What to do when there is a black streak in life. A black streak has come in life. Why a black streak has come: reasons

Every person has experienced what black and white stripes are in life. When everything is good, people don't think about luck. However, every time something unexpected and unpleasant happens, it is felt instantly. When a person is constantly haunted by troubles, he is convinced that he has begun a continuous black streak. Where does it come from? Is this scary? How to get rid of black streaks in life? Read on.

What is a black stripe?

These are the daily problems and troubles that many people face. Black stripes are long chains. That is, after one problem, a second one begins, then a third, etc.

Because of black stripes, people's plans are ruined. Problems may be related to health, money, etc. A person was getting ready to go on vacation, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, and suddenly fell seriously ill. This is not a black streak. If the trip is regularly postponed for various reasons, then it’s worth thinking about.

Signs of a black stripe

If you have one problem replacing another, think about it. Perhaps a dark streak has arrived. However, unpleasant moments can be avoided. You need to listen to your heart and the actions of others.

If you feel that troubles await you on the road, try to postpone your trip to a more suitable day. Often a person feels inexplicable tension. At such moments, it is necessary to change thoughts and actions. If you want to avoid trouble, listen to everything that is happening around you.

When there are a lot of problems, it seems that a black streak is haunting you. However, there are no unsolvable problems. If you lost your phone today and your purse tomorrow, this cannot be a problem, you need to be a more attentive person. This situation does not apply to the black stripe.

Reasons for the black stripe

Life tests every person's endurance. When you are moving towards a certain goal, you must patiently endure all adversities. After all, obstacles will definitely appear on your way to overcome them.

Fate often presents a person with certain opportunities and chances. You should definitely use them. If a person does not understand the premise, then he will regret what he did not do. However, fate rarely gives a second chance. She punishes a person with various troubles.

Self-doubt often prevents you from changing your life. For example, a person came to apply for a job, but he is afraid to praise himself at the interview, talk about his good qualities, then he will not get the position. Insecure people have a hard time in life.

Negative thoughts only attract bad energy. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Thoughts materialize.” If you don't know how to think about the good, you won't be able to achieve a white streak.

The meaning of life is success. If you know what you need and why, then the black streak ends. If you have no meaning in life, you will often walk with a black stripe on your arm.

Life with positivity

You've had a bad streak in your life, how to get rid of it? Probably every person thinks about this question. First of all, you need to believe in the best, only then can you improve your life.

Any test is given to a person for a reason, but for a reason. Fate tests your strength. For some reason, many are sure that a black streak will haunt you throughout your life. This is wrong. Try to look at things positively. If something unexpected happens, think about it. Most likely, you will find the answer in analyzing your actions.

There is an opinion that if for some reason your trip is postponed, then it is not needed. You may have escaped a terrible fate. Therefore, there is no need to be angry at bad luck because you were unable to travel or go somewhere.

Look at contingencies from different angles. Each person is given as many trials as he can endure. Therefore, you will not have more problems than expected. Try to live beautifully and look at certain moments with humor, then you won’t notice how your life will improve.

Life for yourself and happy moments

It’s not scary if you’ve had an unfortunate bad streak in life. You can tell yourself how to get rid of it. First of all, believe in everything good. Surely you have those moments or people for which you need to live.

Patience, love, faith and hope for the best will overcome all failures. Fate will reward you for your good qualities. After all, if you are responsive and kind to others, then they will come to your aid at any time in difficult times. However, you must remember that you should have not just comrades next to you, but loyal and reliable friends. After all, a lot depends on them in the life of every person.

Children, parents, friends - this is who you need to remember and for whose sake you need to overcome a streak of failures. After all, you have no one closer. Therefore, live for the sake of your family and friends. Together it is easier to endure any problem.

Getting rid of the black stripe

It’s scary when a person is visited by a chain of failures. A lost wallet is a small thing compared to what people go through. For example, at one moment a person was left homeless or found out that he was terminally ill, and then a series of troubles followed. That's when a dark streak came in life. What to do in such terrible situations? This is a psychological question that has answers.

First of all, you cannot despair and give up, because life goes on. Think that the black streak cannot last forever, it will end soon. Only positive thoughts will guide you on the right path. No psychologist can help. Every person should think about themselves and their loved ones at such moments.

Always confidently move towards your dreams and don’t give up. Only then will you be able to do something. After all, even disabled people work, provide for their families and enjoy life.

Do not communicate with that person from whom there is only negativity. It only brings you disappointment and grief. Such people usually take away positive energy from a person.

Communicate more often with optimists who know exactly their goal, persistently pursue it and achieve good results. They will help you understand yourself and raise an optimistic spirit.

Believe in yourself. You cannot consider yourself a failure with many problems. Many people create situations for themselves that are very difficult to get out of. Never think negatively. As stated earlier, thoughts are material, so you only attract bad energy.


If a bad streak has come in life, you need to get rid of it urgently. If a person is always positive and cheerful, then he does not notice small daily problems. There is an opinion that if you are too confident in success, then someone will jinx it. Therefore, let it take its course, and time will put everything in its place.

Not everyone is able to think positively. This is precisely why friends exist, who will help you cope with the problems that have fallen on you.

Some people believe that all troubles are not a bad streak. What it is? A basic test of strength.

All people live and everyone has many problems: financial, household, etc. This is a normal life. If you don’t pay attention to minor troubles, then it will seem to you that there is no black streak at all.

Try not to paint your thoughts black. If you go to work and are prepared in advance for the boss to make a complaint against you, rest assured, this will happen. When you concentrate and know for sure that the day will go well, you will not have conflicts with anyone, you will be surprised, but this is exactly what will happen.

Try not to be afraid of your future mistakes. You will only learn a lot from them. Remember, you are a successful and purposeful person who is experiencing temporary difficulties. They are completely solvable. Calm down, think everything over and move forward to a new dream.

Every person, sooner or later in his life, is faced with the fact that he is haunted by a series of failures, troubles, and a string of troubles. Usually this stage is temporary, it is sure to be followed by positive changes in life. But going through a difficult period can be very difficult, especially if a person is receptive and vulnerable by nature. To speed up the process of a protracted streak of failures, you can use magical actions. If there is a bad streak in life, what to do, a conspiracy will help you overcome it as quickly as possible and avoid unpleasant consequences, return the usual rhythm of life to its previous course. Rituals and conspiracies will help if a bad streak has begun, if a person really needs help and if there is an attitude towards a positive outcome.

A dark streak is a difficult period in life, which is characterized by a large number of suddenly accumulated problems and confusing situations. Before using a conspiracy against a bad streak in life, you should analyze the situation. The main signs of the presence of negative energy are:

Headaches are the main symptom of a bad streak in life.

  • very frequent diseases, massive exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • constant loss of energy resources for no reason, apathy, loss of desire to work;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, sleepwalking or hallucinations;
  • quarrels with loved ones for no apparent reason;
  • severe headaches and dizziness.

You can remove negative influences with the help of magical rituals.

How does a person attract negative energy?

Psychologists and specialists in the field of occultism claim that a person’s negative attitude can change his life for the worse. The reasons for a lingering black streak include:

A negative attitude can ruin your life

  1. The man himself. Sometimes a person himself can provoke a period of failure. Therefore, there is no need to look for the guilty and complain about the unfortunate fate. In nature, everything is natural, there is a certain balance, and if there is no desire to strive for harmony, the correct balance is disrupted, and as a result, a person may lose something. For example, spending most of the time at work, there is no time for family. This is fraught with the loss of loved ones who need attention. It may be the other way around, then the person becomes a loser who cannot find a normal job. Therefore, it is very important to find a middle ground for yourself. Perhaps, before looking for a way to get rid of failures, you can simply change something in yourself, and life will take a new direction.
  2. Lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. It is in the presence of such a point that a person refuses a promising position, thereby stopping on the path to self-development. Also, in the presence of such a trait, personal life often suffers, since there are problems communicating with members of the opposite sex.
    Negative attitudes and thoughts. Very often, negative attitudes attract failures and troubles.
  3. Therefore, it is important to control such thoughts, tune in to the positive, and believe in a positive outcome. It is important to believe in success and smile more often.
  4. Personal problems and disasters. A person cannot always influence the problems that befall him, and we also cannot control a flood, hurricane, or fire.
  5. Negative influence of enemies and ill-wishers.
  6. Lack of life goals.

Believe in success and smile more often

Effective rituals for solving problems

How to get rid of the black streak of life? Getting rid of a string of failures is possible with the help of conspiracies. The ritual using a chicken egg is very effective. After sunset, roll an egg on your chest, saying:

“As I roll an egg, I roll out evil spells from life: go away, leave me, disappear from body and mind. I say goodbye to dark witchcraft, I expel the enemy from everyday life. You are no longer my master, I am my own master. I can heal myself and put up protection forever and protect myself from disasters. From now on, neither the evil eye, nor the slander, nor the damage will disturb me. Amen!".

Carry out these actions for about ten minutes. Then write the words on the egg with a black felt-tip pen:

“I send all troubles into the egg.”

After the ritual, bury the egg outside, in a deserted place under a tree.

You can also use warm water. You need to rinse yourself with it every day, while reading the words:

Use warm water to wash your face in the morning

“Water, water, water, true beauty, you have always been a healer and savior for me, so help me this time too. Deliver life from dark oppression and life's devastation. I ask you to save my house from damage and add heavenly strength. I pray that you wash away all the failures and black streaks from yourself. Let it be so".

Get rid of failures with the help of the following plot. Bake a pie, buy a can of milk, collect a few coins in a towel or handkerchief, go to the cemetery. Find an unmarked grave, spread a cloth, put gifts on it. Bow to the deceased and ask him for help. Say:

“Dead man, wipe away troubles and failures from me, let happiness come to me forever.” This ritual can only be done once.

How to protect against negativity

With the help of conspiracies, they not only get rid of failures. You can also install protection. Say a protective spell for a month when in contact with water - for example, while cooking, bathing, eating or cleaning the house:

“At the origins of life there is a word behind which water was hidden. Voditsa, water, you are always with me. I ask you to keep my strength with me, but not to give it to anyone in life. Just as you cleanse my body, so you cleanse my thoughts, and bestow health on my soul. Become a strong protection for me. Let it be so".

It is very important to understand that you build your own life, you yourself can control many events. Use the following recommendations and expert advice for yourself:

Stop thinking that you are a failure

  1. Get rid of the idea that you are a failure, that nothing will work out for you.
  2. Set a specific goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. These should not be abstract dreams or illusions, but a real goal.
  3. Do not communicate with people who are unpleasant to you, with pathological losers and with those who eat up your energy, charging it, feeding on your positive emotions.
  4. Do not argue or conflict with those whose energy field negatively affects you.
  5. Use amulets, both personal and to protect your home and your family.
  6. Don't give up, look for a way out in every situation. Remember that all failures will end soon, good events will come into your life.
  7. Don't let strangers rule your life.
  8. Pray for help to higher powers, visit the temple, believe in the forces of light.

Life constantly presents us with surprises, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Successes and troubles are an integral part of the entire life process, and you can hardly find a person on Earth who has not encountered a series of problems. Easy, happy days are replaced by challenges that are given to us for our own growth and development.

Many people call difficult times a bad streak, and even the lucky ones and the darlings of fate have to face it from time to time. So what is it? How long does it last, how to interrupt and survive the problem streak? Let's look at these questions.

Signs of a “black” stripe

A black streak is usually called a series of unpleasant events, troubles and problems that can replace each other or simultaneously fall on a person. The main thing is not to confuse this concept with routine, ordinary problems.

Some people like to overdramatize the situation, and even a ruined manicure or torn tights are perceived by them as an endless streak of misfortunes.

To understand that you have truly entered a “dark period,” you need to impartially assess the situation and ask yourself the question: “What areas of my life are affected by the problems that have arisen?” Here is a sample list of such areas:

  • Personal life.
  • Self-realization.
  • Health.
  • Career.

You can add items to this list that are important to you. If during the analysis you understand that the problems affect only one of the designated areas, then you can calm down, since this is not a “dark period”, but ordinary, current and fairly easily solved problems. But if troubles affect three or more areas at once, you should think about it and realize that you are really not in the best period of your life right now.

The main thing is not to panic, since the problem streak is not endless, and you yourself can influence its duration if you wish.

Why is this happening

Certainly , everyone is interested in understanding, why a person may find himself on the notorious “black streak”. The following main reasons for the onset of a series of failures can be identified:

How to jump to the white bar

How quickly a problem streak can end largely depends on the person himself, namely his attitude to life’s troubles and character. Some people tend to exaggerate any failures and troubles, and they greatly dramatize a small test of fate. Such people have a very difficult time experiencing the “dark period” and often invent it themselves, finding inner satisfaction in constant suffering. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get rid of their imagined evil fate.

But when a person knows how to sincerely enjoy even the little things, without noticing minor difficulties, the “dark period” in his life is unlikely to drag on, since he knows how to enjoy pleasant moments.

By the way, if you analyze the true state of affairs, while changing your attitude to what is happening, then the problematic period will quickly change to a “white” period.

The meaning of the tests

Everything in this life is interconnected. During a problematic stage in life, we encounter various obstacles, which are divided into three main types:

  • Tests.
  • Signs.
  • Punishments.

Trials confirm our intentions, test our sense of purpose, our ambitions, and test the strength of our desires. Fate tests almost every person's strength, and after passing various tests with dignity, it rewards the most patient and persistent people.

Punishments for sins are considered the will of God, retribution for bad deeds and missed opportunities. But even an atheist should remember the natural laws of balance, which no one has canceled, so one day you will have to pay for what you have done, because everything comes back to us like a boomerang.

Many people ask: where does a problem streak begin and when does it end? If a person sits too long in a comfortable life zone and stops developing, then fate can throw him to the sidelines and force him to look around. It is very important in such a situation to treat such signs correctly. For example, being fired from a job is not a reason to go on a long binge and indulge in all sorts of bad things. Most likely, you are given an additional incentive to find a more promising and interesting job or open your own business.

Parting with your loved one is also a difficult test, but do not kill yourself too much, but take care of yourself and brighter, more harmonious and mutual love will definitely come to you.

How to jump off the “black” streak

Once you have convinced and realized If you really have a problem period, you need to act in order to adequately withstand the trials of fate. To do this you need:

Allow emotions to come out. Showing indifference and good spirits when a serious problem arises is not the best way out when a storm of emotions is boiling inside. This will only worsen the situation and create unnecessary health problems. Let your emotions come out:

  • Scream your heart out in a deserted place.
  • Play sports.
  • Have a cry.

Just don’t delay this and “suffer” for a long time..

Psychologists can tell you how to remove a bad streak in life. In their opinion, the main thing is to tune in. Try the following:

The path to happiness

There is another effective technique to help stop troubles. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and make an impromptu table. Describe all your problems in the first column, and their solution in the second.

Thanks to this particular separation, you will clearly see your significant problems that require immediate solutions.

Example (problem - solution):

  • Fired from my job - open my own business.
  • If your tooth hurts badly, visit the dentist.
  • The garage burned down - build a new building.

After looking through the full list, note the most important problems for yourself, and it is possible that there will not be so many of them. Then determine how to solve them and the time frame. Thus, the overall pile of problems will crumble into small components. All that remains is to solve each one separately, which is not so difficult.

Daily measures

To maintain good spirits, you should resort to simple and effective practices. Psychologists give similar recommendations and advise doing this daily.

Start every morning with a smile and thank the new day to change its karma. In the evening, ask yourself and the Universe for forgiveness for every situation where you acted unworthily or did not think positively. This will help change the karma of life.

Throughout the day, smile at yourself in the mirror, even if you don't feel like smiling at all. But soon, instead of a forced smile, sincere joy will appear in the reflection.

Praise yourself every evening for your, even small successes and keep a diary of victories where you will write down your achievements every day. Awareness of your own capabilities and strength will quickly raise your self-esteem.

Try to learn something new every day:

Train positive thinking: try to look for the positive at any moment and always believe only in the best.

  • Eating excessively.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • Be despondent.
  • Stay at home and not communicate with anyone.
  • Feel sorry for yourself.

An effective spell for water

The answer to the question: “How to get rid of bad luck and lack of money” can be found in healers. They recommend using water for this purpose.

Water is everywhere in our daily lives. Therefore, having protected yourself against this element, you can stop the flow of bad luck.

It is necessary to remember this conspiracy and pronounce it constantly for a month. Speak about food, tea, and also while taking a shower.

In a month, the liquid in your body will become positively charged and you will be protected in any life situation.

Before making this conspiracy, you must first cleanse yourself and the apartment of any negativity, and then “attract” good luck.

In times of despair, overcoming adversity becomes very difficult. At first, you feel intense mental pain. But by cultivating resilience and acquiring certain skills, you can overcome any bad streak.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each of us has had moments in our lives when the sky seemed like a sheepskin. Before a person has time to “clean up” one thing, something new falls on him. I just figured out the problem as a new misfortune. It is customary to say about such periods: a dark streak has come in life.

But what to do, what to do if you have entered this very dark period? And then, what are the signs of this very black streak?

You are on a bad streak if...

You started having problems on all fronts, such as:

  1. Personal life(relationships with friends, partner, parents or children are not going well);
  2. Problems at work(You were laid off or fired, you can’t find a job for a long time, work suddenly stopped bringing you satisfaction and you want to go there as if to Calvary, every morning you literally pull yourself there by your hair);
  3. Problems in finance(income has fallen, or a financial collapse has occurred, credit slavery has crushed you, you just can’t get out of debt, a large sum of money is not returned to you, etc.);
  4. Bad feeling(weakness, loss of strength, increased irritability, poor sleep or lack thereof - these are symptoms that cannot be ignored. Moreover, if you do not start sounding the alarm, problems may begin at the level of the physical body. At the same time, the diagnosis may not show anything bad, but you are getting worse and worse);
  5. Creative stagnation, crisis(the dark streak hits especially hard for those whose life is in creativity, because such people depend entirely on inspiration. If it is not there, then there is no money, no orders, no sense of satisfaction from life);
  6. Housing problems(a person is evicted, he cannot solve his housing problem, he was “thrown away” with an inheritance, etc.).

In a word, you can see for yourself that the problems are through the roof and you can’t just leave it like that!

How to survive a bad streak

The saying about drowning people is very, very good, because it reveals the essence of what is happening in the best possible way. To get rid of a bad streak in life, a person does not need to look for help on the outside, much less need to wait for it passively. No one will help anyway. A person must help himself. And there are two important components here: self-confidence and desire to solve the problem .

It’s no secret that many people, being in the “dark” period of life, literally get high and savor all the problems and problems that they have. They endlessly tell everyone and everything about it, they feel sorry for themselves and demand the same from others, they cherish their sores and failures as something priceless. Yes, you yourself have seen such people and had the “fortune” to communicate with them at least once. Save us all from this! After all, communication with such a “miracle” in the literal sense of the word, de-energizes. By the way, here’s another piece of advice for you: stay away from those who behave this way, not wanting to change anything in their lives, they only moan and complain, feeding off of you and your energy. There is a clinical case of the transformation of a black streak into an entangling wire self-curse, and then an energetic black hole, sucking in everything that only a given subject can reach.

So, how can you help yourself if you understand that you are on a bad streak? Let’s say right away that you can come up with something for yourself, you can screw yourself up even more, for example, by thinking that someone has cursed you, that you have been jinxed, that you are under a spell, etc.

We will not analyze the reason why everything went wrong for you, we will simply give you work practice with which you can put your life in order. However, you will still need to analyze yourself, your life and its events for cause-and-effect relationships, it is especially important to do this if your black stripes are repeated very often. Perhaps you predict many negative scenarios yourself. Thus, until you remove the cause, you cannot get rid of the effect.

We reduce failures to a chicken egg

Our technique is simple, but very effective. In order to remove the negativity that is on you, you will need a chicken egg. However, we need to say a little more about the chicken egg. In some sources you can read that “a chicken egg should only be taken from a black chicken,” or, on the contrary, “only from a white one.” This is all complete nonsense. The color of the chicken doesn't matter. But there is another very important point, which is mostly omitted, and is spoken about very, very rarely. And this moment in treatment is really key. The egg you take should not be store-bought (essentially empty, i.e. without an embryo), but home-made. And not just from a domestic chicken, but from a chicken that “communicates” with a rooster. We will talk about why exactly this is so separately, in a special article dedicated to the phenomenon called “Egg”.

So, as soon as you have obtained such an egg (among other things, it must also be fresh), you need to perform the following cleansing ritual:
Taking the egg in your right hand, you need to start rolling it out counterclockwise, going down. You start at the tops of your heads and end with your heels. Note that if you begin to yawn at the same time, then some kind of magical effect has definitely been imposed on you. Along with your yawning, all the evil spirits and trash will come out of you; the egg, of course, will complete this cleansing process. In difficult situations, you need to repeat the procedure up to three, and sometimes ten times.

At the same time, it is important to remember two things: rolling out is done on the waning Moon and always before sunset. After the sun has set, you can no longer be manipulated. These strict rules are very important to follow.

Spell words for reprimanding failures

At the very moment when you begin to roll yourself out with an egg, you can read the “Our Father” prayer, it is sacred and has very great power, because it was said by Jesus Christ at the very moment when he was on the cross. It is for this reason that she is credited with such enormous power.

If you do not live in the Christian tradition, then you can use any other prayer that is close to you, that is used in your culture, in the culture of your people. If you are an atheist or simply don’t know any prayers, then you can address the egg in your own words. These words are simple, the main thing is that they come from your heart.

For example, before starting the rolling out (cleaning) procedure, you need to hold the egg in your hands and, turning to it, simply say: “Egg, help me get rid of negativity, cleanse all my bodies.”.

“I’m rolling myself out with an egg,
I treat myself with an egg,
I clean myself with an egg.
Get out of me all the dirt, all the negativity, all the illnesses and all the witchcraft,
All the misfortunes, and all the failures, the bad and all the evil!
Get out of your head, out of your shoulders, out of your arms, out of your stomach, out of your back, out of your legs.
Let it be so"!

The words given above are not a conspiracy, not a prayer, it is simply Your appeal, Your request, which will certainly be heard and you will be helped. The main thing is to ask with all your heart. Then there will be a result.

Once you have properly rolled yourself out, the egg needs to be disposed of. And there are several ways, we will tell you about one of them now. The egg must be taken away from the house and buried in a place where no one walks. You can learn about other methods from the article dedicated to the “Egg”.

No one is immune from difficult periods. It is impossible to prepare for them, because you cannot find out about them in advance. Just now everything was calm - and suddenly problems and troubles pile up one after another, plunging you into depression and depriving you of the ability to withstand the blows of fate. How to regain composure and change the situation for the better?

Where to attack from?

Unfortunately, many at such moments begin to believe in the evil eye and damage. It’s not surprising, because it’s easier to blame otherworldly forces for all your troubles and misfortunes than to try to find the cause within yourself. But we are sensible people and will not follow the path of least resistance, but will try to figure out why the black streak has come. Is all this so unexpected, was everything so calm before this day?

1 Objective circumstances

Global disasters, natural disasters, catastrophes, loss of loved ones, serious illness, loss of personal property... You cannot influence all these events in any way. Therefore, change your attitude towards them before they drive you into a corner from which even a kitten is seen as a bloodthirsty monster.

2 Your mistakes

If you upset the balance in your own life for a long time, then sooner or later it will make itself felt. For example, if you spend 24 hours a day at work, is it any wonder that your marriage has cracked and your child has gotten away from you? And if you are constrained by self-doubt, lack of faith in your strengths, then you begin to refuse interesting offers, do not see prospects, putting yourself in a framework from which you are no longer able to get out.

3 Negative attitudes and beliefs

Our thoughts and habitual expressions (sayings) determine our attitude towards the world and tend to attract what we think and talk about. If you subconsciously do not believe in your success (in work or personal life), if you expect that you will not find happiness and that you will always be haunted by failures, then so be it. If only because if you expect the bad, you won’t notice the good.

4 Lack of life purpose

If you don't know what you want, it's very easy to get sidetracked. This means that you will perceive any incident as bad luck and you can start fighting at windmills instead of focusing on the things that really matter to you.

5 Detractors

Sometimes our troubles arise from the light hand of envious people and enemies. If you voluntarily or unwittingly crossed someone’s path (at work or in a relationship), think about whether you will fight and defend your interests? Or you don’t need the “prize” (someone else’s husband, for example). In this case, isn't it better to retreat? Or maybe you somehow offended your pursuer? Then admit your guilt and make peace with the person.

Come out of the shadows

Assess the situation by answering the question: in what areas do you have difficulties - at work, in relationships with your loved one, family, in everyday life?

If problems are concentrated in one area, there is no point in talking about a black streak.

Analyze what is the true reason for a series of misfortunes, what mistakes you made. If something can be fixed, make a plan and take action.

■ Assess losses and resources. List all the means available to you (accumulated experience, knowledge, close, business contacts) and determine what will help you get out of the situation.

■ Find balance: try to balance all areas of your life, without allowing it to skew to one side. If you are a real workaholic, then if there are problems in the family, you should not throw yourself into work. On the contrary, take a vacation and spend time with your loved ones, even if at first it seems to you that they do not understand you or reject you. You just need to relearn how to communicate with them, understand what is important to them.

If you have noted at least three problem areas, you should admit: now is really not the best time for you.

■ Let your emotions come out. You shouldn’t pretend and prove to everyone, especially yourself, that everything is fine. This will only make your situation worse and could lead to health problems. Let the negativity spill out: cry, scream, swear, break dishes. But you just don’t need to stretch out this period and “suffer” for too long.

■ Change your usual environment. Go out of town for the weekend, and if possible, take a vacation and go on a trip. But even short trips help clear your mind and take a fresh look at the situation. If the stress has been prolonged, try to go out into nature more often, walk in the park, and relax alone.

■ Free up your living space. Rearrange or renovate your apartment, throw out the junk that has accumulated over the years, change your hairstyle, update your wardrobe.

■ Ask for help. Don’t try to keep everything to yourself, don’t distance yourself from your loved ones - share your experiences with them, ask for support. Their mere presence in your life and sympathy will help you switch gears and gain strength. And if they offer you help, don’t resist: believe me, you don’t have to cope with everything on your own.

■ Avoid whiners and pessimists, try to surround yourself with cheerful people. The more positive there is around, the lighter your soul and the easier it is to cope with difficulties.

But this is not worth doing

Lose one's temper. Hysteria and panic are not the best companions, because chaotic behavior can only complicate your situation. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.

Seizing problems. Don’t try to “drown” your hopelessness in food and especially in alcohol. Such “rescue” measures bring only short-term relief. But the consequences can plunge you into depression, simultaneously creating new problems.

Feel sorry for yourself. Endless whining and complaints about life will only keep you in a “dark streak”, because you waste time suffering rather than looking for a solution. Analyze what happened to find a way out. Be honest with yourself, learn from the current situation and don’t repeat the mistakes.