(!LANG: Jokes about Santa Claus and the New Year. Cartoons for the New Year - New Year's jokes about Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Christmas tree. Funny New Year cartoons

Today, almost everyone who has a computer and an Internet connection can shine at the New Year's table with an anecdote, a toast or a joke on the theme of this beloved holiday. One has only to type the appropriate request and the global "network" will "catch" real pearls, pearls of wisdom and humor: a lot of wonderful toasts that will decorate any feast or friendly gathering.

And, who has no time to search, can use our collection. Thanks for theseNew Year jokes and jokes to their authors, we give everything without changes, so that all compliments and claims to the authors - sources are attached. Choose - there are small new year stories for every taste.

1. New Year's joke "17 Signs of Santa Claus"

1. The peephole was immediately covered with a frosty fumes.

2. The real Santa Claus has blue veined hands, while the fake one has blue tattoos.

3. The body temperature of a real Santa Claus does not rise above zero degrees. You can store vodka in it.

4. real grandfather Frost gets to you not on horns, but on deer.

5. He remembers how he returned to Veliky Ustyug last year.

6. The real Santa Claus bites only with a snowball or an icicle and sniffs at the Snow Maiden.

7. The real Santa Claus is accompanied by only 1 (one) Snow Maiden. You can't choose.

8. The real Santa Claus never slaps the Snow Maiden on the pope in front of children. He slaps it later when he thinks the kids are already asleep.

9. The real Santa Claus hates poetry.

10. There is no United Russia emblem on his gift bag.

11. If you pull the real Santa Claus by the beard, then his head will twitch.

12. He is very kind. Even after a kick, he will give you something.

12. If you treat real Santa Claus with real alcohol, grandfather will leave a puddle, which he will not even think about cleaning up.

14. After the real Santa Claus, the toilet smells like pine needles.

15. When he leaves, things from the apartment do not disappear! On the contrary, they appear.

16. He doesn't leave business cards like "Banquets, weddings, anniversaries!" or "Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Aisman D. M."

17. He also believes in Santa Claus.

(Source: "Red Burda")

2. New Year signs - 1

If the icicle fell not down, but up, then your New Year's wish will come true exactly the opposite;

If the needles on the Christmas tree turn blue, then the Christmas tree is no longer poured;

If you hear an obscene answer to the call "Christmas tree burn", then you tried to set fire to your wife's green coat;

If in New Year Santa Claus comes out of the closet, which means that today he gave you horns;

If on New Year's Eve you and your friends went to the bathhouse, it means that you will not wash off all year later;

If a snowflake fell into your palm and does not melt, you need to urgently drink to keep warm;

If Santa Claus demands a gift from you, save money....

(Source: lizoblyudnichat.ru)

3. Funny new year tips at the table.

1. If during New Year's Eve you were under the table, remember: you are still an accomplice to the festive banquet.

2. If on New Year's table you were attracted by a dish, but it is impossible to reach it - pull the tablecloth towards you.

3. We must not forget that a cultural guest is not the one who eats a lot at the festive table, but the one who does not notice that there is already nothing to eat.

4. If your friend wanted to freshen up on New Year's Eve, shake a bottle of soda well and kindly offer it to him.

5. If there are no sweets on the table, do not despair, but wrap the pieces of cut erasers in wrappers - the “sweet” will not decrease.

6. If your cat has eaten all the festive fish, roll the fish skeletons in the dough and bake - the guests who have been spree will be satisfied.

7. To make the guests remember the New Year's feast for a long time - add sawdust and shavings to the salad, and nails to the cutlets.

8. Delay the serving of the gala dinner and the guests will find it much tastier, no matter what is on the plates.

9. To prevent the birthday cake from crumbling, layer it with plywood and cover with chocolate icing.

10. If the guests with an appetite destroyed all your culinary preparations, leaving no knives and forks, it is time to end the festive banquet.

(Source: babyblog.ru))

4. New Year signs - 2

As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. To ensure well-being in the coming year, a joyful, welcoming meeting of the New Year should be arranged;

You can’t give money before the New Year, otherwise you will have to give it all year;

If something happens to a person on the New Year, it will happen for a whole year;

If on this day someone sneezes, then to their well-being - the whole year will be happy;

If you wear something new for the New Year, then the year will be successful. On New Year's Eve with a new thing, walk in new clothes for a whole year;

The last glass on New Year's Eve will bring good luck to whoever drinks it;

Loaf and salt on the New Year's table - to well-being;

You should not pay debts on this day - otherwise you will pay off the whole year;

It is impossible to lend money on New Year's Eve so that you do not have to be in debt all next year;

Whoever has empty pockets in the New Year will spend the whole year in need;

Food and drinks should be in abundance on the New Year's table, then the whole year there will be prosperity in the family;

Before the New Year, you can’t take dirty linen out of the hut, otherwise there will be no home well-being for a whole year;

If the first day of the year is cheerful, then the whole year will be like that;

If there are guests in the New Year, then guests all year;

If on the first day of the New Year the merchant gives the goods to the first counter buyer very cheaply, then the whole year there will be a successful trade;

If you do hard work on the first day of the New Year, the whole a year will pass without rest;

(Source: noviy-god-2009.com)

5. Folk New Year signs.

1. If at 23:50 on December 31 you see two Presidents on TV reading the New Year's Address, it means that your celebration is going according to plan.

2. If there are one and a half presidents - someone has already gone to your eye, but the celebration is going on at a normal pace.

3. If there are more than three presidents, you were in a hurry somewhere and for some reason.

4. If the President is above you, get up off the floor.

5. If the President makes faces at you, and threatens you in such a cool way, you have good grass.

6. If the President addresses you personally and shakes your hand through the TV - the second and third stamps were superfluous.

7. If the President is not seen or heard - someone has already broken the TV.

8. If the President is sitting in a fire - this is a reflection of your New Year tree: put it out and don't buy Chinese garlands anymore.

9. If the President is alone, and you understand what and what he is talking about - you are very, very bored, but remember: everything is still fixable!

(Source: wap.razhuka.borda.ru)

6. "Women's letter to Santa Claus before the corporate party."

Dear santa claus!

For this New Year, I would like everyone to become kinder, and I - more beautiful.

There will be time - make men smarter. But if you have no time, then just send me a twenty-five-year-old ski instructor. In general, I and Jake Gyllenhaal will do. zyrk-zyrk!

However, I digress. I want to ask you for another new metabolism. The one that the cormorant has will suit me - this bird manages to eat more in a day than it weighs itself, and does not get better in the hips at all. I don't think it's fair. Slim hips much more necessary for women than some cormorants.

Of course, I convince myself that if I eat bread for breakfast that tastes no different from the wrapper in which they are packed, then sooner or later I will turn into Kate Moss. But we both understand, dear Grandfather, that this is not so. Therefore - cormorants. Remember.

Now about the hairstyle. Make it so that I don’t have to pay five thousand rubles to the hairdresser every time so that two days after the haircut my hair will regain its original disheveled appearance. I'm already tired of explaining to people that I don't spend the night in a cage with rabid hamsters.

Epilation. Grandpa, do you even know how painful it is? I do not argue, there are a lot of pluses in being a woman. You will be the first to be lowered in a boat from a sinking ship (not a fact, but it is customary to believe in it). You don't have to fix your genitals in front of everyone. Can you digest food? closed mouth. You can scare men with mysterious gynecological terms. But never ending Civil War With own hair on the entire surface of the body, except for the head - this is unbearable. Either give us all a device that would quickly and painlessly remove all unwanted hair, or introduce fashion for shaggy women.

Further. Underpants. This is a serious women's problem, which even Bridget Jones attracted attention at one time. It's always hard with shorts. Always, every day you have to make a decision: thongs, slimming, comfortable or without panties.
Slimming underwear has been preserved since the time of the Inquisition, when women were offered a choice of a fire, boiling lava or squeezing the insides with polyamide and elastin. In this attire it is difficult to breathe, dance and take seductive poses. You can only think about one thing: "When the hell will this torment end?"

It's not easy with thongs either. Thongs cut, you know where, prick, and because of them you have to constantly itch, like a monkey in a zoo. The only difference is that the monkey does it in public, and you deliberately touch the tables, chairs and hands of men.
Panties with ruffles, lace and other sexy decorations are also far from ideal. Maybe it's because of all these inconvenient devices modern girls they agree to sex so quickly: they met, drank a cocktail and - oh my! She's already undressing. Still would.

Comfortable cotton underpants are made for people, but they look unaesthetic. And usually the size of a small developing state. We have to constantly remember that if a girl in comfortable shorts is hit by a car, then all the orderlies will come to the morgue to look at her: "These are parachutes!"

In general, come up with something, you're Santa Claus. Make comfortable briefs beautiful Tasty food- low-calorie, and handsome men - heterosexual

(Source: galya.ru))

7. "Monologue of Santa Claus" - 1.

Oh, what a huge house - this is my site,
I go to him with a bag - Santa Claus is unhappy,
I have a red nose, a cotton beard,
I, guys, Santa Claus - hired for a fee!

My wife is waiting for me at home, the children are crying at home,
How I wanted to celebrate the New Year with them ,
Only so the local committee decided - Peter Tryasoguska,
Now I'm walking with a bag - I have a load!

Here is apartment number one and a call without a label,
Hello! I came to you, where are your children!
What? No children? What are you doing right?
Sign as soon as possible, but not here, but on the right.

They put something in my pocket. Three rubles. What are you!?
Vodka? No, I don’t drink guys - I can’t stand alcohol!
Why not native? We are all just people
Well, let's go one at a time .. Eh, we'll be for the holiday!

Here is apartment number two ... Hello kids
Head spinning - sign in the book.
Get Bab Yaga for your girlfriend
No, I can't have a dog, but I can do two guns.

They put something in my pocket... Three rubles? Let's!
Vodka, no guys, I don't drink. However, drink up!
This is apartment number three. No matter how it falls off
Open, I say ... Grandfather Insanity is knocking!

Call the kids here! A note on you!
Yes drive five rubles! Pour vodka!
Give me something to eat. Just hurry up
Yes, let them sit at the table, fu, only Jews.

Here is the apartment number - fir. Open live!
I am the guys Moidodyr, to you from the team.
What are you hiding baby? Give me the way
Stop, dad, where you are! Oh, yes, there are many of you!

The bridge of the nose - hurts, and under the eye - swells
Who am I? Goblin? Aibolit? Where do I lie? In the kitchen?
And let's not threaten, just shut up once.
Hello Dedushka Moroz! Bring a bowl!

(Source: playcast.ru)

(On the same topic is in the collection

8. An anecdote at the table "Peculiarities of the Russian New Year."

Dec. 31.
So, Olivier finished cutting, the chicken is ready, the mashed potatoes are ready, the fruits are washed, the apartment is cleaned, the dress is stroked, the head is washed, the legs are shaved. Tree, creature, if you fall again - I will feed you to a mad cow! Well, where are you, dear guests, I'm just in a festive New Year's mood - come in, damn it, sit down, eat!
Well, what about the New Year? Chin-chin!

1st of January.
Sofa. Fridge. Sofa. Fridge. Sofa. Fridge. Sorcerers, midshipmen, Verka Serduchka,
I wonder which guest locked the cat in the dishwasher?
Fridge. Sofa. Sofa. Sofa.

January 2.
Hello dear guests! From you martinis and tangerines, from me Olivier and Christmas tree. Happy holiday! Christmas tree, creature, stand! And then I'll feed you to rabid guests.
Have you seen a cat?.. Strange. For the new year!

January 3rd
Sofa. Fridge. Sofa. Fridge. Sofa.
Ale, hi! To you?
Nuuu: it's necessary to make movements: Well, okay, I'm going. Do you still have grub? Okay, then I have martinis and tangerines. I propose a toast: well, you know!

4 January.
I consist of Olivier, and instead of a brain I have tangerines. We need to take a break, go for a walk, drink mineral water:
Oh hello! What fates? They ran past, decided to look in, grab some vodka, warm up? Well, come on: For the new year? Well, let's.
I saw how the cat itself climbs into the dishwasher and locks itself from the inside - it is necessary to tie with the holidays.

5 January.
Mom, dad, hi. Happy New Year to you, dear, all the best to you!
Mom, have pity, if I eat your jelly, I will crack right on your festive table or my stomach will go free through my ears. Not!
No salads! I'm pregnant with Olivier - do you want such a grandson? Well, leave me to breathe quietly into the aisle and regret my worthless life:
I’ll drink champagne, but only as an anesthetic - I know that I won’t get out of your table alive!

January 6.
Today we have Christmas Eve, we must celebrate the bright holiday as it should be!
So, Olivier finished cutting, the chicken is ready, the mashed potatoes are ready, the fruits are washed, the apartment is cleaned, the dress is stroked, the head is washed, the legs are shaved.
Hello, dear guests, come in: leave the Christmas tree lying, it, like the rest of the country, is hibernating.
Well, Happy New Year, you! I don't pour! Well, if only a little, symbolically: For Christmas! And for the new year, of course. Is Christmas more important?
Well, let's go again for Christmas! And for the new year, so that he does not take offense at us. For Christmas and New Year together, so that no one is offended?

January 7.
Sofa. Sofa. Sofa. I need to collect my thoughts and remember where the refrigerator is in my house.

January 8.
Ale, hi! Are you coming to see me? Well, let's: Just don't bring martinis, otherwise I'll be sick of my betrothed-mummers.
I will get married this year, give birth to a child, go abroad - an excellent result! For this you have to drink. There is vodka and mineral water - I propose to continue fortune-telling, I still need money next year and health to survive the holidays!
I propose a toast: yyyyy

January 9.
So, everyone, tomorrow at work, it's time to recover. Cat, come out, I won't do it again!
Hello, are you back to me? Listen, tomorrow at work, have a conscience! Will you have tea? With cake. Did you bring cognac? Well, well, a teaspoon in tea - and no more! For the new fucking year.
Wow, what a delicious tea! Who else to pour? ..

January 10th.
Tak: This is mine. workplace. That's just the question - who do I work? I must have somewhere job description:

What a terrible life!

(Source: vk.com)

9. "How to Have a Fun New Year's Eve (Auster Style)"

If you want to celebrate the New Year cheerfully and brightly,
Do not look so stupidly in the "telly" and at one in the morning do not fall asleep.
Dress up as Santa Claus and run outside,
And good kind people boldly block the way!

Loudly demand gifts, put them, laughing, trip
And not at all pretend you shove them into a bag.
Whoever wants to pass by - grab him by his coat
And read aloud a vulgar rhyme about the Snow Maiden.

Then they will bury you in a snowdrift, call you dissonantly,
They will put a firecracker in your ear, put confetti in your mouth.
And then, I assure you, you will not be bored at all,
And you will find out how fun this holiday is - the New Year!

10. "Why Santa Claus does not exist"

1. No Reindeer can fly. But to be honest, we haven't studied 300,000 living things yet. And most of them are bacteria.
True, this does not mean that one of the creatures cannot be a flying Reindeer.

(see the story about the Reindeer)

2. There are 2 billion children on earth (people under the age of 18). Grandfather
Frost does not come to the children of Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Buddhists. Therefore, 81.1% can be discarded. There are 378 million children left. Let's say that each family has 3 children.
It turns out 126 million families. Let's assume that each of them has only one good child deserving gift.

3. Due to the time difference and the movement of the earth, Santa Claus has 31 hours to deliver the gifts, assuming that he is moving from West to East (which is logical).
It turns out that he should visit 1129 families per second. So he can only take 1/1000 of a second to stop, get out of the wagon, jump into the fireplace, put the present in, climb back through the fireplace, climb into the wagon and fly to another house. Let's say that the distance between the houses is 0.78 miles, then he only needs to travel 75.5 million kilometers. But we have not yet taken into account that in 31 hours Grandfather must, in the same way, do what everyone else does. normal people: eat and relieve yourself. To do all this, you need to move at a speed of 650 miles per second. For comparison, the fastest car ever invented by man (the Ulusses satellite) moves at 27.4 miles per second, while the average Reindeer moves, the fastest, at 15 miles per hour.

4. Now consider gifts. If every child gets a box
Lego medium size (1.8 kg.), so the wagon itself weighs 314.100 tons, not counting Santa Claus, who is rumored to be very, very fat. An ordinary Reindeer lifts 150 kg. Let's say the Flying Deer is ten times stronger. Then we need 214,200 reindeer, and not 6-8, which, again, he is rumored to ride. And the more deer, the heavier the wagon. It turns out 353.430 tons with deer. For comparison: The Queen Elizabeth ship is four times lighter.

5. The result is that a body weighing 353,000 tons is moving at a speed of 650 miles per second. The frictional force generated by this movement ignites the Reindeer. At the same time, each Deer releases 14.3 quintillion energy, which burns both the Deer and the wagon. We get that the Deer and the cart are destroyed in 4.26 thousandths of a second.
Conclusion: If Santa Claus existed, then he is most likely already dead ...

A collection of Christmas humor. Happy New Year and good mood!

How you met the New Year - so you need it!))

Survived: artificial Christmas trees, fake Santa Claus, Chinese gifts ...

Do you know this New Year's joke about "no - me too"?
- Not.
- Me too.

Have you already decided something about the New Year?
- Yes, we decided - let it come.

In our men's company, it was customary to go to the bathhouse on December 31st. Because every time we ask our wives for permission to invite friends to the New Year, each of us gets the answer: "Yes, you go to the bathhouse!"

fabulous new year adventure- REAL Santa Claus at your home! Call this number and your heat supply will be turned off immediately!

Do you know what real loneliness is - when even in spam no one wishes you a Happy New Year!

Three stages of a boy becoming a man:
1) He believes that Santa Claus is real
2) He does not believe that Santa Claus is real
3) He is Santa Claus

After a long argument with his wife, the husband says in an exhausted voice:
- Okay, today is the New Year, let it be your way ...
- Late! I already changed my mind!

Do you know why Santa Claus comes alone with gifts, and Santa Claus comes only with the Snow Maiden?
Santa Claus gets home on his own in the morning, and Santa Claus, as a rule, can no longer walk on his own.

Santa Claus at the appointment with a psychotherapist:
- Doctor, help me! I don't believe in myself.

Jokes about the New Year

New Year is the only holiday in the year when dinner smoothly turns into breakfast.

On New Year's Eve, all men have the right to make themselves an Olivier face mask!

What have you got for New Year?
- You see, there is a blue BMW under the window?
- Cool!!
- That's the same color scarf...

I read on the Internet about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, and decided to quit from the New Year.
- Drink or smoke? Or both?
- No, read.

Bunny, what to give you for the New Year?
- Oh... I don't even know...
- Okay, then think for another year ...

I celebrated the New Year in Hawaii: there are beautiful tanned girls around, the sea, waves ...
- And I noted in India: it's warm, I rode an elephant, a sea of ​​​​fruits, friendly Indian women ...
- I also met the New Year with you, at home in the kitchen, only I smoked less ...

Humor about January 1

The morning of January 1... The shops are empty, the sellers are dozing with their heads down on the counter... and only in the late afternoon children began to arrive with notes...

Hello, how did you celebrate New Year?
- As a gift...
- In terms of?
- Yes, I spent the whole night lying under the tree ...

January 1, morning. Note on the table:
Happy New year to you!
Salt in the refrigerator.
P.S. Refrigerator in the kitchen.

January 1st telephone survey, results:
3% - "yes?"
4% - "hello?"
93% - found it difficult to answer

First day of the New Year. I wake up at 17 o'clock in the morning and immediately make the discovery of the century. A minute later - the opening of the second century ...

Divorce process. The judge asks the husband:
- On what grounds do you want a divorce?
- You see, Your Honor, my wife is a bit of a bore. How she got me on the May holidays! He walks and whines - take out the tree, take out the tree ...

At work after new year holidays new employee asks a colleague:
- Where do you smoke here?
- We do not smoke after the New Year.
- Why??
- They are afraid that the fume will detonate.

After the New Year holidays:
- Honey, what date is it today?
- Third…
- A that, 1 and 2 not was??

Jokes about the New Year, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

To eve of the New Year. Mom runs into the toy store five minutes before closing (M)
with my son (C) in search of a New Year's gift. In one of the departments, the seller (P) - the young man is already ready to go home to prepare for the holiday. Mom and son run up to his counter.
M - Well, what do you want?
S - I want a pipe ...
The seller turns around and sees that the pipe is at the very top of a high rack with toys. Having no desire to climb after her, he begins to persuade the baby.
P - Well, can you take the drum? Look how big and loud.
S - I want a pipe ...
P - Maybe a hare? Look how nice.
S - I want a pipe ...
There is nothing to do, the seller put a stepladder and climbed for a pipe. He climbed in, pulled the pipe, and then a stepladder staggered under him, he grabbed the rack and, together with it and all the toys, crashed to the floor. The seller crawled out from under a pile of toys, looked at his mother and son and said:
- Of course, this does not apply to you, woman, but, boy, F*** YOUR MOTHER!!!

P according to the latest information from astrologers, the upcoming New Year will be quite favorable for almost all signs of the zodiac. But serious problems are quite possible for those people who do not use the services of astrologers.

P the Snow Maiden falls apart after the New Year, and to Santa Claus:
- Hey, grandfather, I don’t remember anything after yesterday.
- Well, when the kids came to the Christmas tree, you were already drunk, then you waved a couple more glasses, and started dancing striptease.
- I think I have panties full of sweets.

D dear Santa Claus! I have a photo where you are in a bathhouse with three Snow Maidens! I'll send my wishlist in the next email...

AT Napoleon went to Moscow, and in front of him she was all in lights:
- What kind of holiday do Russians have today?
- Today they have New Year's Eve: they celebrate it with sparklers and Chinese crackers
- So they will burn Moscow and blame everything on me.

H and every New Year's Eve I buy myself an evening dress... and every year I get drunk and sleep on the floor. Maybe this year it is better to buy a mattress?

To Every time before the new year, my wife raises her fist to my nose and declares:
- You won't drink on New Year's Eve! You will not!
And I smile in response and happily think to myself: "We have been living together for almost 15 years, and how much optimism there is in her!"

H New Year. 12 o'clock at night - silence!
0.30 - silence.
01.00 - silence.
At half past one, the window opens with a bang and a loud voice:
- Start blowing up already, bastards! How much nerve can you wind?

P letter to Santa Claus:
“Dear Santa Claus, I really want you to give me a thick wad of money and a thin physique this year. I hope you don't mix it up like you did last year."

And So! The New Year has arrived! Now all men without a twinge of conscience can apply a face mask "Salad" Olivier "...

M Moscow, entrance... January 1, 8 am... The New Year has died down. Spat, covered with fragments of bottles and trampled by gobies floor. All this is picturesquely covered with confetti... The door of one of the apartments swings open. Something appears on the threshold
sports suit, with a swollen face and slit-eyes. Looking around the surrounding area and sighing heavily, he bends down, stirs up a bunch of gobies, finds a whole one, lights up, and blissfully puffing, utters:
- Eh, ho...
The door opposite opens. Another Something appears in the opening, something subtly resembling the first. The ritual is repeated. Sigh-search for a bull and a blissful "Eh" ...
First Wonder(FC): Pass...
Second Miracle(HF): Break...
PC - Happy New Year?
HF - And ty...
PC - Is your Ninka still sleeping?
HF - What are you, an idiot? Nina is me!
PC - AAA ... Uh-huh ... And Mine is sleeping too ...

M already:
What is Santa Claus doing in the closet?
- Fulfills my wishes...

D ed Frost on the Christmas tree in children makes a riddle:
-Grey-haired red nose, who am I, children?
Everyone answers: "Santa Claus!"
After several fir-trees booze on the board, Santa Claus falls on the next one and asks:
-Red-nosed gray-haired, who am I, children? ….

P As soon as the guests were going outside to celebrate the New Year, the drunken sapper Petrov in the corner managed to clear all the firecrackers.

P We are taking orders for the New Year.
Snow Maiden with Santa Claus: $50
Snow Maiden without Santa Claus: $200

At we have a tradition in the office: before the New Year we hold a competition "Where the hell did we put the Christmas decorations away ?!"

H I will not prepare for the 8th of MARCH! And then for the New Year she prepared, prepared and met him ready ...

- BUT weakly celebrate the New Year 12 hours in a row?
- I think it’s not weak ... To do this, on December 31, at 23.45, you need to get on a plane in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and fly plump to Moscow through all 12 time zones!
- Is your health enough?

1 January evening:
- Kolyan, what did you have today?
- A what?
- I'm calling you for the first time, so some woman answers and tells about the snow. I call the second - the policeman says that you are under arrest. For the third time - some brothers are looking for you for debts ...
- Try to make a phone call instead of a TV remote.

- AT Where will you celebrate the New Year?
- We don't remember! We'll be drunk!

P letter to Santa Claus:
"Grandfather Frost, I'm on a diet, and therefore I can't have sweets. Please send me a box of semi-sweet ones .."

H New Year is when dads try to convince their children that he is Santa Claus, and his wife - that he is not Santa Claus.

W hello dear kids! The Snow Maiden and I have come to you from the very North. For starters, we have a poetry competition planned.
You will read poetry, and the one who brings the corkscrew first will win.

D ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine...
And before the New Year was 90-60-90 ...

FROM The first country Santa Claus comes to is China...
To load the bag with gifts.

D va actors earn extra money on New Year's Eve as Santa Clauses. One asks the other:
- Listen, come to my family, congratulate them on the holiday.
- Why can't you do it yourself?
Yes, I charge too much.

- H What is New Year's Eve?
- Genocide of coniferous trees. People get drunk and get drunk and start
to dance around the decorated corpses of Christmas trees.

I I realized that I met the New Year very boringly, when today, near the entrance, a completely blue body turned to me with a question:
- What year is it today?

G stupid death:
On New Year's Eve, the people are thumping in the hut, one man fell out of the window from drinking, everyone got scared, the eighth floor is still, and he, at least henna, gets up, says: "Throw the button accordion, look, I'll play it !!", threw , KILLED BY BAYAN.

D badass edition! Answer me, please, is Santa Claus still there or is he not? And then my mother says that there is, and the wife laughs.

31 December.
Optimist: - The New Year will be better than the old one.
Pessimist: - The new year will be worse than the old one.
Realist: - Well, I'll get drunk again!

AT away.
- Your wife has very original earrings. I have never seen such.
- Yes, I just forgot to buy her a present for the New Year. I had to donate my cufflinks.

- BUT one such wrote a letter to Santa Claus: "Give me two young virgins in the New Year." Joking, you know...
- And what did Santa Claus give him?
- And then! His secretary gave birth to twins ...

I have been inside Santa Claus many times and I can tell you how everything is arranged there quite reliably. Well, let's start with the fact that Santa Claus is very different. Sometimes he is 17, he has a pillow under his fur coat, tied with straps to his stomach, to be impressive; a beard rented from acquaintances from the palace of culture; and he squeezes a velvety baritone out of himself, carefully swallowing the "roosters" rushing out; and let as a result everyone sees a squealing rachitic with a washcloth on his face, the expectation of a fairy tale and a miracle defeats all visual reflexes in adults and children, and together, with this strange hoarse, red not from frost, creature, they dance and sing an eternal song about green Tree.
Santa Claus is growing up, and now he has trousers instead of jeans under his fur coat and red boots instead of winter street shoes, he is sitting on the third matinee of the day. He is wearing a fur coat, under it is a professional foam rubber thickness, snowflakes on painted cheeks, and another baby on his knees, telling some very important poem, judging by the inspired faces of his parents, who are easy to distinguish from other parents by their lips moving to the rhythm of the verse. But Grandfather does not hear the baby, he feels that he is closer than ever to the problems of Santa Claus, because he really melts and waits - he can’t wait until he asks the kids to blow on him in the next game. But his hopes are not justified: small children have small lungs, and they blow anywhere, but not at all on a sweaty face with spread makeup, itchy nose and cheeks itching under the elastic band from the beard.
And Grandfather does not hear poems, because he remembers his words, which he must say to the teacher - Baba Yaga, in order to defeat her in the end. And although Baba Yaga believes that the actress died in her (so she wrote long monologues for herself), she has not yet buried this actress and is waiting for specific exact replicas from Frost, and her grandfather has different ones in every garden and he does not remember what this time must do with the villainess: either say a poetic spell, or freeze. The only option that is constantly spinning in his head, looking at this “artist” realizing herself in front of everyone, is to properly magic her with a staff on the head, but he is restrained by the presence of witnesses, and especially the presence of the director of the kindergarten, who invites him every year, although at all matinees he sits with an impenetrable face, despite all the diligent Dedmorozov sparkle.
Sometimes Santa Claus comes to adult children for corporate parties. And these adult children already have their own children, to whom they may have already told (lied to) that no Santa Claus exists, although they themselves call him, dancing on the dance floor, and with undisguised joy fulfill all the old man's desires - they read poems on stools, lead round dances, grab each other by the different places at his command. Grandpa is joking and arrogant. Once he joked a lot and funny about bad roads, but for some reason no one laughed. It turned out that he was at the celebration of the city administration. In the game round dance, when "we will gather in the center of the circle to Santa Claus," he felt disapproving pendels. These men were trying to fight the fairy tale. And the women, as before, were sweet and gentle, and looked at grandfather with such eyes that he had never seen before in his life: they were at the same time motherly. warm love, and children's girlish hope. And Grandfather realized that women most of all love enthusiasm and magic in men.
Once Santa Claus worked in orphanage, and when I heard in a poem to myself that “there are specks on the nose, And daddy’s eyes,” he suddenly felt that he was melting through his eyes. And he felt sad that he was not quite a magician, and now it is very necessary.
Another time, Grandfather rode in a regular ikarus after a matinee, carefully crumpling the skin of Santa Claus into a bag. And suddenly he heard behind him: “Santa Claus is very good! He took my hand, but I didn't freeze. He has very hot hands." Grandfather without a skin pressed himself into an armchair, and his palms became not only hot, but also wet - he recognized this snowflake girl, in whose eyes during the matinee he saw so much true faith that more than anything in the world at that moment he wanted her to which I never thought of. “He is the realest,” she continued to tell her dad. “Yes,” said the father wisely and weightily. And Santa Claus suddenly felt that he was happy. And I realized that he is a bit of a magician ... especially when they believe in him. And he believed in himself very much, because every time he put on a Santa Claus costume, in the middle of the most snowless winter, snow suddenly fell in flakes, covering all dirty earthly imperfections, from a dark heavenly nowhere.
P.S. Four years have passed since he hung his beard on a nail, and the fourth year of winter is somehow snowless. Coincidence.
Taras Kuzmin

New Year holidays are always considered the most fun and long-awaited. Even if on the eve of the holiday a gloomy mood - New year's night pass with joy and Bad mood will disappear. In the meantime, in anticipation of the holiday, you can have fun, considering funny cartoons for new year. Moreover, there are a lot of funny New Year's cartoons.

Funny New Year cartoons

And here is the paradox. When I reviewed funny new year cartoons, I immediately remembered the last holiday, which was already almost a year ago. And in two months it will be the New Year again. Therefore, funny New Year's cartoons become relevant a few months before the celebration. It's too early to get the Christmas tree, but read funny toasts about the New Year or view naughty cartoons for the New Year - you can.

Funny cartoons of Santa Claus

Who is the most important prankster for the New Year? Without whom, jokes about the New Year, funny to tears, will cease to be so? That's right, without Santa Claus. From what, funny caricatures of Santa Claus can be called the most successful and fun. The character doesn't often show up in a prank without his granddaughter, but it's worth it. AT funny cartoons on Santa Claus we see native image whom we believe, at whom we laugh, and with whom we experience.

The funniest cartoons of the Snow Maiden

funny new year cartoons they simply cannot do without the Snow Maiden. With the participation of this character, jokes only become funnier. However, you are unlikely to find the funniest Snow Maiden caricatures without Santa Claus. I have never seen such cartoons before. And why draw them? funny cartoons on the Snow Maiden and are good because, together with Santa Claus, she fills the joke with a holiday, giving the joke mischief, and breathing life into it.

Happy Christmas tree cartoons

However, New Year's cartoons are not only jokes about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. There is a hedgehog and funny tree jokes. Many people know that in our country the Christmas tree can stand until May. Rzhachnye Christmas tree cartoons are a vivid reflection of this. Although, sometimes in the drawings opposite, the unwillingness of the Christmas trees to be cut down, but to remain in the forest, is shown. And then the evil character will go further in search of the very one.

Consider funny cartoons about the New Year and do not forget to send funny New Year SMS to all your friends and family.