Fat jump lesson with presentation. Presentation on the topic"Произведение "Прыжок" Л.Н. Толстого". XI. Домашнее задание: подготовить выразительное чтение рассказа “Прыжок”!}

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Production Performed by Elena Bannikova, 10th grade student. Teacher Martsenyuk T.N. MAOU "Secondary School No. 99", Perm

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What's happened? Production is the process of creating economic goods (goods and services) to satisfy people's needs. In the history of mankind, it was production that formed the basis for economic development. At first, such a basis was agricultural production, then industrial production, from the middle of the 20th century. technological progress has turned science into the main driving force economic development. Based on scientific achievements, products are created that do not exist in nature.

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Characteristics of production characteristics use various indicators: what is produced (for what purpose are the goods produced), in what quantity is produced (production volume), number of employed workers, scale of production (from home production before country production), etc.

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Enterprises The main production cell where economic benefits are created is an enterprise (factory, farm, cooperative, etc.). Most enterprises in the economy are grouped by industry. An economic sector is a set of enterprises and organizations that produce homogeneous products or services.

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Industries Modern sectors of the economy were formed as a result of a long historical process: from fishing and hunting at the beginning of the historical path of mankind to modern agriculture and diversified industry.

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Industry groups The first group includes industry, Agriculture, construction, etc. The second group of industries includes, for example, education, medical care, art, scientific activity, transport and communications.

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Professions There is a disappearance of some professions and the emergence of others. At the beginning of the 20th century. Almost every village had a craftsman who made horse harnesses and saddles; in the city, the chimney sweep profession was once widespread. The development of technology has contributed to the emergence of more and more new areas of human activity, which are formalized into special industries (for example, computer science, biotechnology, etc.). One of the most popular professions in this century is the profession of a programmer.

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Goods and services. The goal and outcome of production is the product. Product is the result of economic activity, embodied in things and services. In the primitive community, the product was used for direct consumption, but over time, part of the created goods began to be intended for exchange through purchase and sale. the product of labor produced for sale is a commodity. It has two main properties: use value, that is, the ability to be useful, to the right people, and exchange value70, i.e., the ability to exchange for other goods.

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Market The product turned into a commodity under certain historical conditions. First, there was an economic isolation of people in the manufacture of any product, then a need arose for the exchange of the results of their labor between product manufacturers. This is how commodity production arose: As it develops and a surplus of products appears, a commodity economy is formed, and the useful products created in it rush to the market to satisfy customer demand. Under slavery and under feudalism, the production of things as goods was limited, since the economy was mainly subsistence. Gradually, the mass production of goods for the market becomes a prerequisite for the development of capitalism and makes commodity production the most progressive form of organization of the economic life of society. In the modern world economy, commodity relations dominate.

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Services Services - economic activity, bringing satisfaction to the personal needs of the population and society as a whole. A service, unlike a product, does not have a material form, but this does not make it any less significant.

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Data. Beginning of XXI V. characterized by the accelerated development of the service sector around the world. IN Western Europe The working-age population works in this area today. Services account for approximately 50% of all consumer spending. This area of ​​activity is also growing in Russia, especially in the context of the development of market relations (for example, insurance, banking services, etc.). The service sector is turning into the main sphere of social production, which has a significant impact on the level of economic development of the country and the well-being of the population.

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Factors of production. To produce economic goods, a combination of nature, man, and technology is necessary. The main groups of resources used in the production process are called factors of production (from the Latin Factor - doing, producing).

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Factors Land as a factor of production is the natural resources used in production: land itself (arable land, location of industrial buildings and structures), minerals, forests, water, flora and fauna of nature. Labor is the so-called “human capital”: physical and mental effort, abilities and skills, health and qualifications of workers. Man is able to set the means of production in motion, he revives them, without him they are dead. Capital as a factor of production is the means of production created by people: buildings and structures, machines and tools, equipment. Entrepreneurial ability is a factor that links together other production resources. It allows the best way use resources in order to obtain high results (more products and best quality). This is a combination of energetic activity of entrepreneurs, their organizational and economic innovation (search and implementation of new ideas, technologies) and willingness to take risks when organizing their business.

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Information In the second half of the 20th century. Another source of wealth became obvious - information: whoever owns information owns the world. Information [from lat. information - explanation, presentation) - a resource used in economic processes. As a product of mental activity, information is, first of all, knowledge, information, communication, data used in the process of analysis and development of economic decisions, in management, etc. Information is so important in a modern society experiencing an information revolution, a resource that, in the opinion economists deserves special place among factors of production

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Productivity One of the important indicators of the efficiency of resource use is the productivity of these resources (labor productivity, soil fertility, conveyor productivity, etc.). Productivity refers to the number of goods and services produced per unit of productive resources used. Productivity growth can be expressed either as an increase in output using the same amount of inputs, or in maintaining the same output levels while using fewer inputs.

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Specialization The concept of “division of labor” is closely related to the concept of “specialization”. Specialization is the concentration of activity in relatively narrow areas, production operations or types of products. In a subsistence economy, there was no division of labor and specialization between workers; all necessary products were jointly produced and consumed However, people noticed that some workers were better at doing one thing, while others were better at doing another. Manufacturers began to focus their efforts on the production of those items that they were able to produce best. They sought to improve their skills, producing more and more products per unit. time, i.e., working more and more productively. Thus, specialization in the performance of work arose, as a result of which there was a need for the exchange of results of activity between producers. It was specialization and division of labor that caused the separation of various occupations from each other and the emergence of professions.

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Economy The modern economy is so specialized that none of us provides ourselves with all the necessary benefits. Everyone does one thing, and then exchanges the results of their labor for the results of the work of others. Specialization exists not only between workers, but also between enterprises, economic sectors, and countries. Thus, an example of specialization in a school is the teaching of the basics of science by subject teachers. Individual countries may specialize primarily in the production of a certain range of goods and services: Uzbekistan grows and processes cotton. Georgia produces grape wines, Türkiye is famous for its tourism and recreation. Specialization and division of labor make it possible to concentrate production in the hands of the most efficient workers. Such an organization of production leads to an increase in labor productivity, which helps to better meet the needs of each person and society as a whole.

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Production: In the economic sense, the process of creating different types economic product. The concept of production characterizes specifically human type exchange of substances with nature, or, more precisely, the process of active transformation by people of natural resources in order to create the necessary material conditions for their existence and development. One of the possible activities of the organization or individual aimed at creating the final product or service. A structured combination of factors of production to achieve a final product or service. A manufacturing plant is also called a "manufacture". Modern social production includes not only material production, but also the intangible sphere - the production of intangible goods and services (new scientific discoveries, technical inventions, public education, culture, art, healthcare, consumer services, management, financing and lending, sports, etc.). The development of intangible production and the service sector depends to a decisive extent on the production of material goods - its technical equipment and the amount of output.

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Production can be divided into the following areas (categories): Defense production - production of means of defense (protection) from enemies Agricultural production (and its branches - forestry, cattle breeding, fish farming, etc.) - breeding of animal and plant products using the natural forces of nature; Industrial production (mining and manufacturing industries) - processing of raw materials into a form suitable for human consumption;

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Transfer of manufactured product from producers to consumers: logistics and trade

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Spiritual production: new scientific discoveries, technical inventions, culture, art

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A company is a unit of entrepreneurial activity, legally registered and realizing its own interests through the production and sale of goods and services using various factors of production. The concepts of “firm” and “enterprise” are identical if the enterprise is independent legal entity realizing their economic interests.

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The simplest, oldest and most common form economic organization- individual (private) company. In Russian legislation it is now called economic company with a single participant. The creator of such a company is its sole and sovereign owner. No one can tell him what he should do, and he is not obliged to share his net profit with anyone. Individual firms are usually small in size, since they cannot assemble those cash, without which creation is impossible big business. Such firms most often operate in the trade and service sector, where the firm's capital may be relatively small.

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Partnership In a general partnership, its participants: - engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership; - bear responsibility for his obligations with the property belonging to them; - manage the activities of the partnership by general agreement; - distribute profits and losses among themselves in proportion to each other’s share in the general (share) capital of the partnership (for example, a member of the partnership who contributed 20% of the share capital during its creation has the subsequent right to receive 20% of the net profit); - for the debts of the partnership, everyone is liable in full, and not in proportion to their share in the authorized capital.

Manufacturing process

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Production process in the organization. In industry, the production process is divided according to a number of characteristics. In industry, the production process is divided according to the composition of the finished product. The processes for the production of mineral fertilizers differ from the processes for the production of machinery and equipment. According to the nature of the impact on raw materials and materials, processes are divided into mechanical, physical, etc. Each type of production process may include a significant number of partial ones. Basic production processes are those that result in the creation of finished products. - Process.ppt

Needs and production

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Economics and its role in the life of society. The concept of "economy". Distribution, exchange, consumption. What does the economy depend on? Factors of production. Economics: science and economy. What is called material and intangible production? What is exchange, distribution and consumption? Material production. All types of industrial production. Agricultural production. Transportation. Construction. Extraction of all types of raw materials. Intangible production. Education. Healthcare. Culture and sports. Spheres of the economy. What does the economy depend on? Rest needs. - Production.ppt

Manufacturer on the market

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Manufacturer on the market. Production. Production and its character traits. What is production? The process of creating different types of economic products. Industry. What should the ratio be? Questions for consolidation. What is an enterprise? Working with the textbook. Open the diagram. Dropping concepts. Law of demand. What is demand? The operation of the market price mechanism. Law of demand. Mini-testing. Marketing and its role in market conditions. Marketing. Essence marketing research. Economy. Compose a text from individual terms. Process. Establish correspondence between concepts and definitions. - Manufacturer on the market.ppt

Production is the basis of the economy

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Production location

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Theoretical basis of the course. Economics of world regions. Placement theory. Production location. The presence of objective patterns. Von Thunen's model. V. Launhardt. Labor costs. Industrial enterprises. Raw material factor. Types of raw materials according to Weber. Alfred Weber's triangle. - Production location.ppt

Production at the enterprise

Slides: 37 Words: 1367 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Organization of production at the enterprise. Manufacturing process. Industrial production. Phase. Operations. Principles of organizing the production process. Types of production. Factors. Production structure of the enterprise. Shop. Divisions. Workshops and sections are created on the principle of specialization. Production structure. The production structure of the enterprise with subject specialization. Production structure of the workshop. Production cycle and its structure. Composition and structure of working time. Production cycle. Technological operations. Structure. Preparatory and final time. - Production at the enterprise.pptx

Manufacturing program

Slides: 16 Words: 1675 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Concept and indicators of the production program. Production program indicators. Price. Volume of commercial products. Gross output. Clean products. Stages of drawing up a production program for an enterprise. Development of a production program. Analysis of production volume. Production volume target. Manufacturing method and type of production. OKP functions. Types of production capacity. Volume of production. Productive capacity. Theoretical production capacity. - Production program.ppt

Lean production system

Slides: 38 Words: 1830 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lean. Albert Einstein. Management concept. Business optimization process. A starting point lean manufacturing. Basic principles. 5 principles of LEAN. Excellent quality. Lean manufacturing tools. Algorithm for implementing LEAN - ideology. Typical mistakes. LEAN culture. Philosophy. Kaizen. Kaizen system. Supplies. Kanban system. Production sizes. The desire to reduce inventories. Information system. Main advantages of the Canban system. Main disadvantages of the system. Kanban and Just-in-Time systems. Quality system. Conditions. - Lean manufacturing system.ppt

Sales plan

Slides: 10 Words: 1281 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"Drawing up a basic production plan." Introduction: Planning Methods necessary materials and production resources (MRP; MRPII). Interrelation of plans industrial enterprise: OPP location. Master production plan as the basis of MRP. Main functions of the EPP: Formation of the main production plan. The procedure for forming the OPP: input information. Contained in the enterprise computer system. 3. Data on resources (production facilities, personnel). The information must be contained in the enterprise computer system. The procedure for forming an OPP: actions. 1. Determination and entry into the system of independent needs. - Sales plan.ppt

Modern production

Slides: 16 Words: 639 Sounds: 0 Effects: 77

Plan for learning new material: Composition modern society. Problems associated with modern production. What is modern society like? What are the predictions of modern scientists about the future? human society? Name the signs of modern society. What industries are leading today? How the nature of work has changed modern people? How is home work monitored? Describe the state of development of television and telephone communications. What are the future plans for these industries? What new inventions did you learn about during the lesson? - Modern production.ppt

Economics and economic activity

Slides: 80 Words: 3121 Sounds: 0 Effects: 306

Economy. "The art of farming." Definitions. The sphere of human activity in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Goods and services that satisfy our needs and are available in limited quantities in society. Production. Material production is the creation of products and services that satisfy the material needs of people. Simple production: as much as they produced, as much they consumed. Expanded production: more is produced than consumed. The process of creating material wealth. Mode of production. Production method = Productive forces+ Industrial relations. - Economics of production.ppt

Workshop production structure

Slides: 8 Words: 196 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Workshop structure of production. Shop. Main production. Auxiliary production. Main production areas. Material storage room. Production lines, workplaces. Tool and distribution pantry. Instrument Management Bureau. Workshop energy group. Workshop mechanic group. Support services. Laboratory. Storeroom for finished products. Transport group. Service departments. The production of specific products is most often carried out in a specialized workshop. Advantages of a workshop management structure: - Workshop production structure.ppt


Slides: 25 Words: 1075 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lean manufacturing in the practice of Russian enterprises. Forum program. What is lean manufacturing? 10 ideas about lean manufacturing. 5 most important things a BEGINNER needs to know about lean manufacturing. Profile of a lean manufacturing system. What should you consider when implementing lean manufacturing? 1. Scale of business. 2.Organization. 3.Culture. What's your option? Lean manufacturing implementation strategy: 9 points. Work on the forum. Questions from experts to the audience. Three main criteria for assessing lean development (NOVOMET question)? Comment from the forum moderator. - Lean Manufacturing.pptx

Value Stream

Slides: 26 Words: 1208 Sounds: 0 Effects: 35

Current value stream map. Value flow. Value Stream (VSM). Who is responsible for the value stream. Constructing a flow map. Production. What do we mean by creating a value stream map (VSM). Why do you need a flow map? Creating a Current State Map. Current state flow map. Product family. Consumer requirements. Average monthly order. Main stages of the process. Process stages. Data for each stage. Process data. Inventory levels between stages. Inventory Delivery details. Frequency of product and raw material deliveries. -

The story "The Jump" by Leo Tolstoy in pictures, read

Pictures are enlarged


One ship circumnavigated the world and was returning home. The weather was calm, all the people were on deck. A large monkey was spinning around in the middle of the people and amusing everyone. This monkey writhed, jumped, made funny faces, imitated people, and it was clear that she knew that they were amusing her, and that is why she became even more dissatisfied.

She jumped up to a 12-year-old boy, the son of a ship's captain, tore his hat off his head, put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. Everyone laughed, but the boy was left without a hat and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

The monkey sat down on the first crossbar of the mast, took off his hat and began to tear it with his teeth and paws. She seemed to be teasing the boy, pointing at him and making faces at him. The boy threatened her and shouted at her, but she tore her hat even angrier.

The sailors began to laugh louder, and the boy blushed, took off his jacket and rushed after the monkey to the mast. In one minute he climbed the rope to the first crossbar; but the monkey is even more dexterous and faster than him, at that very moment, as he thought
grabbed the hat, climbed even higher.

So you won’t leave me! - the boy shouted and climbed higher.
The monkey beckoned him again and climbed even higher, but the boy was already overcome with enthusiasm and did not lag behind. So the monkey and the boy reached the very top in one minute.

At the very top, the monkey stretched out to its full length and, catching the rope with its back hand, hung its hat on the edge of the last crossbar, and climbed to the top of the mast and writhed from there, showed its teeth and rejoiced.
From the mast to the end of the crossbar, where the hat hung, there were two arshins, so it was impossible to get it except by letting go of the rope and the mast.
But the boy became very excited. He dropped the mast and stepped onto the crossbar. Everyone on deck looked and laughed at what the monkey and the captain's son were doing; but when they saw that he let go of the rope and stepped onto the crossbar, shaking his arms, everyone froze with fear.
All he had to do was stumble, and he would have smashed to pieces on the deck. And even if he hadn’t stumbled, but had reached the edge of the crossbar and taken his hat, it would have been difficult for him to turn around and walk back to the mast. Everyone looked at him silently and waited to see what would happen.

Suddenly, someone among the people gasped in fear. The boy came to his senses from this scream, looked down and staggered.
At this time, the ship's captain, the boy's father, left the cabin. He carried a gun to shoot seagulls.

He saw his son on the mast, and immediately took aim at his son and shouted:

In water! jump into the water now! I'll shoot you!

The boy was staggering, but did not understand. “Jump or I’ll shoot you!.. One, two...” and as soon as the father shouted: “three,” the boy swung his head down and jumped.
Like a cannonball, the boy’s body splashed into the sea, and before the waves had time to cover him, 20 young sailors had already jumped from the ship into the sea. About 40 seconds later - it seemed like a long time to everyone - the boy's body emerged.

He was grabbed and dragged onto the ship. After a few minutes, water started pouring out of his mouth and nose and he began to breathe.
When the captain saw this, he suddenly screamed, as if something was strangling him, and ran to his cabin so that no one would see him cry.

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  • #1

    very good story

  • #2

Nikolaevich Tolstoy

- it is Russian


in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, Tula province

Estate " Yasnaya Polyana»

  • Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family.
  • His mother, Maria Nikolaevna, née Princess Volkonskaya, died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old.
  • Tolstoy's father, Nikolai Ilyich, participant Patriotic War, remembered by the writer for his good-natured, mocking character, love of reading, and hunting, also died early, when Leva was 9 years old.

"We must try

first of all,

read and find out

the best writers

of all ages and peoples"

Children L.N. Tolstoy loved them very much and wrote a lot for them. The textbook “ABC”, “New ABC”, four “Russian books for reading” with fables, fairy tales, and stories are known.

Lev Nikolaevich with his grandchildren

Late autumn 1910, at night, secretly from his family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal doctor, left Yasnaya Polyana.

The journey turned out to be too much for him: on the way, Tolstoy fell ill and was forced to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station. Here, in the station master's house, he spent the last seven days of his life. He died

Grave of L.N. Tolstoy at the Yasnaya Polyana estate







1.By ship

2. Monkey mischief.

3.Chasing the monkey.

4.On the mast.