The difference between an Honored Artist and a People’s Artist. What benefits does the title “People’s Artist of Russia” provide? People’s Artist of the USSR Igor Kirillov: I chew bread and butter. Sometimes with caviar

If the regalia were distributed by the people, then the list, which included 1006 names over 55 years, would be many times larger

At the end of August, another Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on awarding the title “Honored Artist of Russia”. In the creative and semi-creative environment and, of course, on social networks, a heated discussion flared up: who is worthy, who is not so worthy, who was not given it and why. But in the end, everyone unanimously agreed that the title “now” is not at all the same as “then.”

What did the highest title of People's Artist of the country mean for artists? Soviet times and on what principles it was awarded - about this in the material website.

Stalin's controlled elite

The title "People's Artist of the USSR" replaced the title "People's Artist of the Republic", which had existed since 1919. Joseph Stalin loved art, as well as the principle of “divide and conquer” and rightly believed that the creation of a selected creative elite would help him control the intelligentsia, from whom you never know what to expect.

It is unknown how much the awarding of the title pleased its first 13 laureates. So, Konstantin Stanislavsky, one of the leaders of the Moscow Art Theater, in 1936, already seriously ill, put all his efforts into Art Theater did not finally become a courtier. Ah, former royal officer, later a student Evgenia Vakhtangova, probably played other roles no worse than the roles Lenin, for which he was awarded a high rank.

How to walk up stairs without railings

Until 1991, it was very difficult to obtain the highest title in the creative community. The Soviet Union had a very extensive administrative division, and first one had to become an honored artist of a union or autonomous republic.

Someone had to do the work, give an impetus to the collection of documents, then it was necessary to go through numerous authorities. Moreover, it was impossible to guess where you would stumble on these stairs. Nationality could hinder or help, party affiliation also did not matter, for example, People's Artists of the USSR Maya Plisetskaya, Yuri Yakovlev and many others were not members of the CPSU.

Barbara Brylska and Yuri Yakovlev in the film “The Irony of Fate, or C light steam!”, 1975

Popularity and demand were not decisive conditions either, just mentioning the name Vladimir Vysotsky, who died at 42 without any titles. A brilliant actor who did not sing any “opposition” songs Oleg Dal died at 39 years old. The whole country mourned him and was surprised that Dahl, it turns out, was not even “deserved.”

Oleg Dal in the film “Vacation in September”, 1979

After the merit, it was necessary to receive the “people’s” honor of one of the republics, and only then the title of People’s Artist of the USSR was awarded. But, as with every rule, there were exceptions.

When age doesn't matter

It was unspokenly believed that one could apply for the title of People's Artist of the Republic by the 40th anniversary, and above that only by the seventh decade.

But even in the very first list of People's Artists of the USSR there was a 24-year-old Kazakh Opera singerKulyash Baiseitova. A year later, this title was received by her peer from the Uzbek SSR Halima Nasyrova.

In 1973, a 31-year-old singer from Azerbaijan was awarded the honorary title, long years became the “golden voice” of the USSR.

Muslim Magomayev was a truly people's artist. Photo: KP

When Joseph Stalin saw the movie " Taras Shevchenko", he demanded to immediately award the title of People's Artist of the country to the 32-year-old Sergei Bondarchuk, bypassing the entire system.

Was and completely funny case, which over time turned into a joke. They say that when Brezhnev hinted that it was time to give the title of Honored Artist to the loud-voiced representative of the peoples of the Far North Cola Beldy thinking about something Leonid Ilyich declared: “We still have to earn what we deserve, let it be considered popular for now!”

Representatives court culture immediately carried out the instructions of the Secretary General, and Kola Beldy became a People's Artist, bypassing the level of honored.

Long-term path to recognition

More often than not, artists spent decades reaching the title of folk, sometimes literally dying along the way. So the popular favorite died just a few days before receiving this title, and the actress who loved to joke Rina Zelenaya died on April 1, 1991, right on the day the corresponding decree was signed.

Mark Bernes did not live to achieve the title by only a few days. Photo: TASS

Despite the fact that there was an unspoken instruction not to award the title of People's Artist of the USSR to very elderly artists, 18 representatives of the arts received it at the age of 80 or more.

Stanislav Lyudkevich in the 50s.

As in any other activity, the merits of cultural workers have always been recognized with state awards. What did they get them for? For his contribution to the development of culture and personal investment in the development of art. What is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist? Let's figure it out.

Who can apply for state-level awards?

People often ask the question: "What is higher - People's Artist of Russia or Honored Artist of Russia?" But in order to answer it, you first need to understand who can claim this title. First of all, of course, these are the people who can be seen on cinema screens. These are actors. They are more likely than others to receive government incentives. But no film can be made without those who remain behind the scenes. Directors, screenwriters, playwrights are those people who make a significant contribution to the development of cinema. And they also often receive state awards. The work of artists who do not act in films, but often appear on television, is also noted. These are singers and TV show hosts. The state also supports various other areas of culture. For example, circus, theater and philharmonic societies. People who have been working for many years to create effective programs, be it circus show or concerts of operatic music, may rightly be distinguished by state privileges.

What can you get an arts award for?

Before you understand what is higher - an Honored Artist or a People's Artist, you need to decide why you reward people in general.

  • First of all, of course, for the creation of cult programs and films. To stage such creative projects it takes more than one year. But they become part of the life of the people. Cult films are broadcast on TV every year, and theatrical performances are staged in theaters across the country.
  • State awards reward people who, thanks to their talent and personal charisma, have enriched a particular role. And these will not always be those who act as the main characters. Sometimes state awards are given to supporting actors who did an excellent job and were able to outshine everyone else with their acting skills.
  • An honorary title can be received for a breakthrough in any field of art. How to make this breakthrough? Come up with a program for training actors, write an unexpected twist in the script that has never been used before. In general, to make an innovation that will enrich the culture of the country.
  • Teaching is a noble profession. And sometimes creative personalities who have trained more than one generation of magnificent actors, musicians, conductors, etc., become winners of state awards.

Honored Artist

Thanks to their talent and charisma, some people become public favorites. To understand what is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist, you need to analyze these titles separately, and then compare them. During his life, a cultural figure receives many awards. First, he is awarded city, then regional, and only then state insignia. A person who applies for the title of Honored Artist must have worked in culture for at least 20 years. Moreover, during this time he must go through all stages of development, from the very bottom, to the top of his career, and, accordingly, to glory. After all, not everyone becomes an honored artist, but only those people who not only work in culture, but also enrich it through their talent and hard work. Sometimes they have to live by work, and therefore at work. This hard work is appreciated by the government. The award is most often timed to coincide with March 25 - Cultural Worker's Day.

National artist

After a person makes his contribution to the development of art, the government awards him the first title. An honored artist is a figure who, through his creative work, has contributed to the advancement of his chosen field for 30 years. If this person does not lose his potential and does not stop there, the next government award awaits him. A cultural figure becomes a people's artist. But only those who have dedicated 20 years of their life to their profession can receive this title. The only exceptions are ballet dancers. After all, as you know, ballerinas at the age of 30 are already considered pensioners. Therefore, as an exception, they are awarded the title of People's Artist for 20 years of outstanding creative activity. Like all other state awards, the order for the appointment of a new title is drawn up by the government and signed by the president. Therefore, answering the question of what is higher - Honored Artist or People's Artist, we can safely say that People's Artist. After all, to achieve this honorable award you need to give most of his life in the service of art.


We already understand which rank is higher - National artist or honored. Now we need to summarize and systematize the information.

  • Both titles are state titles, appointed by the government.
  • The status of "People's Artist" is awarded to a person for 30 years of service to art. But to become an honored artist, you need to work in culture for at least 20 years. The only exceptions are ballerinas.
  • What is the difference between a People's Artist and an Honored Artist? In the sequence of obtaining ranks. It is impossible to become a People's Artist if there is no award of an Honored Artist in the arsenal of achievements.

What title do cultural figures value?

The reader has already understood what is higher - People's Artist or Honored Artist. But how do cultural figures themselves feel about these titles? Naturally, both government awards are important to people.

But in culture, as well as in the military industry, the bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general. Therefore, artists who have already achieved the title of Honored Artists try not to lose face and work hard to receive the coveted award. Honored Artist is not just a title, it is something more. Recognition, people's love and reaching the pinnacle of one's career - this is what the decree and the badge that comes with it mean for an artist. Therefore, without a doubt, every person who works in the field of culture and wants to achieve something in this life hopes at the end of his brilliant career to have the honorary title of People's Artist.

Who and how decides whether or not to be a “deserved” and “national” star, the site found out.

In March of this year, the Russian Ministry of Culture nevertheless approved the candidacy of musician Nikolai Noskov to receive the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” True, a month earlier a refusal came from the same place. What changed? And how do artists receive titles - on merit or for money?

Documents were returned due to a traffic police fine

Unfortunately, in our country, receiving awards depends on connections and the petition of influential people. But Kolya has never asked anyone for anything and will never ask anyone,” musician Sergei Trofimov (Trofim) tells Interlocutor. - We posted a petition on the Internet in support of Nikolai Noskov and collected more than five thousand signatures. At the same time, we contacted the Union of Pop Artists to nominate Nikolai for the title. Once upon a time they nominated me as an Honored Artist. True, this performance lay somewhere in the “cultural” rooms for more than three years. I’m glad it was on the second attempt, but Noskov was still awarded the title. Who, if not him, should be deserved?!

// Photo: Global Look Press

IN Lately“This is such a sore point, and I’m glad that you are raising it,” says Valeria Gushchina, senior consultant of the Actors Guild of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. - Who is being awarded and who is being given titles today? How do you choose? Unclear! Film artist Igor Petrenko, who has starred in more than 50 films, has not been able to receive what he deserves for several years, although he is a laureate State Prize Russia. Recently, the wonderful artist Mikhail Zhigalov, who devoted his entire life to theater and cinema, was denied the title of People's Artist. The main thing is that we are not even told the motivation for refusals. Somehow they returned the documents of one artist who had 96 film roles under his belt. It turns out that he has not paid the traffic police fine of 230 rubles! And how many documents need to be collected! For example, they were required to have a certificate from the tax office. Well, what does this have to do with the artist’s talent?!

Who paid for Baskov?

To receive a title or award, the artist must be nominated by some organization: a theater, a film studio, a professional union, and so on. A special expert council under the Ministry of Culture is considering the candidacy. Today it consists of 34 people.

Under the chairmanship of Minister Vladimir Medinsky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Vladimir Khotinenko, President of the Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, writer Yuri Polyakov, composer Alexey Rybnikov and other cultural figures gather once a year (on a voluntary basis, that is, for free) to decide the fate of artists. Each candidate is discussed separately, the submitted documents are studied (articles, video materials - recordings of programs, excerpts from films, performances, concerts). Then they vote. It happens that in one meeting up to a hundred people have to be considered. Of this number, the council can recommend the approval of ten people. Every year it’s different. And the final decision is made by officials of the Ministry of Culture. Moreover, the selection criteria are not always obvious.

As a source in the ministry told Interlocutor, it took a long time to approve the title of People's Artist of Russia for the satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky. Respected and beloved by the public, Michal Mikhalych was nominated for the title of different years various organizations - from the Mosconcert to the Variety Theater, but Zhvanetsky became a people's name only on the eve of his 80th birthday. But suspiciously early, the same title was awarded to singer Nikolai Baskov - at that time he was 33 years old. They say that this is thanks to the former chairman of the State Duma, politician Gennady Seleznev. They say he favored Baskov so much that he put in a good word for him. There are other rumors that Nikolai’s title was bought by his then producer, entrepreneur and father of the singer’s ex-wife Boris Shpigel. But the Ministry of Culture assures that it is impossible to buy a title or award from them.

In our country, this is categorically excluded,” an employee of the department is indignant in a conversation with Sobesednik. - Although I can admit that this is possible somewhere at another stage: for example, to pay someone in the organization that represents the person. But I think it’s not easy to do it there either. Our board tries to consider each candidate objectively.

Previously, all this took a lot of time, not like now,” says the CT announcer, People's Artist Russia Anna Shatilova. - At first they gave the lowest rank - deserved. Then many years had to pass before you could be introduced to the people. So many documents needed to be collected, different commissions met! My candidacy was considered for six years. I had two creative characteristics: from People's Artist of the USSR radio announcer Yuri Levitan and from People's Artist of the USSR choreographer Igor Moiseev. I didn't even hope anymore. But one day in 1988, the Kremlin called and said that I needed to be at the ceremony on the same day at 15:00. I couldn't because of work. Then I was invited to an awards ceremony at the Ministry of Culture, but again I couldn’t. In the end, I was given a certificate and badge at the Ostankino television center.

Blind the common man

Previously, People's Artists of the USSR were provided with additional meters of living space, services in elite clinics and sanatoriums, while on tour they were entitled to a luxury hotel room and tickets to the SV, as well as a black Volga for the performance and after the performance. In addition, they paid a double pension.

Now artists with titles do not have any special benefits. The exception is those living in Moscow, they are paid 30 thousand rubles monthly,” continues Valery Gushchin’s story. - But this innovation was introduced this year and it is unknown whether the premium will remain next year. As soon as this amount began to be paid to the honored and popular, artists flocked to our guild with a request, even a demand, to nominate them for the title. They say: “This money would help me so much now!” We try to help somehow, but, I repeat, it doesn’t always work out. But look at our young pop divas. Through one - honored and popular. Who rewards them and on what basis?!

Indeed, for example, Natasha Koroleva became honored at the age of 29, while in response to the indignation of some she declared: “I have nothing to be ashamed of!” Diana Gurtskaya received the same title at 28. For comparison: the pop “empress” Irina Allegrova became honored on her 50th birthday. And although today titles for artists, by and large, do not bring anything (it is unlikely that Koroleva, with her concert fees, urgently needs an additional 30 thousand), it is still prestigious. It’s so nice to write in big letters on a poster or announce from the stage: “The Honored (People’s) Artist is performing...” To dazzle the average person.


In 1896, five people from the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater became the first “Honored Artists of His Majesty the Imperial Theatres”. Also one of the first to receive this title was ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. In 1918, the title was officially revoked. And a year later another one appeared - “People’s Artist of the Republic”. The first to be awarded was Fyodor Chaliapin (pictured). In 1931, this title was changed to “People’s Artist of the RSFSR.” At the same time, “Honored Artist of the RSFSR” appeared. This title is awarded to those who have worked in the field of art for at least 10 years.

In 1936, Joseph Stalin signed a decree conferring a new title “People's Artist of the USSR.” The Moscow Art Theater artists were the first to receive it. In 1991 with the collapse Soviet Union this title ceased to exist. In total, 1006 people became People's Artists of the USSR. The last to receive it were Alla Pugacheva and Oleg Yankovsky. Today, 146 people live in the country with this title. In history, the youngest People's Artist of the USSR was 31-year-old Muslim Magomayev.

People's Artist of the USSR Igor Kirillov: I chew bread and butter. Sometimes - with caviar

Central Television announcer Igor Kirillov received the most honorable title in the Soviet Union in 1988.

// Photo: Andrey Strunin / “Interlocutor”

Lord, who needs this title now?! - Igor Leonidovich exclaimed in a conversation with “Interlocutor”. - Everything has already passed! And the Soviet Union is long gone. I still have the title “People’s Artist of the RSFSR”, and there is no such republic anymore. The title is, of course, honorary. But on odd days it’s just like that. Is today an odd day? This means that today I am just a normal pensioner. Outgoing nature. Unfortunately.

- Wasn’t it strange that a television announcer was awarded such a prestigious, but still an acting title?

Well, the title is up to me people's USSR Radio announcers Yuri Levitan and Olga Vysotskaya, and CT announcer Valentina Leontyeva have already received it. I'm not the first in this case. You know, this fact hasn’t changed anything special in my life. Who I was is who I remain. I take the title calmly, but with gratitude. And there were no benefits that are talked about so much. In any case, I didn't use them. I had my own car, I drove it for over 60 years. And in everyday life I didn’t need much, just work.

- Now your title doesn’t give you anything financially?

Well, they started adding 30 thousand rubles to the pension. This is an initiative of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. So I chew bread and butter. And sometimes even with caviar.

Viktor Merezhko: I came to the Kremlin by metro

As a rule, titles and awards are presented in the Kremlin before any holiday - Russia Day, Constitution Day, New Year. The celebration takes place in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin Palace.

// Photo: Global Look Press

They called me from the presidential administration and invited me to come to the Kremlin on such and such a date to receive an award,” playwright Viktor Merezhko, who became People’s Artist of the Russian Federation four years ago, tells Interlocutor. - There was a recommendation to wear a black suit and tie, which, by the way, I don’t wear in real life. I remember asking my neighbor Arkady Inin to tie it for me, since I don’t know how. They didn't offer me a car. I went by metro. I entered the Kremlin through the Spasskaya Tower.

We were kept in some kind of waiting room for about an hour, then they let us into the hall. There were pieces of paper with names on each chair. We waited for the President for about another half hour. A lot of people spoke for five minutes at a time, thanking their homeland and the president. It was exhausting for everyone. So I just went out, received the award, said thank you and sat down. I didn’t go to the podium, although no one forbade me. After the ceremony, glasses of champagne were brought in. A crowd formed around the president, everyone wanted to be closer to him. I didn’t push people with my elbows, it was somehow indecent. I drank champagne and went to the metro.

Folk without quotes

It happens that people’s favorite artists never receive any title. For example, Vladimir Vysotsky or Oleg Dal. And this is understandable: is it possible to imagine that the USSR Ministry of Culture could seriously discuss an award for the rebel Vysotsky?! Although he still became honored, posthumously. And even today many famous artists have no rank. Alexander Baluev, Lyubov Tolkalina, Ivan Okhlobystin, Anna Ardova, Victoria Tolstoganova...

Some artists themselves refuse titles. For example, the leader of the “DDT” group, Yuri Shevchuk, did not want to receive the People’s Honor of the Russian Federation, because he was offended that he would receive this title after being honored for ten years. Such rules. But Leonid Yarmolnik was once offered to skip the deserved one and immediately get the national one. But he also refused.

// Photo: Global Look Press

“I am deeply convinced that an artist should be known by name and face,” Leonid expresses his opinion to “Interlocutor.” - The title of people's people has been devalued in our country, almost everyone already has it, although they are not Ulyanovs, not Evstigneevs, not Yakovlevs, not Efremovs, and so on. Or even simpler and clearer: imagine - People's Artist of the USA Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino...

The famous Athos, Veniamin Smekhov, who worked for many years at the Taganka Theater, was also left without the title of People's Artist.

At one time, we, young people, were nominated for titles,” recalls Veniamin Borisovich. - Then they recalled us because we were close to the disgraced director Yuri Lyubimov. Then they wanted to give again. And now the time has come when it is not necessary. After all, if a person you don’t know comes with the statement: “I am People’s Artist Golopupkin,” you are unlikely to begin to treat him well. Ecclesiastes says: “A good name is more valuable than a ringing suit.” Therefore, when people with high height They hinted, not to me, but to my wife Galina, that they should, she honestly said: “He won’t talk to you.”

Who else?

Over the years various reasons awards and titles were also refused: actor Alexei Devotchenko from the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, writer Yuri Bondarev and artist Vakhtang Kikabidze from the Order of Friendship, musician Konstantin Kinchev from the medal “Defender of Free Russia”, writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn from the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called...

The material was published in the publication “Interlocutor” No. 12-2018.

Also in Ancient Rome the saying “The people demand bread and circuses” appeared. Nowadays, spectacles mean not only the entertainment that show business gives people, but also real great art, preserved and developed in museums and art galleries, puppets and drama theaters, V art schools and even the smallest choirs.
Any crisis in a country begins not with the economy, but with education and art. Artists constantly struggle with spiritual crises.

Artists are not made, they are born

However, you can work your whole life in a theater or philharmonic society, and in 35-50 years of creative activity you will not do anything significant, not give people pure art, not make every phrase or note a revelation. You can get a specialized education - music, acting or directing, art or drama and not excite the public, or you can be self-taught and attract full houses of art-loving spectators.

In short, not all talented musicians, actors, directors and dancers become famous in their field, because talent alone is not enough: you also need hard work, the ability to read between the lines and hear others, to be sensitive and firm. In short, a true artist is a gifted person who knows how to tell people the most important dance or music, a role or a staged performance. Such people are noticed and celebrated.

What awards and titles are usually given to the most talented and brightest artists?

There are a lot of awards, often they are awarded not only and not so much by government leaders or the people, but by various editors of magazines and newspapers, masters of art and special commissions.

When a person really means something in culture and art, he is noticed not only by the audience, but also by the leadership of the region and even the state, because art and bright personalities it has always played and continues to play a primary role in educating the younger generation, preserving the best cultural traditions state, raising the spiritual level of every person.

There are only two honorary titles in the field of arts and culture, and each of them is very important. It's about about the titles of Honored and People's Artist Russian Federation.

Both of these titles are equally important and honorable, and yet there is a certain difference between them.

A person can become an Honored Artist:

  1. Worked in one or another field of culture and art for at least ten years.
  2. He has achieved significant creative success in his field.
  3. Achieved fame and wide public resonance.
  4. Received recognition from viewers (readers, listeners, etc.).
  5. Award-winning city, regional and national leaders.
  6. Taking an active civic position.

Once a year, the head of a cultural and art institution (theater, philharmonic, museum, gallery) or the head of the city submits a petition to the Ministry of Culture to award the title of Honored Artist to a particular person.

The application is accompanied by a collegial decision of the team or its members ( artistic council theater, for example) on the nomination of a professional for the title of Honored Artist and award list, as well as a list of the most significant achievements candidate. The decision to award the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation is made by the president of the state.

Highest rank for creative personPeople's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Of course, actors, singers and musicians beloved by the people do not always officially receive the title of People's Artists, but most often the award still finds its hero. What is needed for this?

The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded to a person:

  • No less than five years after receiving the title of Honored Artist of the country.
  • Achieved public recognition.
  • He made a significant contribution to the development of culture and art of the country.

The artist receives this title once and for all. The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded by the president of the country, and every year on the same day - on the eve of Cultural Worker Day. This most important holiday for all artists in the country is celebrated on March 25.

Perhaps this is the only day when actors, singers, composers and ballet dancers not only give themselves to the audience and work for others, but also become the heroes of the day themselves and receive the loudest applause.

Not all actors, singers and musicians receive the title of Honored Artist. To become one, you have to go through a long process thorny path where there will be troubles and obstacles, there will be people who will not mind putting talented person a spoke in the wheel, even if he is their friend and colleague. But there is no need to give up, you need to work long and hard. And then reward and recognition will find you themselves.

Who is entitled to the title?

Honorary status is assigned to persons working in the fields of cinema, pop, theater, ballet, workers in the music and circus fields, as well as radio and television workers, and so on. A person applying for the title of "Honored Artist" must have worked for 20 years or more and achieved public recognition.

How is it possible to receive a state award?

In 2010, a special decree was issued by the President of the Russian Federation stating that this high title is awarded to a worker only when he has worked in the field of art for more than 20 years. But that's not all. The candidate for the title must have any awards or incentives (diplomas, certificates, grants) issued by federal authorities or authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation. This means that the future Honored Artist of theatre, cinema, etc. will receive the title due to him only upon reaching the age of 38, provided that the person began working in various creative teams from 18 years old.

Of course, simply working for 20 years in cinema or theater to obtain the status of an Honored Artist is not enough. You need to make a big contribution to art or its development, for example, make a film that becomes popular, successfully perform in many performances, achieve fame and recognition of your name. If the future honored artist meets all of the above requirements, you can safely apply for the title. But before you write an appeal, you need to draw up a petition for an award. This is usually done by the director or head of the institution where the talented employee works, or his team. In other words, at the person’s place of permanent work. If for some reason the future honored artist does not work anywhere, then the petition is drawn up in the place where he spent active work in the field of arts.

How is an honored artist different from a folk one? Which title is preferable?

It is more difficult to become a People's Artist than an Honored Artist. This does not mean that getting second status is easy. You need to work hard. To receive the title “Honored Artist of Russia”, you need to work for the benefit of art for at least 20 years. For those who have chosen ballet as their specialty, this period is reduced to 10 years. But to become a People's Artist, you need to work for another 10 years after receiving the title of Honored Artist. For those who are engaged ballet dancing, the time is again reduced to 5 years.

To summarize, we can say that when asked which title is better - Honored or People's Artist, we can confidently answer that it is better to be second. However, you cannot become one until you have received the status of the first.

Special privileges in the USSR

Of course, this is not the only difference in titles. A People's Artist is now entitled to more privileges and awards than a deserved one. If during the Soviet era, when the latter went on tour, he was entitled to a place in a compartment and a shabby hotel room, then the former was given more honors. The carriage stood out no less than a sleeping one, and the place where the actor was located was luxurious. In addition, people's artists received and receive a good increase in salary, vouchers to a sanatorium, and previously, when going to and leaving a performance, an artist was given a car that would take him there and back. Now this privilege, unfortunately, has been cancelled.

Honored Artists of Russia

Singer Leonid Agutin was included in the honorary list of recognized artists. He is the son of a musician and teacher, followed in his father’s footsteps and already studied at the music school. Then he graduated from Moscow jazz school, served in the army, and then seriously took up the career of a singer and musician. His award found its recipient in 2008.

Singer Tatyana Bulanova also has this status. Although her relatives are not at all connected with music, like Leonid Agutin’s (Tatiana’s father graduated from the Naval Academy, and her mother was a photographer), the girl discovered a love for music from childhood. And although the singer received it, she still decided to show off her talent on stage. The beginning of her career, or debut, took place in 1990, and 14 years later she received the title “Honored Artist”.

Mark of distinction

The awarded person will receive not only a certificate, but also a special Chest sign. It is made of silver and has a very beautiful and unusual shape. The award looks like an oval wreath, which is obtained using two crossed tree branches - oak and laurel. At the bottom of the award there is a beautiful bow, and at the top - National emblem. In the center, right on the wreath, there is an inscription that reads: “Honored Artist.” There is a pin on the back of the badge so that it can be attached to a jacket. Traditionally this is done with right side breasts

Summing up

This award, which was carefully reviewed in the article, is difficult to obtain, but possible. You just need to remember that not a single achievement will be achieved unless you make titanic efforts and devote yourself entirely to achieving your cherished goal. It’s not for nothing that they say that dreams come true. Only a strong desire is enough. And then the title will not be just a name.