(!LANG:Abstract: Female images of Leo Tolstoy's novel"Война и Мир". Толстой о предназначении женщины Каким виделся толстому идеал русской женщины!}

She knew how to understand everything that was
In every Russian person.
L. N. Tolstoy
What is an ideal? This is the highest perfection, the perfect example of something or someone. Natasha Rostova is the ideal woman for Leo Tolstoy. This means that it embodies those qualities that the writer considered the main thing for a woman.
A thirteen-year-old black-eyed girl, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive - this is how Natasha Rostova comes to Tolstoy's epic. Natural, sincere, full of life, she is the favorite of the family.
Natasha is self-willed, she does not adhere to stiff secular rules. This is a very rich nature: the girl knows how to imagine, fantasize, remember with her heart. It cannot be boring with her: living a full life, she involves everyone around in this life. The writer cannot restrain his admiration, talking about her dancing on a visit to her uncle: “Where, how, when she sucked into herself from that Russian air that she breathed ... this spirit, where did she get these techniques? .. But these spirit and techniques there were those same inimitable, unstudied Russians" that became possible because Natasha "knew how to understand everything that was ... in every Russian person." This understanding came from a simple and kind family, from closeness to nature, to the peasants. Probably, hence her dreaminess, poetry, spontaneity, her smart heart.
Only once, when in contact with the “great light”, an inexperienced, trusting girl will make a fatal mistake, which will turn into a mental catastrophe for her.
Admiring his heroine, talking about her poetic love for Andrei Bolkonsky, the writer shows that manifestations of such a passionate, direct nature can be dangerous. Natasha could not cope with her passion for Anatole Kuragin. Her betrayal destroys the life of Prince Andrei, causes grief to the girl's relatives. But how Natasha herself suffers, how she executes herself! A severe moral shock leads to the fact that she became withdrawn, aloof, afraid to return to life. “I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him,” the girl admits to Pierre.
The year 1812 brings Natasha out of a severe moral crisis. She did not immediately understand the whole tragedy of what was happening, remained indifferent to everything, almost did not participate in the preparation of the Rostovs for their departure from Moscow. However, having learned that the wounded remained in Moscow, because there were no carts, and the countess did not agree to remove things and give the carts to the wounded, Natasha, “like a storm”, burst into her parents and demanded to release the carts for the wounded and began to manage everything herself. And as a bitter reward, she was granted a meeting with Prince Andrei, seriously wounded in the Battle of Borodino. It is difficult to read about their date in Mytishchi and impossible to tell, this meeting is so tragic and beautiful, the writer so truthfully reveals their feelings, their love, which, having been revived, has become even “bigger, better than before”. "Not a single thought about myself ... was in Natasha's soul." Now she loves Andrey with all the strength that she is capable of, guesses his desires, wants to understand what he feels, “how he hurts” the wound, lives his life. Therefore, her life ended when he was gone.
A new meeting with Pierre gradually brings Natasha back to herself, to life. Tolstoy poses very difficult questions to the reader. Does a person, keeping the memory of the deceased, still have the right to survive his grief and love again?
For Tolstoy, the beauty and grandeur of life is in its diversity, in the interweaving of grief and joy. Probably, also because he loves Natasha so much, that she is overflowing with the power of life and is able to be reborn after shame, resentment, grief to new joys. And you can’t blame her, otherwise life would stop.
Natasha does not go through the difficult path of spiritual quest, she does not ask herself "eternal" questions. “She does not deign to be smart,” Pierre will say about her. Her moral strength is in the natural properties of character, in the gift of love for life, for people, for nature, in a sense of truth.
Not everyone likes her in the novel's epilogue. In a disheveled, degraded woman who has abandoned her “charms”, thinking only about her husband and children, it is difficult to recognize the former “sorceress”. But Tolstoy does not condemn his heroine, but admires her, a loving wife, a devoted mother, a homemaker. She lives in the rich spiritual world of Pierre, reflecting the main and best in him. Not understanding her husband with her mind, she instinctively unmistakably guessed what was most important in his activities, shared his thoughts without hesitation, only because these were his thoughts, and for her he is the smartest, most honest and fair person in the world. .
It is these qualities that Tolstoy values ​​most in a woman. That is why Natasha Rostova is his favorite heroine, his ideal.

Essay on literature on the topic: Natasha Rostova - Tolstoy's ideal of a woman

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Natasha Rostova - Tolstoy's ideal of a woman

She knew how to understand everything that was

in every Russian person.

L. N. Tolstoy

What is an ideal? This is the highest perfection, the perfect example of something or someone. Natasha Rostova is the ideal woman for Leo Tolstoy. This means that it embodies those qualities that the writer considered the main thing for a woman.

A thirteen-year-old black-eyed girl, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive - this is how Natasha Rostova comes to Tolstoy's epic. Natural, sincere, overflowing with life, she is the favorite of the family.

Natasha is self-willed, she does not adhere to stiff secular rules. This is a very rich nature: the girl knows how to imagine, fantasize, remember with her heart. It cannot be boring with her: living a full life, she involves everyone around in this life. The writer cannot restrain his admiration, talking about her dancing on a visit to her uncle: “Where, how, when she sucked into herself from that Russian air that she breathed ... this spirit, where did she get these techniques from? .. But these spirit and methods were the same, inimitable, unstudied, Russian”, which became possible because Natasha “knew how to understand everything that was ... in every Russian person”. This understanding came from a simple and kind family, from closeness to nature, to the peasants. Probably, hence her dreaminess, poetry, spontaneity, her smart heart.

Only once, when in contact with the "great light", an inexperienced, gullible girl will make a fatal mistake, which will turn into a mental catastrophe for her.

Admiring his heroine, talking about her poetic love for Andrei Bolkonsky, the writer shows that manifestations of such a passionate, direct nature can be dangerous. Natasha could not cope with her passion for Anatole Kuragin. Her betrayal destroys the life of Prince Andrei, causes grief to the girl's relatives. But how Natasha herself suffers, how she executes herself! A severe moral shock leads to the fact that she became withdrawn, aloof, afraid to return to life. “I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him,” the girl admits to Pierre.

The year 1812 brings Natasha out of a severe moral crisis. She did not immediately understand the whole tragedy of what was happening, remained indifferent to everything, almost did not participate in the preparation of the Rostovs for their departure from Moscow. However, having learned that the wounded remained in Moscow, because there were no carts, and the countess did not agree to remove things and give the carts to the wounded, Natasha, “like a storm”, burst into her parents and demanded that the carts be released for the wounded and began to manage everything herself.

And as a bitter reward, she was granted a meeting with Prince Andrei, seriously wounded in the Battle of Borodino. It is difficult to read about their date in Mytishchi and impossible to tell, this meeting is so tragic and beautiful, the writer so truthfully reveals their feelings, their love, which, having revived, has become even “bigger, better than before”. "Not a single thought about myself ... was in Natasha's soul." Now she loves Andrei with all the strength that she is capable of, guesses his desires, wants to understand what he feels, “how he hurts” the wound, lives his life. Therefore, her life ended when he was gone.

A new meeting with Pierre gradually brings Natasha back to herself, to life. Tolstoy poses very difficult questions to the reader. Does a person, keeping the memory of the deceased, still have the right to survive his grief and love again?

For Tolstoy, the beauty and grandeur of life is in its diversity, in the interweaving of grief and joy. Probably, also because he loves Natasha so much, that she is overflowing with the power of life and is able to be reborn after shame, resentment, grief to new joys. And you can’t blame her, otherwise life would stop. material from the site

Natasha does not go through the difficult path of spiritual quest, she does not ask herself "eternal" questions. “She does not deign to be smart,” Pierre will say about her. Her moral strength is in the natural properties of character, in the gift of love for life, for people, for nature, in a sense of truth.

Not everyone likes her in the novel's epilogue. In a disheveled, degraded woman who has abandoned her "charms", thinking only about her husband and children, it is difficult to recognize the former "sorceress". But Tolstoy does not condemn his heroine, but admires her, a loving wife, a devoted mother, a homemaker. She lives in the rich spiritual world of Pierre, reflecting the main and best in him. Not understanding her husband with her mind, she intuited unmistakably what was most important in his activities, shared his thoughts without hesitation, only because these were his thoughts, and for her he was the smartest, most honest and fair man in the world.

It is these qualities that Tolstoy values ​​most in a woman. That is why Natasha Rostova is his favorite heroine, his ideal.

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Merkusheva Tatiana

The presentation presents a creative project after studying the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"



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Problematic question: What, according to Tolstoy, should a real woman be? Natasha Rostova - Tolstoy's favorite ideal

“A woman is all the better, the more she discards personal aspirations to position herself in a motherly calling.” L.N. Tolstoy

to understand what makes it possible to call Natasha Tolstoy's favorite ideal; find out what the role of a woman should be, according to the writer. Target:

Select material that allows you to understand the character of Natasha Rostova; Understand what her inner world is like. Tasks:

Natasha's path is the desire to love, i.e. be happy and give happiness to another person. Hypothesis:

Plan: 1. Natasha is a girl at the beginning of the novel. Charm and charm. 2. Indestructible thirst for life: a) Moonlit night in Otradnoye; b) First ball. 3. Love for Prince Andrei. 4. A fleeting infatuation with Anatole Kuragin. 5. Natasha is a patriot. 6. Death of Andrey. 7. Natasha is a wife and mother. 8. The result of life.

For the first time we meet Natasha, a thirteen-year-old girl, when she “accidentally, from an uncalculated run” ran into the room where the guests were sitting. Is she beautiful? Her charm is in simplicity, naturalness. Natasha is overwhelmed with a thirst for life, she strives to do everything herself, to feel for everyone, to see everything, to participate in everything. This is exactly how Natasha appears to us at the first meeting with her. Natasha - a girl at the beginning of the novel

Natasha never thinks about the meaning of life, but this meaning is revealed in the way she lives. She feels living life in her own way, without analyzing it. She cognizes the world, bypassing the rational, logical path, directly and holistically, like a person of art. It embodies the best properties of a female being: the harmony of spiritual and bodily, natural and moral, natural and human. She has the highest gift of female intuition - a direct, non-judgmental sense of truth. Indestructible lust for life

The image of a moonlit night in Otradnoye reveals Natasha's inner world. Natasha admires the beauty created by light and shadows. Mysterious beauty! Natasha can't see enough. From the fullness of feelings in her voice, tears ring. The night seems to her magical, extraordinary. This has never happened before. Moonlit night in Otradnoye

The ball scene perfectly reveals the amazing feeling of happiness, the ability to live every moment fully. The first ball The first ball is the first appearance. The excitement that overcame Natasha from the very morning helped her to remain herself at the ball, not to be one of many. The purity and openness of Natasha immediately caught the eye of all the guests. At the ball, Natasha is overwhelmed with feelings: here is joy, and delight, and fear, and despair - and all these feelings can be read on her face, as in an open book.

The love of Andrey and Natasha is the love of two very, very different people ... love is so strange, so incomprehensible ... but still it exists ... maybe that's why they fell in love with each other, that they are so different ?! Now her whole life before meeting with Prince Andrei turned out to be just an expectation. All her light, all her joy, all her goodness, all her sensitivity, she saved up for him. She took responsibility for the man she fell in love with. Therefore, "she constantly guessed" all his feelings. The two found and fell in love with each other. But it cannot be easy for them, because behind each of them is their own world, and to love is one thing, and to understand is another. Love for Prince Andrei

How could this happen? Natasha - with her sensitivity, her true understanding of people, with her precise sense of good and evil - Natasha did not understand Anatole! Filled with her love for Andrei, Natasha - after all the thoughts that she can no longer play with life - in just a few days, she destroyed all her happiness! Now it’s not enough for her to know that she is loved, she needs every minute admiration, she needs words of love, but Andrei is not there, and Anatole appears, who can give just that: admiration, looks, words. But, unfortunately, Natasha does not imagine that they can be low, which is why readers forgive her everything, but she does not forgive herself. No one could have condemned her more severely than she herself condemned for a fleeting infatuation when she came to her senses and realized what she had done. Fleeting infatuation with Anatole Kuragin

Patriotism as a feeling that brought back to life... Natasha is brought out of a state of painful crisis by the news of the threat of the French, who have approached Moscow. The common misfortune for the whole country makes the heroine forget about her sufferings and sorrows. For Natasha, the main idea is to save Russia.

Pure and lofty love for the Fatherland and its defenders is manifested in Natasha's act, when she, a tender and respectful daughter, burst into the room and shamed her parents, who refused to give up carts for the wounded. Under the influence of a high patriotic feeling, Natasha forgets not only all patriotic calculations, but even a careful and loving attitude towards her mother. Natasha is a patriot

Describing the scene of Natasha's meeting with the dying Bolkonsky, Tolstoy shows the strength of her love. Natasha looked at him with compassion and love. Andrei saw her shining eyes filled with tears. Andrei's death Andrei's death struck her to the core. We no longer hear her enthusiastic voice, we do not see a laughing girl full of joy in life.

At the end of the novel, we see Natasha as a mature strong woman, a loving wife and mother. With the same passion, Natasha devotes herself to caring for her husband and children. All life is concentrated for her in the happiness of her relatives. Their relationship with Pierre is surprisingly harmonious and pure. Natasha's spontaneity and heightened intuition perfectly complement Pierre's intelligent, analyzing nature. Natasha - wife and mother

Natasha finds her happiness in the family, caring for her husband and children... that's how it will be in the end... and before that, Tolstoy will lead Natasha through serious trials, upheavals and mental crises. In Natasha, the author embodied, in his opinion, the ideal of a woman. Tolstoy draws Natasha in development, he traces Natasha's life in different years. Summary of life

The fate of Natasha Rostova reveals Tolstoy's views on the role of women in society. The writer sees her highest purpose in motherhood, in the upbringing of children, for it is the woman who is the guardian of family foundations, that bright and kind beginning that leads the world to harmony and beauty.

Why is Natasha Rostova the favorite ideal of Tolstoy? In the image of Natasha Rostova Tolstoy embodied everything that, in his opinion, should be inherent in a woman. He gave her all the qualities that a person needs, those qualities that the author himself appreciates in people, and especially in women. Therefore, Natasha is Tolstoy's favorite heroine.

The female theme occupies an important place in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel “War and Peace”, because a woman has her own special purpose given by nature itself: she is, first of all, a mother, a wife. For Tolstoy, this is undeniable. The world of the family is the basis of human society, and the mistress in it is a woman.

The images of women in the novel are revealed and evaluated by the author with the help of his favorite technique - the opposition of internal and external.

The author speaks about the ugliness of Princess Marya, but stops our attention on the “large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves)” eyes of the heroine. Eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, therefore, speaking of the look, Tolstoy characterizes the inner world of the heroine, hidden from the superficial observer (for example, Mademoiselle Bourienne). Having fallen in love with Nikolai Rostov, the princess at the moment of meeting with him is transformed so that the French companion almost does not recognize her: femininity, grace and dignity appear in Marya. “For the first time, all that pure spiritual work that she had lived until now came out” and made the face of the heroine beautiful.

We do not notice any particular attractiveness in appearance with Natasha Rostova either. Always on the move, responding violently to everything that happens around Natasha can “dissolve her big mouth, becoming completely bad”, “cry like a child”, because Sonya is crying; she can grow old and unrecognizably change from grief after Andrey's death. It is this vital variability in Natasha that Tolstoy likes because her appearance is a reflection of the richest world of her feelings.

Unlike the beloved heroines of Tolstoy, Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya, Helen is the embodiment of external beauty and at the same time strange immobility, like a fossil. Tolstoy constantly emphasizes her monotonous, frozen smile and the antique beauty of her body. She resembles a beautiful, but soulless statue. It is not for nothing that the author does not speak at all about her eyes, which, on the contrary, always attract our attention in the heroines beloved by Tolstoy. Helen is good outwardly, but is the personification of immorality and depravity. For a high-society beauty, marriage is the path to enrichment. She cheats on her husband all the time, the animal nature prevails in her nature. Pierre is struck by her inner rudeness. Ellen is childless. “I'm not such a fool as to have children,” she utters blasphemous words. Not being divorced, she struggles with the problem of whom she should marry, unable to choose between her two suitors. Helen's mysterious death is due to the fact that she is entangled in her own intrigues. Such is this heroine, such is her attitude to the sacrament of marriage, to the duties of a woman. But for Tolstoy this is the most important thing.

Princess Marya and Natasha become wonderful wives. Not everything is available to Natasha in Pierre's intellectual life, but with her soul she understands his actions and helps her husband in everything. Marya captivates Nicholas with spiritual wealth, which is not given to his uncomplicated nature. Under the influence of his wife, his unbridled temper softens, for the first time he realizes his rudeness towards the peasants. Marya Bolkonskaya does not understand the economic concerns of Nikolai, she is even jealous of her husband. But the harmony of family life lies in the fact that the husband and wife, as it were, complement and enrich each other, constitute one whole. Temporary misunderstanding, light conflicts are resolved here by reconciliation.

Marya and Natasha are wonderful mothers, but Natasha is more concerned about the health of her children (Tolstoy shows how she takes care of her youngest son), Marya surprisingly penetrates into the character of the child, takes care of spiritual and moral education. We see that the heroines are similar in the main, most valuable qualities for the author - they are given the ability to subtly feel the mood of loved ones, share someone else's grief, they selflessly love their family.

A very important quality of Natasha and Marya is naturalness, artlessness. They are not able to play a role, do not depend on prying eyes, they can violate etiquette. So, at her first ball, Natasha stands out precisely for her spontaneity, sincerity in the manifestation of feelings. Princess Mary, at the decisive moment of her relationship with Nikolai Rostov, forgets that she wanted to be aloof and polite. She sits, thinking bitterly, then cries, and Nikolai, sympathizing with her, goes beyond the scope of secular conversation. As always with Tolstoy, everything is finally decided by a look that expresses feelings more freely than words: “and the distant, the impossible suddenly became close, possible and inevitable.”

By creating a system of female images, the writer builds his ideal of a woman. In my opinion, this ideal can be reduced to the formula: naturalness, sensitivity, love.