(! LANG: Live with Dzhigurda last episode. Dzhigurda spoke about the fight with Korchevnikov

This is how Marina in our studio was afraid of this meeting until recently. And yet it seemed to me that she was waiting for this meeting. That after a divorce, these two people rush about, torment each other, unable to break this connection. Nikita Dzhigurda publicly demands that Marina Anisina withdraw the divorce application from the court, tries to challenge it herself ... And so Marina decided to talk face to face with her ex-husband! What came of it?
Live: meeting Dzhigurda and Anissina and DNA for Dzhigurda! Why did he doubt that the child of his ex-wife is his son? Maybe the matter is in the inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash, in the battle for which the ex-wife of Dzhigurda has now entered!

"Live" - ​​a program about what the media usually does not talk about! Complex problems of ordinary people and celebrities live on the TV channel "Russia". Live the latest episode online today.

The program can be seen on TV channel Russia 1 from Monday to Friday

Genre: Talk show, informational and analytical program
Year of issue: 2017
Released: Russia, Russia 1
Leading: Boris Korchevnikov

Programs with the participation of Nikita Dzhigurda very often develop into brawls, because scandal is the showman's native element. It must be admitted that it was the scandals that helped Nikita to become popular in many ways, besides this, Dzhigurda is known for his sharp temper, and the hoarse loud roar of the showman does not allow others to express their own opinion.

Was no exception to these rules and the last program "Live", which was the guest of Nikita Dzhigurda. The showman came to the program with one goal: to prove that he was not guilty of the death of Lyudmila Bratash and did not arbitrarily appropriate the property of the late godfather. During the transfer, Nikita shouted and claimed that Marina Anisina and the driver Yevgeny Ilyin had betrayed him and made him guilty. During this, Nikita ran into host Boris Korchevnikov. Boris decided that Dzhigurda wanted to hit him, and hurried to push the brawler away. Nikita continued to provoke Korchevnikov, but Boris did not succumb to provocations and did not respond to insults.

According to Dzhigurda, Korchevnikov deliberately tried to provoke him. “On the “Live” there was another provocation through the host of the program Boris Korchevnikov! – Nikita told the correspondent of the publication website.- The editors wanted - expected me to hit the puppy! And they did everything possible for this to arrange a fight, blaming Nikita Dzhigurda for it, and send him - me - to the foolhouse, through my elder brother, who was bribed by them, who did not see me and did not communicate with me for more than two and a half years. It sounds fantastic and unbelievable, but it's true."


Nikita claims that not everything got on the air. "Behind the scenes, it remains how Boryusik brazenly, without asking, takes off my glasses and says:" Get out of here! And I'm gone, and there is no one to dispel his slander... But I stayed, foreseeing their plan, and did not succumb to provocations, saying "God can not be mocked!" - continued the actor.

In addition, the words of the psychiatrist who was present on the set were removed from the program. “At the end of the program, he shamed all its participants, saying something like this: “Aren’t you ashamed to torture and provoke a vulnerable, respected person who has been in inhuman stress for a long time after the mysterious death of his beloved godmother!” But his words were cut from the air, which the creators of the program for the mass audience they pass it off as a live broadcast!" - Nikita Borisovich was indignant.

Recall that in one of the episodes of the program "Live" there was a fight between Nikita Dzhigurda and Boris Korchevnikov. Trying to explain something to the audience, the actor began to wave his arms, and the host, apparently, regarded this as a manifestation of aggression. "I took my hands away, took my hands away, got it?!" shouted Korchevnikov and roughly pushed Dzhigurda a few times. "Beat!" Nikita turned his cheek in response. “Yes, I don’t even want to dirty my hands on you,” the host waved it off.

Another time, when the actor began to say something emotionally and shout to the whole studio, Korchevnikov again could not stand it: “Shut up!” he shouted. “You won’t talk to me here!”