Development of musical lessons for kindergarten. Synopsis of a music lesson for older preschoolers “The Fascinating World of Classical Music” Based on the plays of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the “Children's Album. Musical lessons. Notes, GCD - Synopsis of a musical lesson

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Musical lessons. Notes, NOD - Scenario of the musical lesson “Children's Album” by P. I. Tchaikovsky”

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Children who attend music lessons, are most receptive to the world around them, they subtly feel, see and hear the world, their emotions are always clearly expressed, and their intelligence is an order of magnitude higher than that of their peers. At school, he easily remembers the information received, and, therefore, studies better.

In this section we have collected a large number of notes on music lessons with children preschool age, developed by kindergarten teachers. Here you will find classes for everyone age groups, starting with kids, and in different directions. This and whole line music lessons called “Forest Tale”, and a lesson dedicated to Russian folk musical instruments, and a series of events “Musical Teremok”, and many others.

All of them help children develop their imagination and express their thoughts and feelings through music. They also develop the child’s memory, since by repeating the same melody, the child automatically trains his memory by replaying the played music in his head. He learns to present events, facts and phenomena in the correct sequence. If your child does not read yet, or is unable to read well, then you should also read our recommendations, notes, since music helps determine the rhythmic structure of the language, and therefore helps to quickly learn to read. And what is most surprising is that music helps improve health, as children learn to breathe correctly, develop their lungs, which means that blood begins to circulate better throughout the body and this causes a healing effect.

Music is the real happiness for a child, so don’t pass by and, with our help, give a piece of happiness to your kids.

Nomination: notes of music classes in kindergarten download for free.

Summary of a music lesson for preschoolers at a preschool educational institution “The Fascinating World of Classical Music” Based on the plays of P. I. Tchaikovsky from “Children’s Album”

Time spending: II week of November 2017.

Target: Introduce children to the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky with the help of several plays from “ Children's album».


1. Instill in children a positive attitude towards classical music.

2. To develop in children the ability to select an associative series for this or that music and to respond emotionally to it.

3. Expand children's horizons with the help of various musical genres (modern, classical).

4. Develop children's coordination, rhythmic hearing, and attention.

5. Encourage children to express themselves creative activity and fantasies.

Preliminary work: handouts to groups with musical repertoire for listening.

Material: rope ladder, 3 Christmas trees, a painted swamp, presentation with pictures, musical instruments (piano and metallophone, rattle and spoons, triangle and bells, tambourines and bells), screen, wooden horse.

Repertoire P.I. Tchaikovsky:

1. “March of the Wooden Soldiers.”

2. "Polka".

3. “Sweet Dream.”

4. "Game of horses."

5. " Neapolitan song».

6. For the quiz (optional): “Baba Yaga”, “Waltz”, “Mother”,

as well as the dance “Wave” by Barbarika.

Progress of the lesson:

- Good afternoon guys. I'm glad to see you guys in this room again. Today I want to invite you to a fascinating world classical music. And in order for us to get there, we need to overcome several obstacles that will meet on our way: get through dense forest, cross the dangerous rope bridge, jump over the swamp and we will find ourselves at the appointed place.

Sounds like "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

(The teacher goes through an obstacle course with the children and leads them to the chairs).

- Well, here we are. Who is this, guys? (on the screen there is a picture of the keeper of music).

- This is the keeper of music. She protects this world, so we won’t be able to get there. The Guardian needs to make sure that we do not pose a danger to this magical place. She has prepared a test for us. What kind of test is this? (On the screen is a slide with musical instruments). We need to determine which of the instruments present in the picture will sound (everyone guesses the sound of each instrument).

- Here you go. We overcame another challenge very well! Open the gate, guardian! (The screen depicts a portrait of P. I. Tchaikovsky).

- Children, who greets us?

— Absolutely correct, this is the Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. I want to say that this is the first composer of all Russian composers to write an entire album of children's pieces for piano. And he did this with incredible ease, because he adored and understood children. Tchaikovsky had a nephew, Volodya Davydov, to whom he dedicated his album.

— Almost my favorite piece from the album is “Polka.” Could you guys remind me what a polka is? (Polka is Czech folk dance, He has a cheerful, cheerful, lively and perky character. The main movement of this dance is hopping - small and light jumps). Please look at the screen. Who do you see there? (Children dance polka). Let's dance a polka together. Boys, invite the girls.

“Polka” by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds.

(Children in pairs move in circles, jumping, then sit back down).

- Let's continue our journey (a sleeping girl appears on the screen). Who is pictured? (Sleeping girl). What if she’s not actually sleeping, but just closed her eyes and dreaming about something? Guys, do you all like to dream? Can you dream? Now let's check it. The album contains a piece called “Sweet Dream”. Who knows what a dream is? (A dream is a dream). Now close your eyes and dream while listening to music.

Sounds like “Sweet Dream” by P.I. Chaikovsky.

Children, what did you dream about? What can you dream about with this kind of music? What can this girl dream about?

(The Guardian of Music appears on the screen again.)

- And again the Guardian of Music is looking at us. But now she became kinder and cheerful, because she realized that we would not harm this world. (The teacher pretends to listen.) She invites us to play. (There is a horse in the center of the hall.)

The sound is “The Game of Horses” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(Children in a circle for the first part make a movement depicting riding a horse, and for the second - a side gallop).

“The Keeper enjoyed playing with us.” You have won her over. But look, what is this? We galloped, galloped and galloped to some very picturesque place. (On the screen is a picture of Naples). Yes, this is Naples. This city is located in Italy. As you know, P.I. Tchaikovsky loved to travel and traveled a lot. And the impressions that he received from certain places were necessarily reflected in his music. This is how another play appeared, which is also from a children’s album - “The Neapolitan Song”. You know that songs usually have words, but this song is unusual - without words. And we have the opportunity to turn into an orchestra and add new colors to this work. (Give children musical instruments - spoons, tambourines, bells).

The “Neapolitan Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds.

— The time has come to say goodbye to the Guardian; the journey was very interesting. As you already understand, the Guardians have a very hard job, they protect the worlds from bad people, so you should always be on alert. Let's please him, and ourselves, of course, with a fun dance.

Barbarika's "Wave" dance is performed.

- Tell me, children, where did we go today? Which composer's work have we met? And in order for us to remember what works were performed today, we will hold a quiz. (A quiz is held using fragments of plays). This is the end of a fascinating journey into the world of classical music. See you soon.

Nomination: synopsis of a music lesson in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 16 “Herringbone”
Location: Kudymkar, Kudymkar district, Perm region

Music class in high school or preparatory group kindergarten on the topic "Music and our health"

Zakharova Irina Aleksandrovna, music director of the branch of MDOU DS No. 1 DS No. 3 of Belinsky, Penza region.
Description of work. The summary will be useful to music directors of kindergartens, educators, music teachers in primary school. Here is an option for presenting to children an idea of ​​how music can influence human health (respectively age characteristics children). Present problematic situations, various forms of work, example of "good" and "bad" music, used fairy tale characters- Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox. The lesson was shown at the “Teacher of the Year” competition in 2016 with children of different age groups (senior, preparatory). Photos and videos (amateur) are presented. A film for the lesson (minutes and seconds are indicated in the notes), I found it more convenient to use than a presentation. I hope my experience will be useful.
Target: formation musical taste, ideas about how music affects human health.
Tasks: perceive music emotionally of different nature and speak out about it;
develop skills using plastic movements and artistic creativity convey the character of the music;
develop creative thinking and imagination, cognitive activity, vocal-choral, communication skills.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Login. To the music, the children run like a snake into the hall. (entrance song “Path-toropinka” (00:03)
Musical director: Guys, I’m very glad that the cheerful path led you to the music room. Sit as you please.
(A fragment of the introduction of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds (01:06)
Musical director: Guys, what are you hearing now? (music)
- Why do you think a person needs music? (answers)
- Today we will talk not only about music. But this is what you will find out by guessing the riddle.
We all know for a long time
Cow's milk
Helps strengthen
Children's…… (health)
- Do you think music can somehow influence human health?
- Today we will listen and perform different music, and I think we will find the answer to the question: does music affect our health, and if so, how does it do it?
Now let's admire the scenery, listen to the music and think about what feelings it conveys.
2. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​– listening(fragment(01:32)
Musical director: What mood does this music convey?
- What is the name of this music, which of you found out?
- Who wrote this music?
-Who could dance to this music?

Musical director: Yes. This work was written by the famous Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and called it “Waltz of the Flowers”. They spin around in a magical dance to this music fairy-tale heroes– the prince and princess surrounded by beautiful flowers. Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a fairy tale, turned into beautiful flowers and dancing along with everyone. Anyone who wants can decorate themselves with flowers. (children wear wreaths and ties with flowers)
- Try to come up with movements that match the music yourself. On the clap we change the movement.
3. Plastic improvisation to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” (03:11)

Musical director: Well done, you danced very beautifully. What effect do you think this music can have on human health? (it can improve health)
- Why do you think so? (she brings goodness, joy and happiness, she makes your soul feel good. We also danced, but dancing is useful)
- Why do you think that dancing is useful? (strengthens posture, develops muscles)
- Yes, this music gives us happiness and health, let us, with the help of music, wish everyone health and say with a song - Good afternoon!
4. Logorhythmic (communicative) game - singing “Hello!”
Hello, blue sky! (raise hands)
Hello, golden sun! (close hands on top in a semicircle)
Hello, free breeze! (wave at themselves)
Hello, little oak tree! (wave in front of themselves)
We live in the same region. (pull forward)
I greet you all! (raise hands up)

5. “Good afternoon” lyrics. V. Suslova, music. Y.Dubravina - performance (04:50)

Musical director: Do you think this song can help us in some situation? (if you're sad, she can cheer you up)
- Why? (because the nature of the music is cheerful and joyful)
- How can this song affect our health?
- Why can it improve health (it gives joy, good mood, singing strengthens the lungs, develops breathing, improves circulation)
- Yes, if you sing correctly, it is good for your health. What rules of proper singing do you know? (do not shout, breathe correctly, pronounce words clearly)
- Well done, you said everything correctly. Now imagine that you find yourself in a forest clearing, sit down to rest, close your eyes and hear music.

6. Listening to Mariage d'Amour - Paul de Senneville - Spanish Richard Clayderman (fragment)(06:21)
Musical director: The music ended and you opened your eyes.
Now go to the easel and use colored crayons to convey the mood of the music on paper.
Free visual activity. (to music) (07:20)

Musical director: Why did you choose these colors? (the music is light, gentle, calm, so the colors are light, gentle - yellow, pink, blue)
- Well done. You did everything right, and I would like to give you a gift. There was a music box here... Where is she? Have you guys seen it?
(Music((08:51) Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox come in. They quarrel and push)

Cat: Give it back, I saw it first!
Lisa: But I took it first!
Cat: Give it back, I'll try to open it again. There could be gold or jewelry there!
Lisa: I won’t give it, I won’t give it. You still don't have the key.
Cat: here it is, here it is.
Musical director: Oh, guys, it looks like we have guests. Hello, dear ones, you are in kindergarten. So, don't quarrel or swear, please.
Lisa: Oh, kids!
Cat: But she won’t give me the box. I saw her first!
Lisa: I like her myself. True, there is no key to it. Well, that’s okay, I’ll try with my key (picking the lock, loud, unpleasant music sounds (09:13) the cat and the fox get scared)

Musical director: (takes out the key, the music stops sounding) Yes, this is my chest. I prepared it to give the guys a surprise, but you took it without permission and look what you did. And this is not how music should sound at all! Guys, what can you say about the music you just heard? (she is rude, abrupt, unpleasant, very loud)
- What can you do to this music? (quarrel, fight, make faces)
- Let's use crayons to depict the impressions of this music.
Free visual activity
The Fox and the Cat are hanging around the children.
Fox: Take the yellow one
Cat: Blue is better
Musical director: Guys, tell the Cat and the Fox why you chose these colors? (she’s unpleasant, scary, that’s why the colors are dark)
- This box is a gift for the guys. And only a special key can open it correctly. Guys, what key can open the music box (I show three keys. Children choose the treble key, I open the box)
- Look, guys, what's here? (musical instruments)

Lisa: You guys will forgive us and take us to play with you.
Cat: We won’t take anything without permission.
Together: We promise.
Musical director: Well, if you promise, the guys and I will forgive you. Take musical instruments. Let's see what kind of music this magic box will bring. The music will tell you a fairy tale, look at the screen and be careful.

7. Playing music on children's musical instruments "Good Master" (10:03)
Musical director: What mood did the music convey? (children's answers)
- How can it affect our health? (strengthen because it brings joy and fun)
Fox and Cat: Thank you. Now we understand what music is useful and should be listened to. Now it's time for us to go. Goodbye, children. (leave, music (12:44)
Musical director: Today we listened to different music. Look at your drawings. What kind of music do you want to listen to, the one that you depicted in light, bright colors or the one that you depicted in dark colors? Why?
- What music is good for health? (one that is pleasant to listen to, that brings joy, bright, calm)
- Well done boys. I was very pleased to communicate with you today. (music sounds, then quieter, then louder)
8.Exit. Musical director: Listen, guys, a cheerful path calls you to the group, and there a pleasant surprise awaits you (the children run out of the hall like a snake)

Amateur video lessons.

Video presentation for the lesson. I found it more convenient to use than just a presentation.

Target: develop musical perception, the ability to feel moods in music and their changes.

Tasks: attract children's attention to the various intonations of music, teach them to distinguish between means of musical expression: tempo, dynamics, register, harmonization; develop children’s ability to convey the character of a musical piece through movements; teach children to convey the emotional coloring of songs by expressive means performances: sad, lyrical - affectionately, melodiously, at a moderate tempo; cheerful, perky - with a light sound, at a lively pace.

To the music, children calmly enter the music room and sit on chairs. Musical director sings musical greeting"Hello guys!" by degrees of a major triad. Children answer “Hello!” also by degrees of a major triad.

Musical director. Guys, what do you think, when I said hello to you, what was my mood? (Children answer: the mood is cheerful, joyful.) That's right! I’m in a very good, cheerful mood, because I’m very glad to see you at this music lesson. What if I suddenly said hello like this? (Repeats the greeting in a minor key. Children answer: sad, sad.)

That's right, guys. After all, you and I already know that music has a magical property - it can convey a person’s mood, express different feelings and experiences: tenderness, excitement, sadness, pity. Now we will listen to a play called “The Doll’s Disease.” It was composed by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Listen carefully and you will understand what feelings the composer wanted to express in this music.

Held comparative analysis two contrasting works.

A fragment of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album” is played.

Who can tell us what music was played now?

Children. This music is sad, mournful, gloomy, anxious, plaintive, melancholy, offended, crying.

1st child.

Very sad music

In it we hear sadness.

And I don't want to laugh

And we feel sorry for someone...

Musical director.

It's right. Sounded here

Notes of sadness and sadness.

But the melody is different -

Will you tell us which one?

The play plays " New doll"P.I. Tchaikovsky from "Children's Album".

Children. This music is cheerful, joyful, playful, perky, bouncy, lively, mischievous, sunny.

2nd child.

Very joyful music -

The legs dance on their own.

Both boys and girls

Now they'll dance here!

Musical director.

I'm satisfied with your answer.

Well, friends,

Let's dance!

The “Change Pair” dance is performed. For the dance, you can use the melody of G. Struve’s song “About the Goat” or any other two-part polka.

A. Children run in circles in pairs. The boys sit on one knee and the girls run around them.

B. Standing facing each other, children make three claps at the right and left ears.

The boys do a “spring”, and the girls run to the next boy at a side gallop.

After the dance, the children sit down. The music of P. Tchaikovsky “Morning Reflection” sounds quietly.

Musical director. Do you guys remember the wonderful fairy tale about Thumbelina? Look what's in front of you beautiful flower! Maybe we'll find her there, inside? (Opens the petals and takes out the doll.) Here comes Thumbelina! (Places the doll between the flowers, which lie scattered on the table.) Remember, in the fairy tale, Thumbelina dreamed of a land of elves? We will help her get there if we complete all the musical tasks that are under these colors.

The music director turns over the flowers one by one and invites the children to complete the task. Small flat flowers are made of colored cardboard. On back side each flower - music task and a painted elf doll with wings. The elf is attached so that when the flower turns over, the elf figurine rises perpendicular to the flower.

Musical director.

We will take the first flower

And we’ll find out what’s in it?

“To sing loudly, clearly,

You have to know a lot.

Right from the morning

There are kids at the choir.”

Development exercise musical ear and voices “Here I go up, here I go down. Top-top-top-top-top. Top-top-top-top-top! The exercise is performed with various tasks. You need to sing: sad, cheerful, gloomy, affectionate, angry, drawn out, at a fast pace, etc.

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

Let's find out what is asked there...

"Early in the morning in a bright house

We all go joyfully.

In this house...

Children. Kindergarten!"

Musical director. It's designed...

Children. For the guys!

The song “Kindergarten” is performed, words and music by N. Ponomareva

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

We will find out what we are given.

“Oh, what a pity -

It's already four days

I had a fight with the doll

Doesn't listen to me."

Girls soloists perform the song “Oh, what a pity,” lyrics and music by T. Kopylova.

Musical director. What a sad song. Swearing, children, is no good, we urgently need to make peace!

We'll take the third flower

And we’ll find out what’s in it?

“The forest is friends, and the meadow is friends,

The sun is also our friend!

You children need to stand in a circle

And talk about friendship."

Performed cheerful dance“You are my friend, and I am your friend” to the song by A. Pugacheva “One Hundred Friends”. Movements by choice of music director.

Musical director.

We raise another flower.

Now we will find out the task...

“What’s that noise, what’s that ringing?

It can be heard from all sides.

So these are cuties -

Our tumblers!

Dance "Tumblers".

Musical director.

It's time to take another flower,

What are we asked again?

"Farewell once again

Dance for us!”

The dance “We wanted to dance” or any other is performed general dance at the choice of the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director. Our lesson is coming to an end, and I would really like to please you. Look how many balloons I have! Today we talked a lot about mood in music. What color do you think is a sad mood? What about fun? Dreamy? Angry? (Children answer.)

Let's try to "revive" these Balloons! We will choose “eyes”, “eyebrows”, “mouth” for them and try to more accurately express the “mood” of the ball of each color.

“Morning Reflection” by P. I. Tchaikovsky plays, the children complete the task. It is convenient to use colored self-adhesive film to make eyes, mouths, eyebrows, and noses. The eyes and noses can be glued on in advance so that the “face” does not spread beyond the bounds of reason. The “face” expression of the ball is achieved by gluing eyebrows and mouths in different positions.

Musical director. Now it’s clear that this is a sad ball. And this one is thoughtful, dreamy. And this one was very angry about something. But this one is a cheerful laugher! They are as different as our moods are. Take these balls with you to the group, where you can play with them some more. And it's time for us to say goodbye. (Sings.) Goodbye, children! Children (singing). Goodbye!

The children leave the hall to a calm melody.


Kaznacheeva T. N. Abstract of a musical lesson. / Musical palette. No. 1. 2007. Root 3. Musical and didactic games.

SUMMARY OF THE MUSICAL CLASS “WE ARE FRIENDS WITH MUSIC” for children of the senior group of kindergarten

The summary I presented of a music lesson for children of senior preschool age, “We are friends with music,” allows us to identify in children of this age the level of development of their musical abilities through joint musical, gaming and communicative activities.
It is recommended to conduct the lesson at the end school year as a final one.
This material will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers.

Target: identify the level of development of children’s musical abilities through joint musical and gaming and communicative activities using musical-game movements, musical-didactic games and playing children's musical instruments; cause in children positive emotions from meeting music.

- to develop singing skills in children: to maintain the accuracy of intonation of the stepwise and spasmodic movement of the melody; in clear diction; in the rhythmic features of the song;
- form a concept about musical term“trio” (author’s development);
- develop timbre and dynamic hearing; the ability to hear changes in character and tempo in music;
- develop the ability to independently select musical instruments and relate them to the nature of the music;
- develop attention while listening to music;
- develop the desire to independently perform musical-rhythmic movements;
- cultivate attention, speed of reaction, endurance;
- to cultivate activity, initiative, and independence in children;
- cultivate love and interest in the art of music.

Materials and equipment: musical instruments (tambourine, drum, spoons, xylophone, bell, bells); "magic shoes"; "magic metallophone"; attributes for the Music Fairy costume; illustrations for "The Tale of the Three Girls O"; magnetic board; gift - surprise; music Center.


Children enter the hall where they are met by the music director.
Musical director: Dear Guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's greet each other with a song (sings, children sing along, performing movements according to the text):
The sun came out
Directly to our window,
And the sun fell
You and I are in the palm of your hand.
Hello! Hello! Good afternoon
And now I suggest you greet your guests with this song.

Children sing last words Greetings: - Hello! Hello! Good afternoon

Musical director: How the room immediately became bright from your smiles and from the sun, which peered into our window and invited us to go for a walk. Let's go for a walk. But we will not walk along the path simple step, and in a round dance:
Children are walking along the path,
The round dance step is performed.
Socks pull, step softly,
They don't step on each other's toes. (author's development).

Children walk freely around the hall and perform a round dance step together with the teacher, and then independently under the r.n.m. (at the choice of the teacher).

Musical director: And now we will walk like this:
Perform a jump step.
We will be on every leg
Jump a little. (author's development).

Children perform jumping hops to a cheerful polka (at the teacher's choice).

Musical director: Now let's learn to keep balance. Look (says words while performing the movement):
The children laid the stone (Russian bow),
The foot pressed him hard.
We need to lift the stone
And hold it a little.
Oh, what a heavy stone:
We barely lift (slowly raise the leg):
1,2,3,4... (holds the leg up),
They put him on the path (lowers his leg).

Children perform this exercise 2 times alternately with each leg.

Musical director: Your legs need to rest -
We'll listen a little.
Children go to their chairs.

Musical director: Guys! Not only people, but also forest dwellers: the bear, the bunny and the mouse are happy about the spring sun and warmth. They gathered in a forest clearing and decided to play musical instruments. What musical instrument do you think the bear will play? (on tambourine and drum); bunny? (on spoons and xylophone); little mouse? (on the bell).
(after each answer, the children each play their own instrument).

Musical activities are carried out with children didactic game"Animal musicians."
(the music director plays the melody in different registers, first separately, and then combining them: low-high, and the children beat out the rhythm on those instruments in which register the given melody sounds).

Then the musical and didactic game “Be Attentive” is played with the children.
(children use their movements to show the tempo, mood, dynamics of the melody):

A) pace: slow - “fish swims”;
fast - “the fish is hiding” (behind the chair).

B) mood: cheerfully - stomping, hands “shelf”;
sadly, they stroke their neck.

B) dynamics: loud clapping;
quietly “click” their fingers.

The music director praises the child who was the most attentive and rewards him with “magic shoes”: he invites the child to put them on his hands and perform various dance movements with his hands on his lap. The rest of the children repeat the movements after this child with their hands.

Musical director: And now I want to tell you about a magical dream that I recently had... I was coming home from work and was so tired that I decided to sit on a bench to rest, and I fell asleep. And I dream that a kind Fairy is coming to me... (teacher in a hat, scarf, with a “magic” wand).

Musical director(waking up): Oh, who are you?
Fairy (teacher): I am the good Fairy of Music. With my magical musical sounds I make our Earth fabulously beautiful, filling it with light and warmth...
Musical director: Good Fairy, could you help me and make my children sing well?
Fairy: But your guys can sing well anyway. But to make their little voices ring even louder and more cheerfully, this musical instrument will help them with this, and the melody played on it will be the key to the songs that they will sing (gives the metallophone to the music director; the music director “wakes up”).
Musical director: This is the dream I had. And here is a “magic” musical instrument that should help your little voices sing as if crystal bells were ringing. But first, I must remind you that our tongue must be sharp, like a pencil, so that we can clearly sing the words (circles our tongue with a finger), and also your mouth must be round in order to sing with a culturally beautiful sound (circulates the round mouth with a finger) .
Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

Musical director: And now we can sing our little voices: guess what song. (plays the song “Bells” by E. Tilicheeva on the metallophone. Children guess).
Once upon a time there were three cheerful bells: Ding, Dan, Don. And each of them had their own song. Bell Tink sang in the thinnest, highest voice. “Ding-ding” his song rang (playing “si 1” on the metallophone). The middle bell Dan also sang his song in a middle voice (plays “sol 1” on the metallophone). And the bell Don had a thicker, lower voice than his friends and his song “Don-don” sounded different (plays “mi 1” on the metallophone).

Children perform the chant “Bells” by E. Tilicheeva as a whole group, showing with their hands the pitch of the sound (N. Vetlugina, Musical ABC Book, M.: Muzyka, 1985).
Musical director: And now, with the help of our “magic” metallophone, I will wish for you musical riddles. Whoever guesses the song sings it.

A musical and didactic game “Musical Riddles” is being held.
(the music director plays melodies of songs familiar to children on a metallophone; children guess them and perform them solo, in duets, in groups of one verse at a time).

Musical director: And now we have a short musical break. Let our little voices rest for now, and I’ll tell you a story about three little sisters, each of whom was called “O” (the teacher accompanies his story with illustrations). Author’s development.
In a magical music country there lived three girls, three sisters, very similar friend on each other and their names were: little O, middle O and eldest O. They loved to sing and every new day for them always began with a song.
So today, the first ray of sunshine peeked into little O’s bedroom and, warming her with its warmth, froze on her cheek. Little O opened her eyes, smiled at the ray of light, jumped out of the crib, put on her shoes, and ran out onto the porch. Ooo.! It was so good all around that she immediately began to sing a song in her high voice.
And at this time, a ray of sunshine had already looked into the bedroom of the middle girl O. She stretched sweetly, but, hearing a familiar song, put on her shoes and quickly ran towards the voice of her little sister. Oh,
How beautiful it was all around! And the two of them began to sing their cheerful song.
At this time, Ray looked into the window of the eldest O, tickled
her nose. She sneezed and woke up: “Oh, how long I slept. But my sisters are already waiting for me. I hear their cheerful song!
Jumping off the crib, she ran to her sisters. Oh!!! Butterflies flew around, and birds chirped cheerfully in the foliage of the trees. And three sisters, three O, holding hands, singing their favorite song, ran to swim to the cheerful ringing stream. And their song could be heard far, far away...
When a song is performed by three people, this performance is called a “trio”. Who wants to sing one verse of a song about spring among three?

Three children perform 1 verse of the song “Spring has come” by E. Tilicheeva.
Next, the next verse of the same song is learned.

Musical director: And now I'm all the kids
I’ll ask you to stand in a circle
And a fun, fast dance
I invite you to dance!

Children perform the dance “Cheerful Children” (S.I. Bekina; Music and Movement.; M.: Education, 1983).

Musical director: I invite the kids
On fun game:
I'm watching everyone -
I choose the most dexterous!

A game is played with children: “Whose circle will gather faster?” (S.I. Bekina; Music and movement.; M.: Education, 1983).

Musical director: Guys! Our lesson has come to an end. Today we again visited the world of magical sounds. Music helped us sing, dance, play. Because of this, our movements became more beautiful, elegant, graceful, and our voices became ringing and clear, as beautiful as magical ones. musical sounds this one musical instrument. And I would like you to always be friends with music, because “if music and children are friends, there is nothing more beautiful in the world!”
The music director gives the children a set of musical instruments for the group.

The children say goodbye and leave the hall to the music of “Waltz”.