(!LANG:Nickel found in nature. Nickel and nickel alloys: chemical composition, properties, applications

It is characterized by excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, aesthetic appeal and the ability to take any shape given to it. Due to its properties, this . More than 60% of nickel goes to the production of stainless steel.

With the participation of nickel, they build houses, perform interesting architectural design, make wall decoration and make downpipes. Nickel is present in our lives everywhere. Therefore, today we will consider its composition, structure and properties of nickel.

Nickel is white with a silver tint. This metal is often combined with other materials. As a result, alloys are formed.

  • Nickel is found in food earth's crust, water and even in the air.
  • Nickel has a face-centered cubic lattice (a = 3.5236A). In its normal state, it is presented in the form of a β-modification. During cathode sputtering, it passes into the α-modification with a hexagonal lattice. If nickel is further heated to 200°C, then its lattice will become cubic.
  • Nickel has an unfinished 3d electron shell, so it is classified as a transition metal.
  • The element nickel is one of the most important magnetic alloys and materials that have the lowest thermal expansion coefficient.

Nickel, not processed and mined in nature, consists of 5 stable isotopes. Nickel is number 28 in Mendeleev's periodic system. This element has an atomic mass of 58.70.

Nickel properties

Density and Mass

Nickel belongs to the series heavy metals. Its density is twice that of the titanium metal, but is equal in numerical value to the density.

The numerical value of the specific density of nickel is 8902 kg/m3. Atomic mass of nickel: 58.6934 amu e. m. (g / mol).

Mechanical characteristics

Nickel has good malleability and ductility. Due to these characteristics, it can be easily rolled. It's pretty easy to get thin sheets and small pipes.

At temperatures from 0 to 631 K, nickel becomes ferromagnetic. This process occurs due to the special structure of the outer shells of the nickel atom.

The following mechanical characteristics of nickel are known:

  • Increased strength.
  • Tensile strength equal to 450 MPa.
  • High plasticity of the material.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • High melting point.
  • High catalytic ability.

The mechanical characteristics of the described metal depend on the presence of impurities. Sulfur, bismuth, and antimony are considered the most dangerous and harmful. If nickel is saturated with gases, then its mechanical properties will become worse.

Thermal and electrical conductivity

  • Nickel metal has the following thermal conductivity: 90.1 W/(m·K) (at 25°C).
  • The electrical conductivity of nickel is 11,500,000 Sim/m.

Corrosion resistance

Corrosion resistance is understood as the ability of a metal to resist destruction when exposed to an aggressive environment. Nickel is a highly corrosion resistant material.

Nickel will not rust in the following environments:

  • Surrounding atmosphere. Nickel has good resistance to high temperatures. If the nickel is exposed to an industrial atmosphere, it will always develop a thin film that causes the nickel to tarnish.
  • Alkalis in hot and cold form, as well as their molten states.
  • organic acids.
  • inorganic acids.

In addition, nickel does not rust in hot alcohols and fatty acids. Due to this, this metal is widely used in the food industry.

The chemical industry also makes extensive use of nickel. This is due to the corrosion resistance of nickel to high temperatures and high concentrations of solutions.

Nickel is susceptible to corrosion under the following environmental conditions:

  • Sea water.
  • Alkaline solutions of hypochlorites.
  • Sulfur or any medium containing sulfur.
  • Solutions of oxidizing salts.
  • Ammonia hydrate and ammonia water.

Nickel toxicity is discussed below.


The following thermodynamic properties of nickel are known:

  • Nickel melting point: 1726 K or 2647 °F or 1453 °C.
  • Nickel boiling point: 3005 K or 4949 °F or 2732 °C.
  • Casting temperature: 1500-1575 °C.
  • Annealing temperature: 750 - 900 °C.

Toxicity and environmental friendliness

In large quantities, nickel has a toxic effect on the body. If we are talking about taking it with food, then the increased content of this element will certainly cause a threat to health.

A common negative consequence of an excess of nickel is an allergy. Also, when exposed to this metal (in large quantities) on the body, stomach and intestinal disorders occur, the content of red blood cells necessarily increases. Nickel can cause chronic bronchitis, kidney stress, and lung dysfunction. An excess of nickel provokes lung cancer.

If drinking water contains 250 particles of nickel per million particles of water, this content can cause blood disease and kidney problems. However, this is a rather rare occurrence.

Nickel is found in tobacco smoke. Inhalation of this smoke or dust containing nickel leads to bronchitis and impaired lung function. It is possible to obtain this substance in conditions or in unfavorable ecological areas.

Nickel toxicity is only dangerous when ingested in large quantities. If nickel is used in industry and in building matters, then it is not dangerous.

Other characteristics

Nickel also has the following characteristics:

  • Specific electrical resistance nickel equal to 68.8 nom m.
  • In chemical terms, nickel is similar to iron, cobalt, cuprum and some noble metals.
  • Nickel reacts with oxygen at a temperature of 500 C.
  • If nickel passes into a finely dispersed state, then it can ignite spontaneously.
  • Nickel does not react with nitrogen even at very high temperatures.
  • Nickel dissolves more slowly than iron in acids.

on the topic: Nickel and its properties

The work was compiled by 2nd year students of group 5202

Nikitin Dmitry and Sharhemullin Emil.

Kazan 2013

Physical properties Nickel.

Element was discovered in 1761. Nickel is an element of the tenth group, the fourth period of the periodic system of chemical elements. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 28. Silver-white metal that does not tarnish in air. AT pure form very plastic and amenable to pressure treatment. It is a ferromagnet, i.e. when conducting current through it, it has pronounced magnetic properties. Nickel atoms have an external electronic configuration 3d 8 4s 2 . It is a malleable and malleable metal, which makes it possible to produce the thinnest sheets and tubes from it.

Chemical Properties of Nickel

Chemically, Ni is similar to Fe and Co, but also to Cu and noble metals. In compounds, it exhibits variable valency (most often 2-valent). Nickel is a medium activity metal. Absorbs (especially in the finely divided state) large quantities of gases

Nickel burns only in powder form. In this case, it forms two oxides NiO and Ni 2 O 3 and, accordingly, two hydroxides Ni(OH) 2 and Ni(OH) 3 . The most important soluble nickel salts are acetate, chloride, nitrate and sulfate. Aqueous solutions of salts are usually colored green, and anhydrous salts are yellow or brown-yellow. which is often used in analytical chemistry.

N.'s saturation with gases worsens its mechanical properties. Interaction with oxygen begins at 500 °C; in a finely dispersed state, N. is pyrophoric - it ignites spontaneously in air. Of the oxides, the most important oxide is NiO - greenish crystals, practically insoluble in water (the mineral bunsenite). Hydroxide precipitates from solutions of nickel salts when alkalis are added in the form of a voluminous apple-green precipitate. When heated, H. combines with halogens, forming NiX 2 . Burning in sulfur vapor, gives a sulfide similar in composition to Ni 3 S 2 . Monosulfide NiS can be obtained by heating NiO with sulfur. N. does not react with nitrogen even at high temperatures (up to 1400 ° C)

In the liquid state, N. dissolves an appreciable amount of C, which precipitates on cooling in the form of graphite. When graphite is isolated, N. loses malleability and the ability to be processed by pressure.

Nickel is resistant to water. Organic acids act on N. only after prolonged contact with it. Sulfur and hydrochloric acid slowly dissolve N.; dilute nitric acid - very easy; concentrated HNO 3 passivates N., but to a lesser extent than iron. When interacting with acids, salts of 2-valent Ni are formed. Almost all Ni(II) salts and strong acids highly soluble in water, their solutions are acidic due to hydrolysis.

Complex compounds of Nickel.

Nickel's bonding complexes - important diagnostic process, for analytical chemistry.

Nickel is characterized by the formation of complexes. Thus, the Ni 2+ cation with ammonia forms a hexaammine complex 2+ and a diquatetraammine complex 2+ . These complexes with anions form blue or violet compounds.

Insoluble salts include oxalate and phosphate (green color), three sulfides: NiS (black), Ni 3 S 2 (yellowish-bronze) and Ni 3 S 4 (silver-white). Or, nickel dimethylglyoximate Ni (C 4 H 6 N 2 O 2) 2, giving a clear red color in an acidic environment, which is widely used in qualitative analysis for the detection of nickel.

Aqueous solutions of nickel(II) salts contain the hexaaquanickel(II) 2+ ion. When added to a solution containing these ions, ammonia solution nickel(II) hydroxide, a green gelatinous substance, precipitates. This precipitate dissolves when an excess amount of ammonia is added due to the formation of hexamminenickel(II) 2+ ions.

Nickel forms complexes with tetrahedral and flat square structures. For example, the tetrachloronickelate(II) 2− complex has a tetrahedral structure, while the tetracyanonickelate(II) 2− complex has a planar square structure.

The reaction of Ni 2+ ions with dimethylglyoxime is characteristic, leading to the formation of pink-red nickel dimethylglyoximate. This reaction is used in the quantitative determination of nickel, and the reaction product is used as a pigment in cosmetic materials and for other purposes.

Quantification of the Element.

It is carried out mainly by the following methods:

1) Precipitation in the form of nickel dimethoiglioximate, as already mentioned.

2) precipitation in the form of enickel-alpha-benzyldioxime.

3) Precipitation in the form of nickel hydroxide (3) . This reaction is carried out using caustic potash and bromine water.

4) Precipitation in the form of sulfide. Where nickel oxide will be used as a weight form2.

5) Electrolytic method

6) Volumetric method - i.e. titration of potassium cyanide to the formation of complex cyanide (Potassium 2 nickel ce en four times)

7) A colorimetric method based on a change in the color of the hexammine nickel ion, or the red color of a soluble complex compound, which is formed by the reaction of nickel ions 3 with dimethylglyoxime in an alkaline solution in the presence of an oxidizing agent.

8) Complexometric method.

GRAVIMETRIC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF NICKEL The method is based on the precipitation of nickel in an ammonia solution with dimethylglyoxime as a sparingly soluble intercomplex compound in the presence of citric or tartaric acid.


The method is based on the precipitation of nickel in an ammonia solution with dimethylglyoxime as a sparingly soluble intracomplex compound in the presence of citric or tartaric acid and the determination of nickel by complexometric titration with eriochrome black T as an indicator.


Nickel (English, French and German Nickel) was discovered in 1751. However, long before that, Saxon miners were well aware of the ore, which outwardly resembled copper ore and was used in glassmaking to color glass in green color. All attempts to obtain copper from this ore were unsuccessful, and therefore in late XVII in. The ore was named Kupfernickel, which roughly means "Copper Devil". This ore (red nickel pyrite NiAs) was studied in 1751 by the Swedish mineralogist Kronstedt. He managed to obtain green oxide and, by reducing the latter, a new metal called nickel. When Bergman received the metal in a purer form, he found that the properties of the metal were similar to those of iron; Nickel has been studied in more detail by many chemists, beginning with Proust. Nikkel is a curse word in the language of miners. It was formed from the distorted Nicolaus, a generic word that had several meanings. But chiefly the word Nicolaus served to characterize two-faced people; in addition, it meant "a mischievous little spirit", "a deceitful loafer", etc. In Russian literature early XIX in. the names nikolan (Scherer, 1808), nikolan (Zakharov, 1810), nicol and nickel (Dvigubsky, 1824) were used.

Physical properties

Nickel metal has a silvery color with a yellowish tint, is very hard, ductile and malleable, polishes well, is attracted by a magnet, showing magnetic properties at temperatures below 340 ° C.

Chemical properties
Nickel dichloride (NiCl2)

Nickel atoms have an external electronic configuration of 3d84s2. The oxidation state of Ni(II) is the most stable for nickel.
Nickel forms compounds with oxidation states +2 and +3. In this case, nickel with an oxidation state of +3 is only in the form of complex salts. For nickel +2 compounds, it is known a large number of ordinary and complex compounds. Nickel oxide Ni2O3 is a strong oxidizing agent.
Nickel is characterized by high corrosion resistance - it is stable in air, in water, in alkalis, in a number of acids. Chemical resistance is due to its tendency to passivation - the formation of a dense oxide film on its surface, which has a protective effect. Nickel actively dissolves in nitric acid.
With carbon monoxide CO, nickel easily forms a volatile and highly toxic carbonyl Ni(CO)4.
Finely dispersed nickel powder is pyrophoric (self-ignites in air).

Nickel burns only in powder form. Forms two oxides NiO and Ni2O3 and, respectively, two hydroxides Ni(OH)2 and Ni(OH)3. The most important soluble nickel salts are acetate, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate. Solutions are usually colored green, while anhydrous salts are yellow or brown-yellow. Insoluble salts include oxalate and phosphate (green), the three sulfides NiS (black), Ni2S3 (yellowish bronze), and Ni3S4 (black). Nickel also forms numerous coordination and complex compounds. For example, nickel dimethylglyoximate Ni(C4H6N2O2)2, which gives a clear red color in acidic media, is widely used in qualitative analysis for the detection of nickel.
An aqueous solution of nickel sulfate in a jar is green.

Aqueous solutions of nickel(II) salts contain the hexaaquanickel(II) 2+ ion. When an ammonia solution is added to a solution containing these ions, nickel (II) hydroxide, a green gelatinous substance, precipitates. This precipitate dissolves when an excess amount of ammonia is added due to the formation of hexamminenickel(II) 2+ ions.
Nickel forms complexes with tetrahedral and flat square structures. For example, the tetrachloronickelate(II) 2− complex has a tetrahedral structure, while the tetracyanonickelate(II) 2− complex has a planar square structure.
The qualitative and quantitative analysis uses an alkaline solution of butanedionedioxime, also known as dimethylglyoxime, to detect nickel(II) ions. When it interacts with nickel(II) ions, a red coordination compound bis(butanedionedioxymato)nickel(II) is formed. It is a chelate compound and the butanedionedioxymato ligand is bidentate.

Being in nature

Nickel is quite common in nature - its content in the earth's crust is approx. 0.01% (mass). In the earth's crust, it is found only in bound form, iron meteorites contain native nickel (up to 8%). Its content in ultrabasic rocks is approximately 200 times higher than in acidic ones (1.2 kg/t and 8 g/t). In ultramafic rocks, the predominant amount of nickel is associated with olivines containing 0.13–0.41% Ni. It replaces iron and magnesium isomorphically. A small part of nickel is present in the form of sulfides. Nickel exhibits siderophilic and chalcophilic properties. With an increased content of sulfur in the magma, nickel sulfides appear along with copper, cobalt, iron, and platinoids. In a hydrothermal process, together with cobalt, arsenic and sulfur, and sometimes with bismuth, uranium and silver, nickel forms elevated concentrations in the form of nickel arsenides and sulfides. Nickel is commonly found in sulfide and arsenic-bearing copper-nickel ores.

* Nickel (red nickel pyrite, kupfernickel) NiAs
* chloantite (white nickel pyrite) (Ni, Co, Fe)As2
* garnierite (Mg, Ni)6(Si4O11)(OH)6*H2O and other silicates
* magnetic pyrites (Fe, Ni, Cu)S
* arsenic-nickel gloss (gersdorfite) NiAsS,
* pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8

In plants, on average, 5 × 10 −5 weight percent of nickel, in marine animals - 1.6 × 10 −4, in terrestrial animals - 1 × 10 −6, in the human body - 1 ... 2 × 10 −6. Much is known about nickel in organisms. It has been established, for example, that its content in human blood changes with age, that in animals the amount of nickel in the body is increased, and finally, that there are some plants and microorganisms - "concentrators" of nickel, containing thousands and even hundreds of thousands of times more nickel than environment.
Deposits of nickel ores

The main deposits of nickel ores are located in Canada, Russia, New Caledonia, the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Finland, and Australia. Natural isotopes of nickel.
Natural nickel contains 5 stable isotopes: 58Ni (68.27%), 60Ni (26.10%), 61Ni (1.13%), 62Ni (3.59%), 64Ni (0.91%).


The total reserves of nickel in ores at the beginning of 1998 are estimated at 135 million tons, including reliable reserves of 49 million tons.
The main ores of nickel—nickel (kupfernickel) NiAs, millerite NiS, pentlandite (FeNi)9S8—also contain arsenic, iron, and sulfur; Inclusions of pentlandite also occur in igneous pyrrhotite. Other ores from which Ni is also mined contain Co, Cu, Fe, and Mg impurities. Sometimes nickel is the main product of the refining process, but more often it is obtained as a by-product in other metal technologies. Of the reliable reserves, according to various sources, from 40 to 66% of nickel is in "oxidized nickel ores" (ONR), 33% - in sulfide, 0.7% - in others. As of 1997, the share of nickel produced by the processing of OHP was about 40% of the world's production. In industrial conditions, OHP is divided into two types: magnesian and ferruginous.
Refractory magnesian ores, as a rule, are subjected to electric smelting for ferronickel (5-50% Ni + Co, depending on the composition of the raw material and technological features).

The most ferruginous - lateritic ores are processed by hydrometallurgical methods using ammonia-carbonate leaching or sulfuric acid autoclave leaching. Depending on the composition of raw materials and the applied technological schemes, the final products of these technologies are: nickel oxide (76-90% Ni), sinter (89% Ni), sulfide concentrates different composition, as well as metallic nickel electrolytic, nickel powders and cobalt.
Less ferruginous - nontronite ores are melted into matte. At enterprises operating on a full cycle, a further processing scheme includes converting, roasting matte, electric smelting of nickel oxide to obtain metallic nickel. Along the way, the extracted cobalt is produced in the form of metal and/or salts. Another source of nickel: in the ashes of the coals of South Wales in England - up to 78 kg of nickel per ton. The increased content of nickel in some coals, oil, shales indicates the possibility of nickel concentration in fossils. organic matter. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been elucidated.

The bulk of nickel is obtained from garnierite and magnetic pyrites.

1. Silicate ore is reduced with coal dust in rotary tube furnaces to iron-nickel pellets (5-8% Ni), which are then purified from sulfur, calcined and treated with an ammonia solution. After the solution is acidified, a metal is obtained electrolytically from it.
2. Carbonyl method (Mond method). First, copper-nickel matte is obtained from sulfide ore, over which CO is passed under high pressure. Easily volatile tetracarbonylnickel is formed, the thermal decomposition of which produces an especially pure metal.
3. Aluminothermic method of nickel recovery from oxide ore: 3NiO + 2Al = 3Ni + Al2O3



Nickel is the basis of most superalloys, high-temperature materials used in the aerospace industry for parts of power plants.

* Monel metal (65 - 67% Ni + 30 - 32% Cu + 1% Mn), heat resistant up to 500 °C, very corrosion resistant;
* white gold (for example, 585 samples contains 58.5% gold and an alloy (ligature) of silver and nickel (or palladium));
* nichrome, resistance alloy (60% Ni + 40% Cr);
* permalloy (76% Ni + 17% Fe + 5% Cu + 2% Cr), has a high magnetic susceptibility with very low hysteresis losses;
* Invar (65% Fe + 35% Ni), almost does not elongate when heated;
* In addition, nickel alloys include nickel and chromium-nickel steels, nickel silver, and various resistance alloys such as constantan, nickeline, and manganin.

nickel plating

Nickel plating is the creation of a nickel coating on the surface of another metal in order to protect it from corrosion. It is carried out by electroplating using electrolytes containing nickel(II) sulfate, sodium chloride, boron hydroxide, surfactants and glossy substances, and soluble nickel anodes. The thickness of the resulting nickel layer is 12–36 µm. Surface gloss stability can be ensured by subsequent chromium plating (chromium layer thickness 0.3 µm).

Currentless nickel plating is carried out in a solution of a mixture of nickel(II) chloride and sodium hypophosphite in the presence of sodium citrate:

NiCl2 + NaH2PO2 + H2O = Ni + NaH2PO3 + 2HCl

The process is carried out at pH 4-6 and 95 °C.

Battery production

Manufacture of iron-nickel, nickel-cadmium, nickel-zinc, nickel-hydrogen batteries.

Radiation technologies

The 63Ni nuclide emitting β+ particles has a half-life of 100.1 years and is used in krytrons.

The medicine

* It is used in the manufacture of bracket systems (titanium nickelide).
* Prosthetics


Nickel is widely used in the production of coins in many countries. In the United States, the 5 cent coin is colloquially known as the nickel.

Biological role

Biological role: Nickel is one of the trace elements necessary for the normal development of living organisms. However, little is known about its role in living organisms. Nickel is known to take part in enzymatic reactions in animals and plants. In animals, it accumulates in keratinized tissues, especially in feathers. An increased content of nickel in soils leads to endemic diseases - ugly forms appear in plants, and eye diseases in animals associated with the accumulation of nickel in the cornea. Toxic dose (for rats) - 50 mg. Particularly harmful are volatile nickel compounds, in particular, its tetracarbonyl Ni(CO)4. MPC of nickel compounds in air ranges from 0.0002 to 0.001 mg/m3 (for various compounds).

Physiological action

Nickel is the main cause of allergy (contact dermatitis) to metals that come into contact with the skin (jewelry, watches, jeans studs). In the European Union, the nickel content in products that come into contact with human skin is limited.
Nickel carbonyl is highly toxic. The maximum permissible concentration of its vapors in the air of industrial premises is 0.0005 mg/m³.
In the 20th century, it was found that the pancreas is very rich in nickel. When administered after insulin, nickel prolongs the action of insulin and thereby increases hypoglycemic activity. Nickel affects enzymatic processes, oxidation of ascorbic acid, accelerates the transition of sulfhydryl groups to disulfide ones. Nickel can inhibit the action of adrenaline and lower blood pressure. Excess intake of nickel in the body causes vitiligo. Nickel is deposited in the pancreas and parathyroid glands.


NICKEL-I; m.[German] Nickel] Chemical element (Ni), a silvery-white refractory metal with a strong luster (used in industry).

Nickel, th, th. N. mine. N-th ore. H alloys. N cover.


(lat. Niccolum), chemical element VIII groups of the periodic system. The name is from the German Nickel - the name of an evil spirit that supposedly interfered with the miners. Silver white metal; density 8.90 g / cm 3, t pl 1455°C; ferromagnetic (Curie point 358°C). Very resistant to air and water. The main minerals are nickeline, millerite, pentlandite. About 80% of nickel goes to nickel alloys. It is also used for the production of batteries, chemical equipment, for anti-corrosion coatings (nickel plating), as a catalyst for many chemical processes.


NICKEL (lat. Niсolum), Ni, a chemical element with atomic number 28, atomic mass 58.69. The chemical symbol for the element Ni is pronounced the same as the name of the element itself. Natural nickel consists of five stable nuclides (cm. NUCLIDE): 58 Ni (67.88% by mass), 60 Ni (26.23%), 61 Ni (1.19%), 62 Ni (3.66%) and 64 Ni (1.04%). In the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev, nickel is included in group VIIIB and, together with iron (cm. IRON) and cobalt (cm. COBALT) forms in the 4th period in this group a triad of transition metals with similar properties. The configuration of the two outer electron layers of the nickel atom 3 s 2 p 6 d 8 4s 2 . Forms compounds most often in the oxidation state +2 (valency II), less often in the oxidation state +3 (valence III) and very rarely in the oxidation states +1 and +4 (valency I and IV, respectively).
The radius of the neutral nickel atom is 0.124 nm, the radius of the Ni 2+ ion is from 0.069 nm (coordination number 4) to 0.083 nm (coordination number 6). The sequential ionization energies of the nickel atom are 7.635, 18.15, 35.17, 56.0, and 79 eV. On the Pauling scale, the electronegativity of nickel is 1.91. Standard electrode potential Ni 0 /Ni 2+ -0.23 V.
The simple substance nickel in compact form is a shiny silvery-white metal.
Discovery history
Since the 17th century the miners of Saxony (Germany) knew the ore, which in appearance resembled copper ores, but did not give copper when smelted. It was called Kupfernikel (German Kupfer is copper, and Nickel is the name of a dwarf who slipped empty rock to miners instead of copper ore). As it turned out later, kupfernickel is a compound of nickel and arsenic, NiAs. The history of the discovery of nickel stretched for almost half a century. The first conclusion about the presence of a new “semi-metal” in kupfernickel (that is, in the terminology of the time, a simple substance intermediate in properties between metals and non-metals) was made by the Swedish metallurgist A.F. Kronstedt (cm. KRONSTEDT Axel Fredrik) in 1751. However, for more than twenty years this discovery was disputed and the point of view prevailed that Cronstedt received not a new simple substance, but some kind of compound with sulfur, either iron, or bismuth, or cobalt, or some other metal.
Only in 1775, 10 years after Cronstedt's death, did the Swede T. Bergman carry out studies that made it possible to conclude that nickel is a simple substance. But finally, nickel as an element was established only at the beginning of the 19th century, in 1804, after scrupulous research by the German chemist I. Richter (cm. RICHTER Jeremiah Benjamin), who spent 32 recrystallizations of nickel vitriol (nickel sulfate) for purification and, as a result of reduction, received pure metal.
Being in nature
In the earth's crust, the nickel content is about 8·10 -3% by weight. It is possible that huge amounts of nickel - about 17·10 19 tons - are enclosed in the Earth's core, which, according to one of the widespread hypotheses, consists of an iron-nickel alloy. If this is true, then the Earth is approximately 3% nickel, and among the elements that make up the planet, nickel ranks fifth - after iron, oxygen, silicon and magnesium. Nickel is found in some meteorites, which in composition are an alloy of nickel and iron (the so-called iron-nickel meteorites). Of course, such meteorites are of no importance as a practical source of nickel. The most important nickel minerals: nickeline (cm. NICKELIN)(modern name for kupfernickel) NiAs, pentlandite (cm. PENTLANDIT)[nickel and iron sulfide composition (Fe,Ni) 9 S 8], millerite (cm. MILLERITE) NiS, garnierite (cm. GARNIERITE)(Ni, Mg) 6 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2 and other nickel-containing silicates. AT sea ​​water the nickel content is approximately 1 10 -8 -5 10 -8%
A significant part of nickel is obtained from copper-nickel sulfide ores. From enriched raw materials, matte is first prepared - a sulfide material containing, in addition to nickel, also impurities of iron, cobalt, copper and a number of other metals. flotation method (cm. FLOTATION) receive nickel concentrate. Next, the matte is usually processed to separate iron and copper impurities, and then fired and the resulting oxide is reduced to metal. There are also hydrometallurgical methods for obtaining nickel, in which an ammonia solution is used to extract it from the ore. (cm. AMMONIA) or sulfuric acid (cm. SULPHURIC ACID). For additional purification, black nickel is subjected to electrochemical refining.
Physical and chemical properties
Nickel is a malleable and ductile metal. It has a cubic face-centered crystal lattice (parameter a=0.35238 nm). Melting point 1455°C, boiling point about 2900°C, density 8.90 kg/dm 3 . Nickel is a ferromagnetic (cm. FERROMAGNETIC), Curie point (cm. CURIE POINT) around 358°C
In air, compact nickel is stable, while highly dispersed nickel is pyrophoric. (cm. PYROPHORIC METALS). The surface of nickel is covered with a thin film of NiO oxide, which strongly protects the metal from further oxidation. Nickel also does not react with water and water vapor contained in the air. Nickel practically does not interact with such acids as sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrofluoric and some others.
Nickel metal reacts with nitric acid, resulting in the formation of nickel (II) nitrate Ni (NO 3) 2 and the release of the corresponding nitric oxide, for example:
3Ni + 8HNO 3 \u003d 3Ni (NO 3) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O
Only when heated in air to temperatures above 800°C does metallic nickel begin to react with oxygen to form oxide NiO.
Nickel oxide has basic properties. It exists in two polymorphic modifications: low-temperature (hexagonal lattice) and high-temperature (cubic lattice, stable at temperatures above 252°C). There are reports on the synthesis of nickel oxide phases with the composition NiO 1.33-2.0.
When heated, nickel reacts with all halogens. (cm. HALOGENS) with the formation of NiHal 2 dihalides. Heating nickel and sulfur powders results in the formation of nickel sulfide NiS. Both water-soluble nickel dihalides and water-insoluble nickel sulfide can be obtained not only "dry", but also "wet" from aqueous solutions.
With graphite, nickel forms carbide Ni 3 C, with phosphorus - phosphides of the compositions Ni 5 P 2, Ni 2 P, Ni 3 P. Nickel also reacts with other non-metals, including (under special conditions) with nitrogen. Interestingly, nickel is capable of absorbing large volumes of hydrogen, resulting in the formation of solid solutions of hydrogen in nickel.
Such water-soluble nickel salts as NiSO 4 sulfate, Ni(NO 3) 2 nitrate and many others are known. Most of these salts, when crystallized from aqueous solutions, form crystalline hydrates, for example, NiSO 4 .7H 2 O, Ni (NO 3) 2 .6H 2 O. Insoluble nickel compounds include phosphate Ni 3 (PO 4) 2 and silicate Ni 2 SiO four .
When alkali is added to a nickel(II) salt solution, a green precipitate of nickel hydroxide precipitates:
Ni (NO 3) 2 + 2NaOH \u003d Ni (OH) 2 + 2NaNO 3
Ni(OH) 2 has weakly basic properties. If a suspension of Ni (OH) 2 in an alkaline medium is exposed to a strong oxidizing agent, for example, bromine, then nickel (III) hydroxide appears:
2Ni(OH) 2 + 2NaOH + Br 2 = 2Ni(OH) 3 + 2NaBr
Nickel is characterized by the formation of complexes. Thus, the Ni 2+ cation with ammonia forms a hexaammine complex 2+ and a diquatetraammine complex 2+ . These complexes with anions form blue or violet compounds.
Under the action of fluorine F 2 on a mixture of NiCl 2 and KCl, complex compounds appear that contain nickel in high oxidation states: +3 - (K 3 ) and +4 - (K 2 ).
Nickel powder reacts with carbon monoxide (II) CO, and easily volatile tetracarbonyl Ni (CO) 4 is formed, which finds great practical application in the application of nickel coatings, the preparation of high-purity dispersed nickel, etc.
The reaction of Ni 2+ ions with dimethylglyoxime is characteristic, leading to the formation of pink-red nickel dimethylglyoximate. This reaction is used in the quantitative determination of nickel, and the reaction product is used as a pigment in cosmetic materials and for other purposes.
The main share of smelted nickel is spent on the preparation of various alloys. Thus, the addition of nickel to steel makes it possible to increase the chemical resistance of the alloy, and all stainless steels necessarily contain nickel. In addition, nickel alloys are characterized by high toughness and are used in the manufacture of durable armor. An alloy of iron and nickel, containing 36-38% nickel, has a surprisingly low coefficient of thermal expansion (this is the so-called Invar alloy), and it is used in the manufacture of critical parts of various devices.
In the manufacture of electromagnet cores, alloys under common name permalloys (cm. PERMALLOY). These alloys, in addition to iron, contain from 40 to 80% nickel. Nichrome spirals used in various heaters are well known, which consist of chromium (10-30%) and nickel. Coins are minted from nickel alloys. The total number of various nickel alloys that find practical application reaches several thousand.
The high corrosion resistance of nickel coatings makes it possible to use thin nickel layers to protect various metals from corrosion by nickel plating. At the same time, nickel plating gives the products a beautiful appearance. In this case, an aqueous solution of double ammonium and nickel sulfate (NH 4) 2 Ni(SO 4) 2 is used for electrolysis.
Nickel is widely used in the manufacture of various chemical equipment, in shipbuilding, in electrical engineering, in the manufacture of alkaline batteries, and for many other purposes.
Specially prepared dispersed nickel (the so-called Raney nickel) is widely used as a catalyst for various chemical reactions. Nickel oxides are used in the production of ferritic materials and as a pigment for glass, glazes and ceramics; oxides and some salts serve as catalysts for various processes.
Biological role
Nickel is one of the trace elements (cm. MICROELEMENTS) necessary for the normal development of living organisms. However, little is known about its role in living organisms. Nickel is known to take part in enzymatic reactions in animals and plants. In animals, it accumulates in keratinized tissues, especially in feathers. The increased content of nickel in soils leads to endemic diseases - ugly forms appear in plants, and eye diseases in animals associated with the accumulation of nickel in the cornea. Toxic dose (for rats) - 50 mg. Particularly harmful are volatile compounds of nickel, in particular, its tetracarbonyl Ni(CO) 4 . MPC of nickel compounds in air ranges from 0.0002 to 0.001 mg/m 3 (for various compounds).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


See what "nickel" is in other dictionaries:

    NICKEL- (symbol Ni), a metal with an atomic weight of 58.69, serial number 28, belongs, together with cobalt and iron, to group VIII and the 4th row of the periodic system of Mendeleev. Oud. in. 8.8, melting point 1452°. In their usual connections, N. ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    - (symbol Ni), silvery white metal, TRANSITION ELEMENT, discovered in 1751. Its main ores are sulfide nickel-iron ores (pentlandite) and nickel arsenide (nickel). Nickel has a complex purification process, including differentiated decomposition ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (German Nickel). The metal is silvery white in color and is not found in its pure form. AT recent times used for dressing tableware and kitchen utensils. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NICKEL German. Nickel… Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Nickel- is a relatively hard grayish-white metal with a melting point of 1453 degrees. C. It is a ferromagnetic, malleable, ductile, strong, and resistant to corrosion and oxidation. Nickel is mostly... ... Official terminology

Nickel is 17th chemical element periodic system of Mendeleev with atomic number 28. The substance is a transition metal, distinguished by its plasticity and having a characteristic silvery-white color. Does not show strong chemical activity. The very name of the substance in German means "mountain spirit". Nickel has been known to people since the 17th century, but it has not yet been isolated into a separate substance. It was met in copper ores during copper mining and was called false copper (kupfernickel) from the spirit of the mountains. The isolation of the substance as a separate metal was carried out by Axel Krostedt in 1751 and named it "nickel".

In the middle of the 18th century, 12 metals were known to people, as well as sulfur, phosphorus, carbon and arsenic. At the same time, nickel was added to them, which was assigned the 17th number.

Nickel characteristic

The newly discovered element did not find its application immediately. Only two centuries later, people began to actively use metal. It became especially popular in metallurgy. As it turned out, nickel is an excellent alloying element for steel and iron. So, alloys with nickel are very resistant to various chemical influences, do not lend themselves to corrosion damage, and can also withstand very high temperature conditions. For example, an alloy of nickel and iron, which is called invar in metallurgy, is not able to expand under the influence of high temperatures, this is one of the main reasons why invar is used to produce rails for railways and many other elements.

Physical properties of nickel

Nickel is a metal with a characteristic yellowish-silver tint. In the open air, it retains its color and luster, does not fade. Brinell metal hardness is 600-800 MN/m 2 . Despite its rather high hardness, the metal lends itself well to various physical influences and treatments, including forging and polishing. This allows nickel to be used to produce very thin and delicate items.

The metal has magnetic features even at sufficiently low temperatures (up to -340 0 C). Not subject to corrosion damage.

Physical properties of nickel
atomic number 28
Atomic mass, a.u.m 58,69
Atomic diameter, pm 248
Density, g/cm³ 8,902
Specific heat capacity, J/(K mol) 0,443
Thermal conductivity, W/(m K) 90,9
Melting point, °С 1453
Boiling point, °C 2730-2915
Melting heat, kJ/mol 17,61
Heat of vaporization, kJ/mol 378,6
Molar volume, cm³/mol 6,6
Metal group Heavy metal

Chemical properties of nickel

Nickel has atomic number 28 and is denoted in chemical nomenclature by the symbol Ni. It has molar mass 58.6934 g/mol. A nickel atom has a radius of 124 pm. Its electronegativity on the Pauling scale is 1.94, the electronic potential is 0.25 V.

The metal is not exposed to negative air and water effects. This is due to the formation on its surface of a film in the form of nickel oxide (NiO), which prevents its further oxidation.

Reacts with oxygen only under certain conditions, in particular, with strong heating. At high temperatures, it is also able to interact with absolutely all halogens.

Shows a violent reaction in nitric acid, as well as in solutions with ammonia. However, some salts, such as hydrochloric and sulfuric salts, dissolve the metal rather slowly. But in phosphoric acid, it does not dissolve at all.

Getting Nickel

The main material for nickel mining is copper-nickel sulfide ores. So, it is from such ores that about 80% of nickel is obtained from the total production in the world, excluding Russia. Ores are subjected to selective enrichment by flotation, after which copper, nickel, and pyrrhotite concentrates are separated from the ore.

To obtain pure metal, nickel ore concentrate is used, which, along with fluxes, is melted in electric mines or reverberatory furnaces. As a result of this process, waste rock is separated and nickel is recovered in the form of matte, which contains up to 15% nickel.

Sometimes, before the concentrate is sent for melting, it is subjected to firing and agglomeration. The composition of the sulfide melt (matte) after the smelting process also contains Fe, Co, and almost completely Cu, as well as noble metals. Further, iron is separated, after which an alloy remains, which contains copper and nickel. The alloy is subjected to slow cooling, after which it is finely ground and sent for further flotation in order to separate these two elements. Cu and Ni can also be separated by the so-called carbonyl process, which is based on the reversibility of the reaction.

The most common are three ways to obtain nickel:

  1. Restorative. Silicate ore is taken as the basis, from which, with the participation of coal dust, iron-nickel pellets are formed, containing from 5% to 8% nickel. Rotary tube furnaces are used for this process. After that, the pellets are cleaned of sulfur, calcined and treated with an ammonia solution, from which nickel is obtained after acidification.
  2. Carbonyl. This method is also called the Mond method. Based on the production of copper-nickel matte from sulfide ore. CO is passed over the matte under high pressure, as a result of which tetracarbonyl nickel is formed, from which, under the influence of high temperatures, extra pure nickel is released.
  3. Aluminothermic. This method based on nickel recovery from oxide ore: 3NiO + 2Al = 3Ni + Al 2 O 3

Nickel compounds

Nickel forms many different compounds, both organic and inorganic, each of which is used in certain areas of human activity.

Inorganic nickel compounds

Among these, it is worth noting the oxides. In particular, its monoxide, the formation of which occurs as a result of the reaction of metal and oxygen at a sufficiently high temperature exceeding 500 0 C, is used as a material from which paints and enamels are made in ceramic and glass production. And in the production of anodes, which are used in alkaline batteries, nickel sesquioxide Ni 2 O 3 is used. To obtain it, nickel nitrate or nickel chlorate is subjected to very slow heating.

Not last place is also given to nickel hydroxides. For example, Ni(OH) 2 is formed as a result of the action of alkalis on aqueous solutions of nickel salts. This hydroxide is characterized by a light green color. From nickel hydroxide, under the influence of an oxidizing agent in an alkaline medium, a hydrated oxide is formed, on the basis of which the Edison alkaline battery operates. The advantage of this battery is its ability to stay uncharged for a long time, while a conventional lead battery cannot stay uncharged for a long time.

Nickel (II) salts, as a rule, are formed as a result of the interaction of NiO or Ni(OH) 2 with various acids. Soluble nickel salts, in most cases, form crystalline hydrates. The insoluble salts are Ni 3 (PO 4) 2 phosphate and Ni 2 SiO 4 silicate. Crystal hydrates and solutions are characterized by a greenish color, and anhydrous salts are characterized by a yellow or brown-yellow color.

Nickel(II) complex compounds also exist. For their formation, nickel oxide is dissolved in an ammonia solution. Nickel dimethylglyoximate Ni(C 4 H 6 N 2 O 2) 2 is used as a reaction to nickel ions. It is characterized by the coloration of an acidic medium in red.

Nickel(III) compounds are the least typical nickel compounds. Of these, a black substance is known, which is obtained as a result of the oxidation of nickel (II) hydroxide in an alkaline medium with hypochlorite or halogens:

2Ni(OH) 2 + 2NaOH + Br 2 = Ni 2 O 3 *H 2 O + 2NaBr + H 2 O

Organic nickel compounds

The Ni-C bond is carried out in two ways:

  1. Y-type. Such compounds are called y-complexes. These include compounds having the following form: and , where R=Alk or Ar, L=PR3, where X is an acidoligand.
  2. R-type. They are called p-complexes. These include alkene and polyene organo-nickel compounds, which include nickel in the zero oxidation state. Such compounds are characterized, as a rule, by a trigonal or tetrahedral structure.