Sofia Rotaru People's Artist of which country. Sofia Rotaru biography, personal life, new husband, children (photos and videos). Personal life of Sofia Rotaru after the death of her husband

She was born in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, in a large family of winegrower foreman Mikhail Rotar and his wife Alexandra. The brothers - Anatoly Rotar, Evgeniy Rotar - worked in the Chisinau VIA "Orizont". Sisters - Zinaida Rotar, Lydia Rotar and Aurika Rotar. The younger sister Aurika Rotaru, as well as the duet of brother and sister - Lydia and Evgeniy Rotaru, performed on the professional stage.
Husband - Anatoly Evdokimenko, National artist Ukraine, artistic director VIA "Chervona Ruta" - died in 2002.
As a child, I played sports and sang in the choir. At school I learned to play the domra and accordion. First success - victory in 1962 in the regional competition amateur performances. In 1968 she graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College. In 1971, she received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble “Chervona Ruta”. I went to music festivals, undertook large tours.
She collaborated with composers Vladimir Ivasyuk, Yuri Rybchinsky, Vladimir Matetsky, David Tukhmanov.
She is an absolute record holder: 83 songs performed by her have been included in the finals of the Song of the Year festival since 1973.
She has recorded more than 40 albums, including: “Chervona Ruta”, “Romance”, “Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere...”, “I won’t look back”, “And my soul flies”, etc.
Starred in feature films"Where are you, love?" and “Soul” and in more than 20 musical films.

Sofia Rotaru is famous pop singer, conductor, dancer and entrepreneur. In addition to performing on stage, she managed to star in three films and more than 20 musicals. The singer has dozens of honorary awards and prizes.

Her biography had many ups and downs, just like in.

So, here is the biography of Sofia Rotaru.

Brief biography of Rotaru

Sofia Mikhailovna Evdokimenko-Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 in the Moldavian village of Marshintsy, in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.

She had two brothers and three sisters. Sofia's love for singing was instilled in her by her older sister Zina, who was blind from birth.

Childhood and youth

Sofia Rotaru's musical talent manifested itself in childhood. When she was 7 years old, she was already singing in the church choir, which is why they wanted to expel her from the ranks of the pioneers.

In addition to singing, she was also interested in. She even attended a local drama club and at the same time practiced singing. When night fell, Sofia took the button accordion in her hands and went to the barn to learn songs.

Noticing his daughter's passion for music, the father taught her to sing correctly, since he himself had perfect pitch and an extraordinary voice.

IN early years Sofia was also interested. During her studies, she managed to take 1st place in school in all-around.

In the future, thanks to good physical fitness, Rotaru herself performed some of the stunts on film set without resorting to the help of stuntmen.

Carier start

At the age of 15, Rotaru performed for the first time at a regional competition, taking 1st place. Then, she won the regional show in Chernivtsi.

After graduating from school, Sofia entered the Chernivtsi Music College. In 1964, a significant event took place in her biography: she sang in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, where she was very warmly received by the capital's audience.

Sofia Rotaru in her youth

Soon she managed to perform at the Republican Festival of Folk Talents, held in. And again victory!

Gradually, Sofia became more and more popular, and already in 1965 her photo was placed on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”. Soon this photo was seen by her future husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, who was also a creative person.

Having met the rising pop star, he was able to organize an orchestra for her. From that time on, the two young people never parted.

World recognition

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru became a participant in the 9th World Festival youth and students, held in. And there success awaited her again.

She became best performer folk song, having received positive reviews from the jury members and sympathy from the audience. In the same year, Rotaru married Evdokimenko.

In this marriage they had a boy, Ruslan. Interestingly, the husband was in no hurry to have a child, since he was still continuing to study. However, the birth of a son brought the couple even closer and firmly strengthened their relationship.

At the age of 24, a movie appears in Rotaru’s biography. She starred in the short film “Chervona Ruta,” which the public really liked. The audience was delighted with the singing of a young girl with a beautiful face and slender figure.

At the same time, she began to actively collaborate with a little-known but promising composer Vladimir Ivasyuk. He was able to write many songs for her, which brought her great popularity.

Later, Sofia went on tour around the republics Soviet Union, and then to foreign countries. Wherever she appeared, a warm welcome awaited her.

In 1973, Rotaru was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. This was not the first, but a very important award in her biography.

Moldavian lyrics

Since the early 70s, Rotaru’s songs have often received awards in the TV show “Song of the Year”. Many composers and poets of that time sought to collaborate with her.

In 1974 she graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts. G. Muzichesku, and soon released the album “Sofia Rotaru”.

In 1975, the girl starred in the film “The Song is Always with Us.” In this picture there were many episodes taken from personal biography Rotaru.

Also in 1975, due to frequent disagreements with the leadership of the Communist Party, she had to move to Yalta. Thanks to her vocal abilities, she quickly became the leading soloist of the local philharmonic.

Every year its popularity gained momentum. Rotaru was constantly invited to participate in the New Year's "Blue Lights", which brought together the most famous figures culture.

One day, she decided to go on stage in trousers, which no performer had ever allowed herself to do before.

In the same year, the film “Where are you, love?” was released, in which Rotaru sang the song “First Rain”. The film was seen by 22 million Soviet citizens. An album with compositions from this film will soon go on sale.

In 1983, the singer gave a number of concerts in, and recorded the album “Canadian Tour 1983” there. As a result, the Soviet leadership forbade her and the team members to leave for 5 years.

It is interesting that in the same year, Sofia Mikhailovna was awarded an important title for her biography - People's Artist.

A year later, the album “Tender Melody” went on sale, becoming a sales leader in the Soviet Union. In addition, she was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva

The singer was so famous and in demand that only she could compete with her. It is still believed that there is a long-standing feud between the two pop superstars. And there are reasons for this.

According to one version, the prima donna was jealous of her husband for Rotaru. As a result, she did everything possible to ensure that her rival was invited to music festivals less often.

A serious incident occurred in 2006. Both singers were invited to one of the concerts. Rotar was entrusted with singing the final song, which was supposed to close the event.

But suddenly she found out that Pugacheva was receiving a substantial fee for her performance, while she was offered to perform for free. A scandal broke out on this basis, and Rotaru flatly refused to go on stage.

Europop and hard rock in creativity

In the late 80s, Rotaru began performing some compositions in the style of Europop and hard rock.

In 1988, another important event took place for the biography of any actress: she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR for her services in the development of Soviet musical art.

From that moment on, she sang more and more often, and therefore began to lose popularity among the Ukrainian public.

In 1991, the album “Caravan of Love” appeared on store shelves. It contained “notes” of hard rock, which was especially liked by young people.

Creativity in the dashing 90s

In 1991, Sofia Mikhailovna gave an anniversary concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of creative activity. In Rotaru’s biography, it can be called one of the most ambitious and iconic.

During the performance, various special effects and stunning scenery were used, which not all artists could afford.

An interesting fact is that the collapse of the USSR, along with various political unrest, did not in any way affect the popularity of Rotaru.

In 1997, the debut disc “Love Me” was released, followed by “Star Series”.

Rotaru leadership in the 2000s

In 2000, Rotaru was recognized as the “Best Ukrainian singer 20th century" and "Woman of the Year".

She continued to actively perform on TV and released a number of remixes of her old compositions. In 2002, the “Star of Sofia Rotaru” was lit in Kyiv and she was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

However, here comes a black streak in her biography. Creative success and universal recognition was overshadowed by an unexpected tragedy. In the fall of 2002, her husband, whom she loved all her life and with whom she almost never parted, died of a stroke.

At the time of his death he was only 60 years old.

Rotaru canceled all concert performances and television filming, refused to participate in the filming of the musical “Cinderella”, and for the first time in 30 years did not take part in the final of the “Song of the Year” festival. She stopped active touring for a while.

Personal life of Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru became Evdokimenko’s legal wife in 1968. Their marriage turned out to be happy. Her husband shared with her all the misfortunes and joys, and also helped her in every possible way in the musical field.

He loved his wife so much that he went on all the tours with her. The couple managed to live together for more than 30 years, until Anatoly’s death.

Sofia Mikhailovna had a hard time surviving the loss of her husband, giving up touring activities and not appearing on television for a long time. Only a few years later she was able to go on stage again.

The singer dedicated her first performances, after a long break, to her beloved husband.

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Sofia Rotaru - famous Russian singer and an actress whose repertoire includes this moment more than 500 songs in 11 languages. Sounding surname legendary performer is actually a pseudonym that Edita Piekha came up with for her.

Since childhood, Sofia bore the surname Rotar, which was quite common in her homeland, so Piekha, already famous by that time, advised her to add French notes to her name. This is how a name was born that was later destined to be recognized by the whole world.

Looking at the singer shining with beauty and happiness on stage, it is difficult to guess how old Sofia Rotaru is. However, Sofia Mikhailovna does not hide her data - her height, weight, age is known to everyone.

Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 (she is currently 70 years old) and with a height of 170 cm, weighs 68 kg. Interestingly, by mistake the singer’s date of birth was registered on August 9, so she celebrates her birthday twice.

Biography and personal life of Sofia Rotaru

Motherland famous singer– village Marshyntsi, Chernivtsi region. Sofia Rotaru jokes that she has been involved with music since childhood, saying that “only her pacifier prevented her from singing.” However, the talent of the future singer really manifested itself even with early years: from seven Rotaru sang in the church choir, then performed Moldovan folklore in an amateur art group, and learned to play musical instruments. At the local school, the girl was a real celebrity: in addition to the fact that Sofia had an amazingly beautiful soprano voice, she also won athletics competitions and was fond of theater.

However, Rotaru found her true calling already at the age of fifteen: in 1962, she won first at the city amateur competition, then at the regional show, and then was sent to the Republican Festival of Folk Talents, where she was again recognized as the best. At the age of seventeen, success had already found the talented Moldavian: she was predicted to have a future as a famous singer, was called the “Bukovinian nightingale”, and her photo graced the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”.

Rotaru studied in Chernivtsi music school. 1968 was a busy year for Rotaru important events: after performing at the Festival of Youth and Students, she was even praised by Lyudmila Zykina herself. That same year, Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko immediately after graduating from college.

The singer's fame grew quickly - in 1971 she was given her first role in the film Chervona Ruta. Rotaru's film debut was successful: she became famous in Ukraine and got a job with the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

However, in 1975, Sofia Rotaru was forced to move with her family to Yalta due to oppression by the authorities. But this test did not break the singer: exactly a year later she received the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. It is noteworthy that Rotaru became People's Artist of the USSR much later in 1988. By this time, she had already starred in a number of famous films and began singing songs almost entirely in Russian.

It was then that Sofia Mikhailovna stopped performing in the Chervona Ruta ensemble and began her solo career. The title of a singer of republican scale did its job: Rotaru was constantly invited to concerts, famous directors offered roles in films. Rotaru devoted more and more time to work every day, which was reflected in her appearance: the singer looked haggard and emaciated. This is what gave rise to numerous rumors that Rotaru was sick with tuberculosis, to which after some time asthma was added, and Sofia Mikhailovna’s move to Crimea was allegedly necessary for her treatment. Rotaru hid her lung problems, combining intensive treatment with work, however vocal cords of the famous singer were damaged and betrayed her illness. At that time, she was actively acting in films where her voice had to be replaced with voice-over: the disease had changed it so much. However, Rotaru was able to cope with this test: after some time, the singer finally regained her health.

In the 90s, a new round began in the work of Sofia Rotaru. In 1991, the singer appeared on stage with the album “Caravan of Love. The singer radically changes her image: she cuts her hair and gets a fashionable bouffant hairstyle, and instead folk costumes puts on extravagant fashionable trousers. Performing hard rock on the stages of huge halls, the singer finds herself in new wave popularity. The author of the new image of Sofia Rotaru was Alexander Stefanovich, director of the film “Soul”, in the filming of which the singer took part at that time. The script of the film seemed to be written for Sofia Rotaru, who then underwent surgery on her vocal cords: the story about a singer losing her voice was released on the screens. It should be noted that the picture caused a great resonance in the public not only because of the almost autobiographical plot, because many said that the main role it was originally supposed to belong to Alla Pugacheva. However, due to a break in relations and a quarrel with Stefanovich, the role of the singer leaving the stage went to the young and charming Sofia.

This story gave rise to new rumors about the two Prima Donnas hating each other. Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru, who started musical career at approximately the same age and being almost the same age, they were always considered irreconcilable rivals. Many noticed that the singers did not perform together at any concert, which the performers themselves explained by conflicting tour schedules.

However, the myth of the long-standing enmity almost dispelled on Alla Borisovna’s 60th birthday, at which Sofia Rotaru sincerely congratulated her right on stage, and then the singers, hugging and kissing like old friends, together performed the hit “They Won’t Catch Up with Us.”

Family and children of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru grew up in a poor family, where in addition to her there were six more children. The love of music was in the blood of everyone in the family: in the evenings, under the guidance of her father, who had excellent hearing and voice, Sofia and her brothers and sisters sang Moldovan folk songs in chorus.

Sofia was the eldest daughter in the family, after Zina became blind from illness, so most of the difficult household responsibilities fell on her shoulders. The singer often recalls selling greens at the market as a child, and still considers trading a difficult craft. Rotaru's older sister Zina, whose hearing had developed greatly due to loss of vision, taught the girl to truly hear and feel music, and also to sing in Russian.

Sofia Rotaru's husband - Anatoly Evdokimenko

The love story of Sofia Rotaru and her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko is similar to the plot of a film: downloading military service the young man accidentally saw a photograph of the aspiring singer in the magazine “Ukraine” and fell in love at first sight. By an amazing coincidence, Evdokimenko also passionately loved music and even during his service he did not part with his favorite instrument - the trumpet, playing in the army orchestra. This is what helped him find the key to the heart of young Sofia: upon returning home, Anatoly founded the Chervona Ruta ensemble, where he invited his beloved as a soloist. Rotaru agreed, and two years later she married Evdokimenko.

Sofia Mikhailovna recalls her own wedding with a smile: “We celebrated modestly, for two hundred people.” The celebration was a real mixture of cultures and peoples: on the one hand, the poor Moldovan family of Rotaru, and on the other, the wealthy relatives of the Ukrainian Evdokimenko. But despite these and many other differences, young people long years connected not only by love for each other, but by a passion for music, a common cause and sincere friendship and respect. The only reason for disagreement, however, almost became the “creative brainchild” of the newlyweds: the ensemble “Chervona Ruta” for a long time could not “get out” of the Chernivtsi region regional philharmonic society, which hurt the ambitious Anatoly and forced him to completely immerse himself in work, while Sofia dreamed of a family.

Sofia Mikhailovna admits that she even had to lie to her husband about an early pregnancy in order to persuade him to have children, but a little deception only did good: soon the couple had their desired son, Ruslan.

The happy marriage of Rotaru and Evdokimenko lasted for thirty long years, but in 2002 Anatoly passed away. His death became an irreparable loss for Sofia Mikhailovna, she did not lift her mourning all year, not appearing on stage and social events. The first concert that Rotaru gave, appearing again in public after a while, was dedicated to the memory of her late husband.

Now the famous singer is a widow, but the beauty and success of this woman makes many men dream of her. Sofia Mikhailovna's most famous admirer was Nikolai Baskov. At one of the joint concerts after a joint performance of the song “I will find my love” famous singer confessed his love to Rotaru and proposed his hand and heart. Sofia Mikhailovna's answer was simple and unambiguous: there will be no other love in her life except her late husband.

Son of Sofia Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko

In 1971 life married couple Anatoly and Sofia were illuminated by the birth of their first child. Despite the prevailing stereotypes, the birth of Ruslan did not put an end to the careers of his parents: Sofia and Anatoly only continued to work with renewed vigor.

Their efforts soon paid off: the Chervona Ruta ensemble gained great fame in the USSR, spouses are constantly traveling around the country. Sofia Mikhailovna admits that she devoted little time to raising her son, in which her brothers and sisters provided her with invaluable help. In addition, for the sake of her career, Rotaru had to give up the birth of her second child, for which she sincerely considers herself guilty in front of her only son.

Where is Sofia Rotaru now - latest news

“Where did Sofia Rotaru go?” - fans of the famous singer ask themselves. After celebrating her 70th birthday, which Sofia Mikhailovna celebrated in Baku, she began to appear on stage less and less often. The most striking of her recent performances were participation in the creative evening of Ruslan Kvita and in the “Heat” festival. According to the singer, now she is trying to spend as much time as possible with her family, but the singer does not plan to say goodbye to the stage.

A lot is known about the descendants of the famous singer: her granddaughter Sonya inherited the beauty of her grandmother and has been involved in modeling for many years, posing for Russian and foreign magazines. Grandson Anatoly studies in London and is interested in design and photography, and niece Sofia (Sonya Kay) is an increasingly popular singer.

Sofia Rotaru with and without makeup photo

Surprisingly, at 70 years old, Sofia Rotaru looks much younger than many stars Russian stage. Many fans wonder why she doesn’t age, because Rotaru is older in age than her famous rival Alla Pugacheva, but at the same time she looks much fresher. Rotaru herself says that she has been watching her diet all her life and regularly plays sports, but she does not deny that she also resorts to help plastic surgeon and had several surgeries to correct her face and body.

Death of Sofia Rotaru - true or not?

IN lately False information has spread across the Internet that Sofia Rotaru died in the Maldives. According to distributors, the cause of death is sunstroke, which caused a complication after plastic surgery. However, these data were not confirmed and were only rumors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sofia Rotaru

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sofia Rotaru are updated every year with new facts and interesting details from the life of a star. The singer spends a lot of time with her family and therefore often posts photos on social networks with her adult son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren - 16-year-old Sofia and 23-year-old Anatoly. In all the photographs, Sofia Mikhailovna shines with health and beauty, forcing millions of fans to admire her not only on stage, but also in life.

So, Sofia Mikhailovna celebrated her 70th birthday with a bright photo in her profile: she, surrounded by her family, is flying on a plane to vacation in Sardinia. Other famous photos of the star include pictures from a beach in the Maldives, where the fit and tanned singer poses under palm trees in a bright swimsuit under a white blouse. The photographs caused real delight among subscribers: even at her age, Sofia Mikhailovna looks like a girl.


Sofia Rotaru’s homeland was Ukraine; the girl was born in the village of Marshintsy in the summer of 1947. The girl's parents were ordinary villagers. His father held the position of foreman, his mother worked in the market. The singer’s sonorous surname speaks of her Moldavian roots. It’s interesting that at first the baby’s birth was mistakenly recorded on August 9, instead of 7. So, the artist now has two birthdays instead of the required one, and she continues to celebrate both of these happy days.

Not forgetting their roots, the parents spoke Moldovan, urging their children to remember their origins. In addition to Sofia, the family had four more children: three brothers and two sisters. The talented girl inherited her talents; the singer’s father and older sister had excellent hearing and voice. Having lost her sight at a young age, her sister began teaching future star performing songs in Russian. This is exactly how Sofia Rotaru started her musical path, in whose excellent future her father believed.

Due to her sister’s illness, Sofia was considered the eldest in the family, which naturally forced her to perform a large number of housework and helping relatives. An atmosphere of love and help to each other reigned in the family.

Being extremely active and inquisitive, the girl has been interested in many different activities since childhood. Achieving success in all her endeavors, Rotaru received the title of school champion in all-around. In addition to her sporting successes, she was involved in theater and learned to play the musical instruments. She mastered playing the domra and accordion.

Having good vocal abilities, Sofia I sang many songs with my family during home gatherings. The young lady owed her nickname “nightingale” to her beautiful contralto voice, which did not go unnoticed by listeners during her tours around the region.


  • Fame came to the young performer at the age of fifteen with her victory in a regional amateur competition. The victory gave the young girl the opportunity to test herself in the championship at the regional level. Having won a year later at the regional level, Rotaru at the age of seventeen becomes a participant in the Republican Festival of Performers and wins there. Having found great fame, the young singer successfully performs at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Having received all-Union recognition, the artist appears on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”.
  • At twenty-one, young Sofia Rotaru becomes the winner international festival, held in Bulgaria and appears on the pages of all publications in the country.
  • Three more years later, the film “Chervona Ruta” was released to the audience; the songs performed by the Ukrainian singer for this musical film brought Sofia national success. So, the star of the music scene becomes a participant variety ensemble, owned by the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.
  • The artist begins her annual participation in the “Song of the Year” at the age of twenty-six after winning the “Golden Orpheus” competition. Only once will she not take part in a performance; the reason for this will be the premature death of the singer’s husband in 2002. Along with her participation in the final of “Song of the Year,” Rotaru is given the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
  • A year later, the first song album was released, and at twenty-eight years old the singer moved to live in beautiful Yalta. A change of residence brings work at the Crimean Philharmonic and the well-deserved title of People's Artist.
  • From 1976 to 1983, the singer released a number of albums recorded on foreign languages, which provokes a ban on traveling abroad, while continuing to work in the Crimean region. At thirty-six years old, Rotaru receives the title of People's Artist of Moldova.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna began her solo career in 1986; for the next fifteen years, collaboration with composer Matetsky brings a large number of hits to the work of the famous singer. Just two years after the start solo career, Sofia Rotaru becomes People's Artist of the USSR.

During the period of her creativity, Rotaru collaborated with the ballet “Todes”, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her creative activity in concert hall“Russia” and, without losing popularity after the collapse of the Soviet Union, continued her career as a singer. In addition to success in creativity, the artist became the owner of many awards and titles.


Along with the conferment of one of the most significant titles - Hero of Ukraine, a tragedy comes to the artist's family - her husband dies.

Sofia met her future husband after the release of a magazine issue in 1964 with her face on the cover. Having seen the young singer on the front side of the publication, Anatoly decided that the girl was perfect for the role of soloist in his musical group. Four years later, the couple got married, maintaining their relationship until the death of their husband. Sofia Rotaru experienced the loss of her beloved husband hard, interrupting his time for a while creative activity.

IN family life Sofia Mikhailovna was happy; the couple had a son, who today is engaged in music production. Ruslan is married and has two children.

The actress still looks young today, always remaining in good shape. A star's personal life musical Olympus does not advertise, fans take information about the artist’s life from social networks her relatives. Continuing her creative activity, she releases beautiful compositions that are sure to become hits.

Despite the unquenchable fire in her eyes, grace and blazing energy, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru celebrated her 65th birthday in 2012. But leaving the stage and ending your stunning creative career The legendary singer is not going yet.

Childhood of a future star

The official biography of Sofia Rotaru contains some inaccuracies. A future legend was born Soviet stage in the small village of Marshyntsi, Chernivtsi region. According to Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth in her certificate is indicated incorrectly. Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947, is registered in the village council. The singer's real date of birth is August 7 of the same year.

In the difficult post-war years, children from working-class families worked tirelessly from an early age. This is exactly the kind of childhood that the nugget from Marshinets had.

Controversial question: "Who is Sofia Rotaru by nationality?"

An interesting fact: between two countries - Ukraine and Moldova - there was even an unspoken dispute over the right to call the singer their native. The artist herself proudly says that both countries are dear to her. What ethnic group does Sofia Rotaru herself belong to? What is the nationality of this great singer? Her father is Moldovan, and according to her passport she is Ukrainian.

The world has changed dramatically since World War II. The borders of the USSR, as one of the winning countries, have seriously expanded. This is exactly what happened to the singer’s native village. Until 1940, Bukovina was the territory of Romania, then it passed to the Ukrainian SSR. But be that as it may, a girl from a Bukovina village as a child could not even imagine how incredible life path fate had in store for her.

By the way, the surname Rotaru is real name the singer's father. After the transition of this territory to the “soviets,” many residents were forced to change their surnames to Russian ones. This is how the surname Rotar appeared.

The singer's parents and family

Sophia's father, Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, was a machine gunner during World War II and went through the entire war to Berlin. Later he returned to his native village and worked as a foreman of winegrowers. Mikhail Fedorovich was an excellent accordion player, had good voice and hearing. Probably, thanks to the gift of the head of the family, all the offspring of Rotar were talented - they sang, danced, played musical instruments.

The mother of the future artist, Alexandra Ivanovna, was from a worker-peasant family.

Sophia was the second child in the Rotar family. Subsequently, she had two more brothers and the same number of sisters. In total there were six children in the family. Her older sister Zinaida was her mother’s support, and Sonya, in turn, was constantly in Zinochka’s support.

When Zina was four years old, she fell ill with typhus and lost her sight in one day. Big sister Sofia Mikhailovna is grateful to Rotaru to this day. After all, my mother worked constantly, and Zina, despite her illness, looked after the kids.

Sonechka's childhood years were very difficult. I constantly had to work and help my parents with housework. The family grew vegetables and fruits. After harvesting, Alexandra Ivanovna and Sonya got up before sunrise and went to the market, selling the harvest.

From the early childhood Sonya had a great voice and ear for music. Her father believed in her future and said that his daughter would great singer. And the little girl herself really wanted everyone to hear her singing.

But so far only those at home have enjoyed it - the younger sisters Lida, Aurika and brothers Tolik and Zhenya. By the way, the Rotar family was famous for its hospitality, and when guests came to the parents, the head of the family immediately organized a choir.

Youth years. Carier start

Sofia Rotaru, whose date of birth falls on the post-war years, admits that in many ways those Hard times strengthened her character. After all, she had to constantly help her parents, and she also had to study at school and study groups. The girl learned to play the dombra and accordion, mastered singing, went to dance club. On weekends I sang in the church choir.

In 1962, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru took part in the regional amateur performance show for the first time and, of course, received her first prize. The very next year, the young artist participated in regional competition, where she also received first place. Already in 1964 she participated in the festival young talents in Kyiv, where she became the winner.

A photo of the new national pop star appeared on the cover of the all-Union magazine “Ukraine”. And the recognized master of the Ukrainian stage Dmitry Gnatyuk prophesied a great future for the girl.

After such success, she was sent to study at the Chernivtsi Music School in the conducting and choral department.

Husband of Sofia Rotaru. Love story

It is not surprising that after seeing such a beauty on TV screens and on the cover of magazines, many eligible bachelors lined up. But Sonya decided that she would only marry a simple guy from Chernivtsi.

Your first and only love future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko saw Sofia Rotaru on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”. At this time, Evdokimov served in Nizhny Tagil. It turned out that the talented beauty was his fellow countryman. The girl from the cover sank so deeply into the heart of the young soldier that, after serving his due term, he returned to his native Chernivtsi and found her.

At this time, Sofia Rotaru studied at a music school and performed at various song competitions.

After graduating from college, the artist traveled to Bulgaria, where she took part in the VIII World Song Festival, which was held in Sofia. The young star conquered this city, publications about her immediately appeared on the front pages of newspapers.

Meanwhile, Anatoly entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Chernivtsi University, additionally played student orchestra on the pipe. This group constantly accompanied Rotaru's performances. That's how they met. It was love at first sight. In 1968, they got married and began their journey together not only in their personal lives, but also on the stage.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

The biography of Sofia Rotaru is complete interesting facts. Some publications write that the girl, in order to firmly tie the guy she liked to her, informed him about her pregnancy several months earlier. As a result, having spent eleven months instead of the required nine months, Sonya gave birth to a son. The singer herself claims that she was simply casting a bait and looking at her husband’s reaction.

For the first few years after her marriage, the singer performed rarely. She even had to postpone her enrollment at the Institute of Arts due to her family moving to Novosibirsk. Anatoly completed his pre-graduation internship at the plant. In 1970, the singer became a mother. Sofia Rotaru calls the year of birth of her son Ruslan one of the happiest in her life. After all, it was during this period that their young family was constantly together.

A year later, the care of Ruslan had to be transferred to the shoulders of her husband’s parents. After all, the tandem Evdokimenko - Rotaru began to tour throughout the country and beyond.

On those rare days when the family got together, Sofia spent all her time with her son, taking him out of school for several days to enjoy communication with the whole family. After all, these moments were so rare and precious.

And yet, Ruslan grew up to be a serious, purposeful young man. Today he is a successful architect and supporter of his famous mother.

Creative path and recognition of Sofia Rotaru

Already in 1971, the young singer’s career rapidly began to gain momentum. It all started with an invitation to participate in the filming of the film “Chervona Ruta”, where the young singer proved herself to be a good actress. By the way, this is not her only role. Sofia Rotaru has repeatedly performed songs in films, usually playing the main characters. Films such as “The Song Will Be Among Us”, “Monologue about Love”, “Heart of Gold”, “Where Are You, Love?”, and many others will forever be remembered by the audience for the artist’s soulful performance.

After filming her debut film, Rotaru and her husband organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble with the same name “Chervona Ruta”. The leadership of the team is taken over by Anatoly Evdokimenko.

In 1973, the singer performed in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition and brought home the award for first place. In 1974, she performed at the festival in Sopot and won second place.

Every festival and competition in which the young singer took part became a prize for her. This is not surprising, because Sofia Mikhailovna always had a special, soulful manner of performing not only folk music, but also pop song. And already at that time, collaboration with many talented authors provided her with an excellent repertoire.

Eternal hits of Russian pop stars

The hit that brought all-Union popularity to the young artist was “Chervona Ruta”. The biography of Sofia Rotaru is generally inextricably linked with these two words. Both the ensemble and the song - that is what they became in their time business card singers. The singer’s collaboration with Vladimir Ivasyuk continued with the composition “The Ballad of Two Violins” and many others.

In 1974, the singer began collaborating with Evgeniy Doga and Evgeniy Martynov. The song “Swan Fidelity” performed by Rotaru became a hit of past years.

Sofia Rotaru calls songs and collaboration with composer Vladimir Matetsky another gift of fate. “Lavender”, “Moon, Moon”, “It Was, But It’s Gone”, “Farmer Woman”, “Wild Swans” and many other compositions are known to everyone today.

Every new song Sofia Mikhailovna herself calls it a small novel with its own world of feelings and main characters.

Stroke of fate

Unfortunately, the biography of Sofia Rotaru consists not only of ups and successes. There is a place for tragic moments in it. In 1997, the artist’s mother, Alexandra Ivanovna, died. And in 2002, the singer’s beloved husband, Anatoly, passed away. They lived together for 35 years.

The blow was so strong that the singer left the stage and did not perform for about a year. New stage creative life Sofia Rotaru started with the song “White Dance”.

Creative journey in the new millennium

Released in 2003 new album singer “The Only One”, dedicated to her husband. Starting this year, Rotaru has been actively working, recording new compositions, and touring around the world. Only loving family and creativity helped to look into the future, admits Sofia Rotaru. The love songs performed by her are dedicated to Anatoly.

In 2004, she gave her first concert in the United States in 4 years.

In 2007, the biography of Sofia Rotaru was supplemented with another event - her sixtieth anniversary. Thousands of fans from all over the world gathered in Yalta to congratulate their favorite artist. In the same year she became the owner of the state Order of Merit, II degree. Of course, the artist celebrated this date with her anniversary concerts in the Kremlin, which incredibly pleased her fans.

Today the singer sometimes tours Ukraine, Russia and neighboring countries, takes part in some music shows and competitions as a jury member.

Sofia Rotaru’s family increasingly enjoys her presence in the family nest in the Crimean Yalta.

Future plans

Speaking about future plans, Rotaru does not look far ahead. Today worldwide famous singer- loving mother and grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren, Tolik and Sonya. Sofia Rotaru considers the year of birth of her grandchildren one of the most magical in her life, but, as the singer herself admits, she is not yet ready to become a great-grandmother.

Today Sofia Mikhailovna is as cheerful and energetic as at the beginning of her life. creative path. Who would have thought that in a few years this charming woman was going to celebrate her seventieth birthday.