How to find a good job - a detailed guide for those who want to get their dream job! Interestingly, the need for self-expression is not satiable in principle. Your boss only looks up

It is generally accepted that work is a source of financial well-being, and therefore a person’s happiness. This is true. But why then do some people who are not working, supported by their spouse, buy everything they need, often begin to experience emptiness in life and strive to go to work? This is not necessarily due to depression due to financial dependence. Many people tolerate it calmly. The fact is that work gives a person other advantages that not everyone sees and realizes.

Communication at work allows you to eliminate the emptiness in life. Even if conflicts occur, this is normal. They allow us to express our character and occupy our thoughts. Without them, a person feels sensory hunger and begins to pester others with all sorts of nonsense. Remember the old retired women sitting on a bench near the house and pestering young people with comments. This is precisely explained by the lack of communication after retirement, especially if there are no grandchildren and children live far away. And many pensioners try to work, even if they don’t need money, in order to continue to feel like full-fledged citizens of society.

If a person does what he likes, he experiences the irreplaceable joy of work. For this reason, many go to low-paid jobs, just because they like it this work, although they pay little for it. This does not prevent people from hoping that in the future their work will be better appreciated financially or that they will acquire the necessary skills for advancement in their profession, for career growth.

The need for self-realization, to demonstrate one’s abilities is a very important human need. Many writers write “on the table,” and artists put paintings unappreciated by their contemporaries on the shelf. They cannot help but create, although perhaps their works will only be appreciated by their descendants after their death.

People also need movement, changing the environment around them and self-improvement. Although not everyone likes to study educational institutions, but learning something new about life from time to time is important for most people. Therefore, many often change jobs in pursuit of new experiences. You shouldn't be afraid of this. Although not all employers understand and welcome this.

Work gives self-satisfaction if you see the results of your work benefiting people. Many people try to do social work for this purpose, which is not paid. There are organizations of volunteers that do work that is not prestigious, unpaid, but very necessary for society: caring for the sick, disabled, orphans, etc.

For some people it's not enough to feel the right people, in order to be happy, they also need to be able to command others and demonstrate their power. You don’t have to be a big boss to do this; sometimes even a cleaning lady in an institution manages to command people. Usually people who are in a subordinate, dependent position in the family try to lead at work. They realize their need for power here. But not always. There are people who are simply leaders by nature, and they find themselves ahead everywhere.


Subject test work"Organization systems teamwork».

As you know, all the great achievements of mankind were created by collective (from the Latin collectivus - collective) labor. No matter how long the debate about the role of the individual in history may be, the fact remains immutable that without collective activity these individuals would hardly have succeeded. The whole world is structured in such a way that people must (strive, are forced) to be in teams (groups). This also applies to the animal world, which very often survives only thanks to its “collective”. For example, let us turn to the “goose stories”, the first “postulate” of which states that the flight distance of a flock of geese is 70% greater than the distance covered by one goose. Strictly speaking, in human language it is “one man in the field is not a warrior.”

What does working in a team give?

If we consider the team from a business point of view, we can note the following.

The advantage of collective (group) work is that it allows you to increase work efficiency due to the synergistic effect in which the results joint activities exceed the simple sum of the results of the work of individual members. The synergistic effect is achieved through division of labor, specialization and coordination.

As a result of collective work, knowledge of the characteristics of people’s behavior, patterns of group joint activities, psychological mechanisms of interpersonal interaction appears, as well as the ability to analyze one’s activities as a set of specific problem situations, carry out interpersonal interaction.

Collective work makes it possible to realize the need to change circumstances, and also allows one to find means for the practical implementation of these goals. Formation corporate culture is possible only through the use of methods of working with a team or its groups.

The communication process is part of teamwork. Effective groups make full use of the knowledge and skills of their members, which keeps them motivated to complete their tasks.

Three K's

Modern information technologies contribute to the emergence of a convenient environment for collaboration, which allows users to obtain all the information necessary for work and exchange it with each other. Moreover, communication between geographically dispersed employees of an organization is also possible. In any organization, there are three forms of interaction between employees connected by common business processes. These are the so-called “KKK”: communications, cooperation and coordination.

First, employees can request and send various information to someone. Automating this form of communication requires software that performs communications or email functions.

Secondly, to perform work collectively, you need a shared workspace, both physical and virtual. In terms information technologies- these are databases electronic documents general access. At the same time, for geographically distributed organizations, there must be a mechanism for synchronizing copies of the same document database through communication channels.

Third, when documents are sent according to certain rules, they must be coordinated. Software that solves such a problem must include built-in means of coordinating or automating business processes and document flow.

All this involves collective (joint) work, which is carried out using various software. Operating systems allow you to use shared network resources (folders, printers, modems, etc.), office packages have built-in functions for collaborative work with documents. But there is software that is usually classified as group work programs. Several years ago, IDC conducted a survey of European users of collaboration and teamwork systems. The following results were obtained (listed in descending order of intensity of use), which form the essence of the collaboration software:


Means of dissemination and sharing of information;

Document management;

Ability to run specialized applications;

Facilities scheduling and scheduling;

Corporate knowledge management tools;

Work flow management;

Discussion databases;

Instant message forwarding (chat);

Real-time conferences.

Today, e-mail is the most common means of communication and no longer needs any special comments. To use it, mail servers and clients are used, usually built into Web browsers that provide work with Internet resources.

Instant messaging (chat), also called direct conversation, allows users to exchange text messages almost instantly, simulating a normal conversation between people. This feature, based on the open Internet Relay Chat protocol, is often called "instant mail." Programs in this category include, first of all, ICQ, MSN Messenger and Odigo.

Within a discussion database, the main topic, subtopics, and user reviews have headings that guide the conversation. For discussion databases, you can use special products, such as Consensus @nyWare from Soft Bicycle, and team workspace applications that combine analysis and decision support functions in a discussion database.

Conferencing differs from other collaboration tools in that it provides remote users with the ability to communicate in real time. Conferencing features include chat, discussion databases, voice and video, and a whiteboard function that allows users to annotate documents and view other participants' comments and corrections. Conferencing tools such as Centra Software's Symposium also enable distance learning.

Young professionals focused on career growth and prospects, as a rule, look for work in large well-known companies, national and international. But in fact, work in large organizations has its own specifics, and not every employee will be comfortable in such cumbersome structures. Therefore, when looking for a job, you need to decide which type of companies is closer to you - large or small.

So, let's look at the main features of working in large companies - both the pros and cons.

Pros of working in large companies:

1) Stability.

Large companies“stand on their feet” more firmly. Over many years of work in the markets, they have accumulated significant experience and “ fat layer”, allowing you to survive “famine times”. Well, when the economy grows, large corporations outwardly are simply a symbol of success and prosperity.

Since many large companies are at least partly owned by the state, their stability is not in doubt. Accordingly, having got a job in a large company, an employee feels more confident and protected.

2) Good career opportunities.

IN big companies There are a lot of different managerial positions, and there are almost always some interesting vacancies. Many offices in different cities, regions and even countries. Promising employees move up a “step”, making room for their younger colleagues.

There is an opportunity to make a career not only within one office, but also in other locations: branches, representative offices, front offices, retail outlets, service centers, factories, etc.

Also, as a rule, such companies have special recruitment programs young specialists and a whole host of stories about how yesterday's graduates did very successful career inside the company.

3) Opportunities for training and gaining valuable experience.

Large companies have all the necessary resources to staff training, appropriate plans and schedules for advanced training are provided.

And if you happen to participate in the implementation of a large-scale project (especially an international one), you will be able to gain a truly unique experience.

4) Official salaries, social package and guarantees.

In large companies, salaries are usually paid on a certain day. Financial stability allows you to plan your income and expenses, your family budget. By receiving a stable “white” salary, it will be much easier to get bank loan.

5) Clearly defined regulations, responsibilities, etc.

A very convenient feature of working in large companies is the availability of ready-made materials for all “occasions.” You can avoid being distracted by things unusual for this specialties functions, and focus on improving your skills in your chosen field. All rules, powers and work procedures are clearly defined, responsibilities are delineated.

6) Prestige.

Experience working in a reputable company will always be a significant advantagesummary. At the interview potential employer will not ask you what the company where you work (or worked) does.

Work in famous company fills you with pride, gives you self-confidence, and clients and partners treat you with more respect.

7) Comfortable working conditions.

Working in the office of a large company requires fully equipped workplace in a modern business center. Naturally, in good conditions works better.

8) Corporate events.

Also an additional pleasant moment."Corporate Events" more interesting and take place on a grand scale.

But that is not all.

U work in large corporations There are also some disadvantages, and the advantages are actually not so clear.

Let's start with the fact that the work itself can be quite stressful. The same notorious stability of big business is a relative concept. Previous a crisis showed once again that even very big company.

If we talk aboutcareer, there really are quite a lot of opportunities, especially if the company is growing. But it will be much easier to “break into” senior management in a small company (unless you manage to take a leadership position in the branch or department you are opening).

As for narrow specialization, it, accordingly, does not provide the opportunity to develop one’s skills in other areas. In small companies there are as many such opportunities as you like.


Disadvantages of working in large companies:

1) Bureaucracy.

Each document must go through a lot of approvals. Decisions often take quite a long time to make. On paperwork, letters, reports, etc. it takes a lot of time. But in addition to reports, you need to have time to do it yourself work!

2) Strict corporate rules that must be strictly followed.

Dress code, inability to independently plan your working day (including it will be more difficult to leave work if you need to go to interview) etc.

In many small companies you will have much more freedom, opportunities for self-initiative and decision-making. And at the same time there is less control.

3) Depersonalization of the employee.

It is difficult to isolate your work from many others when you are just one of thousands of clerks working in a given corporation. There is much less individuality in the approach to employees.

Concerning salaries, then for the same reason, when finding a job, you are unlikely to be able to significantly “bargain” for something, since salaries can be strictly scheduled in advance.

4) A large number of bosses.

In large companies there are many not only ordinary employees, but also all kinds of bosses. Considering that bosses are usually disliked, there is something to think about.

5) Limited communication within a large company.

Since there are a lot of people working, the circle of communication is generally limited to a department or floor, and communication itself is more formal than in small companies.

6) Intrigue.

As you know, the lion's share of personnel does not bring much benefit to the company (including because responsibility is not as personalized as in small companies). Instead of real work these employees are engaged in creating the appearance of work, communicating on social networks, gossip, intrigue, etc. In small companies, on the contrary, the climate is more “family-like”.

7) Possibility of mass layoffs.

When a large company gets into trouble, being “optimized” can be quite a large number of personnel. “From above” they will simply issue orders: to fire so many percent of the employees. And even the most caring manager will be forced to provide a list of candidates for dismissal.

So getting laid off is a very real risk, especially in... When you are one of thousands of employees and you are not difficult to replace, you can easily be fired without much regret.

8) Brainwashing of employees.

Sometimes eminent employees behave so arrogantly and swaggeringly that from the outside it becomes simply funny. After all, in reality they are just hired personnel. And a brand (even a very famous one) is not an object of idolatry.

Thus, taking into account the listed disadvantages, we can say that work in big companies Not suitable for everyone.

Think about what is more important to you, where it will be better for you to work, and then make a choice.

If possible, it is better to work in both large and small companies. In this case, the experience gained will be more holistic and versatile.

American scientists have selected and systematized more than 400 questions that an applicant could theoretically hear during an interview. However, in practice, an interview most often comes down to 10-15 standard questions and several additional ones, depending on the specifics of a particular vacancy. “Forewarned is forearmed,” says folk wisdom. So in this article we want to warn about those complex issues questions that recruiters often like to ask potential job applicants.

"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
— Albert Einstein

Your career is on certain place job will depend on the first meeting with the employer. You need to be sure that your appearance, language and behavior are good, and you should be prepared for the questions that always arise when applying for a position. Some of them are considered standard and have long been memorized by both employers and job seekers themselves.

There are two main goals to pursue. Firstly, give the interviewer the information that really interests him, because he is conducting an interview for a reason and questions are asked for a reason. Secondly, you need to strive to provide information about yourself that will help you get a position.

"Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers."
— Tony Robbins

No matter what pitfalls you encounter, don't forget your main task- demonstrate your qualifications and personal qualities, corresponding to the proposed position. As you observe the interviewer, be prepared to make adjustments to your behavior if necessary. Stay calm, collected, and don't forget your sense of humor. Humor - the best way out from almost any situation.

Often, challenging interview questions are blatant misrepresentations of what you said. They are used to confuse and disorient the candidate. For example, an interviewer, conducting an interview, formulates the question like this: “Tell me about yourself,” and after your story states: “Why did you come for the interview? After all, you are not suitable for this position! Correctly refuting such statements will significantly increase your chances of success. There is no need to resort to lengthy arguments - just say that what the interviewer said is not true and you are ready to prove it on specific examples. At the same time, show restraint and do not rush to present your arguments. If evidence is needed, the interviewer himself asks clarifying questions.

You should also not give negative reviews about your previous place of work, superiors and colleagues, since your interlocutor may regard this as a potential threat to his own company or persons. It is better to name a neutral reason for dismissal: irregularity of cash payments, lack of growth prospects, remoteness from the place of residence, inconvenient work schedule, etc.

And most importantly, remember that the employer will immediately see that you are nervous or afraid of the interview. The only question is whether he will understand your condition correctly. So be focused, have a clear head, and always answer honestly and thoughtfully.

"Questions are never indiscreet, answers are sometimes."
— Oscar Wilde

Interview questions:

tell us about yourself

Correct answer. You should immediately lay out your advantages over other candidates similar to you (successful work experience, special achievements in your professional field, natural abilities, etc.), emphasizing your desire and full readiness to take this position. Speak calmly, confidently, briefly and precisely.

Error. Formal and dry presentation of biographical data, excessive excitement or emphasized indifference, confusion in simple facts, emphasis on minor details, verbosity.

What difficulties do you see in life and how do you deal with them?

Correct answer. Express yourself in a positive way: there is no life without problems, but difficulties can be overcome, a person’s fate and career are in his hands, people, for the most part, are friendly and ready to cooperate, failures mobilize strength.

Error. Gloomy perception of reality: complaints about fate, bad luck, injustice and constant insoluble problems, blaming other people and external circumstances for everything.

What attracts you to work in this position?

Correct answer. Give specific arguments in favor of the fact that this particular position will allow you to fully realize your aspirations, abilities, knowledge and experience, and the company in your person will acquire an irreplaceable employee (“I have experience in this particular market segment, great connections, a lot of experience and etc.").

Error. Standard phrases: “I am attracted by an interesting job... prospects for growth... good salary.”

Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

Correct answer. Without false modesty, present your “trump cards” if you have not done so yet, or supplement what was said earlier (work experience, specialized education and availability of additional, successfully completed projects, etc.).

Error. Weak arguments in your favor (“I have no work experience, but I would like to try.”), an indication of formal personal data (“Read my resume, it says everything.”).

What are your strengths?

Correct answer. Honestly identify those qualities of yours that are valued at this job in this position. Professionalism, activity, decency, goodwill towards people, truthfulness and devotion are always and everywhere valued.

Error. A cutesy, modest answer: “Let others judge that...”.

What are your weaknesses?

Correct answer. Readily name 2-3 of your shortcomings, skillfully presenting them as advantages, for example: “I always tell the truth to the face... I am too demanding of myself and others... I am often called a “workaholic”, etc. Remember: weaknesses should be a continuation of your strengths.

Error. An honest admission of shortcomings (badly familiar with this type of work, lacking special education, lazy, hot-tempered, etc.).

It is also wrong to say, “I have no shortcomings.” - this is perceived as a lack of criticism towards oneself, a tendency to blame colleagues in case of failure, or simply as a lie.

Why did you leave your previous job (decided to change jobs)?

Correct answer. Speak positively about your previous place of work, managers and employees. The reason for dismissal is the desire to fully realize one’s capabilities, to get more difficult work and high salaries.

In extreme cases, the reasons can be given as the distance between home and office or the layoff of an entire department (and not you personally).

Error. A story about a conflict with management or employees, criticism of a previous place of work and people, an admission of the ineffectiveness of one’s work.

Will your personal life interfere with work associated with additional loads?

(irregular working hours, long or long-distance business trips, etc.)

Correct answer. Answer in the sense that you are ready for additional workloads, which, however, should be discussed more specifically.

Error. Immediately agree to everything or refuse everything, explaining this by family difficulties, the presence of small children, etc.

How do you imagine your job (career) in 2 years (five, ten years)?

Correct answer. You should answer that you are planning career growth in the future, formulating the stages and goals of your personal career. It is better to moderately overestimate than to underestimate yourself.

Error. Surprise and answers: “How do I know?”, “I have no idea.”

What salary are you expecting?

Correct answer. Find out the salary range for this position and name a slightly higher figure than the one you are willing to accept.

Error. Underestimate or overestimate yourself.

“They cannot but exist,” says Grigory Cherkasov, commercial director at Citilink, “if the employer’s vacancy really interests you. While studying the company’s website, you probably couldn’t find all the information you were interested in. It would be appropriate to point this out during the interview. The job description also can't include all the details that are specific to your expertise, so asking questions that clear up the dark spots will demonstrate to the employer how well you understand what you'll be doing."

Nowadays, the employer not only asks questions, but also likes the applicant to show interest in the company for which he wants to work. The opinion of the employer’s representative who conducts the interview depends on the initiative of the applicant, on his, albeit ostentatious, but still interest. And it is in the applicant's interest to make a good impression.

Along with pre-thought-out answers to the employer’s possible questions, you need to prepare your own list of questions to ask the employer at the interview. Here are some questions, after receiving the answer to which, the applicant will understand whether he needs this place of work, whether the position that is offered is suitable.

  • What will be the job responsibilities(what tasks and plans will be set for the potential employee, what exactly will he do in the company, and is it also worth asking about interchangeability)?
  • What are the reasons for this vacancy?
  • What is the procedure for applying for a job in a company (work book)?
  • What working hours are accepted at the company (including breaks during the working day, overtime work)?
  • What probation? Is mentoring developed in the company, does it provide for the introduction of a new employee into the course of company affairs, is the workload given immediately or gradually?
  • What is the company’s social package: is it fully complied with? Labor Code, is medical insurance, food, corporate fitness provided? Separately, it is worth clarifying about the payment of sick leave.
  • What employee motivation programs have been developed in the company (bonuses, training, etc.)?
  • How can you characterize the “superior-subordinate” relationship?
  • What meetings/planners/meetings will you have to participate in?
  • What plans does the company have in its market segment?

At the same time, it is worth showing the employer your interest in the proposed vacancy, as well as trying to make compelling arguments that the employer has exactly the person they need. It is also worth asking whether indexation of remuneration is provided, how often the level is revised wages, are there any formal procedures for this or does this procedure occur automatically (for example, annually).

We continue our journey through Silicon Valley. Today we'll look into new office Facebook.

Headquarters of the most popular social network in the world is strikingly different from the offices of other IT companies. This is not rainbow-colored Google, or artsy Apple, or out-of-touch Microsoft. Facebook office as if they rented it and didn’t finish it: Somewhere everything is gorgeous, but somewhere it’s ordinary.

It's better to see it once, but we'll tell you as much as possible.

Internship. Social network to help

The internship lasts 3 months. During this time, newcomers help employees in solving current problems. The average salary for an intern is $6,213.

Job. Not as good as I wanted

The company's engineers are on duty six weeks a year. During this time, they must be in touch around the clock and monitor the operation of the service. Some workers say they are harassed even while on vacation.

One of the guiding principles at Facebook is: Contribute. Many managers spend little time with their subordinates because they are focused on personal success.

The informal environment, coupled with an ineffective management model, seriously complicates work in the company. Get it together Facebook, you can do more!

Facebook employees with their laptops can work wherever they want: on the couch in lounge areas, on the street, and even on a suspended platform.

Salary. 1 dollar per year

Software Engineer III makes $113,830 per year. But you can’t get into this without work experience. The higher the level of an engineer, the more he earns.

The chief engineer takes home $198,558 per year. This is the guy who forms a team of engineers for each specific product and distributes tasks.

Mark Zuckerberg has recently received $1 a year. At the same time, the company pays him all expenses, he receives dividends and other deductions. But membership in the dollar club is guaranteed. Steve Jobs was there, he received a dollar a year from 1998 to 2011.

Office. Unfinished open space

In April 2015, Facebook moved to a new headquarters, which was located opposite the company's old office.

On the roof of the headquarters there are parks, observation decks, and walking paths. The view of the bay is amazing.

There are small coffee shops inside the campus that also sell snacks. This is a well-known chain in San Francisco called “Saint Frank Coffee”.

Facebook is the largest open space office in the world. There are practically no partitions in the main hall, 40,000 square meters - one huge office in which all employees work. No personal space. Ideally, this should encourage employees to discuss tasks and increase their efficiency.

For ease of movement, screens are hung around the office, making it easy to find the desired desk.

The workstations of all employees, with the exception of some top managers, are simple white tables, on which there is a laptop, an external monitor and a few trinkets. There is no need for boxes, since everything you need is given out free of charge in the office. Mark Zuckerberg sits at the same table. Doesn't stand out.

There is a wall where everyone can write something.

For at least some privacy, there are small meeting rooms scattered throughout the office. They are all named after music festivals or famous works.

There is a park on the roof, two laps of which last 30 minutes. This is the duration personal meetings project managers with employees, and they take place every week.

Buses and bicycles are vital for getting around campus.