How to protect children with the help of amulets? Protective amulets and prayers for children from the evil eye


Every parent wants to provide their child with maximum protection, to protect him from all troubles and illnesses. Children's amulets are designed to help with this. They can become a powerful energy shield from which all negativity directed at the child will bounce off. Most of magical amulets easy to do yourself.

Children are more susceptible to negative energy than adults, and removing damage is much more difficult than causing it. Even an envious neighbor can cast the evil eye or ex-girlfriend husband As a result, the baby is capricious, often gets sick or is developmentally delayed.

A child’s own energy protection appears only by the age of three.

Before birth, in the mother’s belly, the child is absolutely safe from the influence of other people’s anger and envy, but immediately after birth he needs additional protection. Children's amulets are designed to provide this.

Protective amulets for newborns should be kept near them.

The amulets are placed in the crib or hung above it. Can also be placed in a stroller. Protective symbols are also embroidered on the baptismal shirt and other things intended for the baby. Magic objects, however, should under no circumstances be hung around the necks of such young children - only when they are older.

The choice of amulets for older children is much richer: pins and pendants can already be used as magical objects. Ancient protective signs, including Slavic ones, are applied to wooden, stone or metal products.

Protective symbols are drawn, cut out, embroidered and burned, made from wood, stones, fabrics, plants and other natural materials.

Suitable for little girls floral ornaments, Lelya (with three years) and Lunnitsa (from twelve). For boys - generic animals and solar Slavic symbols: Kolyadnik, Molvinets, Rod. Pendants in the form of a hammer, ax and other tools are also popular.

Modern moms They even make amulets from stuffed animals. You need to buy them when the moon is waxing. The main thing is that the baby and you like the purchase. To make an amulet out of a toy, scent it with your favorite eau de toilette or decorate it with beads. Then, in a whisper, voice your wishes for what the plush guardian should protect your child from.

If you buy a plush owlet as a talisman, it will make your child smarter

The variety of children's amulets is enormous. You can make them yourself or purchase them in a magic shop, but the purchased item must be cleaned and charged with positive energy.


A pin is the simplest protective amulet against the evil eye. After reading the plot, it is pinned to the collar or other part of clothing - most importantly, from the inside. It is better to remove the pin before washing.

According to folk beliefs, if you pin a pin with the point down, it will prick evil tongues. And if the point is up, it will reflect damage.

For obvious reasons, pins are not suitable for babies, although they can be placed where the baby cannot reach, for example, at the top of a stroller or crib.

If one of the relatives gives a child a pin against the evil eye, first it should be cleared of the “clinging” negative energy. To do this, put the pin in a jar of salt for two days.


Buy small bells - preferably silver ones - and hang them in the center of the room (most conveniently on a chandelier). Their chime will normalize the child’s aura and repel evil forces and illnesses from him. To prevent holes from appearing in the protection, decorate the bells with amber or turquoise beads. Glass ones will also work.

Stones as protective amulets

Stones have healing properties and strengthen the immune system. However, for children it is better to choose semi-precious stones, since, for example, rubies and diamonds have too powerful energy that can harm a young body.


Cacholong is a white or milky mineral that drives away evil spirits and damage from the baby. Children are most vulnerable in their sleep, therefore, to prevent evil spirits from approaching them, a stone is placed under the mattress: the age of the child does not matter.

Such a beautiful brooch with cacholong will protect your daughter from the evil eye


Malachite is primarily useful during cold seasons, especially in winter. The stone fights inflammation, temperature, and protects against viruses. If your baby’s ears hurt, you can heat malachite in hot water and apply it warm to the sore spots.

A pendant, bracelet or earrings with malachite will protect your child from illness


In the old days, they believed that no evil spirit would approach a child with an amber ornament on his neck. The stone reliably protects against damage, and thanks to the “drop” of solar energy contained in it, it purifies the air and water.

Amber is a soft mineral, it is very easy to cut protective figures from it

Runic becoming

Preschool children do not need runic influence: it is too early to use such powerful energy. The exception is Scandinavian runes with “soft” protection: Algiz or Berkana.

The Algiz rune symbolizes divine protection, and Berkana is suitable primarily for protecting girls. Parents can make a wooden or stone amulet and write their daughter’s name on its outside, and three Berkan runes on the inside.

Or you can draw the Berkan rune on both palms with your finger and stroke your baby’s head several times a day. Every morning the sign is drawn anew.

Runic formula that protects a child from misfortunes and negative influences

Algiz protects from any misfortunes Berkana will provide the child with good health and mood Uruz promotes development and success Perth helps you build the knowledge you need to achieve your goals Gebo symbolizes gift, talent, ability

This runic pattern protects the child from the bad influence of others, promotes self-knowledge and development, and protects from illnesses and troubles.

DIY making

Since ancient times, the responsibility to make children's protective items lay with women: mothers and grandmothers. The connection between mother and baby has incredible power, which is why the amulet turns out to be very powerful: no other one contains so much love.

Charms for babies

Newborn babies are the most vulnerable, so additional protection will not hurt.

The amulet should be next to the baby from the first days of life so that he cannot be harmed evil spirits and people

Not only the Slavs, but also other peoples made dolls to protect children. At first they were not toys - only amulets. Some of them - after fulfilling their destiny - were sent to the fire.

The tradition of making such amulets for children has been revived and is becoming increasingly popular. The child plays with dolls, tells them everything, and they protect him from sorrows and misfortunes.

Make or buy a doll for the waxing moon. It is very important that not only you, but also the baby likes the amulet. And never buy magic items from sellers you don't like.

Video: how to make a doll - a Bunny-on-your-finger amulet

Security thread

Combine red and blue threads taken from both parents' woolen clothes and tie it around the baby's leg or wrist. Make sure not to tighten it too tightly to avoid damaging your baby's delicate skin. The energy of the father and mother makes the protective thread a powerful amulet.

Pelenashka doll

The diaper looks like a baby wrapped in a diaper. This magical item is intended for children under three years of age. He takes away the negativity directed towards the child.

The amulet doll must remain without a face: you cannot draw a smile, nose or eyes on it. Evil spirits can move into a humanized doll, and then instead of benefiting it, it will only bring harm to the child.

The amulet you make should please you and evoke positive emotions. And if it worries you, is associated with something unpleasant and even scary, then this thing will not protect the child. Rather, it will attract even more negativity towards him.

The amulet is usually made by a grandmother or great-grandmother. To create it, you don’t need either scissors or a needle, only scraps of worn clothing that transfer vital energy and human warmth to the doll. You can take scraps from happy things. They should be made of light natural fabric: cotton, silk, linen, wool. You will also need unnecessary rags or cotton wool, which will serve as filler. Ribbons, ribbons, threads and beautiful buttons are suitable for fastening parts of the doll and decoration.

Instructions for making the Diaper:

  • Place filling in the middle of the torn piece of fabric. Wrap it with a red thread and tie it - this will be the head.
  • The body is “swaddled” with a brighter flap - according to popular belief, the fabric needs to be wrapped 6 times.
  • The head is covered with another piece of rag, its ends are crossed and tied with thread.
  • Finally, they wrap it in another diaper, tie it with a ribbon and begin to decorate it to their taste.
  • You can make a diaper yourself in just a few minutes

    For the first year of the baby’s life, seven diapers were made. They were placed in a cradle or tied to clothes.

    Video: making a Pelenashka doll

    Doll Kuvadka

    Kuvadki can be started two weeks before the birth of the child in order to protect him from the moment of birth from evil spirits. As is the case with any other protective doll, the hands of a mother or grandmother are the only “tool” that can be used when creating Kuvadka.

    Eat different types Kuvadok, but any of them can be created in literally five minutes. Here's how to make Vyatka Kuvadka:

  • Take a square piece of fabric - determine the width by the length index finger. Fold the square in the center to create a triangle.
  • Roll it from top to bottom and form a ring. This is Kuvadka's head.
  • Now tear off a rectangular flap - this will be the doll's body. Gather it into folds and thread it inside the ring.
  • Mark your head with a protective cross.
  • Instead of a belt, tie a colorful ribbon.
  • Decorate the doll with beads or multi-colored threads.
  • If the doll is to protect a boy, then it is better to tear out scraps from blue, black, white or red clothes. Red and white colors are also suitable for girls, and all shades of yellow and green are also recommended for them.

    Kuvadka protects the child from evil spirits and nightmares

    Usually several Kuvadok are made - the number must be odd. And then the amulets are attached to a rope and hung above the crib in the form of a garland.

    The doll should be no higher than eight centimeters, and if you don’t like it, then it’s better to make a new one.

    When creating Kuvadka, the mother puts a piece of her soul and wishes for good and a happy fate for her baby into the doll.

    Video: Do-it-yourself Kuvadka amulet doll

    Rowan amulet

    According to myths, a circle of rowan ash can protect against any evil spirits if you stand in its center. However, if you are not a werewolf hunter, then it is better to use rowan twigs, foliage and berries. There are many options for making amulets from this plant:

  • Take two branches and make an equilateral cross out of them, fasten it with a red thread and hang it over the baby’s crib.
  • Dry and then chop the rowan leaves and berries. Pour the resulting mixture into a bag made of natural fabric and place it under the bed. From time to time, replace it with a new one, and burn the old one with words of gratitude for the protection. Do not throw it away under any circumstances.
  • Pass dry leaves over a flame of yellow or green candle and hide them under the mattress. If you wish, you can read the plot below.
  • Such magical objects will protect the child from negative energy and bad dreams and give good health.

    When creating a rowan cross, only healthy branches should be used, their vital juices will become part of the amulet

    Red thread

    The amulet in the form of a red thread is very popular even among the “stars”. It provides impenetrable protection from the evil eye, the machinations of enemies and envious people.

    This amulet is very simple to make: take wool thread(or any other natural material) and tie it on the baby’s wrist with seven knots.

    Some mothers tie three of these threads.


    A shell with a hole is chosen as a talisman for the baby. The hole must be of natural origin. You cannot make holes in a sea amulet yourself. It protects the baby during bathing and long trips.

    The shell as a protective talisman is ideal for children living near the sea

    Place the shell on a cord or thread, tie a knot on both sides and string beads on them to end up with beads or a bracelet.

    The number of beads must be odd.

    When putting on the next bead, say what this magical decoration should protect from: from the evil eye, from bad company, etc. When you tie the finished product, say the following words: “I closed my work with a knot, protected (child’s name) from troubles. Amen".

    Once a quarter, the amulet must be placed in sea ​​water or some container with salt.

    Japanese amulet Crane

    An original gift for a child will be a talisman made using the origami or mizuhiki knot weaving technique. The crane will give your child longevity and help create strong bonds, which will serve him as a source of strength and support all his life.

    Mizuhiki cords are made from Washi paper, the strongest paper in the world. The Japanese weaving technique itself refers to ancient knot magic.

    To make a braided amulet, you will first need mizuhiki cords. You can purchase them at a Japanese goods store or online store. Japanese cords can be replaced with colored wires, starched threads or cords. Or look for analogues in departments with gift wrapping.

    Now let's start weaving:

  • For the wings you will need 5 cords of 30 centimeters each.
  • For the neck and tail - 7 such cords. The length of the tail is eight and a half centimeters, the length of the neck is six or seven centimeters.
  • Wrap a white cord around the base of the neck, and make a beak from the tip.
  • You will also need the following items for work: sharp scissors, glue, flat pliers, a center punch (this tool is necessary for marking points on the cords).

    Traditional color combinations in mizuhiki: red and white, yellow and white, golden and silver. However, it is not forbidden to choose other shades.

    Photo gallery: manufacturing schemes for the Crane amulet

    To create a crane, use the Awaji-musubi knot This is what the finished crane looks like According to legend, if you make a thousand paper cranes, then all wishes will come true

    Video: history of mizuhiki needlework

    Bag with laurel leaves

    It is popularly believed that laurel is endowed with very strong protective properties.

    Leaves can be placed in the corners of the children's bedroom, near the window, or placed under the baby's mattress. But it is better to make a protective bag from blue or yellow material and, if desired, embroider a suitable rune or other protective symbol. After pouring the bay leaf inside, tie or sew up the bag.

    Laurel is used to make amulets for both babies and teenagers. It not only protects against evil forces, but also helps the child develop self-confidence and speaking abilities.

    It should be located next to the child: during a walk, place the amulet in the baby’s stroller; when he starts walking kindergarten or school - in your pocket or backpack; goes to bed - place the amulet under the pillow or mattress.

    dream Catcher

    A very popular Indian amulet that protects a sleeping child from evil spirits. Nightmares become entangled in the spider's web and are incinerated by the first rays of the sun, while happy dreams pass unhindered through the hole in the center.

    To crochet such an amulet, you will need the following: a hoop with a diameter of 14.5 centimeters, white threads, hook number two, one large pearl bead and several small ones, a heat gun, pliers and three feathers.

    You can collect feathers in the park, take them from your grandmother's pillow, or buy artificial ones at a store that sells craft materials.

    The process of making a dream catcher is simple:

  • Create the base of the amulet. Cut one and a half or two meters of thread, connect a ball with the thread and knit a chain of eighty-eight chain stitches.
  • Make a ring and try it on the hoop. It should neither droop nor sit too tightly. If the ring turns out just right, cut the thread, but not too short - then hang the amulet from it.
  • Now remove the ring and tie the thread from the ball to it. Knit a napkin according to the pattern below and pull it onto the hoop.
  • Attach the knitting with clothespins and, removing them one by one, apply glue in a circle using a heat gun.
  • Snap in three places At the bottom of the future amulet there are threads and fasten them to the ends of the beads. The big one should be between the two small ones.
  • Attach the cord clip to the feathers using round nose pliers. String the remaining beads onto pins and use them to attach the feathers to the catcher. Wrap with thread for security and secure. This is where a heat gun will come in handy again.
  • Photo gallery: DIY dream catcher

    If you are into macrame, you can knit a dream catcher amulet with your own hands Embroidery with the image of a dream catcher can be placed next to the child’s bed Such a beautiful Dream Catcher will only let your child through good dreams

    Embroidering Slavic symbols

    Now Slavic symbols are at the peak of popularity. Russians are returning to their roots in search of ancient knowledge and protection from all sorts of misfortunes. Each sign contains a special power. Some people keep illnesses away from people, others - black magic, including love spells and damage. Our ancestors embroidered protective patterns on children's clothes and towels, painted them on toys and cradles, and gave them as jewelry.

    When embroidering amulets for young children, black and red threads are most often used; for teenagers - blue and purple.

    Try to do without knots - they impart negative energy to the amulet.

    In order for their sons to develop leadership qualities, mothers embroider the symbol of the Family on shirts or T-shirts. The pattern should be placed on the shoulders or chest area.

    The energy of the Family gives strength and protection only to those who honor the memory of their ancestors. If parents respect older generation families, take care of grandparents and their mothers and fathers, then the spirits of ancestors will stand up to protect their little descendant with a wall. Your baby will always be under the supervision of good and bright forces.

    Amulet Magic sign of the Family will protect the baby if parents do not forget their roots

    For children under three years old, mothers most often choose the protective sign Lolnik. It protects the child from troubles and accidents, reveals hidden abilities and talents, and helps to develop a strong, self-confident personality. When embroidering this symbol, blue and blue threads are used. green.

    After boys turn three years old, the Lolnik is replaced with another amulet, and girls can continue to wear it

    Radinets is an excellent amulet for children from birth to twelve years of age. The symbol was painted on the cradle so that the child would sleep peacefully, and would also be protected from the evil eye and the machinations of demons. Embroider the pattern with red threads.

    The Radinets symbol can be depicted on a child’s crib, stroller or things

    Molvinets bestows the gift of eloquence, protects against unkind words addressed to the child, and reflects them like a mirror. Anyone who wants to offend your baby will ultimately suffer from his own anger. Most often, the Molvinets amulet is made in the form of a pendant on a cord and placed above the crib.

    Molvinets can even reflect family curse

    When a child turns three years old, he can already be protected through more powerful magical symbols. For girls, Overcome-Grass is suitable, for boys - Fern Color.

    Overcome-grass is a double fire sign that protects from ailments and evil spirits, gives the baby strength, makes her more energetic.

    Overcoming grass will protect the girl from illnesses sent by evil forces

    The Fern Flower is a fire sign. He personifies inner purity. A talisman with this symbol has healing properties and develops hidden talents and willpower, strengthens the spirit. If a boy goes to a sports section, the symbol can be embroidered on the clothes he wears in competitions. This will make him more dexterous, resilient and lucky. However, be careful: the symbol can make the boy overly aggressive. If the child is timid and somewhat clumsy, such a talisman will suit him perfectly.

    The Fern Flower was never embroidered on everyday clothes - only on festive ones and those in which they went to a duel

    The Zhiva symbol is also suitable for a girl: it helps the child cope with a heavy school load, relieves fatigue, gives peace of mind during exams and tests, and serves as an additional source of energy.

    Makosh and Lada appeal to the feminine principle. They help the girl grow up to be a thrifty, feminine, wise woman, and subsequently become a wonderful mother. Babies with clearly expressed boyish character traits especially need such amulets.

    Girls are given amulets with the Makosh symbol to develop feminine qualities in them

    If a child is sick, you can embroider or draw Doukhobor or Healer on his blanket. The disease will soon subside.

    The healer will save the baby from any ailments

    The Valkyrie amulet will help a shy boy make friends. He will give courage, prudence and ingenuity.

    Alatyr is a pure and bright Slavic symbol. A rune with which parents can protect children from bad influences and strengthen their immunity. For schoolchildren, this runic sign is useful because it improves concentration and attention, increases the desire for knowledge, and awakens talents.

    The Alatyr symbol is also called the White Stone and the Stone of Peace

    Spells for amulets

    For almost every amulet there is a conspiracy:

    • For a pin against the evil eye: A sharp pin will pierce all evil, send it away, drive it away, drive away everything bad, evil and dashing from (name)! The pin is sharp, you protect (name) every hour and every day! Always and everywhere protect! So be it! So be it! So be it!
    • On the leaves of the rowan tree: Rowan-rowanberry, I am turning to you, I am trying to protect my child, You protect him from evil, from the unfaithful and dashing! Let my child grow, grow, and fly in beautiful, calm dreams. Let trouble and envy bypass him, let him find joy every day! Let all evil dissolve instantly. So I command - and let it be done!
    • For the red thread: I will tie a thread on my wrist and tie protection to (name)! Protection will drive away anger and envy, drive away all misfortunes! Let no one wish evil to (name), let no one interfere with his life! Let happiness come into (name)’s life, let joy enter every day! No one can interrupt this will! So be it!
    • For the seashell: I protect (child’s name) with water and earth. I ward off trouble, I don’t allow misfortune. Water and earth, stand with a shield around (name), protect from (list from what: for example, the evil eye, diseases, etc.)! Just as water is mighty and the earth is indestructible, so the defense is invincible by anyone. Amen.
    • For a bag of bay leaves: The power of protection and the power of laurel to help! Whoever carries this laurel bag will be protected from all evil! From this all evil deeds will go away, all bad thoughts will go away! My child will be protected from all evil! So be it! So be it! So be it!

    To enhance the effect, the text of the conspiracy is usually read three times.


    Women should activate and charge children's amulets, as well as make them.

    To awaken the amulet, take it in your hands, close your eyes and imagine that you are drawing a portrait of your child. Picture him smiling joyfully, not knowing any troubles, with a healthy blush on his cheeks.

    When you create a talisman, it is important to charge it with positive energy. Therefore, under no circumstances should you start working in bad mood. Clear your mind of everything unnecessary, think only about your child and his happiness.

    To cleanse and charge ritual items, you will need the power of one of the elements. You can choose any:

  • Water. Wash the amulet with clean running water, asking you to take away the negative energy and pour in good, light energy instead.
  • Earth. Carefully place the amulet in a bowl of salt (it is better to prepare sea salt for the shell), it will absorb all the negativity.
  • Fire. Place the finished magical item on a wooden table or windowsill, place a candle next to it, light it, and then pass the amulet over the flame. Fire will give it power and destroy bad energy.
  • To completely dispel negative vibes, light an incense stick with a cedar aroma next to the amulet. Then, for three days, place the talisman where it can freely absorb the power of the moon and sun: for example, on the balcony.

    Making a children's amulet with your own hands does not require as much effort as it seems. It is important to use only natural materials, and also believe in the power of a protective item. And, most importantly, do not forget about a positive attitude: when creating or purchasing a talisman, mentally wish your child all the best.

    Every mother wants to protect her child from troubles and misfortunes. From the moment of birth and throughout their lives, mothers pray for their children, trying to protect them from misfortune. Of course, maternal love is already a powerful talisman, but there are real ones with love.

    A talisman for a child made by a mother has great protective power!


    The melodious ringing of bells has enormous power of protection against evil spirits! Bells are still hung on livestock, but in the past coachmen did not go on the road without bells. Church bells are also not installed for beauty, but are a powerful defense against demons.

    In the old days, epidemics of plague and cholera were driven away by the ringing of bells from all churches.

    Bells in your baby's room will cleanse the aura of this space and protect the child from illness and the machinations of evil spirits. In order for the bells to receive additional protective power, they must first be hung around the pet’s neck, and then in the child’s room. And the bells should not just hang, they should be rung periodically. Just walk up and ring them.

    Where is the best place to hang bells? The best place is the center of the room. You can hang it on a chandelier, and in addition to them - turquoise, amber stones or colored glass beads. Amulet bells should be regularly cleaned of dust and immersed in a bowl of salt for a day once a month. This is from accumulated astral dirt.

    Protective toy

    The amulet must always be near the baby in order to fulfill its protective functions. Your favorite toy is perfect for this! There are children who even take their toy for a walk, sleep with it, and play with it. You need to take advantage of this and turn the toy into a powerful amulet.

    Now the important question is to make a toy with your own hands or can you just buy it? Of course, it’s better to do it yourself! But the whole question is that the child likes her, and he is always together with her. If such an effect cannot be achieved, then there is no need to be upset. Just hang the amulet in your room or on your bed, and it will do a good job.

    What amulet can you make with your own hands? For girls, you can sew a doll and dress it up in bright clothes. The doll can also be “without a face,” like a motanka doll. There is nothing wrong with that - she will always be loved by the child. But the “faceless” motanka doll has a centuries-old powerful protective egregor, because this amulet came to us from hoary antiquity! From time immemorial, great-great-grandfathers protected their children with the help of a reel.

    For a boy, a fur toy sewn by his mother with her own hands can be a great choice. Filled motherly love and tenderness, an ordinary toy can become incredible protection for a baby. Just try to use scissors as little as possible: at least tear the threads with your hands, and don’t cut them off.

    If you decide to buy a toy, you should follow these recommendations:

    1. Buy a toy during the waxing days of the moon.
    2. Both mother and child should like the toy.
    3. Don't buy a toy on Monday.
    4. Don't buy a toy from a seller you don't like.
    5. Do not buy a toy when you are unwell, on critical days or in a bad mood.
    6. The toy should be as soft as possible: plush animals are very suitable.
    7. The toy should carry information about mom: sprinkle your perfume, pin your hairpin on the doll, etc.

    Having bought a toy, you can read any protective spell on it and repeat it on the baby’s birthday. Toys written on a piece of paper and placed inside also work well. spell words. How many years will the toy amulet last? Up to seven years old. Then you should make another protection for the child.

    Many of us wear amulets. They protect, help, give us some certain qualities and character traits. IN ancient times everyone wore amulets. From birth, the child received his own protective symbol, which was obliged to protect him from misfortunes, illnesses, gave good fortune. You can make amulets for children yourself or order them from a trusted specialist. Such protection is simply necessary, because under the watchful gaze of the gods, your baby will be reliably protected from everything bad. Many beautiful amulets can be found if you are interested ancient culture Slavic world . These symbols have been protecting those who believe in their powers from all troubles for many centuries.

    The child needs protection

    Goddess Lada protects a woman and a baby in her womb. While a woman is pregnant, she has reliable protection from all evil. Not a single sorcerer or practitioner of black magic will dare to harm a woman during this period, because for such a crime against nature the punishment will be very severe. Of course, on Slavic gods hope, but don’t make a mistake yourself, one might say. You need to take care of your immunity, refuse bad habits. You are responsible for this. Amulets will protect you from evil.

    After the child is born, he is pure, innocent and does not yet have his own energy protection. She will appear only by the age of 3. From 0 to 3 years old, children wore amulets. These are the symbols of the Family, protecting against dangers, children's talismans, amulets to increase intelligence. These items have soft energy. Girls were given Lada and Mokosh amulets to develop feminine qualities in them.

    Energy of the Family

    A huge number of amulets appeal to the forces of the Family. Our ancestors will unite. to protect in difficult moment. They are kept children from danger, illnesses, injuries. The symbol of the Family was always present in the house. It was made by the oldest male member of the family.

    If you honor your fathers and grandfathers, know the history of your family, respect your parents, the whole clan will stand behind you and will not give you offense. And those who do not show respect do not honor their roots the forces of the clan do not protect. It is very difficult to be alone in the world - Slavic philosophy teaches this. When everyone is together, friendly and united, no force can break a person. Symbols of the Family were present in everything, not only in amulets. These are dishes embroidery, items for the home.

    For children these are the main protective signs, because no one will protect you better than your own family. Their energy is soft, kind, and will not harm the baby. Girl or boy, under the protection of Rod she will always be happy.

    Children's amulets

    For children, amulets were most often embroidered, carved from wood or natural stones. How older child, the stronger the material. The kids were completely surrounded by protective symbols: on the crib, bed linen, diapers. All, what did the child touch, was protected by the symbols of the gods.


    The main symbol of the Family. In addition to the fact that clan is a family, there was also the god Rod. He kept strong families, protect from betrayal and divorce, betrayal. His amulet was always in the house. In the first days of life, the baby should have all the best next to him. A figurine of Rod was cut out for him, which was hidden under the mattress or hung over the cradle.


    Silver bells drive away evil spirits, damage and evil eye. So that no one would curse your child, a bell was attached to his clothes with his own hands. Several hung over his crib. This amulet helped children from 0 to 5 years old. During fasting it was replaced with a silver hairpin or pin. This tradition is still popular today. Many grandmothers sew a pin into their grandson’s collar so that no one will offend him.

    Slavic diaper

    Doll - diaper We did it ourselves without needles or scissors. You need to tear the fabric by hand. First, the base is made - a dense strand of light fabric. Then, a diaper and scarf are “put on” him, all of this is tied with red thread. Such the diaper had no eyes, this diverted all the negative energy or evil magic towards her. They put it in the child's crib.

    Protective amulet

    The amulet contained symbols of the Sun - Valkyrie, Velesovik, less often Kolovrat. He needs to be talked into a conversation. The child's mother had to do this secretly so that no evil forces were present during the conspiracy. Usually the time when the amulet spell would supposedly pass was announced loudly, but everything was done sooner or later. This is how the forces of evil deceived us. The conspiracy is simple: a talisman is held above the candle, the text is spoken on it:

    “I protect (child’s name) with water and earth. I ward off trouble, I don’t allow misfortune. Water and earth, stand with a shield around (name), protect from (list from what)! Just as water is powerful, the earth is indestructible, so the defense is invincible by anyone. Amen."

    Naturally, it was necessary to make the amulet with your own hands, because this was the only way it absorbed the forces of the family. Charms for children will not harm, but only help. You can give them to your child without fear.


    The stones help normalize immunity, eliminate many health problems, and help a child develop from the first days of his life. But not every stone can be used. Choose only those that suit your needs strong energy won't do any harm. For example, diamonds or rubies are “heavy stones” for young children; they are best worn in adulthood. Semi-precious ones are best.


    The green stone malachite perfectly supports the immune system. It is especially recommended for children to wear during winter. A small pendant, earrings, or just a pebble will help you not get sick. He protects against infections, relieves fever, removes inflammation. If your ears hurt, apply warm malachite to them. You can heat it up in hot water, but make sure that it is not very hot, but at a pleasant temperature.


    The stone is suitable for children and pregnant women. It contains the power of the Sun, which means its blessing. Amber was very popular in ancient times. It is believed that it perfectly purifies the air, water, and gives it healing properties.

    Amber will protect you from evil spirits and the tricks of witches. TO man with amber on his neck no evil sticks. It's easy from there cut out protective figures, this mineral is soft. So, in old times almost everyone had an amber amulet, many made it with their own hands.


    This stone is white or, less commonly, milky. It is used to make amulets for babies and pregnant women. It is believed that kahalong drives away evil forces from the one who wears it. It is advised to wear it at night, because at this time a person is very vulnerable to the forces of evil. To prevent evil spirits from creeping up on your baby, place a pebble under the mattress.

    Do it yourself

    Many parents buy amulets for their children, while others undertake to make them with their own hands. Which is better? It's up to you to decide. The main thing is that you correctly observe all the conditions for making the amulet.

    1. You need to start work in the summer. All amulets of the ancient Slavs associated with the energy of the Sun. The Sun is strongest between July 22 and August 22. You can start making at this time.
    2. Materials: wood, stone, natural semi-precious stones, clay, iron. Of course, it’s difficult to work with them without experience. The easiest way is to carve an amulet from wood. The size doesn't matter, the main thing is that the image comes out clear.
    3. Don't miss the details. When doing it yourself, don’t bring something “from yourself,” but don’t lose the meaning of the drawing. It must be performed as accurately as possible. You can beat amulet decoration, make a pattern along the edge, for example. But, the main image must exactly correspond to what protective symbol you are depicting.
    4. You need to do it with a new knife. In general, all the tools you use should be new.
    5. Make any item of power, for a child or for yourself, only with a positive attitude. If you feel bad, sick, sad, put your tools aside. Negative energy quickly transfers to amulets.

    Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you are not ready yet, it is better to order the amulet from a master.

    By the way, when finish making your amulet, think carefully about its purpose. Of course, you need to know the meaning of the symbol and what it serves. Ask the gods to give your child help, protection, fortitude along with this item. At the end tell me:

    “I close myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you have neither access nor semi-access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor at work, nor at rest, neither at night nor during the day. These words of mine are the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever.”

    Advice from the master of amulets

    More and more often, people turn to the master of amulets for advice on amulets for children. Of course, to the choice of such an item you need to take it very seriously, after all we're talking about about the child. In ancient times, the Slavs were very attentive to protecting their children, because they were very vulnerable.

    During pregnancy, the mother's energy protects the baby. Children's amulets were needed when natural protection was gone. Between the ages of 0 and 3 years, the baby is especially vulnerable to all dangers. He begins to actively explore the world. Unfortunately, not everyone and not everyone is friendly.

    You can make a good amulet with your own hands, but here you must know all the intricacies of working with attracting energy into an object. Experimenting is great, but when it comes to making a talisman for your baby, it's best to trust a professional.

    Parents often ask questions, it's best to answer some of them once and for all.

    Can a child wear amulets?

    Can. The main thing is to choose the right item for the child.. His energy is weaker than that of an adult, so you shouldn’t immediately hang a sign of strength, steadfastness, and courage around a little boy’s neck. His energy will put pressure on him, and may even make him overly aggressive. The gender signs are best suited here, Protection, patronage of good spirits.

    At what age can I put a talisman on my child?

    It is generally better not to give strong amulets to children under 5 years of age. Protective items and amulets for children can be worn immediately after birth. The amulet does not even have to be hung around the neck; it can be placed under the mattress of the crib or hung above it.

    Protection amulets are suitable for children under 5 years of age. After 5, you can already see what your child’s inclinations are, how he communicates with others, and whether there are any problems. For example, if your baby is very timid and cannot make friends with other children, then you can help him. Suitable for such a child amulet Valkyrie- prudence, ingenuity, courage.

    You don’t have to buy a talisman; you can embroider it on a shirt or jacket for walking. Over time, communication will become easier. Valkyrie will help him and will certainly give him the necessary courage. So, it’s easy to help with your own hands, you just need to try a little.

    Can I wear a talisman and a cross?

    On the one side, Slavic amulets do not contradict your faith. This clean energy nature, after all the ancient Slavs worshiped the 4 elements, as the main source of strength. The fact is that your faith in the amulet gives it certain powers. The stronger the faith, the stronger its effect. If you don’t trust your amulet, it won’t work for you, alas.

    Cross - you can say “Christian amulet”. You put a cross on the child, a talisman, hangs a lucky stone around his neck, embroider symbols of the Scandinavian world, an evil eye, a scarab, and something else on his clothes. This is not super protection, but simple distrust.

    Slavic amulets for children can be worn along with a symbol of your faith. The main thing is to decide what exactly you believe in. Otherwise you, you your child there will be a misconception about what an object of power is.

    Can my child and I wear one amulet in turn?

    It's better not to do this. The whole point is that the amulet, any amulet, takes on part of the energy of its owner. It gives you the connection through which all the "magic" happens " It’s better to let the child have his own amulet or amulet that only he wears. The only thing you can do to transfer some of your energy is to make an object with your own hands. So he will get charge of your boundless love for your baby.

    Every mother wants to protect her child from troubles and misfortunes. From the moment of birth and throughout their lives, all mothers pray for their children, trying to protect them from misfortune. Of course, maternal love is already a powerful talisman. But there are real amulets made with love with your own hands. A talisman for a child made by a mother has great protective power!

    The melodious ringing of bells has enormous power of protection against evil spirits! Bells are still hung on livestock, but in the past coachmen did not go on the road without bells. Church bells are also not installed for beauty, but are a powerful defense against demons.

    In the old days, epidemics of plague and cholera were driven away by the ringing of bells from all churches.

    A bell amulet in your baby’s room will cleanse the aura of this space and protect the child from illnesses and the machinations of evil spirits. In order for the bell to receive additional protective power, it must first be hung around the pet’s neck, and then in the child’s room. It should not just hang there - they need to call periodically. Just go up and call them.

    Where is the best place to hang a bell charm? The best place is the center of the room. You can hang it on a chandelier, and in addition to the bell - turquoise, amber stones or colored glass beads. The bell amulet should be regularly cleaned of dust and once a month immersed in a bowl of salt for a day. This will cleanse the amulet of accumulated astral dirt.

    The amulet for a child should always be near the baby in order to fulfill its protective functions. Your favorite toy is perfect for this! There are children who even take their toy for a walk, sleep with it or play with it. You need to take advantage of this and turn the toy into a powerful amulet for the child.

    Now the important question is to make a toy with your own hands or can you just buy it? Of course it’s better to do it yourself! But the whole question is that the child likes the amulet toy and that he always stays with it. If such an effect cannot be achieved, then there is no need to be upset. Just hang the amulet for your child in his room or on his bed and it will do a good job.

    Charms for girls

    What amulet can you make with your own hands? For girls, you can sew a doll and dress it up in bright clothes. The doll can also be “without a face,” like a motanka doll. There is nothing wrong with that - she will always be loved by the child. But the “faceless” motanka doll has a centuries-old powerful protective egregor. After all, this magical amulet came to us from hoary antiquity! From time immemorial, great-great-grandfathers protected their children with the help of a reel.

    Amulet for a boy

    A fur toy sewn by his mother with her own hands can become a protective amulet for a boy. An ordinary toy filled with maternal love and tenderness can become incredible protection for a baby. Just try to use scissors as little as possible. When making a talisman for a child, at least tear the threads with your hands, and do not cut them off.

    If you decide to buy a toy, you should follow these recommendations:

    • Buy a toy during the waxing days of the moon.
    • Both mother and child should like the toy.
    • Don't buy a toy on Monday.
    • Don't buy a toy from a seller you don't like.
    • Do not buy a toy when you are unwell, on critical days or in a bad mood.
    • The toy should be as soft as possible: plush animals are very suitable.
    • The toy should carry information about mom: sprinkle your perfume, pin your hairpin on the doll, etc.

    Having bought a toy, you can read any protective spell on it and repeat it on the baby’s birthday. Spell words written on a piece of paper and placed inside the toy also work well. How many years will a toy amulet last for a child? Up to seven years old. Then you should make another protection for the child.

    For newborn babies, our great-grandmothers made a diaper doll, which served as protection from all evil. You can make a diaper doll with your own hands, without resorting to scissors, a needle and thread. The meaning of giving up cutting and piercing objects is this: so that the child’s life does not involve cutting and stabbing.

    The doll was made from a piece of old clothes of the mother or grandmother (for girls) and clothes of the mother and father (for boys). A roller was rolled out of a piece of linen, symbolizing the body. In the center the roller was tied with a woolen knit with a long end symbolizing the umbilical cord. The area around the head was also tied with thread. The threads were either torn off with teeth or torn off with hands.

    Next, a scarf was put on the doll, and then she was swaddled in a diaper. The face was not painted on the doll so that the evil would become faceless. This is a very strong protective artifact that gave the baby protection from the family (through the clothes of the parents), and warded off the evil eye and illness. The amulet doll was always in the baby's crib.

    Important: when you make a diaper, do everything on your lap, and not at the table. During creation, the amulet for the child absorbs the mother’s energy, which is an additional protective force. Think about protecting your child, do not allow negative thoughts!

    Bay leaf amulet

    There can never be too much protection, especially when it comes to your own baby. Mommy is ready to do anything to ensure that her beloved child is always happy and healthy. Bay leaf can help with this. Laurel is a symbol of victory, victory over evil. It scares away evil spirits and keeps the aura of space clean.

    What you need to make a talisman:

    • fabric bag;
    • needle;
    • threads;
    • bay leaf.

    On the waxing moon, you should sew a small bag with your own hands from yellow or blue cotton fabric (you can also use white). You need to sew with a new needle and new threads. Place three large bay leaves, purchased specifically for this ceremony, in a bag and tie with thread. The bag should be kept in the child's room.

    After 3 months, bay leaves should be burned on the balcony or street, and new leaves should be placed in a bag. Press the bag to your heart and ask in your own words for the baby’s protection.

    The protective properties of salt have been known for a long time. On the waxing moon, buy a pack of salt without change, sew a small bag of cotton fabric.

    What we need:

    • photograph of a child;
    • canvas bag;
    • church candle;
    • name icon;
    • salt .

    Lay a white tablecloth or clean white cloth on the table, place the baby’s name icon, and light a church candle. Read Orthodox prayers and put a photo of the child.

    Sprinkle salt around the photo in the direction of the sun (clockwise). Next, read the plot three times from memory:

    “With my mother’s word I conjure, protect and protect God’s servant (name of son or daughter).
    So that no one: neither his own, nor a stranger, nor a friend, nor an enemy, harms him (her), offends him, or destroys him.
    Neither old, nor young, nor crooked, nor gray-haired, nor with brown eyes, nor with gray eyes, nor with green, nor with multi-colored ones.
    The mother's word is strong, it is molded to the right deeds.

    After this, wait until the candle burns out, collect the salt and put it in a bag along with the candle stub. The bag can be sewn up with thread or tied. Let your child carry it with him to school or for a walk. After three months, the bag needs to be buried in the ground and a new one sewn. The salt from the pack is thrown away or stored for the next amulet. But you cannot take salt from this pack for food.

    Shell amulet

    What we need to make the amulet:

    • shell;
    • beads;
    • strong thread.

    Find a shell with a hole on the seashore. Read on the shell protective spell three times:

    “I protect (child’s name) with water and earth.
    I ward off trouble, I don’t allow misfortune.
    Water and earth, stand with a shield around (name),
    Protect from (list from what)!
    Like water is mighty, the earth is indestructible,
    So the defense is invincible by anyone.

    Pull the shell through the thread and secure it with knots. On each side of the knots we string 5-7 beads. For each bead we say protection: from damage, from harm, etc.

    After the last bead we tie a knot and say:

    “I closed my work with a knot,
    She protected (name) from adversity.

    This amulet can be made specifically to protect a baby while swimming in the sea. But you can also use beads for everyday protection. To extend the power of the amulet, after six months you need to put it in sea water or salt for a day. After this, you need to read the spell words again.

    Any thing can be used to make a talisman for your baby. This could be a purchased item or a knitted blouse (scarf).

    What we need to make a talisman:

    • church candle;
    • Thursday salt;
    • holy water;
    • any item.

    In order for the item to gain power, you need to do the following. Carry the item on the candle flame three times with a cross from top to bottom and from left to right. Then sprinkle it crosswise with holy water and sprinkle with Thursday salt. All this must be done three times in a row: pass over the candle, sprinkle with water and sprinkle with salt.

    At the same time the conspiracy is read:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
    I cleanse not with my own power, but with the power of our Lord!
    I sanctify not with my soul, but with the Holy Spirit.
    I strengthen not with my own strength, but with the strength of our Lord.
    Protect (name the thing) my son (my daughter) with the word and power of our Lord.

    Then cross the item three times and read the prayers.

    Amulet for a child - VIDEO

    All parents try to protect their children from evil. An amulet for a child helps to cope with this task. You can buy it in a specialized store or make it yourself. The second option is considered optimal, since during operation the amulet absorbs positive energy, which reflects evil forces. Therefore, the parent is sure that no damage or evil eye will be cast on his child.

    The amulet will protect the child from troubles and troubles

    During the application of the evil eye, a person is struck by negative energy. It negatively affects his health, relationships with other people and professional activity. Any child can suffer from the evil eye. To avoid such troubles, parents should take care in advance of amulets that can repel black magic.

    You can make amulets with your own hands. In order for them to properly cope with their main function, they need to be endowed with light energy. A charged amulet has a positive effect on the life of its owner, giving him luck, health and protection from dark forces.

    Charms for babies

    Babies are protected by the bright energy of their loving mother. Therefore, while being near her, the kids remain completely safe. If a mother does not have the opportunity to constantly spend time with her child, she should take care of a special amulet that will protect him from the evil eye.

    Ideal amulets for babies are natural stones and minerals. Malachite, amber and rock crystal have powerful protective properties. They not only protect the newborn from dark forces, but also have a positive effect on his well-being.

    Other types of amulets also help mother and baby. They are recommended to be placed in a children's room or stroller. A talisman doll can protect your baby. Ideally, it should be in the form of a toy that a small child will enjoy spending time with.

    Charms for children

    Embroidered clothing is the first amulet for children that our ancestors used

    Various amulets can protect a child from the evil eye and damage. Parents just need to find the one that is perfect for their baby. Special amulets can be placed in different places where the child most often visits. Previously, it was customary to embroider protective symbols on clothes, diapers and bedding - in a word, on those things with which children regularly came into contact.


    A bell helps protect a child from dark forces. Its ringing has a negative effect on evil spirits. Therefore, many people in villages still hang this item on the neck of their livestock.

    In every church you can see bells that perform a protective function. In the old days, they used their ringing to fight demons and diseases.

    A bell-shaped amulet has a beneficial effect on the aura in the room. It will protect the baby from diseases and the evil eye. For the amulet to work, they should call periodically.

    It is imperative to periodically care for the bell. Once a month it is recommended to clean it of dust and astral dirt. To do this, simply immerse the object in a bowl filled with water for a whole day.

    The doll will be a reliable protector for your child at an early age

    To ensure that children do not suffer from the evil eye, the protective amulet must be with them at all times. Children usually like to carry their favorite toy with them at all times. Therefore, parents should consider making an amulet based on it.

    It is best to make a toy-amulet with your own hands. You need to try to make the baby like it. Only in this case will he constantly take her with him. If the child didn't like it new toy, which is designed to protect him from dark forces, then you just need to hang it near the crib.

    For boys and girls you need to choose a special amulet toy:

    • For a girl, you can sew a beautiful doll and make several for her bright outfits. It is allowed to make a motanka that does not have a face. Children also like such toys. It is faceless dolls that are considered the most powerful amulets. They were made in the old days. For centuries, motanki protected children from evil.
    • Boys prefer fur toys, which you can also make yourself. During the manufacturing process, it is recommended to use scissors to a minimum. It is best to tear the threads by hand rather than cut them.

    If, for certain reasons, parents cannot make a doll or other amulets on their own, then it is worth buying them. New purchase must be approved by mothers and children. In order for a toy to be useful, you must adhere to a number of rules when purchasing it:

    1. It is not advisable to purchase such a product on Monday.
    2. You need to refuse to buy from a seller who causes hostility and other negative emotions.
    3. It is necessary to ensure that the toy is as soft to the touch as possible.
    4. You should not purchase a product of poor quality.

    As a rule, amulet toys cope with their function until the child turns 7 years old.

    Baby doll

    Making a diaper doll is not difficult at all

    An amulet in the form of a diaper doll is ideal for newborn babies. In ancient times, it was used to protect babies from evil spirits and damage. This toy is easy to make with your own hands. During work, it is strictly forbidden to use a needle or scissors. According to popular belief, then life will not cut and stab the baby.

    It is customary to make a doll from a piece of old clothing that the child’s mother used to wear. It needs to be rolled into a roller, which appearance resembles a body, and tie it with wool thread. It should have a long end, which is a symbol of the umbilical cord. Another rope needs to be tied around the doll's head. After this, a scarf is put on the toy, and it itself is placed in a special diaper.

    This amulet protects the baby from diseases and the evil eye. In the process of making a doll, you need to think only about the good. You need to immediately drive away bad thoughts from yourself, otherwise the toy will absorb negative energy.

    Bay leaf

    Laurel in the house is protection and victory over the forces of evil

    Amulets based on bay leaf. He has always been a symbol of victory over evil. Therefore, it is actively used to repel evil spirits. To make a talisman with a bay leaf, you need to do the following:

    • For the growing moon, you need to make a small bag with your own hands. It is best sewn from cotton fabric that is dyed blue or yellow;
    • You only need to sew the bag with a new needle and new threads. These attributes should never be used by anyone;
    • Place 3 bay leaves inside the bag large size. They need to be purchased specifically for the magical ritual;
    • Afterwards, all that remains is to securely sew up the cotton bag.

    The evil eye amulet should be left in the children's room. After 3 months, you should remove the contents from the bag and burn it. You need to sew new laurel leaves into the fabric.


    Another simple amulet for a child that has powerful powers. To make it you need a shell, a strong thread and several beads. Having prepared the basic attributes, you can begin to create the amulet:

    1. First you need to read over the seashell magic spell: “I protect (child’s name) with water and earth. I ward off trouble, I don’t allow misfortune. Water and earth, stand with a shield around (name), protect from (what troubles)! Just as water is mighty and the earth is indestructible, so the defense is invincible by anyone. Amen".
    2. After repeating the spell three times, you need to thread a strong thread through the holes that need to be made in advance in the shell. It should be secured with several knots.
    3. On each side of the knot you need to string 5-7 beads. Each of them requires protection from damage.
    4. As soon as the last bead is strung, you can tie the last knot. At this moment you need to say: “I closed my work with a knot, protected (name) from adversity. Amen".

    The charmed shell will protect the baby while swimming in open water. Beads will be able to protect him in everyday life.


    Salt has powerful protective properties. To make an amulet from evil forces out of it, you first need to buy a new pack of the product. They do this during the waxing moon. It is highly undesirable to take back the change after purchase.

    Making a salt talisman consists of several stages:

    1. You need to spread a white tablecloth on the table. The child’s personalized icon and a lit church candle are placed on it.
    2. Next you need to read a few Orthodox prayers and put a photo of the baby on the table.
    3. Sprinkle salt around the photo, following the direction of the sun.

    Upon completion of these actions, you must read the words of the conspiracy:

    “With my mother’s word I conjure, protect and protect the servant of God (name). So that no one: neither one’s own, nor a stranger, nor a friend, nor an enemy, harms him/her, offends him/her, or destroys him/her. Neither old, nor young, nor crooked, nor gray-haired, nor with brown eyes, nor with gray eyes, nor with green, nor with multi-colored ones. The mother's word is strong, it is molded to the right deeds. Amen".

    All you have to do is wait until the candle burns out completely. After this, you need to collect the salt and put it in a hand-sewn cotton bag. It is sewn up or tied with thread.

    The child should carry the prepared bag of salt with him everywhere. This is the only way he will be protected from the evil eye and damage.


    Rowan will protect a child from the evil eye if you use the tree to make a cross

    Rowan has magical powers. Therefore, quite often Slavic amulets for young children were made on the basis of this tree.

    Pay attention! Rowan has powerful energy. That's why sometimes people start to feel bad around her. The tree has a beneficial effect mainly on representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. For the rest, it is better to refuse to use the power of rowan.

    You can make an equilateral cross from rowan. To do this, just tie the tree branches with red thread and give them the desired shape. It is customary to hang such a talisman over a child’s cradle or crib.

    The rowan amulet needs to be changed once a month. This is the optimal period for its validity.


    A pin is the simplest amulet, but very effective. It is usually used as protection against damage and the evil eye. The pin must be worn pinned to clothing. It is recommended that the baby be pinned to the crib or stroller at the head.

    The pin absorbs negative energy and prevents it from escaping and harming the baby. If the pin changes color after some time, then you should think about replacing it. It is recommended to burn the used amulet.

    Red thread

    The red thread is a powerful protective tool against the evil eye, damage and envy.

    In Russia, the tradition of tying a red thread on the wrist has become very popular, which protects its owner from evil forces. Such a talisman can be tied to a baby’s hand in the first days of his life. A 3-string amulet is suitable for babies.

    You can make an amulet in the form of a red thread with your own hands. To do this, you need to take the base for the amulet and tie exactly 9 knots on it. For each one, a protective spell should be pronounced.

    They wear a red thread on their left hand. It should be worn by the child's mother or grandmother. At the time of performing this action, you must be in a good mood. Positive energy will only enhance the effect of the amulet.


    Slavic amulets for young children often take the form of icons. Many of them protect babies from illness, damage and failure. Therefore, it is recommended to hang the image of the Kazan Mother of God, Vladimir Mother of God or the Barskaya Mother of God.

    It wouldn’t hurt to purchase a small icon from the church especially for your child. He will be able to carry it with him in his briefcase, and therefore will always be under the protection of the saints.


    Many stones and minerals have magical powers that people have learned to use for their own benefit. These items significantly increase a person’s level of protection from dark forces and the evil eye.

    Charms in the form of stones were made for children back in ancient times. Then they served as protectors from entities from the other world and evil spirits. Malachite has always been considered the strongest stone. It helps to avoid illness and spoilage. This green pebble is recommended to be hung above the baby's crib.

    Malachite helps to reveal a child's talent, as well as improve his relationships with peers. It allows you to find the correct answer to a difficult question and make the right decision in a difficult situation.

    Another valuable stone is rose quartz. It is usually considered as a family amulet. He does not allow anything bad to happen to the child. Jewelry with a beautiful stone is recommended to be worn by children who feel insecure about their own strength. Rose quartz bestows a special power that helps to establish healthy contact with peers. The stone also protects the family from strong quarrels and serious conflicts.

    Obsidian has strong energy, which helps protect children from dark forces. It is filled with light energy that triumphs over black magic. The stone allows you to suppress the child’s aggression and selfishness. Thanks to him, children can easily cope with the academic load and achieve success in studying many school subjects.

    Noble spinel is capable of organizing a child’s activities. The stone helps you concentrate on a specific goal and successfully achieve it. It is strictly forbidden to force children to wear spinel all the time. Otherwise, it will begin to deprive its owner of attentiveness and discipline.

    Amber is considered an equally useful stone. It is a symbol of health and happiness. Therefore, children are often given jewelry that is complemented with this unusual stone. Thanks to him, the child becomes protected from the negative influence of the surrounding world. Amber has a positive effect on the health of babies, since when heated it begins to release iodine vapor. Their child inhales while wearing the stone.

    How to make a talisman out of any object?

    Embroidered grass or fern color will serve as reliable protection for the child

    The powers of an amulet can be given to almost any thing that would protect the baby from damage and the evil eye. A hand-made talisman for a child should never be re-gifted. It should only be near its owner. Otherwise, the power of the amulet is lost.

    Important! If the amulet is stolen, broken or lost, then you urgently need to find a replacement. If the amulet is found, it is best to burn it, since it no longer contains any magical power.

    To endow a homemade amulet from any object with magical properties, you must adhere to certain rules:

    1. You cannot start making an amulet without the desire to do such work. A mother or grandmother must sincerely desire to create a protective item for the child with her own hands. Only in this case will he be able to absorb positive energy, which will reflect dark magic from the baby.
    2. When creating a talisman, you need to think about who will become its permanent owner. Thoughts must certainly be positive and bright. The talisman will be impregnated with them. By following this rule, you can be sure that it will really work.
    3. It is recommended to engage in such work during the period when the moon is at the stage of active growth. It is the most successful for any endeavor.
    4. Creating a talisman for a child should be done in a calm environment. The master should not be disturbed by any external factors that may cause irritation or distract him from positive thoughts.

    It is strongly recommended not to tell anyone that a protective amulet was made for the child. It should be in a place that is hidden from prying eyes. The only exceptions are amulets, which should be worn as decoration.

    By following simple rules, you can make a really high-quality amulet that will prevent the dark force from harming you. small child at home or outside.

    You should pay attention to the material from which the children's amulet will be created. Magical items that can protect a child and bring him good luck are usually made from the following types of raw materials:

    • Natural stone;
    • Threads;
    • Leather;
    • Metal;
    • Tree;
    • Cotton fabric.

    All these materials are suitable for amulets. If a parent plans to turn an existing item into a children's talisman, then he should pay attention to the fact that it is made from precisely these types of raw materials.

    Advice! It is best to choose materials that are easy to work with. They also must be pleasant to the touch. Otherwise, the child will not want to come into frequent contact with a product made from them. This moment should not be missed, otherwise all the work done will be in vain.

    To make a children's amulet or buy it - each parent decides for himself. White magicians still recommend choosing the first option. After all, it is difficult to predict what kind of person was involved in the manufacture of the talisman that is on sale. Homemade amulets are more valuable, as they are filled with maternal love and favorable energy. They create a reliable barrier through which the dark force is unable to break through. Therefore, any damage or evil eye will immediately be reflected from the child. This means that parents do not have to worry about the health and safety of the baby while they are not near him.