(!LANG: The energy of houseplants to improve the energy of a person and at home. Houseplants with good, positive and bad, negative energy: a list. Energy drink with oil and coffee. Step # 2 - making a vaporizer

If you believe that every object with which we come into contact in everyday life has certain energy characteristics that affect the environment, including us, then, knowing the features of this interaction, you can harmonize your life.

Energy of things

Take, for example, furniture or other common household items. Furniture, basically, is either wooden, or at least with the use of wooden elements and components. And all wooden objects are saturated with the energy of the trees from which they are made. But their properties also depend on the form. So, if it seems to you that you have been adversely affected by someone, then it is useful to have a table with six legs on hand. Climbing under it, you will get rid of minor damage and other energy dirty tricks. And your household will be delighted with the contemplation of the head of the family in such an interesting position.


The mirror has long had a reputation as a magical attribute. According to legend, to break it is to experience misfortune for seven years. But this terrible consequences can be avoided if, after breaking the mirror, the following ritual is performed: throw salt over your shoulder, turn counterclockwise three times, and then set fire to the fragments of the mirror. The fragments darkened by fire should be stored for a year, and then buried. Then you will have only one bad year instead of seven. However, if you do not want to fail for a whole year, you can simply forget about the existence of this sign and live happily ever after.

Still, it is believed that mirrors bring good luck. The more of them in the house, the better. In the hallway, a mirror is necessary: ​​it absorbs negative energy that hosts or guests can bring into the house. No wonder there is a sign: if you returned halfway for a forgotten thing, be sure to look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way. If you have Bad mood stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes. Your mood will improve.

It is recommended to hang a mirror next to the table in the living room or in the kitchen - it will attract prosperity and wealth to the house. Never hang a mirror in such a position that it "cuts off" the head of any of the household members. In this case, he will suffer from headaches. But hanging a mirror too high is also not worth it.

Floors in the house

The floors in the rooms are covered with carpets. The energy properties of a carpet largely depend on its shape. Round rugs symbolize peace and spirituality. They are best placed on the floor in the bedroom, living room, dining room, where a calm atmosphere should reign. Square and rectangular carpets and rugs are associated with the material, intellectual and technological spheres. They are suitable for classrooms, offices, libraries, hallways and stairwells. Oval carpets have a universal energy and therefore will be in place everywhere, especially if you can organically fit them into the interior.

If you're in financial trouble, place a piece of dried moss or seaweed under your carpet. It attracts money. In no case should you immediately turn the carpet over if you accidentally put it inside out. Walk on the carpet, lying inside out - fortunately. You can not put the carpet on the unwashed floor - along with the dust, all the negative energy accumulated in the room will settle. Before vacuuming carpets, scatter fragrant herbs and sprinkle salt over them. It also neutralizes negative energy.


From the point of view of bioenergetics, objects in the kitchen have very important properties. But do not forget that the main thing here is still food! The plate is associated with the element of fire; the Chinese believe that it must certainly face the southeast and, as a sacred object, must be kept clean. According to legend, near the stove you can not cry, swear, kiss and sing. You can not cut onions, both on the stove itself and near it.

An equally important attribute of kitchen magic is the dining table. It symbolizes the home altar, so you need to place it in such a way that the energy flowing around the foundation of the house also flows around it, that is, parallel to the wall. You can’t sit on the table, put money, keys on it - this can bring misfortune.

Various technical devices have long been part of our lives, and most of them settled in the kitchen. But we often forget that machines also have a "soul". Due to the possibility of dynamic impact, man-made devices are at a much higher energy-informational level than ordinary things. Therefore, technology acquires some features that are more characteristic of a living being than an inanimate object. A typical situation is that the device does not work if it is handled impolitely. While the owner curses him with the last words: “Oh, you, such and such, such and such!” - The error cannot be corrected. And it’s worth talking to him affectionately: “Well, what are you, dear? Come on, dove!” - the machine corrects itself.

Ya. M. Shchelokov


1. General data…………………………………………………….………1

2. Rational lighting……………………………………….……..3

3. Cooking…………………………………………….…….…6

4. Radio and television equipment…………………………………...…9

5. Electrical appliances……………………………………………10

6. Water supply…………………………………………………………..11

7. Heating……………………………………………………………..…..14

8. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..……17

9. Literature……………………………………………………………....….17

1.General data

In some countries, separate and regular publications under the name "Home Energy" have been published for many years.

One of the reasons for this is that there is no budget financing of housing and communal expenses for the entire mass of the population, regardless of their income and, accordingly, expenses. The same thing is about to happen to us. Therefore, we will estimate the volume of financial flows caused by domestic energy.

The annual consumption of electricity in the residential sector of Russia is at least 110 billion kWh. The cost of one kWh at a voltage level below 0.4 kV can be confidently accepted at the beginning of 2002 as 1 ruble. (and without VAT). That is, more than 110 billion rubles revolve here every year.

In accordance with the tariffs established for the city of Yekaterinburg for payment for housing and communal services by citizens living in residential buildings without metering devices, calculated taking into account 100% of the level of standard costs (Decree of the Head of the city of Yekaterinburg dated November 30, 2001 No. 1405), a monthly payment per person per month for heating, cold and hot water supply with full improvement is 250 - 300 rubles per month. Taking into account the seasonality of heating payments, as well as the absence of centralized energy and communal benefits somewhere, the annual payment for this type of these benefits, which are so necessary for everyone, will be at least 1,500 rubles. Consequently, the scale of turnover in this sector of Russian domestic energy is at least 180 billion rubles. The total amount is about 300 billion rubles. If we take into account the tariffs established for the city of Yekaterinburg since December 2001, then the monthly total payment for housing (with electricity) in the form of an apartment with an area of ​​​​50 - 60 square meters. m. a family of two people will be close to 1000 rubles. in winter and 700 rubles. summer. The energy and water component here is 70 - 75%.

So far, there are no prerequisites that utility bills will stabilize at these achieved levels. Why? Domestic energy prices in our country are 5-8 times lower than in Western countries. It seems inevitable that domestic prices for fuel in Russia will rise as a result of the pricing policy of the association of world oil exporters - OPEC.

In favor of the inevitability of the growth of domestic prices in Russia, whose political leadership is counting on its admission to the World Trade Organization by 2003-2004, the following data also testify.

The ratio of prices for electricity in everyday life, cent / kWh:

Russia - about 1.5 - 1.8;

Finland - 9;

France - 14;

Germany - 18;

Japan - 20;

England - 15.

According to the newspaper Izvestiya dated May 31, 2001, according to the calculations of government experts, by 2005 the price of electricity in Russia will increase by 3.5 times. For 2002, the government has officially decided on a 35% increase in prices, which is only 10% of what was planned. That is, here it is possible to predict the introduction of a shock component in utility tariffs.

Average prices for fuel in the Sverdlovsk region at the beginning of 2002 are, rub./tce. t.:

Natural gas - 400;

Fuel oil - 3000;

Coal - 100 - 1500;

Firewood - 500 - 550;

Peat (briquette) - 600 -700.

The price of natural gas in 2002 should increase by 30 - 35%. That is, if possible, one should focus on local types of fuel, even without taking into account price discounts for the population.

Consequently, the development of domestic energy will be influenced by two conditions: rising prices for energy carriers and services of natural monopolists with a simultaneous transition to 100% payment for utilities by the population, with possible partial targeted compensation of household energy costs from the budget.

That is, most of us will have to choose between seeking material support from municipal structures and other bureaucratic instances or accelerating the acquisition of skills to manage energy consumption in our daily lives.

Numerous facts testify in favor of the choice of the economy mode that the existing daily household energy costs can be reduced by 30 - 40% with little or no special costs and investments. To do this, it is enough to use energy carefully, to change some of your habits that developed during the days of free social guarantees.

It should be remembered that reducing energy consumption directly improves the environment, reduces pollution of the atmosphere, water sources, reduces the likelihood global warming. There is an opportunity for our children to live in better economic and environmental conditions.

2. Rational lighting

Lighting consists of natural and artificial. Any of them should provide sufficient illumination of the room and especially the places where people most often stay. Rooms with windows facing north and partly west and east receive mainly diffused sunlight. To improve the natural lighting of such rooms, it is recommended to make the decoration of the walls and ceiling light. Natural illumination also depends on the loss of light when it enters through window panes. Dusty glass can absorb up to 30% of light. The current availability of various chemicals for cleaning glass allows you to keep them properly clean without much physical effort.

A significant amount of electricity is wasted during the day in the apartments of the first, and in some houses - the second and third floors. The reason for this is the random planting of greenery in front of the windows, making it difficult for natural daylight to penetrate into the apartments. According to existing standards, trees are planted at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the walls of a residential building, shrubs - 1.5 m.

Artificial lighting is created by electric lamps. In modern apartments, three lighting systems can be used: general, local and combined.

In general lighting, it is recommended to engage in work that does not require strong eye strain. At the same time, general lighting fixtures are inevitably the most powerful fixtures in a room, since their main task is to illuminate everything as evenly as possible. For this, ceiling or pendant lights are usually used, installed under the ceiling in the center of the room. The total illumination can be considered sufficient if per 1 sq. m area accounts for 15-25 W of incandescent lamp power. In a room of 20 m2, the installation of lamps with a power of 400 - 500 W is required.

In one or more places in the same room, local lighting should be provided, taking into account specific conditions. Such lighting requires special lamps installed in close proximity to a desk, armchair, dressing table, etc. So, for example, a lamp with a 150 W incandescent lamp at a distance of 0.8-1 m will provide sufficient illumination of a Whatman sheet when drawing. A 60W incandescent lamp is recommended for extended reading.

Combined lighting is achieved by the simultaneous use of general and local luminaires, as well as with the help of combined lighting luminaires. These include multi-lamp fixtures (for example, chandeliers) that have lamps, some of which provide local, while others provide general lighting. The local is created by a luminous flux directed downward (one incandescent lamp of 100, 150, 200 W), and the general is created by a luminous flux scattered in all directions (several lamps of 15-40 W).

It is considered to be rational the principle of diffuse lighting, based on the use of general, combined or local lighting of individual functional areas. If you use directional lamps, table lamps, floor lamps, sconces to illuminate these areas, then the apartment will become cozier, and, therefore, more comfortable. For such dispersed lighting, lamps 1.5-2 times less powerful than in pendant lamps are suitable. As a result, up to 200 kWh per year is saved per room of 18-20 m2.

Individual light sources differ in their luminous efficiency, lx / W:

Incandescent lamp 12

Halogen lamp 22

Fluorescent lamp 55

High pressure mercury lamp 55

High pressure halogen lamp 80

High pressure sodium lamp 95

Incandescent lamps are traditional and widely used light sources in Russia. The following measures can give a very tangible energy savings when using incandescent lamps:

The use of krypton incandescent lamps, which have a luminous efficiency 10% higher than that of incandescent lamps with argon filling;

Replacing two lamps of lower power with one slightly higher power. For example, using 1 lamp with a power of 100 W instead of 2 lamps of 60 W, each saves energy consumption by 12% for the same illumination;

Maintaining acceptable voltage. For normal operation of electric lamps, it is necessary that the voltage deviation does not go beyond -2.5% and +5% of the nominal. The luminous flux of the lamps depends on the voltage level. So, with a decrease in voltage by 1% for incandescent lamps, the luminous flux decreases by 3-4%;

Periodic replacement of lamps at the end of their service life (about 1000 hours). The luminous flux of incandescent lamps by the end of their service life is reduced by 15%;

Periodic cleaning of dust and dirt from lamps, ceiling lamps and lighting fixtures. Lamps and chandeliers that have not been cleaned for a year transmit 30% less light, even in a relatively clean environment. In a kitchen with a gas stove, light bulbs get dirty much faster;

Reducing the level of illumination in utility rooms, corridors, toilets, etc.;

Widespread use of dimmers, allowing a wide range of changes in the level of illumination;

The use of a time relay to turn off the lamp after a certain time.

Well, and, probably, once again we should recall the common truth: it is necessary to periodically check whether extra lamps are on, whether electrical appliances that are not currently needed are turned on; when leaving home, turn off all electrical appliances and lighting, except for the refrigerator.

More advanced light sources are fluorescent lamps. This is a type of gas-discharge light source that uses the ability of certain substances (phosphors) to glow under the action of ultraviolet radiation from an electric discharge. Fluorescent lamps are made in the form of glass tubes with two metal bases filled with mercury vapor under low pressure. Compared to an incandescent lamp, such a lamp has a 4-5 times higher luminous efficiency and a 5-8 times longer service life. For example, the light output of a 20 W fluorescent lamp is equal to the light output of a 150 W incandescent lamp.

There is an opinion about the harmfulness of fluorescent lighting. It is unfounded. On the contrary, this lighting allows you to get a soft diffused light that is less blinding to the eyes and causes less fatigue. But any products containing mercury should not be thrown away in the usual way. They need to be recycled.

If the average illumination of the apartment is insufficient, then this is reflected in the vision, fatigue increases, efficiency decreases, and the person's mood worsens. The real way to create the required level of illumination with significant energy savings is the use of fluorescent lighting. Recommended types of luminaires and their power are given in Table 1.

Table 1

bulb typePower, WRecommended area of ​​application
Direct 60 40 30 General lighting of kitchens, kitchen-dining rooms, cornice lighting of vertical surfaces, installation under shelves and attachments of kitchens, etc.
Small straight lines 20 16 13 8 Wall lamps for local and combined lighting, table and floor lamps for illuminating work surfaces, lamps for built-in furniture
Y-shaped 30 22 Ceiling luminaires for general lighting, wall luminaires for illuminating work surfaces
W-shaped30 Ceiling and pendant lamps for general lighting of residential and auxiliary premises

3. Cooking

The most energy-intensive consumers in homes are electric stoves. Their annual electricity consumption is 1200-1500 kWh. How rationally use electric stoves?

Cooking technology requires the burner to be turned on at full power only for the time needed to boil. Cooking food can take place at lower power. The soup does not have to boil at all with a key: it will not boil faster because of this, because above 100 ° C the water still does not heat up. But with intense boiling, it will evaporate very actively, taking away about 0.6 kWh for each liter of boiled water. What should be cooked for a long time should be cooked on a small burner, heated to a minimum, and always with the lid closed. Cooking food at low power significantly reduces energy consumption, so the burners of electric stoves are equipped with power switches. Most electric stoves are equipped with 4-stage power regulators. In this case, when cooking, electricity is consumed irrationally. The use of 7-stage switches reduces energy costs by 5-12%, and stepless - by another 5-10%.

The principle of stepless power control is to change the relative duration of the cycle "on at full power - off". Stepless power regulators allow you to smoothly adjust the power consumption in the range from 4 to 100%.

But an even more advanced method of power control is the automatic control of the burners depending on the temperature of the bottom of the pan used. Among the known designs of such regulators, two are most common: with a manometric temperature sensor and with a measuring resistor. Regulators of the first type are used for cast-iron burners, the second type - for tubular ones. The quality of the temperature sensor depends on the density of its contact with the bottom of the vessel. For this purpose, it is installed slightly above the plane of the working surface of the burner, in its center, and is held in this position by a spring. When installed on a pot burner, a spring presses the sensor firmly against its bottom.

Untimely change of faulty burners leads to an overrun of electricity by 3-5%. Burnout in the burner of one or two spirals violates the regulation mode - the minimum power level increases by 2-3 times. In case of delamination, cracking or swelling of the metal of the burner, the tight contact of its surface with the bottom of the installed cookware is disturbed.

To reduce the consumption of electricity for cooking on electric stoves, it is necessary to use special dishes with a thickened turned bottom with a diameter equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner.

For solid cast iron burners, the best heat transfer is achieved with close contact between the surface of the burner and the bottom of the cookware. Due to the deformation of the bottom, the presence of technological stampings on it, the contact of the burner with the dishes is carried out only on a part of the surface. This lengthens the heating time of food, increases energy consumption and causes internal stresses due to uneven heat removal, as a result of which cracks and distortions can form on the surface of the burner. Using cookware with a curved bottom can lead to energy waste up to 40-60%. In order for the dishes to fit snugly on the burner, heavy pots with a thick bottom and heavy lids are preferable.

Many people prefer to use 1500 W burners more often. This causes an excessive consumption of electricity, and the service life of these heat-stressed burners is less than that of burners with a power of 1000W. Given this circumstance, you should think about which burner to turn on. If, for example, a small amount of food is being cooked, it is better to put the pan on a small burner. At the same time, the cooking time will increase by only a few minutes, since maximum power is needed only when boiling.

Particular attention should be paid to boiling water on an electric stove. For rational use energy, it is necessary to pour water exactly as much as is required for this case. It is completely unreasonable to pour a full kettle, and then heat it up.

One of the conditions for improving the operation of dishes and an electric kettle is the timely removal of scale. Scale is a hard deposit on the inner walls of the cookware, which is formed as a result of repeated heating and boiling of water. Scale has a low thermal conductivity, so the water in a scaled dish heats up slowly. In addition, the walls of the dishes, isolated from water by a layer of scale, are heated to high temperatures, while the iron is gradually oxidized, which leads to rapid wear of the walls of the dishes. To remove scale, a preparation of the Antinakipin type is produced. You can also use vinegar essence (1 part essence to 5-6 parts water).

A noticeable reserve of energy savings is the skillful use of specialized appliances for cooking. These devices are designed for cooking certain types of dishes. Dishes are obtained best quality than cooked on the stove, and less energy is expended. Having a set of such devices, you can reduce the use of an electric stove to a minimum. The set may include an electric frying pan, an electric saucepan, an electric grill, an electric toaster, an electric barbecue, an electric kettle, an electric samovar, an electric coffee pot.

Let us give data on the volume of electricity consumption when heating water in the most common electrical appliances, Table 2.

table 2

Significant convenience, time and energy savings are provided by the use of pressure cookers. Their use reduces the cooking time by about three times and simplifies the technology. At the same time, electricity consumption is halved. These advantages of pressure cookers are ensured by its tightness and special thermal conditions - temperatures up to 120°C at excess pressure inside the pressure cooker.

Microwave ovens are becoming more and more popular. In them, heating and cooking of products occur due to the absorption of the energy of electromagnetic waves. Moreover, the product is heated not from the surface, but immediately throughout its entire mass. This is the efficiency of these furnaces. When operating a microwave oven, it must be remembered that it is afraid of underloading when the radiated electromagnetic energy is not completely absorbed. Therefore, in the case of cooking (heating) dry products, water should be added to them.

4. Radio and television equipment

Radio and television equipment is a significant consumer of electricity. If we assume that TVs in our homes are turned on for an average of 4 hours a day, then about 30 billion kWh of electricity is consumed annually in Russia. For the rational operation of radio and television equipment, it is necessary to create conditions for its better cooling, namely: do not place near electric heaters, do not cover with various kinds of napkins, systematically clean dust, do not install furniture walls in niches.

Voltage stabilizers are often used to improve image quality. It is designed to connect television receivers and other radio equipment to an electrical network, the voltage of which changes noticeably during the day. The stabilizer automatically maintains the desired supply voltage. It operates on AC power, 127 or 220 V, giving a rated output voltage of 220 V. When choosing a stabilizer, it must be borne in mind that the total power of the energy consumer connected to the stabilizer should not exceed the power (its value is given in the model name) for which the stabilizer is designed. The ferroresonant voltage stabilizers are the most widely used. They maintain the output voltage with an accuracy of +-1%. Their disadvantages include a low power factor, which leads to significant losses of electricity in the stabilizer. The design of a number of recent TV models suggests their use without voltage stabilizers.

A large amount of electricity is spent on the long-term operation of radio and television equipment, often operating simultaneously in several rooms of an apartment (house). In the presence of many radio and television channels, this is most often impossible to avoid. Try to reduce at least the lighting load while watching TV. If this option is implemented in each family by 10% or 40-60 minutes, then household electricity consumption per apartment could be reduced by 50 kWh or 4% of the current level of consumption. To listen to informational programs, it is advisable to use a radio broadcasting network. Many electronic devices - VCRs, receivers, players - continue to operate in standby mode after being turned off. The scoreboard of the device becomes an electronic clock. This, of course, is convenient. The power of the "standby" device is small - some 10 - 15 watts. But for a month of continuous operation, it will “eat” a rather tangible amount of electricity - about 10 kWh.

5. Electrical appliances

The refrigerator is an energy-intensive appliance. Since refrigerators are constantly connected to the network, they consume as much or even more energy as electric stoves: a compressor refrigerator - 250 - 450 kWh, an absorption refrigerator - 500 -1400 kWh per year.

The refrigerator should be placed in the coolest place in the kitchen, hallway (in no case near the radiator, stove), preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it. The lower the temperature of the heat exchanger, the more efficiently it works and the less often it turns on. When the heat exchanger temperature drops from 21 to 20 degrees, the refrigerator starts to consume 6% less electricity. The ice “coat”, growing on the evaporators, isolates it from the internal volume of the refrigerator, forcing it to turn on more often and work more each time. To prevent moisture from freezing on evaporators, store them in boxes, jars, pots, tightly closed with lids, or wrapped in foil. And regularly defrosting and drying the refrigerator can make it much more economical.

In a fully filled refrigerator, due to the high heat capacity of the products contained in it, a more even temperature is maintained, and the freezing unit is turned on less often. In the event of a power outage, which is now quite realistic, the products in this case do not melt much longer than in a half-empty one.

Washing machines are the most economical automatic machines in terms of electricity consumption, the inclusion and deactivation of which is carried out strictly according to the program. They are designed for a one-time load of a certain mass of dry laundry. You should not overload the machine: its motor will work hard, and the laundry will not be washed well. You should not think that by loading the machine only half way, you can save energy and improve the quality of washing. Half the power of the machine will be spent on idling the water in the tank, and the laundry will not become cleaner anyway.

The power of the iron is quite large - about a kilowatt. To achieve some savings, linen should be slightly damp: too dry or too wet, you have to iron longer, wasting extra energy. A massive iron can be turned off shortly before the end of work: the heat accumulated by it is enough for a few more minutes.

A good cleaning of the dust container is essential for the efficient operation of the vacuum cleaner. Filters clogged with dust impede the operation of the vacuum cleaner, reduce air draft. To clean them, you need to get two types of brushes: flat wide and narrow long. With such brushes, it is easy to remove dust from both the dust collector and fabric filters.

Increased power consumption causes the use of electric heaters (fireplaces, radiators, convectors, etc.) in addition to the central heating system, which is often not necessary if the simplest measures are taken, namely, to prepare windows for winter in a timely manner; put in order before the onset of cold weather window latches; cover the floors with thick carpets or rugs; arrange furniture so as not to interfere with the circulation of warm air from the battery; curtains should not be very long so as not to cover the central heating radiators; remove excess paint from batteries.

Many people think that saving water is another problem, not related to electricity. In fact, by saving water, we additionally save electricity. Water does not come to our high-rise buildings by itself. Powerful pumps, driven by electric motors, raise the water to the desired height.

In conclusion of the sections on the use of electrical energy, let us pay attention to some features of the use of electrical meters. The relationship of the population with energy supply organizations is determined by the specially adopted "Procedure for calculating the population, housing maintenance organizations for electrical energy" (decision of the Regional Energy Commission (REC) dated February 20, 1999 No. 19). The population can make payments for electricity with power supply organizations at a tariff differentiated by time of day. At the same time, at night (from 23.00 to 07.00), and on weekends and holidays, a preferential night rate operates around the clock. More detailed information can be found in the regulatory document “Procedure for the use of two-tariff electricity metering devices and a tariff for electricity for the population differentiated by zones of the day” (REC decision No. 41 dated 17.06.99).

6. Water supply

As for the quality of drinking water, it should be better in our country than in any other country, if this water meets the hygienic requirements of our sanitary rules and regulations (San PiN - 96). Comparison of actual indicators of water supplied by centralized systems consumers in different countries, we are not able to give. But let's compare the cost of drinking water in different countries, Table 3.

Table 3

According to expert estimates of domestic specialists in the case of centralized preparation of drinking water, its cost with quality indicators that meet the requirements of the International Health Organization (MOH) cannot be less than $1. USA. Given the current cost of drinking water production, the use of household filters should be considered mandatory.

Noteworthy is the high level of specific water consumption in Russia, more than 400 l/(person day). In order to objectively assess the reserves of savings and efficient use of resources in the water supply system without infringing on the interests of the consumer and while maintaining the quality of this type of public services, it is necessary to separate the concept of "water demand" from the usual concept of "Water consumption". In other words, how much each of us should measure the amount of water that provides the drinking, sanitary and hygienic, economic needs of a person in a modern residential building (apartment). Currently, the social need for water directly from the consumer is accepted within 140 l / (person. day). As for the city of Yekaterinburg, the head of the city (Decree No. 1405 of November 30, 2001) determined the total standard for civil water consumption in residential buildings without metering devices at 325 l / (person. Day), that is, 230% of the physical need and real consumption, as evidenced by numerous data on apartment water consumption metering.

It follows from this that it is necessary to have water meters in each apartment, and it is desirable to use high-precision house water meters. This is an indispensable condition for the formation of energy-saving motivation among the population. When installing them and going through a series of approvals, the apartment owners already pay not according to the standards for the consumption of utilities, but according to tariffs for utilities. And in this case, there is a need to master the methods of reducing water consumption. Let's start with traditional methods:

If you use the bath, this usually requires up to 150 liters of water. In the case of using a shower, the flow rate of water is approximately 10 liters per minute.

Maintain proper sanitation facilities. Do not leave taps open. Here losses can be from 20 liters to 2 m3 per day.

Of course, the last recommendation is perceived rather negatively in Russian conditions. A free stream from a water faucet is one of our symbols of socialist prosperity. Here we can only give advice that for a smoother rejection of this “national symbol”, one should actively master the techniques for saving water:

1. Application of single handle faucets, thermostatic faucets, etc.

2. Installation of aerating nozzles, jet straighteners on taps, as well as the use of diaphragms (washers) on distributing water pipes.

3. Use of reliable water fittings that reduce water leakage (fittings with ceramic seals, with stainless steel meshes, valves made of synthetic seals, etc.).

4. Installation of flush cisterns of rational volume (4 - 6 l), double flush (3.6 l).

5. Reducing excess pressure in cold and hot water supply systems by using water pressure tanks, pressure regulators.

When operating water supply systems, attention should be paid to the efficient use of thermal and electrical energy. To reduce heat energy consumption:

Where possible, use local hot water systems with electric and gas heaters. When using electric heating, it is advisable to switch to two-tariff accounting for electricity consumption by time of day, as well as to install heat accumulators.

Use thermal insulation for hot water pipes.

Install heated towel rails on circulation risers. At the same time, it should be possible to regulate the mode of operation of heated towel rails in the warm season.

Use plastic pipes with low thermal conductivity.

To reduce electrical energy consumption:

Reduce the mass of pumped water by reducing water consumption and rational use of water.

Reduce the hydraulic resistance of pipelines by using plastic pipes, preventing overgrowth and corrosion of the inner surface of the pipes.

Use an adjustable drive for pumping installations.

In conclusion of this section, I would like to note that if we maintain a water consumption of 400 l / (person. day), instead of the required 140, it is impossible for the water taps of our apartments to receive high-quality hot and cold water, that is, completely transparent, without mineral, organic and mechanical impurities.


Heating is the largest component of the part of the family budget that goes to pay for energy. If we recall again the decree of the head of Yekaterinburg dated November 30, 2001 No. 1405, the heating tariff for 1 sq. m of the total area is 5.8 rubles, and the heating period is taken as 8 months. That is, if the total area of ​​the apartment is 100 m2, then during the year (100% level of standard costs) payment for heating will be

5.8 100 8 \u003d 4640 rubles.

If you have a heat meter installed in your apartment, and you showed minimal actions for warming the rooms, installed thermostats on heating appliances, then the heat consumption for heating 1 m2 would not exceed 0.02 Gcal per month. And the term of the heating season can be painlessly reduced to 7 - 7.5 months. In this case, the heating costs will be:

0.02 100 7.25 200 = 2900 rubles,

Where 200 is the tariff for thermal energy, rub./Gcal.

The most appropriate option for switching to optimization of heating systems in an apartment is the installation of a heat meter, which is designed to determine the amount of heat and measure the mass and parameters of the coolant. It is advisable to install a heat meter, which is designed to determine the amount of heat and measure the mass and parameters of the coolant. It is advisable to install a heat meter with the ability to implement control functions. Then it becomes possible to set and automatically maintain the temperature in the absence of residents. Unfortunately, the prices for such meters are still significant. Mechanical heat meters such as "Sensonic" can be purchased for about 400 dollars. USA, and electronic heat meters most often for $ 1000. USA.

But knowledge of the simplest methods for reducing heat loss in an apartment is often necessary also because in our time, restrictions in heat supply, both emergency and forcedly planned, are quite likely.

The main component of heat losses in buildings built until very recently is the heat cost for heating the air infiltrated through the shell (fence) and ventilated in the volume of the building.

Under normal circulation conditions, the replacement of air in residential premises should occur no more than every two hours, and in the absence of residents, it can be done less frequently. Since the ventilation systems of modern buildings are made without any heat recirculation schemes, the heat costs for heating the supply air are the most significant in the amount of heat losses and reach 50%. The most radical thing here may be the rejection of traditional schemes and the transition to a local forced ventilation scheme with the installation of appropriate programming devices that provide the necessary air regime in the room. Over time, ventilating the premises of the house in winter through the vents or windows can be a very expensive pleasure.

Here are the main of the simplest methods for the effective use of heating devices:

Shelter of the heater with decorative plates, curtains - a decrease in heat transfer by 10-12%;

Painting the heater with zinc white - an increase in heat transfer by 2.5%;

Painting with oil paint - a decrease in heat transfer by 6.5% (for a cast-iron radiator even more, up to 13%). Do not get carried away with painting heating appliances!

Installing a reflector behind the heater (for example, in the form of reflective insulation such as penofol or aluminum foil) increases the efficiency of the heater by 20 - 30%;

Flushing the heating system before the heating season can increase its efficiency by 15-40%;

Furniture in the rooms of the house should be arranged so that there are no obstacles to the circulation of warm air from the batteries.

It is very important to abandon our traditional frames - loose, with glazing beads, with inevitable gaps and the like. A transition to dense window blocks is necessary. But, given that the issues of ventilation and air conditioning have not been resolved in our houses, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation of the premises.

To save energy, it is advisable to maintain the indoor temperature and relative humidity at the lower normalized limit (16-18ºС and 75%, respectively) during the cold period of the year, and at the highest during the warm period (with air conditioning), which is determined independently on an individual basis.

The normal air temperature for living rooms, a dining room or a study room is 18ºС, for a kitchen and a bedroom 14-16ºС, for a nursery 20-21ºС. It is advisable to set the temperature in the rooms, monitor their performance and regulate the temperature in a timely manner by changing the operating mode of the heating devices using thermostats that will provide the temperature that they have programmed in each room.

Maintaining the temperature in the house above the norm by only 1ºС increases heat costs by 4-6%. That is, an overheating of 1ºС for the heating period for every 100 m2 of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house costs 250 rubles.

When operating household heating boilers in individual houses, the following disadvantages are often observed:

Large suctions of cold air into the boiler furnace and gas ducts due to non-densities;

Increased rarefaction of flue gases behind the boiler;

A large degree of opening of the dampers that regulate the air supply to the boiler;

Elevated flue gas temperatures behind the boiler.

After bringing household heating boilers in order, it is possible to reduce fuel (natural gas) consumption by 6-10% only due to regime measures. This amounts to an annual reduction in payment for heating an individual house at the current price of natural gas by at least 1000 rubles.

It is also effective to abandon the traditional water circulation system in the heating system by installing a foreign pump with an adjustable electric drive, for example, of the WILO type. Fuel consumption is reduced due to the increase in heat transfer in the boiler and in heating appliances.

It should be remembered that every 10ºС decrease in flue gas temperature results in fuel savings of 0.6%. Abroad, in connection with this, for heating individual houses, special condensing furnaces with an exhaust gas temperature of about 70 ° C are increasingly being developed.

If the household boiler runs on solid fuel (wood, peat), it is advisable to organize its operation on the principle of a long burning mode without loading fuel for 4-6 hours.

8. Conclusion

The level of material well-being of any society is largely determined by the ability of the population to rationally use energy. Unfortunately, the majority of Russian citizens do not have these skills to a sufficient extent; moreover, there is no legislative and regulatory basis for motivating the population to save energy. Therefore, it is necessary to form civilized conditions in our society, forcing everyone to use energy economically, regardless of their capabilities. And one of the prerequisites here is the organization and conduct of educational programs among the population.

9. Literature

1. Korablev V.P. Saving electricity at home. – M.: Energoizdat, 1987.

2. Where do the money and health of Russians flow away, or how long will they “carry water with a sieve” in Russia? // Pipelines and ecology. - 2001. - No. 1. - P.2-4.

3. Seminar “Warm home. Trends of the new time” on the topic “Water supply and sanitation systems in buildings with efficient use of energy”. http://www.buildinform.ru

4. Frolov S. Design - radiators. Choosing a heated towel rail: Problems and solutions // Construction and business. - 2001. - No. 6. - P.8.

5. Semenikhin S.I., Nikitina S.V. Apartment heat metering: Achievements and prospects. – M.: Energy saving. - 2001. - No. 1. – P.58-59.

6. Energy saving: Introduction to the problem / N.I. Danilov, A.I. Evplanov, V.Yu. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing house "Socrates". – 2001.

7. Shchelokov Ya.M. Optimization of heating systems. - Yekaterinburg: Energy of the Region. - 2001. - No. 2. - P.25-26.

8. Energy Saving: Reference Manual / V.E. Batishchev, B.G. Martynenko, S.L. Syskov, Ya.M. Shchelokov. - Yekaterinburg: EX-Press. – 2000.

9. Shchelokov Ya.M., Kostyunin V.V. On the performance of household boilers // Industrial Energy. - 2001. - No. 8. - P.23-25.

The magic of home. Energy, karma, healing Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Chapter 6 Home Energy

home energy

They say my son is a conservative. He is completely incapable of doing homework at someone else's table or lying down to sleep on his grandmother's bed - he definitely needs to do any business where he used to do it. I don't think it's conservative. This is an increased susceptibility to the energy-informational structure of the house in which he lives.

What does this complex long phrase “energy-informational structure” mean and what does this structure look like?

The energy-information structure of housing is its invisible energy lines that permeate the entire space of the house. And it looks like ... well, let's say, like a web. Imagine a light web that is intangible to the naked eye, its intricacies: somewhere the threads pass at a sufficiently large distance from each other, somewhere they gather into a complex and fairly dense pattern, then scatter again into separate threads ... These threads are energy flows, kind or evil, and the patterns are places of dense accumulation of these streams. All taken together makes up an invisible, but extremely important environment for our habitat and directly affects the state of our physical and mental health.

This environment, of course, is not homogeneous, and it is important what is more "woven" into your energy web - good or evil. The fusion of energy and information is the energy-informational structure.

Weave places are energy-information zones of your home. If you are day after day, huddled in a dark corner in the kitchen, where the light is on fire and cursing your negligent husband, this corner will very soon become an “evil zone” - negative emotions, having accumulated, huddled in a tight ball, will constantly take strength from anyone who happens to be nearby.

And vice versa, your favorite sofa near the TV, on which you always feel so good and comfortable, on which you may spend the best minutes of the day, will definitely become a place where your positive emotions are concentrated. There you can quickly and easily recuperate after a hard day, and even in illness you will always be much easier on your energy island.

The well-being of the whole house as a whole depends on the ratio of the quantities of such "dark" and "light" islands in it.

This ratio, in turn, is created by you - the owners of the house. A person always builds his house only by himself, both at the physical levels and at the energy levels. If you put together your house somehow, stuck wallpaper at random, whitewashed the ceiling carelessly and arranged old furniture in a mess, you have no right to demand comfort, right? If you built the energy structure of your home without love and care, dragged into the house and nurtured in it a host of joyless emotions, you should not expect warmth and peace in such a house. And this is fair.

Of course, it also happens that the “bad” energy-informational structure of your house was inherited by you from those who lived in it before. Then your task is to understand this structure and try to reconfigure it “for yourself”, to harmonize it.

From the book Liberation author

Chapter 2 The Energy of the Human Body Healing Without Medicines

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HOMEWORK 486. BROOM, BROOM - boss, mistress, familiar girl (or guy). Fly on a broomstick - a symbol of occupation black magic or demonic influences.487. IRON (FABRIC) - arrange affairs, relationships. 488. COOKING (FOOD) - troubles in a relationship; with love -

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Chapter 4 HOUSEHOLD, HOME MAGIC Table Our ordinary dining table is a kind of magical altar, which is associated with many signs and rituals. For example, if you climb under it, taking six knives with you, this will help get rid of the evil eye. What if the knives

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Chapter 4 Energetics of the ancients First you need to understand who we are, - Dobran Glebych began his lecture. Because the root is here. Otherwise, to your question, how we managed to survive the millennium and not dissolve in other ethnic groups that came to the north, I will not answer you

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Poultry There are many beliefs about birds dating back to the time of the haruspees. In the Russian tradition, to interpret weather phenomena depending on the behavior of birds. A yard bird plucks - to bad weather. A chicken stands on one leg - to a cold.

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Chapter 4 Energy of the home

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Chapter 3 The Energy of the Human Body Healing Without Drugs by Virche Dorin

Homework Trying to accustom a child to homework, the main thing is not to instill an allergy to it. If the mother screams, swears, but does not explain specifically how and what to clean or wash, then the child does not understand what they want from him. He gets the impression that whatever he does,

From the book Liberation [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage I] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

From the author's book


An excerpt from the book "Home Energy"

Danilov N.I., Shchelokov Ya.M.

Literacy to learn, always come in handy

Russian proverb

Energy is too expensive to be spent carelessly and wastefully.

The rational use of energy - in the form of electricity, gas, coal or oil - should be important for each of us, in particular in the household.

Use energy rationally, thus you will save money and at the same time cause less harm to the environment.

For economical and environmentally friendly use of energy, your attitude can also be decisive. This applies to any use of energy in everyday life (for lighting, food storage, heating, etc., etc.).

The scale of household consumption of electricity, and the most expensive type of energy, can be judged from the data given in the table.

That is, in Germany, from 1.5 to 2.7 MWh is spent per year per family member.

It is advisable to compare with our data. Of course, it should be corrected taking into account the fact that in our conditions electricity is rarely used for central heating, for preparing hot water, and more.

Electricity consumption in the household for the year (Germany), kWh


Number of members of the family, people


electric stove



Washing machine

Hot water from an electric boiler for a bath

Hot water from electric boiler for kitchen*



Central heating

Other expenses (radio, appliances, hobbies)

Specific consumption, kW∙h/person

* without dishwasher Source: VDEW Stand 1999

Light in the house

About the role of lighting

People need light to work. Initially, we are adapted to lead active life during daylight hours and sleep at night. AT modern society activity goes on 24 hours a day, and we spend a lot of time inside buildings where daylight does not reach. Especially great is the need for additional artificial lighting during the short winter days in the northern regions.

Throughout its history, mankind has used for lighting everything that can burn. After the invention of the electric light bulb and the introduction of electrical networks, electric light proved to be the best way of artificial lighting. Lighting is one of those energy applications where it really pays to use high quality electrical energy, but daylight can also be used in combination with artificial lighting.

What is a lamp?

A lamp is any device that produces visible light. In everyday life, incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps of a straight shape or compact, etc. are used.

Fluorescent lamps are screwed or inserted into the lighting fixture.

The lighting device includes a lamp, a possible switch and a socket. In addition, it redistributes the light flux in space and is a decorative element.

Do electric lamps and appliances receive a large load at the moment of switching on? To extend the service life of devices, this feature should be taken into account.

Households consume about 5% of final energy for lighting.

With regard to electricity consumption in the household, this figure can be up to 15 - 20%.

Saving energy starts with the purchase

– Electricity consumption depends on the architectural style, technique, type of lamps used (also called light sources) and lighting fixtures. The habits of the residents themselves also have a decisive influence here.

– Compare the overall wattage ratings of conventional lamps and a lamp using a switch.

- When buying an incandescent lamp, pay attention to the tension of the spiral. Among other things, it is decisive for the life of the lamp.

– Before purchasing lighting fixtures and lamps, consult the qualified personnel of a specialist shop or the advisory service of your energy supplier. In some places, such services in Russia have begun to operate.

– Use low-voltage halogen lamps (12 V or 24 V) with an electronic transformer that converts voltage more accurately than a conventional transformer and therefore has less power loss.

Rooms with windows facing north and partly west and east receive mainly diffused sunlight. To improve the natural lighting of such rooms, it is recommended to make the decoration of the walls and ceiling light. Light walls reflect 70 - 80% of the light, while dark walls reflect only 10 - 15%. Natural illumination also depends on the loss of light when it enters through window panes. Dusty glass can absorb up to 30% of light. The current availability of various chemicals for cleaning glass allows you to keep them properly clean without much physical effort.

A significant amount of electricity is wasted during the day in the apartments of the first, and in some houses - the second and third floors. The reason for this is the random planting of greenery in front of the windows, making it difficult for natural daylight to penetrate into the apartments. According to existing standards, trees are planted at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the walls of a residential building, shrubs - 1.5 m.

In modern apartments, three systems of artificial lighting can be used: general, local and combined.

In general lighting, it is recommended to engage in work that does not require strong eye strain. At the same time, general lighting fixtures are inevitably the most powerful fixtures in a room, since their main task is to illuminate everything as evenly as possible. For this, ceiling or pendant lights are usually used, installed under the ceiling in the center of the room. The total illumination can be considered sufficient if there are 15–25 W of incandescent lamp power per 160 2 area. In a room with an area of ​​20 m 2, the installation of lamps with a power of 400 - 500 W is required.

| free download home energy, Book Home Energy Danilov N.I., Shchelokov Ya.M.,

Chapter 6Home Energy

They say my son is a conservative. He is completely incapable of doing homework at someone else's table or lying down to sleep on his grandmother's bed - he definitely needs to do any business where he used to do it. I don't think it's conservative. This is an increased susceptibility to the energy-informational structure of the house in which he lives.

What does this complex long phrase “energy-informational structure” mean and what does this structure look like?

The energy-information structure of housing is its invisible energy lines that permeate the entire space of the house. And it looks like ... well, let's say, like a web. Imagine a light web that is intangible to the naked eye, its intricacies: somewhere the threads pass at a sufficiently large distance from each other, somewhere they gather into a complex and fairly dense pattern, then scatter again into separate threads ... These threads are energy flows, kind or evil, and the patterns are places of dense accumulation of these streams. All taken together makes up an invisible, but extremely important environment for our habitat and directly affects the state of our physical and mental health.

This environment, of course, is not homogeneous, and it is important what is more "woven" into your energy web - good or evil. The fusion of energy and information is the energy-informational structure.

Weave places are energy-information zones of your home. If you are day after day, huddled in a dark corner in the kitchen, where the light is on fire and cursing your negligent husband, this corner will very soon become an “evil zone” - negative emotions, having accumulated, huddled in a tight ball, will constantly take strength from anyone who happens to be nearby.

And vice versa, your favorite sofa near the TV, on which you always feel so good and comfortable, on which you may spend the best minutes of the day, will definitely become a place where your positive emotions are concentrated. There you can quickly and easily recuperate after a hard day, and even in illness you will always be much easier on your energy island.

The well-being of the whole house as a whole depends on the ratio of the quantities of such "dark" and "light" islands in it.

This ratio, in turn, is created by you - the owners of the house. A person always builds his house only by himself, both at the physical levels and at the energy levels. If you put together your house somehow, stuck wallpaper at random, whitewashed the ceiling carelessly and arranged old furniture in a mess, you have no right to demand comfort, right? If you built the energy structure of your home without love and care, dragged into the house and nurtured in it a host of joyless emotions, you should not expect warmth and peace in such a house. And this is fair.

Of course, it also happens that the “bad” energy-informational structure of your house was inherited by you from those who lived in it before. Then your task is to understand this structure and try to reconfigure it “for yourself”, to harmonize it.

How to find the "islands of bad luck"

How to check the current structure of housing? There are several old and trusted remedies. In a house where the energy is positive, spilled water dries out more slowly, cut flowers do not fade for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm ...

In places where negative information accumulates, an ordinary radio receiver receives short waves better, a silver coin thrown on the floor rings dull or almost does not ring, milk sours faster, and hot water- cools down, salt dissolves more vigorously in water, and oil melts before our eyes.

In positive places, the flame of a candle always stands evenly and high, while in negative places the candle smokes, its light is uncertain, rushing about, weak.

There is another, as ancient as the world and well-known way to check the energy at home - checking the "cat". In a house where everything is fine, the cat enters confidently and freely and immediately lies down in one of the positive corners. In such a corner it is good to put a bed.

A friend told me a story about her friends. When these guys moved to a new apartment, a young red-haired impudent cat stood rooted to the spot on the threshold and did not want to go into the house. They dragged him into the room in their arms, the cat escaped and rushed back to the landing. This was repeated several times, until the poor animal ran away from the house altogether, using the front door ajar. How many ordeals the newlyweds took in the new apartment, I will not retell: there was everything that you can imagine. About a year later, exhausted and already pretty sick, they divorced and parted. But everything could have been different, probably if they had checked the energy-informational essence of their future home before moving, or at least knew how to reconfigure housing, understood how to behave correctly in this situation.

You can check the energy spots in your home and with the help of a frame, which can be made from any metal.

In positive places, the frame will rotate clockwise, in negative places, respectively, counterclockwise. The farther from the “epicenter” of the energy spot, the less actively the frame rotates: this way it is quite easy to determine the boundaries of positive and negative spots, as if to outline their contours.

Find a place in the room where the frame rotates most actively in your hands, mark this place. And begin to gradually move away from it to the left until the frame stops completely, then to the right until the movement disappears. Do the same in the directions forward and backward from the center. Mentally draw a square between the found points - these are the boundaries of the measured spot.

A good option for checking the positive or negative of any place is the pendulum. It is better to hang the pendulum on a linen or cotton thread, and let the weight itself be made of silver, red copper, iron or crystal. Take it in your hands, ask: "Is this a good place for me?" The pendulum will swing back and forth - the answer is yes; side to side is negative. The amplitude of the swing of the pendulum approximately corresponds to the "emotionality" of the answer to your question, that is, the degree of "badness" or "goodness" of this place.

How to use the energy information space

So, using one of the above methods, you drew an energy-information "map" of your apartment. What to do now? Get your furniture right!

Furniture in the house should be placed taking into account its entire energy-information structure. In the "evening zone" - the zone of your rest, the place where you intend to relax, gain strength, the energy situation should be as calm, moderate, even as possible. It would be a mistake to think that spots marked with sharp positivity are always good and beneficial for you. They will certainly help you, nurture you in the process of active creative work, it’s good to put a desk there, at which you work at home, or your favorite sewing machine, on which you create your masterpieces in the evenings, an easel, a piano. But it is hardly a good idea to place your bed or coffee table with chairs there, where your goal is to relax as completely as possible. The fact is that sharply positive places will cause a surge of vital energy in you, which is hardly useful if, for example, you are going to sleep for an hour at the moment ...

For example, I know my sin: after a long active work, sometimes I can’t sleep for several nights in a row. She is not able to switch, to throw “creative” thoughts out of her head - energy boils and boils inside, does not allow her to relax. If still strong external energy vibrations are thrown into such an internal “cauldron”, the situation is very bad.

Negative zones in the evening zone are not allowed. This is fraught with constant headaches, weakness, a feeling of weakness and impotence.

It is better to place the bed along the positive line of force - where the positive energy is expressed as actively as possible and parallel to the border of the negative spot. He sleeps well with his head to the north, and his feet to the south.

The sofa or chairs should be positioned so that you are facing positive areas of the home.

What can be put on the negative areas? Any electrical equipment. Stove - fire will burn the negative and even out the situation; cabinets.

In no case should shelves with books be placed in negative places, since books very actively absorb and then give their owners all the information.

"Traps" for negative energy

The energy at home can be slightly adjusted in a very simple way. In negative places with strong activity, put small pieces of aspen, birch, spruce or oak - the tree will catch and absorb most negative vibes. And maple, bird cherry, mountain ash, hazel and juniper can even transform negative energy into positive. By the way, with the help of the latter, as it has long been believed in Russia, they drive away devils and other dark entities from their home, if they look at you at the light ...

Poplar, linden, pine will help you stabilize the situation as a whole, they will take away the excess and add the necessary, missing in the energy structure of your home.

These trees are universal "traps" for negative energy, and we will naturally use this property of theirs.

But be careful: larch, hornbeam, beech, elm sometimes have the ability to attract not very good energy substances into the house.

Cultivated plants, such as apple, pear, plum, garden flowers, can bring a negative charge into your home, which, oddly enough, they received at the place of growth, and cause an energy imbalance in your home.

My friend was once presented with a young dwarf apple tree, promising that it will be green all year round and will bring a dozen pretty apples in winter, which is surprisingly tempting and pleasant in our harsh climate. Imagine: outside the window there is snow, frost, wind, melancholy, and an apple tree is green in your room ...

With a gift, two “joys” came to her friend’s house at once: at first, her eyesight began to deteriorate rapidly and catastrophically. Doctors could not understand what was the matter, all her life (and she was already pretty over forty at that time) the woman saw well, her eyes do not overwork at work, the general condition of the body is quite decent, within the normal range, and blindness occurs, and no reason it, no one can name ways to deal with it!

The second “joy” was what my friend herself called “midnight guests”. Every night after 12 o'clock something (or someone) in the room began to creak, rustle, whistle hysterically and moan sadly. All these phenomena did not improve her mood at all, and her optimistic mood was melting before her eyes.

My friend was a woman of deep faith and very quickly realized to call the priest's house. He cleansed the house three times, and after the third rite, the apple tree given to her literally withered before her eyes. The woman's vision, as it had previously fallen unexpectedly, just as suddenly and quickly began to recover. But the “midnight guests” continued their fun, adding light phenomena to the already existing methods of self-expression: flashes of bright white light suddenly penetrated a dark room or suddenly something clicked like a small firecracker and scattered into small but pretty fireworks.

"Get that damned apple tree out of here!" advised by one of my friends.

Maybe it's not about her...

“But before her appearance, nothing like this happened to you. And why, by the way, it was she who endured the cleansing of the house so hard, look, she’s all shrunken ...

Fortunately, her friend was already so tired of all her ordeals that she, without hesitation, followed the advice.

Then I told this story to several people involved in energy informatics, and the conclusion was unambiguous: not only the apple tree itself, which, apparently, received it, growing somewhere in a “bad” place, carried a negative charge, but also the earth in a tub, in which she grew up.

By the way, when buying plants in pots and flowerpots in stores, remember this story and change the ground just in case. Who knows where it was taken from? .. Sometimes it is taken in places that are completely inappropriate. I knew, for example, some funny guys who loaded a truck with humus from the cemetery and took it to summer residents for greenhouses to sell. Needless to say, the land in cemeteries, for obvious reasons, is excellent, very nutritious, but what information will it receive as a result of what will grow on it in your garden or vegetable garden? And what kind of charge will you get by consuming what has grown for food, and simply by daily contact with this earth and what grows on it? ..

But back to the issue of correcting the energy of our home.

The second way of such amendments is the use of ordinary water for these purposes.

Water in general is an amazing structure, miraculous in its energy strength. One has only to remember that it is with water that baptism takes place and with it - the washing of the departed. Water meets and accompanies us in this world, giving the first impetus for development and the last "forgive" our souls.

So, a weak negative from the house can simply be carried away with water. On negative spots you put a glass of water (or larger vessels, depending on the size of the negative spot) for the night, and in the morning you take it out of the threshold and splash out the water so that it falls to the ground in a thin layer and evaporates as quickly as possible.

A strong negative can be driven out with water into which a silver coin or spoon is dipped (it doesn’t matter what object, as long as the silver is free of impurities).

It is good to hold an egg in a negative place, lowered into a vessel with water, then throw the water over the threshold, and break the egg.

A fresh egg without water will help you, only it is desirable that it be alive, that is, fertilized (in other words, a village one, and not from a local poultry farm). Put a raw egg on the place you want to neutralize the negativity and roll it. Circles, starting from the borders of the "dirty spot" and ending in the center. So you collect all the negativity. Is it necessary to say that this charged egg must be urgently taken out of the house and, if possible, buried?

There is an old way to align (relatively, of course) the super-positive and super-negative places. To do this, you need to take a vessel with water, put a silver object in it for a day or more. On the full moon, from this vessel you need to splash six times a little (try equally) towards the moon. The water that you did not use is left overnight in a super-positive place. On the next, third night, half of the water in the vessel is poured on a negative place, half on a positive one, saying: “Here is a part of indivisible silver: a part for you, and a part for you, all equally!” The vessel in which the silver water was located must be broken on the ground, and the fragments or shards should be thrown away from the house.

It all sounds pretty funny, but my wise kind grandmother so she did, and we lived in her house, as I said, very happily.

Attention! Holy water should not be used in such rituals, because it is not good to use its higher vibrations for contacts with lower inorganic energy - instead of a positive result, you can get completely unexpected complications.

Plants are doctors and vampires

Plants also make a huge contribution to the formation of the energy-information structure of the house.

One of my friends loves ferns. She filled the whole room with ferns. And so she is a sluggish and sleepy young lady, with a rather phlegmatic appearance, and also a fern ...

After all, a fern is one of the most amazing plants, it was not for nothing that its flowers were looked for on the night of Ivan Kupala: it can live well even on TV, because a fern needs a lot of energy to exist. So the fern is a real energy vampire. Dwelling on the TV, it absorbs electromagnetic radiation and only gets full and fat, being saturated with vibrations harmful to humans. But for my lethargic friend, this plant turned out to be simply necessary. Growing over a not very prosperous energy zone, the fern removed some of the energy harmful to humans and helped the girl increase her immunity.

She herself never thought about why she loves the fern so much. Intuitively, her body itself was able to understand what is necessary for its normal well-being.

Plants such as cactus, Japanese maple, geranium, moss, tradescantia are very useful and even have healing abilities. All of them are old and beloved inhabitants of our apartments. In what house will you not see a winding branch of tradescantia falling from the wall? There would be enough light and moisture, and tradescantia is unpretentious. But what a great benefit it renders to us! Without noticing it, we draw the energy we need from its pantry, tradescantia contributes to good health. But sometimes suddenly the leaves of the plant change dramatically, turn yellow, shrink. This means that there is a vampiric energy entity with a very strong field in the house. And so that your plant does not die of exhaustion, it would be good to find a source of dark energy and neutralize it. Tradescantia is an excellent indicator. It can be used to determine the situation in your home.

Cactus also helps us pump up energy. He shares it with everyone, but without much enthusiasm. Often the cactus serves as a reservoir for negative fields. It is useful to use it, putting it on time daytime sleep near the bed: the cactus will remove negative energy and thus give our body a good rest. My uncle put a cactus at the head of his bed all his life, where he rested after dinner. And he claimed that this was the only way he woke up without feeling tired. The great advantage of a cactus is that, having collected negative energy, it knows how to process it and then gives it back to us, people. It’s ridiculous to talk about the benefits of geranium, who doesn’t know from childhood that there is no better medicine for ear pain? But geranium is good not only for its anesthetic properties! It perfectly collects energy dirt and cleanses it. It gives off good energy worse, but it can be used very actively as a filter. In a room where geraniums grow, there is always surprisingly fresh fragrant air. According to scientists, blooming geraniums have a special power. And it is preferable to take red geraniums into your home.

But there is a whole group of plants that are dangerous for us. One of the central places is occupied by the monstera, unfortunately, a flower that is now popular. This is a large climbing vine, it has many aerial roots, leaves are large, leathery, painted. Monstera sometimes grows huge even at home. But it is rather difficult to take care of it, it is constantly necessary to replant, prepare the soil in a special way, mix various components together. At the same time, it is shade-tolerant and adapts well to any temperature regime. It would seem that it is not a flower, but a godsend for the semi-dark northern rooms. It turns out that's not the case. Monstera, of course, is a very beautiful plant. But also extremely undesirable for us. Because the monstera living in our house pumps out all the useful energy from us, it drinks and drinks our strength. Isn't this the reason for her good health even in bad conditions? Just as dangerous for the house and cypress. No wonder the ancients considered it the tree of death. Cypress brings heavy energy into the house; in no case should it be placed in the bedroom or living room. If you really like this plant so much, put it in a room where you almost never go. And then during the reception of guests it is better to take it out of the room! Similarly, another tree dedicated to death, thuja, affects us. And it also should not be arranged in places where you rest, eat and sleep. In addition, thuja is also poisonous, especially berries - and you, of course, do not want your unintelligent baby to chew on its branches.

Now it is very common to grow peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes on the windows. Of course, the economic situation in the country contributes to this, but it would be worth giving up tomatoes. Unfortunately, they also have bad energy and are fueled by us. So think about what you want more: good health or a mediocre harvest?

But no matter what flowers you have in the apartment, you should not put them near the bed, because at night the plants absorb oxygen, release carbon dioxide and get rid of negative energy. Their energy cycle is based on daytime absorption of bad information and nightly cleansing - the release of negative energy. To avoid unnecessary difficulties, the easiest way is to organize the space so that the bedroom is devoid of vegetation at least for the night.

Among the most dangerous plants in this regard is monstera. At night, its huge leaves emit a huge amount of carbon dioxide and a stream of negative energy, this dose would be enough for a small home garden. And not always the experience of night cleaning passes without a trace for the owners of the apartment. Until recently, the monstera was not suspected of her sins, so everyone wanted to buy a beautiful, powerful plant and grow it in their home. But then the botanists had a complication: the jungle aficionados suddenly found themselves in a hospital bed. No, they were not poisoned by the smell of the plant - the monstera does not emit volatile toxic substances. But several people were brought almost to the border of clinical death! Their terrible condition was connected and it was just with a complete breakdown, which caused a weakening of the heart muscle. Carbon dioxide poisoning - and lack of vitality.

Since time immemorial, various magical properties have been attributed to plants. It was believed that if a pregnant woman stepped over a hyacinth, she would have a spontaneous miscarriage. And ficus is the best helper in strengthening the family, it contributes to the conception and birth of children.

Of course, we cannot confirm or deny such qualities of plants. But if we talk about the energy balance of your apartment, the ficus, no matter how funny, will be among your friends. How much he, the unfortunate one, was accused of philistinism, expelled from houses and escorted out of public places, and he, a varnished handsome man, maintains a stable atmosphere in the apartment, prevents irritability, works like a smart psychotherapist. Just don't put it in the sun. Ficus does not like bright sunlight and prefers shaded corners of the apartment.

Some people really like to make compositions from dried flowers, collect bouquets from them and place them either on the windowsill or at the head of the bed. By themselves, dry plants are neither good nor bad. They do not carry any special energy information. But sometimes such bouquets and compositions are connected by secret threads with the events of your life. And then you should think about why you need such a neighborhood. You know, after all, when a white acacia branch was removed from Tutankhamun’s chest, none of the researchers dared to drag it into a residential building, but Shri Aham, a worker who saw in this dried branch, managed to steal a couple of flowers good source enrichment. And when this short-sighted Arab brought his treasure home and left it in the room for the night, he woke up because he was suffocating. The horror he experienced that night is hard to put into words. Nothing in particular seemed to be happening, but the worker was haunted by the smell of burning asphalt, and this smell caused him sickening fear. When he looked at himself in the mirror in the morning, he was amazed - his luxurious black hair over his forehead turned completely gray. For many years he did not tell anyone about what had happened, and only on his deathbed he confessed that he had stolen a couple of flowers. By the way, the flowers he stole could not be sold. Aham was ridiculed, accused of trying to slip an acacia dried a couple of years ago. And, desperate to find a buyer, Aham simply threw away these flowers. There is a modern legend that the flowers did not disappear without a trace, that from the moment they ended up in the garbage heap of Cairo, they travel around the world, and each of their owners prefers to part with the acacia than to keep it at home, because everyone experiences mortal horror.

Aquatic plants also have a special energy, which are usually placed in an aquarium inhabited by various living creatures.

Floating and jumping...healers?

The aquarium for fish is immediately installed in a permanent place and is never moved anywhere else, because the inhabitants of the aquarium adapt to specific lighting, a certain temperature regime and are painfully experiencing changes. Aquariums come in completely different shapes - from the usual quadrangular to round or hexagonal. And recently I saw a novelty: the aquarium served as a stand for a coffee table, and the life of the underwater world could be observed through a transparent tabletop!

Naturally, you will fit the aquarium into the surrounding interior, but do not forget that it should be comfortable for the fish themselves and suit them in terms of water volume. For many big fish small artsy aquariums are simply unacceptable. One piranha (nowadays a fashionable fish) requires at least one hundred liters of water. In the same amount of water it will freely accommodate a large number of guppies or swordtails, which require only 2-3 liters. They put the aquarium in a calm warm place, avoiding direct sunlight, because otherwise the water will begin to bloom and soon deteriorate. Finding an aquarium on the window does not contribute to the long life of the fish - they either freeze out or overheat. In addition to fish, living "treatment facilities" must live in the aquarium - snails that do a good job of removing green plaque from the glass. The larger the aquarium, the longer it stays clean, but the more difficult it is to set an acceptable temperature in it in winter. To find out what plants are needed in an aquarium and what fish can be kept in it, read the literature on aquarism - a lot has been published over the years. True, I do not advise you to start with complex fish. And it's probably best to start with livebearers. Not only is the birth of fry in itself a very interesting and funny process, but live-bearing fish during the spawning period do not require as much care and attention as spawning ones.

There is no better way to calm our tormented nerves than to plunge into contemplation smooth movements fish. It is as if a window opens into another world, and you stay in it, and your soul calms down, and your heart becomes light and warm. As a child, when I was offended by my parents, I had a secret place where childhood wounds quickly healed - a corner with an aquarium. I took care of my fish myself, cleaned the bottom and changed the water. And they gave back a hundredfold to me in the hours of insults! Then I sat down, laid my head on my hands and looked without looking away. And in front of me floated, moving their transparent or translucent fins, guppies and angelfish, swordtails and mollies, pecilia and neon. They blazed with all the colors of the rainbow, flocked to the feeder at my slightest movement. A reflector lamp illuminated their wonderful world, where holly and vallisneria grew, where the shell hills I built rose at the bottom, and where my soul wandered in search of peace and finally found it.

And only later, many years later, I learned that this calm came not only from the smooth movements of the fish, but also because the water absorbs all the negatives well. And therefore, it is recommended to put an aquarium near the sleeping place, preferably at the head or so that it is possible, falling asleep, to observe underwater life. The combination of psychological assistance with bioenergetic assistance is a very important characteristic of an aquarium. And at least for the sake of the health of your children - get your own underwater kingdom. You can put fish in it, or you can - turtles or newts. All these animals are very interesting to watch, and there are usually no big problems with feeding.

In addition to the underwater world, there is also ours, the air one, where, according to tradition, a cat and a dog share living space with us. Sometimes they are interested in how to choose a place for animals assigned to them? Choosing a place for a cat is an impossible task, because since the time of Kipling it has been known that a cat walks by itself, it was born that way. This is the most charming and independent of all pets. And she chooses a place in the apartment herself. The trouble is, if the cat refused to exist in your apartment at all. This can be associated with many negative issues. Not the last role here is played by black information or induced damage. So try to take the cat's behavior as seriously as possible. And we will talk about it a little later.

As for the dog, its task is to guard the house, regardless of breed and size, and therefore its place is at the door. There she needs to put a cozy bedding and her favorite toy. The dog quickly gets used to the place allotted to her. If she refuses to recognize this place, I strongly advise you to check the room with a frame and identify the pathogenicity of indoor areas. Sometimes a dog's behavior is also related to the attitude of the owners, so before calling a specialist in geological heterogeneities, sort out the relationship with each other and decide whether you love your dog. Because dogs are much more sensitive than cats and they perceive the attitude of the owner very sensitively. If you treat your dog with disdain, he will suffer.

At night, the dog should be at its combat post and guard the house. Do not take a dog to bed. Not only is this against all hygiene rules, but it also violates the dog's psyche, forming a sofa toy out of an independent strong creature.

But taking a cat to bed is even useful. This creature superbly removes bad energy and will bring nothing but good. Unless, of course, you saved your four-legged friend from fleas and worms in time.

In general, it is generally accepted that cats are useful in the house in that they take away all the negative information, making life easier for a person. And dogs, on the contrary, feed people with energy, help to cope with diseases if we do not have enough of our own strength. Therefore, it would be ideal to have two wonderful living devices at home: one that removes all blackness, the other that supports our own forces. In addition to the fact that these devices have no contraindications for use (except in cases of allergies), they are also great friends. And for many, especially single people, a cat or dog in the house becomes truly the best friend. They confide their secrets to their four-legged pets, and the animals understand their owners. Yes, I did not make a reservation.

On a subconscious level, they really read information. They may not understand the spoken words - although the words, if not all, cause certain images in them - but they see what we are about to say to them, because they are reading a speech that we have not yet spoken, which is expressed not by sounds, but by images or thought forms. So it's not surprising if you're about to yell at your wife and your dog starts acting restless, jumping, yapping, grabbing your leg. So she tries to tell you that she understood your condition. She also tells you about upcoming troubles, as the image of these misfortunes is formed in her brain thanks to the facts that you give her one by one. When the last brick is laid in the building of misfortune, an image arises corresponding to it. The dog sees him first. You react to words. Animals - on thought. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that their gift of foreboding is better developed.

It is very important to know the characteristics of four-legged pets in order to understand the state of your home and yourself.

Once I talked with a woman who treats animals, but not with a veterinarian, but with a zooparapsychologist. And she said that by the condition of the cat, one can also tell about the condition of their owners. Often people turn to her, seemingly on a feline issue: suddenly the animal began to eat poorly, the hair comes out, spots appeared that looked like eczema, but it turns out that in this way the unfortunate cat reacts to the unsuccessful life of its mistress.

Somehow a girl came to her with a complaint that her beloved pussy suddenly became aggressive and cowardly, for no reason at all clung to her leg and immediately hides under the sofa, as if she began to eat without any desire, and her eyes are not alive and roguish, but boring. The doctor looked at the apartment where the owner and the cat lived. She looked at the animal itself with the help of a frame, and then suddenly turned to the hostess:

“Tell me, has anything bad happened to you?”

- What am I doing here? My cat is crazy...

- Cat cat, it seems to me that everything here is connected with you ...

The girl reluctantly told that she had been laid off at work for three months, but she could not tell her mother about it. Each time he comes home with a firm conviction that he will tell about everything, and - the language is taken away. It's a pity mom, she reacts so painfully to everything.

“And your cat is suffering because of you,” the doctor explained. - Every time you play the same record in her brain, you again experience your misfortune, and the cat serves as a receiver, she reads and perceives information. But you deny yourself and her the resolution of the conflict! You think - and don't say anything! Negative information accumulates, which in a cat is expressed in a change in the correct reaction to irritating components. Because she is aggressive and cowardly. That is, there is a complete tracing paper of your own state. We must try to break the vicious circle.

And when the girl announced to her mother about her failure, and together they spent the evening puzzling over how to fix the situation, the cat's condition immediately began to improve. A meaningful look gradually returned to her, she stopped lashing out with a hiss and running away on half-bent paws, she stopped hiding under the sofa and starving for weeks. So a lot of animal behavior tells us about our own troubles. Or about subconscious even unpleasant thoughts. That is, thoughts that we do not seem to have fully formed, but for an animal these lamentations that did not translate into words are quite enough. Suicide cats that make suicidal attempts in a fit of desperation, as a rule, know about his intentions much earlier than the person himself and even try to prevent misfortune. One such cat read what her owner intended to do, and tried to prevent this. She dragged all the ropes in the house somewhere. She sat down in front of the hostess and meowed plaintively. True, this behavior of the cat was not so understood. And only after the fact that had already happened, the woman told in surprise that Muska, Muska, what did she do: it was impossible to find ropes in the house and generally meowed all day long. And if you had paid attention to the strange behavior of the cat earlier? Maybe the suicide could have been prevented.

But if the cat intuitively feels that it cannot solve problems at home, it ceases to perceive this place as a home and leaves. That is why the cat tries to return to its former place of residence if the owners have moved. For her, the image of the house was formed once and for all, in that era when she was first brought into the apartment as a small kitten in a basket. And then the people who inhabit the apartment can change, but in the cat's brain an unchanged image of the house is forever fixed - with its own bioenergy field, light, air. When this structure is destroyed for some reason and loses its significance, the cat leaves. She cannot live in a non-existent space. And if your cat has tried to make an escape, know that something is going wrong. Be carefull.

It seems that we have spoken about all the animated inhabitants of the apartment. Of course, there are also hamsters, birds, frogs - but I will write a whole book about this someday. Especially about frogs. And not about keeping them in captivity, but about using them in magical rituals. Which is no less interesting.

energy exchange

Whether in a communal apartment, in a separate apartment or even in our own house - we all still have neighbors (in this case I mean people!). And any neighborhood with someone else's energy is, as you understand, an inevitable energy exchange between you. We do not live in open space, we meet daily on the stairs or in the yard with people who have settled down or above the floor or in general on your site. And alas, sometimes they are not very nice people. What thread will they weave into the energy-information web of your home?

Of course, you can change the house, but who guarantees you conflict-free living in a new place? So it’s easier to learn not to perceive negative information, not to drag it into the house, than to constantly change your place of residence, especially since the modern world is by no means inhabited by cherub-like individuals, rather the opposite.

Good house bad man he himself will drive away, so do not drag memories or thoughts about bad people into him.

I remember when in my youth I rented a corner from an old woman, two young men lived behind my wall, who came from somewhere in the outback to conquer St. Petersburg. Every evening, these rarely drinking and not very unpleasant young men began to study music, and they played all the classics. I would have endured hits, but they performed such sublime works on ... accordion. And every night I waited for the inevitable nightmare. And then I just learned to turn off my hearing for an hour and a half, went about my own business, and planned for this time things that did not require full creative dedication, but the necessary purely mechanical processes, such as darning, cooking, sewing ... And immediately it became easier. Neighbors stopped wedge in creative process and did not cause such active rejection.

If you perceive the negative energy of your neighbors and react to their every movement or word, then the road is to the yellow house. Do not forget that if you saturate the house with negative emotions, it will only strengthen them: you yourself will leave yourself defenseless.

It is not in vain that a person is given a sense of humor - the only sense that distinguishes us from animals. Try to see the comic side in situations that make you nervous.

One conductor told me that every time at a concert he hated his violinist with black hatred. The violinist was a heavy drinker and a very middle-aged man, and it took place in a provincial theater and it was impossible to find an understanding and decent musician who could play the violin in this wilderness. And the musician, seeing his indispensability, went too far: he began to skip rehearsals, he appeared at performances almost in the middle, in a word, the whole theater was moaning from him. By an evil twist of fate, the conductor and the violinist were neighbors: the violinist lived on the first floor, and the conductor lived on the second. And every time, entering the house, the conductor felt the sounds of drunken arrogance coming from below, and hatred bubbled in his chest. Once in the lower apartment at midnight furniture fell and voices thundered. And in the morning the violinist came to work, decorated with fresh scratches. And the conductor suddenly imagined how the violinist's wife, a portly lady and taller than her husband, was beating him with all her might, and he was resisting. The picture drawn in his mind was so comical that the conductor almost laughed out loud.

In the evening after the rehearsal, as soon as he crossed the threshold of the house, he told his wife his "vision", and they laughed heartily - they just laughed, as if they were watching a good comedy of the beginning of the century, without experiencing any gloating or other black feelings. The neighbors downstairs were quiet.

The next day, on impulse, the conductor did something he would never have done. He somehow approached the violinist, gently hugged him around the waist and spoke heartily about his children and wife, and then took out some inexpensive toy from his briefcase and handed it out - as a gift to his son. And he touched the violinist so much that he called him home. They drank men’s “one hundred grams” for friendship, and the violinist began to complain: they say, I want to stop drinking, but when I get back home, I feel such longing and anger that I can’t resist a glass! Yesterday, for the first time, I came home calm and enjoyed the unknown comfort all evening ...

The poor man, it turns out, was simply catching the negative information that the conductor was unconsciously sending him! Think about it: aren't your neighbors "turned on" by the dislike you feel towards them? If you don't stop first, the circle will close and the situation will get worse day by day! You will exchange negative energy more and more often until your life turns into a nightmare.

I will teach you how to block the negative energy impact of your neighbors. First of all, you need to block the energy leakage from your side. To do this, you need to close the protective dome of your house - stop discussing and condemning the actions of your neighbors, both out loud and to yourself. It's not easy, I know. But otherwise nothing will come of it. Then - switch your emotions from negative (“I hate these people!”) to positive (“Poor, they listen to this music every evening ... How can one become happy!”). Have pity on the unfortunate - the Lord offended them with their mind, their souls are overwhelmed with passions, they cannot realize themselves in the most important thing - in love for the people around them. The next stage is the mental construction of an additional barrier. Every evening you close your eyes, focus and imagine a wall under construction, separating you and your neighbors. You will "build" it gradually, adding a dozen or two bricks from evening to evening. Until the wall grows to the ceiling ... Or to the sky, whichever you prefer! And finally, train yourself to treat with humor such small pricks of fate as unpleasant neighbors. When we take the world only seriously, we subconsciously force ourselves to see in everything only difficulties and misfortunes.

Laugh! After all, neighbors are a truly inevitable evil. Do not drag someone else's hatred and your own anger into the house. No need. Houses and walls help - so no one but yourself can seriously harm you.

Don't be bold...

Unfortunately, many houses, whose protective energy domes gape with holes, are now subject to the invasion of other undesirable neighbors - the inhabitants of the world of subtle matters. You can call this phenomenon in different ways: ghosts, poltergeists, brownies frolic, and so on. The reasons for such invasions are different in each case, but often the residents of the house themselves are to blame.

Having heard about the miraculous power of holy water, others begin to use it without measure, as they say, right and left. And it leads to the exact opposite results.

The fact is that holy water carries the energy of a higher power, and all the guests who come to us from the shadow world carry the energy of a lower power. When energies of different levels collide, one of the parties may wake up and begin to act hyperactively, as sometimes happens with the dormant insignificant energy forces of your home when they are affected by strong "catalysts" out of rank.

I was told a lot of stories that happened to those who like to use holy water and other objects of religious worship. One of the stories I particularly liked.

One acquaintance was not himself to holy water. Every day he sprayed the whole apartment and the area in front of the apartment on the stairs, all his clothes, household items; he added it to all the drinks that he used, and even, it seems, to the washing machine, before washing ... He “added” in this way to the point that for some reason the prophet Mohammed began to appear to him every day early in the morning and tell in detail how this acquaintance should spend the day. The moral teachings were quite dictatorial in nature, in addition, in the evenings the “prophet” appeared again and demanded an account: was everything done as he ordered?.. Mohammed was strict and did not accept any deviations from the program, but if my friend he could not complete everything that was set for the day, he suffered from severe insomnia and headaches all the following night ...

When, having got rid of the prophet Mohammed (and at the same time from the crazy habit of spraying everyone and everything with holy water), our acquaintance told about his misadventures, we laughed to tears. Although in reality there is nothing funny in this, perhaps: well, imagine yourself under the vigilant control of a prophet who has fallen on your head from nowhere! an entity comes from a world very far from heaven ... From the shadow world, to which he opened the way to himself with his frivolous behavior.

This "image-form" - the prophet Mohammed - apparently, was a manifestation of not very strong entities of the shadow world, trying to receive temporary energy replenishment from a person. At first, such entities feed on rather small doses of energy, but if a person is not able to cope with them in a timely manner, they gradually take possession of him and more and more push him to commit acts that are not at all characteristic of him, to refuse an active and independent life position, from personal strength. , help to get rid of any kind of independent activity, and take all the released energy for themselves. Thus, they create and strengthen their own personality. And the person they control is also gradually degrading. The ending of this story may be different. In one case, the power of the shadow world takes possession not only of the information and energy essence of a person, but also of his body, while maintaining the mask of the former person. In another case, the captive person simply dies.

To protect against the invasion of shadow forces into the house (and by the way, to expel a stranger or a stray brownie), you can use any church rites performed by a priest.

The most faithful guardian of the energy integrity of your home will be a dog or a cat, which unmistakably feel the presence of the forces of the shadow world. Moreover, they easily distinguish hostile forces from friendly or indifferent to you. If your dog is wagging its tail, staring at an empty spot, or your cat is arching its back and hissing at something you can't see, you know they're talking to your "guests."

Any manifestations of your child's fantasy should be taken very seriously. The fact is that the imagination of children is very strong and figurative, and with the help of this very imagination, they may well let into your house such a form, which will be quite difficult to fight. After all, a child creates it in accordance with his own, childish logic, while adults have a fundamentally different logic, and therefore they do not understand, do not know “what is afraid” of the image created by children's imagination. And if you don't know what it's afraid of, you can't drive it out of your house.

Of course, this does not mean at all that children should be strictly forbidden to fantasize. It is important to simply know well, understand your child and teach him never to become dependent on his own fantasies, but to be master of them.

Although, it should be noted, children almost never invent creatures from which there is no protection, only a child with pathological mental disorders can do this.

Surely you already have a question: why are the inhabitants of the shadow world so interested in us, people, our world, our homes? There is every reason to believe that a person, his personality, energy are the most successful combination of great information and energy saturation, creativity, due to which the inhabitants of the shadow world ultimately receive their quite definite incarnation. Or rather, some small part of them receive it, but each of them strives for it, and strives desperately. They are constantly striving to deprive a person of a part of his energy, his emotions, his mind and thus get the opportunity for their further development, open their way to higher levels of existence.

What did our ancestors do?

Apparently, our ancestors very well felt this constant hungry "attention" from the entities of the shadow world, since their whole life was literally permeated with networks of various protective "patterns" and intricacies.

And until now, in many houses on the walls, doors, jambs of windows, you can see drawings designed to protect the house - the so-called amulets. Does it help the house? Undoubtedly. But you need to clearly know what you are drawing, what you want to protect your house from and how best to complete this drawing.

It is traditionally believed that charms can be divided into "red", "green", "blue" and "purple" - depending on which light spectrum an attack is made on you (or you think that it can be made).

For example, "attack on the red spectrum." With it, the impact is primarily directed to the sexual side of your life. The inhabitants of the house begin to have serious personal problems: sexual disorders, impotence, frigidity, and very often infertility. With this type of attack, protective patterns of a circular or spiral shape help. They, like other protective patterns, can be painted by you on the walls or embroidered in any way on clothes, bedspreads, towels, etc.

"Green Spectrum Attack" will lead to a sharp deterioration in your health in general. Headaches and heartaches of unknown origin are the first signals of the "green attack". Charm patterns - trees and wavy lines.

If relationships in your family suddenly, for no apparent reason, went wrong, the children got out of hand, your husband looks sideways, and you are increasingly visited by thoughts that it is easier to live alone, this is the result of a “blue spectrum attack”. Protection against it - stars, triangles and spirals.

And finally, "attacking the violet spectrum" will lead you to personality problems. It will seem to you that life has lost its meaning, that tomorrow will be blacker than today. At the slightest symptom, pull yourself together! And the stars, wavy lines and spirals will become amulets.

In general, in order to have a real protective power, it is enough to embroider or draw a pattern consisting of round closed contours. There are traditional meanings of symbols.

The cross is a barrier to evil, the aversion of evil from the house.

Circles are a symbol of motherhood, fertility (good luck when "the house is a full bowl").

Stars are a sign of intelligence, creativity, success in these areas of activity.

A tree (often drawn as a Christmas tree upside down) is a symbol of longevity, the interconnection of everything with everything in this world.

Squares are a sign of fertility, enhanced by longitudinal and transverse shading.

The triangle is a symbol of a person, a symbol of good, loving communication.

Wavy line - water, oceans. The beginning of life, variability and adaptability.

If turned vertically, it can symbolize perfection, the way up, to the top.

The spiral is a symbol of wisdom. A powerful aversive sign for all entities in the shadow world if the color is red, black or white.

Try to constantly keep in your house those patterns that seem most important to you for its well-being, and the amulets will protect your home.

Remember our grandmothers - how many towels, sheets, gaps on the beds they had all kinds of patterns, and not only for beauty, these patterns also guarded their hearth.

Father brownie

One of the most faithful defenders of your home from unwanted "guests" is brownies. We already talked a little about brownies at the very beginning of the book and admitted that without them our house is empty, there is nothing in it that is soulful and homely. The trouble is that brownies are reluctant to go to modern box houses. So, let's lure!

How did our grandmothers lure brownies? Having gathered to move, they went to a new place of residence, capturing a rye loaf, salt, three candles, dough and some sweet red wine. In the new house, the young woman baked a bun from dough, but she watched all the time how the bun looked. The ruddy crust will not crack - to live in a new house and make good. And it will crack ... Then the young woman took candles, lit them and said, defending herself from evil and dark forces:

Then she took a loaf, broke bread, generously sprinkled salt on it. And she left broken bread, a baked bun and a glass of red wine in the new house.

And she herself left, bowing low to the new house, and saying goodbye:

- Help yourself, and we'll come tomorrow.

Thus, the love of the entities that lived in the new house was bought.

The native brownie was not forgotten either. What is life in a new house without a brownie?

That's how they did it. In the hallway of the old house, on the night of the move, they put a worn boot or felt boot (so that the smell of the owner was preserved in it) and called their little housekeeper:

- Father brownie, the owner of the house. I have bright rooms for you, new mansions. There will be no happiness without you.

And after the move, this boot or felt boot was arranged in the most comfortable, calm place of the new house and left. The brownie came out, looked around and set to work. Our ancestors were very afraid to quarrel with their little helper. They addressed him only politely and always asked, never demanded.

Here comes to mind one very modern history. The family of my acquaintances, a very “domostroevskaya” family, decided to move from one district of the city to another. And then they thought with chagrin that they had not acquired brownies in their former apartment either. Therefore, at the military council, it was decided to urgently go to the homeland of their ancestors and grab any gaping brownie who turned up along the way. No sooner said than done.

In the morning, the head of the family boarded an electric train and visited the village, in which there were almost no inhabitants left. He found an abandoned house there, dragged a knapsack into it, took out a casket, specially stored for this purpose, put his army-time boot into it, put this splendor on the very threshold and, spinning like a fish in a pan, began to shout out in falsetto:

- Brownie, brownie!

Let's run to the tub

There are crackers and cones,

You will be very good.

Where he found these spells, I do not know. Maybe he wrote it himself. Having practiced singing jokes, he settled down for the night, watching everything: whether the floorboard would creak, whether the lid of the chest would slam. In the morning, as soon as he opened his eyes, straight to the trap for brownies.

The lid is as it was, it is, but what can you do? He grabbed the casket, hid it in a backpack and returned home. At night, a saucer of milk was placed for testing, but by morning it remained untouched.

“Nothing happened,” the owner says sadly.

The next day, with the same success, my wife went to the homeland of her ancestors.

And before the move, there was nothing left. We urgently need to look for a decent economic brownie! They sit saddened in the evening, and then an old friend, an Azerbaijani, ran into the house. The settlers complained about such bad luck, and the guest says:

- Just think, you can’t catch a brownie. I have one in mind here. True, he loves milk, but you won’t starve him completely, will you? Put a saucer of milk on it for the night, you can put raw meat, for that he will sell his soul to the devil. He's gentle, he'll get along. Just don't bully him. During the day, he usually buries somewhere, but at night he works with might and main. So I'll bring it in the morning, let's run it into your new pantry. You will have a housewarming gift from me.

And indeed - it was! Until now, the owners with a shudder remember those three weeks when they slept only with light, went only in a group, and they forgot to think about peace and grace. And the kids were the worst. For some reason, it was the new nursery that I chose as a “gift” for night trips. In the middle of the night, with wild cries, the kids jumped up and complained in unison that something slippery and nasty was trying to crawl under their blanket. They began to sleep with the light. In the light, the brownie did not indulge, he lay quietly somewhere. But as soon as the electricity was cut off, the nightlife triumphed: there was a rustle, a splash. The family even decided that instead of a brownie they slipped some kind of demon. They wanted to call the priest, to sprinkle the apartment on a new one. However, their benefactor showed up, how they attacked him! Like, what a bad tenant you slipped on us! He listened to them, listened, and then burst out laughing.

“I don’t like it,” he said, choking on laughter, “I’ll take it back, don’t worry.”

Because the friend, not understanding the spiritual quest of the family and the furious desire to kiss the roots of his ancestry, dragged him a brownie, did not regret parting with his beloved pet, and turned out to be this keeper of the hearth ... a hefty yellow-bellied. In the homeland of a friend, they called the yellow-bellied brownie, because he hunted mice well!

Not always, of course, the search for a brownie on the side ends so funny. It happens that for years people cannot get rid of the entities brought into the house, organizing nightly pogroms akin to a poltergeist. There are many such unfortunate stories.

So, when moving to a new place, do not gather the guardians of the house along the roadsides or in escheat villages, you will not bring anything good from there, if at least someone can be caught at all.

Try to grab your brownie. Because if you properly and splendidly maintain the house, take care of comfort and peace, you have long been your own brownie. And you don't have to run around looking for strangers.

And when you move, as soon as you cross the threshold, sprinkle the corners of your new home with holy water, saying:

Our Lord forgives and helps. Help, Lord, everyone who lives in this house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Rituals - amulets

Please do not take the rituals proven by folk wisdom as something ridiculous and completely unusable in our day. Because by performing right order a certain set of actions, uttering certain certain words, you enter the circle of another reality and a hidden knowledge opens up to you that can give you and your children a lot of joy. I once watched a family move to a new apartment. Young people performed rituals, but they were ashamed, afraid that they would be laughed at, and only their child, who by his age did not yet distinguish modernity from a fairy tale, repeated with great pleasure all the actions of his parents. It seemed to him very important to surround himself with good beings and live in an atmosphere of kindness and benevolence. So try to look at the world through the eyes of a child - as a rule, a lot of benefits come from this.

Even if you do not really like your apartment, do not despair. Check it with a frame or a pendulum, find the most vulnerable places, and then consecrate it according to the canons of Orthodoxy. And see for yourself: the dark forces will retreat, the unfavorable world will light up, the uncomfortable urban world will become warm.

Do you know how many ritual actions we repeat without thinking at all?

Here an idle guest came to you, offended the family. Only he is over the threshold, and the hostess grabs the broom.

Why? And according to the old rite, this is how it is supposed to be: sweep the entire floor, and dispel the rubbish on the street, beyond the threshold.

Or you took out a wad of money in the evening to calculate the family budget, and your wife - clap your hands, clean it up, she says.

Why? And so long ago it happened: in the evening they don’t count money, because there won’t be any in the house otherwise. And the keys to the house are not put on the table for the same reason. And they don't whistle.

And they don’t put bread crust down on the table.

And how many times, accidentally spilling salt, did you immediately throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder to ward off a quarrel or misfortune?

When going on the road, did the whole family sit on suitcases?

When moving into a new house, did they let the cat in first?

All folk signs and do not list.

But they work much more reliably and more reliably than any magic spells, which are both unsafe and often incomprehensible. Someday I will tell you about magical techniques, about all the alchemical formulas, about the search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of eternal youth. But today our topic lies aside from the magical sciences. You and I need to learn how to create the space of our own home. And this does not require either encyclopedic knowledge or knowledge of the secret sciences. To believe the advice of the ancestors and be able to use them correctly - that's all you need. And if you cannot cope on your own, if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in your native monastery, do not be ashamed of ignorance, each is given according to his faith - invite a priest or a specialist from another field. And they will help you.

Once I went to a dinner party with an older actress. And for the first time in my life, I felt how easy it was to breathe in an ordinary city apartment. Of course, the decor of the house was chosen with taste, and the light was correctly distributed in the rooms, but it’s not even about the amazing comfort ... Here I felt what is called the soul of the house. It was this woman's house. The same sincere, warm, reliable, like his mistress. And, as soon as you crossed the threshold, you understood: but here you are like stone wall, here the outside world ceases to exist, it is no longer of interest, it is even more flat and ridiculous than on TV screens. But here there is an amazing world of a spiritually rich person.

“God, how good it is with you, I don’t even want to leave,” I said, saying goodbye.

“Baby, my whole life is here. My home is my world. I live in it. He and I are one and the same. When you reach my age, young people will also come to you and ask the same questions. Because an old man who does not have his own world is, in my opinion, not a man at all.

I remember her words very well. And I try to build my house in such a way that anyone who enters it immediately feels: this is my deeply individual world, built according to my standards, tailored according to my model, alive, improving, beautiful.

A well-organized house should be bright and comfortable, which all your guests immediately feel: it breathes well, its air itself fights pathogenic microbes, drives away bodily and mental illnesses. It is customary to talk about such a house - a full bowl, because everything goes well and successfully in it, misfortunes do not happen and prosperity does not decrease. And the condition of your house depends not only on the correct orientation of your rooms according to the cardinal points, on the choice of lighting zones, on good energy-information protection, but also on what kind of spiritual world is enclosed in your house. If your souls and thoughts are pure, evil people and lower astral entities will not come to your doorstep. In a good Christian home, they simply have nothing to do. The energy of such a house is disastrous for them. On the contrary, the forces of light gather in your world, they maintain the established order and help you live in peace with yourself and other people. And one more thing: it is in such a house that spiritual purification can be perceived, which is very beneficial for our health. Just remember: you and your house - I repeat the words of the old actress - are a single whole. As long as you are inseparable, everything will go well. However, I am not revealing anything new to you: you know all this yourself, but do you always listen to your intuition?

healing house

And you can - and even need to! - Each of us should have a so-called Healing Corner in our house. What it is? Let's start from the very beginning.

We all know how difficult it is to stay healthy in today's world. My husband, a man absolutely (from the generally accepted point of view) healthy, at the age of 45 easily runs up to the fifth floor with a backpack, no, no, yes, he will be sad, he will become unglued. It seems that there is nothing, but the eyes are not the same, some kind of sadness, and a breakdown, and a disgusting mood. True, on such days it is enough for him to lie a little more than usual with a book on his favorite sofa, read interspersed with sleep, watch some nice movie on TV - in a word, laze around a little alone, and everything is taken care of.

Usually we are not inclined to attach importance to minor ailments, we all believe that we will overcome it, they say, we will run across it, we will overcome ourselves. And sometimes we start sounding the alarm only when the roasted rooster pecks us tirelessly in the crown, repeating: trouble! trouble! Then only we rush to the doctors, and how often it turns out that it is too late.

One of my dearest friends died only because he did not take care of himself in time. And until now I can’t come to terms with this, and I still remember with endless pain the day when the doctor, having examined him, said to me: “Lord, come you a month or two earlier, and he would live and live ...” months - sixty short days were lost somewhere in the endless bustle of our everyday life, and there is no person on earth. There was a son left, there were those who loved him so much and still cannot truly recover from his death.

Of course, things do not turn out so sadly for everyone. But as soon as any of us starts the smallest of our seemingly completely harmless sores, and for many months and years you will sadly study your own medical record in the dark, cold corridors of clinics and hospitals. You will steal months, or even years of life from yourself - simply because of your carelessness and irresponsibility.

A truly cultured person is simply obliged to properly take care of their health! Stupidity told us in childhood that a self-respecting person does not show his ailments, because it is shameful.

Taking care of ourselves, our health is our sacred duty towards our children, towards all those who sincerely love us. Because when we leave, they will endlessly miss us in this world. Because we are obliged to raise our children and help them, and not complicate their lives with our illnesses and complaints.

Well, of course, you say, who does not want to live happily ever after? And in general, the advice is not surprising, any of us knows that “it is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick” ... But how to achieve this?

Yes, not so difficult! Of course, we are talking about those people who do not suffer from severe karmic manifestations and are sufficiently protected in terms of energy and information, about those who can still take care of their health on their own, without the intervention of serious specialists.

If you have a house that is properly built and whose properties you know, you can recharge your health every day! And this is quite enough to maintain your well-being at a high level, so that your mood is good, and you can solve your problems independently and actively, without unnecessary stress.

So, the essence of a surprisingly simple and effective method, which I will now tell you about, is based on the fact that the human body, as you know, greedily absorbs positive energy, replacing it with negative energies that accumulate in the body during stress, as a result of communication with dark entities. and manifested as a result of empty and vain worries on a variety of occasions (and sometimes without any reason).

You just need to create favorable conditions for yourself for the most active and useful assimilation of this life-giving energy, to replace it with muddy energy that destroys our health and psyche.

The Healing Energy Corner will help you with this.

To create it, you need to find a positive area in your house, which itself looks at an even more positive area. Well, if it is in the sunny zone. Next, you should place a plant that generates positive energy and a piece of wood that absorbs negative energy there (a piece of wood will be completely replaced by a cat, in some respects the impact will be even stronger).

Now orient yourself so that the sun (or daylight) falls from the left. To the right and slightly forward, place your generator plant, and have an absorber tree (or a cat, if she doesn’t mind) behind you. A super-positive place in front of the eyes can be emphasized by some color spot of yellow-green tones (carpet, bedspread or just a still life of apples and oranges, flowers).

Sit up straight and focus on the over positive area. Feel how its energy, mixing with the energy of the generator flower, passes through you in a warm pleasant wave, washes your eyes, forehead, head and disappears somewhere behind you, behind your back.

Now relax, lean back in your chair, close your eyes and forget all thoughts that disturb you.

It is recommended to carry out about ten to fifteen such procedures, then burn the piece of wood that served as the accumulator of negative energy (the cat will take care of itself: it is unlikely that it will agree that you just burned it like that!).

When your drive is on fire, never look into the fire!

When you watch it burn, you involuntarily create negative mental images, and they are revived by the power of your thought.

In addition, the fire for a short time enhances the negative that has accumulated in your collector tree, and you run the risk of “dragging” this negative again onto yourself.

The ocean of energy that surrounds us is huge, and, despite its outward harmlessness and seeming peaceful flow, it contains a multitude of pitfalls and currents, which we have yet to learn to bypass.

If you are diligent students and stock up on patience and diligence, then over time you will learn from afar to see all the pitfalls that lie in wait for you on the path of life, and use the warm currents of energy in order to warm yourself in them and gain self-confidence, to facilitate your swimming. And we, the reader, will learn to avoid cold currents, because our path is far and long, and you and I need to be able to save our strength, be wise and the most a little cunning in order to reach the promised shores on time and with minimal losses: wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the essence of the universe.

Knowledge at all times was not easy for people, but it was rewarded a hundredfold, this is how this insanely old and eternally new world works.

Chapter 7 Healing Energy at Home

Once I, a native Petersburger, was invited to visit Moscow. I was invited by a man with whom we had met only once in our lives before. He was an excellent psychologist, and just in my life there came a moment that, probably, happens to everyone: everything that could collapse collapsed. On a whim, I called that man in Moscow, and he said:

Do you know what you should do now? Drop everything, get on the train and come to me. I'm leaving for Paris in three days. I will give you money so that you can live in peace, and the keys to your apartment. You will live, come to your senses, and then I will return and we will see how we can help you ...

And I went. True, being a practical girl, I previously booked a place for myself at the Izmailovo Hotel. Having arrived and settled down in the hotel, I went to visit the house where I was originally called. We had a very nice dinner with his owner, he really gave me the keys and said that he would leave for the country for a couple of days, then he would drop by for things and go to Paris on business. And how do I decide...

I returned to my hotel. I had a wonderful single room there on the 17th floor, blown by warm summer winds (which was a salvation, because Moscow that summer literally melted in the 35-degree July heat), with a shower, TV, telephone. And most importantly, this number was absolutely within my means. Live and enjoy. But for some reason I couldn't enjoy it. Some strange feeling of anxiety seized me ... For two days I wandered around the hotel, not knowing where to put myself and what was happening to me in general. I desperately wanted to do something. Finally, I went to Rustaveli Street, to the house, the keys to which they gave me. More than 10 years have passed since that day, but I still remember: I opened the door, entered, and peace literally enveloped me from head to toe. It suddenly seemed to me that I had lived in this house all my life and would live forever, and all the troubles were due to the fact that my house was calling me to itself, and I resisted and did not come, that now all the bad is behind, and only good is ahead. …

I have never been a supporter of order and cleanliness in the house, I have always believed that the main thing is work, you need and can spend exactly as much energy as left on the house. But then I picked up a rag ... I woke up in that house and, before I opened my eyes, I thought with pleasure that today I would wash the exhaust system in the kitchen and put the bookshelves in order ... I looked after this house with inspiration, more I don't remember happiness in my life. I enjoyed everything from cleaning windows to washing floors. The owner left for Paris a long time ago, and I kept improving relations with his house and was happy. A friend of mine, who once arrived on a business trip, ran to visit, looked at what was happening, took out a video camera and said: “I'll take it all off now. Otherwise no one will believe me!!! And I myself did not believe that this woman, in an apron, with a rag in her hands and a blissful smile on her face early in the morning, was me.

It was love at first sight. I talked with the house, I told him about my troubles, I felt his every energy vibration. Since those days, I am sure that any house is a living being, you just need to feel it. I knew when my house was sad and when it was fun, I understood that it was offended by the lack of attention, and when offended, it behaved like a sick child: it clung to you, asking for protection. I tried not to let strangers into my house, because I physically felt how difficult it was for us to restore our strength and balance after they left. I cared for and looked after him like a living baby, and got crazy pleasure from it.

This love has been going on for ten years now. My house on Rustaveli Street in Moscow is a place where, having escaped from any life storms, I feel calm, happy and protected. Whatever happens in the outside world.

Then for a number of years I told my friends this story. She said: can you imagine, to enter the house and feel at the same moment as a mistress, ready to serve it, a part of it ... Today, 10 years later, I understand: then our energy parameters coincided with that house. So insanely lucky. And that house needed me as much as I needed it. It's me!

An ocean of good energy

Our home is a space filled with energy, which, as you know, is the source of human existence even more than food and everything else. And if the energy-information structure of a house is similar to the energy-information structure of a person staying in it (we talked about this in the previous chapter), a feeling of love, comfort, security and a desire to create both the house and oneself in it arises.

By the way, I had a great time working in that house. At night (this is because I am a “night owl”) I sat in the kitchen, poured myself a cup of the strongest tea and wrote stories that I have not been able to come up with before or since. And around the wall lamp in those nights there was always a flock of furry moths ...

The energy-informational structure of the house is its emotional mood, which arises upon contact with living beings. However, any house is also filled with inanimate objects (furniture, carpets, books), and these objects also have energy that contributes to the energy background of the home. Let's call this union the energy of the house.

What makes up the energy structure of the house?

First of all, probably, the information stored in every thing: in furniture, in old things, in paintings, photographs, household items, in everything that has been in the house for a long time and has become its component.

A special group consists of things that are a kind of catalyst for a person, upon contact with which he begins to develop one or another of his own energy. First of all, these are works of art located in the house: paintings, figurines, porcelain, old-made carpets, and so on. The fact is that in any work of art initially the artist, the creator laid a huge charge of energy. And this energy necessarily "calls into contact" the energy of a person who comes into contact with this thing.

As a child, I studied in the art history circle at the Russian Museum, the parents of my closest friend worked in the storerooms. And often we went home at a time when the museum was already closed, the lights in it were turned off, and through the halls ... It's hard to tell what "walked" through the halls of the empty Russian Museum somewhere around midnight. All the pictures seemed to come to life and talked to you, you felt the presence of dozens of souls, but what kind! feel with your hand raised up - they are so strong. And at night...

And if you have real works of art in your house, they will surely bring huge energy potential to your house. It is very important that the energy of such sources be similar, consonant with yours, otherwise trouble may happen. If you buy a painting because it is prestigious, and not because you like it, that you have a soul for it, a single tiny engraving can cause irreparable damage to your home.

Because it is attuned to another, to other people, and it will act on you like a source of light hitting your eyes around the clock, driving you to exhaustion, to madness.

Almost the same can be said about books, especially if these books are old, bought somewhere from hand or in second-hand bookshops. Any book, no less than a work of art, painting or music (and sometimes even more), contains powerful energy information. Is it yours, or, on the contrary, completely alien to you - this is the question that you must find the answer to before you bring this thing into your home.

A person is simply not able to perceive a single work of art indifferently, without showing any emotions. And any emotions are the energy component of your home, they do not disappear without a trace, they remain to live in the house, work with you, attract entities, phenomena, events that are similar in mood and energy quality. There is an old and well-known law of physics, which says: "Any action produced in nature has an equal and opposite reaction." And to any of your rude shouts, you will hear an answer in one form or another, as well as any word spoken with a kind smile will evoke a response smile, a word, a gesture that brings peace.

The house is like a vessel. A vessel that you, the owner, fill with energy at your own will and at your discretion. Is it good, is it evil? Everything depends on you!

What do we bring into our home?

Every item in your home is brought by you. Without your desire, thank God, furniture or carpet will not come to you! Therefore, the responsibility of the choice lies entirely with you.

Once I visited a fairly well-known artist. He had a huge old five-room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. And so he led us through this cluttered territory, which served him both as a workshop and as a dwelling.

“I have too many things,” he complained, “but I just can’t part with them. Sometimes I want to call schoolchildren and ask them to send all this splendor to the devil's grandmother. And then, when I think about it, how I imagine that I will be left without my native one-legged ottoman ... And it becomes so sad, I won’t give it away for anything. Although, of course, it’s hard for me to breathe, in the last year I myself feel how little air is here. If it wasn't for the memories...

In this young man, all the things in the house carried a memory. Some reminded of grandparents who died during the blockade, others of their parents, brother and sister.

Others he bought in antique shops, dragged from the dump and restored himself, or they were given to him, knowing his penchant for various artsy knick-knacks. It was really hard for me to breathe in his house, it was dusty here, like in the storerooms of a museum, it was damp and smelled of smoldering, this air made me dizzy and a sickeningly sugary lump rose in my throat. In addition, I constantly ran into sharp corners, and by the end of the tour, these things suddenly protruding from the walls and openings left a lot of bruises on my sides. But finally there was only one room left, as the artist said - his favorite, where he spends a lot of time.

And he, smiling mysteriously, opened the door to her.

My bewilderment and horror are hard to describe.

In this separate and spacious room, the esthete kept a collection of stone tomb crosses. From big to small. From the cold granite of Petersburg to the white limestone of Odessa.

Having once visited this abode of shadows, I never again crossed the threshold of this house, even when I remember it, I had the same feeling of longing and nausea. And the man, this host, was hospitable and, having met, always invited to visit.

"Why don't you look into the light?" - he was surprised, quite sincerely not realizing that the "light" in the middle of a furniture warehouse and similar souvenirs is not a very pleasant experience.

This far from mediocre person as an artist lived a short life - he drank early and stopped painting. Inspiration cannot coexist with darkness, and a healthy optimism of a person must be supported by the energy of the house. And what kind of energy among the grave crosses ...

However, such a perverted arrangement of the only place on earth that should protect us is far from uncommon. True, most people, thank God, do not use grave goods. But how often unverified objects are brought into the house, which, due to some misfortune, fell in love with a person.

I had a friend who spent her days in thrift stores. And almost every time she returned home with a new purchase. Her husband did not know what to do with her, deprived her of money, so she managed to get into incredible debts, but she still satisfied her damned passion.

And then one day she appeared at home with a beaming face.

- Valya! threw herself on her husband's neck. Just look what I brought!

The novelty stood in the corridor, covered on all sides with oiled paper and canvas rags. When the wrappers were removed, the astonished husband saw that the kind hearth keeper had dragged home an old painting, as the label indicated - "in the spirit of the Flemish masters, presumably the eighteenth century."

This gift of heaven depicted a certain young lady in clothes appropriate for the time and a cap, hugging a skull. In front of them (that is, a girl and a skull) on the table lay a still life of pears, apples and berries. All this luxury was illuminated by the dead light of the moon, which made its way through a narrow Gothic window.

The shocked husband did not even find words suitable for the occasion.

He paid all the expenses out of bewilderment.

So in the house of my friend appeared famous painting, which the guests called the "Dead Man's Shelter". But the emergence of this value has led to the decline not only of the budget of the house, she, the picture, somehow began to create its own climate in the house. For example, she “didn’t like” if the guests stayed up late and sang student songs, and soon receptions in the house began to take place from five in the evening and lasted until eleven, student songs were replaced by classical music, and the hosts themselves turned from cheerful, lively and sociable people into some walking skeletons.

Now only one passion has progressed in my acquaintance: she has become irresistibly drawn to hoarding. Moreover, what to save, it was absolutely all the same to her. She collected everything from paper napkins to moped parts. All this was loaded first in the pantry, then it began to spread through the rooms, conquering free space. This went on for several years, until an accidental fire destroyed the personal property of this family. The "Dead Man's Shelter" burned down, and - it happens! - Everything is back to normal. My friend seemed to wake up from a nightmare, she smiled again, where only her stiffness had gone. And most importantly, after this story with the picture, she stopped somnambulistically wandering through the commission shops in search of unacquired treasures.

“I felt that everything was going wrong,” she later said, “but I could not do anything. Then in the store, when I saw the picture, as if something had pricked me right in the heart, I suddenly realized that I needed this picture like air, and I decided. Had I known, I would never have dragged her into the house. You have no idea how much grief and shame I have experienced over these few years. I understood that I was losing friends, that they began to look at me and my husband somehow strangely, that many of my former friends began to avoid us. I myself hate stiffness, I'm sick of boring interlocutors, I love to laugh. And suddenly all this was gone ... Many times I tried to part with the picture, I felt that it dictates my style of behavior and way of thinking. Every time my hands dropped, and some pitying stories climbed into my head. It seems that I will then miss her all my life and I will go crazy from this loss. God, what a blessing that she burned down!

But stories with such "acquisitions" do not always end well and normal life is restored. Sometimes “bad objects” take possession of the will of the owner so much that he generally ceases to understand that he could once (and in fact quite recently) be engaged in “all sorts of nonsense”. Nonsense these objects consider our normal human life, our troubles and joys, our feeling of compassion and love.

In Moscow, a certain collector was known in the cultural circles of the underground. He was quite a good-natured, even funny man - short, plump, like a fairground hare. And then one day this lover of the elegant bought a divinatory book at a reasonable price, which he liked not so much for its content as for its binding: heavy, gilded, very pretentiously designed. At first, he showed the book to everyone with great pleasure. And then they took her away from her. And he even knew who did it, but he could not understand why. And the man who laid eyes on the book was a great connoisseur of antiques. But the value of the object alone would never have inspired him to such feats. From childhood, he learned well that stealing is a sin. But when he saw a beautiful book, he suddenly realized that he could not live without it. The owner sometimes tried to return the stolen goods, but the visitor (and he was often a guest, one might say, was considered almost a member of the family) either remained silent or pretended not to understand anything. The owner of the book was ashamed to publicly accuse a good friend of stealing.

So several months passed. And unpleasant things began to happen at the thief’s house: at first, his wife fell ill, it seemed that the disease was not so terrible - ordinary bronchitis, but it all ended with bilateral lobar pneumonia, then in one year his whole condition was depleted, and he himself ended up in a nervous clinic , from which he left only six months later. And as soon as everything began to fall into the same rut, it seemed that he stopped being afraid of the dark and catching non-existent giant rats, as he took it and hanged himself. When they found him, this cursed book was lying on the table, open on some ancient ritual of zombification. The owner of the book did not wait for something similar to happen to him, took it and gave it to the museum.

So first you need to think carefully about what you are going to bring home, so that later you do not pay for the mistake you made. Unfortunately, often with old things you can bring bad energy into the house. And therefore, at the first suspicions, it is better to consult with understanding people.

Sometimes they ask, how can you understand in advance that the thing that is chosen for housing is right for you? It is important to trust the inner voice that is always hidden in us, you just need to be able to hear it. If, having crossed the threshold of an empty apartment, you suddenly feel that you are uncomfortable and not well here, you may not even look at this apartment: it does not suit you. You and her were born under different signs, look for yours. His own will respond: “Come here and live, I am your only home!” Also choose furniture and paintings in the house.

In fact, it is important that you feel good surrounded by all these cabinets, tables, secretaries, sofas. Your individual energy and the energy of the house must match the energy of each little thing that you bring. It is also very important that each thing finds its place in the house, finds itself. Things sometimes coexist well with each other, and sometimes it would be better to separate them, because each (especially old things) has its own energy field, and it must be taken into account when arranging objects in the house. When people forget about this, things begin to "revenge" them. One photographer could not understand why in his apartment a vase was constantly falling off the table, why books were falling with a roar from the shelf of the secretary? He even began to sin on the brownie. And nothing strange happened, no battles of positive and negative energy. Just a table and a secretary could not be nearby. And when they were finally separated, the vase stood quietly on the tablecloth, and the heavy folios were not going to fly anywhere. So my advice is: feel the soul of things, the subtle vibration of their energy, and then it will become pleasant and easy for you to live in a house.

"Ejected Chair" Syndrome

One day a young man came to a well-known Moscow psychiatrist and admitted that he considered himself a schizophrenic. And since he did not hide from the army and did not escape from prison, the doctor took his words very carefully, and the two of them began to figure out what had happened to this pleasant young man.

“For some time,” said the visitor, “I began to dream about my children's room. Only for some reason all the items have changed their place. I remember that there were two windows in the room, and one of them had my cot, and the other was my father's desk. Yes, and from the photographs that have been preserved, you can restore the situation. In a dream, everything is terribly uncomfortable: the table is next to the cot, the windows are completely empty, all things are shifted to the right wall, the left one is bare.

I wake up because, starting to cross the room, I cannot move. I'm scared to go out to the empty half, like there is a coffin with a dead person. If only dreams, I would have endured. But now I sometimes hear voices, especially if I'm crossing the street, and recently I shied away to the right side, on which my cot is in a dream, that I almost got hit by a truck.

Little by little, the doctor established what and where was located in the room of this young man in his childhood. In order to learn about the smallest details and find any explanation, the psychiatrist turned to the young man's mother. And then a curious detail emerged. It turns out that the memory carefully concealed from the young man the background of what was happening, in a dream he saw only things shifted from their usual places. He believed that in real life this has never happened before, even during repairs, the furniture was moved, but this was done differently, more, say, delicately. But one day, one and only time, the objects in this room were moved from their places exactly as the patient dreamed. The patient was then about five years old, and that evening instead of the cot that he remembered, there was a tiny sofa in the right corner of the room. And they moved the objects because a fire started in the house and the entire left side of the room was engulfed in flames. The child watched in horror from his corner as the adults fussed, how they pulled furniture from the burning curtains, how they poured water over these flaming rags, many buckets of water. And it seemed to him the most terrible that there, among the flames, his toy horse remained, only a couple of days ago presented for his birthday, which burned to the ground. The fire occurred just because of this toy: a little boy decided to rush through the whole apartment on it with a torch in his hand.

All the details of that evening were erased from the patient's memory. But as soon as the first difficulties in life arose, a picture of a terrible fire came to life in his subconscious, and in a dream it existed not as a terrible incident, but as something frozen - an empty space on the left, where things always stood.

The doctor managed to convince the young man that nothing terrible was happening to him, and when, under hypnosis, the whole picture of the fire appeared in him, the fear disappeared. Because an adult could not react so painfully to this event. After all, nothing terrible happened as a result of the fire. The mother also helped: together with her son, she overcame fear of the space located on the left. She courageously fulfilled all the prescriptions of the doctor, and a year later there was no trace of the obsessive phobia.

But it is noteworthy that consciousness reacted to failures, to life's difficulties in such a way! Sleep! Furniture that has lost its place! From this case, it is clearly seen that such insignificant things as the location of a chair or table are fixed in memory as very significant.

My cousin, who remembered where the chair had been last year, arrived in the summer, could not quickly reorganize herself and ran around the empty place: the chair fell apart in winter and had to be thrown out. And in her memory it firmly nestled opposite the door! So for our well-being it is very important that objects stand in their places, so that there are no “thrown chairs”, otherwise our connection with the world around will go wrong and we will have to run around empty places. And one more thing: if in childhood the objects in the room stood correctly, our life will also be properly organized. Because the world reflected in the eyes is worth much more than the world felt by the hands.

Energy Junkmen

I know many lovers of antiquity who drag home from landfills the things they like - antique chairs, tables and couches, clocks, shelves, books (sometimes really curious and pretty). Now imagine who owned these things before you. What kind of people were they, what information did the objects brought into your house absorb? After all, this information has not gone away, it will now start working for you, in your home, with you and your family. The consequences are often dire.

One of my acquaintances, a healthy, not yet old person, suddenly, for no reason at all, began ... no, not to get sick, because not a single doctor could find any serious illness in him. He began, as they used to say, to wither: he lost weight, did not sleep well, became lethargic and lethargic. Where only he and his wife did not go! .. The diagnosis was unequivocal: "healthy." Well, maybe a little overwork, a slight depression, nothing more. The whole horror is that this man literally died out within six months and died quietly - he fell asleep in the evening and did not wake up. In the death certificate, the doctors wrote: "Exacerbation of coronary heart disease." What exacerbation, let me ask, if before that these same doctors did not find any coronary heart disease in him at all? Did she develop during the night while he was sleeping, and by morning it had developed so much that it led to an unexpected cardiac arrest? ..

Our mutual friend, who has been practicing alternative medicine for a long time, came to the commemoration. Just went into the room and - back. “Listen,” he says to me, “I can’t, let’s better leave! Something is going on here - God forbid! I, knowing that he perfectly knows how to read any information, prayed:

“Look what they have there!” Let's find out what happened...

- No, I don’t want to, it’s very bad there, there is “dirt” everywhere. And I do not advise you to visit their house ...

I nevertheless persuaded him, arguing that the friend had a wife and a child who needed some help. It turned out that the "dirt" comes from the couch on which the deceased slept. Yes, such that our psychic then had a desperate headache for two days later (people who work with energy and energy-information fields are often more exposed to them than ordinary mortals). Word by word they questioned the wife of the deceased: it turned out that the owner of this couch had bought it cheaply from some old woman in the neighborhood. And the husband of that neighbor died of cancer exactly, you guessed it, on this bed. He died for a long time and in such agony! .. So she decided to get rid of the object that evoked the most painful memories in her. What has "worked out" in this couch? Of course, the information of a person dying in agony: pain, fear, despair - his emotions; and the feelings of his loved ones, which in those months filled their home: nervousness, impotence, confusion, extreme fatigue, apathy, which often seizes those who care for terminally ill patients. All this was "surrendered" to my friend, and, apparently, his energy was not enough to cope with other people's energy developments.

Sometimes inanimate objects can act as a kind of conductor, passing on to new owners the black karma accumulated by the previous owner. Quite recently, things that had been quite successful before suddenly went wrong at home, and negotiations related to the implementation of a very important project were in jeopardy at work. All this happened at the moment when all the documents were returned to me from our consultant Pavel, an extra-class specialist. In desperation, I asked a psychic friend to see: what was happening? .. He thought for a long time, analyzed, and then began to ask about all the participants in this project. Everything was fine with family members. But Pavel… By common efforts, they remembered that one of his youthful hobbies was digging up the graves of the Great Patriotic War in search of what could be exchanged for hard cash (there is such a movement of “black pathfinders”). The psychic, having heard about this, waved his hands at us: what are you doing, they say ?! Stop all work with this person immediately! And it’s even better if you yourself don’t have contact with these papers in the future - they have already “picked up” such information that it’s just scary, because years of communication with the dead “hang” on Pasha, terrible and huge negative energy information. As soon as we followed this advice, everything went smoothly for us again.

Inheritance is not for future use

From time immemorial, villagers have been cautious about things that were inherited from distant relatives. If relations with relatives were good, kind, and their death was easy, natural, then the inheritance could be accepted. If there was enmity between families, or relatives died in agony, or, worse than that, violent death, in whatever need the house was, they did not take the inheritance, they knew that it would not work for the future, but it could attract any trouble to the house. And then you will have to suffer with that misfortune for a century.

Of course, not all other people's things in a row carry negative information, you just need to be careful and serious about acquiring them. There are also things that, on the contrary, will, having come to you, protect you, help, protect your home.

First of all, these are things given to you with love by those whose good relations does not leave you in doubt. A grandmother's icon, a book, a shawl will never harm, if during your grandmother's life you had a spiritual, spiritual connection, friendly relations with her. Moreover, the love invested by your grandmother in such a thing will help you in difficult times, “nourish” you with positive energy, support your physical and mental health, and give you strength.

There is one very simple way to determine how suitable this or that thing in the house is for you and whether you need to keep it with you, or you should get rid of it immediately: the pendulum test. Everyone probably already knows how such a pendulum is made.

You put the object about which you want to receive information in front of you, take your pendulum simultaneously with both hands - the thumb, index and middle fingers folded into a pinch of each, and hold it over the thing being tested for some time.

Answer options:

1) The pendulum swings back and forth - the answer to your question is yes (of course, it is assumed that a specific question is posed, for example: "Will this thing harm me?" Note: it will bring, not "may bring"! Maybe or cannot - the question is debatable, it is difficult to find an unambiguous answer to it, because everything can potentially happen and always.

3) The pendulum goes around in circles, swings in different directions and cannot stop - wait, the question is being considered, and it may take some time before a specific answer is given to you.

People who have been working with energy for a long time do very well without a pendulum: at the first glance at any thing, with a light touch, they determine its essence and know exactly what kind of relationship they have entered into with this thing.

In principle, and you can try testing the subject by intuition. Look closely at it, don't think about anything, just look. If you are actively sympathetic to a thing, most likely this subject is right for you, if antipathy, doubt, indifference - it seems that your energy fields are not very similar.

You can also ask yourself the question: “Is this thing right for me?” And then to himself to answer the first thing that came to mind and language. Most often, such spontaneous answers are correct, because your subconscious mind answers you, which knows much more than your mental, rational "I", because it stores the information of many generations and egregors.

You can finally bring your palm to the test object and hold it over it. If your hands are sensitive (you may not know this yourself if you have never tried to do this), then from an object that is friendly to you, you will feel warmth emanating from your palm, from a hostile object, respectively, cold and unpleasant sensations, as if your someone's palm is trying to be drawn into the air turbulence.

Be careful with pictures!

We have already touched on this topic, but at the risk of repeating myself, I hasten to warn you again: be careful with the pictures!

A painting, in terms of its energy, is not a closet or a carpet, it is not an element of decorative decoration. A painting is a special world created by the artist's imagination and creativity. That is why every landscape, still life or portrait carries a powerful emotional and energetic charge.

There are pictures that bring only misfortune. I was told about one already famous portrait painter who, as it were, “sucked out” the energy of his donors. Everyone who has ever posed for him ended their days sadly - in a lunatic asylum or in prison. Many of them became victims of accidents. And many of the buyers of paintings fell ill and died from incurable ailments. Once he took up his own self-portrait and ... realized with horror that literally after the third session he began to weaken, severe headaches and fatigue appeared. He tried to work through force, but everything went awry - the hand did not want to obey, the paint quickly thickened. In the end, this self-portrait turned out to be unfinished. Maybe this artist is alive only because he decided not to finish it.

Bad pictures in the house can make you feel bad. I immediately remember an instructive story told by the widow of a wealthy American businessman. This story went around all the major international newspapers covering the problems of the unknown.

A wealthy American woman, a great lover of Expressionist paintings, acquired a painting by the famous artist Otto Dietz.

It was a small work depicting a trench where a young officer was dying, hugging a bayonet. He had a pale green, angular face, a wrinkled forehead in pain, strongly protruding cheekbones, bluish lips, and some kind of birdlike fingers. It was called "The Vision of Death". This "Vision of Death" cost the American a round sum. And she hung this work over her own bed, just opposite the window. Therefore, with the first rays of the sun, a cyanotic vision was awakened to life, and with the onset of twilight, the lady turned on a sconce specially built into the wall in front of the picture. "Vision" has always been engulfed in light. By the end of the year, the widow realized with surprise that she had aged ten years. She did not like it, and she began to turn to various doctors. The woman was diagnosed with many diagnoses - up to oncological diseases. The widow was shocked. A psychic summoned at her request asked permission to inspect the lady's bedroom. And when he saw the picture above the bed, then, as they say, he staggered and began to slowly sink to the floor.

- And how much time do you have? he barely squeezed out.

- About a year.

- How much are you sick?

- Also about a year.

"Have you thought about getting rid of her?"

- From such beauty?!

Having spent a week on persuasion, applying all conceivable and unthinkable arguments, the psychic with great difficulty managed to move the damned picture to the library, where the widow almost never visited.

And at once her condition improved, and the tumors turned out to be non-cancerous.

There are also healing pictures - and they are not so few! About the work of one Lipetsk artist, our contemporary, there is such a rumor. Everyone who posed for him, even in portraits, smiles all the time. And in life they are doing very well. I know an old lady from this town who got it from her children spring landscape. So, before, granny suffered greatly from rheumatism and not a single drug gave her relief. And after she hung the picture in her bedroom, the rheumatic pains became weaker - and after six months they completely disappeared.

“You know, daughter,” she said to me, “thanks to my kids. As soon as I hung up their picture, my back began to unbend, and so I walked - with my nose to the ground.

Unfortunately, after the infamous television sessions of Kashpirovsky and Chumak, we are distrustful of the idea that any thing can be "charged". And we neglect a great opportunity - to find our healing object: a picture, a book or a fragment of a mineral.

Are the stones cured?

Minerals are the most ancient rocks of the Earth. Imagine that a nondescript stone that your child brought home from a walk can keep the memory of the era of dinosaurs, because crystals and minerals are a kind of information accumulator of various kinds.

Perhaps that is why children who are interested in everything (they collect any information!), Often pick up stones from the ground and carry them in their pockets. I myself have an irresistible addiction to various pebbles and used to bring dozens of them from the sea coast. Until my husband, who returned from a business trip, told me a story about his hotel roommate, a cheerful, healthy geologist. This geologist at one time brought home from the expedition a piece of ultramafic - black, heavy, viscous rock. I don’t know why he liked ultrabasite, he even looks rather nasty. With the advent of the “souvenir” in his house, literally the devil began to happen: every night a noise of unknown origin began in the house, something fell, broke, things began to disappear, and completely randomly and pointlessly: one shoe or the owner’s passport could disappear ... Then the geologist's wife and twelve-year-old son began to have visions. The impression was as if the whole family had been taking drugs regularly for a long time. It takes a long time to tell the whole story, but its result was disastrous: after a few months, everyone, except for the geologist himself, almost ended up in psychiatric hospital. Fortunately, the geologist himself was stronger, so his negative impact did not hurt so much. Then, in the process of clarifying the circumstances, he learned that a piece of rock, which he so carelessly brought into the house, was found at the site of the temple of some sect of Satanists ...

I would never have believed this story if I had not known: my husband is an extremely sober and critical mind, and if, having believed, he took an ardent part in this, it means that the circumstances told to him were really truthful and serious.

And recently I re-read the book of the remarkable science fiction writer and prominent scientist of the 60s, Ivan Efremov, "The Razor's Edge". There is a story about the mysterious crown of Alexander the Great, which has lain for many centuries in the depths of the sea. And so, when the crown was accidentally found and one of the heroines put it on, disaster struck: the girl fell unconscious, and when she woke up, she found that information about the last months of her life had been completely erased from her memory.

The Macedonian crown was adorned with black minerals of unknown origin. According to legend, it was this royal decoration that was presented to Alexander by the rulers of one of the countries he conquered. And, putting on the crown, the great king turned pale ... And then he secretly asked his military leaders: “Where are we? Why did we come here? And without remembering anything, Alexander the Great ordered his soldiers to return home. And died on the way back...

This is such a science fiction story. And as you know, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Especially in a fairy tale invented by scientists. So be careful with the stones!

In principle, a few general words can be said about crystals and minerals.

Never keep black stones and minerals in your home. Black color is already a sufficient characteristic of the energy-informational structure of a thing. Any person is well influenced by stones and crystals of white, pink, blue, transparent.

A stone or crystal, when you take it in your hand, should seem to you light, slightly warm, pleasant for your hand. An alien stone will cause discomfort in your palm.

And once again about the intuitive perception of reality, each object that exists in it. Look carefully at the stone: it should evoke in you a feeling of sympathy, warmth, benevolence. If so, you can always befriend him...

There are certainly stones that you can recharge, but wouldn't it be easier to immediately find something for your home that definitely suits you?

It is easy and safe to adjust and reconfigure, perhaps, only rock crystal is a mineral that surprisingly easily perceives any impact. Crystal is a light, mobile crystal, surprisingly absorbing all emotions and information.

Of course, a specialist can reduce the negative energy of any stone, and you can take certain actions that will help you reduce the likelihood of risk to your home.

There are a few simple rules. Hold any stone brought into the house for several hours under cold running water. Fumigate them with incense or juniper, just burn them in the oven (but not in the oven, gas fire does not have the properties of living fire!). And it is best to read any prayer over the brought stone three or more times.

What is on your shelf?

You need to be even more careful with souvenirs brought by you or your friends from foreign countries. Within the boundaries of its ethnic group, a little thing can be quite harmless, but once it enters someone else's territory, it can become a source of serious trouble for you and your home. The fact is that during its existence, each nation has streamlined certain energy structures within itself. And you break the connection of the exported thing with the folk culture that created it, and if the traditions of our country and the customs of the homeland of your trinket somehow repel each other, then this object begins to manifest itself in its own way.

If an exotic item is not a fake for sale, but an original, then, most often, it is strongly associated with tribal magic or religious rites of a given country. Therefore, the energy-informational charge of such a “souvenir” is especially strong, which can disrupt the existing energy harmony of your home. Even symbols of a similar faith can do a lot of harm to you: a crucifix from the Vatican or a Catholic figurine of the Madonna will inevitably bring energy confusion into your home. They will not be protection for you in the conditions of a non-native ethnic group, but may well make you the object of attention of shadow forces.

It’s good if you brought these items from a country whose mythology you are at least a little familiar with and can handle. If it is completely alien to you, the consequences can be unpredictable. Do you want to have a small Indian demon at home? Or, even worse, African? Of course, you can then try to find a specialist to cope with the difficulties that have arisen, but there are not so many people in our country who are truly competent in Indian or African demonology ... Even a simple pebble or a shard picked up from the ruins can become dangerous a temple of a foreign culture, not to mention the beloved African masks and Indian figurines. And it will be really bad for you if you bring into the house a souvenir from any part of the body of an animal that is considered sacred in the mythology of this country: a stuffed crocodile or turtle, shark jaws, and the like. Such souvenirs should be immediately disposed of, and the house subjected to a thorough deep cleaning: sprinkle with holy water, fumigate with incense, light candles and lamps. It is best if a minister of the Orthodox Church does all this together with you!.. In any case, it is better to trust a professional.

Particular attention should be paid to books living in your home. We spend our whole life next to books - from infancy to the most advanced years. We always have them at hand: on the shelf, in the bag, under the pillow. We do not even suspect that this constant proximity exposes us to an extremely complex and not always safe impact.

But many people know the legends about the "cursed" books - those who read them go crazy, and their pages "bleed". This is mentioned so often in history.

Of course, old books are endowed with a particularly strong charge, especially if they were copied by hand or printed by hand on carved boards.

Everyone who reads a book certainly receives information not only from its author, but also from all the people who have touched this book. After all, any person who has read the book has left his energy imprint in it, his mark, which will accumulate and intensify from repeated readings.

And if in our material world the thought has quite limited abilities to influence the existing reality, then taking into account the action of the forces of the shadow world, these forces become quite real.

What advice can be given?

First of all, it is necessary to protect children, especially small ones, from the negative influence of books present in your home. Never place an infant's crib or toddler's sofa in close proximity to bookshelves. The most favorable distance is at least half a meter. This is especially important for newborns. After all, the brain of a newborn child is actively engaged in the search for information that he can learn, he absorbs all the information, impressions, emotions. And the books next to the baby can be different, including those riddled with violence, vulgarity, frightening, crippling the psyche. And subsequently, these books can cause obsessive fears in the baby, aggressiveness, a tendency to depression and violence.

Make sure that such books do not remain during sleep and under your pillow or next to the bed, especially if you are sick at that moment and your energy is weakened. At such moments, the energy-informational structure of books may well program your future, predetermine your fate.

If you can't keep the right distance from the bookcase, carefully select books at least for those shelves that are closest to your bed. Let it be good fairy tales, just books that are pleasant for you in every way. It is good if these shelves contain the Bible, the Gospel and other holy books that are permeated with light, peace and peace of mind.

All this, as we have already said, concerns not only small children, although adults are much better protected. But if you take a book to read at night, even a very good one, but which categorically did not like previous readers, you risk waking up with a headache. And it will be the most little punishment you for your carelessness. If you yourself do not accept the ideas set forth by the author, a serious ailment is simply guaranteed for you.

The ancients were well aware of the dangers associated with books. Particularly "powerful" specimens were kept in towers or dungeons, in strong cases sealed with special security locks.

When creating your library, try to keep all the features of books in mind. Consider not only the content and genre, but also the fact that every person to whom you gave this book leaves an energy trace in it. Do you want to read the book “in the original”, one-on-one with the author, or are you more interested in receiving it in the form of a discussion with everyone through whose hands this book has ever passed?..


What unforgivable mistake many new settlers commit, ruthlessly throwing away everything connected with the old dwelling. I remember this terrible cold emptiness when my parents moved me from our wonderful wooden house (exactly the one that Makarevich sang about: “The house was old as a cliff, it grew into the ground up to the windows, and a forgotten garden rustled outside ...”) to soulless standard apartment on the ninth floor. And, as usual, they got the same soulless and standard furniture. And all the familiar, such familiar and cute little things remained in their places, forgotten, betrayed by their owners.

What turned out to be such a neglect of the house, which loved us so much and gave us its warmth for a long time? I stopped sleeping at night. Insomnia at the age of seven. They started showing me to doctors. But not a single doctor, neither a psychiatrist nor a neuropathologist, could find out the real reason for my nightly vigils - a new apartment. As if sensing my negative attitude, after dark she took revenge on me. Rustled, knocked, creaked, grumbled. As soon as I dozed off, chairs fell with a terrible thud, windows opened, or a blanket began to slide off me.

Then, unexpectedly, deliverance came: my toys were brought from the old house. Since then, I have felt that my home, abandoned for this vengeful apartment, is protecting me. He continues to live in my shabby bears and hares.

Ray Bradbury has a wonderful novel called Dandelion Wine.

Remember how on a hot July day the heroes of this novel picked yellow dandelions? Thousands of sunny flowers, from which grandmother made wine, and grandfather poured it into pot-bellied heavy bottles and hid it in the cellar. And then, in the January blizzards, they uncorked them - and summer burst into the snow-swept house and the frosts, the blizzard outside the window, and the long dark cold nights and the heightened feeling of loneliness in the midst of winter snows did not seem terrible at all.

Store for future use your "dandelion wine" - objects-symbols of the sunny moments of our lives. To always be able to keep warm in the cold. An old grandmother's icon, a favorite book of your childhood, a rattle of a son who has grown up a long time ago, a basket with which you go to the forest on foggy and quiet September mornings ...

I myself still keep things from my childhood, reminiscent of the house where I was happy and carefree. Picking up one of them, I instantly tune in to a state of serene happiness, and my emotions feed my house with warmth and light.

When you move to a new apartment, don't forget to take these memories with you. Keep them. Keep your house. Keep every thing that reminds you of the happy days you lived in this house.

And, believe me, life will become much easier!