Dmitry Malikov’s country house. Where Dmitry Malikov lives. The heyday of his musical career

Dmitry Malikov is a Soviet and Russian singer and composer, producer, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). Known for songs own composition, mainly of romantic content: “My distant star”, “You will never be mine” and “You are alone, you are like that”. He successfully combines classical and pop music in his musical career and is a talented and successful pianist.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 into a creative Moscow family. His father is Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, founder and director of the once popular VIA Gems. Mom, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, was a ballet soloist, and then became her son’s concert director. Dmitry also has a sister, 7 years younger, singer Inna Malikova.

As a child, Dima was very athletic and devoted a lot of time to street games - for example, football. And when the parents invited the music teacher to study with Dima at home, the young athlete did not like it so much that he constantly ran away from lessons. The family lived on the first floor, so Dmitry jumped out the window as soon as he heard the doorbell. The teacher constantly scolded and reprimanded my grandmother, most of time spent raising Malikov, that her grandson would never become a musician.

Despite his initial reluctance to study, Dima quickly achieved great heights in the musical field and mastered the piano. At the age of 14, the future popular artist composed his first song, which he called “Iron Soul.” Music soon took first place in Malikov’s life, and thoughts about a sports career faded into the background.

Beginning of a musical career

In 1985, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the 8th grade of school and entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he began to take his first steps on Russian stage– played keyboards in his father’s group VIA “Gems” and composed music. Songs young composer Dmitry Malikov was even included in the group’s repertoire, and his composition “House on a Cloud” was sung by Larisa Dolina.

His television debut happened in 1986: Dmitry Malikov performed on the “Wider Circle” program with the song “I am painting a picture” based on the poems of Lilia Vinogradova. Later, in 1987, in the program “Morning Mail of Yuri Nikolaev” Malikov sang the song “Terem-Teremok”.

Dmitry Malikov and Oleg Sleptsov (“Gems”) – “Terem-Teremok”

His first compositions on the big stage were “ Lunar dream” to the words of Liliya Vinogradova and “You will never be mine” to the words of David Samoilov. Then the first one came to him major success– the composition “Moonlight Dream” became the record holder of the “Sound Track” hit parade, where it remained for a year. Listeners were captivated by Malikov’s romantic image and his touching songs, and in the same year he was recognized as “Discovery of the Year.”

A year later at “New Year’s Light-89” young musician sang his new composition called “Until Tomorrow”. She is still considered his business card, and Dmitry traditionally includes it in his concert performances. In this and subsequent years, Malikov was recognized as “Singer of the Year”. His next songs - “Student”, “Sing to me”, “Dear Side”, “Everything Will Return”, “Poor Heart” - also topped the charts.

Dmitry Malikov - “You are alone, you are like that”

After graduation music school, in 1989, Dmitry Malikov became a student piano department Moscow State Conservatory them. Tchaikovsky, where he began to study with Professor Valery Kastelsky.

In the summer, the graduate was invited as a guest to international festival music in Sopot, Poland. A year later, the artist began performing with solo concerts– the first large-scale performance took place in November 1990 at the Olympic Sports Complex in Moscow, where more than one thousand listeners came.

The rise of a musical career

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov demonstrated his acting talent by playing in Alexander Proshkin’s film “See Paris and Die.” In the same year, in Germany, he released the single “Don’t Be Afraid” (“Don’t be afraid”), which he performed together with the singer Oscar in a duet called Baroque. The following year, Malikov received a honors diploma from the Moscow Conservatory.

In parallel with his pop career, Dmitry Malikov always found the opportunity to devote time classical music and playing the piano. In 1995, the artist performed a piano concerto by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by conductor Konstantin Kremets in the television program “Paradise Cocktail”. Two years later, Dmitry Malikov gave a concert in Stuttgart.

The album was released a little later instrumental music entitled "Fear of Flying", which was well received by his fans. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later received the Ovation Award in the nomination “For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music.”

His second instrumental album was released in 2001, entitled “The Game”. The record includes piano arrangements of various popular songs domestic stage. By the way, instrumental compositions by Dmitry Malikov are constantly heard in television programs, and also become soundtracks for documentaries and feature films. In 2004, a re-release of the popular album “Fear of Flying” was released.

In 2007, the artist presented his original project PIANOMANIА to the audience. The television version of the concert as part of the project was shown on the NTV channel, and after that the album of the same name was released, which sold more than 100 thousand copies. The show's premiere concerts were held twice to full houses on the stage of the Moscow Opera Theatre. The production director was Dmitry Chernyakov.

Dmitry Malikov - “From a Clean Slate”

In 2010, Dmitry Malikov again performed a solo piano concert, this time on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), and at the end of the year he presented the Symphonic Mania show in France, in which such famous groups as Cirque du Soleil and the orchestra took part and chorus " New Opera"and the Imperial Russian Ballet of G. Taranda. In the same year, the singer received the title People's Artist RF.

In 2012, Malikov created a social and educational project to help young pianists throughout Russia, which he called “Music Lessons.” In 2013, the singer released his next album entitled “25+”, dedicated to the anniversary date in his work. And in 2015, the musician pleased his fans with the 15th album “Cafe Safari”, on which he recorded his new instrumental music.

A separate aspect in the work of Dmitry Malikov is video clips, many of which have become classics of Russian music video making art. In total, the singer has about 20 video clips, and most of them were shot by famous directors - Oleg Gusev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Irina Mironova. Videos for the songs “I’ll Drink to the Bottom” and “My Distant Star” became laureates Russian festival video clips "Generation". In total, by 2018, Dmitry Malikov had recorded 14 albums, as well as three collections of songs and two singles.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

Malikov’s first wife, albeit a civilian one, was the once popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their relationship lasted 6 years, after which Vetlitskaya left Dmitry depressed from the breakup.

Malikov and Vetlitskaya – “What a strange fate”

Now the artist is married to Elena Malikova (Isakson), who works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania in 2000, the lovers already formalized their relationship. In addition, Dmitry Malikov raised Olga Izakson, his wife’s daughter from her first marriage. Elena is 7 years older than her husband.

0 August 9, 2009, 12:00

Hello! Magazine came to visit Dmitry Malikov and photographed the singer surrounded by his wife Elena and daughter Stefania. The conversation, however, practically did not touch on personal life.

About why there are no awards behind a glass display case in his house:

It is enough that there are two pianos in the house to understand that a musician lives in it. Thank you, by the way, for the hidden compliment; I really don’t publicly display my achievements in the form of statues, prizes, diplomas. The best reward for me is recognition of my music.

About vanity:

Vanity is vain glory. I'm not vain.

About the new tour:

The new project is called "Symphonimania" - a grandiose show with the participation of an orchestra, dancers led by Gediminas Taranda and Cirque du Soleil artists. And this is the beginning of my journey as a classical concert pianist and conductor.

Now it seems that the prophecy of Andy Warhol, who once said that in the 21st century everyone will be famous for only 15 minutes, is coming true. Today, the appearance of large real stars practically does not occur, because the very status of a star is being eroded and devalued. Yesterday's stars of karaoke bars perform on stage, non-professional writers write books, and so on.

Is it when a person goes to all the social events, doesn’t miss a single TV program, and makes up dirty stories about himself, which he later refutes? My question is: when do these people work?

About the image:

I'm far from perfect, I just hide it well. Can Bad mood take it out on loved ones, flare up, hurt someone inadvertently. But, thank God, my wife, like a wise woman, always says in such cases: “They don’t take offense at fools.”

About vacation:

To bring joy back to a relationship, you need to get bored. I’m packing my things and going to Mongolia for 10 days. This will not be my first trip without my family. For several years now I have been vacationing with a company of like-minded people: in jeeps we discover different countries not as tourists, but as travelers.

Photo Vladimir Shirokov/ Hello! (Russia) # 31 (280)

Dmitry has always been modest. And another confirmation was that in his house there are no awards behind a glass display case. The owner of the house commented:

It is enough that there are two pianos in the house to understand that a musician lives in it. I really don’t publicly display my achievements in the form of statues, prizes, diplomas. The best reward for me is recognition of my music. It is there, and it is quite enough for me. And even if the prospects for my piano activity go beyond the boundaries of the former Soviet Union turn out to be vague, I won’t be too upset. I have no global ambitions, I calmly do my job without nervously expecting great results.

And in general, the topic of vanity caused a smile. The musician believes that vanity is vain glory, so he is inclined to consider himself not vain. Confirmation of this quality is reflected in the interior: simple and laconic, emphasized by the refined sophistication of details. Malikov family adherents natural materials, which obviously guarantees, in addition to beauty, also environmental friendliness. Everything seems to be breathing. Parquet flooring, painted walls, stylish “dialogue” of colors and textures with interior details. There is a lot of glass in the house. They are used for various purposes. Glass acts as walls, thereby promoting unity with nature, and at the same time is hypoallergenic. In addition, the Malikovs have very beautiful garden. Or, for example, as a tabletop for rattan furniture.

Dmitry Malikov continues to work hard and every time he is visited by more and more new ideas. This is largely due to the flying interior, filled with beauty. Large open spaces are needed creative people for inspiration. In the Malikovs' house large number windows, many of them from floor to ceiling. During the day the room is flooded with light, and in evening time stars become unspoken inhabitants of the premises. IN at the moment Dmitry is working on a new project “Symphonymania”. "A grand show with an orchestra, dancers led by Gediminas Taranda and Cirque du Soleil artists. And this is the beginning of my journey as a classical concert pianist and conductor."

Family means a lot in Dmitry's life. He and his wife Elena have known each other for 17 years. And here is the secret of their happiness:

We are together only because we maintain love, there is diplomacy, condescension, and, of course, the desire to save the family. It’s probably already difficult for us to find each other’s “unread” pages; there is no longer any pioneering interest. Therefore, we constantly warm it up, invent something.

They have a daughter, Stefania. And soon she will begin to turn into a princess. According to Dmitry, she doesn’t paint her lips yet, but she loves heels and is already flirting with might and main. But parents try to instill in their child the value of spiritual wealth. Dmitry often reminds his wife that we need to pay more attention not to the external, but to what is inside, so that the soul is kind, so that it is devoid of our modern materialism. And instill this in my daughter.