Ignoring is the best way to tie a person to yourself: is this really so? Ignoring is the best way to tie a person to yourself: why, why and how it works in general

Socialites so accustomed to being sought out that

Anyone who avoids them seems like a curiosity to them and completely captures their attention.

Marcel Proust. At the Guermantes's

Ignoring as a personality quality is a tendency to deliberately not notice, not take into account a person, information, facts.

One young man was driving a shiny new Jaguar in in a great mood, humming some tune. Suddenly he saw children sitting by the road. After he carefully drove around them and was about to pick up speed again, he suddenly heard a stone hit the car. The young man stopped the car, got out of it and, grabbing one of the boys by the collar, began to shake him, shouting: - Brat! Why the hell did you throw a rock at my car? Do you know how much this car costs?!

Forgive me, the boy answered. - I had no intention of harming you or your car. The fact is that my brother is disabled, he fell out of the stroller, but I cannot lift him, he is too heavy for me. We have been asking for help for several hours, but not a single car has stopped. I had no choice but to throw the stone, otherwise you wouldn't have stopped either.

The young man helped sit the disabled man in a chair, trying to hold back his tears and suppress the lump that had come to his throat. Then he went to his car and saw a dent in the shiny new door left by the stone. He drove this car for many years, and every time he said “no” to the mechanics’ offer to repair this dent on the door, because every time it reminded him that if you ignore people, a stone will fly at you.

Ignoring - pretending to Madrid that you have a veil over your eyes. Intentional not seeing, not noticing and not communicating, such as your subscriber temporarily does not like you.

In dictionaries it is usually interpreted as a type of relationship between people, a method of influencing a person in order to control his behavior, consisting of inattention, neglect, non-recognition of him, his actions and words. Ignoring in education is used as a method of punishment for an offense, as a method of excommunication, alienation of a person from communication with significant people, from participating in significant matters. Children perceive the influence of this method very painfully, so they cannot use it for a long time: “It’s the most offensive thing - when they don’t pay attention to you. Honestly, it would be better if they fought.” (Max Fry)

In a word, ignoring is one of the most used ways of protecting a person from circumstances, as well as a way of punishing another person, that is, one of the types of emotional abuse.

- Doctor, everyone is ignoring me! - Next! Ignoring - avoiding through decision taken- ignore: - I don’t see you point-blank! For example, a girl, for some reason, “does not notice” a guy.

Summer, sea, south... The guy has just arrived, walks along the beach and, oh, he sees a naked sunbathing girl. The guy is seized with tetanus: his eyes widen, his jaw drops, saliva flows, his lip rolls out. The girl raises her head in a relaxed manner: “New guy?” - Yeah! - So I haven’t given it to you yet? - Nope... The girl puts together a combination of three fingers: - ON!

Why resist something when you can ignore it? Excessive neglect can lead to indifference. It is dangerous to keep your distance from problems. Avoidance in the form of ignoring is good in moderation. At some point, you have to make decisions about how to respond to a problem. For example, the father’s constant ignoring of problems at home - at first because of fatigue, and then out of habit, but they no longer bother him, “let his wife sort it out.”

An amazing phenomenon: a person, completely ignoring his problems, spends as much energy on self-justification as if he were actually solving the problems that have arisen. Ignoring the laws of the Universe always ends sadly. I do not recommend joking with objective laws that do not depend on our will and consciousness.

They say that laziness is fear extended over time. And the reason for this fear can be excuses. There is a phrase - “Only a slacker could be so tired.” People call such states: “tired of living,” “life has become a burden,” “carrying a load on my shoulders,” etc. The casket opens simply: there is an equal sign between the energy of action and the energy of justification . A person who justifies his inaction gets just as tired as a person who solves a problem. Keeping excuses in your mind requires spending an equal amount of energy with actually taking action to solve the problem. With this explanation, it becomes clear why fatigue accompanies laziness. Laziness is a form of accumulated fatigue due to the expenditure of energy on holding on to one's own excuses. A lazy person, that is, an justifying person, is faced with a choice - either action or excuses. The need to choose causes fear. The importance that a person sees in a problem only increases fear. If you take away excuses from laziness, then, scary to say, you will have to make decisions and act.

How appropriate is it to ignore? Psychologist Alena Voronets writes: “For example, the mother-in-law answered somehow rudely to her daughter-in-law’s question. It is worth considering whether this is typical behavior or whether the person is tired, irritated and out of control of his behavior. If the latter, then why focus attention on this and respond to aggression with aggression. It would be wiser to ignore the rudeness. But if this is the norm for the above-mentioned mother-in-law and she consciously leads to conflict, then there is a problematic situation that needs to be resolved in order for normal communication to be possible. It is strongly recommended not to ignore serious problems. By moving away from them, you will not be able to find a solution, which means they will remain and over time will acquire unnecessary facts that will further clog up the situation.

The same mother-in-law, for some reason dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law, will continue to use rudeness and involve other members of the family circle in the conflict until the daughter-in-law’s strength fades away. The result is a huge scandal or, worse, the quiet withering of the daughter-in-law due to fear of a frank conversation and solving the problem with her mother-in-law. The reason for ignoring serious problems can be banal fear: fear of failure, fear of losing time and money while solving a problem.”

Ignoring is one of the types of not listening. You can actively listen and hear a person, you can pretend that you are listening, you can listen with pretension, or you can simply ignore, that is, turn a deaf ear, interrupt, mock, ridicule. Listening and ignoring is disrespectful and ignorant. A person does not see a person in another person and rejects it in advance.

A person who ignores spiritual reality exhibits one-sidedness and superficiality of thinking. If there is matter, then there is also antimatter. Ignoring spiritual reality greatly hinders getting on the path in time spiritual development. This is a big minus of being ignored.

Peter Kovalev

Hello to all those who like to pick their brains! No, I’m not talking about surgeons and pathologists, I’m talking about those who are impressed by psychology, those whom you don’t feed with bread - let them study such a complex phenomenon as a person.

Today I will touch on a slightly rare, but not at all boring topic - ignoring individuals of their own kind. We will figure out why the ignore - The best way tie a person to you. Let’s also think about why this “method of attracting attention” is so effective.

Where do the legs grow from or why does ignoring work in the opposite direction?

Surely, many of you have heard that by ignoring a person, you can attract his attention. But the question immediately arises: “Is this even legal?” How it works?

Human nature is such that we are all selfish creatures! And this is an established fact, even the most altruistic people are not able to argue with the laws of nature that work at the conscious and subconscious levels.

If we are still able to control our consciousness, then, alas, we cannot control our subconscious.

“Why ignore a person to attract attention,” you ask. On the contrary, you can try to “show yourself” in all your glory!

But the reality is that the person who is being ignored is, in most cases, capable of feeling rejected.

And then Her Majesty “Narcissism” comes onto the stage. Coupled with egoism, this produces a nuclear mixture, encouraging a person to prove his worth and importance.

This is where it begins... The attention of the ignored person to the ignorer increases quite significantly. In fact, this works precisely because the ignored person wants to prove his importance, first of all, to himself - that he is needed, that he is noticed.

Therefore, we can say that such a “seduction scheme” works solely from the selfish motives of the potential victim. And considering that a person initially has a code in his subconscious to love himself, which encourages him to increase the level of his own self-sufficiency, this method works for most people.

However, it is worth considering that this method is not a magic wand and it does not guarantee one hundred percent success in attracting attention. It works under certain conditions, which I propose to get acquainted with right now.

Instructions for management: how to attract attention to yourself using ignoring and why is it even needed?

To begin with, it is advisable to decide for what purpose you want to attract attention. a certain person: to amuse your ego, play with someone else’s feelings or achieve their favor. Everyone has their own preferences, but this law of psychology works the same for everyone.

First, don't ignore the person whose attention you want to attract from the very beginning. First, show him that he is important to you. Otherwise, you risk scaring him off with your indifference.

After you have made it clear to him that you like him, start acting.

But don’t try to flirt and shower this person with your cold attitude towards him. It is best to be polite to him: when rescheduling the meeting, tell him about it gently and express your disappointment about such force majeure.

Secondly, don’t delay ignoring! Otherwise, you will get the corresponding result - the person will lose interest in you and become cold.

You should ignore it only for a short time in order to attract attention, after which you need to act, and not continue to dynamize your potential passion (this is especially true for men, although a priori they will not act in this way).

By the way, it’s worth making a small reservation that this technique does not work for all people, because some of them have a low degree. Namely, it forces a person to prove his importance.

Therefore, it will be difficult to attract the attention of a person who is absolutely violet by ignoring him, what others think about him and whether they even pay attention to him.

Nevertheless, this method of “seduction” should not be written off. I'm also interested in hearing your opinions and stories regarding this topic. With this, I don’t say goodbye to you, but say: “See you soon!”

Always me - Sasha Bogdanova

Ignoring a person and/or situation is one of the most common ways psychological protection or punishment. Despite its apparent simplicity, little is as effective as this simple trick. The danger is that the technique of ignoring rarely leads to a final solution to certain problems, since, in fact, it is a way to evade any action. We’ll talk more about the psychology of ignoring today.

Ignoring as a defense

With the help of ignoring, as a technique of defensive reaction to the emergence of a particular problem, a person, as it were, creates an alternative reality in which some block of information is missing. The so-called ignoring matrix helps to find it.

Ignoring Matrix

The neglect matrix is ​​a special model that considers neglect in terms of type and level. These two concepts are similar and to some extent interchangeable.

1. Types of ignoring:

  • ignoring the fact of what is happening. In this case, we refuse to see this or that situation that creates a certain problem;
  • ignoring the fact of the problem. This type of ignorance involves accepting what is happening but refusing to acknowledge that reality poses any problem;
  • ignoring opportunities. You see the situation, recognize the problem, but ignore the existence of possibilities for solving it.

2. Ignore level:

  • ignoring the availability of opportunities;
  • ignoring the significance of opportunities, in other words, doubting their (opportunities’) effectiveness;
  • ignoring the option to change capabilities;
  • Ignoring personal abilities associated with self-doubt and fear of inability to take advantage of opportunities.

The ignoring matrix provides all combinations of types and levels of ignoring, adding up to a diagram of three columns (types) and four rows (levels). The method of using the ignoring matrix allows you to find that part of the information that is ignored, preventing the solution of a certain problem. To do this, you need to start checking each cell, starting from the upper left corner of the matrix, moving diagonally down.

It is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as rational ignoring, when our apathetic behavior is due to the fact that we do not see any personal benefit from participating in a certain action. The most common example is reluctance to go to elections, participate in demonstrations, etc. In this case, the psychology of ignoring is also considered as a defense, in in this case, passivity protects us from energy expenditure.

Ignoring as a method of punishment

Very often we use the method of ignoring, trying to somehow influence others. The psychology of ignoring a person is that we consciously do not pay attention to the person we want to punish or hurt.

In addition, the reason for ignoring, paradoxically, may be an attempt to attract attention to oneself. So, for example, the reason a woman ignores a man may be her desire to show the man her resentment. The problem is that such a method, as a rule, is met with aggression and misunderstanding in response. Men usually they don’t know how to react to being ignored and respond in kind. The result is a vicious circle of inaction and increasing conflict.

At the same time, girls often take advantage of being ignored when they want to attract the attention of the man they like. In this case, they rely on the notorious hunting instinct.

One way or another, ignoring is a passive action, by resorting to which a person consciously refuses own strength and responsibility. Remember that most often this method does not live up to expectations.

Ignoring someone can be quite difficult, especially if you constantly bump into that person on your way, if they try to talk to you or if they don't quite understand what's going on. But if you really need to ignore this person, then try to look very busy with your business, change your usual lifestyle and break off all contacts with this person. Check out the following tips about how to ignore someone.


Use body language

  1. Don't look this person in the eye. Not making eye contact is the best way to ignore people. The moment your eyes meet, it will show that you are aware of this person's existence and your efforts to ignore him will be in vain. If this person is in close proximity to you, avoid making eye contact at all costs. Look at everyone except him, look in front of you or just at the floor.

    • If a person is shorter than you, then just look over his head. If it is higher, then do not look up.
    • If he is the same height as you and is standing nearby, try to portray a blank, indifferent look in case you accidentally meet his eyes.
  2. Pass by quickly. Another way to ignore a person is to walk as quickly as possible. This will show that you are a busy person, you have a lot of things to do, and that you have no desire to stop and talk to this person. Walk with your head held high and look like you're in a hurry to get things done, even if you're not.

    • If you see this person approaching you from afar, move away a little so as not to accidentally bump into him.
    • Don't swerve to get around your enemy. Walking to the other side of the road or taking a turn shows that you care. However, if you see him in the distance and are sure that he does not see you, then it is better to really turn out of your way and get out of sight.
  3. Pretend to be somewhat "closed". If you happen to find yourself next to this person, fold your arms across your chest, cross your legs if sitting, hunch a little, and generally do everything to appear completely unattainable. Your body should be saying, "Don't talk to me, buddy," and chances are your enemy will get the message.

    • Don't smile. Keep your face serious, even a little sullen, to show that you don't want to talk to anyone.
    • You can also present your face with a blank and meaningless expression, which will scare off anyone who tries to talk to you.
    • If you have long hair, bangs, or you are wearing a hat, then try to cover part of your face so that you do not have to look into the eyes of this person.
  4. Try to look like you're very busy. You can appear either closed off from everything around you, or very, very busy, so much so that you simply cannot spare a second of your time for idle chatter with this person.

    • If you are in this moment with friends, then turn to face them and begin to animatedly discuss and gesticulate something. This will show that you are too busy to talk or look in anyone's direction.
    • If you're alone, immerse yourself in a book, magazine, or textbook. You can even read out loud quietly, as if you are memorizing something.
    • Always have a lot in your hands various items. When you walk or sit, hold your phone, textbooks, or a large indoor flower in a pot. Seeing how busy you are, this person will not start a conversation with you.

    Use technology

    1. Use your phone. This will help you ignore any person. There are several ways to use your phone for this purpose. First, you can stare at your phone to look busy as soon as you see your enemy. You can talk to someone on the phone, laugh wildly, or immerse yourself in correspondence with someone with whom you would like to communicate at the moment.

      • Change your phone number so that this person cannot call or text you.
      • Block him in your contacts so you don't receive messages from him.
      • Set your phone's ringing function to a time when you're near that person so you can pick up the phone and pretend you're talking to someone.
    2. Listen to music. Buy headphones and always wear them when you are alone, even if you are not listening to music. When you see your enemy, turn up the music and bob your head to the beat to look completely engrossed and busy with what you're doing and not wanting to spend a minute of your time talking.

      • If you really want to annoy, you can also close your eyes and sing along to the music so that the person does not have the slightest chance of talking to you.
    3. Ignore online. It is much easier to ignore someone online than to ignore someone online. real life, since you won't have to avoid meeting him. In this case, you just need to ignore emails, Facebook posts, Twitter notes and any other messages on the Internet.

      • Block this person in your in social networks. Make sure he can't contact you online.
      • Change yours email address and virtual nicknames, if necessary. Your enemy should not have a single way to contact you online.

    Change your habits

    1. Take a different route. If you want to ignore someone and not have to meet them every time you walk, the easiest way is to simply change the route you usually take. If you always meet your enemy on the way in between classes, then take a different, longer path to next lesson so as not to see this person. If you regularly see him at work, walk down a different hallway and use a different restroom to keep contact to a minimum.

      • If you meet him wherever you go, then start driving your car.
      • If your enemy also changed his route to catch your eye again, then keep changing your route until he gets tired of this stupid game.
    2. Avoid places where your enemy likes to be. It's elementary. If you know his favorite bars, restaurants and parks, just don't go there anymore. It's not worth it, however, if you want to spend enough time there and continuously ignore this person, then you can try.

      • You can also remember the days when he usually is there. If he visits his favorite restaurant on weekends, and you really want to go there, then try to go there during the week.
      • If he only goes to his restaurant during happy hour, then you can go there a little later in the evening.
    3. Go to places where your enemy would never go. For example, if he prefers meat dishes, then look for restaurants in your area that serve vegetarian dishes. If he hates jazz, then go to a jazz concert in your area. If he is at enmity with one of your friends, then at this friend’s party you are unlikely to meet your enemy and will be able to have a good time.

      • Visiting places and establishments where this person does not go will not only help you ignore him, but will also open up new and unexplored horizons for you.

    Ignore someone in any situation

    1. Ignore someone at school. It may not be that easy, especially if you are in the same class, but you can still find a way. Here's how to do it:

      • If you are sitting at the same desk as this person, move to another desk. If everyone in the class has their own seat, then ask the teacher to move you.
      • If you see him at the school cafeteria, sit at a different table.
      • If you meet him in the school hallway, just look straight ahead, as if you were in such a hurry to get to your next lesson that you didn’t notice how you passed this person.
      • If he asks you a question in class, turn your head to the side as if nothing happened.
    2. Ignore someone at work. This can be quite difficult, since you may be sitting next to your enemy or even working on the same project. Still, there are several ways to minimize contact.

      • Do not go into the office kitchen or break room while this person is there. Remember when he usually eats lunch in the kitchen or pours himself coffee, and try, if possible, to have lunch and rest at other times.
      • If you are sitting in the office next to your enemy, then try to concentrate on working on the computer, and always have a pile of work papers on hand so that you can immerse yourself in them instead of looking in his direction.
      • This shouldn't affect your professional activity. If you need to discuss something with this person regarding work issues, discuss it. It will be even more unpleasant for him if you talk to him at work and completely ignore him outside the work space.
    3. Ignore someone socially. It's easy enough if you know what to do. You need to rely on your friends and try to stay as far away from this person as possible, even if you are in the same room. Here's what you can do:

      • Surround yourself with friends. Talk to them and laugh as if you've never heard anything funnier in your life.
      • Dance. If your enemy approaches you while music is playing, immediately grab your friend and go dance. If he does approach you on the dance floor, close your eyes as if you were enjoying the music.
      • If he is in the same circle of friends as you, then immerse yourself in an active conversation with one of your friends. When he starts talking, start scratching your ear or staring at the phone, in a word, act as if nothing is happening.
    • Listen to your MP3 player to disengage from the person who is bothering you.
    • If your enemy tries to talk to you, then take out your phone and pretend that you are answering the call.
    • Make sure you have a good reason to ignore the person. (For example, if he wants to ask for forgiveness, then he can be given a chance).
    • If you know that you can meet this person in some certain place(for example, in a store), then see if his car is in the store parking lot before going there.
    • While at work, keep your door closed or pretend to be on the phone.
    • Learn to see people out of the corner of your eye. Then you can pretend you don't see them.
    • You still need to talk to your enemy if the reason for your ignoring is completely solvable.
    • If the person you are angry with is sincerely repentant, then it is probably better for you to forgive him or have a serious conversation before cutting off all contact with him. Give him/her a chance - most likely it's just a misunderstanding.
    • If the person you are trying to ignore calls you by name or otherwise gets your attention, there is an easy way out of this situation. Try to look very busy, say "Hello" absentmindedly and continue walking as if you have something urgent to do.
    • If you don't like this person, then doing all this is even easier.


    • Ignoring someone who sincerely wants to talk to you brings a lot of pain and suffering to the person. Before you start ignoring someone, make sure he/she really deserves it.

It's always frustrating to be ignored, whether it's your friend, sister, or boyfriend. For this person to stop ignoring you, you need to take a step back and think about what caused it. Afterwards, talk to the person, apologize if necessary, and find a mutual solution. If this doesn't work, it may be time to end the relationship and move on.


Part 1

Finding the reason
  1. Give this person more personal space. If a person is ignoring you, then the worst thing you can do is call, text and message on VKontakte every five seconds or even follow the person asking him: “What happened? What I've done?" You may want to make every effort to improve your relationship, but you shouldn’t do all of the above. Instead, step back and let the person cool down or just move away from you a little, and think about what you can do.

    • The desire to get instant results and solve problems right away is quite natural. However, it's worth letting the person cool down so you can both think about what happened instead of starting a conversation you're not ready for.
  2. Make sure the person is actually ignoring you. Perhaps everything is not at all what it seems? Are you sure the person is actually ignoring you and not just too busy to answer your calls the second you dial them? Maybe the person is really in bad mood or find yourself in a bad situation and think that ignoring everyone is the best way to deal with it.

    • Look at how this person behaves with other people. Is he willing to chat and is friendly and familiar with others? If so, then yes, most likely it's you. But if it seems that a person has withdrawn a little from the world around him and is acting withdrawn, then most likely you have given yourself too much credit.
  3. Think about why a person might be angry with you. Well, if you have decided that the person is indeed ignoring you, then it is time to dig deeper and determine what you could have done to make this happen. In some cases, it's quite simple - maybe you really offended the person by not inviting them to the party, maybe that person heard you start rumors about them, or maybe you said something hurtful even though you didn't mean it and the person I was upset because of this.

    • If you identify the reason, you will be more prepared before starting a conversation than if you simply ask the person directly why he is ignoring you. Knowing the reason will allow you to choose the right words and defend yourself if something happens. Forewarned is forearmed.
    • However, keep in mind that the reason may not be good. Perhaps the person decided that you wanted to harm him with your harmless act. Even if you think you are right, it will be useful to find out what the person really thinks.
    • Of course, you shouldn't contact every mutual friend to find out why this person is angry with you, otherwise the information will get to him, and then he will get even more angry.
  4. Don't let this problem consume you. Yes, no one likes to be ignored. This can be especially painful if this person is your best friend or other half. If you are used to spending a lot of time with this person or just communicating in the same company, then yes, it is unpleasant when you get a cold shoulder out of the blue. It might make you mad, it might make you mad. bad thoughts about oneself or causes embarrassment, especially if the person deliberately does so in front of other people. However, no matter how bad the situation is, you should focus on your life and your goals, on what makes you happy - do not show the person that your happiness depends only on your relationship with him.

    • Of course, this will annoy you, but life goes on. Tell yourself: “I will be angry that my friend is not talking to me from 5:00 pm to 5:15 pm, and then I will go back to my life.” If you think about it over and over again, you won't get better.

    Part 2

    Take a step
    1. Talk to the person. Once you've given the person some space and have an idea of ​​why the person is angry at you, it's time to try starting a conversation. Don't do this in public place or in the middle of the day, when it is likely that the person will be busy or tired; instead, ask the person if you can meet later and choose a suitable place and time to talk. If the person doesn't really want to deal with you, then choose a time when you can talk privately without annoying him too much.

      • Tell the person that you are hurt by being ignored and that you would like to talk about it. Let him know what your relationship means to you and how you want to communicate with him again.
      • If you genuinely don't understand what's going on, ask. Tell him that it will make you both feel better if he reveals the reasons why he is ignoring you.
      • If you have romantic feelings for this person, be prepared for the possibility that he no longer likes you or that he no longer shares your feelings. Yes, it hurts, but it’s better to know about it than to guess what a person really thinks.
    2. Apologize if necessary. If you know or have been told why a person is ignoring you, then look the person in the eye, look serious and tell him that you are really sorry that you did that. Tell the person that you are truly sorry for what you did and that it will never happen again. Show that the relationship means a lot to you and that you've spent a lot of time thinking about how you wish this had never happened. Don't be distracted, let the person see the pain on your face, show how sorry you are.

      • If the person is upset about what you did, but you really don't think there's anything to apologize for, then you'll have to make a decision. Do you want to stand up and not ask for an apology, because nothing catastrophic happened? Or is it better to apologize in order to improve relations and so that they stop ignoring you? The choice is yours.
    3. If an apology doesn't help, then back off. Okay, you've already apologized, but the person isn't moving, or he or she still feels offended. If you did something truly offensive - cheated, spread rumors, or upset a person - then an apology alone will not be enough. Perhaps the person is telling you that your action cannot be forgiven; Perhaps the person will tell you that he wants to be friends with you, but it will take time for the pain to subside. Whatever you hear, respect the person's needs and back off.

      • You probably want to return everything to its place overnight, even if the person says that he needs more personal space. However, keep in mind that emotional wounds do not heal immediately. Don't rush, give it time.
      • Endless “forgive me” will be of no use. It's time to give this person time and space to understand themselves and the situation. It won't be easy, but there is no other way.
    4. Determine if it's worth continuing the effort at all. Maybe this person is truly stubborn. He may no longer want to be your friend or partner. If you feel like this person is the only one with problems and you've done everything you can to get them back and nothing has worked, then it's probably time to move on and forget about them. It may sound harsh, but if you understand that the person is doing nothing but harming you, why waste time trying to make peace?

      • Think about it, listen to yourself. If a person is not worth your effort, you will feel it in your heart.
    • Just ask him if this person wants to be friends or be in a relationship with you.
    • Understand that you may be ignored because of what you say.
    • Don't make a mountain out of a molehill - perhaps everything is wrong. as it seems, you are not being ignored at all.
    • If someone ignores you, don't ignore them back. A wedge cannot always be knocked out with a wedge. Give the person time - perhaps he will reevaluate his views and understand that he is upsetting you.
    • Be polite and caring towards this person, even if he doesn't like it.
    • Tell the person that they are important to you and that their behavior upsets you.
    • Leave him alone and move on. People who deliberately ignore you should also be ignored.
    • Find someone who wants you around and will always be with you and communicate with you. Be happy, don't forget about the feeling self-esteem, do your best for your relationship.
    • If you don’t know the reason and they don’t want to tell you it, then it’s at least impolite.
    • Don't show your weakness and vulnerability. Otherwise you may be taken advantage of. Be decisive. If a person doesn't want to be your friend, well, he doesn't deserve it, and you deserve better.