“Great space journey”. Sports activities dedicated to Cosmonautics Day (middle group). Themed entertainment for children of the middle group"день космонавтики"!}

Entertainment for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of kindergarten.
Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
Dictionary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Cultivate curiosity.
Children enter the hall to the music. They sit on the chairs.
Host: Hello guys. Today we invite you on an exciting journey into the most mysterious, extraordinary interesting place. Have you already noticed the decoration of our hall? Where do you think we'll go?
Children: To space!
Host: That's right, guys. What do you think, why today and not another day?
(Children's answers)
It was on this day, April 12, 1961, that the most important event in astronautics took place. On the Vostok-1 spacecraft, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, for the first time in the world and in the history of mankind, ascended into space and flew around globe. And even though this flight lasted only 108 minutes, it began new story astronautics. And, starting from April 12, 1962, the holiday of Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in memory of the first manned stellar flight into space.
Presenter: - Now, guys, pay attention to the screen!

Slide 1. This is our planet Earth - we live on it. As you can see, it is round – it looks like a big ball. Our planet is very, very large. That's why we don't notice that it looks like a ball. But if you rise high, high above the earth, then from space we will see it like in this picture.
Slide 2. Look, the blue spots on our planet are water - seas and oceans. Green spots are green forests and meadows. The brown spots are mountains. Isn’t it really very beautiful, our planet?
There is one planet - a garden in this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds,
Only on it alone do lilies of the valley bloom in the green grass,
And the dragonflies just look into the river in surprise
And this small ball in the corner is our Moon!
Slide 3. This is what our moon looks like if you fly closer to it.
Faithful companion, night decoration,
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must admit:
The Earth would be boring without the Moon!
Slide 4. And this is how the astronauts saw our Sun. A huge glowing fireball. But the astronauts could not fly close to the Sun - because the Sun is very, very hot. If you get too close to it, you might even burn out.
Slide 5. Look, this picture shows all the planets that revolve around the Sun. Notice how huge our Sun is! It is larger than all the other planets combined! And our planet Earth - here it is - the third from the Sun - is very small compared to other planets.
Slide 6. All planets of the solar system revolve around the Sun in their orbit. On those planets that are very close to the Sun - it is very hot - hotter than on hot frying pan! We couldn't have stayed there for even a second! And on the most distant planets, which are far from the Sun, on the contrary, it is very cold, because the sun’s rays do not reach there well.
Slide 7 Today, space is already quite well studied. Man constantly uses space for his needs. For example, if you have a satellite dish at home, that means you are receiving a signal from space! But we will always remember the day of the first flight - April 12, 1961, exciting and happy. After all, it was on this day that humanity defeated the fear of the unknown!
That's how many interesting things astronauts can see in space! Now you know about all this!

Presenter: Now children, listen to the poem dedicated to the first the man who flew into space, Yuri Gagarin.
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
(V. Stepanov)

Ved.: Now our children will tell you poems about stars, satellites and planets, and I think you will immediately remember everything.
Children read poetry
1. There is one star in the sky,
I won’t say which one
But every evening from the window
I look at her.
It twinkles so brightly!
And somewhere in the sea
Now he's probably a sailor
It checks the way
2. There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one like it!
3. A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
I saw the whole earth from above.
Gagarin was the first in space
What score will you be?

Now guys, let's play)))

Game for middle group.
Game “Who can collect the most stars?” The teacher scatters colorful stars, and the children collect them in different baskets, sorting them by color.

Riddle 1 On an airship, in space, obedient, We, overtaking the wind, are rushing towards *** Riddle 2 The planet is blue, Beloved, dear, She is yours, she is mine, And it is called *** Riddle 3 There is a special pipe, In it the Universe is visible, They see stars kaleidoscope Astronomers in ***Riddle 4 A bottomless ocean, an endless ocean, Airless, dark, And extraordinary, Universes live in it, Stars and comets, There are also inhabited ones, Maybe planets. *** Riddle 5 There is an object in the Universe Insidious, not simple, He devours the stars Like a sandwich with caviar. Dangerously invisible And not visible to the eye, So dark and dark. ***Riddle 6 It’s not at all easy to count the stars in the dark sky at night. Knows everything in detail Stars in the sky ***Riddle 7 A bear on a block of ice, A girlfriend in the sky above the wave. She is a constellation, he is alive In a shiny fur coat. He is friends with the wind and water, She is with the North Star. They just can’t meet the Bear with the Big ***Riddle 8 Flashing with a huge tail in the dark Rushing among bright stars in the void, She is not a star, not a planet, The Riddle of the Universe - ***Riddle 9 The very first in Space Flew at great speed Brave Russian guy Our cosmonaut. ***Riddle 10 Almost at the speed of light, the fragment flies from planets, to earth heading, flies and flies Heavenly space ***Riddle 11 Lights the way at night, Doesn’t let the stars sleep, Let everyone sleep, she has no time sleep, in the sky will not fall asleep ***Riddle 12 There is a special spacecraft, It sends signals to the Earth to everyone, And like a lonely traveler it flies in orbit. Answers: Riddle 1 - to a rocket. Riddle 2 - Earth. Riddle 3 - telescope. Riddle 4 - Space. Riddle 5 - Black hole. Riddle 6 - stargazer. Riddle 7 - a bear. Riddle 8 - comet. Riddle 9 - Gagarin. Riddle 10 - meteorite. Riddle 11 - moon. Riddle 12 - satellite.

Game for junior group. "Rocket launch site".
Children lay out the hoops in a circle, run freely around the hoops and say the words:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights on planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers!
The teacher removes several hoops. The game is repeated until only one hoop remains.
Dance "Star"

IN preschool age children should receive the maximum useful and important information. And not only about things that can be seen, touched, tasted, but also about what is far and inaccessible: about the laws of nature, cosmic phenomena, distant discoveries. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the first human flight in open space you can organize an exciting holiday - Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten for secondary and preparatory group. A high-quality event scenario will broaden children’s horizons, enrich them with new knowledge about the hitherto unknown, and temporarily quench their thirst for fantasizing about other planets and hidden cosmic secrets.

But don’t forget: the holiday for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is colossal work on preparation, design and organization. It is better to approach it with all the responsibility inherent in a teacher.

Not only 50 years ago was space interesting to people. Modern children also watch programs about astronauts, dream of one of the most romantic professions in the world, and sincerely dream of flying into Earth orbit or another unknown planet. April 12 is Cosmonautics Day. That is, an excellent reason to hold an educational and entertaining event in kindergarten for the little “whys” and older curious children. Another question is where to start preparing and organizing the holiday? Unlike any open lesson or a sports competition, such a children's event must be compiled in a single thematic direction. All stages of the event must certainly have something in common with space themes, mysteries of the Universe, alien characters and great cosmonauts. The conclusion is obvious: in order to organize a fascinating and educational holiday for Cosmonautics Day for children, tips on design and preparation of the script will have to be carefully studied in advance.

How to properly organize the Cosmonautics Day holiday in kindergarten

Organization children's event Cosmonautics Day can be divided into several stages:

  1. 1-2 weeks before the holiday, conduct an introductory lesson-lecture or presentation in kindergarten on the topic “History of Cosmonautics”, so that during the event the children have an idea of ​​everything that is happening;
  2. Choose a suitable script template and think about its content ( short story about astronautics, slide show demonstration on interactive whiteboard, thematic poems and songs, intellectual and active competitions, costume fitting, exhibition of crafts, sweet table);
  3. Distribute roles and tasks among preschoolers;
  4. Distribute poems about space and important lines to the children in advance so that the children have time to learn their words;
  5. Invite the kids to prepare funny “space” crafts with their parents to create a thematic exhibition in the group;
  6. Prepare a short slide show with portraits of outstanding astronauts and footage of rocket launches. Don't forget about musical accompaniment for competitions;
  7. Decorate the hall, prepare the necessary props and sweet treats for the children;

Such tips will greatly simplify the preparation of the script and decoration of the holiday for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

An interesting scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten

The theme of space captivates both adults and children; it is beneficial for developing the curiosity of younger preschoolers and deepening the knowledge of older ones. But any, even the most interesting information is easier to perceive and remember by a child if it is supplemented and supported by visual material. And since it is impossible to demonstrate living space to children, you will have to work hard on thematic decoration of the hall and creating the necessary “cosmic” atmosphere.

Choose interesting scenario on Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten - half the battle. It is equally important to carefully select the props and decorations for the group or assembly hall. In order for the whole room to be designed in the same style, everything will have to be decorated:

  • walls - with portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin and photographs of spaceships;
  • curtains - homemade models of planets, comets, satellites, asteroids, etc.;
  • chairs - voluminous silver stars;
  • teachers' table - children's "space" crafts;
  • wall shelves - models of rockets and spacesuits;
  • an improvised stage - a blue carpet or blanket with small paper stars;

Such interesting option The design of the room is suitable for absolutely any type of scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten. Meanwhile, the typology of children's themed events is incredibly wide...

How you can spend Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of kindergarten - event options

Today it is easy to find and select the most different variants scenarios for holding an event for Cosmonautics Day in the middle group of kindergarten. Eg:

  1. Sports competition "Space flight: towards the stars." During the relay race, you can crawl at speed in a space rocket (fabric tube), jump over asteroids (cardboard models), pull the tail of a comet (rope with red fabric ruffles), throw planets into a ring (decorated balls of different sizes and weights);
  2. Introductory lesson "Discoverers of a distant cosmic world." Important elements of the holiday are a slide show on an interactive whiteboard or a presentation on a computer; demonstration of posters and paintings with space flights, ships, rockets; fitting of an astronaut suit, inspection of dry rations, etc.;
  3. Intellectual competition. Such an event involves many of the most interesting, curious and educational questions, riddles, puzzles, tasks and competitions for space theme;
  4. An entertaining holiday based on popular children's films and cartoons with space characters: " star Wars", "Wally", "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Lilo and Stitch", "Star Trek";
  5. Talent show "Space Heroes". The guys take turns performing prepared numbers on the theme “Space, Galaxy, Universe” - with poems, songs, dances, pantomimes and skits, magic tricks, parodies, small theatrical sketches, etc.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - scenario for the preparatory group with games, competitions, tasks

In preparation for the new school life It wouldn’t hurt to remember and strengthen everything learned over the years of kindergarten education. Therefore, even themed holidays and concerts should:

  • strengthen expressive speech and auditory memory;
  • develop attention and spatial orientation;
  • strengthen creativity;
  • develop emotionality and non-verbal communication abilities;
  • to cultivate respect for the country's heroes and a sense of true patriotism.

It is much easier to achieve all these goals by filling the holiday scenario for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group with all kinds of competitions, tasks, and games. Of course, we cannot forget about incentive prizes. After all, a child is more willing to try if he expects a reward for his efforts. A sweet table or even a modest tea party would not be out of place at the holiday. If you decorate cupcakes or pastries in the shape of planets (UFOs, Martian faces) and distribute them to the children at the end of the celebration, the mood in the team will increase significantly.

Games and competitions for the Cosmonautics Day event in the preparatory group of the kindergarten

Of course, the conversation and presentation - important elements children's party. But it is equally important to choose a scenario for the preparatory group for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten with games, competitions and tasks. Eg:

  1. Mysterious chain. Invite the kids to guess a few space-themed riddles. But not simple riddles, but with a secret...
    • “To equip your eyes and make friends with the stars, to see the Milky Way, you need a powerful...
    • Telescopes have been used to study the life of planets for hundreds of years. A smart uncle will tell you everything...
    • An astronomer - he is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out! Only the full sky is visible better than the stars...
    • A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, but a fast bird can do it...
    • The rocket has a driver, a lover of zero gravity. In English: “astronaut”, and in Russian...
    • An astronaut sits in a rocket, cursing everything in the world - as luck would have it, ... appeared in orbit.
    • A UFO flies to its neighbor from the Andromeda constellation, with an angry green one howling like a wolf out of boredom...
    • The humanoid has lost its course, got lost on three planets, if there is no star map, speed will not help...
    • Light flies the fastest, doesn’t count kilometers. The Sun gives life to the planets, gives us warmth, tails…
    • The comet flew around everything, examined everything in the sky. He sees that in space a hole is black...
    • In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black. An interplanetary spacecraft ended its flight there...
    • The spaceship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light. Learns in practice the stellar...
    • And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please. This whole...universe is very healthy!”
  2. Astrological quiz. Invite preschoolers to answer popular questions. Give a gold star for each correct answer. The winner gets a prize!
    • Question: What is space?

      Answer: Cosmos (Greek κόσμος - “world”) is the same as the Universe. Literally translated from Greek, cosmos means order.

    • Question: What science studies the stars, the Galaxy, the starry sky?

      Answer: Astronomy

    • Question: Who was the first person to fly into space?

      Answer: Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

    • Question: What is the name of the apparatus designed for human flight into space?

      Answer: space rocket (jet)

    • Question: Which country was the first to launch an artificial Earth satellite?

      Answer: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    • Question: Who was the first of our little friends to go into space and what was his name?

      Answer: dog Laika

    • Question: In what year was the first ever orbital flight of living beings into space with a successful return to Earth made?

      Answer: On August 19, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka made this flight on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft.

    • Question: What was the name of the ship on which Yu. A. Gagarin made his flight?


  3. Space craft lesson. Give the kids identical sets of colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard and other things, and then ask them to glue together a small space rocket as quickly and accurately as possible. Whoever completes the task best will receive an interesting prize. And all the other finished works will decorate the kindergarten thematic exhibition.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - mysterious and magical long-awaited event. When preparing the event, try to meet the expectations of preschool children. Carefully select and competently draw up a holiday script for Cosmonautics Day for the middle and preparatory groups so that the children are satisfied and full of vivid space impressions.

(Middle group)


  • Create conditions for children to relax and gain new experiences.
  • Develop an interest in educational entertainment.
  • Arouse interest in outer space.
  • Bring joy to children.

Equipment: rocket parts made of colored cardboard, hoops, containers for kinder surprises.

Characters: stargazer (adults).

The hall is decorated with posters and drawings dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit down.

Space beckons and calls

All humanity is in flight

They dream of flying into space

Both adults and children

Let your dream come true

All over the wide world.

Presenter: - Guys, on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The world's first flight into space was made by Yu. A. Gagarin. to his heroic deed he opened the way to infinite space. Guys, would you like to fly into space?

Children's answers.

Presenter: Today we will make a space journey. Just on unusual planets. What will we use to fly into space?

The children answer.

Presenter: - Of course, on a space rocket. I have rocket parts in my hands. And you will assemble one whole from the details.

Children assemble a rocket from parts.

Presenter: - Well done. We tried very hard. But before the flight, let's warm up well.

Children stand in a circle.

Warm-up game "Let's go flying."

Presenter: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - here we are flying into space.

For each number, children jerk their arms up and connect them at an angle above their heads.

Presenter: A rocket is rushing towards our radiant stars.

Children run in circles.

Presenter: We flew around the star and wanted to go into space.

Children imitate weightlessness and scatter around the hall.

Presenter: We are flying in zero gravity, looking out the windows.

Children place their hands above their eyebrows.

Presenter: Only friendly starships can take with them on a flight.

Children form a circle and sit down.

Presenter: Well, are you ready to fly?

Presenter: - Then please go up to the pre-launch site of the cosmodrome.

Children count to 5 and back.

Cosmic music sounds.

Presenter: Start.

And now we find ourselves on the planet “Poetic”.

Children read poetry.

Presenter: The next planet “Game”

Game "Fast rockets are waiting for us."

Presenter: And now we are on the “Mysterious” planet.

The astrologer enters.


Hello guys!

I'm glad to meet you!

I am a scientist stargazer,

I also have a telescope

To watch the skies!

And now I want to see how smart and quick-witted you are.

A star fell from the sky

And she sent us riddles.

(Chain of riddles.)

1. To equip the eye and make friends with the stars, to see the Milky Way, you need a powerful..... (telescope).

2. Telescopes have been used to study the life of planets for hundreds of years. A smart uncle (astronomer) will tell you everything.

3. Astronomer - he is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out. Only the full sky is visible better than the stars... (moon).

4. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land, but a fast bird can do it... (rocket).

5. The rocket has a driver - a zero-gravity enthusiast. In English “astronaut”, and in Russian…. (astronaut).

Stargazer: - Well done, very smart guys.

Presenter: - And now it’s time for us kids to play.

Game "Collect comets".

(Children collect Kinder Surprise containers to the music.)

Presenter: - And the next planet is “Dancing”.

Children dance to the music of the sweet tooth.

Presenter: - Well, our space journey is coming to an end. It's time to return to kindergarten.

Children close their eyes (calm music sounds).

Presenter: And here we are again in our own kindergarten.

Today we found out exactly who an astronaut can be

Who will conquer the vastness of the universe and furrow the entire space,

We wish everyone more happiness and good health.

Fun, creativity, patience, spring warmth in the soul.

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.

Characters : Presenter, Dunno.
Hello, dear guests! Today is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. And today we will go on an exciting journey through space!

Dunno runs in.

Yeah! They wanted to fly away without me!
And who are you?
Well, here's your time! They don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first to be in space! I - ….
Children, was it really Yuri Gagarin himself who came to us? Well, hello, we are very glad to see you, sorry for not recognizing you right away.
No, I'm not Gagarin! I don't even know who this guy is.
Leading (addresses children):
Do you guys know who Yuri Gagarin is?

Children's answers. After the children's answers, tell a little about the first cosmonaut,

slide No. 1 Portrait of Gagarin.

Shuvalov Artem

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

Dima Migachev

Vostok took off, Baikonur was abandoned,

“Let’s go!..” froze in people’s hearts,

When He waved his hand with a smile,

When the ship was carried away to the stars.

The April flight lit up the sky,

The Earth's leap into space.

Gagarin was the first to accomplish the feat

Bringing closer to what we only dreamed of.

Denis Suraev.

I asked my dad one day:
"Who is Yuri Gagarin?
He's probably very important
But I don’t know much about him...”
And dad then answered me:
"I'm glad you asked me about this,
He is a brave and courageous pilot,
He glorified the country throughout the world.
Gagarin was the first in the world
Who once flew into space?
To the boys on our planet
He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut."
Now I'm proud to know
Who was Yuri Gagarin?
Ask me, I will answer you proudly:
He is the astronaut who was the first to reach the stars!

Song "Young Cosmonauts"

It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person to fly into space and spent as much as 108 minutes in orbit of our planet! He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year.
Oh, just think, 108 minutes! I could have spent the full 200 minutes there! And you, Gagarin, Gagarin!
Well, you're a liar! And you haven’t even introduced yourself to us yet!
I don’t even know whether to introduce myself to you now or not.
And I think I already know who you are. You are Dunno!
Well, somehow it didn’t even become interesting. I'll leave you.
Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested in us!
Well, let me stay, but I don’t know if I’ll be interested.
And you stay and watch. And we're setting off! Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. And we are going to make a space trip to all the planets of the solar system, and then return home to Earth.
All planets in order
Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.


And what are you going to travel with?

Children's answers (on a rocket)


The rocket still needs to be built...

Competition - build a rocket.
The competition is held in teams, children are divided into two teams. Each team has rocket parts. The task of each team is to assemble a rocket faster than the enemy.

Leading: Well, now we can go.

Song: Rockets.

1. Mercury - Slide No. 2


Here we are on Mercury! Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is closest to the Sun, it has no atmosphere, its temperature constantly fluctuates, and its surface is covered with craters.

And in order for us to safely continue our space journey, we need to complete the task.

Exercise: Children form 2 circles, one team around a red hoop, the other around a blue hoop.

Game "Rocket".

Teams walk around hoops and say words.

Fast rockets are waiting for us,

For walks on the planets,

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

The children run away in all directions.

After the words:

But there is one secret in the game,

There is no room for latecomers.

Children should gather near the hoops of their color and hold hands.

Dunno: All crews have completed this task on this planet, and you can fly on. Begin countdown(all in chorus): “3, 2, 1, start! »

2. Venus - slide No. 3

Leading: Venus is the second planet of the solar system, almost the same in size as the Earth, its surface is hidden by thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and it is covered with volcanoes, craters, and mountains.

Exercise: space music sounds, you need to dance the dance of Robots and stars.

Children are dancing.

3. Mars - slide No. 4

Leading: the fourth most distant planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. On the surface of the planet there are craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts. There are 2 natural satellites - Phobos and Demos.

Exercise: aliens meet us on Mars, they don’t know how to speak in our language, you need to explain with gestures what you want:

· Swim across the river

· Have a delicious breakfast

· Fly like a bird

· Play football

Game "Confusion: Jump and Leap"


Let's test your playful, jumping, jumping energy and cosmic attentiveness! If I shout: “Jump,” then you, jumping, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!” And if I shout: “Jump!”, then you all jump up and answer: “Jump.” Do you remember? Begin!

4. Jupiter slide No. 5

Leading: the fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the Solar System.

Exercise:You need to solve space mysteries.

Space mysteries

The clear firmament is beautiful
There are many fables about him.
They won't let you lie to me,
It's like animals live there.
There is a beast of prey in Russia,
Look - he's in heaven now!
On a clear night it glows -
Big Dipper).

And the bear is with her child,
A kind, nice little bear.
It glows next to mom
Ursa Minor).

Planet with a crimson tint.
In military paint, boastful.
Like pink satin
The planet is shining... (Mars).

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful... (telescope).

A bird can't reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it quickly... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English, astronaut,
And in Russian... (cosmonaut).

There is a special pipe

The Universe is visible in it,

See the stars Kaleidoscope

Astronomers in. (telescope)

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe -. (comet)

There is a special spacecraft,

He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler,

An artificial one flies in orbit. (satellite)

Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep

She can't sleep

There is light in the sky for us. (Moon)

5. Saturn – slide No. 6

Leading: the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Saturn is surrounded by rings that consist of particles of ice, rocks and dust. There are 62 satellites orbiting the planet. Titan is the largest of them.

Lisa Ostrovskaya.

Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.
It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:
Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Exercise: In preparation for performing various tasks on space orbit To feel comfortable in a state of weightlessness, you need to practice properly. Collect as many scattered parts as possible from one of the spaceship's solar batteries.

Before starting this exercise, three chairs are put together for each team. Team members take turns lying on them so that their heads hang over the last chair. Covering their eyes with a blindfold, the participants, within a certain period of time, assemble into a box a construction set scattered on the floor within their reach. Victory is awarded to the team whose players do not leave behind any “space debris”. The progress of this exercise is supervised by two adults (one for each team) for safety reasons.

6. Uranus – slide No. 7

Leading: The seventh most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the coldest planet in the solar system with a temperature of 224 °C. Uranus' core is composed primarily of ice and rock. Has 27 satellites.

Exercise: The inhabitants of the planet love poetry very much, so now we will organize a reading competition.

Poems are read by children in the older group.

7. Neptune – slide No. 8

Leading: the eighth and outermost planet in the solar system. It has 12 satellites, the largest being Triton. In the atmosphere of Neptune the most raging strong winds among the planets of the solar system, their speeds can reach 2100 km/h. The core consists of ice and rocks.

Exercise: Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate its flight path. Is it possible to make it move? balloon along a pre-planned path? What do you guys think? Let's check this in practice.

Before the relay race, players receive a balloon. You need to carry it from start to finish, accelerating it with one hand and trying not to touch the floor. The team whose players finished the relay first and made the fewest mistakes wins.

8. Earth – slide No. 9

Nikita Semikov.

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it!

Leading: the third planet of the solar system, the only one inhabited by living beings. The surface of the earth is covered with the World Ocean, continents, and islands. Earth's satellite is the Moon.

Leading: Hooray! We returned home again to Earth. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system, how many there are and what they are called. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

Did you like our trip, Dunno?

Yes, it’s great here, I’ve learned so many new and interesting things. but it's time for me to go home! I’ll go tell Znayka what I learned. He'll be surprised!!

Dunno runs away.

Entertainment for the middle group

“If you really want to, you can fly into space!”


    Clarify and expand children’s ideas about space and the work of astronauts;

    call cognitive interest to space;

    foster a sense of pride in the history of your country.

Materials and equipment: letter from Luntik, riddles about space and space objects, subject pictures with images of space objects

Progress of the event:

Cosmic music sounds.

Ved: The guys at our kindergarten received a letter for our group, but without a return address. How can we find out who it is from? Oh, guys, there's a riddle for you here.

Adults and children know
What fell from another planet -
Purple animal
A friend for little children. (Luntik).

Children read a letter from Luntik,

Ved: Guys, let's help Luntik find out about other planets.

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it fast... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (cosmonaut).

Ved: To fly into space you need to be an astronaut. Do you know that astronauts are the most healthy people? After all, flying into space is a difficult task! Special preparation required! What do you need to do to be healthy, like astronauts? (children's answers).

Leading: That's right, play sports, do exercises, etc. Let's start our journey with a space warm-up.

Everything is ready for flight (hands forward and up)

All the guys are waiting for rockets (hands up, fingers locked, imitating a rocket)

Not enough time to take off (walking in place)

The astronauts stood in a row (stood in a jump - legs apart, arms to the sides)

Bowed left - right (tilts left - right)

Let's bow to the earth (bend forward)

Now the rocket has flown (jumping in place on 2 legs)

Our cosmodrome is empty (they squat down).

Leading: So you and I got ready for the flight. It's time to take flight! But where are the rockets we will fly on? (children's answers).

Ved: I know, we need to split into two teams and build ourselves rockets.

1. The game “Build a Rocket” is played. Children line up in 2 columns, each with a cube in their hands, the last children have a cone. At the leader’s signal, the first players run to the table and place a die, run back, etc. The last player brings the cone and builds a rocket. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Ved: Well done guys, your rockets turned out good, but we can’t fly without captains.Each team must have a spaceship captain. The next task is for the captains. You need to choose the items that you will definitely take on the flight. (cards with the image of a spacesuit, comic food, lunar rover, Russian flag, cups... Captains choose the necessary items).

Ved: Well done, captains, you completed the task. Are the crews ready?

Well, now you can go on a space journey.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights to planets.

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game -

There is no room for latecomers!

Children sit on chairs behind the rockets.

Ved: Well, everyone took their places in the rockets. Started the engines, countdown 5,4,3,2,1 start! And so, guys, we took off from the ground and found ourselves in outer space. Look guys, we fly by and see...

Only the stars are visible better

There is a full... (moon) in the sky.

The moon is a satellite of our earth. What's unusual about the guys on the moon? There are craters on the moon. Let's walk on the lunar surface and collect samples of lunar soil.

Relay "Moonwalk"

There are hoops on the floor; children can only walk by stepping into the hoop. After walking through the lunar craters, each child takes a bag of sand and returns to their team.

Ved: So guys, we walked on the Moon. Shall we go further?

Guys, look out the right window.

Almost at the speed of light
The fragment flies away from the planet. Heading towards the ground, it flies

You and I flew to a large meteorite. There is no one here except us, only small meteorites. Let's collect them and take Luntika!

Game – relay race “Collect a meteorite”. There are balls of two colors on the floor; each team collects balls of its own color to the music. Well done! How many meteorites were collected? Let's move on. The guys in their spacesuits had little air left. We need to dial it.

Breathing exercises “Let’s fill the spacesuits with air.”

Ved: Let's fly further!

Guys, now look out the left window.

In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (comet).

We will also be comets with you.

Competition "Fast Comet".

The team captains are the comet, and the crew is the comet's tail. The comet flies past all the obstacles and must not lose its tail! (children stand one after another like a train). Comets must bypass all obstacles and return to their places.

Ved: Well done! We fly further.

There is one garden planet,

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone do they bloom,

Lilies of the valley in the green grass.

And dragonflies are only here,

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

Ved: guessed what kind of planet this is! Of course our land! The most beautiful planet, on which there is life.

Ved: We return home on our rockets

We returned from the flight
And they landed on Earth
Our cheerful squad is coming
And everyone is glad to meet us!

Our journey has come to an end. What will we tell Luntik about other planets? Children express their opinions.

Ved: Yes, space is very beautiful, but houses on Earth are better! Take care of our planet. Grow big and conquer uncharted space.