiana, shading the image main character.

Tatyana's personality is most clearly revealed in her correlation with the personality of Onegin. The protagonist and the main heroine of Pushkin's novel are in some ways close to each other, in some ways they are completely opposite.

Tatyana, like Onegin, is an outstanding personality. Heroes are brought together by the mind, depth and subtlety of the worldview. At the same time, Onegin is cold to the world around him, does not feel its beauty. Tatyana, unlike Onegin, is characterized by love for nature, the ability to feel the beauty of the world around her.

The main thing that distinguishes Tatyana from Onegin is the folk roots of her personality, selflessness, deep faith in God. Onegin is alien to Christian spiritual values. He does not understand Tatyana's views on marriage, family, marital fidelity.

The love story of Tatyana and Onegin is main storyline of the novel. Final piece - Tatyana Onegin's rebuke- allows the reader to clearly understand the spiritual foundations of the heroine's personality. Tatyana retains a feeling for Onegin in her soul, but fidelity to her marital duty is above all for her.

A special role in creating the image of Tatyana is played by pictures of nature: they accompany her throughout the entire action of the work.

Secondary and episodic characters. Mentioned persons

As already noted, "Eugene Onegin", according to Belinsky, is "encyclopedia of Russian life". Hence the importance of not only the main, but also minor, as well as episodic characters. They allow the author of "Eugene Onegin" to reflect the most diverse aspects of Russian reality, to show the diversity of characters and types of Russian life. In addition, these characters set off the main characters of the novel, allow a deeper and more versatile reveal of their characters.

Some minor characters in "Eugene Onegin" are covered in detail. They are bright types of Russian life.

For example, Tatiana's mother Praskovya Larina- a typical lady-serf. In her youth, she was a sentimental young lady, read novels, was in love with a "glorious dandy." However, having married and retired to the village, she became an ordinary landowner:

She traveled to work

Salted mushrooms for the winter,

Conducted expenses, shaved foreheads,

I went to the bathhouse on Saturdays

She beat the maids in anger -

All this without asking the husband ...

With images of Praskovya Larina and her late husband Dmitry, only mentioned in the work, the image of the patriarchal foundations of the provincial nobility is connected:

They kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits;

They have oily Shrovetide

There were Russian pancakes...

In addition, the images of Tatyana's parents make it possible to better understand the character of the main character. Tatyana, against the background of her parents, sister Olga, of the entire provincial nobility, looks like an outstanding kind.

Nanny Tatiana is a type of a simple Russian peasant woman. Her image is inspired by the poet's memories of his own nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva, a wonderful Russian woman, a talented storyteller.

In the mouth of the nanny, the poet puts a story about the difficult fate of a peasant woman: about early marriage, about a difficult life in a strange family:

“And that’s it, Tanya! In these summers

We haven't heard of love

And then I would drive from the world

My dead mother-in-law.” -

“But how did you get married, nanny?” -

“So, apparently, God ordered. My Vanya

Younger than me, my light,

And I was thirteen years old.

For two weeks the matchmaker went

To my family, and finally

Father blessed me.

I wept bitterly with fear;

They untwisted my braid with weeping

Yes, with singing they led to the church ... "

“Tatyana’s conversation with the nanny is a miracle of artistic perfection,” wrote Belinsky.

The image of the nanny sets off the image of Tatyana, emphasizes the national identity of the main character, her connection with the life of the people.

Plays an important role in the story Zaretsky. The surname of this character also evokes a very definite literary association: the reader recalls Griboedov's Zagoretsky.

Pushkin characterizes his hero sharply negatively, in sarcastic tones:

Zaretsky, once a brawler,

Ataman of the gambling gang,

The head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern,

Now kind and simple

The father of the family is single,

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner

And even an honest man:

This is how our age is being corrected!

From Pushkin's characterization of Zaretsky, it becomes clear to the reader that this character is the embodiment of dishonesty and meanness. However, it is people like Zaretsky who rule public opinion. Onegin is most afraid of his gossip. Zaretsky in this case personifies those false notions of honor, the hostage of which Onegin ultimately turns out to be.

At the end of the seventh chapter, “some important general” is mentioned for the first time - the future Tatyana's husband. In the eighth chapter, he is named by the author as Prince N. Pushkin does not give any detailed description of the heroine's husband. However, from her words it is clear that this is an honored person; he is probably even a hero of the war of 1812. It is no coincidence that Tatyana informs Onegin that her husband was "mutilated in battles", that is, he was seriously wounded in battle.

The antithesis “Tatyana's husband is Onegin” is present in the novel primarily to emphasize Tatyana's fidelity to marital duty, the ideals of Christian marriage.

Some individuals are only mentioned once in the novel. For example, Pushkin gives the reader some information about Onegin's educators:

The fate of Eugene kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her ...

The mention of "Madame" and "Monsieur l'Abbé" indicates that the young aristocrats were brought up in the French manner; their education was cut off from the national soil.

In the first chapter, the poet describes the morning of laboring Petersburg:

What about my Onegin? half asleep

He rides in bed from the ball,

And Petersburg is restless

Already awakened by the drum.

The merchant gets up, the peddler goes,

A cabman is pulling to the stock exchange,

Okhtinka is in a hurry with a jug,

Beneath it, the morning snow crunches.

I woke up in the morning with a pleasant noise,

Shutters open, chimney smoke

A column rises blue,

And a baker, a neat German,

In a paper cap, more than once

I have already opened my vasisdas.

The persons named here merchant, peddler, cab driver, Okhtinka, German baker) are opposed to idle aristocrats who spend their lives in secular entertainment.

In his work, Pushkin describes the pictures of life peasantry. On the pages of the novel, images of representatives of the people, details of folk life flash:

On firewood, updates the path;

His horse, smelling snow,

Trotting somehow;

Reins fluffy exploding,

A remote wagon flies;

The coachman sits on the irradiation

In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

Planting a bug in a sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The scamp has already frozen his finger;

It hurts and it's funny

And his mother threatens him through the window...

Describing the guests at Tatyana's name day, Pushkin creates, according to Yu.M. Lotman, a special type literary background. It includes well-known heroes of Russian literature:

With his stout wife

The fat Trifle has arrived;

Gvozdin, an excellent host,

Owner of poor men;

Skotinins, gray-haired couple,

With children of all ages, counting

Thirty to two years;

County dandy Petushkov,

My cousin, Buyanov,

In down, in a cap with a visor

(As you, of course, know him),

And retired adviser Flyanov,

Heavy gossip, old rogue,

A glutton, a bribe taker and a jester.

Really, Gvozdin, "the owner of poor peasants," reminds us of Captain Gvozdilov from Fonvizin's Brigadier. Skotinins recall the characters of another comedy by Fonvizin - "Undergrowth". Buyanov- the hero of the poem by V.L. Pushkin "Dangerous Neighbor".

One of the characters in the fifth chapter - Monsieur Triquet. The surname "Trike" means in French "beaten with a stick", that is, a swindler or a petty cheater.

The introduction of such a literary background helps Pushkin create a vivid satirical picture of the life of the Russian provinces.

In the sixth chapter, along with Zaretsky, Onegin's hired servant is mentioned - a Frenchman Monsieur Guillo.

In the seventh chapter of the novel, Pushkin draws vivid satirical images of representatives Moscow nobility. Here are obvious traditions of A.S. Griboyedov. So, the poet tells about the life of relatives and acquaintances of the Larins:

But they don't see the change

Everything in them is on the old sample:

At Aunt Princess Elena's

All the same tulle cap

Everything is whitening Lukerya Lvovna,

All the same Lyubov Petrovna lies,

Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid

Semyon Petrovich is just as stingy,

At Pelageya Nikolaevna

All the same friend Monsieur Finmush,

And the same spitz, and the same husband,

And he, all club member serviceable,

Still just as humble, just as deaf

And he also eats and drinks for two.

In the eighth chapter of the novel, Pushkin draws satirical picture of the life of high society. So, he shows a social event:

Here was, however, the color of the capital,

And to know, and fashion samples,

Everywhere you meet faces

Necessary fools...

Here's another example:

There was Prolasov, who deserved

Known for the meanness of the soul,

In all albums blunted,

St.-Priest, your pencils...

Many are named on the pages of the novel. real persons. These are Pushkin's friends Kaverin and Chaadaev. Their mention introduces Onegin into the social circle of Pushkin himself.

On the pages of "Eugene Onegin" we meet authors' names various eras - from antiquity to the 1820s.

We are especially interested in references to figures of Russian culture. In the first chapter, in one of the author's digressions, Pushkin talks about the history of the Russian theater:

Magic edge! There in the old days

Satyrs are a bold ruler,

Fonvizin shone, friend of freedom,

And the capricious Knyazhnin;

There Ozerov involuntary tribute

People's tears, applause

I shared with the young Semyonova;

There our Katenin resurrected

Corneille is a majestic genius;

There he brought out the sharp Shakhovskoy

Noisy swarm of their comedies,

There Didlo was crowned with glory,

There, there, under the shadow of the wings,

My young days flew by.

As you can see, the playwrights are named here D.I.Fonvizin, Ya.B.Knyaznin, V.A.Ozerov, P.A.Katenin, A.A.Shakhovskoy, tragic actress Ekaterina Semenova, choreographer Sh.Didlo; a little later the ballerina mentions Avdotya Istomina.

On the pages of "Eugene Onegin" there are names of famous Russian poets. Pushkin remembers G.R.Derzhavin:

Old man Derzhavin noticed us

And, descending into the coffin, he blessed.

The fifth chapter, which tells about Tatyana's dream, is preceded by an epigraph from V.A. Zhukovsky:

Oh, do not know these terrible dreams

You are my Svetlana!

Mentioned many times E.A. Boratynsky- "singer of feasts and languid sadness", "singer of a young Finnish woman." Pushkin addresses the author of wonderful elegies N.M. Yazykov: "So you, Inspired Languages ​​..."

Prince Pushkin's friend P.A. Vyazemsky appears in the novel both as the author of the epigraph to the first chapter (“And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel”), and as a character who met Tatyana in the seventh chapter.

The novel also mentions ancient authors(for example, Homer, Theocritus, Juvenal, Ovid). Pushkin calls Western European writers and poets, politicians. So, Schiller and Goethe are mentioned in connection with the characteristics of Lensky, his "German" education. Richardson and Rousseau named as authors of novels that Tatyana was fond of. Byron and Napoleon reflect Onegin's passions (in his village office there was a portrait of Byron and a statuette of Napoleon).

On the pages of the novel are called and fictitious persons, among them literary heroes and mythological characters. In "Eugene Onegin" many literary heroes are mentioned. it Ludmila and Ruslan, the characters of Pushkin himself. These are the heroes of other authors ( Child-Harold, Gyaur, Juan Byron's Heroes Grandison- Richardson character Julia- the heroine of Rousseau, Griboedovsky Chatsky,Svetlana Zhukovsky).

Pushkin also names mythological characters. it Venus, Apollo, Terpsichore, Melpomene.

In a wonderful dream, Tatyana appears characters of Russian folklore, confirming the fact that "Tatiana believed the legends / Common antiquity ..."

All these characters and real and fictional persons mentioned on the pages of the novel push the spatial and temporal boundaries of the work.

Analysis of individual chapters, episodes and other elements of the composition of the work

First chapter contains exposition of the image of Onegin; Here the reader is also introduced to author novel. All this happens against the background pictures of the life of St. Petersburg.

epigraph the first chapter is a quotation from P.A. Vyazemsky’s poem “The First Snow”: “And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel.” The epigraph sets the story in a cheerful, life-affirming tone.

In the first chapter, Pushkin tells about the upbringing, education, reading circle of the protagonist, his interests, lifestyle. On the example of Onegin's education, Pushkin shows the peculiarities of educating secular youth. Education young nobles were at that time par excellence homemade. It was carried out tutors-French and it was divorced from the values ​​of Russian national culture. Pushkin writes about Onegin:

The fate of Eugene kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her.

The superficial nature of Onegin's education can be judged by the qualities that he needed in secular life. Pushkin ironically writes about his hero:

He's completely French

Could speak and write

Easily danced the mazurka

And bowed casually.

What do you want more? The world decided

That he is smart and very nice.

In the first chapter, Pushkin also describes secular young man's day. First, the author talks about late awakening Onegin:

He used to be in bed

They carry notes to him.

What? Invitations? Indeed,

While in the morning dress,

Wearing a wide bolivar,

Onegin goes to the boulevard

And there he walks in the open,

Until the dormant breguet

Lunch will not ring for him.

After walking Onegin dine at Talon, owner of a trendy restaurant:

He rushed to Talon: he is sure

What is Kaverin waiting for him there.

After lunch follows theater visit. Pushkin remarks with irony here:

The theater is an evil legislator,

Fickle Admirer

charming actresses,

Honorary citizen backstage,

Onegin flew to the theatre.

Onegin ends his day at the ball:

Has entered. The hall is full of people;

The music is already tired of thundering;

The crowd is busy with the mazurka;

Loop and noise, and tightness ...

Onegin returns home in the morning when labor Petersburg is already getting up to get to work:

What about my Onegin? half asleep

He rides in bed from the ball,

And Petersburg is restless

Already awakened by the drum ...

Talking about Onegin, the poet emphasizes emptiness and monotony of secular life. Pushkin writes about his hero:

Wakes up at noon, and again

Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and variegated.

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.

Last topic narrative in the first chapterAcquaintance and friendship of Onegin with the author. The poet gives a wonderful psychological description of the hero, comparing the features of his personality and features of the worldview with his own view of the world:

The conditions of light overthrowing the burden,

How he, lagging behind the hustle and bustle,

I became friends with him at that time.

I liked his features

Dreams involuntary devotion

Inimitable strangeness

And a sharp, chilled mind.

I was embittered, he is sullen;

We both knew the passion game:

The life tormented both of us;

In both hearts the heat died down;

Anger awaited both

Blind Fortune and people

In the very morning of our days.

In that psychological portrait Onegin peep through features of Pushkin himself, who at the time of writing the first chapter (end of 1823) experienced a severe spiritual crisis. Meanwhile, the author does not forget to emphasize and " difference”between himself and the hero: despite the disappointment in the previous ideals, the author did not lose his poetic view of the world, did not change his love for nature, did not abandon the poetic work dear to his heart. The crisis of 1823-1824 was only a stage in Pushkin's spiritual evolution, and unlike skeptic Onegin, the author of the novel in the deepest foundations of his own personality remains optimist.

In the second chapter the narrative is carried over to the village.Double epigraph - "Oh rus!" ("Oh village!") from Horace and "O Rus!" - connects the topic village life with theme national identity of Russia, reveals the problem of the Russian national character as one of the leading in the work.

The second chapter introduces the reader to Lensky, Olga and Tatiana.

In the sixth stanza, exposition of the image of Lensky:

To your village at the same time

The new landowner galloped

And equally rigorous analysis

In the neighborhood gave a reason

By the name of Vladimir Lensky,

With a soul straight from Goettingen,

Handsome, in full bloom of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He is from foggy Germany

Bring the fruits of learning:

freedom dreams,

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky, like Onegin, aroused a feeling of distrust among the landlord neighbors with his liberal sentiment. The "freedom-loving dreams" of the hero were clearly alien to them.

Here, in the second chapter, line Lensky – Olga, whose artistic role is to reveal the characters of these heroes and, most importantly, to set off the love story of Tatyana and Onegin.

Finally, in the second chapter, exposure of the imageTatyana. The author draws attention to name« Tatiana”, which in the time of Pushkin was considered by many to be common people. The poet deliberately calls his heroine this way:

For the first time with such a name

Gentle pages of a novel

We will sanctify.

Talking about Tatyana, Pushkin compares his heroine with her sister Olga:

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

In opposition to Tatyana Olga, one can clearly see symmetry principle in the arrangement of the central characters of the work. Olga's external beauty hides her ordinary and superficial nature and at the same time sets off Tatyana's inner, spiritual beauty.

Here, in the second chapter, Pushkin outlines such character traits of the heroine as daydreaming,love for nature,propensity to read novels.

So, Pushkin talks about his heroine:

Thought, her friend

From the most lullaby days

Rural Leisure Current

Decorated her with dreams.

The poet emphasizes Tatyana's closeness to nature:

She loved on the balcony

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her.

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

As already noted, the plot of the work is built on the principle "mirror".Tatyana falls in love with Onegin writes to him letter and as a result gets rebuke. At the end of the work, the characters “change places”: now Onegin falls in love with Tatiana writes to her letter and also gets rebuke.

Third chapter novel contains the plot of a love story. Not by chance epigraph to the third chapter is taken from the French author ("Elle était fille, elle était amoureuse" 1 , Malfilâtre). Pushkin reminds the reader of the heroine's upbringing in the French manner, of her reading novels, that Tatyana's very thoughts about Onegin are inspired by her romantic ideas about literary heroes.

Onegin in the imagination of Tatyana in love appears the hero of the books she read:

Lover of Julia Wolmar,

Malek-Adel and de Linard,

And Werther, the rebellious martyr,

And incomparable Grandison,

which brings us to sleep,

Everything for a gentle dreamer

Clothed in a single image,

In one Onegin merged.

Tatyana also thinks herself the heroine of the novel:

imagining a heroine

Your beloved creators

Clarice, Julia, Delphine,

Tatiana in the silence of the forests

One with a dangerous book wanders...

Tatiana's lettercompositional center of the third chapter. According to researchers, for example, Yu.M. Lotman, the letter of the heroine is genuine sincerity,sincerity. It is from this letter that we learn about the innermost secrets of Tatyana's soul - about her sincere faith in God, the joy of prayer, compassion for the poor, loneliness among the people around her.

However, the letter contains verbal turns, gleaned by Pushkin's heroine from read her books. Tatyana, like many of her noblewomen of the same age, had little command of writing in her native language, and chose French to declare her love.

As already noted, national identity of Tatyana's nature emphasized by the image of her babysitting. From this point of view, for understanding the character of the main character, such an element of composition as Tatyana's conversation with the nanny, filled, according to Belinsky, true nationality.

important episode fourth chapterOnegin's rebuke.ironic the attitude of the author to this monologue of the hero is already given epigraph: "Lamoraleestdanslanaturedeschoses" 1 (Necker). The meaning of the rebuke much deeper than Onegin's formal explanation of the reasons for refusing to respond to Tatyana's feelings. As we know, Onegin announced to the heroine that he was not worthy of her love, and most importantly, that he was “not created for bliss”, that is, not ready for family life. In part, Onegin was sincere: in fact, his soul became shallow, withered in secular intrigues, and an excellent command of the "science of tender passion" turned into a spiritual emptiness for him. There was, however, another, main reason, which Onegin will recall later, in his own letter to Tatyana: “I didn’t want to lose my hateful freedom.” selfishness, thinking only about their own freedom kept the hero from taking a decisive step.

Against the background of the spiritual sorrows of the rejected Tatyana, idyllic paintings courtship of Lensky for his bride. Nothing seems to portend trouble.

The fifth chapter tells about holy divination, about Tatyana's dream about her name days, about Onegin's quarrel with Lensky.

Epigraph from V.A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” (“Oh, do not know these terrible dreams / You, my Svetlana!”) plunges the reader into the element of popular beliefs. Svetlana is mentioned more than once in Pushkin's novel, and this is no coincidence. The heroine of Zhukovsky was already perceived by Pushkin's contemporaries as a literary predecessor of Tatyana, and her dream as a prototype of Tatyana's dream. Romantic image of Svetlana, created by Pushkin's literary mentor, his elder brother in writing, was associated with deep national roots, marked the invasion of the folk poetic element into Russian poetry. The traditions of Zhukovsky were generously multiplied by Pushkin - in realistic image of Tatyana, associated not only with folk beliefs and legends, but also with the concrete historical realities of Russian life in the twenties of the XIX century.

Tatyana's dream occupies a special place in the composition of the work. On the one hand, the dream reveals deep folk foundations of Tatiana's character, connection of the heroine's worldview with folk culture.

On the other hand, Tatyana's dream has prophetic meaning: it predicts the tragic events of the sixth chapter.

Scenes of Tatyana's name day are excellent a picture of the manners of the provincial nobility, once again emphasizing such a property of Pushkin's work as encyclopedic.

The fifth chapter contains an important plot twist: it tells about Onegin's courtship of Olga, about Lensky's anger and his decision to challenge Onegin to a duel.

sixth chapter contains plot climax. It tells about the duel between Onegin and Lensky.epigraph the words of Petrarch served for the sixth chapter: "La, sottoigiorninubilosiebrevi, / Nasceunagenteacuil'morirnondole" 1 .

AT duel situations clearly revealed the inconsistency of the moral structure of Onegin's soul.

On the one hand, Onegin is a "kind fellow", sincerely attached to his young comrade. Onegin appreciates the education in Lensky, the lofty impulses of youth, and treats his poems condescendingly.

However, “loving the young man with all my heart,” Onegin cannot suppress the desire to take revenge on Lensky for an invitation to a boring holiday with the Larins and takes care of Olga, which causes the anger of an ardent and impressionable young man. Onegin is also unable to challenge secular prejudices, impressionable; he afraid of public opinion, does not dare to refuse a duel. As a result, its inevitability tragic death Lensky and serious mental anguish of Onegin.

The murder of Lensky by Onegin in a duel - climax in the development of the plot. This tragic event finally separates Onegin from Tatyana. The hero, torn apart by mental anguish, can no longer stay in the village.

At the same time, the duel shows and "lifelessness" of Lensky's character, detachment from reality.

Thinking about the possible future of Lensky (if he had not died in a duel), Pushkin outlines two paths for his hero. Lensky could become eminent poet:

Maybe it's for the good of the world

Or at least for glory was born;

His silent lyre

Rattling, continuous ringing

For centuries I could lift ...

However, Lensky could expect life is vulgar and ordinary:

Or maybe that: a poet

An ordinary one was waiting for a lot.

The youth of summer would pass,

In it, the ardor of the soul would have cooled.

He would have changed a lot.

I would part with the muses, get married,

In the village, happy and horned,

Would wear a quilted robe;

Really know life...

The death of Lensky duel has and symbolic meaning for the poet himself. Saying goodbye to Lensky at the end of the sixth chapter, the author of the novel says goodbye with my own youth marked by romantic dreams.

But so be it: let's say goodbye together,

O my light youth! -

exclaims the poet.

Duel Onegin and Lensky - a turning point in the development of the plot. From the seventh chapter we learn that Onegin leaves the village, Olga marries a lancer, Tatiana is taken to Moscow, to the “bride fair”.

Among major events seventh chapter note Tatyana's visit to Onegin's house and reading his books. Belinsky called this event an "act of consciousness" in Tatyana's soul. The meaning of Tatyana's reading of Onegin's books lies in the fact that she understands the character of the hero more deeply, tries to comprehend his contradictory nature.

The central theme of the seventh chapter novel - Moscow. Its importance is evidenced three epigraphs taken from the works of various authors - Pushkin's contemporaries.

Moscow, Russia's beloved daughter,

Where can you find your equal? -

solemnly asks I.I. Dmitriev.

How not to love your native Moscow? -

with love, but at the same time with irony asks E.A.B. about ratynsky.

An excerpt from "Woe from Wit" reminds us of Griboyedov's satire on the Moscow nobility:

Persecution of Moscow! What does it mean to see the light!

Where is better?

Where we are not.

Epigraphs convey ambiguous attitude of the poet to the ancient capital.

One side, Moscowmotherlandpoet. Pushkin recalls his meeting with her after his exile in Mikhailovskoye in the following lines:

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, halls semicircle

Opened before me suddenly!

In my wandering destiny

Moscow, I thought about you!

Merged for the Russian heart!

How much resonated in it!

Moscow for Pushkin was also a symbol of Russia's victory over Napoleon in the War of 1812:

Napoleon waited in vain

Intoxicated with last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head.

Not a holiday, not an accepting gift,

She was preparing a fire

An impatient hero...

On the other hand, Pushkin satirically depicts life Moscow nobility. Here it is especially obvious traditions of Griboyedov,reminiscences from “Woe from Wit” (“But there is no change in them ...”).

Pushkin's critical attitude to the Moscow world is not accidental. The seventh chapter, like the eighth, Pushkin finished after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. Returning to Moscow after exile, Pushkin did not meet many of his former friends. It is characteristic that in the seventh chapter Vyazemsky alone "managed" to "occupy" Tatyana's soul. Although this chapter takes place before 1825, "Reflection" of the post-December era is obvious here.

Chapter Eight contains plot denouement and words of farewell the author with the characters and with the reader. The motive of farewell is also present in the epigraph from Byron: “Fare thee well, and if for ever, still for ever, fare thee well” 1 .

In the eighth chapter, the action of the novel is again transferred to Petersburg.satirical pathosin the image of high society Petersburg in this chapter is strikingly different from the mild irony that prevails in the first chapter. The fact is that here, as in the seventh chapter, which tells about Moscow, there is a “glow” of the era after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising: those comrades to whom the poet “in a friendly meeting” read the first stanzas of the novel have already passed away or ended up in hard labor . From here sad mood of the author in the last chapter his creations.

Talking about Onegin in the eighth chapter, Pushkin conveys hero's mental state after the assassination of Lensky:

They were overcome with anxiety,


(Very painful property,

Few voluntary cross).

He left his village

Forests and fields solitude,

Where is the bloodied shadow

Appeared to him every day

And began wandering without a goal ...

The mental anguish of the protagonist is most clearly reflected in the dream-remembrance 2, which is the content of XXXVI and XXXVII stanzas of the eighth chapter:

So what? His eyes read

But thoughts were far away;

Dreams, desires, sorrows

Crowded deep into the soul.

He is between the printed lines

Read with spiritual eyes

Other lines. In them he

It was completely deep.

Those were secret legends

Hearty, dark antiquity,

Dreams unrelated to anything

Threats, rumors, predictions,

ile long tale nonsense alive,

Ile letters of a young maiden.

And gradually in lull

And he flows into feelings and thoughts,

And in front of him is an imagination

His motley mosque pharaoh.

That he sees: on melted snow,

As if sleeping at night,

He sees the forgotten enemies,

Slanderers, and evil cowards,

And a swarm of young traitors,

And a circle of contemptible comrades,

That rural house - and at the window

She sits ... and that's it!

The culminating event of the whole work - the tragic death of Lensky - is emphasized in this way in the last, eighth chapter, becoming, along with a flared passion for Tatyana, the most important component of the protagonist's inner life. Onegin's dream clearly enhances the effect of " specularity» compositions of the novel. Dream of Onegin retrospectively recreates the same tragic event (the murder of Lensky) that was predicted in prophetic dream of Tatyana.

In addition, Onegin's dream contains images, directly referring the reader to Tatyana's state of mind in the middle chapters of the novel ("secret legends of the heart, dark antiquity", "predictions", "fairy tales of living nonsense", "letters of a young maiden").

However, fabulous images from Tatiana's dream, which is based on folklore roots and emphasizes Tatiana's living connection with the elements of folk life, can be contrasted with a metaphorical image of pharaoh 1 from Onegin's dream ("in front of him is the imagination of his motley pharaoh tossing"). As you know, Pharaoh is the name of a gambling card game, symbolizing the power of demonic forces over the human soul in Pushkin's work (remember the "Queen of Spades"). Onegin's soul was entirely at the mercy of these forces, and the sinister image of the pharaoh gives the hero's dream a gloomy flavor. The world of evil that dominates Onegin's dream includes both "forgotten enemies", and "slanderers", and "evil cowards", and "a swarm of young traitors", and "a circle of despicable comrades". These faces from Onegin's past, like the image of the pharaoh, become a symbol of unworthiness hero.

In the eighth chapter, in accordance with the principle " specularity”, the characters change places. Now already passion flares up in Onegin's soul. In Onegin's feeling for Tatyana, one can see not only a life-giving force that purifies the hero's soul. Rather it "Passion is a dead trail" according to the figurative definition of the poet. This passion could not heal Onegin's soul, it only increased his mental anguish caused by the murder of a friend.

Onegin's letter to Tatyanathe most important ideological center the whole novel. In his letter, Onegin bitterly exclaims:

I thought: liberty and peace

replacement for happiness. My God!

How wrong I was, how punished...

The meaning of the denouement novel is that Tatyana rejects Onegin:

I love you (why lie?),

But I'm given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

The denouement allows the reader to clearly understand not only the meaning of the moral crisis experienced by the hero, but also the spiritual foundations of the heroine's personality. Tatyana retains a feeling for Onegin in her soul, but fidelity to her marital duty is above all for her. Unbridled passion of Onegin Tatyana opposes Christian resignation to fate(“my fate is already sealed”) and moral firmness.

It is significant that Pushkin in his novel shows his heroes in spiritual evolution.

Tatyana from a dreamy village girl turns into a brilliant secular lady. At the same time, she retains in her soul those deep moral values ​​that were laid in her in her youth. The heroine tells Onegin about her attitude to secular life:

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Hateful life tinsel,

My progress in a whirlwind of light

My fashion house and evenings, -

What's in them? Now I'm happy to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home

For those places where for the first time,

Onegin, I saw you

Yes, for a humble cemetery,

Where is now the cross and the shadow of the branches

Over my poor nanny...

Not having fallen in love with the St. Petersburg world, Tatyana nevertheless patiently bears her cross, remaining a devoted wife and fulfilling the role of a high-society lady she does not like.

The changes that take place in Onegin's soul throughout the novel are also obvious. At the beginning of the work, Onegin appears before us as a frivolous secular dandy. Then - a skeptic, disappointed in secular life, obsessed with despondency, blues. At the end of the novel, we have a man who has lost the meaning of life.

At the end of the work, the author leaves Onegin "at a moment that is bad for him." What will happen to the hero next is unknown. denouement, carrying an element understatement,incompleteness, –innovative feature compositions of Pushkin's novel.

Nature in the novel

Images of nature occupy a large place in the work, constituting the most important facet of the "encyclopedia of Russian life." In addition, the landscape performs several other essential functions.

As noted above, descriptions of nature help the author organize the artistic time of the novel. The action of the work begins in the summer. Onegin flies "in the dust on the mail" to the village to his sick uncle. In the second chapter, Pushkin paints a picture of rural nature:

The master's house is secluded,

Protected from the winds by a mountain,

Stood over the river. away

Before him were full of flowers and blossomed

Meadows and fields are golden...

Summer turns to autumn:

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter;

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked ...

Finally, winter comes:

That year the autumn weather

Stood in the yard for a long time

Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.

It only snowed in January...

At the beginning of the seventh chapter, Pushkin describes the awakening of spring:

Chased by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped by muddy streams

To flooded meadows...

In addition, in the descriptions of nature, we observe the creative evolution of the author, his path from romanticism to "poetry of reality".

As you know, Pushkin began to write his work in southern exile, during the romantic period of creativity. In the first chapter we meet romantic images of nature:

Adriatic waves,

Oh Brent! No, I will see you

And, full of inspiration again,

Hear your magical voice!

On the whole, however, the novel is dominated by realistic pictures of nature, often containing details of Russian life. As an example, we give a description of the Russian winter in the fifth chapter of the work:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path ...

Pushkin himself comments on such paintings as follows:

But maybe this kind

Pictures will not attract you;

All this is low nature;

A bit of finesse here.

At the same time, the reader understands that it was in the pictures of simple Russian nature that the author was able to find true poetry. “What was low for former poets was noble for Pushkin; what was prose for them was poetry for him,” wrote Belinsky.

Pushkin draws in his work and cityscape. The image of the white nights in St. Petersburg in the first chapter is sustained in romantic key. The poet tells how he walked with Onegin along the embankments of the Neva, "when it is transparent and light / The night sky over the Neva / And the cheerful glass of water / Does not reflect the face of Diana ..." Urban landscape in the eighth chapter emphatically realistic, even prosaic: “On the blue cut ice / The sun plays; melts dirty / The streets are full of snow.

Your creative evolution from romanticism to realism Pushkin comprehends in Onegin's Journey.

At first, the poet writes about the romantic images of nature that excited him in his youth:

At that time I seemed to need

Deserts, pearly waves,

Other pictures I need:

I love the sandy slope

In front of the hut are two mountain ash,

A gate, a broken fence...

Besides, images of nature in the novel are the most important characterization of heroes; in addition, they help to understand the attitude of the author himself.

Two days seemed new to him

solitary fields,

The coolness of the gloomy oak,

The murmur of a quiet stream;

On the third grove, hill and field

He was no longer interested;

For rural silence:

Live creative dreams.

As for Lensky, he sees nature in romantic outlines:

He loved thick groves,

solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon...

She loved on the balcony

Warn dawn dawn, -

Pushkin writes about Tatyana in the second chapter. In the fifth chapter, the poet tells how Tatyana meets winter:

Waking up early

Tatyana saw through the window

Whitewashed yard in the morning...

In Tatyana's love for the Russian winter, the poet sees a vivid manifestation of the original Russian soul:

Tatyana (Russian soul,

I don't know why)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter...

The poet touchingly describes Tatyana's farewell to nature, to village life in the seventh chapter of the novel:

Farewell, peaceful valleys,

And you, familiar mountain peaks,

And you, familiar forests;

I'm sorry, heavenly beauty,

I'm sorry, cheerful nature,

Change sweet, quiet light

To the noise of brilliant vanities...

Finally, nature in the novel is also the source of the author's philosophical reflections on the transience of life, the continuity of generations, and the connection of times. Thus, the poet reflects on the change of generations at the end of the second chapter:

Alas! On the reins of life

The instant harvest of a generation

By the secret will of Providence

Rise, mature and fall;

Others follow...

So our windy tribe

Grows, worries, boils

And to the grave of great-grandfathers crowds.

Come, our time will come,

And our grandchildren in a good hour

We will be driven out of the world!

Describing the awakening of spring in the seventh chapter, the poet again returns to thoughts about the passing youth, about the transience of life:

How sad is your appearance to me,

Spring, spring! It's time for love!

What a languid excitement

In my soul, in my blood!

With what heavy tenderness

I enjoy the breath

In my face blowing spring

In the bosom of rural silence!

Or, not rejoicing in the return

Leaves that died in autumn

We remember the bitter loss

Listening to the new noise of the forests;

Or with nature brisk

We bring together the confused thought

We are the fading of our years,

Which revival is not?

Thus, the artistic role of images of nature in "Eugene Onegin" is multifaceted. The landscape performs a compositional function, helping the author to organize artistic time in the novel; the descriptions of nature reflect the creative evolution of the author, his path from romanticism to "the poetry of reality"; landscape - a means of characterizing the characters, a way of self-expression of the author; finally, nature in Pushkin's work is the source of the poet's philosophical reflections on life, fate, the continuity of generations, and the connection of times.

In the eighth article from the cycle "The Works of Alexander Pushkin" Belinsky wrote: "''Onegin'' is Pushkin's most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination, and one can point to too few creations in which the personality of the poet would be reflected with such fullness, light and it is clear how Pushkin's personality was reflected in Onegin. Here is all life, all soul, all his love; here his feelings, concepts, ideals. To evaluate such a work means to evaluate the poet himself in the entire scope of his creative activity.

As you know, "Eugene Onegin" is a work of an unusual genre. In a letter to Prince P.A. Vyazemsky, Pushkin noted: “I am not writing a novel, but a novel in verse: a diabolical difference.”

A novel in verse - a lyrical epic work, in which not only author's narration about events and characters, but also lyric digressions, in which the inner world of the poet finds a free, direct expression.

In "Eugene Onegin" we find various retreat types:autobiographical, moralistic, historical, journalistic, philosophical.

Let us briefly characterize the theme of digressions. Most of all in the novel there are digressions of autobiographical content: the author tells the reader about his life from the lyceum years and ending with his arrival in Moscow, and then in St. Petersburg after exile in Mikhailovskoye.

In digressions, we also find the author's philosophical reflections on the transience of life, on the change of generations. The poet shares with the reader his thoughts about love and friendship, about dueling and killing in a duel, while expressing a sharp rejection of individualism and selfishness ("We all look at Napoleons ...").

The poet's judgments about Russian and Western European literature and culture are interesting. Here, in particular, we should note digressions about the theater in the first chapter, about literary heroes - in the third, about the poetic genres of elegy and ode - in the fourth.

The poet expresses his opinions about contemporary poets (about Yazykov, Boratynsky), about the Russian language, about the albums of county young ladies and metropolitan ladies, about modern youth, their education, about the tastes and customs of Pushkin's contemporary society, about secular entertainment, about balls, about the cuisine of that time, even about the varieties of wine!

Among the journalistic digressions, we will name the poet's reflections in the seventh chapter on the roads in Russia and the future of the country. Let us especially note the historical digression about Moscow in the seventh chapter, where Pushkin admires the feat of the inhabitants of the ancient capital in the war of 1812 ("Napoleon waited in vain ...").

The author's thoughts about his own novel are also interesting: the poet talks about the plan of the work, about the characters, introduces readers to them; says that the “fifth notebook” of the novel needs to be “cleared of digressions”; Finally, he says goodbye to the reader and to the characters.

Author's digressions perform several functions. Let's name the main ones. Firstly, they help the poet create an "encyclopedia of Russian life" (Belinsky). Secondly, they reveal to the reader the identity of the author himself.

The image of the author of "Eugene Onegin" is multifaceted. The author appears before us in several of his guises: autobiographer,creator of the novel, commentator of his own work, hero of the novel, philosopher, poet.

In "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin introduces the reader to the facts of his biography. He describes his own life and career in most detail in a digression about the Muse at the beginning of the eighth chapter.

First, the poet recalls the lyceum years:

In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum

I blossomed serenely

Apuleius read willingly,

Didn't read Cicero

In those days in the mysterious valleys

In the spring, at l ikah ​​swan,

Near the waters shining in silence

The Muse began to appear to me.

The poet recalls his first successes, the lyceum exam, which was attended by G.R. Derzhavin. The poet speaks of himself and his Muse:

And the light greeted her with a smile,

Success inspired us first,

Old man Derzhavin noticed us

I brought the frisky Muse

To the noise of feasts and violent disputes ...

It is known that at that time the poet participated not only in friendly feasts, but also in bold discussions among radical youth.

How often on the rocks of the Caucasus

She is Lenore, by the moon,

And here she is in my garden

She appeared as a county lady,

With a sad thought in my eyes,

With a French book in hand.

At the end of the digression about the Muse, the poet recalls how she reappeared in St. Petersburg:

She likes order

oligarchic conversations,

And the chill of calm pride,

And this mixture of ranks and years.

Autobiographical digressions are present in other chapters of the novel. For example, in the first chapter, the poet recalls Petersburg at the moment when he himself is in southern exile:

I once walked there,

But the north is bad for me.

Will the hour of my freedom come?

"It's time, it's time!" - I call to her;

Wandering over the sea, waiting for the weather,

Manyu sails ships.

Here the poet hints at his plan to escape abroad. Here, in the first chapter, he recalls his youthful passion for Maria Raevskaya:

I remember the sea before the storm:

How I envied the waves

Running in a stormy line

Lie down at her feet with love!

But in the fourth chapter, Pushkin talks about his life in Mikhailovsky:

But I am the fruit of my dreams

And harmonic plots

I read only to the old nanny,

Friend of my youth...

The poet had a vivid impression of a new meeting with Moscow, where he arrived after his exile:

Ah, brothers! How pleased I was

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, halls semicircle

Opened before me suddenly!

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny

Moscow, I thought about you!

Moscow... How much in this sound

Merged for the Russian heart!

How much resonated in it!

As mentioned above, the author appears in the work both as the creator of the novel, and as a commentator on his own work (recall that Pushkin himself wrote notes to it), and as a philosopher, reflecting on the transience of human life, on the change of generations (“Alas! On life reins...").

The poet appears before us as the hero of his own novel. In the first chapter, he talks about how he walks with his "good friend" Onegin along the Neva embankments, in the third - about Tatyana's letter, which he keeps with him:

Tatyana's letter is in front of me,

I keep it holy...

Finally, let's define the main, most significant facet of the author's image. The author appears in the novel as a poet.

It is as a poet that he opposes himself to Onegin, who could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea and to whom "hard work" "was sick." But the point is not only that Onegin, unlike the author, did not know how to write poetry.

Onegin is a skeptic. He cannot fully appreciate the beauty of the world around him. The author has a special, poetic attitude to life. Even in the ordinary, he could see beauty. As Belinsky remarked about Pushkin, "he contemplated nature and reality from a special angle of view, and this angle was exclusively poetic."

Onegin is indifferent to nature. Here is what Pushkin writes about Onegin's first impressions in the countryside ("Two days seemed new to him / Secluded fields ...").

I was born for a peaceful life

For rural silence:

Live creative dreams...

In the days of fun and desires

I was crazy about balls...

So, Onegin's indifference to life is opposed to the poetic view of the world of the author of the novel.

He sang separation and sadness,

And something, and foggy distance,

And romantic roses...

And this is no coincidence. Romanticism for Pushkin is a passed stage in his own creative biography. And at the same time, Lensky - a sublime, poetic nature - is in many ways closer to the author than the skeptic Onegin. The spiritual image of Lensky is associated with Pushkin's dear memories of his own romantic youth, her freedom-loving dreams, unfulfilled hopes, lofty ideals. Pushkin's thoughts about Russian romantic poets - friends of the author of "Eugene Onegin" are also connected with Lensky. It is no coincidence that in the digression at the end of the sixth chapter, where the author says goodbye to Lensky, who died in a duel, he says goodbye to his own youth: “But so be it: we will say goodbye together, / Oh, my light youth!”).

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears -

Pushkin writes in the third chapter, talking about how Tatyana fell in love with Onegin.

Why is Tatyana more guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no lies

And believes the chosen dream?

Forgive me: I love so much

The author-poet appears on the pages of the novel in his creative and spiritualevolution. As you know, Pushkin began to write his work in 1823, during the period of southern exile, at the time of the flowering of romanticism in his own work. It is no coincidence that in the first chapter of the novel we find romantic images ("Adriatic waves ...").

At that time I seemed to need

Deserts, pearly waves,

And the noise of the sea, and piles of rocks,

And the proud maiden ideal...

Romantic illusions are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by a different view of the world (“I need other pictures…”).

The pages of the novel reflect not only the creative, but also the spiritual evolution of the poet.

Pushkin began to write his work in 1823 in southern exile, while still a very young man. The poet was vividly excited by passions, he still yearned for balls, for the theater, for other secular entertainments left by him in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the poet was experiencing an ideological crisis associated with disappointment in the educational ideas that he had previously shared with his friends, the future Decembrists.

The subsequent chapters were written by Pushkin in Mikhailovsky, where the poet began to develop new life guidelines for him (the beauty of Russian nature, spiritual values common people). Hence the author's special interest in the spiritual image of Tatyana, who became the "sweet ideal" of the poet.

The seventh and eighth chapters were written by Pushkin during a period of wandering, worldly disorder and painful spiritual quest.

It is important to note the fact that the poet completed the novel after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, when Pushkin's beloved friends ended up in hard labor. Hence the "reflection" of the post-December era, which we observe in the last chapters of the work. Significant in this respect is the last stanza of "Eugene Onegin":

But those who are in a friendly meeting

I read the first stanzas...

There are no others, and those are far away,

As Sadie once said.

Onegin is completed without them...

Let's draw conclusions. In a work of such a genre as a novel in verse, the role of the author's digressions and the image of the author is extremely important. Digressions, written in an easy, relaxed manner, organically accompany the narrative. The author's "I" becomes the most important prerequisite for the artistic unity of the novel in verse.

Digressions perform two important functions: they create an "encyclopedia of Russian life" and reveal the multifaceted image of the author himself - the creator of the novel, its commentator, hero, philosopher, autobiographer, and finally, the poet, who appears before the reader in creative and spiritual evolution.

Onegin stanza

Pushkin's novel is written in Onegin's stanza, which also gives the work harmony, completeness, integrity. The Onegin stanza consists of fourteen verses in iambic tetrameter connected by a certain sequence of rhymes. Let's represent the system of rhymes in the Onegin stanza using the following scheme, where uppercase letters denote female rhymes, lowercase letters denote masculine rhymes: AbAbVVggDeeJzh.

The first four lines are connected by a cross rhyme. The next four lines have adjacent (paired) rhymes. Lines from the ninth to the twelfth are connected by an encircling (covering, ring) rhyme. The last two lines are connected by a paired rhyme.

Most of the stanzas in "Eugene Onegin" are a complete artistic whole. As a rule, the first four lines contain an exposition, an introduction to the topic. In the following lines, the theme develops and reaches a climax. Finally, the final couplet often contains a spectacular, aphoristic ending.

The entire text of the novel is written in the Onegin stanza, except for the letters of the characters in the third and eighth chapters, as well as the songs of the girls at the end of the third chapter, which emphasizes the originality of these elements of the literary text.

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when did Pushkin start work on "Eugene Onegin"? When did he basically complete the novel? When was Onegin's letter to Tatyana written? How has the plan of the novel changed over the course of its creation? How many chapters are in the final text of the work? How did Pushkin publish excerpts from Onegin's Journey?

2. Why could Pushkin claim that in his novel time is “calculated according to the calendar”? What is the chronological framework of the events that make up the plot of the work?

3. Outline the range of topics covered in "Eugene Onegin". Why did Belinsky call Pushkin's work "an encyclopedia of Russian life"?

4. Formulate the central problem of Pushkin's novel. What other problems of a socio-historical nature are raised in "Eugene Onegin"? Highlight the range of moral, philosophical and aesthetic problems of the work.

5. How did the evolution of Pushkin's worldview in the 1820s affect the ideological direction of "Eugene Onegin"? What universal values ​​does Pushkin affirm in his novel? How are the ideas of the work connected with national roots? What life principles does Pushkin the poet affirm? Is it possible to say that "Eugene Onegin" is also marked by satirical pathos?

6. What realistic principles can you point out in Pushkin's novel? What's the Difference realistic novel in verses from romantic poems?

7. What genre definition did Pushkin himself give "Eugene Onegin"? What traditions of Byron did Belinsky note in Pushkin's novel? What, according to the critic, is Pushkin's fundamental innovation compared to Byron? How did Pushkin himself characterize the form of "Eugene Onegin"?

8. What distinctive features characterize the plot of "Eugene Onegin" and the arrangement of the central characters? Briefly describe the exposition, plot, climax, denouement of the novel. What elements of the work, in addition to plot construction, play an important role?

9. Which of the heroes of the novel can be called the main, secondary, episodic? What characters are plot-forming? Can the author be considered one of the characters in the novel?

10. Why can Onegin be called the hero of time? Describe the social status of the character, his views, interests. What brings Onegin closer to the opposition-minded youth? Why can we say that Onegin is the face of Pushkin's circle? What contradictions distinguish the worldview and character of the hero? Why is Onegin called "an extra person"? Note some artistic means of creating his image.

11. What type of the Pushkin era is recreated in the image of Lensky? Tell us about the education of the hero, about the warehouse of his personality. Why does the death of Lensky take on a symbolic meaning in the novel? Briefly describe the artistic means of creating his image.

12. Why did Belinsky define the creation of the image of Tatyana as a feat of Pushkin? What features of the Russian national character are combined in Tatyana? What is the originality of her nature? How do other characters in the novel set off Tatyana? What is the role of Tatyana in the plot of the work? Why does the author call Tatyana a "sweet ideal"?

13. Review the secondary and episodic characters of "Eugene Onegin". What role do they play in creating the "encyclopedia of Russian life"? What real historical figures, literary heroes and mythological characters are mentioned on the pages of Pushkin's novel? What is their significance in the work?

14. Describe the compositional functions of the individual chapters of "Eugene Onegin". Identify the meaning of epigraphs, the main events that make up the plot of the work. Pay special attention to such elements of the composition as the characters' letters, Tatiana's dream, the duel episode, Onegin's dream-vision, last explanation heroes. What has changed in the worldview of Onegin and Tatiana during the course of the novel? What is the “understatement” of the denouement of the work?

15. Tell us about the main functions of the images of nature in the work. How does the landscape help the author to organize artistic time in the novel, to reveal the characters' characters? How is the author's worldview revealed through the images of nature, his creative evolution?

16. Name the main types and themes of author's digressions in "Eugene Onegin". Give examples of deviations of a different nature. What facets of the author's image are revealed on the pages of the novel? Describe them, identifying the relationship between the image of the author and the images of the characters. How is the life path, creative and spiritual evolution of the poet reflected on the pages of the work?

17. What is the Onegin stanza? What is its structure? What elements of the text of "Eugene Onegin" are not written in Onegin's stanza?

18. Draw up an outline and prepare an oral presentation on the topic: "Eugene Onegin" as an "encyclopedia of Russian life".

19. Write an essay on the topic: “Moscow in A.S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” and in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin””.

Novel A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Onegin Day 1 chapter

Where does the novel begin? (1-2 stanzas)

Without any introduction, Pushkin introduces the reader into the life of his hero, and only then introduces him, in a friendly, confidential manner.

Biography of Onegin

  • Education (3-4 stanzas)
  • Education (5 stanza)
  • Reading circle (6-8 stanzas)
  • Interests (10-12 stanzas)

How does Onegin feel about everything national, folk?

Onegin is a stranger to everything folk:

  • An abundance of barbarisms (in the description of education, circle of reading, everyday details of life)
  • Foreign works, names of authors and their heroes (French), French dishes
  • Rousseau, Adam Smith, Homer, Theocritus, Juvenal, Aeneid, Nazon.

One day of Onegin is a typical day of a young St. Petersburg dandy

  • Why does Pushkin draw in this chapter only one day in the hero's life?
  • What is this day made up of?
  • Why does the author accompany the hero everywhere and at the same time is not prone to blues?

“He rushed to Talon ...” (stanzas 15-16)

“It’s already dark: he sits in the sled.

"Drop, drop!" - there was a cry ...

  • Bolivar - a wide-brimmed hat with a low crown, widened upwards
  • Breguet - watch

Onegin lives at the behest of Breguet, that is, by the clock, like a wound up puppet.

Kaverin is a friend of Pushkin, he is a friend of Onegin

In stanza 16, Pushkin introduces us to a typical menu of those years.

  • What did the nobles eat in the restaurant in those years?

Onegin in the theater (17, 21-22 stanzas)

  • How does Pushkin feel about the theater, but what about Onegin? (18-20 stanzas)
  • How does Onegin behave in the theater? Find the details that characterize it.

Do you remember what Onegin's office looks like?

How does the interior of his home characterize him?


Onegin's office (23-26 stanzas)

The enumeration of things decorating Onegin's office (amber, bronze, porcelain, perfumes in cut crystal, combs, nail files, etc.) recreates the typical life situation of a young man of St. Petersburg society. In stanza XXVI, Pushkin, when listing Onegin's garments, uses foreign names. In an ironic form, he gives the motivation for the need to include foreign words into the Russian literary language: But pantaloons, tailcoat, vest, All these words are not in Russian.

Onegin at the ball (27-28, 33-34.35 stanzas)

  • Why did Onegin come to the ball? Does the author describe it at the ball?
  • What is the author describing?
  • Why doesn't the author talk about Onegin?
  • How do the author and his hero relate to love and women? Is it the same?

Onegin returns home in the morning, And Petersburg is restless Already awakened by the drum ... - those. guards began to be raised in the military capital. People who represent a completely different part of the population are shown on the streets: a merchant, a peddler, a cab driver, an Okhtenka milkmaid. The labor day of the big city begins.

Is Onegin happy? (36-38 stanzas)

  • Eugene is not satisfied with life, he is bored, he is seized by "spleen". This state of Onegin distinguishes him among the youth, who were satisfied with the described existence. He is taller, more meaningful than ordinary young people of St. Petersburg society. Some big requests live in it, and an empty Savor does not bring him happiness. Dreams involuntary devotion Inimitable strangeness And a sharp, chilled mind...

  • How does Onegin try to occupy himself? (43-44 stanzas)
  • Who is to blame for the fact that Onegin has become like this: he knows nothing, is not busy with anything?

Upbringing and environment made him so. Pushkin says that Onegin is not to blame. The author blames not the hero, but society, its foundations.

Causes of Onegin's blues

  • An idle life quickly tires, but not everyone, but only remarkable natures.
  • What are his features?

Its main feature is disappointment, which stems from spiritual emptiness.

  • Why did he stop chasing the ladies of high society?

High society - a society through and through false

How did he want to get rid of boredom?

Sat down at books, wanting to appropriate someone else's mind, tried to become a writer, went to the village

Why didn't reading books help?

He did not see the truth of life in books

Why didn't he become a writer?

Hard work made him sick

Did he get rid of boredom in the village?

He is unable to see the beauties of nature

Why does Pushkin describe only one day of the hero?

  • The answer is given in the text:

“Wakes up at noon, and again

Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and variegated

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.

Let's follow Onegin's "route"






During the lesson, we will fill in the table:

Comparison questions

one . Relation to the opinion of the world

3. Attitude towards art, towards the theater

5. Attitude towards nature

Check your work in class

Comparison questions

1. Attitude towards the opinion of the world

"Fearing Jealous Judgment"

2. Attitude towards women and love

"Not thinking proud light to amuse"

"The science of tender passion", "dragged somehow"

3. Attitude towards art, theater

4. Attitude towards work, creativity

Continues to admire female beauty

"Turned away and yawned..."

"Magic Land!"

"Hard work made him sick"

5. Attitude towards nature

Pushkin is the creator

“On the third grove, hill and field did not please him anymore”

“I was born for a peaceful life, for village silence…”


  • Reread chapter 2
  • Highlight in the text the characteristics of Lensky, Olga, Tatiana
  • Prepare the story "The Education of Tatyana"
  • Prepare an answer to the question "Onegin's Day"