Aquarius horoscope for the year by month. Financial horoscope for women

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In accordance with the laws of the Universe, the old always comes to be replaced by the new. The same applies to the cycle of nature. 2017 will appear on the calendar very soon. And the lord of the year, the Rooster, will bring it on red fiery wings. And what exactly this bright bird will bring to the zodiac sign Aquarius can be learned from astrologers and participants in the popular television show..

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Horoscope for 2017: Aquarius

In accordance with the laws of the Universe, the old always comes to be replaced by the new. The same applies to the cycle of nature. It will appear on the calendar very soon 2017. And the lord of the year, the Rooster, will bring it on red fiery wings. And what exactly this bright bird will bring can be found out from astrologers and participants in the popular television show "".

General horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

All the attention of those around the zodiac Aquarius in 2017 will be directed to the manifestation of his bright “figure”. The archetypal sign has never manifested itself as strongly as it will be expressed now.

Astrologers, speaking about the Fire Rooster, they indicate that a brighter manifestation of one’s own “I” will be characteristic of everyone born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius in the first weeks of the year. It is during this period of time that representatives of the sign of Aquarius will not treat everything in their traditional manner. This applies to both relationships with the opposite sex and communication with people around Aquarius. Aquarius will also display this attitude towards business and financial issues.

All people born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius will easily and quickly open up to new ideas and hobbies. There will be a lot of new acquaintances. Aquarius will have more friends in 2017 than ever before. Moreover we're talking about both about women and men.

There is a high probability of striving for intellectual communication with other people. They will literally need understanding. Without him, Aquarius will have a very difficult time and his vital energy will begin to decrease.

Astrologers and former members popular television project on TNT “” they claim that the stars just so happened that in 2017 the whole nature of Aquarius will tilt towards romantic relationships. Even though representatives of this sign have never tried on the mask of a spouse before, this time it will come in handy. For the sake of their partner, Aquarians will even be ready for equality.

Interestingly, another discovery for those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is the emergence of a feeling of gratitude towards those people who previously did something for them. Now Aquarius will feel gratitude towards them and may even develop an emotional attachment.

If you follow the compiled astrological horoscope for the entire 2017, then the last eight months in this time period will be literally oversaturated with various kinds of events. Everything that happens will be connected with close friends and the implementation of once-conceived plans. Some dreams may come true, but you will have to seriously fight for them.

Aquarius will need all the strength and time. This is the only way for representatives of this sign to achieve what they want. Otherwise, they are likely to fail.

Astrologers also say about those born under the sign of Aquarius that in 2017 people in this category may become interested in metaphysical questions. They can even get education related to this field.

Fire Rooster warns: that in 2017, representatives of the sign of Aquarius may encounter an unconventional religion, will spend a lot of time with sorcerers, and will also often turn to esotericists for help.

Career, money and work of Aquarius in 2017

After the participants of a popular television project in the territory Russian Federation"" together with astrologers compiled a general forecast for 2017; it would be terrible if they ignored the issue of career and finances. In this section of the article we will talk about the material side of the issue and successes in work.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, all financial resources that will pass through the hands of the zodiac Aquarius will be drawn through Jupiter and Neptune. And even despite the fact that previously the planet Jupiter was among the representatives Ancient world was considered a planet that brings happiness and worldly goods to everyone who comes under its influence, astrologers say that in 2017 it will mean something completely different for Aquarius. The patronage of the “planet of universal happiness” promises difficulties in the financial sector. This is due to the fact that the planet is located in an opposition position to Uranus. It is this kind of interaction that will bring large expenses and unexpected expenses to representatives of the zodiac sign of Aquarius.

The Fire Rooster says that Aquarius may have problems with credit obligations, alimony debts, inheritance or taxes.

Astrologers and psychics in the city of St. Petersburg are sure that best position in relation to finances in 2017 for Aquarius it is not to give anything to anyone, and not to borrow anything from anyone.

As for work issues and careers, in 2017 the beneficial Saturn will patronize Aquarius in this area. So no difficulties are expected in the workplace. Your career will be as stable as possible.

If we take into account the fact that all three planets together will create a very favorable contour from an astrological point of view, so even if there are losses in material terms, they will not seriously hit the pockets of representatives of the zodiac sign of Aquarius.

Also from the horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius, one can emphasize the fact that he will earn very good money in the year of the Fire Rooster. But this only applies to those representatives of the sign who devote themselves entirely to art and art. So, for example, success in money matters will await all Aquarius-poets, Aquarius-musicians and Aquarius-artists. You should also expect material miracles in more mundane professions:

  • those who have devoted themselves to chemistry for the rest of their lives;
  • employee of medical institutions;
  • people involved in photography;
  • as well as more subtle specialists: narcologists and psychologists.

Generally speaking, all Aquarians who have dedicated themselves to serving the people will experience true success.

People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius should expect the arrival of monetary currency directly from loved ones in 2017. This could be monetary influence in Aquarius’s business from close friends, or material benefits will come to Aquarius from marriage partners.

As for career growth, for a given zodiac sign it will only manifest itself in such workers who have dedicated themselves to:

  • jurisprudence;
  • pedagogy;
  • cultural and educational activities;
  • political figures.

Relations within the team will be very, very cool, because the absolutely lonely Moon in the zodiac sign of air will influence the overall activities in the Aquarius workplace.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

The Fire Rooster will bring incredible changes to everyone born under zodiac sign of Aquarius in 2017. In the coming year, the fickle and loving Mercury will take on the role of the angel of love.

Aquarius will find their one and only soulmate in the first months of 2017. The happiness and joy that so suddenly fell on the head of the zodiac Aquarius will force him to reconsider his previously formed views on romantic relationship in principle. As soon as Aquarius begins to show confidence in personal relationships, he will have it in all other areas of life.

The fiery Rooster also hints that in 2017, the zodiac Aquarius will also have a walk to the altar. Most people in this category will want to make their relationship legal and will confidently move towards the nearest registry office.

There is a huge possibility that for some zodiac Aquarians, relationships with the opposite sex will become something of an epiphany or hobby that will reveal a completely different side. For example, a person born under this zodiac sign may discover something in himself that he had not even suspected before (a craving for tantric sex, body painting or BDSM).

But the series of romantic meetings and love torments will end after six months. After all, the second half of the year for the zodiac Aquarius will be very difficult and completely devoid of the usual Good luck. It should also be noted that all marriages that will be concluded at the beginning of the year will be incredibly strong and harmonious. Some partners that people swarming under the zodiac sign of Aquarius will encounter in the new year 2017 will change the life of Aquarius completely. They literally turn it upside down. Even the closest people could not expect such a transformation from people of this category.

Family and relationships of Aquarius in 2017

Despite the fact that the Fire Red Rooster is a proud and bright bird, it does not foretell anything new for the representatives zodiac sign Aquarius in their relationships with relatives and loved ones.

All the forces of Aquarius will be devoted to improving and creating the most comfortable conditions for their stay in shared housing. He will do everything to ensure that every centimeter matches his taste.

Some astrologers argue that it is likely that the designer transformation of the home will be expressed in stylish Hi-Tech. Aquarius can also spend his last money on purchasing the latest plasma panel or other equipment, which, in his opinion, will make the house better and more pleasant.

However, the Fire Rooster still hid one piece of news for representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius - in his wanderings around the house, the hero of the article may stumble upon a skeleton that has long been hidden in the depths of the closet. For example, it could be a secret that relatives have been hiding from him for decades. The information received can be directly related to both close relatives and their tricks, and to distant family representatives.

Psychics also claim that quarrels and unclear relationships between relatives and Aquarius are possible due to discrepancies in financial matters. All this may have a connection to older relatives. Which is not surprising, but in 2017 Aquarius’s relatives will suspect him of all the sins of hell.

An outlet for representatives zodiac sign Aquarius will communicate with their children. They are the ones who will bring harmony to the life of Aquarius, who is entangled in family feuds. With children of any age everything will be smooth and sweet. Aquarius will find without much difficulty common language with any child, his communication with his children will bring only positive emotions, Aquarius will be charged with joyful energy and will receive great pleasure from relaxing together.

Aquarius health in 2017

Clairvoyants and other participants in the popular television project on the TNT channel claim that Aquarius in 2017 may experience a very risky situation regarding his physical health. There is a high chance that he will become anemic. It is for this very reason that you should be as careful as possible about your diet and lifestyle. You should also not overexert yourself. Otherwise, everything could end very badly.

The Red-feathered Rooster advises everyone born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius to enter into large quantities add vitamins and iron to your diet.

It is very important to undergo a medical examination at the end of January and beginning of February. You will also need to be as careful as possible about your gastrointestinal tract. As for the fairer sex, astrologers recommend that they also visit a mammologist in the same time period.

What do you think? Does it make sense to turn directly to astrology and representatives of the world of extrasensory perception and clairvoyance? How often do your horoscopes come true? Do you believe them?

In the coming year, many born under this sign will feel the need to rethink their own lives. Some will be seriously fascinated by religion, philosophy, and esotericism. They will want to find their answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life. Also important topic may become training. It is this that will open up new prospects for Aquarius, both at work and in their personal lives. In the fall, it is thanks to studying that a fateful acquaintance can take place, the horoscope predicts. As in the previous year, communication with like-minded people and group interests (colleagues, family) will come first for Aquarius. It is work for common goal is now able to give the best results.

Overall, what happens in the first half of the year will lay the foundation for important changes in the second half of the year. Closer to autumn, Jupiter will move into the Aquarius horoscope sector, associated with self-realization in every sense of the word: career, personal. They will want to become a leader of groups of people that are significant to them, to prove to themselves and others that they are capable of much. Financial affairs will go uphill sharply.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius: love, family

Aquarius will remember the first half of the year as a fairly calm and harmonious time on a personal level. Representatives of this sign and their significant other will be busy with joint hobbies, communicating with friends, which will bring them a lot of positive emotions. The most varied leisure time is now the key to a happy relationship, the horoscope assures. In spring, you should beware of quarrels due to differences in worldview, philosophical and religious views. Also, you should not allow your immediate environment (neighbors, relatives) to interfere in your relationship.

August is one of the most favorable months; it is at this time that you should plan engagements, weddings, and joint travel. In the fall, in Aquarius couples, the emphasis will shift from common interests to sensuality. They will want to be alone with each other as often as possible, to diversify their intimate life. Lonely representatives of the sign at this time may feel a passionate sensual attraction to some unfamiliar person. The stars advise you to trust your instincts and openly show your sympathy. At the end of the year it is better to avoid discussion financial issues, this is fraught with conflicts.

Horoscope 2017 for Aquarius: money, finances

It is in the area of ​​money that Aquarians will experience quite serious changes in the coming year. The first half of the year will be largely devoted to thinking about money and how you can make money. good time to bring more control and thoughtfulness into this area of ​​your life. Someone can start a financial diary where they will record all their expenses, someone will master various methods of economical budget distribution. At the beginning of 2017, you should trust your intuition; in winter, additional income is possible where nothing foreshadowed it. This is also an extremely good time to invest money in your own education. By the end of the year, such a decision will pay off handsomely, the horoscope promises.

Closer to the last ten days of the year, the financial situation of Aquarius will improve dramatically, primarily thanks to their courage and hard work. At this time, many will think about starting their own business, which will later turn out to be extremely profitable. It is also possible that you will receive an interesting offer from friends, which will help Aquarius increase their income. Last month 2017 – the right time for processing loans and various transactions with large sums money. It is also good to plan large-scale purchases for this period.

Horoscope 2017 Aquarius: career, work, business

The period from the beginning of the year until the summer will be calm and measured in career terms. Aquarians will enjoy the results achieved last year and think about new goals, which they will begin to implement in the second half of the year. For hired workers, one of the most successful periods will be summer, June and July. This is the time when you are most likely to get a promotion. The key to it is Aquarius sociability and lightness, their horoscope suggests. Communicate as much as possible with your superiors and colleagues, try to impress the soul of the company, reliable right hand, and the boss will certainly appreciate it.

For those who have own business, the horoscope is preparing pleasant surprises in October. Aquarius will have the opportunity to significantly expand their business, launch new projects that will bring excellent profit and fame to your company. If in the first half of the year the ability to work as a team was important, now your personal organizational and leadership abilities should come to the fore. At the end of the year, it is worth working on the atmosphere in the work team. There is a high probability of gossip and gossip that can harm the business. The horoscope advises you to carefully monitor your words at this time, and then problems can be avoided. All rights reserved. Reproduction without following these conditions is prohibited.

The Year of the Red Rooster will be a kind of excursion into the past for Aquarius. They will have to face issues and matters that they have long left in the past. There is also a high probability of meeting friends with whom contact has long been lost. As he says for Aquarius, from the outside you will look like a darling of fate, but only for real close person will understand how hard you really are going through the events of this year.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

A year of great meetings and adventures awaits Aquarius. At the very beginning, you will meet an old acquaintance or classmate who will unexpectedly make you an interesting offer. Most likely it will be associated with a job change. Keep your ears open, even if it seems to you that your friend’s actions are disinterested, do not delude yourself, she has her own interest in this event.

In general, you should take a closer look at your surroundings, because at work, until the end of spring, very tense relationships with colleagues await you. Perhaps someone is spreading vile rumors about you. However, if you control yourself and your emotions, few people will dare to discuss you behind your back. Do not be influenced by the symbol of the year and do not get involved in disputes.

The horoscope for the zodiac sign Aquarius does its best to dissuade you from any kind of financial adventures: have you decided to earn extra money through mediation or the difference in exchange rates? You will spend more nerves than you actually earn. Don't waste your time and energy on this. Try to be guided by arguments, not intuition or other people's advice when it comes to money.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or accept what's offered. This will not make you weak in the eyes of others; on the contrary, I will consider you wise enough to turn to you for help or advice next time. Don't refuse to return the favor. But remember that the Rooster values ​​sincerity, and the more frank you are this year, the more successful it will be for you.

Aquarius horoscope: for men

For you a year will pass under the sign of struggle: with oneself and for oneself. You will be constantly given advice on how to behave, what to do and what to strive for. But when choosing a direction, listen only to your desires, otherwise you risk becoming a puppet in someone else’s game. The first half of the year will be marked by the desire for big and drastic changes: from changing jobs to changing addresses. If your impulse does not pass before the summer, seriously think about whether it’s time to implement this plan?

Your leadership will expect new and bold decisions from you; be prepared to appear with them as a hero-savior at the right time. This way you will raise your authority in the eyes of management and colleagues. But be careful with your colleagues, envy can harm you. And the horoscope for men says that you don’t need unnecessary troubles. You will have plenty of your own.

Take care of your health closer to mid-autumn: go for diagnostics, prevent chronic diseases and beware of accidents. You can become a victim of an accident or get injured in any situation, even the simplest one. The warning also applies to Aquarius drivers: be careful while driving.

You should also remember about your significant other: they will expect you to act. Whether it will be a parachute jump in the name of love or a marriage proposal - only you know, because this is your love in the end. But in any case, ask yourself whether your lady is worth the effort you are making. If the answer is yes, push, otherwise she may be taken away from under your nose, making her look like a fool.

Aquarius horoscope: for women

The beginning of the year will be a very dangerous period for personal relationships. Deeply immersed in work, you run the risk of not noticing how everything in your house is collapsing. There is a high probability of adultery. Don't get upset in advance and don't try to prevent it. Most likely you will just delay the inevitable. Enlist the support of your loved ones and try to get through this with dignity.

You yourself need to understand that part of the blame for betrayal will lie with you. The mistrust sown at the end of last year will grow between you and slowly destroy the relationship, and your hidden meeting with an old acquaintance will only spur your spouse to take revenge. But the horoscope for women is still favorable and promises you an improvement in the situation in the future. love front by mid-summer. You will meet your true love, so look around carefully so as not to miss your chance for happiness.

The stars also advise you to be ready for any home renovations by the end of the year. Literally. Your family is planning to renovate a house or country house and this will require your participation. So save up some money, the pleasure won’t be cheap, and be patient. Just discussing new options appearance your home will take a lot of moral strength. If possible, take a rest in the summer to protect yourself and your nervous system.

Financial horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

At the beginning of the year, you will be haunted by the thought that you have lost your luck somewhere. In fact, she was simply delayed on the way. The expenses and losses that you incur in the first winter months will be replenished at the beginning of spring, when bonuses and additional profits await you. Try to save money rather than spend it on necessary little things. This time is good for large purchases, and the best time to make them is in the fall.

Since your financial situation will not be as dire as that of other signs, do not boast loudly to your friends about your success. There will be many who want to borrow money from you, or even take possession of it without your knowledge. Beware of thefts and scams.

The horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius promises progress only by the end of the year, but you will have to work for this at the beginning. Show yourself as a valuable employee, remind them that you are able and ready to take on any responsibility and that you will be promoted in December. But try not to go over your head: your colleagues will not only not appreciate this, but will also try to take revenge on you or interfere with you. Tension in the team will be noticeable from the first months of the year; try to stay away and not get into the center of serious scandals.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

The horoscope advises you to be careful in everything that concerns papers and concluded transactions. Even the oldest partners are now capable of deceiving you, because they believe that you can cope with any trouble. Try to rely more on facts and figures, rather than on many years of experience in cooperation, and especially friendship. The risk of deception is too great.

Be patient and do not invest money in risky projects: you will not receive money from them soon (if you receive it at all), but the risk of being left without any savings is very high. If you have a desire to spend money on something, spend it on yourself. But don’t waste your time on material trinkets: sign up for a training personal growth or time management, master a new process, or deepen your knowledge in an old one. Become your best financial investment.

At the end of the year you will have enough money for a major purchase. If you've been wanting to update your furniture or change your car, the time has come.

In your work, you will be expected to have initiative, diligence, and special zeal in completing the assigned task. Express yourself with the best side and by December 2017 you will be sitting in the new chair of the head of the department. You'll have to work hard, but isn't the new position worth your efforts?

Financial horoscope for women

You need to plan your purchases more carefully and watch your wallet, avoiding unnecessary expenses. Avoid sales and fairs; an item bought on impulse will not bring joy the very next day, and the money will be spent. You'll need all your savings in early spring, so try to increase them rather than lose them.

This year will be the most successful year for furnishing your own home, and since this will require large financial investments, try to set aside a small amount marked “for repairs” from the beginning of the year. Start beautifying family nest it’s best in the fall, but don’t delay it, otherwise cosmetic repairs risk developing into long-term construction for several years.

So that your financial flow does not become narrower and you do not have to tighten your waist, think about additional income. A small part-time job, overtime at your main place of work, consulting - any way to get additional income will suit you.

But you shouldn’t forget about your main job: show your best side, offer a creative solution old problem, take the lead on a risky project and see it through to completion. Your bosses will appreciate your efforts and reward you with a cash bonus or promotion. Let it not be a big leap in career ladder, but this is still the way to the top.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Emotions will prevail this year. This is evidenced by the horoscope for 2017. Contrary to the voice of reason, you yourself will get involved in disputes and scandals with loved ones, instead of nipping them in the bud. Succumbing to the influence of the Rooster, you will become overly hot-tempered and suspicious. Your significant other may not be able to withstand such pressure and either give a real reason for a scandal, or break off all relations with you. The beginning of the year will be the most dangerous period for this; try to rein in yourself and your emotions if you truly value the person.

You will also have to maneuver between relatives, acting as a kind of bridge connecting two opposing sides. Old conflicts that you thought had long since burned out will intensify. Have arguments for each side, but don't try to reconcile them. This is not your purpose.

In summer there will be a high probability of a holiday romance. If you are a family man, beware of this time: you risk completely ruining your relationship with your spouse, which will ultimately lead to divorce. But the stars favor free Aquarius and promise a whirlwind romance full of new impressions. It's just a pity it's short-lived.

  • Love horoscope for men says that the year will be full of stormy emotions: new loves, experiences and scandals await you at the beginning of the year. You will plunge headlong into the whirlpool of a showdown, while forgetting to maintain composure and restraint. Your impulsiveness and harshness in expressions can lead to your partner finally breaking up with you. If this is what you are striving for, go for it, but remember that it will no longer be possible to improve the relationship.

It's also time whirlwind romances and many connections. Trying to get distracted and get as much pleasure as possible, you risk getting bogged down in casual dating for one night. Slow down on this, otherwise you'll miss out on your true love in the fall.

The horoscope advises Aquarius family men to devote more time to their family and especially to their children. Spend time together: whether you do homework or take a walk with your child, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you will be close.

  • Love horoscope for women quite favorable, although it promises a difficult period in relationships at the beginning of the year. Strive to strengthen your family: arrange a joint celebration, go on a common trip, spend time on a picnic. In a word, any in an accessible way bring the whole family together as often as possible. This year, the responsibility of the keeper of the family hearth will fall on your shoulders. Show your imagination in choosing leisure time together and you will be guaranteed a lot of new impressions.

Pay attention to your husband; left unattended, he can easily be tempted to cheat. Try not to deprive him of your warmth and affection, so that you don’t have to bite your elbows later. Your rival is unlikely to agree to give it to you without a fight.

Free Aquarians can easily succumb to the temptation of new relationships and not just one, because they will be in the attention of the opposite sex. Don’t advertise your connections too much, and don’t change men like gloves. This will ruin both your reputation and your pleasure. But remember that you must constantly keep your libido under control; your looseness can play a cruel joke on you.

Children's horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Try to praise your little Aquarius more often, they will jump out of their pants to earn your approval and praise. And if there is no reason for this, rest assured, they will come up with one themselves.

The smallest Aquarians will surprise you with their rapid development of intelligence. Introduce as many educational games as possible in your home, and you will almost immediately notice a sharp jump in your child’s level of knowledge. Certainly, quantum physics he won’t start studying, but keep the young physicist’s kit ready. Try to be close to him and encourage all his endeavors.

Schoolchildren will turn into researchers. But they will study themselves and their potential. Your child will embark on a zealous search for himself and will try almost everything that catches his eye. Today he wants to become a chef, and tomorrow - a computer genius. Take any of his ideas seriously, explain all the pros and cons of his chosen profession, and feel free to go with him in search of a new one.

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Aquarius, air sign, symbolizes lightness And mobility. Aquarius is inventive, prone to abstract thinking, and has many ideas that are ahead of their time. Friendly Aquarius not vindictive, generous, will do anything for the sake of loved ones. Often his dreams do not concern finances; Aquarius dreams of equality and brotherhood, peace and health for everyone.
Often Aquarius have a great understanding of people, capture the hidden motives of their behavior, secret goals and plans. Aquarians also have a lot of determination and independence. These are excellent craftsmen who, in a matter of minutes, can disassemble a complex household appliance and find the cause of the malfunction.
Sometimes it seems that fate truly loves Aquarius! Something constantly happens to them: either a brilliant idea comes to mind, or a bucket falls on their head.
What will the Fire Rooster please the representatives of this zodiac sign?
Already at the very beginning of the year, Aquarius can begin improve your professional skills, expand and deepen them. Aquarius will feel the fruits of his labor at the end of the year.
Spring will bring renewal in both your personal life and work.. Many pleasant and useful acquaintances await you in the spring. It is possible that peace and mutual understanding will reign on the love front. By this point, there will be some minor difficulties in your career, but there are no negative consequences in this situation.
It is best to spend the summer outdoors or in the mountains, in the company of family and friends. All this will raise your self-esteem and significantly improve your mood. Great option In order to strengthen relationships and add to the list of vivid impressions, there will be joint trips.
In the fall, Aquarians will again be completely immersed in work, new goals and tasks that you have set for yourself,
will come true soon.
Fate will give lonely Aquarius a good chance to find their soulmate, weigh all the arguments and make the right choice.
In December there will be a good chance to change jobs, take advantage of it.
For Aquarius women, the stars advise finishing all the projects they start. In the spring you will have a great chance to meet the love of your life, throw away your principles and go towards your happiness. The stars advise you to be more attentive to your other halves; once an established relationship is destroyed, it is difficult to achieve harmony and mutual understanding.

The whole year promises to be active and emotional. Don't lose your head in the whirlpool of events. Surging emotions can tear you out of the usual flow of life, and in an effort to diversify your intimate life, you can lose your true feeling. Promiscuous relationships can cause mental and physical harm.

If single Aquarians can pull themselves together, they can count on building serious relationships in the fall.
In 2017, Aquarians will attract money to themselves like a magnet. Even if you encounter setbacks at the beginning of the year, these will be minor difficulties on the path to a brighter future.
Hard work will bring financial satisfaction, but the stars advise talking less about your achievements and successes to colleagues and friends.
Aquarians should try not to put off all important matters, otherwise it is possible that by the end of the working year you will have a full workload.
Prudent behavior in 2017 will contribute to strengthening financial situation representatives of the sign. They will need to focus on accumulating funds and investing wisely. The capital that Aquarius will be able to increase in the fall will become a safety net in the future, when it will be necessary more than once kind words remember your foresight. The risk of financial loss will occur in the middle of the year.

Many of us are skeptical about horoscopes. However, it is the horoscope that can tell us what to fear and what to expect in the coming new year. By analyzing the information, each of us will be able to emphasize what is new and useful for ourselves.

Star horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Aquarius will have a busy year full of unexpected surprises and events. Perhaps many will have to find themselves in a non-standard situation for themselves, from which they will not be able to find a way out immediately. Astrologers advise not to panic and keep yourself in control, since to solve such situations you will need a clear mind and quick steps.

The stars promise Aquarius a rather stormy and eventful year in love relationships. The likelihood of getting married is very high. The ideal time to give birth to your first child.

Summer can bring Aquarius a promotion up the career ladder, the main thing is not to miss the moment. It is likely that, having proven themselves well before their superiors, many Aquarians will take a new position in the fall. But remember, you must be more responsible and decisive.

Be on the lookout, autumn can bring discord to family life. Surely certain circumstances of your past life, for which you will have to justify yourself.

Astrologers advise Aquarians to be very attentive to any new beginnings; you will be disappointed. For those who like to take risks, it is also worth being reckless, first weighing the pros and cons, and only then bringing your ideas to life.

Caution will not hurt Aquarians when driving; do not exceed speed, be careful on the road. The year also promises problems in the domestic sphere. Take care of your loved ones and relatives, do not reject their help and support.

Aquarius Woman

The Fire Rooster has prepared a lot of interesting things for the fair sex. At the beginning of the year, women can expect to meet a new admirer. Therefore, the stars advise you to take the initiative first, using your charm and charm. Changing your image will only benefit you.

Many Aquarians will want to spend a holiday together in the winter. Don't miss your chance, but you'll have to spend money. Spring will be able to give Aquarius not only excellent weather, but already in the middle you will receive pleasant news about the birth of a child.

However, spring can also bring problems related to real estate documentation. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance. Also pay attention to your family and parents. Be sure to support them in difficult moment. In the summer, your parents may experience health problems. Therefore, give a gift to your parents, help them with a sanatorium where they can improve their failing health. At the same time, do your homework.

Aquarius man

The stars advise not to neglect the events that await Aquarius in the coming year. At the beginning of the year, most representatives will have enough energy to do their favorite work and eliminate all the problems that have arisen. Astrologers also recommend starting to save cash, because there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, in winter, direct your energy in the right direction so that in spring you can relax and take care of your health.

Closer to the second half of the year, Aquarius will have a unique chance to make money. Therefore, keep a close eye on your colleagues and employees. Each step should be carefully considered, since any mistake can become the root cause of non-receipt of earnings.

2017 – good year, both for work and family. Pay more attention to children and wives, discuss family problems, fill in the missing questions and gaps with the children.

Love and Aquarius

The Fire Rooster will give all Aquarians great passion and power, so they themselves will determine their relationship with their partner. If you decide to break ties with your significant other, do it quickly and don't look back. Believe me, the person you abandoned will soon bite their own elbows, because... will understand that you were the only faithful person in his life.

Lonely Aquarians will not build in the new year love relationship, since they will be quite happy with freedom and no obligations. Therefore, they will direct all their energy to a common cause. But, according to the stars, you will not be left without attention. Yours positive energy will be a magnet to attract new partners to you, who in the future will be able to occupy your heart.

Astrologers recommend that non-free representatives of the sign not move away from their partners. Better spend more time together. Otherwise, your relationship will reach a dead end.

Career and Finance

In the professional sphere, try to give yourself completely to your work. Believe me, your boss will be able to appreciate you.

Professional growth can be productive and bring excellent income, but this will happen if you are not distracted by various trifles and trifles, but completely devote yourself to your career. Try to plan your work schedule correctly - this will increase your productivity and efficiency.

By sticking to your schedule, you will not only be able to devote certain time your work, but also to relax. All your hard work will be rewarded by the end of the year. It's just worth the wait. A new position can open up new prospects and additional income for you.

Everything will be fine in the financial sector. Even though the beginning of the year promises you a lot of spending. A rise can be expected in the second half of the year, keep working and you can wait for the long-awaited profit.
2017 is great for serious spending. However, before you buy, think twice about whether the purchase is worth the money.

What does the horoscope say about the health of Aquarius for 2017?

As for health, the stars recommend that Aquarians pay special attention to the condition of the genitourinary and endocrine systems. If you feel unwell, you should seek help from a doctor who can prescribe preventative treatment and the necessary procedures. Possible risk of relapse. Therefore, it is worth consulting with doctors.

Great time for sports and in a healthy way life. Be outside more and fresh air, relax and put all your thoughts in order. Add more greens and fruits to your diet.