Download the best research papers. Research paper project on the topic. Conclusions by chapter



“Cornflower flowers!”

Margarita is a very cheerful and smiling girl. Loves to draw with gouache and wax crayons. Margarita knows a lot of poems and sings songs.

Project “Sunflower Growth Conditions”

Dasha found out in what conditions a sunflower sprout can grow. Dasha prepared material for planting seeds on the kindergarten site, and conducted the experiment at home.

Project “Vitamin Soap”

Dasha and her mother made soap at home.

Project “Needle is a sorceress”

If there were no ribbon embroidery, the products would be boring and they would not have a unique look.

Project “Does Man Have a Tail?”

While reading a book about representatives of the animal world, I wondered why a person does not have a tail? I wanted to understand this issue, and I did a study on the topic “Does a person have a tail?”

Project "Guinea Pigs"

The project contains information about the domestication, maintenance, care and feeding of guinea pigs.

Project “How I learned to pronounce the sound [R]”

This project was completed by a child who was faced with the problem of impaired sound pronunciation. The project describes the work on setting and automating the sounds [P] and [P"].

Project "Save the tree"

A research project on how you can use waste paper, create paper at home, and thereby contribute to the conservation of forests.

Project “Autumn Forest in Water”

You can make your first discoveries in traditional drawing, for example, in searching for a non-standard artistic solution for depicting objects in water.

Project "First Ski Track"

The first discovery may vary. Today I am sharing my experience of preschoolers opening their first ski track in a real forest.

Project "Underwater World"

In visual arts, the child’s creativity develops: children create works according to an individual design, experimenting with non-traditional visual materials.

Trellis method of growing cucumbers

The trellis method allows you to get a higher yield of cucumbers, extend the fruiting season of this crop and increase the timing of consumption of fresh vegetables, which are healthier.

Project “The Little Man’s Great Success”

The work presents an analysis of the problem of growth using the example of heroes of children's literature, epics, successful figures in science and art, who demonstrate the inconsistency of the stereotype that success and high growth go hand in hand.

Project “Amulets. Back to the roots"

Project activities to study and make amulets as a way to help children overcome fears.

Project "Milk and Dairy Products"

The goal of the project: to enrich children's knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of the child's body.

Project “Secrets of Water”

An educational, interesting project that helps you better understand the properties of water. It is a wonderful additional material for lessons on the surrounding world and for extracurricular activities.

Project “First spring flower”

Hyacinth is a flower of unusual beauty; it attracted the attention of children most of all, and then the children wanted to learn more about this flower, about the origin and conditions of its growth.

Project "Investigations with Sherlock Holmes"

Experiments are always interesting for a child. Therefore, I am happy to include various small experiments in the “Activities” classes. And one day we became interested in how a criminal is caught!

How does mineral and tap water affect the growth of Kalanchoe flowers?

To study the effect of tap and mineral water “Tassai” on the growth of the Kalanchoe flower. Compare the growth of Kalanchoe flowers after watering with tap and mineral water.

Project “Non-standard toys”

Non-standard toys are made from waste materials, additional materials and textiles. Such toys develop imagination and promote the search for unusual solutions in their manufacture.

Project “Chewing gum: benefit or harm”

Chewing gum. What is more in it: benefit or harm? I devoted my work to this, studying the history of origin, composition and properties of chewing gum.

Project “Yard Games. Past and present"

Live communication with peers and yard games are a thing of the past. Therefore, there was an urgent need to return the joy of these games to the children, observing the balance and norms of using modern media.

Project “How to decorate a tree?”

Every year the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year, and birch trees only begin to dress up in their green attire in the spring. How can you decorate a birch tree in winter? Well, of course, with colorful garlands!

Project “Rainbow is Joy”

In this project, we explored the rainbow from all sides, conducted experiments and came to the conclusion that the rainbow brings joy.

Project "Iron Lady of Paris"

“She has long since passed 90, but she looks younger and stands completely straight. ... She's not very attractive. Some even claim that she is ugly, but still life without her would be a little different.” Who am I talking about?

Project “Why is a father so important?”

Children need a father. It is important for them that their father plays with them, reads, and walks. Let it be fishing, a hike or some kind of game so that the child can say: “But I’m always with my dad...”.

Project "Moon and Seas"

One day, when the Moon was full in the sky, I noticed that there were some spots on it. I wondered what it could be? And I wanted to know more about it.

Project "Kitchen Laboratory"

A project in which a student searches for the question of how a kitchen is similar to a chemistry laboratory.

Project "Flour Sorceress"

The project explores the fact that flour can be used to make a variety of products: confectionery, bakery products and much more.

Creative project “Gingerbread for my city”

I imagined that I would be an entrepreneur, organizing my own business in my hometown of Kogalym, producing souvenir gingerbread cookies.

Project “What is snow?”

Once during an excursion we watched the snow, looked at snowflakes, and I became interested in what snow is, how it is formed, what properties snow has. That's why I wanted to explore the snow.

Project “Lullabies”

Recently a joyful event occurred in our family: my cousin was born. I noticed how he liked to fall asleep listening to lullabies. I became curious: why are these songs called that, what kind of lullabies are there, how do they differ from other songs? This is how the topic of my research arose.

Project “Breeding the Cavalier Star”

The paper presents experience in growing hippeastrum seeds for breeding this type of houseplant.

Project "The Most Popular Tree"

During a local history lesson, the kids in our class and I conducted a mini-research, during which we counted the trees around our school. I was wondering, what is the most popular tree in our village and why?

Project "My Childhood"

The project is dedicated to a playground that is collapsing before the eyes of a seven-year-old child. The author of the project thinks about what can be done to save his yard and childhood.

Research project "Labyrinths"

The goal of the project: to prove the possibility of exiting any maze.

Project “Birds at the Feeder”

The project program plans to conduct observations of birds arriving at feeders in order to trace the characteristics of the birds’ behavior and their feeding.

Project “The need for invention is cunning”

Studying phraseological units that teachers use when working with children and determining students’ understanding of their meanings.

Project “Reading as the basis for the development of younger schoolchildren”

The paper presents information about the reading characteristics of primary school students in a modern school.

Project “Cartoons: what is it?”

I, like all children, really love watching cartoons. I wanted to try myself as an animator.

Project “Balloons – fun and useful!”

Research work on the effect of balloons in breathing exercises on the health of children, on increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

Project “Altai in times and destinies: meetings with cosmonaut pilots”

The research work is devoted to the cosmonauts who were guests of secondary school No. 38 in Barnaul in different years.

Project "Afghan Diary"

The work is dedicated to the boys of the 80s, graduates of secondary school No. 38 in Barnaul, who fulfilled their international duty in Afghanistan.

Project “Matryoshka – favorite Russian toy”

Purpose of the study: to create a decorative composition of nesting dolls using the straw inlay technique.

Project “Distribution and use of greeting words in Russian”

The work is devoted to the words of greeting that are used in modern society. In particular, the greetings used by 5th grade students are considered.

Research work "God's servant"

I believe that the bee is called “God’s servant” because, at the behest of God, the creator of nature, it benefits the surrounding nature.

Project “Our fellow countryman: artist Fyodor Semyonovich Torkhov”

F.S. Torkhov is a famous contemporary artist who is known in our country and abroad. A great friend of Mongolia, which he considers his second homeland. Public figure.

Project “Sculptor Sergei Gennadievich Mozgovoy”

The work is dedicated to the modern Altai sculptor Sergei Mozgovoy, who is engaged in root plastics, ice and park sculptures.

Study of homemade sculptures in playgrounds

We present social environmental monitoring of playgrounds. In this project, several playgrounds in one microdistrict were explored and photographed.

Vocabulary of love lyrics of Russian poets

While reading poems about love by different poets, I once thought, have these poems changed over the centuries? And that’s how the idea for my project was born.

Project “Where did the bread on the table come from?”

This project sets itself the task of career guidance: to introduce people of different professions related to bread production.

Project “Are all yoghurts healthy?”

Nowadays there are many yoghurts on sale: Danone, Campina, Erman, etc. Therefore, we were faced with a problem: how to choose the right yogurt so that it is beneficial for our body?

Project “Computer games – are they good or bad?”

Most schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer; it is an integral part of their lives, but not all of them know what rules must be followed in order to maintain their health.

Project: “Doll – folk toy”

Purpose of the study: to awaken children's interest in Russian folk culture. Make amulets and gaming dolls.

Project “Problem of solid waste disposal”

I became interested in where people should throw garbage, how to recycle it, and how to make our village cleaner. And I decided to do my own research.

Research project “Color and Children”

This work was carried out to study the influence of the color design of the premises of an educational institution on the mood, behavior and learning of schoolchildren.

Project “Scrapbooking – a beautiful hobby”

Scrapbooking is such an unknown word. I decided to find out everything about him and tell everyone. My research paper is about making a photo album with your own hands.

Project “Does toothpaste affect the strength of teeth?”

This project examines the effect of toothpaste on the strength of teeth, experiments and observations are carried out, as a result of which conclusions are drawn.

Project “The Role of Traditions in My Family”

The purpose of my work: to find out the role of traditions in the formation of a strong and friendly family.

Project “Paradise Snowball”

Adults and children love ice cream. I was interested to know when ice cream appeared and whether it was healthy.

Project “Why does Duremaru need leeches?”

When we read A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio,” we wondered why Duremar sold leeches and was sure that they were medicinal. This interested us, and we decided to find out more about them.

Project “Lifestyle of animals in winter and their interaction with the properties of snow”

This paper hypothesizes that certain properties of snow have a major effect on animals in winter.

Project “The Secret of the Old Birch”

The research work is devoted to the study of different methods for determining the age of birch and their application in practice.

Project "Breath of Leaf"

The goal of the project: to find out from which side of the leaf air enters the plant.

Project “Cat is a pet”

The goal of my work was to educate and educate us to truly love and protect animals.

Project “The influence of magnets on the development of indoor plants”

Purpose of the study: to find out whether a magnet affects the development of plants and how.

The work is a deep comparative analysis of carving technologies in various fields: cooking, sports, hairdressing, etc.

Project “The Image of the Dragon in Children’s Literature”

The most famous and popular mythical creatures are dragons. In my work, I decided to tell you what dragons are like and what groups they are divided into.

Project: Meteorological center "People's Signs" reports...

The paper examines the problem of the reliability of folk signs of weather in the modern climate. It is interdisciplinary (compilative) and experimental in nature. Contains information about natural phenomena, the history of ancestors, folklore, folk traditions, and the secrets of family weather forecasting skills.

Studying the screen model and the movement of the turtle in LogoWorlds

In this work, the coordinates of the turtle at the boundaries of the field area were found experimentally. It has been proven that the field in these aisles has the shape of a rectangle and represents a rectangular coordinate system. And the screen on which the turtle moves, outside the rectangle, is a torus. Game programs for a psychologist have been compiled.

Project "Songs of Victory"

The object of the study was songs from the period of the Great Patriotic War. The project product of our work is the creation of a multimedia album “Songs of Victory”.

What determines the “stickiness” of inks and paints to fabric and paper?

Long-term research work is based on alternating practical (7 experiments) and theoretical parts.

Project “Where does the garbage go?”

During the course of the study, experiments are carried out on waste recycling. The work is designed to cultivate environmental culture among younger schoolchildren.

Project “Is it possible to grow beans in the fall?”

During the excursion, we noticed that with the onset of autumn, all above-ground parts of herbaceous plants die off. This is how plants prepare for winter. The question arose: “Is it possible to artificially create conditions in the classroom for the growth and development of herbaceous plants in the fall?”

Project “Why ships don’t sink”

The work can be used in lessons about the surrounding world and physics. The author logically, accessiblely and reasonably proves Archimedes' law.

Project “Modern teacher and his role in society”

In my work I will try to find out more about this profession: who is a teacher? When did it appear? What were the teachers like before and what are they like now? And tell your peers about it.

Project “Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren”

I observed the speech of students in my class in order to identify the peculiarities of verbal communication among schoolchildren. I compiled a dictionary of characteristic and commonly used words for 4th grade students.

Project “What attracts a magnet?”

The work carried out an experimental test of some properties of the magnet.

Project “Rooting cuttings of indoor birch plant”

The goal of the project: to find out and check under what conditions a “birch” cutting will quickly take root.

Project “Attitude to hometown: Perm and Yekaterinburg”

Comparative analysis of Perm and Yekaterinburg using the example of the attitude of residents of both cities towards their hometown.

Project “Why do people love to travel?”

My family and I love to travel. We have been to different countries and visited many cities of our Motherland. I wanted to know: why do people love to travel?

Project “AVZ during the Great Patriotic War”

We are interested in learning the history of our city. On its territory during the war there was one plant on the site where AVZ is located. Therefore, we chose the topic “AVZ during the Great Patriotic War.”

Project “How to save water”

During my lessons on the environment, I heard that there is only 3% fresh water in the world. Then I decided to find out how to save water and learn how to use it carefully.

Project “How do plants live?”

The plant world is very diverse. What does a plant need to live? What is the relationship between the animal and plant worlds? Our project will talk about this.

Project “Forgotten Heritage of the Urals. The story of one excursion."

Study of some abandoned Orthodox churches in the Sverdlovsk region.

Project “What is happiness?”

Very often they write the following words: “I wish you happiness!” or “Be happy!” In my research work, I decided to find out what happiness is and what the word “happiness” means.

Project “Who makes the wrong honey?”

This work can be used as a practical guide for testing honey for quality.

Project “Speech aggression of younger schoolchildren or some secrets of words”

We wondered: why do people say hurtful things to each other and is it possible to improve the situation?

Project “Russian hero: the embodiment of my dream”

The work “Russian hero: the embodiment of my dream” is devoted to creating the image of a Russian hero based on the study of works of literature and art.

Project “Fruit and Vegetable Battery”

This paper presents a study of fruits and vegetables as possible chemical sources of electricity, and also discusses their practical application.

Project "Plants and Light"

What role does light play in plant life? How does it affect plants? Where should plants be placed to make them beautiful? I tried to find answers to these questions.

Project “Outdated words in Pushkin’s story”

Why do Pushkin's heroes speak so strangely? Am I the only one who doesn’t understand these words? And most importantly, why did Pushkin use them in his work? This is how my research project came about.

Project “Why do birds fly?”

I really love animals, watching shows about them, reading books, fiddling with them. There are a lot of pigeons near the House of Culture, and I often watch them. Sometimes pigeons fly high onto the roof of a building. How do they do it? I wondered what helps birds fly. I wanted to solve this mystery.

Project “Why do clouds float?”

A windless day, not a single leaf moves, and the clouds high in the sky for some reason do not stand still, but float. After all, there is no wind, why are the clouds floating?

Research work “Tectonics. What is this?"

I study in a modern dance studio, and I wanted to know where the Tektonik direction comes from?

Project "Uninvited Guests"

In the fall of 2010, bears came to our city. They were found near garbage cans and killed. Why did the bears come to the city? Why did people kill them? I was excited about this problem and decided to explore it in my project.

Project "Raster Graphics Formats"

During the project, I became acquainted with the technical computer resources necessary to work with raster graphics.

Project “My Family’s Cultural Heritage”

The goal of the project: to preserve the cultural heritage of my family and pass it on to next generations.

Project “To Our Mothers on Spring Day”

What to give mothers on March 8th, how to please them? As the famous poem says, “I know mother loves carnations and lilacs. But in March there are no lilacs, you can’t get carnations...” And then the children decided to grow flowers.

Project “What do I know about the history of space exploration?”

The project was prepared by a group of 2nd grade students on the problem of general awareness of primary school students on the issue of space exploration.

Project “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

Every fairy tale teaches us something. You just need to take a closer look and listen to it. Purpose of the work: to trace how the Russian people, through fairy tales, taught children to relate to their elders.

Project “Math in the Kitchen”

Project “Where did Chuk and Gek travel?”

Arkady Gaidar's work "Chuk and Gek" begins with the words: "There lived a man in the forest near the Blue Mountains." But where are these Blue Mountains? Where did the heroes go? The answer to this question was not found either on the map or on the Internet.

Project: “We, nature and our health”

Project goal: Collect secrets, ways to preserve and improve health in a “health basket”.

Project “Mold is part of life on Earth”

Project goal: theoretical and experimental study of mold as a biological structure.

Project “Why are soap bubbles round?”

Why are soap bubbles round? Perhaps if you use a wire frame in the shape of a cube or triangle to inflate a bubble, you will get a bubble of a different shape? Let's consider...

Project “Grandfather’s Victory is My Victory!”

Every family has its own little war story, and we must learn as much as possible about the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - the glorious defenders of the Motherland!

Project “How is a felt boot born?”

I became interested in finding out how an ordinary piece of wool turns into felt boots and whether it is possible to make felt boots at home.

Project "Mathematics and Music"

What connection can there be between mathematics, the wise queen of all sciences, and music? I propose to find answers to these questions, to prove that there is a connection between music and mathematics.

Project “Waxwing in the Moscow Region”

As a result of observations and research, the student gains an understanding of the bird. Determines the habitat and living conditions of the waxwing in its native land. Finds out what the Moscow region winter threatens for birds.

Project “Is it possible to lose weight in 10 days?”

This work is about effective weight loss of 3-4 kg in 10 days without harm to the child’s body.

Project “This Sorceress is our Water”

Together with children we study the properties of water, learn to protect water resources, and conduct practical experiments to study the properties of water.

Project “The World of a Child: A Look Through Time”

During music lessons, pieces from P.I.’s “Children’s Album” were often played. Tchaikovsky. Listening to music, I wondered whether the interests of children from Tchaikovsky’s time were similar to those of my peers. My work is devoted to finding an answer to this question.

Project “The whole truth about chocolate”

Chocolate is a delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. But few know how and where it appeared, its benefits and harms.

Project “Should a snow coat be clean?”

The purpose of the project: to study the properties of plants germinated in various melt waters.

Project "My Great-Grandfather"

I want many to know what a wonderful great-grandfather I had, that he went through the entire war and accomplished many feats defending his Motherland.

Project “Family is a particle of space”

The author compares human life with the structure of the Universe, taking as a basis the life of the stars and the life of a person in a family. It turns out that not only human life is structured according to the same laws, but also the entire world - our Universe.

Project “A Little Story about My Big Family”

I live in a small Cossack village. I really wanted to know the history of my family and how we found a new homeland, where I found good friends and found happiness.

Project “What is tanning and is it beneficial for humans?”

The purpose of my research: to find out why tanning occurs and whether it is beneficial for the human body.

Project “Does a fur coat keep you warm?”

The work carried out an experiment to compare the thermal conductivity of various fabrics and materials. It has been shown that clothing made from Down and Wool are the warmest.

Project "New Year's Souvenir"

The project describes the work of a child in making a gift with his own hands for the New Year holiday using the kusudama technique.

Project “Metamorphoses of a Ladybug”

I saw ladybird larvae on the leaves of the bird cherry tree. I was surprised that the children were completely different from their parents and decided to watch their transformation.

Project “Embroidery for the Soul”

I decided to study in detail the entire process of embroidery, its stages, materials, and get acquainted with the history of its origin.

Project “Russian fairy tales and Japanese fairy tales”

Purpose of the study: to find out whether Russian and Japanese fairy tales are similar?

Project "Grey Crows in the City"

In my work, I described my observations of hooded crows during the period they were building their nest.

Project “Piggy Bank of Vitamins”

Knowing that vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins, we assume that if you regularly include them in the diet, the number of sick children will decrease.

“A talented sculptor is the pride of our city”

I learned that a real sculptor lives in our city of Frolovo. I am proud that we live in the same city, and I also dream of becoming a real sculptor.

Project "Living Legend of War"

There are many memorable places in the city of Frolovo, which tell about the participation of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, about their exploits. I decided to meet with a participant in the war, Kostina Maria Alexandrovna.

Project “Growth Factors of Tulips”

To please our loved ones and give them a gift in winter, we decided to plant flowers in a pot in a group, growing a gift with our own hands.

Project “Wintering birds of our region”

If you change the living conditions of birds in winter, then perhaps not all migratory birds will fly to warmer climes? After all, wintering birds are birds that can adapt to different conditions.

Project "Keyboard Mystery"

Why are the keys on the keyboard arranged this way? The purpose of my research is to identify the parameters on which the speed of typing on a keyboard depends.

Project “Training of decorative rats”

The work examines the issue of training rodents, depending on their temperament and character. The success of taming rats depends on their relationship with humans.

Project “Why does a goat give milk?”

The work involves observing the goats of a personal farmstead. The goal of the project: to find out why not all goats give milk and how to properly care for them.

Project "The Secret of Sparkling Water"

Very often we hear the following words from parents: “Soda is harmful, you can’t drink it.” Why do stores sell sparkling water? I decided to check whether soda is actually harmful.

Project “Predator Plants”

I recently learned that there are plants on Earth that have chosen an amazing way to obtain nutrients. They catch and digest insects. Such plants are called predator plants.

Project “Colors in our lives”

Colors occupy a huge place in our lives. Without colors, our world would be gray, so man has always strived to find a way to brighten up reality.

Project “What a Drop of Water Tells You About”

Currently, the issue of shortage of clean fresh water is very acute. Do we often think about what kind of water we drink? People's health depends on the quality of water.

Project “The phenomenon of geotropism in plant life”

The research work is aimed at confirming the hypothesis: proper planting of seeds (root down) will give quick and healthy seedlings.

Project “Manifestation of emotions by a parrot”

Parrots occupy a special place among pets. A parrot's behavior depends on its emotional state and it expresses its emotions in different ways.

Project “Why do cats’ eyes glow in the dark?”

I chose this topic because I love my cat very much and I like watching him. I decided to find out whether a cat's eyes really glow in the dark.

Project "Ice Flowers"

Project “My Small Motherland”

Project “Flower for Mom”

Project “There are miracles, there is a devil wandering there...”

The work will include analysis and a children's view of the negative heroes of Russian folk tales.

Project "Ice Flowers"

The goal of my work was to find out how snow patterns appear on windows. Why are there patterns in the apartment, since it’s frosty outside? Why do snow patterns come in different shapes?

Project “Wintering birds of the city of Kalachinsk”

The work tells what birds Nastya saw at her feeder in winter in the city of Kalachinsk, Omsk region.

Project “Alive - animate, animate - inanimate”

The research project provides answers to questions about the categories of animate and inanimate living and inanimate objects.

Project “Health of the Nation. Smoking"

Smoking is a real scourge of our time. In my work I will tell the story of the appearance of smoking on earth and the harm it causes.

Project “My Small Motherland”

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing today. Subject of research: the history of the creation of a division, a town, the service of rocket soldiers.

Project "Amazing Crystals"

Many substances have a crystalline structure. Crystals are found very often in life, but children know little about them.

Project “Flower for Mom”

Project “Legs, wings and... jet engine”

Preparing for the New Year celebration, I was inflating balloons, one of them escaped from my hands and flew away from me. I asked myself the question: what happened to the ball?

Project “Circles for Parents”

My parents love to drink tea. Mom likes warm tea, and dad likes hot tea. Tea cools differently in different mugs. I was wondering what this depends on.

Project “Saturn – a planet of the solar system”

The research work is devoted to studying the questions: Why is the planet called Saturn? When and who explored it?

Project "Origami and Mathematics"

A research project by Queen Dasha on the topic of identifying the relationship between the art of origami and mathematics.

Project “Oh, those dinosaurs!”

In this work, Danil introduces the life history of these creatures and their habitat. The work is interesting for its presentation, which uses a lot of photographs.

Project “Finger dancing in ballet”

I chose this topic because I like ballet. I wanted to know how ballerinas manage to stand on their toes and achieve high mastery in dance.

Project “A Little Drop of a Big World”

This paper describes the history of the creation of ponds in the village of Verkhouslino, Yaransky district, Kirov region.

Project “How indoor plants affect our lives”

Many residents spend up to 20 hours a day indoors. To improve your well-being, you need to grow indoor plants in them.

Project “Weather forecast in February 2011”

Watching the weather forecast and comparing temperatures with 2010.

Project "River Yaran"

This work studies the source of the Yarani River, its tributaries, the flora and fauna of this reservoir. Former swimming places are being explored. It turns out that the river has become shallow, its banks are overgrown and there are no places left for swimming. A survey is being conducted “Where do children swim?”

Project “Soft toy Bunny”

This paper studies the history of the origin of soft toys. The main stages of manufacturing the soft toy “Bunny” are determined.

Project "Ladies' Things"

This work is interesting because in a short time you can help your loved ones transform and decorate dresses and suits, bags and shoes.

Project "Onion" happiness

Interest in the problem of growing onions is due to the fact that onions are one of those vegetables that is eaten by everyone.

Project “Costume from the Past”.

The study introduces the traditions of the Chuvash people and the features of folk costume. It is very important to know the basic symbols and signs that were used to decorate a woman’s dress.

Project "School"

We go to school every day. I wondered: what kind of school was there before?

Project “Caution – FOOD!”

My friends and I buy chips, kirieshki, and carbonated drinks to quench our hunger and thirst. But we constantly hear that this is harmful. And I decided to figure it out: are instant foods healthy or harmful?

Project “The influence of color on human health”

Color surrounds a person everywhere. The purpose of my work is to study the problem of the impact of color on human mental health.

Project “Nizhnevartovsk in names”

My research invites everyone to think about their names, because they are given to a person only once.

“Do relatives of dinosaurs exist today?”

I wanted to understand how they lived, why they became extinct, and whether they had relatives in our world. After all, many existing animals are similar to dinosaurs.

Project “Piano – the best musical instrument”

Purpose of the study: to find out why the piano is considered the most universal (popular) musical instrument.

Project “Birds in Winter”

Design and research work of 3rd grade students.

Project "My Home Friends"


General recommendations Volume - from 10 to 25 pages of printed text (without attachment). The text is printed on one side of the page; computer font 12-14, regular, line spacing 1.5–2; margin size; left – 30mm; right 10mm; upper and lower – 20mm. Each chapter begins on a new page, as does the table of contents, introduction, conclusion, bibliography, and appendix. The distance between the chapter title and the following text should be 3 spaces. There is no period at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line. Headings cannot be underlined or words in headings can be hyphenated. Phrases from a new line are printed with a paragraph indentation from the beginning of the line equal to 0.5 cm. All pages are numbered starting from the title page. The page number is placed at the top center of the page; The page number is not placed on the title page.

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Bibliography. It is more convenient to use the alphabetical method of constructing a bibliographic list; Authors' names and titles (if the author is not indicated) are arranged in alphabetical order. Methodological problems of modern science / comp. A.T. Moskalenko M.: Politizdat, 1979. 295 p. Muntusov A.B. Portrait of a business person // Problems of management theory and practice. – 1992. – No. 6. With. 14. Continuing education as a pedagogical system: Sat. scientific tr. (Research Institute of Higher Education) / resp. Ed. N.N. Nechaev. M.: Scientific Research Institute of Higher Education, 1995. 15 p. Raitsyn N.V. In the trenches of trade wars // Business world. – 1993. – October 7. Ruzavin G.I. Scientific theory. M.: Mysl, 1978. 23 p.

Slide 4

Structure of the work Title page; Table of contents; Introduction; Heads of the main part; Conclusion; Bibliography; Applications;

Slide 5

Sample design of the title page City local history conference of schoolchildren “Unidentified nearby Geographical local history Features of the Solontsovsky ridge as a geographical object of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve Done by a 10th grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 6 in Sochi Alexey Ivanovich Ivanov Scientific supervisor - teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 6 in Sochi Lyudmila Korolenko Andreevna, Sochi, 2010

Slide 6

The table of contents lists all the titles of the work and indicates the pages. The introduction should contain the following elements: justification of the relevance of the topic, a very brief analysis of achievements in the field, a general overview of published works, the purpose of this work; research methods; theoretical significance and applied value of the results obtained. It is generally accepted that the volume of the introduction should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of work (1-2 pages). The purpose of the research is usually to study certain phenomena (for illustration, let’s take a hypothetical example from the field of Earth sciences - the study of water acidity in water bodies of the N-th reserve. Everything said below can be applied to any humanitarian field).

Slide 7

Research objectives. The tasks show what you are going to do (for example, take a certain number of water samples from different objects and determine their acidity using an indicator, let's call it a “litmus test”).

Slide 8

Literature review, i.e. a brief description of what is known about the phenomenon under study, in what direction the research of other authors is taking place. In the review, you must show that you are familiar with the area of ​​research from several sources, that you are setting a new problem, and not “reinventing the wheel”, doing what has already been done before you. Writing a literary review will help you master the material more fluently and answer questions reasonably during the report. You need to understand that in a job well done, what is included in the text and heard in the report is only the “tip of the iceberg”, the main part of which is hidden under water and is not directly present in the work

Slide 9

The chapters of the main part discuss in detail the research methodology and technique and summarize the results. The main text may be accompanied by illustrated material (drawings, diagrams, maps, diagrams, photographs). All of them are designated as “drawings” and have a common numbering. The caption under each figure begins with its number “Fig. 1”, etc. The No. sign is not placed. The main part is divided into chapters. At the end of each chapter there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but are formulated concisely, without detailed evidence. The scale must be indicated on maps and charts.

Slide 10

The conclusion succinctly formulates the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, directions for further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results). Conclusions, thesis, in order, sets out the results of the work. Conclusions must correspond to the goals, objectives and hypothesis of the research, and be an answer to the questions posed in them. The conclusion may also include practical suggestions, which increases the value of the theoretical material. The conclusion should always be less than the introduction. It is believed that the normal volume of conclusion is 1/20 of the total volume of work. After the conclusion, it is customary to place a bibliographic list of references. The “Appendix” section contains digital material in the form of tables, drawings, charts, diagrams, graphs, photographs. All this illustrative material is called drawings, provided with headings or captions, and numbered. Applications are placed in the order they are mentioned in the text. Each application is located on a separate page; Applications are not counted towards the total workload.

Slide 11

Presentation of the work: a) Why was this topic chosen? b) Why is this topic relevant and interesting? c) What is its significance for learning a course in geography (ecology, history...)? 2. Report on the technologies used: a) Characteristics of sources; b) Analysis of other methods used: Meetings with specialists; Work in various organizations collecting statistical and other material. 3. A summary of the main ideas. The student expresses his thoughts, observations, conclusions, and provisions made on the basis of primary sources included in the text of the abstract. Provides evidence of the main points. Uses factual and practical material. Makes a description of a process, phenomenon, country, etc.

Slide 12

Recommendations for creating a presentation The presentation should not be less than 10 slides. The first sheet is the title page, which must contain: the name of the project; name of the issuing organization; last name, first name, patronymic of the author; Municipal educational institution secondary school where the author of the project works and his position. The next slide should be the content, which presents the main stages (moments) of the presentation lesson. It is advisable that from the content you can use a hyperlink to go to the required page and return again to the content. Design and ergonomic requirements: color compatibility, limited number of objects on the slide, text color. The presentation requires imported objects from existing digital educational resources. (The most acceptable and convenient to use is the COR “Using Microsoft Office at School.” This resource has educational and methodological recommendations for teachers. Newly arrived CERs are generally difficult to manage and require additional serious knowledge from the subject teacher in the field computer science and ICT); The last slides of the presentation lesson should be a glossary and a list of references.

Slide 13

Requirements for research works presented at the city local history conference of students of educational institutions in Sochi Research work is an independent presentation of the topic (problem) chosen as the subject of research, in which the available material is summarized, own judgments and conclusions are made. The following requirements are imposed on the content of the research work: knowledge and use of known historical facts; acquaintance with the current state of the problem; consistent presentation and analytical synthesis of the material; logical conclusions. The work should consist of a title page, content (outline), introduction, main part (divided into chapters and/or paragraphs), conclusion, list of sources and literature used. The content (plan) should reflect the structure of the work. The introduction reveals the relevance and significance of studying the problem, indicates the subject, chronological and geographical scope of the study, and defines the purpose and objectives of the work. In the main part, based on an analysis of the available material, the solution to the assigned problems is outlined. In conclusion, the results are summed up and conclusions are drawn as answers to the tasks outlined in the introduction. The list of used sources and literature lists in alphabetical order books, articles, archival materials and other sources that were used by the author directly when conducting research and writing the work. The work may contain footnotes. Footnotes are used when citing sources and literature and referring to interesting, important and little-known historical facts. In this case, the pages of the cited source must be indicated. The recommended amount of work is from 10 to 24 pages in A-4 format. The work must be completed by only one student under the guidance of one supervisor (co-authorship is not allowed).

Slide 14

List of references Alekseev N.G., Leontovich A.V., Obukhov A.V., Fomina L.F. Concept of development of students’ research activities // Research work of schoolchildren. 2002. No. 1. P. 24-33. Poddyakov A.N. Exploratory behavior: cognitive strategies, help, counteraction, conflict. - M.: Education, 2000. - 266 p. Fundamentals of student research (methodological recommendations for pre-profile and specialized training of schoolchildren focused on student research work) Compiled by S.I. Pyatibratova, Ph.D., head of the general education sector of the science department of the State Educational Institution "St. Petersburg State Children's Theater of Tyumen"http://www The program of the elective course “Introduction to Research Work” and a teaching aid for it Roza Mugabbirna Kryuchkova, geography teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Rechenskaya secondary school

named after Professor N.D. Kolesov

Alekseevsky municipal district

Volgograd region

Nomination: “Countrymen-Heroes”


Topic: “Trace in History.”

Work completed:

Kholodova Alena –

10th grade student

MBOU Rechenskaya secondary school


Shekhmatova Natalia Alexandrovna –

geography teacher

Rechensky farm


1. Introduction: P.3 -4

    Purpose of the study

    Research objectives

    Research methods

    Place, timing and duration of the study.

2.Research results: pp. 5 - 14

Chapter I

Chapter II. “N.D. Kolesov is a Great Citizen of his country...”

Chapter III. A military page in the life of Nikolai Kolesov.

Chapter IV. The long road in science.

Chapter V. "The river flows into history..."

3. Conclusion. P.14 - 15

4. List of used sources and literature. P.16

5. Application. P.17-19


Relevance of the research topic :

In every city and village there are people whom you want to tell everyone about. The project “Countrymen - Heroes” is the realization of this desire. I want nothing to disappear without a trace, so that the memory of a man who left a significant mark in the history of our state, my small homeland, remains in our hearts.
Adolescence is a special age for personality development. The student's duty is knowledge of the history of his small homeland, knowledge and memory of his fellow countrymen, their deeds. And those who are interested in the history of their native land carry out painstaking work to further study it. “A person’s interests are formed mainly in his childhood,” wrote academician D. S. Likhachev. He believed that “if a child has an interest in the lives of other people, in the history of his country, in literature and art, if he wants to do something good, then he will grow up to be a kind, decent, useful person for Russia.”

Purpose of the study:

Tell about a man of interesting destiny, who glorified his small homeland with his work and skill.

Research objectives :
1. Analyze different types of information sources on the topic of the research work.
2. Study the biography, life and activities of our fellow countryman, whose name our school bears.

Research hypothesis :
I can assume that knowledge of the modern history of our small homeland and the people who glorified it can qualitatively increase the level of patriotism among teenagers and have a positive impact on the formation of their personality.

Object and subject of research :
Object of study: Nikolay Dmitrievich Kolesov, his personal example, contribution to the development of modern society.
Subject of research: biography of a fellow countryman, his social and labor activities.

Research methods:
Analysis of information sources, observation; conversations, processing of the results obtained.

Place, timing and duration of the study:

MBOU Rechenskaya secondary school, Rechensky village, Alekseevsky district, Volgograd region.

2012 – 2013 academic year – beginning of the 2013 – 2014 academic year. 1.5 years.

Research results:

Chapter I . Brief biographical sketch.


12/11/1925 – 04/17/2012

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Full member of the Academy of Humanities

Honorary Professor of St. Petersburg

Honorary Professor of Lugansk Agrarian University

State University (Ukraine)

Honorary Doctor of Volgograd

State University (Russia)

Honorary Doctor of the University of Budapest (Hungary)

Honorary Doctor of the University of Prague (Czech Republic)

A person can make of his life what he wants,

and give it so much value for yourself and for others,

as much as his own strength allows him

W. von Humboldt.

A truly unique person lived in our village; he was a defender of the Fatherland, a great scientist, a wonderful parent and just a good neighbor.

His biography makes us think about the meaning of life, about the purpose of man in this world.

Born on December 11, 1925 in the Rechka farm, Alekseevsky district, Volgograd region.

In 1943 he graduated from school and volunteered to go to the front. As part of the 4th Ukrainian Front, as a machine gunner, sapper and reconnaissance rifle division, he participated in the liberation of Ukraine; was wounded twice. In January 1944, after being seriously wounded during reconnaissance on Perekop, he lost his leg and was demobilized.

Since August 1944 he worked as a beekeeper on his native collective farm.

In 1945-1959 studied at the Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, Leningrad University, in 1950-1953. - in graduate school.

Since 1953 - teacher, then associate professor (1955-1963), head of the department (1963-1995), professor (1995-2010) of the department of political economy (since 1991 - department of economic theory and economic policy) of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) ) university. In 1964 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics, and in 1965 he was awarded the academic title of professor.

In 1975-1990 - Chairman of the Main Council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR for Political Economy.

He was elected secretary of the party committee of Leningrad University (1963-1965), a member of the plenum of the Vasileostrovsky Republican Committee of the CPSU, and a deputy of the district council. For a number of years he headed the Council of War and Labor Veterans of the university.

He was buried at the Volkovskoye Orthodox Cemetery.


Chapter II. “N.D. Kolesov is a Great Citizen of his country..."

The biography of Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov speaks of his large-scale significance in the field of science and education, in the country’s economy and political status.

However, the status of this wonderful person is important not only within the country, but also in a particular society of people, be it work colleagues or fellow villagers in his native village.

It is an indisputable fact that anyone who was destined to see him for the first time and communicate with him felt a certain shock from the unusual strength of his personality. And this shock, they say, is such that it is perceived as almost sensational.

Gentle irony, subtle humor, originality of thinking, research depth of scientific work, courage and originality of the proposed approaches to solving problems, the ability to find oneself in any situation, the wisdom of a leader who stimulates the creative freedom of his students, a keen interest in life in all its manifestations, courage and strength of spirit - all this is N.D. Kolesov. And the creative powers of N.D. Kolesov are enormous.

“Whatever Kolesov talks about, be it a discussion of any scientific problems or political-ideological incidents, or simply the complexities of life, his judgments are thorough without affective attacks, sometimes it seems that he even puts it all too simply on the shelves, but in As a result, everyone can feel his enormous intellect and unfussy wisdom. And his listeners, without themselves understanding how this happened, discover whole worlds of knowledge and feelings through which his clear and honest position of a person who is very firm in his principles of worldview emerges. Kolesov is like this everywhere: in personal conversations, in the classroom, in bosses’ offices...” [Memoirs of students and colleagues, NIKOLAI DMITRIEVICH KOLESOV, I.M. Shabunina]

The charm of N.D.’s personality Kolesov captivates everyone who has ever communicated with him, listened to his singing, stories, anecdotes, sayings.

“Nikolai Dmitrievich was distinguished by excellent human qualities. Like any great man, he was kind, sympathetic, always helping in word and deed.” This is exactly what every fellow villager of Kolesov says in his small homeland in x. Rechensky.

We are truly lucky to live next to such a unique person; we will long remember his meetings with students at our school, and the fascinating stories about the Great Patriotic War will remain in our memory for many decades. (Application)

Chapter III . The military page in the life of Nikolai Kolesov

When the Great Patriotic War began, Nikolai Kolesov was sixteen years old. He could not go to the front, where his father had gone as a soldier in the first days.

In the spring of 1943, yesterday's schoolboy, who was not yet seventeen years old, put on a soldier's uniform. At first there was a reserve regiment, comprehension of the difficult, but vital, soldierly science. Only in September N.D. Kolesov ended up in the active army, on the 4th Ukrainian Front.

Submachine gunner Kolesov went on reconnaissance missions and bravely fought against the Nazi invaders. Liberated Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions, Crimea from the enemy. For military services he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, and medals. Nikolai Dmitrievich will not forget the reconnaissance with battle at Perekop in January '44 from his memory. As he told us when we met, it was necessary to take the “language” from the enemy’s front line. The Nazis managed to discover a handful of brave souls and opened machine-gun fire on them. Then the scout Kolesov took a few steps on the ground mixed with metal and blood. Something cracked and buzzed in my ears. It flashed dazzlingly before my eyes. And the light went dark. His comrades picked him up.

I woke up on a stretcher in a field hospital. “And then,” Nikolai Dmitrievich said at a meeting with students, “the stretcher with me and another seriously wounded man was hooked under the wings of the corn farmer and off to the hospital. Maybe that’s why I consider the airplane the best form of transport since then. I go on any business trip in my country or abroad by plane.”

Doctors saved the scout's life. But he returned to his native land - to the village of Rechensky, Alekseevsky district - without his left leg.

Took on a job that I had never thought about in the past. In my father’s garden, a swarm of bees suddenly took a fancy to their place. Nikolai Dmitrievich sheltered him and took him honey. The board of the collective farm heard about this and sent Kolesov, a disabled person of the second group, to beekeeping courses during the winter. In the spring he was already busy around the hives. Nikolai Dmitrievich further said: “We were waiting for victory. And that day I was in the apiary, collecting honey. The weather was a miracle. It was very sunny, the aroma from the flowering gardens was intoxicating. At eleven o'clock in the morning a fellow villager came running to my apiary. He shouted: “Victory!” I was nineteen years old then.”

Chapter IV . The long road in science

The dream, interrupted by the war - to study further after ten years - did not give rest. And he, having read an advertisement in the newspaper about admission to Leningrad State University, left.

He successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the department of political economy.

As the best graduate, N.D. Kolesov was left after completing his postgraduate course. He defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences and began teaching at this department. Later he defended his doctoral dissertation. He headed the department of political economy of the university - one of the oldest and largest in the country. During his studies and work, N.D. Kolesov developed into a major scientist, known for his works not only in the USSR, but also beyond its borders. He is the author of more than 300 scientific works, including about 50 monographs. His books and textbooks were published in many central publishing houses: Politizdat, Sotsekgiz, Publishing Houses "Economy", "Mysl", "Higher School", articles - in leading socio-economic journals: "Questions of Philosophy", "Questions of Economics", "Communist" , “The Economist”, “Economic Sciences”, “International Affairs”, etc. His books and articles were translated into many foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, German, French, Hungarian, Polish, etc.), a number of works were translated into languages Asia and Africa: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi, Swahili, etc. For example, the work of N. D. Kolesov “Essays on Economic Theory” was published in 16 foreign languages, and the work “Political Economy in Questions and Answers” ​​was published in 17. His name was included in domestic and foreign encyclopedias. (ApplicationI)

The international recognition of N.D. Kolesov’s scientific merits is evidenced by the following fact: the Nobel Prize Committee approached him with a proposal to nominate a scientist who has achieved outstanding results in economic science for the Nobel Prize.

In 2005, in St. Petersburg, he was awarded a prize in the category “The Most Famous Professor.” A huge number of congratulations on anniversaries from leading universities in the country and the world were kept by Nikolai Dmitrievich and now transferred to the school. (ApplicationII)

Many students and friends of N.D. work at Volgograd State University. Kolesova. The rector of Volgograd State University, Professor O.V. Inshakov, assessed the scientist’s work as follows: “N.D. Kolesov is the creator of one of the most fruitful scientific schools of Soviet economics. Under his leadership, 207 candidate and 80 doctoral dissertations were prepared and defended. This is unique for Russia in general. In essence, the creation of such an extensive school is a kind of record for the transfer of one’s knowledge and the formation of new ones among the next generation of scientists.” (Bulletin of Volgogr. State University. 2006. Ser. 6. Issue 9. P. 7). (ApplicationIII)

Among Nikolai Dmitrievich’s students are presidents, governors, ministers, world champions, academicians, professors... (AppendixIV)

After meeting with students from our school N.D. He left a lot of his books, photographs, newspaper clippings. And this is what we read in one of them. “Mentor of Anatoly Karpov” Newspaper “Truth of Buryatia” dated February 10, 1979. “At the end of last year, I had to live in the Novosibirsk Academic Town on a business trip. I was lucky to have a roommate. He turned out to be a very sincere person, with great erudition, a rich and interesting biography.

While getting acquainted, he said his last name - Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov. I immediately remembered his textbook, which I used to study at the university. I also remembered another book by the scientist - “Political Economy of Socialism in Questions and Answers”, written in a lively, popular language, which we students loved very much. Now Professor Kolesov is the generally recognized head of the Leningrad school of political economists of the USSR. But, despite his titles, Nikolai Dmitrievich is a modest person, an attentive interlocutor, a fascinating storyteller and a generally charming personality,” wrote Anatoly Karpov. And then the author of the article: “The experienced teacher immediately caught the young man’s extraordinary interest in science. What attracted him was his persistence in mastering knowledge, his ardent desire to comprehend the subtleties himself, to get to the bottom of complex issues. And then Nikolai Dmitrievich began to devote his time to the student. Thus, a friendship gradually developed between the famous professor and the talented student. And when the time came to write his thesis, Anatoly Karpov turned to Kolesov for advice. Anatoly Karpov’s work was successfully defended, but only one person, his scientific supervisor Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov, knew how difficult it was for the future scientist’s first scientific work to come about. Often N.D. They ask: “Have you ever played chess with Anatoly?” “But of course! We often played with him, staying until late at night either at the university, or at my house, or at his. Anatoly gave me a chessboard as a souvenir.” One day, students took a photograph of one of the sessions, and the next morning the wall newspaper published an interesting photograph with a friendly text. The photographer captured the moment when I, losing, began to smile, and Karpov was still playing, with his head in his hands as usual. The humorous text read: “The world champion, student Karpov, is in a difficult position: to win or pass the game to Professor Kolesov before tomorrow’s exam?” When meeting with the school students, Nikolai Dmitrievich gave us these photographs as souvenirs. (ApplicationV)

Chapter V . "The river flows into history..."

The department, headed by Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov, became a forge for retraining personnel and improving the qualifications of teaching staff at many universities in the country. They improved their knowledge under the direct supervision of N.D. Kolesov also taught at Volgograd universities: agricultural, medical, civil engineering institutes, and later Volgograd State University.

But every summer, the outstanding professor, a scientist known throughout the country, was drawn to his homeland, to the shore of his beloved Khopr. And here is what the Volgogradskaya Pravda newspaper wrote on August 11, 1981:

"In my native village." Head of the Department of Political Economy at Leningrad University, scientific supervisor of world chess champion A. Karpov, professor N.D. Kolesov spends his vacation in his native village of Rechensky, Alekseevsky district, where he meets every day with specialists, field farmers and livestock breeders of the local collective farm “Path to Communism”, talks about the development of the economy of the USSR.”

And every year, when N.D. comes home to his parents’ house. Kolesov's grateful students, colleagues, and friends came from all corners of the vast country. And there is hardly another small village in our region where one could meet so many rectors and professors at the same time. (ApplicationVI)

Many students from our school and district schools entered and graduated from the Faculty of Economics of VolSU and Leningrad State University. But even after graduation, Nikolai Dmitrievich invited them to participate in various scientific conferences throughout the country.

At the end of his life, Nikolai Dmitrievich decided to build a new house in his homeland and plant an orchard for his children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, he did not have time to complete the house. But his children come to their father’s homeland every summer and finish building the house. His friends don’t forget him either; when they come to his house, they always visit his favorite place on the banks of the Khopr.

Grateful fellow countrymen, remembering and appreciating the merits of Nikolai Dmitrievich, during his lifetime ensured that the rural school bear his name. By decision of the Alekseevsky District Duma of the Volgograd Region dated November 29, 2011 No. 13/119, the municipal educational institution Rechenskaya Secondary School began to bear the name of Professor Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov. And now every graduate can be proud of his native Rechensk secondary school named after Professor N.D. Kolesova.


There is a lot of beauty on earth, the whole earth is beautiful...

It's not about beauty, it's probably about

What does the homeland give each of us on the road?

Everything in the world is connected. While studying the history of my region and school, I met an amazing person who was born on this land. The life and work of Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov are worthy of admiration and admiration; all the experience of his work shows that even in the countryside a person can become famous and successful. That is why I wanted to tell about this amazing person.

Every time puts forward its heroes. My hero is both a hero of war and a hero of peacetime. In peacetime, heroes can be called people who leave behind themselves, and maybe during their lifetime, something important, something thanks to which their descendants will remember them. While doing my job, I discovered a lot of new things: I studied the history of my region, and learned a lot of interesting things about the life of my fellow countryman. This wonderful man brought benefit to many people with his daily work, working for the benefit of his region and the prosperity of the entire country. It is the duty of every person to respect the history of his native village, region, Russia, and learn to preserve the memory of his fellow countrymen. We must help ourselves find the path to goodness, justice, mercy, and experience a sense of pride and civic dignity. Tomorrow we will enter into life, and the fate of Russia will be in our hands. We must know the history of our country, its characteristics and understand the features of the national Russian character. The task of the current young generation is not to turn into indifferent, insensitive people, not to allow themselves to experience the symptoms of a modern disease - “monetary schizophrenia”. Ordinary people, such as Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov, help to make the right guidelines in life.
I am very glad that during my work I was able to communicate with this wonderful person; I have a lot to learn from him. There are many interesting people in our region whose fates I can tell about, but these are my plans for the future. In the future, I plan to continue working in this direction. Much has not yet been discovered by me, so I have something to work on.

List of used sources and literature.

    Bulletin of VolSU. Series 6. Issue. 9. 2006

    Tivanenko A. “Mentor of Anatoly Karpov” Newspaper “Truth of Buryatia” No. 35 dated February 10, 1979

    St. Petersburg State University.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolesov. Bibliographic index. St. Petersburg, 1995

    Internet resources: []


I Meetings at school

II Works of N.D. Kolesov

Congratulations from the country's leading universities

III Speeches by N.D. Kolesova at conferences.

IV N.D. Kolesov with M.M.Zagorulko N.D.Kolesov, D.N.Kolesov with


V N.D. Kolesov and Anatoly Karpov

VI On the Khoper River In my home

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Petukhovskaya secondary school No. 1"


on this topic: " The influence of colors in teachers’ clothing on the emotional state of students.”

Petukhovo 2016


1. The influence of color on the body ………………………………………………………5

1.1 Physical effects of color

1.2 Optical effect of color

1.3 Emotional impact of color

2. Experimental study and results……………………….8

2.1 Description and analysis of the research results……………………..8

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………. eleven

4. List of sources used…………………………………… 12

5. Applications……………………………………………………………………………….13


A person sees the world in colors, color is present everywhere, so it affects others just like everything else.

Man has long noticed the special effect of color on his condition. Color has life-giving and healing powers, but it can also cause some imbalance in our body. The health of schoolchildren is one of the pressing problems, and the emotional state of children, the desire to go to school in a good mood and return home with the same is the key to emotional stability, which affects student performance.

In our work, we tried to find and determine the color scheme, as well as such color combinations in teachers’ clothing that would evoke a positive emotional mood in students.

Target :

Studying the influence of color on the psycho-emotional state of students.


Conduct a survey among students in grades 5-9.

Conduct a comparative analysis of the results obtained;

Find information on this issue in the literature.

Object of study: students of MBOU "Petukhovskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Subject of study– the influence of color on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Hypothesis: Let's assume that different colors have different effects on the psycho-emotional state of students.

Research methods:

Analysis and synthesis : study of sources of information on the influence of color on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Comparison different ideas about the nature of color and its influence on humans.

Questionnaire , as a result of which we will be able to obtain information about the influence of the color of the teacher’s clothing on the mood of the students.

Generalization acquired knowledge about color and its effect on a person’s mood.

Product Our work will provide recommendations that will help the modern teacher navigate in choosing the appropriate color palette for his clothes.

1. The influence of color on the human body

There are three types of effects of color on a person: physical, optical and emotional.

1.1 Physical effects of color

With physical effects, we are talking about the impact of color on human physiology. A person does not live in the world around him in isolation. Not only the person himself, but also every cell of him is constantly connected with the environment. Our senses not only analyze the environment, but are also receivers of information, which, as a rule, affects our body. Color can give vigor and increase vitality. It eliminates imbalances in the functioning of organs and prolongs life.
Few doubt that each color carries some information, and the human body reacts to color.

For example:
red – increases muscle tension, increases breathing rate, and increases blood pressure;
orange – causes mild stimulation, accelerates blood circulation, promotes digestion;
yellow – stimulates mental activity;
green – calms, calms;
blue – lowers blood pressure, calms;
blue – disposes to seriousness, rigor in behavior;
violet – stimulates the activity of the heart and lungs, increases the body’s resistance to colds.
Optical effect of color

This effect includes illusions or optical phenomena caused by color and changing the appearance of objects. Considering the optical phenomena of color, all colors can be divided into two groups: red and blue, because Basically, colors in their optical properties will gravitate towards one of these groups. The exception is green.

Light colors, for example white or yellow, create the effect of irradiation - a visual illusion (see Appendix No. 1), they seem to spread to the darker colors located next to them and reduce the surfaces painted in these colors. For example, if a ray of light penetrates through a crack in a plank wall, the crack appears wider than it actually is. When the sun shines through the branches of trees, the branches appear thinner than usual.

The yellow color visually lifts the surface. It also seems more extensive due to the irradiation effect. The red color is approaching us, the blue color, on the contrary, is moving away. The planes, painted in dark blue, purple and black, visually decrease in size and move downward. Green is the calmest of all colors.

You should also note the centrifugal movement in yellow and the centripetal movement in blue. If you make two circles of equal size and fill one with yellow and the other with blue, then after a short concentration on them it becomes noticeable that the yellow ray emits, acquires movement from the center and almost tangibly approaches the person. The blue one develops a centripetal movement (like a snail pulling itself into its house) and moves away from the person.

This effect increases if we add to it the difference in lightness and darkness, i.e. the effect of yellow will increase when adding white to it, blue - when darkening it with black.

1.3 Emotional impact of color.

When it comes to the psychological impact of color, we are talking about the feelings and experiences that we can experience under the influence of a particular color. This influence is very closely related to the optical properties of color.

Absolutely green is the calmest color. It does not move anywhere and has no sound, no joy, no sadness. This constant lack of movement has a beneficial effect on tired people, but it can also become boring over time. When yellow is introduced into the green color, it revitalizes and becomes more active. When you add blue, on the contrary, it begins to sound different, it becomes more serious, thoughtful.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs a person, pricks him, excites him. Compared to the state of the human soul, it could be used as a colorful expression of madness, blind rage (Dostoevsky's yellow color).

Blue tends to deepen. The deeper and darker the blue color becomes, the more it calls a person to the infinite, awakens in him a hunger for purity and the supersensible. A very dark blue gives an element of peace. When taken to the extreme of black, the blue color acquires an overtone of sadness. Becoming lighter, blue acquires an indifferent character and becomes distant and indifferent to a person, like the blue sky.

White is often defined as "non-painting". It is, as it were, a symbol of a world where all colors, all material properties disappear. That is why the color white acts on our psyche as silence. But this silence is not dead, but, on the contrary, full of possibilities.

Black color, on the contrary, acts as something without possibilities, as a blind spot, as silence without a future.

The balance of white and black gives birth to gray; naturally, gray color cannot give either movement or sound. Gray is silent and motionless, but this stillness is of a different nature than that of green, born of two active colors - yellow and blue. Therefore, gray color is inconsolable stillness.

We perceive red as a characteristically warm color; it acts internally as a vital, lively, restless color, which, however, does not have the frivolity of yellow. Unlike yellow, red seems to glow within itself. But an ideal red color changes its effect greatly when the color changes. When black is added to red, a dull, rigid brown, incapable of movement, appears. In a cooler shade of red, flame activity disappears. By becoming orange, red takes on the radiance of yellow, but always retains its seriousness.

The color violet is like a chilled red, so it sounds somewhat painful, like something extinguished and sad.

The choice of a person’s preferred (favorite) color is determined by his character and also depends on the social factor. Based on psychological and sociological research, the following series of colors was obtained in order of decreasing preference: blue - violet - white - pink - purple - red - green - yellow - orange - brown - black.

The character and expressiveness of color can vary significantly depending on various associations. Each of us tries to explain the emotional characteristics of a particular color by the nature of the objects on which we usually perceive this color. This is a very individual feature of each person, depending on the experience he has acquired. It is very difficult to establish any rules here, but with some probability it can be assumed that red is associated with fire and blood, yellow with the sun, blue with the sky, water, green with forests and meadows.

2. Experimental study and results.

The study was conducted on the basis of the MBOU Petukhovskaya Secondary School No. 1.
Students in grades 6-9 took part in the study. The work took place in two stages:
Stage 1 – diagnostic.
Target: find out how the color scheme of a teacher’s clothing affects the emotional state of schoolchildren. Stage 2 – analytical.
Target: analyze the results and formulate recommendations.
At the first stage, the main method was questionnaires. Each student was asked to answer the survey questions in writing.

Questionnaire for students.

Description and analysis of research results

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that the color scheme of a teacher’s clothing has different effects on the emotional state of students, such as the following questions:

1. Do teachers and students need uniforms?

Grades 6-7 – 87% of respondents answered “ YES"

13% of respondents answered “ NO "

8-9 grades – 56% of respondents answered “ NO "

37% of respondents “YES”

7% answered “INDIFFERENT”

2. What color scheme in the teacher’s clothes inspires you to achieve excellent grades and lifts your spirits?

1. Blue.

2. Green, yellow.



3. What color scheme in a teacher’s clothing negatively affects your performance and mood?

1.Bright, poisonous colors (light green)

2.Grey, brown.



Based on the questionnaire, we received the following data: the colors that negatively affect the majority of students were unanimously identified as bright colors, black, brown, and gray. Whereas the colors that have a positive effect on mood and are calming were blue, green, yellow, orange, and pink.

In school, the teacher should be very careful in using Red color in your clothes and surroundings, since despite all the positive characteristics, the color red with prolonged exposure can cause aggression, especially in children with an unstable nervous system. Subconsciously, a person in red poses a certain danger to others and is not conducive to trusting, partnership relationships. This, however, does not mean that he should be excluded from the teacher's wardrobe. On the contrary, it should be worn, but only when the situation requires mobilization and “laying indisputable authority,” for example, the first parent-teacher meeting, going on an excursion with students, or an important speech at a teachers’ meeting, when you need to make the impression of an authoritative and competent person.

Orange color , like no other, creates a feeling of celebration, which is why its presence in a teacher’s wardrobe is necessary. Another thing is that its use must also meet the requirements of the situation. For example, when passing exams, writing tests, conducting “open lessons”, when the teacher needs to create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom and relieve nervousness.

In terms of impact on physical well-being yellow increases concentration, improves mood and memory. It is no coincidence that leading schools and universities in Europe recommend using notebooks with yellow pages. As practice has shown, memorizing material is several times faster and more efficient. Yellow should also be included in a teacher's wardrobe.

Teachers often unconsciously give preference green color in your wardrobe. It is necessary to warn them against using this color alone, since despite all its positive assessments, it deprives its owner of the right to emotions and feelings. It is better to use it in doses.

Pink - an excellent assistant in the field of personal relationships: it enhances feelings, makes us more attentive, affectionate and sensitive. This color is necessary when working with young children, which is why it should be included in the wardrobe of an elementary school teacher.

Blue , like green, will be necessary for the teacher in conflict situations, when diplomacy and a rational approach to solving a problem will be required from him.

Blue - helps to concentrate on what is most necessary: ​​do not get scattered about trifles, do not scatter. The blue color semantically means peace of mind, calm behavior and concern for doing business honestly, without violating moral standards.

Violet - the color of inner concentration. It promotes internal deepening: it helps to abstract from everything unnecessary at the moment and concentrate on the main problem. Another interesting detail is that the color purple stimulates the brain and helps solve creative problems. And this feature must be taken into account by the teacher when decorating the classroom interior.

Black - the color of self-immersion: it helps to isolate yourself from everything, isolate yourself and concentrate on solving a particular problem. However, at the same time, this color can induce melancholy and despondency. In black comes a feeling of loneliness and isolation from the outside world. Symbolically expressing the idea of ​​non-existence and extinction, black is the negation of color as such. That is why it is not recommended to use it often in the clothes and surroundings of the teacher.

White - the color of complete openness, readiness to perceive the world in all its diversity. This color is good because it does not cause any unpleasant sensations, but does not protect its owner in any way. It is good to use in combination with other colors.

When it comes to clothes, it is better for a teacher to avoid bright, irritating colors that can evoke unexpected emotions in students. Gray-blue colors are considered traditional for a strict style. But the results of our research show that the choice of gray is not the most successful.


We learned that there really is a relationship between the chosen color and a person’s emotional state. There are negatively and positively influencing colors.This result fully confirms our hypothesis.

The topic of a teacher’s image is actively discussed today in the scientific literature; various definitions of this concept are given, but everyone agrees that a positively formed image is one of the main factors of successful teaching activity.

When choosing clothes, you need to remember about the combination of color and pattern, about catchy details that distract attention. In communicating with the class, the teacher must demonstrate such qualities as thoroughness, reliability, discipline, and accuracy.

Maintaining the required distance in the classroom is better facilitated by a high-status “rectangular” silhouette. By changing his color preferences in clothing and surroundings, a teacher can adjust his image, improve it, and therefore find mutual understanding with students and work colleagues.

Thus, the ideal uniform for a teacher is one that helps students focus their attention not on studying the details of clothing, but on mastering the material. Such clothing could be a business suit, which emphasizes professional, personal qualities and the formality of relationships with students.

Based on our own experience and studying the literature on the problem, we can draw the following conclusions:
- color affects the human body, different colors have different effects on our emotional state. There are active colors, stimulating the emotional state or calming, there are colors that we reject;
- acceptance or rejection of color often depends on the gender of the child;
- the most acceptable colors for teacher clothing are yellow, orange, green, blue.

List of sources used.

1. Vorsobin V.N., Zhidkin V.N. Learning about color in preschoolers' experiences of positive and negative emotions. //Questions of psychology. 1980. N3. With. 121-124.

2. Deribere M. Color in human life and activity. M., 1965.
Petrenko V.F., Kucherenko V.V. The relationship between emotions and color. //Bulletin of Moscow State University. 1988. episode 14. “Psychology”. N 3. p. 70-82. dress code - dress code) - uniformclothes required when visiting certain events, organizations, and establishments.

Irradiation effect– illusions of visual perception.

Psycho-emotional state– a special form of human mental states with a predominance of emotional response according to the dominant type.

Optical perception- visual perception.

Positive attitude- faith that everything will work out

Human physiology– science about the patterns of functioning and regulation of biological systems at different levels of organization

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