(!LANG: I’ll say Tanya and something will open up. An example of an essay based on the text read in the USE format in the Russian language (Nechiporenko). Let's move on to the theoretical part

USE composition:

“So this bright secret remained in my childhood.” It is in this phrase from the text offered to me by the Russian prose writer Yu.D.

To draw the reader's attention to this problem, the author describes the childhood feelings of the hero, the feelings that he experienced when he saw the girl Tanya. “Hot summer, sparkling sunbeams, a girl in a green glow” - these details help the author show how sharp and vivid the child’s emotions were. It is interesting that the central place in the text is occupied by the narration of the hero-narrator about Tanya's life: about how they studied together for ten years, how she became "a wonderful gymnast, got married and works as a coach." This enumeration of events from the girl's life convinces the reader that a child's impression, if it is bright, piercing, can "not let go" of interest in someone throughout life. Analyzing the reasons why childhood has such power, Y. Nechiporenko draws our attention to the hero’s reasoning about the meaning of the word “mole”: “Mole is a funny word: as if the Motherland, only a small one ...” The author combines the concepts of “childhood”, “ Motherland”, filling childhood memories with a special meaning.

The position of the author is beyond doubt: Yu.D. Nechiporenko is sure that the impressions of childhood have a special power, they are able to stay in the soul for a long time. This happened to the main character of the text, on behalf of whom the author writes in the final sentence: “So this bright secret remained in my childhood.”

The conclusion that Yu.D. Nechiporenko comes to in the course of his narration is understandable and close to me: the impression received in childhood can not only remain in the memory for a long time, but also affect the future life of a person.

To substantiate my point of view, I would like to turn to the story of T. Kudryavtseva “Orphanage. Leka. In the center of our attention is an eight-year-old girl who was left an orphan during the war. One of the brightest impressions of the difficult childhood of the child was a meeting with a helpless hungry German prisoner. Reading about how the heroine gives him her cracker, how sorry she is for the unfortunate person, we understand that the mercy of the wonderful doctor Olga Ivanovna Gromova originates in the heroine's blockade childhood.

You can make sure that childhood is the source of our victories and defeats by reading I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Before us is the landowner Ilya Ilyich, leading an idle lifestyle. As a child, the courtyards, the nanny, Zakharka did everything for him, and there were no worries. These vivid impressions served as an example for the later life of Ilya Ilyich. We see that Zakhar puts on stockings for Oblomov, as in childhood, the landowner allows himself to sleep before dinner, and after it, as was customary in the village. I.A. Goncharov convincingly shows that Ilyusha's childhood dreams of a wonderful place where no one does anything all year round, the hero realizes in adulthood, lying on the couch and regretting why "life is not a fairy tale, but a fairy tale is not life." Oblomov's life is an example of the role childhood impressions can play in the development of a person.

The text by Yu.D. Nechiporenko is, of course, addressed to each of us. Putting yourself in the place of the protagonist, you understand how much childhood can give if it is filled with bright, useful impressions.

Text by Y.D. Nechiporenko

(1) I’ll say “Tanya” - and something will open ... (2) As if you open thick curtains in the morning - and light will burst into the house.

(3) Tanya and I have known each other since kindergarten: we went to the same group as babies. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but the first memory is like that. (5) Dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing, bright cry: someone was calling me. (b) It turns out that some girl called me.

(7) For the first time, they called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad's hand.

(9) My father said:

- Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it's nice ...

- (14) He is shy, - my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, juicy emerald foliage set in the light is burning in the sparkling sun ... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl in a green glow seems to take off and wave her hand to me.

(17) Tanya and I were in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But we never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling ... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya flourished. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very sweet, kind of dear. (24) A mole is a funny word: as if the Motherland, only a small one ...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first places in competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances ...

(27) For some reason, I immediately enrolled Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, endowed her with the best qualities - and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: math olympiads, preparation for college ...

(29) Then I went to college and met with classmates during the holidays, saw Tanya and even somehow wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, we started talking about leaves on trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet about veins on leaves, about how he loved to draw these veins from childhood and now looks at them with surprise in old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested, and I rewrote this poem for her ...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, I didn’t see her, I only heard that she didn’t get married, and rejected all offers. (33) And then she left and now works as a gymnastics coach, she brings up little girls in some quiet town.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (Z5) Once a teacher told us in class:

- And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform in front of you ...

(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: walk with a wheel, do a handstand, and in the end sat down at the board on a twine - with her head proudly set aside. (37) Her posture has always been beautiful ...

(38) And when she finished jumping, she caught her breath and sang a song - loudly, clearly, in a high voice, circling everyone with her precious eyes. (39) I thought: Tanya is a real beauty! (40) And he turned away his eyes.

(41) For some reason, it seemed to me that Tanya was doing all this especially for me.

(42) I must have suffered from delusions of grandeur then, because I won first places at math olympiads. (43) Now I know that good songs are very personal to everyone:

Though the land is warmer
And the homeland is sweeter
Miley - remember, little crane, this word!

(44) Tanya. (45) So this bright secret remained in my childhood. (46) Why did she scream so joyfully when she saw me in the park?

(According to Y. Nechiporenko *)


(1) I’ll say “Tanya” - and something will open up ... (2) As if you open thick curtains in the morning - and light will burst into the house.

(3) We have known Tanya since kindergarten: we still went to the same group as crumbs. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but the first memory is like that. (5) Dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing bright cry: someone was calling me. (6) It turns out that this is some girl called me.

(7) For the first time, they called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad's hand.

(9) My father said:

- Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it’s nice ...

- (14) He is shy, ”my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, juicy emerald foliage set in the light is burning in the sparkling sun ... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl in a green glow seems to take off and wave her hand to me.

(17) Tanya and I were in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But they never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling ... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya blossomed. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very sweet, kind of dear. (24) A mole is a funny word: as if the Motherland, only a small one ...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first places in competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances ...

(27) For some reason, I immediately enrolled Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, endowed her with the best qualities - and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: math olympiads, preparation for college ... (29) Then I went to college and met with classmates during the holidays, saw Tanya and even somehow wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, we started talking about the leaves on the trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet on the veins on the leaves, about how he loved to draw these veins from childhood and now looked at them with surprise in old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested, and I rewrote this poem for her ...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, I didn’t see her, I only heard that she didn’t get married, and rejected all offers. (33) And then she left and now works as a gymnastics coach, she brings up little girls in some quiet city.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (35) Once the teacher told us at the classroom:

- And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform before you ...
(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: walk with a wheel, do a handstand, and in the end sat down at the board on a twine - with her head proudly set aside. (37) Her posture has always been excellent ...

(38) And when she finished jumping, she caught her breath and sang a song - loudly, clearly, in a high voice, circling everyone with her precious eyes. (39) I thought: Tanya is a real beauty! (40) And he turned away his eyes. (41) For some reason, it seemed to me that Tanya was doing all this especially for me. (42) I must have suffered from delusions of grandeur then, because I won first places at math olympiads. (43) Now I know that good songs are very personal to everyone:

Though the land is warmer

And the homeland is sweeter

Miley - remember, crane, this word!

(44) Tanya. (45) So this bright secret remained in my childhood. (46) Why did she scream so joyfully when she saw me in the park?

(According to Y. Nechiporenko*)

    Yuri Dmitrievich Nechiporenko (born in 1956) is a Russian prose writer, art critic, artist, culturologist.


It happens that a person appears in life and leaves a bright mark in the memory. It is about such a person that the hero of the proposed text, the author of which is the Russian prose writer Yu. D. Nechiporenko, recalls.

The text is written in the first person, which gives the hero's thoughts a very personal, even intimate character. Together with the narrator, we turn over the pages of his memory: early childhood, school, college, adult life. Meetings of the hero with Tanya are rare, but each meeting is a bright spot in the memory. It is impossible not to note the key words that accompany the story of Tanya: "light", "joy", "bright cry", "sparkling sunbeams", "radiance", "precious brown color", "precious eyes", "bright mystery". All these words give rise in the soul of the reader to the feeling of something unusually bright, dazzlingly shining and unforgettable.

The text has a circular composition: it starts with Tanya's name and ends with it. This not only gives the text completeness, harmony, but also allows the reader to return to what was said at the very beginning at a new level of understanding of the text. Why, having gone through the life of a hero, did Tanya remain in him only a vivid memory? Is the hero of the text to blame for not getting close to Tanya either at school or after school? Why does he feel light sadness, remembering Tanya?

It is difficult to answer definitely, and the author does not set the task of finding unambiguous answers. Rather, it brings us to reflect on how important it is to see, to understand that the person next to you did not accidentally cross your life path. It is very important not to lose such a person, not to miss him in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

I cannot but accept the position of the author. Each of us probably has memories of such people as the heroine of the text. You sort through the memories, and you understand that life could become brighter, brighter, more fulfilling if...

Who did not read "The Blind Musician" by V.G. Korolenko? The meeting of Peter and Evelina became fateful for each of them. These young people were able to become close to each other, the most needed, the most expensive. Do you remember their first meeting, when the girl, offended by Petrus, almost left? It is impossible to imagine what would happen to the hero if she left forever.

And in the story of I.A. Bunin "Sunstroke" the heroes (he and she), having met by chance, parted forever. At first, not attaching any importance to this fleeting meeting, the hero of the story, after parting, feels that he has lost something in life, without which now this life seems to him insipid, dull. He would not hesitate to give his life if it helped him return the stranger. The author writes that the lieutenant did not understand why this woman was so important to him, but she became more necessary for him than life. We understand that for the rest of his life the lieutenant will be tormented by memories of this sunny day when he met this woman and immediately lost her.

You can't live life twice. It is impossible to go back to the past and fix something, to say just a few such important words to someone. Therefore, you should try not to miss people from your life who can make it brighter and filled with goodness and love. Thanks to the author of the text Yu.D. Nechiporenko, the reader has the opportunity to reflect on this important problem.

Russian prose writer Yu.D. Nechiporenko raises the problem of preserving childhood memories in a person's memory. The narrator recalls a girl who went to kindergarten with him, and then they studied together. Most likely, it was the first love. The girl had a secret.

The narrator's memories are sincere. He regrets that he never solved this mystery. The memory of Tanya became sharp and vivid for the narrator.

The quivering description of Tanya's eyes, a mole on her cheek suggests that this girl left a strong impression. The narrator admits that at the mention of the girl's name, he feels good. It becomes light in his soul - "as if the light will break into the house."

I agree with the narrator's thoughts. A person can store childhood memories. They can be connected with nature, with people, with books. It's good when people share their memories with the younger generation. In childhood, many happy events take place, from which adults, when they remember, feel warm in their souls.

You can name a lot of works of art in which writers share with readers the revelations of childhood. A.M. Gorky writes about his childhood impressions in his autobiographical story “Childhood”. The joyful vision of the world around Alyosha Peshkov is connected with his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna and with the apprentice Gypsy. Grandmother taught him to see the beauty of nature, the beauty of works of oral folk art, and Tsyganok gave Alyosha an example of perseverance, disinterestedness.

The protagonist of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, dreams of his childhood in the village of Oblomovka. Then it was easy and fun for him. Oblomov sees himself as pretty. From love to his mother, he trembles all over in his sleep. Ilya Oblomov was delighted with the nurse's fairy tales. For him, these memories are happy, pleasant.

Every person was a child at one time or another. The most vivid and meaningful memories for many people are the impressions of childhood. In difficult moments of life, childhood memories warm and inspire confidence that everything will be fine. The problem posed by the author of the text can be answered with the words of F.M. Dostoevsky that “light memories of childhood make a man a man”.

Updated: 2017-12-11

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Useful material on the topic

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) As a child, the narrator did not feel the same joy when meeting Tanya that she experienced.

2) The childhood meeting with Tanya left a vivid memory in the soul of the narrator.

3) Shyness did not allow the narrator to establish friendly relations with Tanya.

4) It seemed to the narrator that at the class hour Tanya sang the song personally for him.

5) The words of the song performed by Tanya were written by I.D. Shaferan.


Answer number 1 is confirmed by sentences 10-12.

Answer number 2 - sentence number 45.

Answer number 4 - sentence number 41.

Answers numbered 3 and 5 do not correspond to the content of the text.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Relevance: Current academic year

Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1-2 contain a narrative.

5) In sentences 35-36 reasoning is presented.


1) Sentences 1-2 contain reasoning, not narration.

2) Sentences 10-12 contain reasoning.

3) Sentences 15-16 include a description.

4) Sentences 22-23 provide a description.

5) Sentences 35-36 present narrative, not reasoning.

Answer: 234.

Answer: 234

From sentences 39-41 write out the phraseological unit.


Phraseologism is a stable phrase that is extracted from our memory in finished form and has an indivisible meaning.

In sentence 40 phraseologism - averted his eyes.

Answer: turned away.

Answer: looked away | looked away

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Lexical meaning of the word

Among sentences 1-7, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a conjunction, adverb and personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

Sentence 4 is related to the previous one with the conjunction BUT, the adverb TAM and the personal pronoun HER.

Answer: 4.

Answer: 4

Rule: Task 25. Means of communication of sentences in the text


Several pre-lo-s, connected into a whole by a theme and a new thought, called-zy-va-yut-stom text (from lat. textum - fabric , connection, connection).

It is obvious that all the pre-lo-zhe-niya, times-de-len-nye dot-coy, are not iso-ro-va-na from each other. There is a meaningful connection between two co-sed-ni-mi before-lo-ni-i-mi of the text, moreover, the connections can be not only pre-lo -zhe-niya, races-lo-women-nye nearby, but also from-de-len-nye from each other by one or more before-lo-same-neither-i-mi. The meaning-of-the-no-she-tion between the pre-lo-same-neither-I-mi is different: the content of one preposition can to be pro-ti-in-after-becoming-le-but co-der-zha-niyu-another; the content of two or more prepositions can be compared with one another; the content of the second preposition can reveal the meaning of the first or clarify one of its members, and the content -thing of the third - the meaning of the second, etc. The purpose of task 23 is to determine the type of connection between pre-lo-same-ni-i-mi.

For-mu-li-ditch-ka for-da-niya can be like this:

Among prepositions 11-18, find such (s), something (s) connected with the previous one with the help of the mind -for-tel-no-go place-of-name, on-re-chia and one-but-ko-ren-ny words. On-write-shi-te number (s) of pre-lo-same(s)

Or: Define-de-li-those type of connection between pre-lo-same-neither-i-mi 12 and 13.

Remember that the previous one is ONE HIGHER. In this way, if pro-intermediate-current 11-18 is indicated, then my suggestion is in pre-de-lah, about -significant in the task, and the correct answer may be 11, if this preposition is connected with the 10th topic, someone’s decree -but in for-yes-nii. From-ve-tov can be 1 or more. A score for a successful you-half-not-for-yes-yes-yes-yes - 1.

Let's move on to the theo-re-ti-che part.

Most often, we use such a model in the order of the text-hundred: each pre-lo-same-tion is concatenated with the next -shim, this is na-zy-va-et-sya chain connection. (We will say about the connection of para-ral-lel-noy below). We speak and write, we combine sa-mo-hundred-I-tel-prepositions into the text according to uncomplicated pra-vi-lams. Here's the gist: in two adjacent pre-lo-same-ni-yah, we should talk about the same subject.

All types of communication lek-si-che-sky, mor-fo-lo-gi-che-sky and sin-so-si-che-sky. As a right-vi-lo, when you combine pre-lo-s-s in the text, you can use-zo-va-ny one-but-time-men-but not-how-many types of communication. This is su-s-stven-but makes it easier to search for the is-to-my preposition in the specified fragment. Rest-no-wim-sya de-tal-but for each of the species.

23.1. Communication with the help of lek-si-che means.

1. Words from one te-ma-ti-che-group.

The words of one te-ma-ti-che-group are words that have a common lek-si-che-th-meaning and designation -cha-yu-schie-similar, but not the same-to-s-nya-tia.

Examples of words: 1) Forest, tro-pin-ka, de-re-vya; 2) buildings, streets, sidewalks, squares; 3) water, fish, waves; pain-ni-tsa, nurses, emergency room, pa-la-ta

Water was clean and transparent. Waves on-be-ha-whether on the shore of honey-len-but and demon-noise-but.

2. Ro-do-vi-do-words.

Ro-do-vi-do-vye words - words related from-no-she-ni-em genus - species: genus - more wi-ro-something, view - narrower.

Examples of words: Ro-mash-ka - color current; birch - de-re-vo; av-to-mo-bil - transport port and so on.

Examples of pre-lo-same: Under the window still grew Birch. How many re-s-mi-na-ni connected-for-but I have with this de-re-vom...

Po-le-vye ro-mash-ki become-but-vyat-sya red-to-stu. But this is not-at-hot-whether flower.

3 Lek-si-che-sky in the second

Lek-si-che-sky in a second - in a second of one and the same word in one-on-a-word-in-form-me.

The closest connection is pre-lo-same-ny you-ra-zha-e-sya first of all in the second. The repetition of one or another member of the preposition is the main feature of the chain connection. For example, in pre-lo-same-no-yah Behind the garden there is a forest. The forest was deaf, for-pus-shchen the connection is built according to the model “under-le-zh-shche - under-le-zha-shche”, that is, named at the end of the first pre-lo-same niya subject in the second place in the next; in pre-lo-same-no-yah Fi-zi-ka is science. Science must use the dia-lek-ti-che-me-to-house- “mo-del say-zu-e-mine - under-le-zh-shche”; in ex-me-re Boat at-cha-li-la to be-re-gu. The shore was a mustache-pan chalk-coy pebbles- mod-del "ob-sto-I-tel-stvo - under-le-zha-shchee" and so on. But if in the first two examples of the word forest and science stand in each of the next hundred-I-th-pre-lo-same-ny in the same pas-de-same, then the word Coast has different forms. Lek-si-che-skim in a second-rum in the tasks of the USE will be considered a second word in one-on-a-word-in-form-me, use-pol -zo-van-ny with the aim of strengthening the impact on the chi-ta-te-la.

In the texts of the artistic and public-li-qi-sti-che-styles, the chain connection by means of the lek-si-che-sko-go second-ra has not-rarely ex-press-siv-ny, emo-qi-o-nal-ny character, especially ben-but when the second is on-ho-dit-sya at the junction of pre-lo- same:

Here is the source from the map of the Aral Fatherland sea.

Whole sea!

Use-to-va-nie in the second place here use-to-va-but to strengthen the impact on chi-ta-te-la.

Ras-look at the examples. We do not yet take into account the additional means of communication, we only look at the lek-si-che-sky in a second way.

(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “ It used to be scary very scary." (37) He spoke the truth: he used to be scared.

(15) As an educator, I happened to meet young people who yearn for a clear and precise answer to the question of higher education. values life. (16) 0 values, allowing you to distinguish good from evil and choose the best and most worthy.

Note: different forms of words from no-syat-sya to another type of connection. For more details about the difference, see the paragraph on the forms of the word.

4 One-but-ko-ren words

One-but-ko-ren-words - words with the same root and a common meaning.

Examples of words: Ro-di-na, ro-dit-sya, birth-de-nie, genus; tear, break, break-tear-Xia

Examples of pre-lo-same: I'm lucky to be born healthy and strong. Is-th-riya of my birth-de-nia nothing to-me-cha-tel-on.

Even though I'm small, what you need from-but-she-niya tear apart but he couldn't do it himself. This break-break would be very painful for both of us.

5 Si-but-ni-we

Si-no-ni-we are words of the same part of speech, close in meaning.

Examples of words: to be bored, to frown, to be sad; ve-se-lie, joy, li-ko-va-nie

Examples of pre-lo-same: In farewell, she said that will be bored. I knew that too I will be sad according to our pro-hum-cams and times-th-in-frames.

Joy embrace-ti-la me, under-grab-ti-la and carry-la ... Li-ko-va-nyu, ka-za-elk, there were no borders: Lina from-ve-ti-la, from-ve-ti-la to the end!

It should be noted that si-but-ni-we are hard-but-ho-dyat-sya in the text, if you need to look for a connection only with the help of si-no-ni -mov. But, as it is right, along with such a way of communication, others use it. So, in example 1 there is a union too , this relationship will be discussed below.

6 Contextual si-but-ni-we

Contextual si-no-ni-we - words of the same part of speech, which are closer in meaning only in this context ste, insofar as from-but-syat-sya to one pre-me-tu (at-sign, action).

Examples of words: kitten, be-do-la-ha, naughty; de-vush-ka, stu-dent-ka, kra-sa-vi-tsa

Examples of pre-lo-same: Kitty lives with us with everything for a long time. Husband took off be-do-la-gu from the de-re-va, where he went, escaping from the dogs.

I guessed that she student. Young woman continue to be silent, despite all the efforts from my side to raz-go-to-rit it.

It is even more difficult to find these words in the text: after all, si-no-ni-ma-mi de-la-et them by the author. But along with such a way of communication, others use it, which makes it easier to search.

7 An-to-no-we

An-to-no-we are words of the same part of speech, pro-ti-in-false in meaning.

Examples of words: laughter, tears; hot Cold

Examples of pre-lo-same: I pretended that I liked this joke and you-da-vil something out of yourself laughter. But tears soul-shi-whether me, and I quickly left the room-for-you.

Her words were hot-rya-chi-mi and about-zhi-ha-li. eyes le-de-ni-li ho-lo-house. It's like I got under a con-trust shower ...

8 Contextual an-to-no-we

Contextual an-to-ni-we are words of the same part of speech, pro-ti-in-false in meaning only in a given context.

Examples of words: mouse - lion; house - ra-bo-ta green - ripe

Examples of pre-lo-same: On the ra-bo-te this man was gray mouse. Houses but in it pro-sy-pal-sya a lion.

Ripe berries can be safely used for pri-go-to-le-niya va-re-nya. But green it is better not to put them in, they are usually bitter, and can spoil the taste.

Let's pay attention to the non-accidental owl-pa-de-nie ter-mi-nov(si-but-ni-we, an-to-ni-we, including contextual) in this for-da-ni and for-da-ni-yah 22 and 24: this is the same lek-si-che-yav-le-nie, but ras-smat-ri-va-e-mine from a different angle of view. Lek-si-che-means may serve to connect two adjacent propositions, or they may not be a connecting link. At the same time, they will always be a means of you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti, that is, they have every chance of being an object for tasks 22 and 24. In this way, advice: you -full task 23, pay attention to these tasks. You will learn more theo-re-ti-che-sko-go ma-te-ri-a-la about lek-si-che means from right-wi-la-reference to task 24.

23.2. Communication with the help of mor-fo-lo-gi-che means

Along with lek-si-che-ski-mi means of communication, use-use and mor-fo-lo-gi-che-sky.

1. Location

A connection with the help of places-of-names is a connection, with some ONE word or SEVERAL words from the previous preposition for- me-nya-is-sya me-hundred-name-no-eat. To see such a connection, you need to know what a place-of-ownership is, what would-va-yut rankings by value.

What not-about-ho-dee-mo know:

Place-of-ownership - these are words that are used by someone instead of a name no-go, num-li-tel-no-go), designate faces, point-zy-va-yut to pre-me-you, signs of pre-me-tov, to -li-th-stvo pre-me-tov, not naming them specifically.

According to the meaning and gram-ma-ti-che-special-ben-no-stay, you are de la-et-sya nine times-rows of places-of-hundred-names:

1) personal (I, we; you, you; he, she, it; they);

2) return-gate (oneself);

3) attractive(mine, yours, ours, yours, yours); in the quality of at-tya-zha-tel-nyh use-use-zu-yut-sya also forms of personal: his (pi-jack), her work),them (for-servant).

4) indicative (this, that, such, such, such, such, so much);

5) determine-de-li-tel-nye(himself, most, all, everyone, each, different);

6) from-but-si-tel-nye(who, what, what, what, someone, how much, whose);

7) in-pro-si-tel-nye(who? what? what? whose? someone? how much? where? when? where? from-where-yes? why? in what way? what?);

8) from-ri-tsa-tel-nye(no one, nothing, no one);

9) un-defined(someone, something, someone, anyone, someone, someone).

Do not forget that location, in this way, “to you”, “me”, “about us”, “about them”, “no-one”, “everyone” - these are forms of places.

As right-vi-lo, in the task of giving the order-for-but, KA-KO-GO once-a-row-yes, there must be a place-to-ownership, but this is not-obligatory-for-tel -but, if there are no other places in the indicated pe-ri-o-de, you-fill-ing the role of CONNECTING-ZU-YU-SCHIEH elements comrade It is necessary to clearly realize that NOT EVERYTHING is a place-to-name, someone meets in a text, is-la-is-a connection -chim link.

Ob-ra-tim-Xia to the examples and define-de-lim, how prepositions 1 and 2 are connected; 2 and 3.

1) In our school, not-a-long ago, they did a re-mont. 2) I finished it many years ago, but sometimes I went, wandered around the school floors. 3) Now they are some kind of strangers, others, not mine ....

In the second pre-lo-same place there are two, both personal, I and her. Which one is the one scrap-poch-coy, someone-paradise connects the first and second pre-lo-same? If this is a place I, what is it for-me-no-lo in pre-lo-same-nii 1? Nothing. And what for-me-nya-is me-sto-having her? Word " school”From the first preposition. De-la-em conclusion: communication with the help of a personal place-of-ownership her.

In the third pre-lo-same place there are three: they are somehow mine. With the second-eye connection-zy-va-et only place they(=floors from the second pred-lo-same). Rest in no way with the words of the second pre-lo-same-nia not co-from-but-syat-sya and nothing for-me-nya-yut. Conclusion: the second preposition with the third connection with the third place they.

What is the practical importance of ni-ma-niya of this spo-co-ba connection? In the fact that it is possible and necessary to use places-to-having instead of a hundred su-stuff, adjectives and numerals. Use, but not evil-require, since the abundance of the words “he”, “him”, “them” sometimes leads to not-no-no-mania and no-time-be-ri-heh.

2. Na-re-chie

Communication with the help of na-re-chiy is a connection, especially-ben-no-sti-something depends on the meaning of na-re-chia.

To see such a connection, you need to know what the words are, what would-va-yut rows by value.

Na-re-chiya - these are not-from-me-me-e-my words, which-rye-mean-cha-ut recognize a sign by action and from-no-syat-sya to the main go-lu.

As a means of communication, one can use the following values:

Time and space: below, on the left, next to, vna-cha-le, from-da-na and more.

Examples of pre-lo-same: We come to work. At first it was hard: not in the best way to work in a team, there were no ideas. Then drew in, well, felt their strength, and even got excited.Note: Prepositions 2 and 3 are connected with prepositions 1 with the help of the indicated words. This type of connection is na-zy-va-et-sya pa-ral-lel-noy connection.

We climbed to the very top of the mountain. Around we were only the tops of de re vieve. Beside with us pro-sail-va-li ob-la-ka. An analogous example of a parallel connection: 2 and 3 are connected with 1 with the help of the indicated words.

Indicative-for-tel-nye-re-chia. (They are sometimes called-zy-va-yut me-hundred-names-us-mi on-re-chi-i-mi, since they do not name how or where the action takes place, but only indicate it): there, here, there, then, from-to-yes, in a way, so and more.

Examples of pre-lo-same: Last summer I ot-dy-ha-la in one of the sa-na-to-ri-ev Be-lo-rus-si. From-to-da prak-ti-che-ski it’s not-possible-but there was a ring-thread, not to say already about ra-bo-te in the inter-no-those. On-re-chie "from-there-yes" for-me-nya-is the whole word-in-co-che-ta-nie.

Life flowed in its own way: I studied, my mother and father worked ra-bo-ta-li, my sister got married and left with her husband. So three years passed. On-re-chie “so” generalizes everything with the content of the previous preposition.

Possibility to use and other times-a-row-dov-re-chey, for example, from-ri-tsa-tel-nyh: AT school and university I don’t have a warehouse-dy-va-li from-no-she-niya with ro-weight-no-ka-mi. Yes and nowhere not warehouses; however, I didn’t suffer from this, I had a family, there were brothers, they were friends for me.

3. Union

Communication with the help of a so-y-call is the most common type of communication, thanks to someone-ro-mu between pre-lo-same-no-I-mi- no-ka-yut different from-no-she-niya, connected with the sign of the union.

Communication with the help of so-chi-ni-tel-nyh so-y-call: but, and, but, but, also, or, one-on-one and others. The task may or may not specify the type of union. In this way, it is necessary to repeat ma-te-ri-al about so-yu-zah.

In detail, but about so-chi-no-tel-nyh so-u-zah ras-ska-for-but in a special-tsi-al-nom time-de-le

Examples of pre-lo-same: By the end of the day, we are not-ve-ro-yat-but tired. But on-stro-e-tion was tre-sa-yu-schee! Communication with the help of pro-ti-vi-tel-no-th union "but".

That's how it's always been... Or this is so ka-for-moose to me ...Communication with the help of times-de-li-tel-no-th union "or".

We pay attention to the fact that very rarely only one union participates in the formation of a connection: as right-vi-lo, one-but-vre -men-but use lek-si-che-sky means of communication.

Communication with the help of under-chi-no-tel-nyh so-y-call: for, so. A very non-ty-pic-ny case, since sub-chi-no-tel-ny unions are connected-zy-va-yut pre-lo-same-nia in a hundred-ve complex-but-under- repaired. In our opinion, with such a connection, there is a measured break in the structure of a complex preposition.

Examples of pre-lo-same: I was full of cha-i-nii... For I didn’t know what to do, where to go and, most importantly, who to turn to for help. The union, for it has a meaning, because, in a way, it indicates the pri-chi-well of the status of the hero.

I didn’t pass the ek-for-me-we, I didn’t drink at the institute, I couldn’t ask for help from the ro-di-te-lei and I wouldn’t do it . So that there was only one thing left: to find a job. The union "so" has the meaning of a consequence.

4. Parts

Communication with the help of particles always accompanies other types of communication.

Parts after all, and only, here, out, only, even, the same bring in up to half-no-tel-nye from-ten-ki in the pre-lo-same-tion.

Examples of pre-lo-same: Call-no-te ro-di-te-lyam, go-in-ri-te with them. After all it's so simple and one-but-time-men-but difficult-but - love-beat ...

Everyone in the house was already asleep. And only ba-bush-ka quietly bor-mo-ta-la: she always before going to bed chi-ta-la mo-lit-you, you-great-shi-vaya at the forces of heavenly best share for us.

After the departure of her husband, it became empty in her soul and empty in the house. Even the cat, usually no-siv-shih-sya me-teo-rum on kvar-ti-re, only drowsily ze-wa-et and everything is no-ro-wit to take me in my arms. Here on whose hands would I lean ...Ob-ra-ti-these attention, the connecting parts are in the na-cha-le of the pre-lo-zhe.

5. Word forms

Communication with the help of the word form so-it is in the fact that in a number of hundred-i-sche pre-lo-same-ni-yah the same word is used in different

  • if this su-sche-stituent-tel-noe - number and pas-de-same
  • if with-la-ha-tel-noe - gender, number and pas-de-same
  • if place-to-ownership - gender, number and pas-de-same in for-vi-si-mo-sti from times-ra-da
  • if verb in person (gender), number, tense

Gla-go-ly and part-part, gla-go-ly and de-e-part-part are counted as different words.

Examples of pre-lo-same: Noise in a step-pen-but on-ras-tal. From this na-ras-ta-yu-she-go noise became-but-vi-elk not at ease.

I knew my son ka-pi-ta-na. With myself ka-pi-ta-nom fate did not take me, but I knew that it was only a matter of time.

Note: in the task there can be na-pi-sa-but “forms of the word”, and then this is ONE word in different forms;

“forms of words” - and these are already two words, repeated in the next pre-lo-same-ni-yah.

In the difference between the forms of the word and the lek-si-che-sko-go in the second place, there is a special complexity.

In-for-ma-tion for teach-te-la.

Ras-look-rim as a sample of the difficult neck for the re-al-no-go Unified State Examination of 2016. We bring in a half-no-stuy fragment, published on the FIPI website in “Me-to-di-che-uka-za-ni-yah for teach-te-lei (2016)"

For-work-not-niya ek-for-me-well-e-myh when you-half-not-ni for-yes-23 you-zy-wa-whether there are cases when the condition is for-yes -niya tre-bo-va-lo diversification of the form of the word and lek-si-che-sko-go in the second place as a means of communication of pre-lo-zhe-ny in the text. In these cases, when analyzing languages-to-go-ma-te-ri-a-la, one should pay attention to learning-cha-yu- claiming that the lek-si-che-sky is second to the pre-la-ha-et is the second of the lek-si-che-unit with a special style -che-sky for-yes-whose.

Given the condition of task 23 and a fragment of the text of one hundred of one of the variants of the Unified State Examination in 2016:

“Among prepositions 8–18, find such a thing, something connected with the previous one with the help of a lek-si-che-go in a second-ra. Write the number of this proposal.

Below, when-ve-de-but na-cha-lo text-hundred, given-no-go for ana-li-za.

- (7) What kind of hu-dozh-nick are you when you don’t love your native land, eccentric!

(8) Maybe that’s why Berg didn’t succeed in drinking. (9) He pre-chi-tal port-ret, poster. (10) He tried to find the style of his time, but these tortures were full of no-luck and no-clear-stay.

(11) Once upon a time, Berg received a letter from hu-doge-no-ka Yar-tse-va. (12) He called him to come to the Mu-rum forests, where he spent the summer.

(13) August was hot and windless. (14) Yartsev lived yes-le-ko from a deserted station, in a forest, on the banks of a deep lake with black water. (15) He rented a hut near the forest. (16) Berg was taken to the lake by the son of the forest, Vanya Zotov, a su-tu-ly and behind-the-sten-chi-boy. (17) On Lake Berg lived for about a month. (18) He did not gather to work and did not take oil paints with him.

Pre-lo-same 15 connected with pre-lo-same 14 with help personal location "he"(Yartsev).

Pre-lo-same 16 connected with pre-lo-same 15 with help word forms "forester": pre-false-but-pa-deg-th form, control-la-e-my gla-go-scrap, and demon-pre-false form, control-la-e-my name su-shche -respectively. These word-forms-we-ra-zh-ut different meanings: the value of the object and the value of belonging, and the use of ras-smat-ri-va-e-my word-forms does not carry a sty-li-sti-che-sky load.

Preposition 17 connected with preposition 16 with help word forms ("on the lake - on the lake"; "Berga - Berg").

Preposition 18 connected with the previous one with the help personal-no-go place-of-name "he"(Berg).

The correct answer in task 23 dan-no-go va-ri-an-ta is 10. Namely, preposition 10 of the text is connected with the previous one (preposition 9) with the help lek-si-che-sko-go in a second-ra (the word "he").

To summarize, pro-qi-ti-ro-vav av-to-ra “Me-to-di-che-skom in-so-bee for teach-te-lei (2016)”, I.P. Tsy-bul-ko: “Lek-si-che-sky second pre-la-ga-et second lek-si-che-unit with a special style-li-sti-che-sky for- yes-whose.

Not-about-ho-di-mo from-me-tit that among the authors of various personal-so-bes there is no single opinion, what is considered lek-si-che-sky in a second-rum - the same word in different pas-de-zhah (persons, numbers) or in the same one. Authors of books from the publisher “Na-tsi-o-nal-noe ob-ra-zo-va-nie”, “Ek-za-men”, “Le-gi-on” ( authors Tsy-bul-ko I.P., Vasi-lye-ykh I.P., Go-ste-va Yu.N., Se-ni-na N.A.) did not in-dyat not a single example, with some-rum, words in various forms would be considered lek-si-che-sky in a second-rum.

At the same time, very complex cases, with some words, standing in different pas-de-jahs, owls-pa-da-yut in form, ras-smat-ri-va- yut-Xia in so-bi-yah in a different way. The author of the books Se-ni-na N.A sees in this the form of the word. I.P. Tsy-bul-ko (according to ma-te-ri-a-lam of the book of 2017) sees lek-si-che-sky in a second way. So, in the pre-lo-same-ni-yah type I saw the sea in a dream. The sea was calling me the word “sea” has different pas-de-ji, but at the same time, not-with-my-but there is that very style-li-sti-che-for-da-cha, writes about someone .P. Tsy-bul-ko. Without delving into the ling-vi-sti-che-she-she-ing of this question, let us designate in-zi-tion RE-SHU-USE and give re-ko-men -yes.

1. Everything is clearly not owl-pa-da-y-th forms - these are word forms, not lek-si-che-sky in a second. Please note that we are talking about the same language as in task 24. And in 24 lek-si-che -sky in-second-ry - these are only second-rya-u-schi-e-sya words, in the same-on-to-y forms.

2. There will be no co-pa-da-y-ing forms in the tasks at the RE-SHU-USE: if the ling-wi-sta-spe-qi-a-li-sta themselves cannot in this raz-take-sya, then you-start-no-kam schools can’t do it.

3. If on the eq-for-me-it doesn’t-fall-for-da-niya with-add-us-work-but-stya-mi, look at those half-no- tel-nye means of communication, some-rye-rye-m-gut-de-pour-Xia with you-bo-rum. After all, co-hundred-vi-te-lei KIMs can have their own, separate me-nie. Unfortunately, it might be.

23.3 Syn-so-si-che means.

Introductory words

Communication, with the help of introductory words, co-puts, supplements any other connection, supplementing from ten-ka-mi meanings, ha-rak-ter-ny-mi for introductory words.

Ko-nech-but, it’s not-about-ho-di-mine to know what words are-la-yut-xia input-us-mi.

About this in fractional but ras-sa-for-but in the reference to task 17

He was taken to work. Unfortunately, Anton was too am-bi-chi-o-zen. One side, com-pa-nii needed such personalities, on the other - he did not concede to anyone and in nothing, if there was something, as he said, below his level.

Let's give examples of defining the means of communication in a non-big text.

(1) We knew Masha a few months ago. (2) My ro-di-te-have not yet seen her, but not on-a-hundred-and-wa-whether on a familiarity. (3) Ka-for-moose, she also did not strive to get closer, that I was somewhat upset-cha-lo.

Opre-de-lim, how are the pre-lo-zhe-niya connected in this text.

Preposition 2 connected with preposition 1 with the help of a personal location her, someone-swarm for-me-nya name Masha in pre-lo-same-nii 1.

Pre-lo-same 3 is connected with pre-lo-same 2 with the help of word forms she her: “she” is the form of the name-ni-tel-no-go pas-de-zha, “her” is the form of the ro-di-tel-no-go pas-de-zha.

In addition, preposition 3 also has other means of communication: this is a union too, introductory word ka-for-moose, rows of si-no-ni-mich constructions not on-a-hundred-and-wa-whether on a familiarity and did not strive for rapprochement.

Guest 17.04.2015 21:22

the pronoun HER is possessive, because it answers the question WHOSE.

Tatyana Yudina

How do you ask questions? I don't remember (whose) her??? I don't remember WHO.

Guest 11.09.2015 21:41

Where is the adverb in this sentence?

Tatiana Statsenko

Sentence 4 contains the adverb "there", which refers to the "kindergarten group" from sentence 3.

“Describing one of the most vivid childhood memories, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) _______ (“a piercing, bright cry” in sentence 5, “juicy emerald foliage” in sentence 15), (B) _______ (“lives in the soul ... memory", "burning ... foliage" in sentence 15) and (B) _______ ("as if taking off" in sentence 16). The author tries to most fully recreate the unforgettable image of the girl that remains in his memory, and for this purpose uses the syntactic means - (D) _______ (for example, in sentences 25, 36, 38).

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) metaphors

3) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) lexical repetition

7) epithets

8) comparison

Explanation (see also Rule below).

“Describing one of the most vivid childhood memories, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) epithets (“a piercing, bright cry” in sentence 5, “juicy emerald foliage” in sentence 15), (B) metaphors (“lives in the soul ... memory", "burning ... foliage" in sentence 15) and (C) comparison ("as if taking off" in sentence 16). The author tries to most fully recreate the unforgettable image of the girl that remains in his memory, and for this purpose uses a syntactic means - (D) rows of homogeneous members of the sentence (for example, in sentences 25, 36, 38).

7) An epithet is a figurative definition.

2) Metaphor is a hidden comparison.

8) Comparison - comparison of objects, phenomena. Comparison is joined through unions.

3) Series of homogeneous members - members of a sentence that answer the same question and refer to the same word.

Answer: 7283.

Answer: 7283

Rule: Task 26. Language means of expression


The purpose of for-da-niya yav-la-et-sya define-de-le-tion means you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti, use-zo-van-nyh in re-censorship by mouth -new-le-niya-from-the-response between the gaps, indicated by the letters-wah-mi in the text of the re-census, and the figure -mi with opre-de-le-ni-i-mi. It is necessary to write-pi-sy-vat with-from-response only in the order in which the letters go in the text. If you don’t know what is hidden under one or another letter, it’s not-about-ho-di-mo to put “0” in place of this number. For a task, you can get from 1 to 4 points.

When you-half-not-for-giving 26, you should remember that you are for-half-ny-e-those places of passes in re-censions, i.e. . re-hundred-nav-whether-va-e-te text, and with it meaning-lo-vuyu, and gram-ma-ti-che-sky connection. Therefore, often an additional sub-tale can serve as an analysis of the re-census itself: various or in a different way, with-gla-su-yu-shchi-e-sya with pass-ka-mi say-zu-e-mye, etc. Make it easier to read you-half-not-for-yes-and and de-le-le list the list of ter-mi-news into two groups: the first includes ter-mi -us on the basis of the meaning of the word, the second - paradise - the structure of the preposition. You can do this de-le-tion, knowing that all means are divided into TWO large groups: in the first, they include lek-si-che- sky (non-special means) and trails; in the second fi-gu-ry of speech (some of them are called-zy-va-yut sin-so-si-che-ski-mi).

26.1 TROP-WORD OR YOU-DE-SAME-NIE, USE-REQUIRED-LA-E-MY IN PER-RE-NOS-NOM-CH-NIE FOR C-BUILDING HU-DO-SAME-STEP-BUT -GO-RA-FOR AND TO-STI-SAME-NIA BIGGER YOU-RA-ZI-TEL-NO-STI. To tropes from-no-syat-sya such ad-e-we as epi-tet, compare-not-nie, oli-tse-two-re-nie, me-ta-for-ra, me-that -ni-miya, sometimes hyper-bo-ly and whether you are from-no-syat to them.

Note: In for-da-nii, as right-vi-lo, indicate-for-but that these are TRAILS.

In the review, examples of tropes are indicated in brackets, as a word-in-co-che-ta-nie.

1.Epithet(in translation from Greek - attachment, addition, addition) - this is a figurative definition of de-le-tion, from-me-cha-yu-shche su- a feature that is essential for a given context in the image in the image. From a simple definition of de-le-tion epi-tet from-whether-cha-et-sya hu-to-same-you-ra-zi-tel-no-stu and image-raz- no-stu. At the core of the epi-te-ta lies a hidden comparison.

To the epi-the-there from-no-syat-sya all the “beautiful” definitions of de-le-niya, some of you most often you-ra-zha-ut-sya at-la-ha-tel-ny-mi:

sad-but-si-ro-te-yu-land(F.I. Tyutchev), gray fog, li-mon light, mute peace(I. A. Bunin).

Epi-te-you can also you-ra-shrink:

-su-stu-tel-us-mi, you-stu-pa-u-schi-mi as an adjunct or say-zu-e-my, yes-u-scheme-different ha-rak-te- ri-sti-ku pre-me-ta: vol-sheb-ni-tsa-winter; mother - cheese earth; The poet is a lyre, and not only the nurse of his soul(M. Gorky);

-na-re-chi-i-mi, you-stu-pa-yu-shi-mi in the role of circumstances: On the se-ve-re wild stands alone... (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov); Leaves were on-straight-women-but you-cha-well-you in the wind (K. G. Pa-u-stovsky);

-de-e-at-cha-sti-i-mi: waves not-day-Xia rattling and sparkling;

-me-hundred-name-ni-i-mi, you-ra-zha-yu-schi-mi of the first-upon-degree of one or another state of the human-ve-che-soul:

After all, there were bouts of b-e-e, Yes, they say, more what kind! (M. Yu. Lermontov);

-with-cha-sti-i-mi and with-part-us-mi ob-ro-ta-mi: So-lo-vye word-for-word-weem gro-ho-choo-shim ogla-sha-yut forest pre-de-ly (B. L. Pa-ster-nak); I-let-kai also appear-le-ni ... bor-zo-pis-tsev, someone cannot prove where they were yesterday but-che-va-li, and for some there are no other words in the language, except for words, not remembering kinship(M. E. Sal-ty-kov-Shched-rin).

2. Comparison- this is an inventive technique, based on the com-position of one-and-the-th phenom-le-tion or on-nya-tia with another . In contrast to the meta-for-ra, comparison is always two-membered-but: in it, both are called-by-stay-la-e- my pre-me-ta (yav-le-niya, sign, action).

Villages are burning, they have no protection.

The enemy is the sons of the father,

And for-re-in, like an eternal meteor,

Playing in ob-la-kah, po-ga-et look. (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov)

Compare-not-niya you-ra-zha-yut-xia-personal-us-mi-so-ba-mi:

For-my cre-ri-tel-no-go pas-de-zha su-shche-stavitel-nyh:

So-lo-weem over the years Youth pro-le-te-la,

Wave in the wrong way Ra-dost from-shu-me-la (A. V. Kol-tsov)

For-my comparative-no-tel-noy step-pe-no with-la-ha-tel-no-go or na-re-chia: These eyes ze-le-her seas and ki-pa-ri-owls of our so-her(A. Ah-ma-to-va);

Compare-ni-tel-us-mi ob-ro-ta-mi with so-u-for-mi like, word-but, as if, as if, etc .:

Like a predatory beast, in humble abode

Vry-va-et-shty-ka-mi in-be-di-tel ... (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov);

With the help of words in a different way, in a similar way, this is:

On the eyes of a watchful cat

Similar your eyes (A. Ah-ma-to-va);

With the help of com-paratives with-yes-exact prepositions:

For-kru-zhi-las foliage golden

In ro-zo-va-that water on the pond,

Like a ba-bo-check light flock

With for-mi-ra-ny flies to the stars. (S. A. Yesenin)

3.Me-ta-fo-ra(in translation from Greek - pe-re-nose) - this is a word or you-ra-same-tion, someone is used in a pe-re-nos-know- che-nii on the basis of the similarity of two objects or phenomena according to some sign. In contrast to comparison, in some way, there is both what is compared, and what is compared with -et-sya, meta-fo-ra contains only the second swarm, which creates compactness and imagery of the use of the word. In the os-no-wo-me-ta-for-ry, there may be a similarity of pre-me-ths in shape, color, volume, meaning, feeling -shche-ni-yam, etc.: in-to-fall of stars, la-vi-on letters, wall of fire, without-bottom of grief, pearl-chu-zhi-on-e-zia, spark of love and etc.

All meta-fo-ry de-lyat-Xia into two groups:

1) general-languages("erased"): golden hands, a storm in a hundred of water, mountains to turn, strings of the soul, love faded;

2) hu-do-same-stvennye(in-di-vi-du-al-no-av-tor-sky, in-e-ti-che-sky):

And merk-no stars al-maz-ny tre-pet

AT no-pain-nom ho-lo-de dawn (M. Vo-lo-shin);

Empty skies transparent glass (A. Ah-ma-to-va);

And blue eyes, bottomless

Flower-here on the distant be-re-gu. (A. A. Blok)

Me-ta-fo-ra would-va-et not only one night: it can develop in the text, arranging whole chains of kidneys about different you-ra-zh-ni, in many cases - cover-you-vat, as if pro-no-zy-vat the entire text. it unfold-well-thaya, complex meta-fo-ra, the goal-ny hu-do-same-stven-ny image.

4. Oli-tse-two-re-nie- this is a different kind of meta-for-ry, os-no-van-naya on the pe-re-no-se signs of living beings in yav- le-niya of nature, pre-me-you and understanding. Most often, oli-tse-tvo-re-niya is used when describing the nature of nature:

Rolling through sleepy do-li-na, Tu-ma-na sleepy lay down, And only the clatter of the lo-sha-di-ny, Sounding, te-rya-et-xia in the distance. It went out, pale, an autumn day, Curling the soul-shi-thy sheets, Taste-sha-yut sleep without dream-vi-de-ny Po-lu-for-fading flowers. (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov)

5. Me-to-ni-miya(in translation from Greek - re-re-name-no-va-nie) - this is a re-nose of the title from one pre-me-ta to another on the basis but-va-nii of their contiguity. Adjacency can be a manifestation of a connection:

Between so-der-zha-ni-em and so-der-zha-shchim: I three ta-rels ate (I. A. Krylov);

Between av-to-rum and pro-from-ve-de-no-eat: Bra-nil Go-me-ra, Fe-o-kri-ta, But read Adam Smith(A. S. Pushkin);

Between action and weapons of action: Their villages and fields for a violent raid He doomed swords and fire(A. S. Pushkin);

Between the pre-me-th and ma-te-ri-a-scrap, from someone-ro-go the pre-met is made: ... not on se-reb-re, - on gold-lo-te(A. S. Gribo-edov);

Between the place and the people, na-ho-da-shchi-mi-sya in this place: The city was noisy, tre-scha-whether flags, wet roses sy-pa-lis from bowls of flower-points ... (Yu. K. Olesha)

6. Si-nek-do-ha(in translation from Greek - co-from-not-se-nie) is diversity, os-but-van-naya on the pe-re-not-se-niya of the sign-of-the-niya from one phenomenon to another according to the sign-of-whether-che- stven-no-go from-no-she-tion between them. Most often, re-re-nose pro-is-ho-dit:

From a smaller one to a larger neck: Even a bird does not fly to him, And a tiger does not fly ... (A. S. Pushkin);

Part to whole: Bo-ro-yes, what are you talking about?(A.P. Chekhov)

7. Re-ri-phrase, or re-ri-phrase(in translation from Greek - describe-sa-tel-noe you-ra-same), - this is a turnover, someone uses-required-la-is-sya instead of one hundred -any word or word-in-co-che-ta-niya. For example, St. Petersburg in verse

A. S. Push-ki-na - “Peter your-re-nye”, “Half-night countries beauty and wonder”, “city of Peter-ditch”; A. A. Blok in the verses of M. I. , “snow swan”, “everything of my soul”.

8. Gi-per-bo-la(in translation from Greek - pre-increase-li-che-nie) - this is a figurative you-ra-same-tion, containing in-measure-less pre-uve - is there any sign of pre-me-ta, yav-le-tion, action: A rare bird to-let-tit to se-re-di-ny of the Dnieper(N. V. Gogol)

And in the same mi-well-tu along the streets of ku-rye-ry, ku-rye-ry, ku-rye-ry ... can you imagine, thirty-five thousand some ku-rye-ditches! (N.V. Gogol).

9. Li-to-ta(in translation from Greek - smallness, moderation) - this is a figurative you-ra-same, containing in-measure-less pre-reduction -nee-of-something-of-a-sign-of-a-pre-me-ta, yav-le-niya, action: What tiny ko-dov-ki! There is, right, less boo-la-voch-noy go-lov-ki.(I. A. Krylov)

And marching importantly, in calm order, Lo-shad-ku leads the mu-zh-chok by the bridle In big boots, in a lu-fur coat ov-chin -nom, In big hands-ka-vi-tsah ... and himself with no-go-talk!(N.A. Not-beautiful)

10. Irony(in translation from Greek - pre-creation) - this is the use of a word or you-saying-va-nia in the sense, about-ti-in-in-false-nom right. Irony is a kind of foreign-saying, with some-rum behind an external-not-lo-zhi-tel-noy assessment, hiding on - mix: From-to-le, smart, are you delusional, go-lo-va?(I. A. Krylov)


Note: In the for-yes-ni-yah, sometimes it is indicated that this is a medicinal remedy. Usually, in a review of a task, 24 examples of a lek-si-che-th-means are given in brackets either in one word or in a word so-che-ta-ni-em, in some-rum one of the words you-de-le-but cur-si-vom. Ob-ra-ti-te attention: these funds are most often not-about-ho-di-mo find in task 22!

11. Si-but-ni-we, i.e. words of one part of speech, different in sound, but the same or close in lek-si-che-s-meaning and from-whether-cha-yu-schi-e-sya from each other or from ten-ka-mi-meanings, or sti-li-sty-che-color-coy ( bold - from-important, run-reap - rush, eyes(neutral) - eyes(poet.)), about-la-da-yut with great you-ra-zi-tel-noy force.

Si-but-ni-we can be context-us-mi.

12. An-to-no-we, i.e. words of the same part of speech, pro-ti-in-false in meaning ( is-ti-na - a lie, good - evil, from-vra-ti-tel-but - for-me-cha-tel-but), also about-la-da-yut pain-shi-mi you-ra-zi-tel-us-mi-might-but-stya-mi.

An-to-ni-we can be context-us-mi, that is, sta-but-wit-sya an-to-ni-ma-mi only in this context.

Lies would-va-et good swarm or evil,

Ser-to-pain-noy or demon-for-merciful,

Lies would-va-et dexterous and non-foldable,

Inspection-ri-tel-noy and without looking back,

Upo-and-tel-noy and without-from-rad-noy.

13. Fra-zeo-lo-giz-we as a means of language-co-howl you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti

Fra-zeo-lo-giz-we (fra-zeo-lo-gi-che-you-ra-zhe-niya, go-o-we), i.e. re-pro-from-in-di- in the first form, the word-in-co-che-ta-niya and preposition-lo-zhe-niya, in some-ry integral meaning-to-mi-ni- roo-et over the sign-no-I-mi-become-la-yu-com-po-nent-t of them and is not-la-is-sya a simple sum of such sign- ny ( to fall into a mess, to be in seventh heaven, yab-lo-ko once-do-ra), ob-la-da-yut pain-shi-mi you-ra-zi-tel-us-mi-possible-but-sta-mi. You-ra-zi-tel-nost fra-zeo-lo-giz-mov define-de-la-et-sya:

1) their bright imagery, including mi-fo-lo-gi-che-sky ( the cat on-cry-kal, like a squirrel in a co-le-se, the thread of Ari-ad-na, yes-mo-clove sword, akhil-le-so-va heel);

2) from-not-sen-no-styu of many of them: voice in-pi-yu-shche-go in the desert, ka-nut into oblivion) or reduced-wife-nyh (time-thieves-nyh, simple-one-river-nyh: like a fish in water, neither sleep nor spirit, drive by the nose, pour on the neck, open the ears); b) to the range of language means with a lo-zhi-tel-no emo-qi-o-nal-no-ex-press-siv-color ( store the thread like a ze-ni-tsu eye - torzh.) or with ot-ri-tsa-tel-noy emo-qi-o-nal-but-ex-press-siv-color (without the king in the head-lo-ve - not approved, small fry - pre-not-bre-lives.).

14. Sti-li-sti-che-ski painted-shen-naya lek-si-ka

For effort-le-ning, you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti in the text-ste can use all the ranks of style-li-sti-che-ski colored-shen- noah lek-si-ki:

1) emo-qi-o-nal-no-ex-press-siv-naya (assessment-night-naya) lek-si-ka, including:

a) words with a lo-zhi-tel-noy emo-qi-o-nal-but-ex-press-siv-noy assessment: tor-s-s-stven-nye, exalted-shen-nye ( including sta-ro-sla-vya-niz-we): breath-but-ve-nie, coming, father-of-stvo, cha-i-niya, co-blood-vein-ny, not-fluctuating-le-my; voz-vy-shen-but-po-e-ty-che-skie: without-my-tezh-ny, lu-che-zar-ny, charm, la-zur-ny; approving: bla-go-rod-ny, you-yes-y-y-shchy-sya, iz-mi-tel-ny, from-important; las-ka-tel-nye: sol-nysh-ko, go-lub-chik, do-chen-ka

b) words with ot-ri-tsa-tel-noy emo-qi-o-nal-but-ex-press-siv-noy assessment: not-approving: before-we-sat down, pre-pi-rat-sya, eye-le-si-tsa; pre-not-bre-zhi-tel-nye: you jump, de la ha; contemptible: ball-demon, tooth-ri-la, pi-sa-ni-na; swearing/

2) function-qi-o-nal-no-sti-li-sti-che-ski colored lek-si-ka, including:

a) book-naya: on-uch-naya (ter-mi-ny: al-li-te-ra-tion, co-si-nus, in-ter-fe-ren-tion); ofi-qi-al-no-de-lo-vaya: no-under-pi-sav-shi-e-sya, to-treasure-naya; public-li-qi-sti-che-sky: re-port-age, in-ter-view; hu-do-same-same-but-po-e-ti-che-sky: la-zur-ny, eyes, la-ni-you

b) once-go-vor-naya (ob-move-but-be-that-vaya): dad, boy-ka, hwa-stu-nish-ka, healthy-ro-woo-shchi

15. Lek-si-ka ogran-ni-chen-no-go use

For effort-le-niya, you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti in the text-ste can also use all sorts of lek-si-ki ogra-no-chen-but th use-requirement, including:

Lek-si-ka dia-lect-naya (words that somehow use-require-la-yut-sya live-te-la-mi of any place: kochet - rooster, veksha - squirrel);

Lek-si-ka pro-sto-river-naya (words with brightly you-ra-female-noy decrease-feminine style-li-sti-che-color: fa-mi-lyar-noy, gr -fight, pre-no-bre-zhi-tel-noy, bran-noy, on-ho-dya-shchi-e-sya on the border or behind the pre-de-la-mi li-te-ra - tour norm: go-lo-d-ra-nets, for-bul-dy-ga, for-tre-schi-na, tre-patch);

Lek-si-ka pro-fes-si-o-nal-naya (words that are used in professional speech and are not included dyat in si-ste-mu general-li-te-ra-tour-no-go language: kam-buz - in the speech of mo-rya-kov, duck - in the speech of zhur-na-listov, window - in the speech of pre-da-va-te-lei);

Lek-si-ka hot-gon-naya (words peculiar to hot-go-us - mo-lo-dezh-no-mu: tu-owl-ka, on-in-ro-you, cool; com-pu-ter-no-moo: brains - pa-myat com-pyu-te-ra, clave - cla-vi-a-tu-ra; sol-dat-sko-mu: dem-bel, cher-pak, perfume; heat-go-well pre-step-no-kov: brother-va, ma-li-na);

Lek-si-ka is tired-roar-shay (is-that-riz-we are words that have gone out of use in connection with the disappearance of knowing-cha-e-myh by them before-me-tov or yav-le-ny: bo-yarin, oprich-ni-na, konka; ar-ha-from-we - obsolete words, na-zy-va-yu-schi before-me-you and understanding, for some new ones appeared in the language on-name-no-va-nia: forehead - forehead, wind-ri-lo - sail); - new lek-si-ka (neo-lo-giz-we are words that have not yet entered the language and have not yet lost their newness: blog, slogan, t-ne-jer).

26.3 PHI-GU-RA-MI -RA-MI SPEECH) N-ZY-VA-YUT-XIA STI-LI-STI-CHE-SKY PRI-E-WE, os-but-van-nye on special co-che-ta-ni-yah words that go beyond the usual practical-th-th-th-th-th-th-requirement-le-tion, and having the goal of strengthening you-ra-zi -tel-no-sti and image-ra-zi-tel-no-sti text-hundred. To the basic fi-gu-rams of speech from-no-syat-sya: ri-to-ri-che-question, ri-to-ri-che-vos-cli-tsa-nie, ri-to-ri-che-ob-ra-sche-tion, re-second, sin-so-si-che-sky par-ral-le-lizm, many-so-yu-zie, demon- so-yu-zie, el-lip-sis, in-version-sia, par-cel-la-tion, an-ti-te-za, grad-da-tion, ok-syu-mo-ron. In contrast to lek-si-che-sky means, this is the level of pre-lo-zhe-niya or several pre-lo-zh-ny.

Note: In the tasks-yes-ni-yah there is no clear form-ma-ta opre-de-le-niya, indicat-y-va-yu-sche-go on these funds: they are on -zy-va-yut and syn-so-si-che-ski-mi means-mi, and by reception, and just by means of you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti, and fi-gu -Roy. In task 24, fi-gu-ru speech indicates the number of the pre-lo-zhe-niya, given in brackets.

16. Ri-to-ri-che-sky question- this is fi-gu-ra, in some swarm in the form of a pro-sa contains a statement. Ri-to-ri-che-question does not require from-ve-ta, he uses-use-zu-et-sya to intensify emo-qi-o-nal-ness, you -ra-zi-tel-ness of speech, draw attention to chi-ta-te-la to one or another phenomenon:

Why did he give his hand to slander-no-no-things, Why did he believe the words and caresses of false ones, He, from a young age, comprehended people?.. (M. Yu. Lermontov);

17. Ri-to-ri-che-vos-kli-tsa-nie- this is fi-gu-ra, in some-swarm in the form of re-cli-tsa-niya contains a statement. Ri-to-ri-che-sky vos-cli-tsa-niya usi-li-va-yut in co-general you express certain feelings; they are usually from-whether-cha-ut-sya not only especially-bout emo-qi-o-nal-no-stuy, but also solemnly-stvenno-no-stuy and under-ny- then-stu:

That was in the morning of our years - Oh happiness! oh tears! O forest! oh life! oh the light of the sun! O fresh spirit be-re-zy. (A. K. Tol-stand);

Alas! before the power of a stranger, the mountainous country leaned. (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov)

18. Ri-to-ri-che-about-ra-sche-tion- this is a sti-li-sti-che-fi-gu-ra, with-st-I-scha in underline-well-that about-ra-sche-nii to someone-be-or-nothing- be for the effort-le-niya you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti of speech. It serves not so much for naming ad-re-sa-ta speech, but for expressing from-no-she-tion to what one is talking about in-rit-Xia in the text-sta. Ri-to-ri-che-sky ob-ra-sche-tions can create solemnity and pa-te-tic-ness of speech, ex-ra-reap joy, co- zha-le-nie and others from-ten-ki on-stro-e-niya and emo-qi-o-nal-no-go so-sto-i-niya:

My friends! Pre-kra-sen our union. He, like a soul, is unretainable and eternal (A. S. Pushkin);

Oh, deep night! Oh, cold autumn! Silent! (K. D. Balmont)

19. On-second- this is a sti-li-sti-che fi-gu-ra, co-hundred-i-scha in the second-re-nii of a member of the pre-lo-same (word) , parts of a sentence or a whole sentence, several sentences, stanzas in order to attract special attention to them -mania.

Raz-but-kind-but-stya-mi in a second-ra yav-la-yut-sya ana-fo-ra, epi-fo-ra and under-grip.

Anaphora(in translation from Greek - rise-de-ne, rise), or unite-but-on-cha-tie, - this is a second-re-word or group of words in na- cha-le lines, stanzas or pre-lo-zh-ny:

Le-ni-vo breathes half-day misty,

Le-ni-vo ka-tit-sya river.

And in the solid fi-men-noy and chi-stand

Le-ni-vo are melting ob-la-ka (F. I. Tyut-chev);

Epiphora(in the lane from Greek - add-on, ko-nech-noe pre-lo-same-pe-ri-o-da) - this is a second-re-word or group of words in end of lines, stanzas or pre-lo-zh-ny:

Though man is not eternal,

That which is eternal, che-lo-eternally.

What is a day or a century

Before that the devil-to-something-but?

Though man is not eternal,

That which is eternal, che-lo-everyday(A. A. Fet);

They got to bu-han-ka light-lo-th bread - joy!

Se-year-nya movie ho-ro-shi in the club - joy!

Two-volume-nickname Pa-at-stov-sko-go to the bookstore brought-brought-li- joy!(A. I. Sol-zhe-ni-tsyn)

Undergrip- this is a repetition of someone from a cut of speech (pre-lo-zhe-niya, verse-creative line) in na-cha-le following-du-yu- sche-th after him co-from-the-st-stvo-th-sche-go from-cut speech:

He-wa-lil-sya on cold snow,

On the cold snow, like so-sen-ka,

As if so-sen-ka in a damp forest (M. Yu. Ler-montov);

20. Para-ral-le-lizm (sin-so-si-che-sky par-ral-le-lizm)(in translation from Greek - walking next to) - identical or similar construction of adjacent parts of a text hundred: next to standing lo-zhe-ny, verse-creative lines, stanzas, some-rye, co-from-no-syas, create a single image:

I look at the future with bo-yaz-nyu,

I look at the past with melancholy... (M. Yu. Lermontov);

I was a ringing string for you,

I was blooming for you in spring,

But you don't want flowers,

And you didn’t hear the words? (K. D. Balmont)

Often with the use of-pol-zo-va-ni-em an-ti-te-zy: What is he looking for in the country yes-le-coy? What did he throw in the native land?(M. Lermontov); Not a country - for a business-not-sa, but a business-nes - for a country (from a newspaper).

21. Inversion(in translation from Greek - pe-re-sta-nov-ka, pe-re-vo-ra-chi-va-nie) - this is from me-not-usually in a row- ka words in the pre-lo-zhe-nii with the aim of underlining the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of any element of the text-hundred (words , pre-lo-zhe-niya), giving the phrase a special sti-li-sti-che-coloring-shen-no-sti: tor-same-stvenno-no-go, you-so- some sound or, on-o-bo-mouth, once-th-vor-noy, somewhat reduced-female ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki. In-ver-si-ro-van-ny-mi in the Russian language, the following are considered-du-yu-co-che-ta-nia:

So-gla-so-van-noe opre-de-le-nie stands after opre-de-la-e-my-th word: I am sitting at the re-shet-coy in anyway raw(M. Yu. Lermontov); But do not be-ha-lo swell on this sea; not str-il-sya soulful air-spirit: on-z-wa-la thunderstorm(I. S. Turgenev);

To-full-of-non-niya and circumstances-I-tel-stva, you-ra-wife-nye-ess-stuff-tel-us-mi, stand in front of the word, to someone-ro- mu from-no-syat-sya: Hours one-but-one-time battle(one-but-about-time-th fight of hours);

22. Steam-target-la-tion(in translation from French - part-tsa) - sti-li-sti-che-sky reception, concluding in the dis-member-non-nii of a single syn- so-si-che-structure of pre-lo-zhe-niya on not-how-to-to-on-qi-on-but-meaning-lo-vy units - phrases. At the place of division of non-prepositions, they can use a point, re-cli-tsa-tel-ny and pro-si-tel-ny signs, many -something. In the morning, bright as a splint. Terrible. Long-gim. Rat-nym. An arrow regiment was beaten. Our. In an un-equal battle(R. Rozh-de-stvensky); Why doesn't anyone bother? About-ra-zo-va-nie and health-in-protection-not-nie! The most important areas of society life! Do not mention-me-well-you in this do-ku-men-te in general(From newspapers); It is necessary that the state-su-dar-stvo remember the main thing: its civil-yes-not - not physical faces. And people. (From newspapers)

23. Bes-so-yu-zie and many-so-yu-zie- syn-so-si-che-fi-gu-ry, os-but-van-nye on a me-ren-nom pro-pus-ke, or, on-o-bo-mouth, co-know -tel-nom in the second-re-nii so-y-call. In the first case, with the omission of the so-y-call, speech is sta-but-vit-sya compressed, compact-noy, di-na-mich-noy. The depicted-ra-m-e-my actions and events here quickly, instantly-vein-but unfold-you-va-yut-sya, replace each other:

Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts.

Fight ba-ra-ban-ny, clicks, gnashing.

Thunder of cannons, clatter, rustle, groan,

And death and hell from all sides. (A.S. Pushkin)

When many-so-yu-zia speech, on-against, for-med-la-et-sya, pauses and second-ry-y-y-y-yut union you-de-la-ut words, ex-press-siv-but under- damn-ki-vaya their semantic meaning:

But and grandson, and great grandson, and great-great-grandson

Ras-here in me, while I myself am growing ... (P.G. An-to-kol-sky)

24.Pe-ri-od- a long, multi-membered preposition or a very widespread simple preposition, something from-li-cha- there is for-the-end-of-no-stu, the unity of the theme and the in-that-on-qi-on-nym races-pa-de-no-eat into two parts. In the first part of the syn-so-si-che-sky, the second one-but-type-y with-yes-exact-ny (or members of the pre-lo-zh-zhe) goes from on-race- ta-u-shim in-a-higher-ni-em in-to-on-tion, then - one-de-la-u-significant pause, and in the second part, where yes-there is a conclusion, the tone is go-lo-sa for-meth-but no-m-e-x. Such an in-it-on-qi-on-noe design forms a kind of circle:

Whenever I limit my life at home around the circle, / When I should be a father, su-pru-gom, a pleasant zhre-biy ordered, / When if I was captivated by the family car-ti-nil, at least for a single moment, then, it’s true, I wouldn’t look for another besides you. (A.S. Pushkin)

25. An-ti-te-for, or pro-ti-in-to-be-le-ning(in the lane from Greek - pro-ti-in-po-lo-same) - this is a turnover, in some rum it is sharply pro-ti-in-to-be-la-yut-sya about-ti-in-on-false in-nya-tiya, in-lo-zhe-niya, ob-ra-zy. For the creation of an-ti-te-zy, they usually use an-to-no-we - common languages ​​and con-tek-stu-al -nye:

You are rich, I am very poor, You are pro-za-ik, I am a poet.(A. S. Pushkin);

Yesterday I looked into the eyes,

And now - everything is ko-sit-sya in a hundred-ro-well,

Yesterday, before the birds sat,

All zha-vo-ron-ki now - in-ro-na!

I'm dumb and you're smart

Alive, and I'm dumb-be-not-barking.

O cry of women of all times:

“My dear, what have I done to you?” (M. I. Tsve-ta-e-va)

26. Gra-da-tion(in the lane with lat. - in a degree-pen-noe in-higher-tion, intensification) - a reception that is in the after-before-va-tel- nom race-by-the-same-words, you-ra-zhe-niy, tro-pov (epi-te-tov, meta-for, compare-not-ny) in a row of usi- le-tion (age-ra-ta-nia) or weakening (decreasing-va-nia) sign-ka. Rise-ras-ta-yu-shaya gra-da-tion usually use-use-zu-et-sya to strengthen-le-niya about-raz-no-sti, emo-qi-o-nal-noy you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti and influence -stu-u-sche-strength of the text-hundred:

I called you, but you didn’t look back, well, I shed tears, but you didn’t come down(A. A. Blok);

Light up, go-re-whether, shone huge blue eyes. (V. A. So-lo-ukhin)

Nis-ho-dya-shaya gra-da-tion use-use-zu-et-sya less often and usually serves to strengthen the meaning of the content of the text and the creation of the image no-sti:

He brought death pitch

Yes, a branch with fade-shi-mi-li-hundred-mi. (A.S. Pushkin)

27. Ok-su-mo-ron(in the translation from Greek - ost-ro-um-but-glu-poe) - this is sti-li-sti-che fi-gu-ra, in some swarm so-one-nya-yut -sya usually not-co-me-sti-my-nya-tia, like right-vi-lo, about-ti-in-re-cha-shchy each other ( bitter joy, ringing ti-shi-na etc.); at the same time, there is a new meaning, and the speech is given a special expression: From that hour on, it was for Ilya sweet-worthy mu-che-nya, light-lo opa-la-yu-shchy soul (I. S. Shme-lev);

There is melancholy ve-se-laya in the scares of dawn (S. A. Yesenin);

But beauty-so-you them without-about-time-noy I soon ta-in-stvo in-stig. (M. Yu. Ler-mon-tov)

28. Al-le-go-riya- foreign-saying, re-re-da-cha from-attracting-no-thing through a specific image: Foxes and wolves must beat(cunning, malice, greed).

29.Default- on-me-ren-ny break of you-sa-say-va-niya, pe-re-da-u-schy excitement of speech and pre-la-ga-yu-shchy that chi-ta-tel do-ga-yes-et-sya about not-you-said-zan-nom: But I wanted ... Perhaps you ...

In addition to you-she-pe-re-number-len-syn-so-si-che means you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti in the tests meet-cha-ut-sya and next -yu-shchee:

-vos-kli-tsa-tel-ny pre-lo-zhe-niya;

- dialog, hidden dialog;

-in-quest-but-from-answer-th form from-lo-same-tion such a form from-lo-zhe-niya, with some-swarm che-re-du-ut-sya in-pro-sy and from-ve-you to questions;

-rows of one-native members;


-introductory words and constructions

-Incomplete pre-lo-same-nia- proposals, in some, some member is missing, not-about-ho-di-my for half-but-you structure and meaning- niya. From-the-existing-th-th-members of the pre-lo-zhe-tion can be re-stand-new-le-na and con-text-hundred.

Including el-lip-sis, that is, skipping the sk-zu-e-mo-go.

These p-nya-tia races-smat-ri-va-yut-sya in the school course of sin-tak-si-sa. Namely, but in this-mu, on-true, these means you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti most often in re-censorship on-zy-va-yut syn-so-si-che -ski-mi.

(1) I’ll say “Tanya” - and something will open up ... (2) As if you open thick curtains in the morning - and light will burst into the house.

(3) Tanya and I have known each other since kindergarten: we went to the same group as babies. (4) But I don’t remember her there, but the first memory is like that. (5) Dad and I were walking in the park, and suddenly I heard a piercing, bright cry: someone was calling me. (6) It turns out that this is some girl called me.

(7) For the first time, they called me so joyfully. (8) She waved her hand and even jumped slightly for joy, holding her dad's hand.

(9) My father said:

Yes, this is Tanya, you went to kindergarten with her!

(10) Just think, importance! (11) Is it worth yelling like that because of this? (12) Even with all the condescension towards the girls, such joy seemed indecent to me. (13) Although, of course, it's nice ...

- (14) He is shy, - my dad said loudly, justifying my restraint.

(15) Since then, a sharp and vivid memory has lived in my soul: a sultry summer, juicy emerald foliage set in the light is burning in the sparkling sun ... (16) In the middle of the alley, a girl in a green glow seems to take off and wave her hand to me.

(17) Tanya and I were in the same class and studied together for ten years. (18) But we never really talked. (19) I looked at her with such a feeling ... (20) As if I knew some secret about her: I remembered how she called me then in the park.

(21) Tanya flourished. (22) Her large, clear eyes shone with a precious brown color. (23) On her cheek, near her lip, she had a mole - very sweet, kind of dear. (24) A mole is a funny word: as if the Motherland, only a small one ...

(25) Tanya became an excellent gymnast, took first places in competitions in our city. (26) True, I never bothered to go to her performances ...

(27) For some reason, I immediately enrolled Tanya in the category of the best girls: sincere, beautiful, endowed her with the best qualities - and lost all interest in her. (28) In high school, I had important tasks: mathematics olympiads, preparation for college ... (29) Then I went to college and met with classmates during the holidays, saw Tanya and even somehow wrote her a letter.

(30) At that meeting, for some reason, we started talking about leaves on trees, and then I found a poem by a Japanese poet about veins on leaves, about how he loved to draw these veins from childhood and now looks at them with surprise in old age . (31) It seemed to me that Tanya would be interested, and I rewrote this poem for her ...

(32) Then I didn’t come home for a long time, I didn’t see her, I only heard that she didn’t get married, and rejected all offers. (33) And then she left and now works as a gymnastics coach, she brings up little girls in some quiet town.

(34) Now for some reason I often think about her. (Z5) Once a teacher told us in class:

And now the champion of our city in gymnastics will perform in front of you ...

(36) And Tanya jumped out from behind the door in tights and began to play tricks between the rows: walk with a wheel, do a handstand, and in the end sat down at the board on a twine - with her head proudly set aside. (37) Her posture has always been beautiful ...

(38) And when she finished jumping, she caught her breath and sang a song - loudly, clearly, in a high voice, circling everyone with her precious eyes. (39) I thought: Tanya is a real beauty! (40) And he turned away his eyes.

(41) For some reason, it seemed to me that Tanya was doing all this especially for me.

(42) I must have suffered from delusions of grandeur then, because I took first place in mathematics olympiads. (43) Now I know that good songs are very personal to everyone:

Though the land is warmer

And the homeland is sweeter

Miley - remember, crane, this word!

(44) Tanya. (45) So this bright secret remained in my childhood. (46) Why did she scream so joyfully when she saw me in the park?

(According to Y. Nechiporenko *)

* Yuri Dmitrievich Nechiporenko (born in 1956) - Russian prose writer, art critic, artist, culturologist.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) As a child, the narrator did not feel the same joy when meeting Tanya that she experienced.

2) The childhood meeting with Tanya left a vivid memory in the soul of the narrator.

3) Shyness did not allow the narrator to establish friendly relations with Tanya.

4) It seemed to the narrator that at the class hour Tanya sang the song personally for him.

5) The words of the song performed by Tanya were written by I.D. Shaferan.

Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-2 contain a narrative.

2) Sentences 10-12 contain reasoning.

3) Sentences 15-16 include a description.

4) Sentences 22-23 provide a description.

5) In sentences 35-36 reasoning is presented.

From sentences 39-41 write out the phraseological unit.

Among sentences 1-7, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of a conjunction, adverb and personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

24. “Describing one of the most vivid childhood memories, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) _____ (“a piercing, bright cry” in sentence 5, “juicy emerald foliage” in sentence 15), (B) _____ (“lives in the soul ... memory", "burning ... foliage" in sentence 15) and (B) _____ ("as if taking off" in sentence 16). The author tries to most fully recreate the unforgettable image of the girl that remains in his memory, and for this purpose uses the syntactic means - (D) _____ (for example, in sentences 25, 36, 38).

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) metaphors

3) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) lexical repetition

7) epithets

8) exclamatory sentences