(!LANG:Tbilisi Art Museum. The best museums in Tbilisi. Useful information about the Puppet Museum

The museums of Tbilisi attract many tourists from different countries. There are so many museums here that you need to stock up on enough time to see everything. But if you have come for just a couple of days and you don’t have much time to explore the country, but you want to see as much as possible, then we bring to your attention a list of the most interesting and popular museums in the capital of Georgia. Let's start our virtual tour.

Top 9 museums in Tbilisi

For the convenience of choosing establishments, we have compiled a rating list, having previously studied a large number of online reviews. But if your favorite museum in Tbilisi is not included, then it's okay. Do not forget that people's tastes can be completely different.

ninth place

In ninth place on this list is the State Museum of Georgian Literature, which bears the name of the great national poet Giorgi Leonidze. It is located in the very center of the city, so it is easy to get to it, almost all buses go there. Entrance to the museum is free, but if you want to use the help of a guide, then its cost depends on the number of people, as there are discounts for a group of more than twenty people. Here are collected the rarest texts, manuscripts and other exhibits of the X-XX centuries.

Eighth place

The Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography ranks eighth. It contains about 200,000 exhibits that tell about the development Georgian art. Among them are audio and video recordings, posters, costumes, manuscripts, photographs, as well as awards to outstanding Georgian actors. The museum's collection is constantly updated. It is located on Kargareteli Street, 6. The work schedule is five-day: from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 17.

Seventh place

money museum national bank Georgia was opened in 2001. It has 3 rooms. In the first one, visitors will be able to see the history of the development of monetary circulation, starting from the 6th century BC. e. and ending with our days. In the second hall you will see ancient coins collected from all over the world, there is also a copy of the coins of David IV Agmashenebeli. And in the latter, modern cash, which are divided into groups dedicated to different continents.

The museum is located on Leonidze Street, 3/5. Open 5 days a week, except Saturday and Sunday, from 9.00 to 18.00. The ticket price is 5 lari (or 115 rubles), discounts are provided for children.

In sixth place

The Pirosmani Museum in Tbilisi ranks sixth. It's dedicated to life famous artist Georgia Niko Pirosmani (Pirosmanishvili). The museum was opened in 1984 by the decision of the first secretary of the city party committee.

Not as much is known about this artist as we would like. AT early age he lost his parents and moved to Georgia, where he mastered the art of drawing. Interesting fact: The exact place of his burial has not been found.

The museum is located in a small basement where last years life of Pirosmani, and includes only a couple of hundred exhibits. Its address: Pirosmani street, 29. Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 11.00 to 19.00. Entrance costs 3 lari.

Fifth place

The Tbilisi Art Museum has over 150,000 copies of rare works of art. The most unique exhibits were the cross icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands and the golden bowl of Bagrat III. Also here you can see many paintings by Russian artists such as Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Valentin Serov, Vasily Surikov and other European masters.

There are not only paintings, but also figurines, dishes, carpets and shawls. The museum is located on Gudiashvili Street, 1. Admission is free, but please note: the day off is on Monday, and the museum is open from 10.00 to 17.00.

Fourth place

The most interesting museum for children will be which was opened in 1937. Unfortunately, in the 90s it was robbed and closed for 15 years. Restored and replenished, it opened only in 2008.

Now in the museum there are about 3000 dolls from different countries of the world and materials. There are absolutely amazing exhibits here: clockwork, ivory, musical and many others. The delight of children knows no bounds when they come here. It remains to clarify the address: Shavteli street, 12.

Third place

It is occupied by the Tbilisi Ethnographic Museum. It is located under open sky. The purpose of the museum is to show the individuality of the architecture of each region of the country. It has collected 8,000 pieces from fourteen regions, making it resemble a village made up of various buildings. In addition to geographical differences, the exhibits also differ in history. The age of the oldest of them dates back to the 5th century AD. Here you can also see various auxiliary buildings: forges, cellars (marani), barns and stables. And in ordinary rooms - interesting items life of that time.

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00, and the last ticket sale is half an hour before closing. A ticket costs 1.5 lari, and for schoolchildren and students even less - 0.5 lari. We recommend that you take the help of a guide to explore this museum, otherwise you simply cannot understand some things.

It is located at 1 Turtle Lake Road. The museum can be reached by taxi or from the Bagebi stop by bus.

Second place

The Museum of the Soviet Occupation of Tbilisi is part of the network of museums in the country. He received his share of fame due to good advertising during the development of anti-Soviet sentiments in Georgia. Despite the policy of this museum, it is very interesting and informative. The complex was founded on May 26, 2006, but was almost immediately closed for repairs. And only 5 years later it was reopened to visitors. Museum reflects history Soviet period Georgia. It is distinguished by modern decor and darkened walls, as well as musical accompaniment.

When you enter the room, you will see a part of the car where the rebels of 1924 were shot. The exposure must be viewed clockwise. There are a large number of documents and various historical photos. There are exhibits from the 20s and 30s of the last century. And in the central part you will see the commissioner's table, at which you can even sit.

Information that may be useful: The Museum of the Soviet Occupation of Tbilisi is part of the National Museum complex, so the opening hours, location and ticket prices are the same.

Tbilisi National Museum

He takes first place. It is a whole network of museums, which also includes 13 institutions throughout Georgia. Its second name is Georgian National Museum. During its existence, the complex survived many trials: in 1921 it was transported to Europe and returned only in 1945, the museum also suffered in 1991 during the change of power and during a strong fire in 1992.

This museum is interesting because it is completely connected with the culture of the Caucasus. It is completely located on the first floor, where there is a collection of Georgian antiquities, namely coins, weapons, ceramics and jewelry, whose age dates back to the 2nd century BC. And also here is a fascinating collection of stones with engraved Urartian inscriptions.

Information that may be useful: G The work schedule for all the museums of the complex is the same - from 10:00 to 18:00. The working week consists of six days, but the day off is on Monday. The ticket price for an adult on the territory of the complex ranges from 3 to 5 GEL, and discounts are provided for visitors under 18 years old. The museum is located on Prospekt 3, not far from the metro station "Ploshchad Svobody".

National Museum of Georgia, in this moment- this is a system of several museums, and this building (Rustaveli, building 3) is only part of it, the Simon Janashia Museum. Inside you can see gold from Vani, hominid bones from Dmanisi and one of the largest collections of Urartian inscriptions in the world. Not open on Mondays. Entrance costs 5 lari, the ticket allows you to see the whole museum. Only the Golden Fund really works and famous museum Soviet occupation.

The spacious, strict building is restrainedly stylized as old Georgian architecture. Previously, the Caucasian Museum, which has existed since 1825, was located here. The museum is a unique repository of items of Caucasian culture. The pearl of the museum is the Golden Fund - materials from excavations at the Trialeti burial mound (II century BC). This included gold and silver vessels, ceramics. Golden goblet, decorated precious stones and geometric pattern gained fame all over the world. The museum collection contains jewelry of the 5th-4th centuries. BC e., collections of coins and weapons from the countries of the Middle East, handicrafts, fabrics, carpets, clothes, magnificent wood carvings.

Ethnographic Museum in Tbilisi

The most active creator of the Ethnographic Museum in Tbilisi was academician Giorgi Chitaya, a prominent scientist, head and founder of the Georgian ethnographic school.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​creating a museum was still in the late 30s of the last century, it was possible to open the museum only in 1966.

This is due to political pressure on an independent academician, it was often such that he was sharply criticized at meetings. He was not awarded, he only had a medal: Friendship of Peoples,

The museum occupies almost 50 hectares, which house about 70 residential and commercial buildings brought from different parts Georgia.

Each house has a huge number of things that people used several centuries ago.

The museum is located within the city at the Turtle Lake, the entrance fee is approximately 2 lari (10 UAH), the opening hours are daily, except Monday, 11.00-16.00.

State Art Museum of Georgia

State Museum Art of Georgia is a collection of art collections not only from Georgia, but also from the East, Russia and Europe. The collection fund is about 140,000 unique works art.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a National art Gallery, but due to the demand for the conceived idea, its scale increased, and replenishment with new exhibits, which included not only historical canvases, but also manuscripts, metal products, jewelry, one of the most important museums in Georgia appeared here. The museum itself moved several times and for some time its exhibits were even in the church, so all the collections remained untouched even in the most turbulent times of the country.

At the present time, such a large number of people have shown their desire to look at the national treasures of the nation that the Museum began to frequently hold temporary exhibitions in other museums in Georgia and abroad. Among the treasures of the museum are priceless masterpieces of medieval coinage of the 8th-13th centuries, the golden cup of Bagrat III (999), the golden pectoral cross of Queen Tamara, decorated with emeralds, rubies, and pearls, with the inscription "King and Queen Tamar". This cross was made in last quarter 12th century

The museum houses the oldest in Georgia, dating back to the 6th century, the Anchi Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands (Anchiskhati). Here you can see works of Chinese and Japanese art, monuments of Egyptian, Iranian and Indian art, shawls from India, Turkey, Iran, Persian carpets.

Fine art is represented by paintings by European masters, Russian artists- I. Repin, V. Surikov, V. Serov, I. Aivazovsky, A. Vasnetsov.

Sights of Tbilisi

Or from the embankment or from the Shardeni quarter. it large building three floors, which is designed to tell about the history of the city, but in fact its exposition is very, very modest and the area is used mainly for exhibitions and souvenir shops.


The museum building itself is a big piece of the city's history. As many people know, in 1795 Tbilisi was burned to the ground by the Iranians. After that, the city gradually begins to recover: houses and shops are being built, and also, over time, they begin to build what they would now call " shopping center". These were caravanserais. Almost the first was the caravanserai of the Armenian Artsruni family, built in 1818. It was built on the foundation of an older caravanserai and, it seems, the first floor (which is not visible now) is almost XV century.

The building had 33 hotel rooms, 24 shops and warehouses. At that time, one of the facades of the building overlooked the river, but now it faces the embankment.

The finest hour of this caravanserai came in 1850, when the heir Alexander (future Alexander II) visited Tbilisi. On the evening of September 28, the Tiflis Armenians gave him a grand reception in the building of the caravanserai. At that time, a garden with a fountain and fish was arranged in the courtyard, and in the evening this garden was decorated with Chinese lanterns. Alexander walked along the "dark rows" (where the Sherdeni quarter is now), returned to the caravanserai, and from its balcony watched the Tiflis people arrange raft dances on Kura. All this fun lasted until midnight, after which Alexander returned to the newly built Vorontsov Palace. And the people walked for another three hours.

In those years, the caravanserai looked something like this:

The main facade was rebuilt in the Art Nouveau style at the beginning of the 20th century, and the courtyard was decorated with metal bars a little earlier.

In Soviet times, a highway was laid in front of this facade, and the level of the river was raised. They say that part of the basement of the building was flooded at that time, and they are still filled with water.

If you're interested, you can walk around the building and look at its rear facade. It used to be a waterfront.


The museum building has three floors. The entire bottom (-1) is occupied by small shops that sell souvenir products at inflated prices. The first floor is occupied by the actual exposition of the museum, and the third floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions. Usually contemporary artists are exhibited there.

It must be immediately borne in mind that there is very little history as such in the museum. You will not learn anything about the founding of the city, about the Tbilisi Emirate, about the invasion of the Khorezmians or the Persian invasion of 1795. The main theme of the exposition is Tbilisi in the 19th century. Here you will see models of old houses, all sorts of old typewriters and plates, a copy of the Tbilisi restaurant of that time and a carriage. All this is very modest and does not cost 3 GEL. It happens that the museum is interesting only to specialists, but this is a more complicated case.

The third floor is always empty. Here is painting and graphics, and as a rule, they exhibit here contemporary artists. There is little interest in them in Georgia, and the artists themselves are far from being Malevichs.

One of the halls on the third floor

An example of painting on the third floor:

formal data

Cost: 3 GEL

Students: 1 GEL

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Working days: Tuesday-Sunday

Address: Old city, Sioni street, building 8

museums of Georgia

There are many museums in Tbilisi on various topics. Let's take a look at the most interesting ones. It is advisable to take a local guide for an additional fee. They speak with interest and enthusiasm.

Some museums rely on the sheer enthusiasm of humble employees, such as the Underground Printing House Museum.

Other museums scare away the names of sections like "Museum of the Soviet Occupation" on the organization of which a lot of money has been spent.

Unfortunately, information about the museums of Tbilisi in Russian is scarce, so I will try to describe these museums in general terms.

If you don’t know where to hide from the sultry summer heat or vile winter rain, feel free to head to Rustaveli Avenue, it is here, in three museums, that the “property of the Republic” is stored.

By the way, now the leading museums of the country are united under a single name: “Georgian National Museum”. Because of this, there is always confusion about which museum to go to and what to see. Be careful.

For lovers of history and art, a visit is a must. For guests with children, we recommend visiting the Ethnographic Museum in Vake near Turtle Lake.


All museums in Tbilisi are closed on Mondays.

Open-air museum, on the slope of a mountain, not far from the center, near Turtle Lake in Vake Park.
The cost of a taxi from the center is 7-8 GEL. The exhibits are original houses, farm buildings, household items, etc., transported from all regions of Georgia.

The exposition of the Museum of Ethnography makes it possible, without leaving Tbilisi, to get acquainted with the numerous nationalities of Georgia and their customs.
Address: Road to Turtle Lake.


In a strict classical building, a stone's throw from Freedom Square, part of the golden fund of the Christian era is kept.

To keep the chronology, this museum in Tbilisi is worth a look after visiting the State Historical Museum, which houses the first part of the pre-Christian collection.

The significance of this section is invaluable, because in addition to medieval jewelry, cloisonne enamels and church utensils, the museum contains miraculous icons starting from the ninth century.

Unfortunately, this is the only section available for dating. The museum requires restoration, the rest of the collection is hidden in funds and is not available. The Golden Fund is visited in the obligatory company of a regular guide.

The entrance ticket costs 5 GEL, the cost of the mandatory excursion is 10 GEL. The duration of the tour is 45-60 minutes. There is no such collection in any museum in Europe.

Address: st. Gudiashvili, 1 (Square named after A. S. Pushkin near Freedom Square)


State historical Museum located on the main street of the Georgian capital, Rustaveli Avenue, 3. It is considered the oldest in the country and unites dozens of smaller Tbilisi museums.

The exposition changes periodically in the museum. permanent character have departments of "Soviet occupation" and "gold fund".

The funds of the museum contain the subject of Caucasian culture - utensils, weapons, jewelry, costumes, tools. individual itemsdate back to the 4th millennium BC. e.
A rich section is dedicated to archaeological excavations from ancient times. The ticket price is 5 GEL.
Address: Rustaveli Avenue, 3


The historical name of the museum is the Blue Gallery. Today the facade of the building is painted in a faceless grey colour, but the value of this museum in Tbilisi has not suffered.


As well as ethnographical museum He certainly deserves attention. oldest museum in the country, it miraculously survived and preserved a unique exposition describing all the stages of silk production, because in Soviet times in Georgia, silk was produced on an industrial scale.

Silkworm caterpillars will look at you from glass jars, and you will remember once and for all where silk comes from and how it is produced.

The cost of an entrance ticket, including a tour in Russian, is 1-3 GEL.

It is recommended to combine it with a walk along Agmashenebeli Avenue (David the Builder) from the Dry Bridge to the Dynamo Stadium, to the left of which the museum is located in a rich mansion. Monday is a day off.
We read in detail about the silk museum.


Unique exhibits of the Soviet automotive industry are brought into excellent shape and exhibited in a special pavilion in the not-so-attractive area of ​​Tbilisi called "Africa".

AutoMuseum Street #7 next to Grigol Lortkipanidze str, and here is the phone number to call when you get lost looking +995 599 54 56 28.

Where to go in Tbilisi with a child

Amusement park for children in Tbilisi Mushtaid and amusement park Mtatsminda.