Drawings on the theme of the army. How to draw a war so that the picture has a certain meaning. Letter and cartoons from Oleg Tikhonov, sent to the newspaper editor"Пионерская правда"!}

From the title it’s already clear what it’s about. we'll talk. We will study how to draw war with a pencil step by step. It won't be star Wars and Darth Vader and not even a shooter game, but a real war! Three soldiers in a trench, with piles of military equipment. In order to draw all this, you will need a lot of knowledge about military affairs. You can, of course, sit down to play WoT, but in the end you won’t draw anything. Who doesn’t know this is such a super action game with the participation of tanks, which has gathered a huge number of gamers in our country. By the way, the yellow-faced Chinese are no less interested in this. It seems that half of their population goes in for sports, judging by the number of Olympic medals in 2012, but the second is mired in the whirlpool of online games. For the fact that half of our population has been staring at the LCD monitor for two years now, at the same time managing to stain the gaming mouse with greasy fingers from dinner and pour coffee on the keyboard... let’s all say “Thank you” to Wargaming! Although God bless him. Now let's take a break from tanks and try to draw military actions with the participation of real ones. There are five steps ahead.

How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

Step one First, let's outline the people in motion. Head, position of the torso, arms, legs.
Step two Now let's think about what will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Let's show their outlines.
Step three Let's dress our fighters: helmet, pants, boots. Let's equip one of them with a bag. Let’s draw the face profile of the one closest to us. We will surround the fence with barbed wire.
Step Four Let's add details: barbs on the wire, belts on people's clothes, a spatula, etc.
Step five Let's do the shading. There are darker areas on the clothes at the folds. Let's darken the areas on the pillars. Well, here are the soldiers against the backdrop of a military and completely unpicturesque landscape.
See similar military equipment drawing lessons.

Children, especially boys, are usually interested in military equipment. Pictures for children depicting its main varieties are therefore always very popular. Using such pictures, you can help children learn the names of different types of military vehicles and learn their key features.

Pictures depicting military vehicles are especially relevant for kindergarten.

In a group you can use them to conduct thematic lesson, timed to coincide with Victory Day or other suitable occasion. All that is needed in this case is to print out pictures according to the number of children and prepare a short explanation about each type of equipment:

Anti-aircraft missile system - helps fight air and space forces. May be of different types.

Warship - during war, shells and fuel are transported on it. Ships that transport soldiers are called landing ships.

Aircraft carrier. This is a warship carrying fighter planes.

Military helicopter - transports soldiers and cargo.

Armored personnel carrier - designed to transport military personnel; if necessary, it can fire from onboard guns.

Armored vehicle - performs the same tasks as an armored personnel carrier.

An infantry fighting vehicle is another means of transporting soldiers.

A nuclear submarine is the main weapon of the navy.

Tank. The main threat to everyone ground forces.

Strategic missile launcher (missile launcher). Designed for transporting and launching missiles.

A self-propelled gun is the main assistant of tanks and infantry in battle. Fighter picture

Even a superficial acquaintance with different types military equipment will help broaden the children's horizons and awaken in them a desire to learn more about military science. Therefore, pictures depicting military vehicles will be very useful for children of different ages.

Military equipment drawings for children

Children may need not only pictures, but also drawings for sketching. We present to your attention a drawing with a tank, a cheerful soldier and a Russian flag.

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 known to everyone.

Songs are written about them, and many memorials are dedicated to them. However, few people remember that many children died during the war.

And those who survived began to be called “children of war.”

1941-1945 through the eyes of children

In those distant years, the kids lost the most precious thing in their lives - a carefree childhood. Many of them had to stand at the machines at the factory, like adults, and work in the fields to feed their families. Many children of war are real heroes. They helped the military, went on reconnaissance missions, collected guns on the battlefield, and took care of the wounded. A huge role in the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. belongs specifically to children and teenagers who did not spare their lives.

Unfortunately, it is now difficult to say how many children died then, because humanity does not know exact figure deaths even among the military. Children-heroes went through the siege of Leningrad, survived the presence of fascists in the cities, regular bombings, and famine. Many trials befell the children of those years, sometimes even the death of their parents before their eyes. Today these people are over 70 years old, but they can still tell a lot about those years when they had to fight the Nazis. And although at parades. Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. They honor mainly the military; we should not forget the children who bore on their shoulders the hunger and cold of a terrible time.

Related materials

Pictures and photos on the topic “Children of War” will help tell you what war looks like through the eyes of these people.

Many photographs known to modern children mainly show heroes who fought for the liberation of our land and took part in battles. On our website we offer pictures, drawings and photos on the topic “Children of War”. Based on them, you can create presentations for schoolchildren about how children, together with the military, achieved victory in the fight against the Nazis.

Children should pay attention to everyday life, clothing, appearance children of that time. Most often, photos show them wrapped in down scarves, dressed in overcoats or sheepskin coats, wearing hats with earflaps.

However, perhaps the most terrible are the photos of children in concentration camps. These are real heroes whom time has forced to endure unforgettable horrors.

It is worth including such photos in presentations for older children, since children are still too impressionable, and such a story can negatively affect their psyche.

The war through the eyes of those guys looked like something terrible and incomprehensible, but we had to live with it every day. It was a longing for their murdered parents, about whose fate the children sometimes knew nothing. Now children who lived at that time and have survived to this day remember, first of all, hunger, a tired mother who worked for two at the factory and at home, schools where children studied in the same class different ages, and had to write on scraps of newspapers. All this is a reality that is difficult to forget.


After the lesson and presentation, modern children can be given a task, timed to coincide with Victory Day or another military holiday, to create color drawings depicting children of war. Subsequently, the best drawings can be hung on a stand and photos and illustrations of modern guys can be compared as they imagine those years.

The heroes who fought against fascism today remember the cruelty that the Germans showed against children. They separated them from their mothers and sent them to concentration camps. After the war, these kids, having grown up, tried for years to find their parents, and sometimes they found them. What a meeting it was, filled with joy and tears! But some still cannot find out what happened to their parents. This pain is no less than that of parents who have lost their babies.

Vintage photos and the drawings are not silent about those terrible days. And the modern generation must remember what they owe to their grandparents. About this teachers and educators in kindergarten should be told to children, without hushing up the facts of bygone years. The better young people remember the exploits of their ancestors, the more they themselves are capable of exploits for the sake of their own descendants.

And today, continuing military theme and ignoring all kinds of fantasy and the like, you and I will draw a really cool dude with sniper rifle. In anticipation, I’ll tell you a little about snipers: So, a sniper is a specially trained dude who will give odds to any eagle eye, since, aiming at a small peephole, he manages to hit the target and hit that very target. Here are the types of snipers:

  1. Sniper saboteur. This is the one who is found in many computer games. Acts alone or with a partner. He tries in every possible way not to give himself away: quieter than water, lower than the grass, that is. It can kill at a distance of 1.5 - 2 kilometers. The weapon is a first-class, precision rifle with a silencer.
  2. Infantry sniper. Works alongside the infantry. It shoots at important targets with general bang, so it doesn’t really need a silencer. The distance is usually up to 400 meters, there is no time to take special aim.
  3. Police sniper. Well, this one is generally a loser compared to the previous two: it shoots at a distance of no more than two hundred meters. But not everything is so simple, it turns out. Usually the criminal is armed and has already pointed his gun at the helpless victim. So you need to shoot in such a way as to hit your finger and prevent this bastard from shooting.

So, let's get creative.

How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

Step one: Draw an oval head at the top of the sheet. From there downwards there is a large body. We will outline other parts of the body with large oval shapes. The man holds military equipment in his hands, but so far it is only an elongated figure.
Step two We gradually transform all the defining details into the human body. Some details of the clothing are already visible. Let's give the rifle the desired shape.
Step Three Draw the clothes: a T-shirt, a cap, rolled-up pants, and shoes. Let's pay more attention weapons. It is squeezed by strong gloved fingers. By the way, there are folds on the trousers and gloves. Now let's move on to the face. Eyes close sunglasses, a small ear is clearly drawn. On the face - thick beard.
Step Four Everything that we have drawn needs to be strengthened: outline, add lines, and then draw in the missing details. This is how we ended up with a strong man, holding a serious gun in his hands and carefully watching the target.
I also advise you to look at drawing lessons for other types of weapons, for example.

One of the most exciting pages The history of the Great Patriotic War has been and remains the theme of military childhood. Children and teenagers worked on an equal basis with adults at enterprises and on collective farms, volunteered for the front and became children of regiments, donated their savings to the USSR Defense Fund 1 and joined partisan detachments. And on the pages of newspapers, children tried to keep up with adults: for example, to the editorial office of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", as well as a number of other publications for children and youth that continued their work during the war years, children sent drawings, poems about the war and even caricatures in German soldier. Among the letters and drawings there are both childishly naive ones (see document No. 2) and letters from schoolchildren who tried to write and draw “like an adult.” In particular, the guys mastered caricatures of the enemy - a satirical genre, primarily characteristic of “adult” Soviet newspapers.

One of the most popular newspapers among schoolchildren was "Pionerskaya Pravda" - the printed organ of the Central and Moscow Komsomol Committees. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the structure of the newspaper was rebuilt taking into account wartime. Since June 1941, several special wartime columns appeared on the pages of “Pionerskaya Pravda”: “From the Soviet Information Bureau”, “Pionerskaya Piggy Bank of Scrap Metal”, etc. The satirical column “On the Bayonet” published stories, feuilletons, poems, and cartoons by newspaper workers And famous writers both poets and readers. We publish several children's cartoons and letters to them below.

Drawings - children's weapons

Schoolchildren, to the best of their ability, tried to participate in the activities of the pioneer newspaper. Among the drawings you can find both not very skillful and quite professional ones. One of the basic principles has passed from the “adult” genre of caricatures to children’s caricatures, which also vary in execution technique – the depiction of an enemy with animalistic features, more like an animal than a person. Soviet soldiers and nurses in children's drawings were examples of heroism and selfless service to the Motherland.

In addition, schoolchildren responded vividly to stories about the exploits of Komsomol war heroes. Thus, the drawing by V. Arkhipovsky “The Death of “Tanya”” obviously depicts the execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who was captured by the Germans while performing a combat mission in the village of Petrishchevo. During interrogation, she introduced herself as Tanya, and for the first time they learned about her feat from the article “Tanya” by Pyotr Lidov, published in the newspaper Pravda on January 27, 1942.

The children's cartoons and drawings about the war published below are part of a set of documents collected in war time for exhibiting at the exhibition "Komsomol in the Patriotic War" at the State historical museum(GIM).

Exhibitions about heroism

At a meeting of the Secretariat of the Komsomol Central Committee on May 2, 1942, an official decision was made to organize an exhibition 2 that would highlight the heroism of Komsomol members and youth in the fight against the enemy at the front and in the rear. Initially, the opening of the exhibition was scheduled for the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, 1942. In reality, the first exhibition was launched in 1943 at the State Historical Museum. About 40 artists and sculptors took part in the design of the exhibition. In 1944, the Central Committee of the Komsomol decided that the exhibition should display materials not only about the Komsomol, but also about Soviet youth as a whole, in connection with this the exhibition became known as “Komsomol and Youth in the Patriotic War.”

In January 1949, the exhibition “Komsomol and Youth in the Patriotic War” was included in the exhibition prepared for the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol (November 1948). In September 1949, this exhibition was named "Lenin-Stalin Komsomol". In July 1953, the exhibition was closed. Material exhibits of the exhibition were mainly transferred to Moscow museums - Historical, Revolution, Soviet army. Documents and some material relics were transferred to the archives of the Komsomol Central Committee. Later, the archive and museum collection of the Komsomol Central Committee was replenished with materials received from participants in the events and their relatives. Currently, the complex of exhibition documents is compiled by the M-7 fund "Documents of the exhibition of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Lenin-Stalin Komsomol" (1942-1953)" RGASPI. Some materials from the exhibition are also included in fund N M-14 "Museum materials on the history of the youth movement in the USSR and Russia."

Published documents are stored in the M-7 fund of the RGASPI and are reproduced while maintaining spelling, punctuation and stylistic features texts.

Prepared the publication Chief Specialist department of scientific and information work and scientific reference apparatus of the RGASPI Natalia Volkhonskaya.

Document No. 1.

Letter and cartoons by Oleg Tikhonov sent to the editorial office of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda"

Dear editors!

I am sending you two of my cartoons and asking you to write what is wrong with them (in the text). I live next to S. Sofronov, who sent you the cartoons. He is my friend. I lived in Moscow before and was at your editorial office of Pionerskaya Pravda, I don’t remember what year, but I only remember that I was there when the play “Gorky’s Childhood” was read. There were guys from the class in which I studied, namely: Yulia Rogova, Lenya Novobytov, Galya Osokina and me.

I would love to stay in Moscow, but circumstances were such that I had to go with my dad to Kirov, where I am now.

I am 16 years old, I live on Karl Marx Street, house 8, apt. 9. Tikhonov Oleg. I'll send you another cartoon soon.

Greetings - Oleg.

RGASPI. F. M-7. Op. 1. D. 3545. L. 1-3.

Document No. 2.

A letter from Valya Razbezhkina for an artilleryman with congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army, sent to the editorial office of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda"

[February 1943]

Dear fighter!

I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army and wish you to quickly defeat these bastards and so that no ashes remain of them. I wish you to shoot down more fascist planes and use the fire of your cannons to destroy all the tanks that are moving towards us in our beloved homeland. Slam and slam the German invaders. I am a student of Energy School No. 9. I ask you to quickly defeat the enemy and come to our school. I shake your hand firmly and wish you a quick victory. From Razbezhkina Valya.

Dear fighter

Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army. To the best artilleryman of your unit, I ask you to accept my modest gift.

Ufa st. Volodarsky N 2

RUE N 9 1 [uch] 30 groups

Razbezhkina Valya.

RGASPI. F. M-7. Op. 1. D. 3545. L. 7-7v.

1. "Defense Fund" - a special fund that received voluntary donations from citizens and organizations of the USSR for the needs of the front during the Great Patriotic War. Materials on donations from Soviet and foreign citizens and institutions to the USSR Defense Fund (1942-1946) are stored in RGASPI (F. 628).
2. RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 18. D. 1558. Personal file of Isaac-Alexander Moiseevich Yezersky. L. 14.
3. MJD - International Youth Day - international holiday youth (1915-1945). Established by the decision of the Berne International Socialist Youth Conference in 1915 in order to mobilize youth to fight for peace. In 1916-1931 was celebrated on the first Sunday in September, and since 1932 - on September 1.