(!LANG: Flute drawing for kids. Flute: history, video, interesting facts, listen. We use soft material

How to draw a flute so that it looks like a musical instrument, and not like a baseball bat? This is the question that beginner artists ask. Everything is quite simple, you first need to draw a frame, and then “fit” it with a tree. This is where the hardest part of the job lies. After all, the texture of the material is the most difficult to convey. But with daily training, the hand quickly gets used to drawing oval shapes depicting a saw cut of wood. How to draw a flute step by step The answers to this question will be given below.

The history of the flute

To learn how to draw a flute, you need to know the history of the origin of this musical instrument. It was invented in Egypt in the III century BC. e. The first progenitor of the flute is a folded papyrus sheet. For good sounding, holes were cut in the paper tube for air circulation. Gradually, the holes increased in size and number. And as a result, 6 holes appeared in the modern flute. In the form in which we know it, the musical instrument was fully formed in the 16th century.

Different types of flute

There are several types of this musical instrument. And in order to draw it qualitatively, you need to know the most common ones.

Stages of work

How to draw a flute step by step with a pencil? For beginners, pencil sketching is one of the most difficult stages of drawing. After all, the whole future drawing will depend on it. He is like a skeleton in the body. The first step is to determine the size of the musical instrument. Standard flute proportion: one height fits 9 times in width.

These sizes should be adhered to, but since there are many varieties of a musical instrument, the pattern will depend on the type chosen. To draw a flute with a pencil, you first need to outline its outline. Most often, artists outline it with an oval or rectangle. After that, you need to copy the shape of the flute. Then you should draw the details. And the next step is applying shadows. The final step is to work out the contours and lighten the highlights. It is thanks to these small details that the drawing will look complete.

We draw with paints

Before proceeding to the multi-color image, you need to draw a sketch. How to draw a flute in stages with a pencil, we discussed in the last paragraph. To draw a musical instrument with paints, you need to repeat the steps again, which consist in arranging, drawing shapes and details. And then you can start painting. Regardless of the material chosen, whether it is watercolor, gouache, acrylic or oil, the principle of work will be the same. How to draw a flute so that it is realistic? The first step is to fill the entire field of the future musical instrument with one of the lightest colors. The main thing in this process is not to paint over the highlights. After the first layer dries, you can proceed to the second. The second application of paint is the drawing of penumbra. And this does not mean that you need to take a shade a tone darker than the previous one. Penumbra, just like the shadow, includes many different shades.

Yes, the main shade will be just a tone darker than the first layer, and the blue and green colors will be additional. The main thing is to apply them with strokes with a distance of 1 mm from each other, otherwise, in some painting techniques, such as watercolor, you can get dirt instead of penumbra. All novice artists who are wondering "how to draw a flute" should remember that painting is not mathematics. There are no strict canons and rules here, there are just tips that you need to follow in order to get a good result. But to become a professional artist, you need to find your own style, and not blindly copy other people's work.

We use soft material

How to draw a flute step by step using charcoal, pastel or other bulk materials? Naturally, any artwork must begin with a sketch.

Next, you should move on to shading. As in watercolor, the first layer should be the lightest. Soft material has a characteristic feature, it crumbles and sprays during operation. Therefore, when drawing, for example, the right side of a flute, you need to put a blank sheet of paper under your arm. Otherwise, an incident may happen - you will grind an already finished drawing. After the first drawing, you need to move on to penumbra and shadows. It is advisable to work with sharply honed pieces of charcoal or pastel, the strokes will then be easy to grind. This can be done with a finger or a piece


To draw beautifully and with high quality, you need to practice skills every day. As the artists say - "fill your hand." Notebooks - sketchbooks - have become incredibly popular now. In such notebooks it is convenient to make sketches and sketches, and most importantly, such an album does not take up much space and can be carried with you. But the flute is a rather unique musical instrument, and in ordinary life it is difficult to sketch from it, so it is worth drawing objects similar in shape daily. With daily practice, even a novice artist can learn how to draw a flute well in just a week.

Musical Instrument: Flute

This amazingly virtuoso instrument with a light, airy, as if "fluttering" sound, reminiscent of birds singing, belongs to the group of woodwinds. According to ancient Greek myths, his invention is the merit of the son of Hephaestus - Ardal. Perhaps no other instrument has undergone such transformations and improvements. Initially, there were two varieties - transverse and longitudinal, but later the first version replaced the longitudinal one and took its rightful place in the orchestra. These two types are very different from each other not only externally, but also in the way of sound production.

history flutes and many interesting facts about this musical instrument, read on our page.

flute sound

The sound of the flute is reminiscent of magic. Amazingly beautiful sounds are born in the middle register - unusually clear, clean and transparent. It is not for nothing that the flute occupies a special place in the folklore and fairy tales of many peoples; it is often endowed with mystical properties. The melodic sound of the flute in the hands of an experienced musician can not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also simply fascinate with its expressive and penetrating music, which seems to hit us right in the heart. The soft and melodic sound of the flute can sweeten our ears, soften our hearts, evoke the kindest and brightest feelings.

A flute or a simple fife is usually one of the very first musical instruments that children may encounter, and are even able to make their own from improvised objects of a suitable shape.

It is worth saying a few words about the peculiarities of the sound of the flute.The lower register is slightly deaf, but one cannot fail to notice its softness, cordiality and spiritual penetration, and the upper row of notes sounds piercingly, with a sharp whistle.The peculiarity of the acoustics of the flute is that when playing the "piano" the pitch decreases slightly, and playing the "forte" raises the sound.

The nature of the pitch of sounds can be changed by adjusting the strength of the air stream on exhalation, and of course with the help of the valve mechanism that closes the holes on the instrument.

flute range occupies the interval from the note “Do” of the first to the note “Do” of the fourth octave.

A photo

Interesting Facts

  • An example of the largest transverse flute is an instrument created by the Indian master Bharat Sin in Jamnagar in 2014. The length of this flute was 3.62 meters. The national anthem was performed with her participation.
  • Flutes are made from over a hundred different materials, including bone, wood, metal, glass, crystal, plastic, and others. There is even a flute made of chocolate on which you can play music.
  • The title of the most expensive flute according to the Forbes rating belongs to an instrument created by Powell in 1939. This platinum flute is now valued at $600,000.

  • The largest number of flutists in an ensemble of 3,742 members gathered in Japan on July 31, 2011 for the solemn celebration of 400 years of Hirosaki Castle.
  • The longest uninterrupted performance by a flutist lasted 25 hours and 48 minutes and was achieved by Katherine Brookes in Bedworth, UK on February 17-18, 2012. Katherine repeated the 6-hour program several times, containing 92 different pieces, from classical to contemporary music trends.
  • The flute is the only orchestral instrument on which air is blown across the holes. And you should know that the flutist's air consumption is much greater than on any other wind instruments, including such a large-sized one as tuba .
  • The oldest flute was discovered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1998. The musical instrument, made from the bones of a cave bear, contains four holes. Paleontologists believe that this flute is 43,000 to 82,000 years old.
  • The main deity of Hinduism, Krishna, is depicted with a bamboo flute. It was said that Krishna created the world through the beautiful sound of the flute, which also preaches love and freedom.

  • There are 30 varieties of flute, which are produced in almost fifty countries of the world.
  • The flute was played by prominent personalities. Leonardo Da Vinci, John II, Martin Luther, Emperor Nicholas I, Enrico Caruso, Woody Allen, M. Glinka , and many others.
  • It is known that at the court of the English King Henry the Eighth V, a whole collection of flutes was collected - 72 pieces.
  • US President G. Cleveland greatly appreciated his crystal flute with golden elements.
  • In Vietnam, in the mountainous district of Yienthe, during the insurgent peasant movement, the flute was used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a cold weapon. They were given alarm signals and at the same time killed enemies.
  • According to researchers, playing the flute has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children, immunity, and has a preventive effect on respiratory diseases.

Popular pieces for flute

I. Bach - Scherzo (Joke) from suite for flute and string orchestra No. 2 (listen)

V.A. Mozart - Concerto for flute and orchestra in G major (listen)

J. Hiber - Concerto for flute and orchestra Allegro scherzando (listen)

flute design

The transverse flute is an elongated cylindrical tube with a valve system that closes 16 holes. One end of it is closed, it has a hole where lips are applied to blow in air. Modern types of flutes include a three-part structure: head, body and knee. Unlike other wind-type instruments, the sound of the flute is formed due to the directed air flow towards the edge of the lip plate. A huge role in the correct playing technique belongs to the shape of the lips or the “ear pad”. You can subtly change the sound of the instrument by changing the degree of tension and the shape of the lips.

The overall pitch is changed by moving the head out of the body of the instrument, the more the head is extended, the lower the sound will be.

Average flute weight - 600 grams.

The modern concert great flute composes 67 cm long, and the length of the piccolo is only about 32 cm.

Flute Varieties

The transverse flute, in addition to the main large concert flute, has three main varieties: , alto and bass.

Piccolo flute- the most sounding instrument among wind instruments. The structure is the same as that of a great flute, the difference lies in size - it is two times shorter than an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher. The sharp tone of the piccolo flute easily overrides the sound of an entire orchestra. In the play Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" she is given the theme of a squirrel chewing nuts. In the 1st act Bizet's opera "Carmen" a pair of piccolos joined the choir of boys boldly marching behind the line of soldiers.

Alto flute. They resemble an ordinary concert flute, but are somewhat larger in size and with a different structure of the valve system. The range is from "salt" of a small octave to "re" of the third octave.

bass flute- in the range from "si" of a large octave to "fa" of the second octave

Mention should also be made of much more rarely used samples - d "Amour, double bass, octobass and hyperbass.

Application and repertoire

The expressiveness of the sound of the flute attracted the attention of the greatest composers.

A. Vivaldi wrote 13 concertos for flute and orchestra. I.S. Bach, who is well aware of the technical possibilities, composed a huge number of works with the participation of the flute, his sonatas are especially beautiful, and the sparkling "Joke" and the unusually touching "Siciliana" do not leave music lovers all over the world indifferent to this day. The masterpieces of the flute repertoire include works G.F. handel , K.V. glitch, I. Haydn , W.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven . Charming "Melody" - the most popular solo in the opera " Orpheus and Eurydice ”demonstrated the sensuous and expressive aspect of flutes. The flute received a significant place as a solo instrument in the works V.A. Mozart . A real understanding of timbre and virtuoso possibilities was revealed by L. Beethoven, who in his own way introduced it into a symphony orchestra, an example is the overture to the opera Leonora.

The age of romanticism was also marked by the development of the performing skills of playing the flute. During this period, the repertoire of flute players was enriched by the masterpieces of such masters as K.M. Weber, F. Schubert , D. Rossini, G. Berlioz, C. Saint-Saens .

AT jazz one of the first to use flutes was drummer and jazz bandleader Chick Webb in the late 1930s. Frank Wess was among the first noteworthy jazz flute players in the 1940s.

Jethro Tull is probably the most famous rock band regularly using the flute, played by bandleader Ian Anderson. The alto flute can be heard on the Beatles' song, "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away", played by John Scott. Also on the song "Penny Lane".

Game techniques

The flute is played in a variety of ways. Often, musicians use double and triple staccato and a very effective frulato technique, which was first used in the symphony-poem "Don Quixote" by R. Strauss. In the future, the ingenuity of flutists-performers had no limits:

Multiphonics - two or more sounds are simultaneously extracted.
Whistle tones - a low whistle.
Tangram - sounds similar to clapping hands.
Jet whistle - jet whistle.

Knocking valves, playing with a thorn without sound, sounds are extracted at the same time as singing and a variety of other techniques.

History of the flute

The history of the flute takes us back to primitive times. It all started with tubes, on which they whistled at first. Now they are simply called pipes, which can be made from any suitable object, such as a pen or a cocktail pipe. Then people guessed that if holes were cut out in the tubes that could be covered with fingers, then it would be possible to perform musical works that were more complex in structure - numerous tunes and melodies.

The flute is very diverse in its functions. Initially, she was an instrument in the arsenal of shepherds who controlled animals with her, and then her status rose to such an extent that she took part in spiritual rites.

Samples of a transverse type flute appeared a very long time ago, back in ancient China, in the 9th century BC, then in India, Japan, and Byzantium. In Europe, it spread only in the Middle Ages and arrived from the East. In the 17th century, the flute, which gained great popularity, was modified by the French master J. Otteter, after which it began to occupy worthy positions in instrumental ensembles and opera orchestras.

We owe the modern look of the flute to the German master and composer T. Boehm, who lived in the 19th century. He complements the flute with a system of valves and rings, placed large finger holes according to acoustic principles, and also began to use metal in production, which made it possible to enhance the brilliance of the flute's sound. Since that time, this instrument has hardly changed, and it is difficult to add something really original to a musical instrument that is concise in design, capable of introducing new features into a familiar form.

Flute for all its apparent simplicity, it not only has a rich and glorious history, but also has a uniquely wide range of uses. This is due to the fact that it belongs to one of the most ancient, if not the most ancient instruments, with which our primitive ancestors tried to create music tens of thousands of years ago. Since the Stone Age, the flute has begun to win the hearts of people, charming us with its soulful and exciting sound, which echoes not only in the heart, but also in the most deeply hidden genes inherited from our distant ancestors. A modest wooden or bone flute, lovingly carved by a master, is able to create a whole unique universe filled with continuous amazing sound that you want to listen to endlessly.


How to draw a flute?

    To draw a flute, you need to outline its outline, then set the points where the holes will be located. At the second stage, it is necessary to mark the edge for the lips and draw a pattern on the surface of the flute. Here's a picture for you:

    If it is not necessary to draw a flute with watercolors, then you can get by with a graphic image.

    1 draw an elongated rectangle on a piece of paper.

    2 Draw a ponytail and a recess.

    3 Draw small details.

    4 Draw holes.

    5 make the tone of the picture.

    The best thing to do if you can't draw is to draw. There is no difficulty in this. At the beginning, you can make a small image or draw the original several times. And then with a confident hand draw clean.

    We look at the picture of a flute and draw a flute.

    First we looked at a real flute, and then we look at the drawing from which we will draw a musical instrument.

    I'm not very good at drawing, but I'm good at drawing. You can easily draw a flute from simple drawings. Anyone can do it, even a beginner. It can be done in both color and black and white.

    The flute is a very easy musical instrument to draw - it's just a long tube with holes. We draw a flute like this:

    First, we draw a line at an angle - the axis of symmetry of the future flute, perpendicular to it we set segments equal to the thickness of the flute. We draw ovals, two from the ends and, if necessary, make a thickening in the middle of a larger diameter. We connect the ovals with lines perpendicular to the axis of symmetry. At the far end we draw holes - usually there are seven of them on the flute. At the near end, we depict one hole from above and make a small notch in the extreme oval - as if we cut off the end with a knife. Erase the auxiliary lines and colorize. You will get something similar to this:

    Or to this:

    I bring to your attention a drawing of a musical instrument - a flute.

    One of the composers once said that this is an instrument of the Gods.

    Therefore, I provide two simple drawings on how to draw a flute.

    But first, prepare a piece of paper and a simple pencil with an eraser.

    In fact, we draw a straight tube and draw holes on it.

    Good luck to you!

    It is very easy to draw such a musical instrument as a flute, since it is just a long hollow tube with holes. First, draw a line at an angle, then draw another one parallel to it, observing the distance that will be the thickness of the flute. Then we draw holes, most often the flute has seven of them. At the end, we round off the element and draw another elongated hole. To draw a flute beautifully and correctly, watch the video here.

    first you need to draw two auxiliary parallel lines, also draw the beginning and end of the flute.

    At the end and at the beginning, draw ovals, and then connect them with the main drawing.

    Next step draw the holes

    At the end, erase the auxiliary lines that you drew at the beginning.

    Get such a flute.

    Drawing this tool is not so difficult. It is enough to first draw two parallel lines. Next, draw the beginning and end of the flute. Well, the last thing is to draw the holes of this musical instrument. Here is a drawing to help you.

    First you need to draw an auxiliary line that will correspond to the axis of the flute. Determine the thickness of the flute. Draw the nozzle for the lips (similar to a short mouthpiece.) You should also add holes for the flute. Don't forget to draw the valves that are usually located at the base.

    The flute is very easy to draw - it's a long stick and a few buttons to extract musical sounds. They draw like this:

    Don't forget that this is a hollow instrument. There are several jumpers in the middle.

Many objects that are cylindrical in shape can be represented by building ovals along their axis of symmetry. Using this technique, you can draw not only the columns of any buildings or various vases, but also, for example, musical instruments such as flutes.

The drawing can be started with the image of an auxiliary line, which will correspond to the axis of symmetry of the flute itself. After, it will be necessary to mark on this line the beginning, as well as the end of this musical instrument. Then you need to depict the lines that pass through this designation, namely, perpendicular to the axis of this symmetry. The pitch, in most cases, as you know, depends precisely on the length of the flute.

You must also select the thickness of this tool. To do this, mark points on perpendicular segments that will correspond to half the required thickness. Next, draw an oval, which accordingly passes through them. Connect the extreme points of the ovals on each specific side of the line of symmetry itself. In the event that the flute has blocks or any inserts in its head, then draw more ovals with a larger size. These areas can be distinguished using transverse lines.

When drawing a longitudinal type of musical instrument, you need to depict the nozzle used for the lips, it resembles a small mouthpiece, and is located respectively at one or another end of the cylinder. This musical instrument can be very similar to a simple pipe with several holes. In the case when you intend to draw a transverse type of flute, then you need to round off one of its ends, and on the side surface depict the hole for the lips itself.

It is also necessary to draw holes on this tool. An ordinary flute has seven such holes on one side, and one on the other. The size of these holes should be the same as the diameter of its cavity.

It is very important that when depicting a longitudinal flute, which we lean against the lips with its side part, there must be the necessary valves, they both open and close during the game. These flaps are rounded and attached to a special stem. Quite often, they are located along the same line, but there are tools with a different arrangement of valves. Then the auxiliary lines can be removed.

Next, we should proceed directly to the coloring of our drawing. It must be remembered that quite often simple longitudinal type flutes can be made of wood and have a variety of colors.

    How to draw a flute


    Many objects that are cylindrical in shape can be represented by building ovals along their axis of symmetry. Using this technique, you can draw not only the columns of any buildings or various vases, but also, for example, musical instruments such as flutes. The drawing can be started with the image of an auxiliary line, which will correspond to the axis of symmetry of the flute itself. After that, you will need […]

Longitudinal flute (Egyptian Argul)

The flute is a wind musical instrument from the wooden group (since these instruments were originally made of wood). Unlike other wind instruments, the flute sounds are formed as a result of cutting the air flow against the edge, instead of using the reed. A musician who plays the flute is commonly referred to as a flutist.

Longitudinal flute was known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and it remains the main wind instrument throughout the Middle East. The longitudinal flute, which has 5-6 finger holes and is capable of octave blowing, provides a complete musical scale, individual intervals within which can change, forming different frets by crossing the fingers, closing the holes halfway, as well as changing the direction and strength of breathing.

transverse flute(often just a flute; Italian flauto from Latin flatus - “wind, breath”; French flûte, English flute, German Flöte) - a soprano woodwind musical instrument with 5-6 finger holes was known in China at least least 3 thousand years ago, and in India and Japan - more than two thousand years ago. In Europe during the Middle Ages, mainly simple instruments of the whistle type (predecessors of the block flute and harmon) were distributed, as well as the transverse flute, which penetrated into Central Europe from the East through the Balkans, where it still remains the most common folk instrument. The pitch on the flute changes by blowing (extracting harmonic consonances with the lips), as well as by opening and closing holes with valves.

transverse flute

But let's start from the beginning.

In Greek mythology, the inventor of the flute is the son of Hephaestus, Ardal.
The oldest form of the flute seems to be the whistle. Gradually, finger holes began to be cut in the whistle tubes, turning a simple whistle into a whistle flute, on which it was already possible to perform musical works.

Ancient fresco "Musician playing double flute"

The earliest depiction of a transverse flute was found on an Etruscan relief that dates back to 100 or 200 BC. At that time, the transverse flute was held to the left side, only an illustration of a poem from the 11th century AD, for the first time depicting the manner of holding the instrument to the right side.
The first archaeological finds of transverse flutes of the Occident date back to the 12th-14th centuries AD. One of the earliest images of that time is contained in the encyclopedia Hortus Deliciarum. Apart from the one aforementioned 11th century illustration, all medieval European and Asian depictions show players holding the transverse flute to the left, while antique European depictions show flute players holding the instrument to the right. Therefore, it is assumed that the transverse flute temporarily fell into disuse in Europe, and then returned there from Asia through the Byzantine Empire.
In the Middle Ages, the transverse flute consisted of one part, sometimes two for "bass" flutes.
The tool had a cylindrical shape and had 6 holes of the same diameter.

Yuri Dubinin Fountain for flute 2005

As for the longitudinal or just a flute, the syringa and aulos were also common among the wind instruments of Ancient Greece.

Avlos is an ancient Greek reed wind instrument. It was a pair of separate cylindrical or conical tubes made of reed, wood, bone later made of metal with 3-5 (later more) finger holes.

Double Flute Avlos Fresco from Etruria

The length of the aulos is different, usually about 50 cm. It was used by professional performers to accompany solo and choral singing, dances, during funeral and wedding ceremonies, religious, military and other rituals, as well as in the theater. The right aulos made high sounds, and the left - low. This instrument was equipped with a mouthpiece and vaguely resembled an oboe. It was not easy to play it, because both aulos had to be blown at the same time.

Relief of the side of the so-called "Throne of Ludovisi" Rome

Avlos was considered an instrument whose sound and viscous melos excites a person more than others, arouses passionate feelings in him.
Various types of avlos are known (bombiks, borim, kalam, gingr, niglar, elim), syringa (single, double and multi-tubular) and pipes (salpinga, keras and others).

Ivanov Alexander Andreevich. Apollo, Hyacinth and Cypress engaged in music and singing. 1831-34

Bertel Thorvaldsen Mercury preparing to kill Argus 1818

Peter Basin Faun Marsyas teaches the young Olympius to play the flute. 1821

Lawrence Alma-Tadema A Dancing Bacchante at Harvest Time 1880

Svedomsky Pavel Alexandrovich. Two Roman women with tambourine and flute. 1880s

Oliver Foose Young Musician

John William Godward Melody 1904

Panov Igor. Ancient elegy 2005

Panov Igor Antique melody 2005

Syringa or syrinx (Greek συριγξ) has two meanings - the general name of the ancient Greek wind instruments (reed, wood, flute type (longitudinal), as well as the ancient Greek shepherd's multi-barreled flute or Pan's flute.

Pan flute or panflute

The Pan flute is a multi-barreled flute. The tool consists of a set of reed, bamboo and other tubes of different lengths open at the upper end, fastened with reed strips and a tourniquet. Each tube emits 1 main sound, the pitch of which depends on its length and diameter.
consisting of several (3 or more) bamboo, reed, bone or metal pipes are from 10 to 120 cm long. Large panflutes, as well as double-row ones, are played together.

The name of the Pan flute comes from the name of the ancient Greek god Pan, the patron saint of shepherds, who is usually depicted playing a multi-barreled flute.

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich. Pan. 1899

Ban is known for his passion for wine and fun. He is full of passionate love and pursues the nymphs. Once the goat-legged Pan fell in love with a nymph named Syringa (literally "pipe"). Pan chased after her in order to take possession, or maybe just confess his love. The nymph Syringa fled in fear of Pan and rushed to the river Ladon. Syringa turned to her father - the river god with a request to save her from encroachment, and her father turned her into a reed, which made a mournful sound from the breath of the wind. Pan cut that reed and made himself a flute from it, bearing the name of a nymph, and the instrument was later called a flute.
An interesting story is a continuation of the legend of the Pan flute.

Roman copy of a Greek sculpture found in Pompeii "Pan teaching Daphnis to play the syringa"

Franz von Stuck Music

Pan connoisseur and judge of shepherd competitions in playing the flute.
Pan even challenged Apollo to a contest, but was defeated by him, and King Midas, the judge of this contest, who did not appreciate Apollo, grew donkey ears as a punishment.

True, the rival of Apollo, according to another legend, had a different name.
There is also a legend about Marsyas, a satyr who picked up a flute invented and abandoned by Athena. In playing the flute, Marsyas achieved extraordinary skill and, proudly, challenged Apollo himself to the competition. The daring rivalry ended with the fact that Apollo, playing the cithara, not only defeated Marsyas, but also tore off the unfortunate skin.

There are many varieties of panflute: samponya (samponyo, she is also samponi, Indian flute - single-row or double-row); Moldavian ney (nay, muskal); Russian kugikly (from "kuga" - reeds), they are also kuvikly, kuvichki; Georgian larchemi (soinari); Lithuanian boring; chipsan and polyanyas of the Komi people, in the UK - panpipes or pan-flute, etc. Some call Pan's flute a flute.
The popularization of the Pan flute in modern European musical culture was promoted mainly by Romanian musicians - first of all, widely touring since the mid-1970s. George Zamfir.

Thomas Aikins Arcadia 1883

Pablo Picasso Pan Flute

Arthur Wardle Pan Flute

Valery Belenikin Flute 2006

Mikhail Markov Pan flute

Kuvikly (Kugikly) is a Russian variety of "Pan's flute". The Russians were the first to pay attention to the flute of Pan Gasri, who gave a very inaccurate description of it under the name of a pipe or a flute. Dmitryukov wrote about kuvikls in the Moscow Telegraph magazine in 1831. Throughout the 19th century in the literature from time to time there is evidence of playing the kuvikla, especially in the territory of the Kursk province. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of kuvikl in Russia is located within the modern Bryansk, Kursk and Kaluga regions.
Kuvikly is a set of 3-5 hollow tubes of various lengths (from 100 to 160 mm) and diameters with an open upper end and a closed lower one. This tool was usually made from stalks of kugi (reed), reed, bamboo, etc., the trunk knot served as the bottom.

In Russian kuvikla, each pipe has its own name. In the Kursk region, pipes, starting from the large one, are called "buzz", "podguden", "medium", "pyatushka" and the smallest "pyatushka", in other areas the names may differ. Such names allow performers to exchange remarks in the process of playing, suggesting how to play.
The repertoire is usually limited to dance tunes. When playing, someone sings from time to time, or more often sentences the text. Kugikly are good in combination with other folk instruments: pitiful, flute, folk violin.

Pan's flutes are of different peoples and arranged in different ways. Most often, the individual tubes of the flute are firmly fastened together. But in samponyo, they are simply connected in two rows, and any tube that is out of order is easy to replace.

Pan flute and samponyo

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