(! LANG: Dream interpretation of a hat for women. What does Hat mean in a dream. Oriental women's dream book

All kinds of hats dream of long trips, favorable changes, profits - if the hats are new.

An old hat dreams of money offers, but if it is dirty and torn, it portends dishonor and loss.

If a woman puts on a beautiful hat, new ones are waiting for her. love adventures.

Black hat, hat with a veil - to widowhood or remarriage, failure in business, false friendship.

Twisting a hat in your hands is to protect yourself from ridiculous rumors and gossip.

Try on - to achieve an easy victory with people who are completely uninteresting to you.

If you lose your hat or see how the wind takes it away, complications in business or a runny nose are coming.

A rain-wet hat promises need.

Fallen into the mud - changes for the worse.

Buying a hat is matchmaking.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Hat

The hat is a symbol of the dreamer's self-respect.

The extreme manifestation of this meaning is the crown.

To see the crown is to gain recognition among friends and colleagues.

To see a hat on yourself or another - good change a profitable enterprise.

Lose your hat - your deal will fail, hopes will melt.

Interpretation of dreams from

The hat is a remarkable, most noticeable attribute modern man. It not only protects the head from the weather, but also creates a complete image of a person within his own style. You can also dream of a hat: a black hat in a dream, trying on a hat in a dream, choosing a hat in a dream, seeing a hat on someone in a dream - there are many options. We have given a lot of interpretations for a variety of occasions that you could dream of at night with the participation of a hat. (cm. )

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The dream "women's hat" is a dream for the appearance of a new boyfriend.

Russian dream book

Seeing a hat on your head in a dream, trying it on in front of a mirror: your friend is getting married, or maybe you decide to propose!

Noble dream book Grishina N.

  • Why dream of a hat on your head: good changes are coming in life.
  • Why dream of wearing a hat: you have to change your place of residence.
  • Why dream of losing a hat: you should be wary of deceitful people.
  • A hat in a dream that is torn off by the wind - you may miss out on great opportunities for developing your success.
  • Why dream of a straw hat: you work in vain; in love until you meet your happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a hat - the trip will be unsuccessful, spend a lot of nerves.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a hat soaked in water - you will be in need.
  • Dream Interpretation: the hat fell into the mud - you will change your place of residence. (cm. )
  • Also, if you dream of a hat, it may mean that you are attracted to a certain person.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

A dream about a hat for a woman portends a new admirer, and for a man - profit.

Gypsy dream book

  • Seeing in a dream a completely new, untouched hat promises a surprise.
  • The dream "hat with fields that completely cover the shoulders, that is, very large fields" is a symbol of your boasting.

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Wearing a hat on yourself in a dream means your pretense and ambition. In general, you are not very positive person but others don't know it. If the hat was in a dream on a familiar person, then this indicates his fake authority, so you should not listen to his advice. And it is worth seeing the hat at all stranger, then this means that you are at a loss with the choice of opinion, advice, and even a partner.

Old English dream book Zadkiel

  • Dream Interpretation: a woman in a hat - such a dream tells a man that this woman is in love with him, but you should not marry her, because in reality she will be a windy and bad wife.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man in a hat - such a dream advises a woman to take a closer look at the groom. He can be extremely unreliable in terms of his masculine qualities. Yes, he will be affectionate and attentive, but only the first one or two months.
  • Dream Interpretation: trying on a hat, and a brand new one - great success awaits you in the business that you will soon take on.
  • Dream Interpretation: put on a hat, and the wind blows it off - in your environment there is a person who cannot be trusted in anything.
  • Why dream of wearing another person’s hat or when a stranger puts on your hat: you will have an opponent on the horizon who will actively hinder you, but will not be able to completely confuse your plans.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

  • Why dream of putting on a hat and getting into a carriage: you will be promoted at work.
  • Climb the tower with a hat on your head: also to promotion. (cm. )
  • Handing out hats in a dream: happiness will soon come to the house.
  • put on new hat: promotion at work again.
  • Burn your hat in a dream: you will change your place of employment.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose a hat - you will get exactly the position that you have been striving for for so long.
  • Pick up a hat from the ground: promotion.

Oriental female dream book

Dream Interpretation: to choose a hat - such a dream for a woman says that she is a windy person.

Dream interpretation of the esoteric Tsvetkov

A new hat dreams of profit, and an old one - to an offer with a guarantee of good earnings.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see yourself in a hat, admire your appearance - in the near future you may be carried away by a short love adventure.
  • If a woman sorts out hats in a dream, then in reality she is very windy and frivolous.
  • If a man buys a hat in a dream, then he does not want to be responsible for his actions and words.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why dream of a hat with large brim: you can’t collect your thoughts, they occupy your whole mind, preventing you from soberly assessing your life and being able to concentrate.
  • The dream of "buying a hat" says that you need to quickly gather your thoughts. (cm. )
  • Wear an unusual hat in a dream: you want to show your mind, but you have chosen the wrong area.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

The Italian hat is a double sign, which at the same time means fake authority and help. The hat is also quite an ordinary accessory that has no statute of limitations. He also points to simplicity with worldly wisdom. If you dreamed of a hat on a woman or child, then we are talking about ambition and outright falsehood. The hat protects the head from the sun, covers the face from prying eyes. In this way, you hide your insecurities regarding personal status and even intimate relationships.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Elements of sleep: water, earth, wood.
  • Elements: cold, wind, humidity.
  • Emotions: fear, anger, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs: bladder, kidneys, spleen, liver, pancreas, stomach.
  • Planets: Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.

A hat (we consider further according to the dream book - a headdress) has a significant symbolic meaning. A hat, a cap, any headdress, including even a crown, is a symbol of the perception of information from the sky. But the crown can quickly turn into a crown of thorns. it flip side medals. A man's head, not covered with a headdress, has become like the Earth: it is spherical, it carries the mind, which always finds a specific professional application. As well as professions, many customs are associated specifically with the headdress, which are completely different in the countries of the world. So, to give a specific interpretation will not work. However, there are a few commonalities:

  • To put on, take off your own or someone else's hat - connect the yang of the sky and the yin of the earth. At the same time, the energy circuit of the meridian of the organs, which also pass through the head, closes.
  • Putting on someone else's hat is tantamount to accepting someone else's way of thinking, but also their strengths and weaknesses. There is a risk of falling under someone else's influence, taking energy through someone else's hat. This is a kind of initiation: you change your rhythm of life to another. In general, this is a positive trend, but it is fraught with the evil eye.
  • Wearing old, brand new, dirty or clean clothes - respectively, and accepting a certain kind of information.
  • Lose your hat in a dream: you have lost the thread of thought, which is quite common with a vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goal and the path how to get there.
  • Swap hats in a dream: you are responsible for each other with your head (for the person with whom you exchanged).
  • Trying on a special hat, a special dress: you are trying on a profession, trying to understand how much you need it.

Finally, it is worth noting that such dreams are not accidentally dreamed by anyone. Wearing a hat in a dream is a huge thought process that affects your attitude, brings new information so take your sleep seriously.

Loff's dream book

  • A hat, the interpretation of sleep comes down to demonstrating strength and status in a dream. If you take your hat off to someone, then you challenge someone and vice versa.
  • Wearing a hat in a dream can also hint at baldness in the distant future.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: a new hat - to fame and great honor.
  • Dream Interpretation: old hat - flaws in your character.
  • Dream Interpretation: hat blown off by the wind - you will miss profits, a special opportunity.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a hat - expect only harm from people.
  • Dream Interpretation: put on a hat - for a quick gathering.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose a hat - disturbing news will come to the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: raise your hat - to your pleasure.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a lot of hats - you have successfully started your enterprise.

Idiomatic dream book

The dream is interpreted by explaining common idioms.

  • "Slip" - to lose opportunities, to miss.
  • "You are a hat" - the person you hope for can let you down.
  • "It's in the bag" - you have done everything in your power and the matter will complete itself.
  • "Take off your hat" - either out of respect or out of mourning.
  • "Hat" - an attribute of female attractiveness.

Spring dream book

In a dream, wear a hat - get a reprimand from management or change your position.

Summer dream book

Put on a hat in a dream? Now you have to prove that you yourself are not a blunder and you are not easy to fool.

Autumn dream book

If you put on a hat in a dream, then you will have the opportunity to appear in best light and produce an effect on a pleasant person.

Ukrainian dream book

A hat in a dream indicates that you want to take the initiative into your own hands, bring activity, new interests to life. Buy a hat - there will be profit with happiness for a couple; take off your hat - to joy; to see a lot of hats in a dream - there will be many friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The hat is a symbol of respect for one's "I". A high degree of sleep is the royal crown. If the hat turned into a crown in a dream, then you will receive great recognition among friends and colleagues. To see a hat on another person - the enterprise will be profitable, and change will be for the better. Losing a hat is tantamount to a broken deal and a melting of hope.


hat is pretty interesting character, which has the most different meanings. To guess with the correct interpretation, you need to make a selection in relation to the details of your dream and, of course, choose the right dream book. If you are a woman, then first of all you need to watch an exclusively female dream book, modern, esoteric will not be superfluous, you should also not watch autumn dream book while spring or summer is in the yard. So, choosing interpretations from different dream books, you get a more detailed picture.

All kinds of hats dream of long trips, favorable changes, profits - if the hats are new.

An old hat dreams of money offers, but if it is dirty and torn, it portends dishonor and loss.

If a woman puts on a beautiful hat, new love adventures await her.

Black hat, hat with a veil - to widowhood or remarriage, failure in business, false friendship.

Twisting a hat in your hands is to protect yourself from ridiculous rumors and gossip.

Try on - to achieve an easy victory with people who are completely uninteresting to you.

If you lose your hat or see how the wind takes it away, complications in business or a runny nose are coming.

A rain-wet hat promises need.

Fallen into the mud - changes for the worse.

Buying a hat is matchmaking.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Hat

The hat is a symbol of the dreamer's self-respect.

The extreme manifestation of this meaning is the crown.

To see the crown is to gain recognition among friends and colleagues.

Seeing a hat on yourself or a friend is a good change, a profitable enterprise.

Lose your hat - your deal will fail, hopes will melt.

Interpretation of dreams from

modern family dream book according to Freud:

A hat in a dream is a symbol of hobbies, love and gossip about it. Therefore, if you saw yourself in a dream in a new hat, get ready for the fact that you will soon become the subject of discussion for many people. It is possible that your reputation will be seriously affected, but with wisdom and patience, you will be able to cope with the situation of "little blood."

All kinds of hats dream of long trips, favorable changes, profits - if the hats are new. An old hat dreams of money offers, but if it is dirty and torn, it portends dishonor and loss. Twisting a hat in your hands - to protect yourself from ridiculous rumors and gossip; try on - achieve an easy victory with people who are completely uninteresting to you. If you lose your hat or see how the wind takes it away, complications in business or a runny nose are coming. A rain-wet hat promises need; fallen into the mud - changes for the worse; buying a hat is matchmaking.

If a man dreams of a new hat, then favorable changes in life await him, perhaps career growth.

Wear a summer hat in a dream straws - sign the emergence of new sincere friends.

Only for women

If you put on a beautiful hat, new love adventures await you. Black hat, hat with a veil - to widowhood or remarriage, failure in business, false friendship.

Big dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

A hat in a dream is a symbol of hobbies, love and gossip about it. Therefore, if you saw yourself in a dream in a new hat, get ready for the fact that you will soon become the subject of discussion for many people. It is possible that your reputation will be seriously affected by passing through the mouths of all your "well-wishers", but with wisdom and patience, you can deal with the situation with "little blood".

The subconscious does not have the ability to speak to us in words. It conveys its clues with symbols or sensations. And he uses both generally accepted images, and his own, developed by the person himself. It is important to understand this when you figure out what people think that a headdress is a symbol of position in society, and its appearance portends change in this area. But everyone has their own attitude to hats. Let's look at what the appearance of a headdress in a dream means.


Dreams, as a rule, speak of significant events that take most man's thoughts. Interpreters are sure that our image can be associated with the matrimonial plans of the individual. If you are in a state of choosing a life partner, then be sure to find out what the hat is dreaming of, this is an important prediction. So, for a young man, a dreaming beauty in a wide-brimmed headdress portends a positive response to current feelings. "Ahead whirlwind romance"- the subconscious is trying to say. In this way, it warns: "You should not offer a woman a hand and a heart, succumbing to the first impression." Soon you will find out that the beauty is obscenely windy, and marriage with such will be flour.


It is also desirable for girls to understand why the hat on the gentleman's head is dreaming. The lady's chosen one is not worthy of her trust. The headdress suggests that he is trying to hide thoughts and feelings from her, he is inclined to look at other girls. You need to take a closer look at his behavior, so as not to regret the "lost years" later. To see your hat on the head of a competitor is to suffer from justified jealousy. The guy will choose not you, but another. If a man saw in a dream that his bride walks in a man's headdress, then she will command in the family.

Why dream of a hat on yourself

When deciphering a night vision about a headdress, you need to focus on your attitude towards it. Some people don't wear panamas or hats, others can't go outside without covering their heads. It is important to independently determine whether the appearance of this accessory is natural or not, and then find out from the interpreters what the hat is dreaming of. In addition, remember its appearance, it affects the decryption. So, an old, shabby hat portends losses. If you wore it in a dream, it means that there is a period of need and suffering ahead. A brand new headdress - to prosperity. For a girl, an elegant hat on her head portends a romantic acquaintance or an interesting meeting. The dream does not say whether the new gentleman will offer her a hand and a heart. For a man, fashionable hats dream of success in the business sphere. You can safely take on new projects, they will start from the very beginning.

Oddities with headdresses in a dream

If a guy saw on his head, then he will not be able to cope with difficulties. You will have to submit to a stronger opponent, to retreat from the intended goal for a while. A woman dreams of a man's hat on her head before she has to make a difficult decision. Something important will soon have to be abandoned in order to have a chance at happiness. It is achievement through self-restraint or coercion. It is better to voluntarily go to change, there is no point in resisting. The hat is dreaming of an old, holey, moth-beaten - you will lose the love of your beloved through your own fault. Then don't blame anyone! A hat that is too small, oversized - to the fact that you miss a profitable chance, a large one - to self-deception. If a bird emptied its intestines on your headdress in a dream, expect profit. The hat was blown off the head by the wind - career changes that seem bad, but will lead to an unprecedented increase in well-being. For example, you will be fired at the initiative of your boss, as a result you will organize your own enterprise and overtake the former “enemy” in income and respect for partners.

Interpretation of vision according to the Chinese dream book

In the East, a headdress is associated with business activity. What is it like in night vision - such are the prospects in reality. What the hat dreams about, the Chinese explain simply: good - well-being; bad, rumpled, dirty - need; someone else's is an unbearable burden. If a man tries on a fashionable headdress in a store, he will plan his future. This dream is good for business people and entrepreneurs. He portends good luck. Wear a straw hat - work for a pittance. Take it off and throw it into the fire - escape from poverty. assures that the headdress in night visions is associated with future prospects. The richer he is, the better things will turn out. Sombrero - sign long-distance travel, fur hat - a symbol of wealth. If you have lost your own headgear, you will become a victim of scammers or outright criminals. After such a dream, you should be more careful, not trust everyone you meet. To see a ruler distributing hats to subordinates means that you will have an influential patron. Promotion promises found a rich headdress. Explains the source and why a hat with large brim is dreaming. This image is associated with mystery. For men, he promises to obtain the desired position through intrigue, sometimes contrary to the voice of conscience. Ladies see on their head before appearing heart friend which cannot be presented openly to society. You will probably have an affair with an unfree man.

Features of the interpretation of the image for a girl

Young ladies are mostly immersed in matters of personal life. This is a property of age. Everyone is faced with the task of creating a family and having children. Analyzing what the hat on the girl’s head is dreaming of, the interpreters are based precisely on this idea. If a young woman has not yet met her ideal man, this event will happen soon. A hat in a dream appears before meeting a future spouse. By her appearance, they judge the life that a man can create for his chosen one. A new, fashionable headdress - to prosperity and satisfaction; poor, dirty or torn - to need. Darling will not be quite a wealthy person. Paper hat - to deception. This is a symbol of frivolous acts, dreams that distort reality. The girl will take a man for a prince who only plays with her feelings. from the sun portends stormy passions leading nowhere. The gentleman will be romantic, will take care of him for a long time and beautifully. However, you will not wait for the cherished offer from him. If you want to know why a hat with large brim on your head is dreaming, then it is advisable to remember its color. Black - for early widowhood, white - for the wedding, red - the husband will be with shoulder straps, yellow - short novel, green - fidelity in love.

Interpretation features for a married lady

For girls, hats in a dream portend a groom. Another thing is if the husband sleeps next to each other every night. Wives and mothers should interpret in a completely different way what the hat is dreaming of. Female, on her own head - to a surprise from loving spouse. A man's hat is a symbol of prosperity. The more expensive it is, the more salary or income will be in the near future with her husband. To buy a new headdress for your missus in a dream is to help him in business in reality. Probably, soon the dear one will need advice or your participation in some event. Try to be on top, the well-being of the family depends on it. Wearing a man's hat in a dream - to an affair on the side, refusing to wear it - to remain faithful to your spouse. Seeing another woman wearing your headdress means that the husband has taken a mistress. If you managed to take away the hat - save the family.

Headwear on another person

Not all interpreters associate hats with business area. The idiomatic dream book has a completely different approach to deciphering our image. He is sure that the hat is a symbol of onlookers, who are always late with the necessary reaction to situations. We saw a headdress on another person - you will encounter a waking open. If you were surrounded by a crowd of people in the same headdresses in the country of Morpheus, then you will have to resist the stupidity of the whole team. The subconscious tells you that you need to trust yourself more, not to be led by the generally accepted opinion. In the end, you will win. If a hat covered your head in a dream famous person which means that your self-conceit will not lead to good. This is a hint that modesty adorns not only young spinsters. She suits any person. Do not praise yourself constantly, wait until your merits become apparent to others.

Why dream of a hat on a man's head

There is another interpretation concerning our symbol. It comes from the well-known expression "the case in the bag", meaning victory over the enemy or adverse circumstances. We saw the enemy in a headdress - you can defend your case. If the hat flaunted on the head of a stranger - there will be a surprise. What it will be is judged by the type of accessory: new, rich - pleasant; old, dirty - sad. To a young man a hat on a man's head dreams of a proposal on which fate depends. Most likely, some influential person is carefully watching the young man. This man decided to take him into his business. Don't give up under any circumstances. The patron will help to take place in life, realize talents and accumulate great wealth.

Popular interpretation

In the old days, only rich people wore hats. If this headdress dreamed ordinary person, believed that he would rise to great heights, earn a fortune, receive honor and respect from society. The hat symbolizes honor. New, dear - to well-deserved fame, old - to shame. Losing your own hat or burning it in a fire means despising the opinions of others. You are probably a person who has an original view of things, go your own way, not reacting to criticism or praise. This dream can appear in the imagination only very strong man. He portends a difficult, but successful, fate. Wearing someone else's hat that does not fit is not doing your job. Probably, someone burdens you, forcing you to do extra work. Take a closer look at your loved ones: which of them decided that you can live at someone else's expense?