Literature lesson the role of female images of bummers. Presentation on the topic"«Обломов» - Ольга Ильинская и Агафья Матвеевна". Образ Ольги Ильинской!}

10 grades – letters – 2 quarters Lesson No.

Lesson topic : Female images in the novel “Oblomov”. The theme of Love in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Lesson type: lesson study


1. Continue working on Oblomov’s image by comparing comparative characteristics Oblomov and Olga in relation to love; trace the development of the theme of love in the novel.

2. Reveal the characters and ideals of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

3. Form careful attitude to such a feeling as love.


1. analyze material about Olga Ilyinskaya according to plan

2. analyze the material about Agafya Pshenitsyna according to plan

3. determine the role of each of the women in Oblomov’s fate

4. draw a conclusion about what role female characters in the novel play in creating the image of the main character

During the classes.

1. Introduction. Teacher's word.

The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Innocent

Annensky:“Love is not peace; it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love. It is no coincidence that the author conducts his hero through the test of love. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov believed in the almighty power of this feeling.“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me of believing in omnipotent, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action.” .

2. Determining the topic of the lesson

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

(the theme of love in the novel, female images in the novel)

Write down the topic in your notebook.

In the novel "Oblomov" love is the basis. This feeling shows the hero in development. Let's remember under what circumstances Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov met?

(Stolz introduced them. Stolz brought Oblomov to the house for a reception with Olga’s aunt)

The novel “Oblomov” is warmed by two love stories. Today we have to answer the question of whether this is equal love, the love of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.

Slide 2 Goncharov believed in the almighty power of love.

“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me<…>in faith in universal, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action" »

. Slide3 Exactly Love, according to the writer, capable radically change the life of a person, and it is love that reveals his best and worst sides

Slide 4 Why, feeling the present for Olga, deep feeling, Ilya Ilyich abandons him and connects his life with Agafya Pshenitsyna?



Checking homework. A story about a heroine according to a previously known plan. Comparative characteristics of Agafya and Olga

A story about Olga Ilyinskaya

Consider the portrait of the heroine,

attitude towards Oblomov,

development of relations with Ilya Ilyich,

area of ​​interest

Anal from material in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya .

SLIDE7 Olga in the strictest senseshe was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statuegrace and harmony . Some tall The size of the head strictly corresponded to the size of the head, the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn,harmonized with shoulders, shoulders - with waist...

The nose has formed a slightly noticeably convex,graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. Same presence speaking thought shone in the watchful, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. Eyebrows were givenspecial beauty eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, as a result of which there was a small fold above the eyebrow, in which something seemed to speak, as if a thought rested there.

Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, soslender, noble resting on a thinproud, neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly...

2.1. What are the main character traits of Olga Ilyinskaya?

(Olga’s attractive features are dissatisfaction with herself and life, the desire for active work, absence of affectation, simplicity, naturalness, thoughtful conduct of the fight against Oblomov’s habits: a good-natured mockery of laziness. Her favorite activities are singing, reading, talking about what she has read, and walking. Olga is active, passionate nature, did a lot to re-educate Oblomov, to save him from laziness and apathy. Olga is a purposeful, strong-willed young woman who strives to benefit people and society ).

2.2. Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, using questions(a plan for analyzing the image of Olga Ilyinskaya was given to students at home):

1. Meeting Olga and Oblomov. Development of their relationship. (Ch. 5-12, 2 parts)

2. Characteristics of Olga (5 chapters, 2 parts)

3. How did the relationship with Olga affect Oblomov? Has he changed?

4. “Love” in the understanding of Oblomov and Olga.

5. Olga about Oblomov on the eve of her breakup with him. What did she understand?

6. Talking about the origins of the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, the author says: “Every day he became more and more friendly with the hostess: love did not even enter his mind, that is, about the love that he had recentlymoved..." Why?

7. The purpose of life, according to Olga.

8. Why, six months later, Olga, telling Stolz about her past love for Oblomov, said: “Oh, what happinessrecover..."

9. general characteristics Olga and Stolz. What brings them together?

10. How did Stolz imagine Olga's future if she married Oblomov? ( Chapter 4)

11. Why does Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, having become Stolz’s wife, beg her husband: “You won’t leave him, you won’t abandon him?” - and asks him to take him with him to Oblomov.

12. What role did Olga play in Oblomov’s fate?
13. The main purpose of Olga’s image in the novel.

What impression did they make on each other?

(Olga became curious. She watched Oblomov all evening. Oblomov was embarrassed)

- Will Olga fall in love with Oblomov?(Yes)

- Do you think she fell in love with the current Oblomov with all his shortcomings or the Oblomov of the future?(Oblomov of the future)

- Find confirmation of this in the text (Part 2, Chapter 6)

Remember what served as a symbol of the love of Olga and Oblomov?(lilac branch)

- Find the episode of Oblomov's first meeting with Olga in the park. Let's read it role-by-role(read by role.

- Oblomov thought that Olga was still angry with his confession, what did he advise her?

(forget everything he said)

Find this moment in the text. Read(read)

- And what does Oblomov understand from this conversation?(Olga loves him)

- What are his next steps?(came the next day with a branch of lilac)

- And what does Olga understand in turn?(Oblomov loves her too)

- Goncharov illustrates this with the following episode: a week later, Ilya Ilyich met Olga in the park at the place where a lilac branch was plucked and thrown. And what did Olga do?(embroidered a lilac branch)

- Why didn't their happiness work out?

(Oblomov wants to love and not lose peace. Olga Ilyinskaya demanded activity from Oblomov.)

2.3. What is the reason for their separation? Oblomov himself gives the answer to this(Part 3. Chapter 11)

- What conclusion can we draw? Was Ilya Ilyich right to leave Olga?(yes. He understood that love is not only the union of a man and women. For him this is a responsibility. And he is responsible not ready. He is noble. It's all OBLOMOVSHCHINA's fault)

- Is Olga happy after marrying Stolz?(Most likely no)

- Is there spiritual warmth in their relationship?(No)

- Let's _______read the moment when Olga agreed to get married

for Stolz. How did she feel about this?(part 4, chapter 4)

- Why do you think Olga married him?(most likely out of despair)

2.4. Results of the analysis of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya.


2.5.What role did Oblomov play in Olga’s fate?

(Oblomov could not make Olga happy, but at the same time he internally enriched Olga. Under the influence of Oblomov, Olga turns from an inexperienced and rather naive girl into a deeply feeling woman whom Stolz fell in love with.)

3. Analysis of material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna


Tell us about Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Consider the portrait of the heroine, her attitude towards Oblomov, the development of relations with Ilya Ilyich, her sphere of interests,

reviews of other characters about heroin.

3.1 . Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna, using questions(image analysis planAgafya Pshenitsynagiven to students at home):

1. Oblomov's new apartment on Vyborg side at Pshenitsyna's. (part 3)

2. Agafya Pshenitsyna: appearance, character, lifestyle

SLIDE 10 She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush did not seem to be able to break through the cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, glossy stripes, with sparse blond hair. Grayish-simple eyes, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward.

the dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve as a model for a painter or sculptor strong, healthy breasts, without disturbing her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.”

3. “Happiness” in the understanding of Oblomov (Chapter 4, 3 parts)

4. Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house: “Peace and silence.. Everything is quiet in Pshenitsyna’s house...” (Chapter 9, Part 4)

5. The reasons for Oblomov’s rapprochement with Pshenitsyna.

6. Pshenitsyna’s attitude towards Oblomov.

7. Is it possible to say that Oblomov’s ideal of life was realized in Pshenitsyna’s house? Why?

8. A.V. Druzhinin, in the article “Oblomov,” a novel by Goncharov,” considered Agafya Pshenitsyna to be the destroyer and evil angel of the protagonist. Do you agree with him?

9. The role of the image of Pshenitsyna in the novel.

- Another loving woman Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna became the widow of a minor official in Oblomov’s life.

- Summarize what Agafya Matveevna is like, what kind of housewife she is, what spiritual needs she has, does she read?

(She doesn’t sit idle, her house is clean and tidy)

- So what attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman?(resemblance to mother)

- What detail in Pshenitsyna’s image constantly attracts attention?(elbows)

- Find phrases in the text related to the description of elbows

- What kind of life does Pshenitsyna lead? Doesn't remind you of anything?(Life as a child in Oblomovka)

- Did Pshenitsyna strive to re-educate Oblomov?(no, she just loved him)

- What principle does Goncharov use here?(antithesis)

- What exactly does Goncharov contrast in the images of these two women?(Olga is shown in development, and Agafya Matveevna flows with the flow

life) - Do you think he survived? main character test of love?

(no, he is not able to take responsibility for the destinies of other people. Having married Pshenitsyna, he sinks even lower and goes into hibernation, and then dies physically)

3.2. Results of the analysis of the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna.

(The description of Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house in the novel is called “Vyborg Oblomovism”. Oblomov, having married Pshenitsyna, sinks more and more, finally goes into hibernation, and then physically dies. Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the machine of life. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently, without pain, without suffering, as if a watch had stopped and they had forgotten to wind it)


3.3.What role did Oblomov play in the fate of Agafya Pshenitsyna?

(Oblomov filled Agafya Pshenitsyna’s life with the meaning of caring for him. He gave her moments of quiet happiness. From his union with Agafya Pshenitsyna, Oblomov had his only child, a son, the responsibility for whose upbringing he transferred to Stolz)

4. Generalization based on the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.


5. What are the results of Oblomov’s life?

(Oblomov was able to give the two women who loved him short-lived, but still happiness, to love and be loved. But at the same time, he was unable to take care of them, or himself, or his only son, whom he entrusts to the care of Olga and Stolz.)

6 . SLIDE 12 Compare the statements of critics about Agafya Matveevna and Olgea.. DRUZHININA, N. Dobrolyubova, A. Grigorieva

    Slide 13 «… the incomparable, mocking, lively Olga... sees all the funny features of the hero, without being deceived at all, plays with them, almost enjoys them and is deceived only in his calculations of the solid foundations of Oblomov’s character.” A.V.Druzhinin

Slide 14 “She is ready for this fight, she yearns for it and is constantly afraid so that quiet happiness with Stolz didn't turn into something appropriate to Oblomov’s apathy.” N.A.Dobrolyubov

Slide 15 “... an impartial mind not darkened by theories will choose, as Oblomov chose,

Agafya Matveevna, - not just because elbows are seductive and what she cooks pies well, - but because she is much more woman than Olga." A. Grigoriev

Slide 16 a written answer to a question. Which of the judgments do you agree with? Why?


Analyze the material according to the image of Andrei Stolz, using the plan:

1. The story about Stolz (1-2 chapters, 2 parts)

2. What, according to Stolz, is the “normal purpose of a person”?

3. What did Stolz value above all in a person?

4. “How could such a person be close to Oblomov? – asks the author. How does he respond to this?

5. How did each meeting between Oblomov and Stolz end?

6. Final of the last meeting.

7. The role of Stolz in the fate of Oblomov.

8. After Oblomov’s death, Stolz takes his son into custody. Why?

9. Marriage of Stolz with Olga. Are they happy?

10. What is the “dead end” of Stolz’s entrepreneurial activity?

11. Why does the author call his internal impulses “moral functions of the individual”?

12. What does Stolz see and appreciate in Oblomov?

Slide 1

Symbolic images in the novel by I.A. Goncharova “Oblomov” Completed by: students of class 10-A Lysenko Marina, Ruban Anastasia, Kireeva Veronica. Teacher: L.I. Gerasimenko

Slide 2

An image is a reproduction of an object, information about it or its description, structurally similar but not identical to it. Symbol in art - characteristics artistic image from the point of view of its meaningfulness, expression of a certain artistic idea. Unlike allegory, the meaning of a symbol is inseparable from its figurative structure and is distinguished by the inexhaustible ambiguity of its content.

Slide 3

Oblomov is a person with inherent human qualities - sincerity, kindness, purity. But laziness, apathy, inaction - this is a huge disadvantage of a person. The fact that Oblomov is a “man” is proven by the symbolism of his name: Three letters O. O is a sphere, and a sphere is the most stable form of matter (electrons, protons, atoms, electrostatic, magnetic fields, planets, the trajectory of electrons, planets, the nucleus of a cell, an egg - all have the shape of a sphere or circle). OBLOMOV The name Ilya is associated with famous Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove for thirty years. Oblomov's heavenly patron is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, whose name Oblomov bears. Ilya means “Yahweh is my God, the power of God, the strength of the Lord, the believer.” By repeating the name of the father in the son’s name (Ilya Ilyich, Ilya son of Ilya), Goncharov seems to emphasize the immutability, repeatability of the lifestyle of representatives of the Oblomov family. It’s as if there’s no need to comment on the hero’s surname, it’s so expressive. One of the meanings of the verb “break off” in Russian is to persuade, to convince of something. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Slide 4

Oblomov’s heart is like a flower, a heavenly rose, a cup. R. Guenon points to such an associative series. He writes that the bowl is an overturned triangle, a flower, a heavenly rose. The hero's heart, being the “heart of the novel,” is quite comparable to the heart of Jesus, which is “both the real and symbolic center of existence.”

Slide 5

Oblomov was the light, soft pillow on which he slept. How comfortable it is, how cozy! How kind and homely! It wrinkles easily and is lined, it is always clean!

Slide 6

A sofa, robe and shoes are symbols of laziness and apathy. For Oblomov, the sofa is his habitat, his best friend and “support”, support at any time, a curtain from the hectic outside world, a barrier to any action. This is the main background of his life, this is his essence and goal. It's a habit, a lifelong habit that you can't unlearn even when you hate it. It all began on the sofa, and on the sofa it all ended... The symbol of rest became a symbol of pleasure, a symbol of laziness, a symbol of purpose, a symbol of life, a symbol of Oblomovism.

Slide 7

Hidden under Oblomov's robe are his crystal soul, his clear conscience, his unusual life, remembering which, it is impossible to characterize it unambiguously.. Oblomov’s robe The robe under its wide floors “hides” and lifestyle Oblomov, and his “philosophy of peace.”

Slide 8

“Oblomov’s Dream” is an exposition of the novel, located not at the beginning, but inside the work; using this artistic technique, showing first the character of the hero, and then the origins and conditions of his formation, Goncharov showed the foundations and depths of the soul, consciousness, and psychology of the protagonist. The psychologism of the novel lies in the fact that the author explores inner world all the heroes. To do this, he introduces internal monologues - the hero's reasoning, which he does not say out loud. The monologues show the hero's attitude towards himself and others, towards life, love, death - towards everything. The motif of sleep in Goncharov’s novel is combined with the motif of dreams, daydreams. “The Dream” reveals the deepest layers of Oblomov’s (and our) subconscious. In “The Dream” the author prepares the ground for the creation of the gigantic figure of Oblomov, designed to stand alongside those famous in world literature “ eternal images" Oblomov's dream

Slide 9

Dobrolyubov and Pisarev called Stolz an “active man,” and Kulikovsky called him a “man of movement.” The name Andrey reminds of the apostle - the patron of Rus', and simply of the mission of a traveling preacher. Stolz can be compared to a watch that runs not on a battery, but on life force. He, like a clock, always moves forward, strives for something new, Stolz cannot stop there, which makes him a “new” person. Stolts Andrey Ivanovich

Slide 10

By giving the heroine the name Olga, the author places a “strong-willed, active, efficient, intelligent” woman next to the hero. The name Olga means “holy, bright,” and the surname comes from the name Ilya. Olga's patronymic - Sergeevna (Sergei - “tall, highly respected”) - explains the fact that the heroine is inaccessible to Oblomov. Olga is perceived by Oblomov and the reader like a beautiful statue. Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna

Slide 11

The “mistress” of this world, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, like Olga, seems to be destined for Ilya: her name is read as a good “gift of God,” and the “bread” surname directly indicates the heroine’s “genetic” dependence on Ilya, who is sung by the Slavs as “ patron of harvest and fertility, sower, reaper and giver of blessings... Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna The relationship between Olga and Stolz is, first of all, reasonable, and therefore it is constantly accompanied in the novel Moonlight. Their declaration of love takes place after sunset. The heroes seem to be deliberately waiting for the onset of darkness to reveal their souls to each other. During the explanation, light from the window falls on Olga’s face, and Stolz “could read what was on her mind.” Evening light, moonlight in the novel is interpreted as akin to sunlight. This is the light of truth, the light of grace. It was precisely this idea of ​​​​night light that lived in the minds of the Slavs. It is not for nothing that Olga hides her face from this world, wanting to hide the truth about her love for Oblomov from Stolz. happy life The author shows Olga and Stolz against the backdrop of “not Oblomov’s”, but southern nature - they live near the sea. By mythological ideas different nations, “life, strength, energy and eternity reside in water,” writes Mircea Eliade. Olga and Stolz, moonlight

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“The love theme in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". (images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna).

The purpose of the lesson: to trace the dynamics of the development of Oblomov’s relationships with other characters and determine the significance of these relationships in the novel.

Organize students’ activities to independently analyze the theme of love in the novel “Oblomov”;

Continue to work on developing the ability to analyze literary texts and develop skills monologue speech;

Create conditions for aesthetic education student's personality.

Methodical techniques: conversation, group work, expressive reading by heart, working on the text with elements of research, staging, watching a video fragment and analyzing it, student messages, teacher commentary.

Equipment: text of I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”, workbooks, “Norma”, presentation, video fragment “Zakhar and Oblomov”, illustrations, student message.

During the classes.

introduction teachers.

Guys, today in class we continue to study I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Innokenty Annensky: “Love is not peace, it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love.” It is no coincidence that the author puts his hero through the test of love. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov believed in the almighty power of this feeling. “You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me... of believing in universal, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action.

In the novel "Oblomov" love is the basis. This feeling reveals characters, shows heroes in development. We see the same thing in Oblomov’s life feeling - love. But with what different beginnings and aspirations. In the lesson we will look at the dynamics of the development of Oblomov’s relationships with other characters.

The main part of the lesson.

First of all, we need to decide who we can love?

Who does Oblomov love?

(Zakhara, Olga, Stolts, Pshenitsyna)

But he has his own love for each of these heroes.

Guys, during the lesson you will fill out the table that you drew in advance in your notebooks.

We fill out 3 columns: the hero, the hero’s attitude towards Oblomov, Oblomov’s attitude towards the hero.

Thus, we will follow the relationship of the main character and people close to him. To do this, you completed tasks in groups. Listen carefully to the performance of another group and, choosing the necessary information, fill out the table.

Let's start with Zakhar - the servant of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

From the very beginning of the novels we see a huge similarity between the master and his servant. They both grew up in the same place, accustomed to a certain way of life. Movement was alien to them; they were attracted to a quiet, measured life without particularly striking incidents. But they constantly quarrel. Let's call this kind of love conventionally - love-enmity.

I suggest watching an excerpt from Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov”

Watch an episode

This episode illustrates the relationship between Ilya Ilyich and his servant. Representatives of group 1 will talk about this. And you guys fill out the table.

Student speech

Zakhar is Oblomov's servant. This old man, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under the arm. Zakhar is lazy and sloppy. Everything he touches breaks and breaks. He can serve food to Oblomov on dirty dishes or broken dishes, or he can serve food picked up from the floor. He justifies this philosophically: everything that is done is pleasing to the Lord, and there is no point in fighting it. But Zakhar’s external looseness is deceptive. He cares about his master's goods and knows them inside out. Despite Tarantiev’s pressure, Zakhar does not give him any of the master’s clothes, confident that he will not return them.

Zakhar is an old-school servant who idolizes his master and his entire family. When Oblomov scolds the servant for what he likened to other people living in the world, Zakhar feels guilty: indeed, his master is special and the best. But along with devotion to the owner, Zakhar is characterized by sophistication and depravity of morals. He loves to drink with friends, gossip with other servants, sometimes praising, sometimes humiliating his master. On occasion, Zakhar can pocket money for himself, change from the store. Zakhar's life is closely connected with Oblomov's life. The last two representatives of Oblomovka, they, each in their own way, sacredly keep her covenants in their souls. Even when Zakhar marries the cook Anisya, he tries not to allow her to see the master, he does everything for him himself, considering it his duty. Zakhar's life ends with Oblomov's life. After his death, Zakhar is forced to leave Pshenitsyna’s house. This is how Stolz meets him and offers to take him to the village. But the faithful servant refuses: he cannot leave his master’s grave unattended.

Oblomov demands respect and blessing from Zakhar, demands that the servant preserve the peace of his master.

Guys, do you have any questions for the first group?

Read what you wrote in the table.

Summarize. Zakhar is Oblomov’s faithful companion, the keeper of Oblomovka’s traditions and spirit, his master’s double. It expresses the worldview of a Russian person. The fate of Zakhar is a repetition of the fate of Oblomovka, the memory of it and the verdict.

Who can be called Oblomov’s true friend?

Let's call this relationship love-friendship.

The second group prepared a dramatization of an episode illustrating the meeting between Oblomov and Stolz.

Thank you, now representatives from the second group will talk about Stolz and the relationship between friends. Guys, you continue to work with the table.

Stolts Andrey Ivanovich – Oblomov’s CHILDHOOD FRIEND.

Each of the parents made their own special contribution to the upbringing of Andrei Stolts. Most Oblomov spent his life on the sofa, since “lying down with Ilya Ilyich... was normal condition" His ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family and friends, about which Oblomov spent years dreaming.

Ilya Ilyich could not, and did not want to become a successful Stolz, despite the fact that he respected such people and appreciated their hard work.

The attitude of friends towards the bustle of the capital is also different. Stolz had already gotten used to it and felt in the light “like a fish in water.” He sees everything, but prefers to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of society. Andrey does not allow society to encroach on his innermost feelings and thoughts, as if closing himself off from him with polite behavior.

And Ilya Ilyich, having served himself and carefully listening to the stories of visitors - Sudbinsky, Penkin, Volkov - about capital life, realized that it was too empty (“What to look for there? Interests of the mind, heart?”) and fussy (“Ten places in one day!?"). Ilya Ilyich did not see the point in all these visits, going to work, balls... His father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, a businesslike and practical German, put above all else a sense of duty, discipline, responsibility and love of work. He tried to instill these qualities in his son, trying to make him a successful businessman. Stolz's mother wanted Andrei to grow up to be an educated Russian gentleman, and not a “German burgher,” and tried as best she could to reduce Father’s influence on Andryusha.

In many ways, she wanted to see her son like Ilya Oblomov and often gladly sent him to Sosnovka, where “there is an eternal holiday, where work is lifted off one’s shoulders like a yoke.”

For Stolz, the main thing is work. For him, work is “the image, content, element and purpose of life.” Stolz was taught from childhood to activity, to the fact that time is precious and should not be wasted. And therefore, Andrei’s whole life passed in eternal motion, which, however, cannot be called vanity. He was not just in constant dynamics, but brought benefit to himself and others. But, despite his constant employment, he “goes out into the world and reads: when he has time, God knows.” How is it possible that Andrei Stolz could be so close to Oblomov, “in whom every feature, every step, his entire existence was a blatant protest against Stolz’s life?” It’s unlikely that childhood and school brought them closer together; this is not at all necessary. In my opinion, Stolz himself answers this question: “Oblomov will never bow to the idol of lies, his soul will always be pure, bright, honest... This is a crystal, transparent soul; such people are few; they are rare; these are pearls in the crowd!”
Throughout the novel, both heroes express their ideas about the ideal of life, life positions which they adhere to. Goncharov shows that all of Oblomov’s dreams are doomed, because Ilya Ilyich did nothing to make them come true

Let's check the table.

The hero's attitude towards Oblomov

Oblomov's attitude towards the hero

Believes that Oblomov is a “crystal, transparent soul”

He couldn’t and didn’t want to become a successful Stolz, although he respected such people and appreciated their hard work.

Summarize. Oblomov and Stolz were necessary for each other to reveal images, ideas and approaches to solving universal, philosophical questions of existence. In this they complement each other.

While visiting Olga Ilyinskaya, Ilya Ilyich is immediately captivated by the girl’s amazing voice. Listening to her magnificent “Casta diva”, Oblomov falls more and more in love with Olga. “In conclusion, she sang Casta diva: all the delight, the thoughts rushing like lightning in her head, the trembling like needles running through her body - all this destroyed Oblomov: he was exhausted.”

Let's call this feeling love-love.

Remember what served as a symbol of the love of Olga and Oblomov?

The third group conducted a small study “The lilac branch is a symbol of the love of Olga and Oblomov.”

Performance by group 3. Slide show with images of lilacs.

The lilac branch embodies the beauty that bloomed in the souls of Olga and Oblomov. Thus, the scene of the meeting after the first declaration of love begins with the fact that after the words of greeting, “she silently picked a branch of lilac and smelled it, covering her face and nose.”

Smell how good it smells! - she said and covered his nose too.

And here are the lilies of the valley! Wait, I’ll pick some,” he said, bending down to the grass, “those smell better: fields, groves; more nature. And the lilacs are still growing near the house, the branches are climbing into the windows, the smell is cloying. Look, the dew on the lilies of the valley has not yet dried.

He brought her several lilies of the valley.

Do you like mignonette? - she asked.

No: it smells very strong; I don’t like mignonette or roses. Yes, I don't like flowers at all...
Thinking that Olga is angry with his confession, Oblomov says to Olga, who has her head down and is smelling flowers:

“Forget it,” he continued, “forget it, especially since it’s not true...

Not true? - she suddenly repeated, straightened up and dropped the flowers.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide and flashed with amazement...

How wrong? - she repeated again.

Yes, for God’s sake, don’t be angry and forget...
And Ilya Ilyich understood this movement of the girl’s heart. He came the next day with a branch of lilac:

What do you have? - she asked.

What branch?

You see: lilac.

Where did you get it? There are no lilacs where you were going.

You just tore it off and threw it away.

Why did you raise it?

So, I like that you... abandoned her in frustration.

The lilac branch revealed a lot to Olga as well. Goncharov illustrates this with the following episode: a week later, Ilya Ilyich met Olga in the park at the place where a lilac branch was plucked and thrown. Now Olga sat peacefully and embroidered... a branch of lilac.
In the episodes with the lilac branch, Goncharov perfectly conveys the confusion of the soul
Oblomov. In his dreams, the hero imagined stormy love, passionate impulses
Olga. But then he corrected himself: “... passion must be limited, strangled and drowned in marriage!..”
Ilya Ilyich wants to love without losing peace. Olga wants something different from love. Taking a lilac branch from Olga’s hands, Oblomov says, looking at the branch: 21313545

He suddenly resurrected. And she, in turn, did not recognize Oblomov: the foggy, sleepy face instantly transformed, the eyes opened; the colors on the cheeks began to play; thoughts began to move; desires and will sparkled in his eyes. She, too, clearly read in this silent play of faces that Oblomov instantly had a goal in life.

Life, life is opening up to me again,” he said as if in delirium, “here it is, in your eyes, in your smile, in this branch, in “Casta diva”... everything is here...

She shook her head.

No, not all... half.

“Perhaps,” she said.

Where is the other one? What else after that?

“So as not to lose first,” she said, gave him her hand, and they went home.

He glanced with delight, furtively at her head, at her waist, at her curls, and then squeezed the branch.
In this episode, Olga hints to Oblomov that he needs to look for the purpose of life, he needs to be active. And the seemingly insignificant branch of lilac in the artistic fabric of the novel became symbolic. How much she tells the reader!
The writer turns to the symbolic lilac branch more than once. For example, in the scene of Oblomov’s explanation with Olga in the same garden, after several days of separation, after the hero’s letter about the need to “break off relations.” Seeing Olga crying, Oblomov is ready to do everything to make up for his mistake and guilt:

Well, if you don’t want to tell me, give me a sign... a branch of lilac...

The lilacs... moved away, disappeared! - she answered. - Look, see what remains: faded!

They've gone away and faded! - he repeated, looking at the lilacs. - And the letter went away!

He suddenly said.

She shook her head negatively. He followed her and talked to himself about the letter, about yesterday's happiness, about the faded lilacs.

But it is characteristic that, having become convinced of Olga’s love and calmed down, Oblomov
"yawned loudly." A vivid illustration of the feelings experienced by the hero can be seen in this picture described by Goncharov; in my opinion, it reflects Oblomov’s attitude to love, and to life in general:

“Indeed, the lilacs are withering! - he thought. - Why is this letter? Why did I stay up all night and write in the morning? Now that my soul is at peace again... (he yawned)... I really want to sleep. And if there had been no letter, and none of this would have happened: she would not have cried, everything would have been like yesterday; We would sit quietly right there in the alley, look at each other, talk about happiness. And it would be the same today, and tomorrow...” He yawned loudly.

And here’s how a student in our class saw this lilac.

Slide show.

Let's check the table.

The hero's attitude towards Oblomov

Oblomov's attitude towards the hero

I tried to give Ilya Ilyich a purpose in life.

Wants to love without losing peace.

Summarize. Olga demanded activity and determination from Oblomov. She was looking for an application for her powers and, having met Oblomov, she was fired up with the dream of resurrecting him, awakening him to life. But this turned out to be an impossible task even for her.

Another loving woman in the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was the widow of a minor official, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Let's call it “Oblomov and Pshenitsyna: betrayal of high ideals?”

Agafya Matveevna is an ideal hostess. She doesn't sit idle for a minute. Everything is in order with her, the house is clean and orderly. Agafya Matveevna has no spiritual needs. When Oblomov asked her: “Are you reading anything? “, she only “looked at him blankly” in response.

What attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman?

But by the way... let Agafya Matveevna herself tell about herself.

Story by A.M. About Me.

I am Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna, the widow of an official, left with two children, the sister of Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, Tarantiev’s godfather. It is Tarantiev who settles Ilya Ilyich, who is forced to look for new apartment, in a house on the Vyborg side. I’m used to the fact that my brother decides everything, but only in skillfully managing the house did I achieve perfection. I am in constant motion, unlike Oblomov, realizing that there is always work and that it is the true content of life, and not at all a punishment, as they believed in Oblomovka. Gradually, a serious internal change is taking place in my destiny. In the constant work of arranging the house, in the chores around the house, I find the meaning of my existence. Something unknown to me before began to awaken in me: anxiety, glimpses of reflection. In other words, love, deeper and deeper, unable to express itself in words, but manifested in what I know and can do well: take care of Oblomov’s table and life, pray for him

health. My whole household took on a living meaning: I saw the peace and comfort of Ilya Ilyich in

This is a duty, now it has become my pleasure. Ilya Ilyich became for me a person from another world: I had never seen such people before. Meeting him served as an impetus for rebirth. But the author of this process himself did not understand how deeply this meaning had taken root and what an unexpected victory he had over my heart. Oblomov gets closer to me, as if moving towards a fire, which makes it warmer, but which cannot be loved. I am the only absolutely unselfish person surrounded by Ilya Ilyich, without delving into any difficulties, I do what is necessary in this moment: I’m pawning my own pearls and silver, I’m ready to borrow money from my late husband’s relatives, just so that Oblomov doesn’t feel lacking in anything. When the intrigues of my brother and godfather reach their peak, I resolutely renounce them. Having devoted myself to caring for him, I live as fully and variedly as I have never lived before, and my chosen one begins to feel as if in his native Oblomovka. Our son is born. Understanding the difference between this child and the children from my first husband, after the death of Ilya Ilyich, I resignedly give him to be raised by the Stolts. Oblomov's death brings into my existence new paint- I am the widow of a landowner, for which my brother and his wife constantly reproach me. My light of life faded along with Ilya Ilyich.

Let's check the table.

Olga sought to save Oblomov, and Agafya Matveevna destroyed him with her love. Which of them was more necessary and closer to Oblomov? Goncharov leaves this question open.

Conversation. Generalization of the material.

Let us summarize everything we have said.

(This allows you to get to know the main character better).

Who do you think played big role in Oblomov's life?

(Nobody. They did not save him from degradation).

Summing up the lesson.

"Oblomov" as a novel about love. Love helps to reveal the most unexpected traits in the characters' characters, without which the impression of them would be incomplete and erroneous, for example, the character of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. What would Stolz’s words about Oblomov’s “crystal, pure and bright” soul be like if the author had shown only his lazy and calm lifestyle in St. Petersburg? Without the wonderful pages about his sincere and all-encompassing love awakened by Olga, even childhood memories would not have brightened up this image.

Thus, love is the main, most important component of the “norm” of life, “part” of the ideal to which a person should be directed, because “happy love carried through a lifetime” can turn into “a powerful existential force capable of harmonizing other connections.” people, not excluding social ones."

Returning to the beginning of the lesson and remembering the epigraph, we can really say that “Love is not peace, it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love.”

Do you think the main character passed the test of love?

Oblomov does not stand the test of love. He is not able to take responsibility for the destinies of other people. Oblomov is corrupted by lordship. Having married Pshenitsyna, he sinks more and more, plunges into hibernation, and then dies physically.

DON'T LOST YOURSELF IN THE CYCLE OF LIFE. Think, decide, consult with the heroes of Russian novels. Choose your path. Remember: it all started with the inability to put on stockings, and ended with the inability to live.

Slide 1

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812 – 1891)
Love in the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

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Love in Oblomov's life
Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna personify Oblomov’s two ideas about love. In Olga he sees the ideal of a bride, a future wife, and an equal by birth. Agafya Matveevna is the subject of “lordly affection” - a woman of low origin, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with her (it’s not for nothing that Oblomov first of all notices her bodily attractiveness, bare neck and elbows). In addition, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna personified the peace that the hero so dreamed of. The meaning of Agafya Matveevna’s life lies in the desire to love and care for someone. She is an ideal housewife; she never sits idle for a minute. Silence, peace, tasty food

- she creates all this for Oblomov. Agafya Matveevna became a caring nanny for him. Days passed measuredly and quietly in the house on Vyborgskaya, and Oblomov seemed happy, but deep down in his soul he continued to yearn for unfulfilled dreams, his creative powers, his “faithful heart” were dying in complete passivity.

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Olga Ilyinskaya Bright and a strong character

. “Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire; there were no corals on the lips, no pearls in the mouth, no miniature hands, like those of a five-year-old child, with fingers in the shape of grapes. But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.”

Slide 4
Olga and Oblomov are introduced by Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. How, when and where Stolz and the girl met is unknown, but the relationship connecting these characters is distinguished by sincere mutual attraction and trust. “... In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, action... No affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel, no intent! But almost only Stolz appreciated her, but she sat through more than one mazurka alone, not hiding her boredom... Some considered her simple, short-sighted, shallow, because neither wise maxims about life, about love, nor quick, unexpected and bold remarks, nor read or overheard judgments about music and literature..."

Slide 5

Love in Olga's concept
The main property of Ilyinskaya, inherent in many female characters Russian literature of the last century - not just love for a specific person, but an indispensable desire to change him, raise him to his ideal, re-educate him, instilling in him new concepts, new tastes. Oblomov turns out to be the most suitable object for this: “She dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left, then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate, get ready to go abroad, - in a word, he will not fall asleep with her; she will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live!.. She even trembled with proud, joyful trepidation; I considered this a lesson ordained from above.”

Slide 6

Feelings for Oblomov
Olga immediately understands that in her relationship with Oblomov she belongs the main role, she “immediately weighed her power over him, and she liked this role guiding star, a ray of light that it will spill over the stagnant lake and be reflected in it.” Life seems to awaken in the heroine along with Oblomov’s life. But in her this process occurs much more intensely than in Ilya Ilyich. Olga Ilyinskaya seems to be testing her capabilities as a woman and teacher at the same time. Her extraordinary mind and soul require more and more “complex” food.

Slide 7

Before Oblomov’s “accidental” confession After Oblomov’s confession
light, always cheerful, lively, “somewhat mocking,” open, trusting, simple-minded, insecure, “dependent” on Stolz; thoughtful, restrained, persistent, firm, confident, calculating, reserved, fearful, “on the same level” with Stolz.

Slide 8

Olga’s feeling for Oblomov is complete and harmonious: she simply loves, while Ilya Ilyich is constantly trying to find out the depth of this love, which is why she suffers, believing that the girl “loves now, like embroidering on a canvas: the pattern comes out quietly, lazily, she unfolds it even more lazily.” admires it, then puts it down and forgets.” When Oblomov tells the heroine that she is smarter than him, Ilyinskaya replies: “No, simpler and bolder,” thereby expressing almost the defining line of their relationship.

She hardly knows that the feeling she experiences is more reminiscent of a complex experiment than first love. She does not tell Oblomov that all the affairs of her estate have been settled, with only one goal - “... to see to the end how love will make a revolution in his lazy soul, how the oppression will finally fall from him, how he will not resist near happiness... " But, like any experiment on a living soul, this experiment cannot be crowned with success.

Slide 9 Life. Goal: at first there was no precisely defined goal, but later it began to appear: knowledge of everything, intelligence, complete understanding of loved ones and everything around. Perception: Life was easy for her at first the right gift

, then - a form for thought and constant analysis. Principles: “followed the simple, natural path of life”, “did not shy away from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will, even to the slightest, barely noticeable movement of the eyes, lips, hands”, “no affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel, no intention”, “so that nothing is inaccessible.” Love. “Olga does not tremble,” “life is a duty, an obligation, therefore, love is also a duty: it’s as if God sent it to me,” no passions, no jealousy, no tears - love for Olga is silent, “reasonable” happiness. Friendship. “she sat through more than one mazurka alone, not hiding her boredom; but, looking at her, the most kind young people were taciturn, not knowing what or how to say to her,” Olga did not have many friends, but those who were real. Relationships with others. “Some considered her simple, short-sighted, shallow... she spoke little, and only her own, unimportant ones - and smart and lively “gentlers” bypassed her; the quiet ones, on the contrary, considered her too sophisticated and were a little afraid.” Olga was often in a society in which she was bored. Most of all I was afraid of losing my loved ones.

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Ilyinskaya needs to see her chosen one on a pedestal, above herself, and this, according to the author’s concept, is impossible. Even Stolz, whom Olga marries after an unsuccessful romance with Oblomov, only temporarily stands higher than her, and Goncharov emphasizes this. By the end, it becomes clear that the heroine will outgrow her husband both in the strength of her feelings and in the depth of her thoughts about life.

The moment will come when Stolz will be faced with the need to explain to his wife, the mother of his children, the mysterious “something” that haunts her restless soul. “The deep abyss of her soul” does not frighten, but worries Stolz. In Olga, whom he knew almost as a girl, for whom he felt first friendship and then love, he gradually discovers new and unexpected depths. It’s difficult for Stolz to get used to them, which is why his happiness with his chosen one seems problematic in many ways.

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Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna

The widow of an official, left with two children, the sister of Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, godfather of Tarantiev. It is Tarantiev who settles Oblomov, who is forced to look for a new apartment, in Pshenitsyna’s house on the Vyborg side.

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Psychological portrait of the heroine

“She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes with sparse blond hair. The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward.”

Pshenitsyna is taciturn and is used to living without thinking about anything: “Her face took on a practical and caring expression, even dullness disappeared when she started talking about a subject familiar to her. To every question that did not relate to some goal positively known to her, she answered with a grin and silence.” And her grin was nothing more than a form that covered up ignorance of the subject: not knowing what she should do, accustomed to the fact that “brother” decides everything, Agafya Matveevna achieved perfection only in the skillful management of the house. Everything else passed by the undeveloped mind for years and decades.
Gradually, as Oblomov realizes that he has nowhere else to strive, that it was here, in a house on the Vyborg side, that he found the desired structure of life for his native Oblomovka, a serious internal change occurs in the fate of Agafya Matveevna herself. In the constant work of mastering and maintaining the house, in the chores of the house, she finds the meaning of her existence. Something unknown to her before began to awaken in this woman: anxiety, glimpses of reflection. In other words, love, more and more deep, pure, sincere, unable to express itself in words, but manifested in what Pshenitsyna knows and can do well: in caring for Oblomov’s table and clothes, in prayers for his health, in sitting nights at the bedside of the sick Ilya Ilyich.

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Pshenitsyna and Oblomov
The heroine’s feeling, so normal, natural, disinterested, remained a secret for Oblomov, for those around her and for herself.

Oblomov “was getting closer to Agafya Matveevna - as if he was moving towards a fire, from which it becomes warmer and warmer, but which cannot be loved.” Pshenitsyna is the only absolutely unselfish and decisive person around Oblomov. Without delving into any complications, she does what is necessary at the moment: she pawns her own pearls and silver, is ready to borrow money from the relatives of her late husband, just so that Oblomov does not feel lacking in anything. When the intrigues of Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev reach their peak, Pshenitsyna decisively renounces both “brother” and “godfather”.

Slide 15

Having devoted herself to caring for Oblomov, Pshenitsyna lives as fully and variedly as she has never lived before, and her chosen one begins to feel as if in his native Oblomovka: “... he quietly and gradually fit into the simple and wide coffin of the rest of his existence, made with his own hands, like desert elders who, turning away from life, dig their own grave.”

Slide 16

Oblomov with his son and Agafya Matveevna

Life. Goal: there was no final goal, the goal of every day was to feed and put in order the clothes of the master and all the household. Perception: life for her has always been an environment where Agafya Matveena served everyone. And she loved it! And after Oblomov moved, everything additionally “... received a new, living meaning: the peace and comfort of Ilya Ilyich...” Principles: always be the goddess of the kitchen, develop the economy, “on which her pride and all her activities were focused!” Love. “It somehow fell on her by itself, and she walked right under a cloud, not backing away or running forward, but fell in love with Oblomov simply, as if she had caught a cold and had an incurable fever.” Even with Oblomov’s peculiar confession, she responds “without surprise, without embarrassment, without timidity, but standing straight and motionless, like a horse on which a collar is being put on.” Friendship. She didn't have anyone who could be called real friends. Relationships with others. Her entire social circle consisted of the shopkeeper, butcher, greengrocer and kitchen assistants. These were her good friends. Everyone respected her as a very good housewife. Most of all I was afraid of “inconvenience” for the master (in the broad sense).

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After Oblomov's death
Pshenitsyna and Oblomov have a son. Understanding the difference between this child and the children from her first husband, Agafya Matveevna, after the death of Ilya Ilyich, meekly gives him up to be raised by the Stolts. Oblomov’s death brings a new color to Pshenitsyna’s existence - she is the widow of a landowner, a master, which her “brother” and his wife constantly reproach her for. And although Agafya Matveevna’s lifestyle has not changed in any way (she still serves the Mukhoyarov family), the thought constantly pulsates in her that “her life was lost and shone, that God put his soul into her life and took it out again... now she knew why she lived and that she did not live in vain... Rays, a quiet light from the seven years that flew by in an instant, spilled over her whole life, and she had nothing more to desire, nowhere to go.”

The unselfishness of this woman is made clear to Stolz at the end of the novel: she does not need his reports on the management of the estate, just as she does not need the income from Oblomovka, which Stolz put in order. The light of Agafya Matveevna’s life faded along with Ilya Ilyich.

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Presentation Details Materials used: 1. “All heroes of works of Russian literature” Dictionary-reference book, publishing house “AST” 2000 2. “Russian literature XIX Toolkit, publishing house “VAKO” 2002 4. “Literature in 10th grade. Lesson by lesson" Methodological manual, publishing house " Russian word", 2003 5. "Russian literature of the 19th - 20th centuries" Tutorial for those entering universities, Moscow State University Publishing House, 2003 6. Feature Film N. Mikhalkova “A few days in the life of Oblomov”