(!LANG: Telling the Adyghe folk tale “The Golden Jug. Adyghe folk tales: The Golden Jug The Golden Jug Adyghe fairy tale

Securing a loan with collateral is considered beneficial for both parties to the transaction.

For the lender

The bank receives a significant guarantee in the event of a client's insolvency. In order to return its funds, the creditor has the right to sell the provided collateral property. From the proceeds, he takes the money put to him, and returns the rest to the client.

For the borrower

For the borrower, there are both positive and negative sides of the transaction with the pledge of property. The advantages include:

  • obtaining the maximum possible loan amount;
  • obtaining a loan for a long period of time;
  • lending money at a reduced interest rate.

At the same time, the client must remember that if it is impossible to repay the borrowed funds, he will lose his car. Sovcombank usually provides a loan secured by a car for a long period. During this time, various unforeseen circumstances may occur. Therefore, before pledging a vehicle, you should weigh your financial capabilities.

It is because of this that pledging an apartment does not always look tempting, but providing your vehicle as additional security for a bank loan is a more thoughtful and less risky business.

Sovcombank has been operating in Russia for over 25 years and is a major banking institution, which increases its reliability in the eyes of potential customers. It offers individuals a wide variety of loan products, including among consumer loans there is a loan secured by personal vehicles. This loan has its own characteristics.

Maximum amount

Sovcombank issues a maximum amount of 1 million rubles to the client on the security of his car. Money is provided only in Russian currency.

Loan terms

Sovcombank gives a loan secured by a car for no more than 5 years. In this case, the client has the right to take advantage of early repayment of the loan without applying any penalties to it.

Interest rate

If the borrowed funds for the purposes specified in the agreement exceed 80%, then the rate offered is 16.9%. If the amount of the loan received for a specific purpose is less than 80%, then the rate is increased and amounts to 21.9%.

If a citizen has a salary card in the bank, then the loan rate can be reduced by 5 points.

When concluding the proposed insolvency insurance contract, the borrower can receive a loan with an interest rate of 4.86%. With the smallest amount of credit taken by the client and the minimum term for concluding the agreement, the bank will offer a lower annual interest rate.

Such an insurance amount is paid once a year and is a salvation in the event of financial difficulties for the client.

Requirements for the borrower

A loan is provided for individuals on the following loyal terms.

  1. Age. The client of the bank applying for the loan must be older than 20 and younger than 85 at the time of repayment of the last loan installment.
  2. Citizenship. The potential borrower must be a citizen of Russia.
  3. Employment. At the time of conclusion of the loan agreement, the client must be employed. Moreover, the experience at the last place of work should be more than 4 months.
  4. Registration. An individual can apply for a loan only if he is registered at the location of the bank's office branch. The distance from the place of residence to the nearest office should not exceed 70 km.
  5. Telephone. An important requirement is the presence of a fixed telephone number. It can be both home and work.

A vehicle pledged to a bank must meet certain conditions.

  1. No more than 19 years must have elapsed from the date of manufacture of the car at the date of conclusion of the contract.
  2. The car must be on the move, in good condition.
  3. The pledged vehicle must be free from other pledge obligations. The vehicle cannot have a double deposit.
  4. At the time of signing the contract, the car should not be a participant in the car loan program.

Required documents

Before signing an agreement with the bank, the client collects the documents required for this transaction. Moreover, both papers related directly to the borrower and documentation for the pledged vehicle will be needed.

For an individual

The borrower must provide a list of the following securities regarding himself:

  • Russian passport and its copy;
  • SNILS or driver's license (at the choice of the client);
  • certificate of income, completed in the form of a banking institution. It indicates the amount of earnings for at least the last 4 months, taking into account all deductions, that is, income in a “net” form. The document must be endorsed by the head of the enterprise, the seal of the organization is affixed to it.
  • notarial consent of the spouse. If it is issued as a guarantor, then it is additionally necessary to conclude an agreement, which specifies all the obligations of the person giving the guarantee regarding the loan received.

For a legal entity

To provide a loan to a legal entity, a significantly larger number of documents will be required. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Constituent. These include the Charter, documents on the appointment of the general director, chief accountant.
  2. Financial. This package of documents includes papers on registration with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of the status of the current account.
  3. General. Documents on the activities of a legal entity, its partners, the main types of contracts.

Property documents

The following documents are required for the vehicle:

  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of registration;
  • OSAGO insurance policy.

You can apply for a car loan in several stages.

  1. Before concluding an agreement, you should determine the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds and weigh your financial capabilities.
  2. Applying for a loan. This can be done at the Sovcombank office or on the official website online (https://sovcombank.ru/apply/auto/).
  3. Collection of documents for the client and the car.
  4. After receiving the consent of the bank to apply for a loan, you must come with all the papers to the nearest branch.
  5. The conclusion of the loan agreement and the signing of the mortgage on the car. Registration of these documents in Rosreestr.
  6. Transfer of money by the bank to the account specified by the client.

Debt repayment methods

After receiving a loan, its timely repayment is considered an equally important issue, so it is important to clarify the possible ways.

  1. You can pay the loan amount at any Sovcombank office through an operator or through a terminal or ATM of this banking institution.
  2. If the client has a personal account of Sovcombank, he will be able to repay his credit obligations with the convenience of not leaving his home.
  3. In any branch of the Russian Post, the client can make a money transfer by indicating the details of the bank account.
  4. You can pay the amount of the debt through ATMs of other banks. Please note that in this case a fee will be charged.

golden jug

I can't grow old, the king thinks. - Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to argue. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately cease to obey me. How will I deal with him then?" Who will say whether it was or not, it is only true that a cunning and cruel king lived in the world.

In his life, he did not treat anyone in a good way, there was no such person whom he would pity, there was no such dog that he would caress.

Everyone - from young to old - was afraid of the king, and he himself was afraid of only one thing - old age.

For days on end the king sat in his chambers and looked at himself in the mirror.

He notices gray hair - tint it with paint. Notice a wrinkle - smooth it out with your hand.

“I must not grow old,” the king thinks. - Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to argue. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately cease to obey me. How can I deal with him then? And, in order to never remember old age, the king ordered to kill all the old people.

As soon as a person's head turns gray, then he is finished. The royal guards with axes and axes grab him, lead him to the square and cut off his head.

From all over the country, women and children, young men and girls came to the king - everyone brought rich gifts to the king, everyone shed bitter tears, everyone begged the king to spare their fathers and husbands.

Finally, the tsar got tired of listening to complaints every day. He called his messengers and ordered them in all cities and villages, on all roads and squares to announce to the people about his great mercy.

The messengers saddled their horses and dispersed in different directions, and on all roads and streets, at all intersections and squares they blew trumpets and shouted loudly:

- Listen everyone! Listen everyone! The king will grant you his mercy. Whoever gets a golden jug from the bottom of the lake will save the life of his father, and he will receive the jug as a reward. Such is royal mercy! And whoever cannot get a jug will not save his father either and will lose his head himself. Such is royal mercy!

The messengers had not had time to go round even half of the country, when brave young men began to converge and come to the lake.

The shore of the lake was steep, and from its height, through clear, transparent water, a beautiful golden jug with a thin neck, with patterned carvings, and a curved handle was clearly visible.

And then ninety-nine days passed.

Ninety-nine brave men tried their luck.

Ninety-nine heads were cut off by the cruel king, because no one could get the jar from the bottom of the lake, as if someone had bewitched it. Look from above - the jug is visible to everyone, but in the water - no one can find it.

And at that very time, in that very country, a young man named Asker lived. Asker loved his father very much, and when he saw that his father was getting old, that wrinkles appeared on his face, and his hair was turning gray from gray hair, Asker took his father far into the mountains, into a deaf gorge, built a hut there and hid in this hut his old man.

Every day, when the sun went behind the mountains, the young man secretly made his way into the gorge and brought food to his father. One day Asker came to the gorge, sat down near his father and thought.

“What care do you have in your heart, my child? the old man asked. “Maybe you got bored of coming here every day?”

“No, father,” the young man replied, “in order to see you healthy and unharmed, I am ready to walk through these mountains three times a day. Another concern is in my heart. Day or night, the royal jug never leaves my head. No matter how much I think, I just can’t understand why it is, when you look into the clear water from the shore, the jug is seen so clearly that it seems, just stretch out your hand and it is yours.

And as soon as someone jumps into the water, the water immediately becomes cloudy and the jug falls right through the bottom, as if it never existed.

The old man silently listened to his son and thought.

“Tell me, my son,” the old man said at last, “is there a tree on the shore of the lake, in the place where you can see the jug?”

“Yes, father,” said the young man, “there is a large, sprawling tree on the shore.

“But remember well,” the old man asked again, “is the jug visible in the shade of the tree?”

“Yes, father,” the young man said, “a wide shadow falls from the tree on the water, and just in this shadow there is a jug.

“Well, listen to me, my son,” said the old man. “Climb this tree and you will find among its branches the royal jug. And the jug that is visible in the water is only its reflection.

Faster than an arrow, the young man rushed to the king.

- I vouch with my head, - he shouted, - I will get your jug, gracious king!

The king laughed.

- Only your head is not enough for me to even count. Ninety-nine heads I have already chopped off - yours will be a hundredth.

“Maybe so, or maybe not,” the young man replied. “But I’m afraid that this time you won’t even the scores.

“Well, try your luck,” the king said and ordered his servants to sharpen the ax more sharply.

And the young man went to the shore and, without hesitation, climbed a tree that grew just above the cliff.

The people gathered on the shore gasped in surprise.

- May Allah have mercy on him! That's right, he lost his mind from fear! - said one.

“Maybe he wants to jump into the water from the tree,” others said.

Meanwhile, the young man climbed to the very top and there, among the branches, he found a golden jug - with a thin neck, with patterned carvings, with a curved handle.

Only the jug hung on the tree upside down, so that it seemed to everyone that it was standing in the water, as it should be, upside down.

The young man took the jug from the tree and brought it to the king.

The king spread his hands like that.

“Well,” he says, “I didn’t expect such a mind from you. Have you figured out how to get the jug yourself?

“No,” said the young man, “I wouldn’t have thought of it myself. But I have an old father, whom I hid from your merciful eyes, it was he who guessed where the jug was hidden. And I just took his advice.

The king thought.

“Obviously, old people are smarter than young people,” he said, “if one old man guessed what ninety-nine young men could not guess.

Since then, in that country, no one dares to touch the old people with a finger, everyone honors their gray hair and wisdom, and when they meet an old person on the way, they make way for him and bow low.

Golden Jug Korolkova fairy tale for children

In a certain kingdom, far away, in a far away state, there lived a king. His kingdom was not rich. But people lived there for a long time - for a hundred years or more. The king, however, was not of a far-sighted mind. One day he says:
- It's a lot - for so many peasants to live. What is the use of them? I order: as soon as the old man or woman turns seventy-five years old, take them to the forest and throw them there. And don't give them bread or water! So the old people died without time. There lived at that time one poor, pre-poor peasant. He had seven children. He raised them all, gave his daughters in marriage, married his sons. And he stayed with his younger son. The son's name was Mitrofan. He loved the old man so much that he did not have a soul in him. Now it's time to take my father to the forest, so that he would die of starvation there. Mitrofan did not sleep all night: he kept thinking how to save his father from death. And here's what I came up with. I harnessed the horse, put my father on the cart, put him bread, salt, a jug for water. And he took with him an iron shovel. I drove into the forest. He dug a dugout for his father there, left him food and said: - You don’t show yourself to anyone, but I will feed and water you. Mitrofan brought food to his father every week. He was very happy. Sitting - talking with his son: - What is there, son, new in this world? - Yes, dad, what a case! The king went to bathe with his retinue and saw a golden jug at the bottom of the pond. Now an order has been announced to us: whoever gets the golden jug, the king will reward him, and whoever doesn’t get it, he will be executed. However, whoever dived, no one got it. It's my turn to dive for the pitcher. What a grief! The old man says: - Go, son, to that pond, look from a distance: are there any trees near the pond? Mitrofan went to the pond, looked from a distance. He comes and says: -Father, there are three rows of trees around the pond. -Well, go to the king and say that you will get a jug. Just know that that jug is not in the POND, but on a tree. This king saw his reflection in the water. Mitrofan announced that he would get the jug. He went to the pond, looked, and the jug, probably, was hanging on the branches of a tall oak. He took out a jug, brings it to the king. The king wanted to reward him, but the nobles are envious. They say: - Let him solve one more problem. You, father king, have two horses that cannot be distinguished. Both of them are of the same suit. Order them to be brought out, let him find out which horse is older, which is younger. Here comes Mitrofan to his father and says: - Dad, the king does not give me what he promised. He says: first indicate which of the two horses of the same suit is older and which is younger? I don't know - there will be trouble. And the old man replies: - There will be no trouble, son. Go to the stable, stand at a distance, do not come close. As the grooms bring the horses out, you look: which horse will walk with a sedate, quiet step, only waving his head, that one is older for years, and the young one will rush and buck, rush to her. In the morning Mitrofan went to the horse yard, stood at a distance and looked. Grooms take out two horses - both of the same suit, you can’t tell. Only one horse walks, shakes its head, and the other dances, breaks, rears up. The king asks Mitrofan: - Well, tell me which horse is older? Mitrofan points out: -That one is older, and this one is younger. - Well done, - says the king, - learned. I already wanted to give him a present, but the nobles say: - If he is so smart, let him solve the problem. We cut two identical circles from the tree, remove the bark from them. Let him say - which circle is from the root, which is from the crown? Mitrofan comes to his father. Says: - So and so. They will cut off two identical twists from the tree, the bark will be removed from them. I have to guess: which circle is from the root, which one is from the crown. The father says: - This, son, is a simple matter. You just need to put them in water. Which circle from the top of the head will lie flat on the water, and which one from the root will seem to sway and sink into the water on a lying straw. Mitrofan did just that. He took both circles, threw them into the water, looked and said: - This one is from the crown, and this one is from the root. - You guessed it! - the king was surprised. Says Mitrofan: - Here's your reward - two tithes of land and a tithe of forest. For you and your children forever. Ho just say: you guessed it yourself or someone for you! prompted? Mitrofan says: - They didn't order to execute, but to pardon. I'll tell you the truth. -Speak! Nothing will be bad. - My father taught me. I did not leave him to die in the forest, but buried him in a dugout, I feed and sing him! there. That very minute the tsar gave an order that the old men and women should no longer be taken to the forest. So that they teach the young mind-reason, and for this they will be honored and respected.

“I can’t grow old,” the king thinks. “Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to contradict me. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately stop obeying me. How will I manage it then?” it is true that a cunning and cruel king lived in the world.

In his life, he did not treat anyone in a good way, there was no such person whom he would pity, there was no such dog that he would caress.

Everyone - from young to old - was afraid of the king, and he himself was afraid of only one thing - old age.

For days on end the king sat in his chambers and looked at himself in the mirror.

He notices gray hair - tint it with paint. Notice a wrinkle - smooth it out with your hand.

“I can’t grow old,” the king thinks. “Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to contradict me. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately stop obeying me. And, in order to never remember old age, the king ordered to kill all the old people.

As soon as a person's head turns gray, then he is finished. The royal guards with axes and axes grab him, lead him to the square and cut off his head.

From all over the country, women and children, young men and girls came to the king - everyone brought rich gifts to the king, everyone shed bitter tears, everyone begged the king to spare their fathers and husbands.

Finally, the tsar got tired of listening to complaints every day. He called his messengers and ordered them in all cities and villages, on all roads and squares to announce to the people about his great mercy.

The messengers saddled their horses and dispersed in different directions, and on all roads and streets, at all intersections and squares they blew trumpets and shouted loudly:

- Listen everyone! Listen everyone! The king will grant you his mercy. Whoever gets a golden jug from the bottom of the lake will save the life of his father, and he will receive the jug as a reward. Such is royal mercy! And whoever cannot get a jug will not save his father either and will lose his head himself. Such is royal mercy!

The messengers had not had time to go round even half of the country, when brave young men began to converge and come to the lake.

The shore of the lake was steep, and from its height, through clear, transparent water, a beautiful golden jug with a thin neck, with patterned carvings, and a curved handle was clearly visible.

And then ninety-nine days passed.

Ninety-nine brave men tried their luck.

Ninety-nine heads were cut off by the cruel king, because no one could get the jar from the bottom of the lake, as if someone had bewitched it. Look from above - the jug is visible to everyone, but in the water - no one can find it.

And at that very time, in that very country, a young man named Asker lived. Asker loved his father very much, and when he saw that his father was getting old, that wrinkles appeared on his face, and his hair was turning gray from gray hair, Asker took his father far into the mountains, into a deaf gorge, built a hut there and hid in this hut his old man.

Every day, when the sun went behind the mountains, the young man secretly made his way into the gorge and brought food to his father. One day Asker came to the gorge, sat down near his father and thought.

“What care do you have in your heart, my child? the old man asked. “Maybe you got bored of coming here every day?”

“No, father,” the young man replied, “in order to see you healthy and unharmed, I am ready to walk through these mountains three times a day. Another concern is in my heart. Day or night, the royal jug never leaves my head. No matter how much I think, I just can’t understand why it is, when you look into the clear water from the shore, the jug is seen so clearly that it seems, just stretch out your hand and it is yours.

And as soon as someone jumps into the water, the water immediately becomes cloudy and the jug falls right through the bottom, as if it never existed.

The old man silently listened to his son and thought.

“Tell me, my son,” the old man said at last, “is there a tree on the shore of the lake, in the place where you can see the jug?”

“Yes, father,” said the young man, “there is a large, sprawling tree on the shore.

“But remember well,” the old man asked again, “is the jug visible in the shade of the tree?”

“Yes, father,” the young man said, “a wide shadow falls from the tree on the water, and just in this shadow there is a jug.

“Well, listen to me, my son,” said the old man. “Climb this tree and you will find among its branches the royal jug. And the jug that is visible in the water is only its reflection.

Faster than an arrow, the young man rushed to the king.

- I vouch with my head, - he shouted, - I will get your jug, gracious king!

The king laughed.

- Only your head is not enough for me to even count. Ninety-nine heads I have already chopped off - yours will be a hundredth.

“Maybe so, or maybe not,” the young man replied. “But I’m afraid that this time you won’t even the scores.

“Well, try your luck,” the king said and ordered his servants to sharpen the ax more sharply.

And the young man went to the shore and, without hesitation, climbed a tree that grew just above the cliff.

The people gathered on the shore gasped in surprise.

- May Allah have mercy on him! That's right, he lost his mind from fear! - said one.

“Maybe he wants to jump into the water from the tree,” others said.

Meanwhile, the young man climbed to the very top and there, among the branches, he found a golden jug - with a thin neck, with patterned carvings, with a curved handle.

Only the jug hung on the tree upside down, so that it seemed to everyone that it was standing in the water, as it should be, upside down.

The young man took the jug from the tree and brought it to the king.

The king spread his hands like that.

“Well,” he says, “I didn’t expect such a mind from you. Have you figured out how to get the jug yourself?

“No,” said the young man, “I wouldn’t have thought of it myself. But I have an old father, whom I hid from your merciful eyes, it was he who guessed where the jug was hidden. And I just took his advice.

The king thought.

“Obviously, old people are smarter than young people,” he said, “if one old man guessed what ninety-nine young men could not guess.

Since then, in that country, no one dares to touch the old people with a finger, everyone honors their gray hair and wisdom, and when they meet an old person on the way, they make way for him and bow low.

“I can’t grow old,” the king thinks. “Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to contradict me. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately stop obeying me. How will I manage it then?” it is true that a cunning and cruel king lived in the world.

In his life, he did not treat anyone in a good way, there was no such person whom he would pity, there was no such dog that he would caress.

Everyone - from young to old - was afraid of the king, and he himself was afraid of only one thing - old age.

For days on end the king sat in his chambers and looked at himself in the mirror.

He notices gray hair - tint it with paint. Notice a wrinkle - smooth it out with your hand.

“I can’t grow old,” the king thinks. “Now everyone is afraid of me, no one dares to contradict me. And if I become old and decrepit, the people will immediately stop obeying me. And, in order to never remember old age, the king ordered to kill all the old people.

As soon as a person's head turns gray, then he is finished. The royal guards with axes and axes grab him, lead him to the square and cut off his head.

From all over the country, women and children, young men and girls came to the king - everyone brought rich gifts to the king, everyone shed bitter tears, everyone begged the king to spare their fathers and husbands.

Finally, the tsar got tired of listening to complaints every day. He called his messengers and ordered them in all cities and villages, on all roads and squares to announce to the people about his great mercy.

The messengers saddled their horses and dispersed in different directions, and on all roads and streets, at all intersections and squares they blew trumpets and shouted loudly:

- Listen everyone! Listen everyone! The king will grant you his mercy. Whoever gets a golden jug from the bottom of the lake will save the life of his father, and he will receive the jug as a reward. Such is royal mercy! And whoever cannot get a jug will not save his father either and will lose his head himself. Such is royal mercy!

The messengers had not had time to go round even half of the country, when brave young men began to converge and come to the lake.

The shore of the lake was steep, and from its height, through clear, transparent water, a beautiful golden jug with a thin neck, with patterned carvings, and a curved handle was clearly visible.

And then ninety-nine days passed.

Ninety-nine brave men tried their luck.

Ninety-nine heads were cut off by the cruel king, because no one could get the jar from the bottom of the lake, as if someone had bewitched it. Look from above - the jug is visible to everyone, but in the water - no one can find it.

And at that very time, in that very country, a young man named Asker lived. Asker loved his father very much, and when he saw that his father was getting old, that wrinkles appeared on his face, and his hair was turning gray from gray hair, Asker took his father far into the mountains, into a deaf gorge, built a hut there and hid in this hut his old man.

Every day, when the sun went behind the mountains, the young man secretly made his way into the gorge and brought food to his father. One day Asker came to the gorge, sat down near his father and thought.

“What care do you have in your heart, my child? the old man asked. “Maybe you got bored of coming here every day?”

“No, father,” the young man replied, “in order to see you healthy and unharmed, I am ready to walk through these mountains three times a day. Another concern is in my heart. Day or night, the royal jug never leaves my head. No matter how much I think, I just can’t understand why it is, when you look into the clear water from the shore, the jug is seen so clearly that it seems, just stretch out your hand and it is yours.

And as soon as someone jumps into the water, the water immediately becomes cloudy and the jug falls right through the bottom, as if it never existed.

The old man silently listened to his son and thought.

“Tell me, my son,” the old man said at last, “is there a tree on the shore of the lake, in the place where you can see the jug?”

“Yes, father,” said the young man, “there is a large, sprawling tree on the shore.

“But remember well,” the old man asked again, “is the jug visible in the shade of the tree?”

“Yes, father,” the young man said, “a wide shadow falls from the tree on the water, and just in this shadow there is a jug.

“Well, listen to me, my son,” said the old man. “Climb this tree and you will find among its branches the royal jug. And the jug that is visible in the water is only its reflection.

Faster than an arrow, the young man rushed to the king.

- I vouch with my head, - he shouted, - I will get your jug, gracious king!

The king laughed.

- Only your head is not enough for me to even count. Ninety-nine heads I have already chopped off - yours will be a hundredth.

“Maybe so, or maybe not,” the young man replied. “But I’m afraid that this time you won’t even the scores.

“Well, try your luck,” the king said and ordered his servants to sharpen the ax more sharply.