The problem of heroism in our time. The problem of life choice and feat - arguments and essay. How to write an essay on the topic “Heroism of the Russian people”

S. Alexievich "Uwar is not a woman's face..."

All the heroines of the book had to not only survive the war, but also participate in hostilities. Some were military, others were civilians, partisans.

The narrators feel that having to combine male and female roles is a problem. They solve it as best they can. For example, they dream that their femininity and beauty will be preserved even in death. The warrior-commander of a sapper platoon is trying to embroider in the dugout in the evening. They are happy if they manage to use the services of a hairdresser almost on the front line (story 6). The transition to peaceful life, which was perceived as a return to female role, is also not easy. For example, a participant in the war, even when the war is over, when meeting with a higher rank, she just wants to take it up.

A woman's lot is unheroic. Women's testimonies make it possible to see how enormous the role of “non-heroic” activities, which we all so easily designate as “women’s work,” was during the war. It's about not only about what happened in the rear, where the woman bore the brunt of maintaining the life of the country.

Women are nursing the wounded. They bake bread, cook food, wash soldiers' clothes, fight insects, delivering letters to the front line (story 5). They feed wounded heroes and defenders of the Fatherland, while they themselves suffer greatly from hunger. In military hospitals, the expression “blood relationship” became literal. The women, falling from fatigue and hunger, gave their blood to the wounded heroes, not considering themselves heroes (story 4). They are wounded and killed. As a result of the path traveled, women change not only internally, but also externally; they cannot be the same (it’s not for nothing that one of them does not recognize birth mother). Returning to the female role is extremely difficult and proceeds like a disease.

Boris Vasiliev's story "And the dawns here are quiet..."

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “And the dawns here are quiet...” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they didn’t let a single fascist through. They won because they selflessly loved their Motherland.

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the female fighters shown in the story. Zhenya in the story is associated with both the most comical and the most dramatic scenes. Her goodwill, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, and irreconcilable hatred of her enemies involuntarily attract attention to her and arouse admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of girl fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova acted out a stunning scene of carelessly swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns. IN last minutes Zhenya's life caused fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her in the side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupidly absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

Courage, composure, humanity, and a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad commander, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about past life Osyanina. School evening, meeting Lieutenant Border Guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and protect herself from gases, the birth of her son, and then... the war. And in the first days of the war she was not at a loss - she saved other people’s children, and soon found out that her husband had died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

More than once they wanted to send her to the rear, but every time she appeared again at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally she was hired as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to quietly and mercilessly hate her enemies. At the position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists emerging from the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone in a homely manner: “It’s bad, girls, it’s going to happen.”

It was clear to him that they would not be able to hold out for long against the teeth of armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm response: “Well, should we watch them pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskov in the decision taken. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov, taking the fire upon herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain the fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was fatal, that she would die long and difficult”

Sonya Gurvich – “translator”, one of the girls in Vaskov’s group, a “city” girl; as thin as a spring rook.”

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry and theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers." The percentage of intelligent girls and students at the front was very large. Most often - freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible thing... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich fought.”

And so, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, the foreman, Sonya rushes for a pouch that he had forgotten on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow from an enemy knife in the chest.

Galina Chetvertak – orphan, pupil orphanage, a dreamer, endowed by nature with a vivid imaginative fantasy. Skinny, little "snotty" Galka did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend, Galka was ordered by the foreman to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of nausea, felt a knife penetrating the tissue, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave birth to a dull, cast-iron horror...” And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could come up with in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.”

The machine gun struck briefly. With a dozen steps, he hit her thin back, strained by running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror.

Everything in the clearing froze.”

Liza Brichkina died while performing a mission. In her haste to get to the junction and report on the changed situation, Lisa drowned in the swamp:

The heart of the seasoned fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov fills with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength and gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equates Sergeant Major Vaskov and the five girls who “hold their front, their Russia” on the Sinyukhin Ridge.

This is how another motive of the story arises: everyone on his own sector of the front must do the possible and the impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

In this article, you are offered problems found in texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian, and literary arguments to them. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the page.

  1. Genuine and false heroism reveals itself to us on the pages novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The people carry within themselves true love to the Motherland, he defends it with his chest, dies for it during the war, without receiving orders and ranks. A completely different picture in high society, who only pretends to be patriotic if it is fashionable. Thus, Prince Vasily Kuragin went to both a salon glorifying Napoleon and a salon opposing the emperor. Also, nobles willingly begin to love and glorify the fatherland when it brings benefits. So, Boris Drubetskoy takes advantage of the war to advance his career. It was thanks to the people with their true patriotism that Russia was freed from the French invaders. But its false manifestations almost destroyed the country. As you know, the Russian emperor did not spare his troops and did not want to delay the decisive battle. The situation was saved by Kutuzov, who, with the help of delay, exhausted the French army and saved thousands of lives of ordinary people.
  2. Heroism does not only manifest itself in war. Sonya Marmeladova, g the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", had to become a prostitute to help the family not die of hunger. A believing girl broke the commandments and committed sin for the sake of her stepmother and her children. If it weren't for her and her dedication, they wouldn't have survived. But Luzhin, who shouts at every corner about his virtue and generosity, and presents his undertakings as heroic (especially his marriage to the dowry Duna Raskolnikova), turns out to be a pathetic egoist who is ready to go over his head for the sake of his goals. The difference is that Sonya's heroism saves people, and Luzhin's falsehood destroys them.

Heroism in war

  1. A hero is not a person without fear, he is someone who can overcome fear and go into battle for the sake of his goals and beliefs. Such a hero is described in the story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" in the image of Andrei Sokolov. This is quite a common person who lived like everyone else. But when the thunder struck, he became a real hero: he was carrying shells under fire, because it was impossible otherwise, because his own people were in danger; endured captivity and a concentration camp without betraying anyone; endured the death of his loved ones, being reborn for the fate of the orphan Vanka he had chosen. Andrei's heroism is that he set about saving the country main task his life and fought to the end for this.
  2. Sotnikov, hero story of the same name by V. Bykov, at the beginning of the work it seems not at all heroic. Moreover, it was he who became the reason for his captivity, and Rybak suffered along with him. However, Sotnikov is trying to atone for his guilt, take everything upon himself, and save a woman and an old man who accidentally came under investigation. But the brave partisan Rybak is a coward and only tries to save his own skin by informing on everyone. The traitor survives, but is forever covered in the blood of innocent sufferers. And in the awkward and unlucky Sotnikov it opens a real hero worthy of respect and undying historical memory. Thus, in war, heroism is especially important because other lives depend on its manifestation.
  3. The purpose of heroism

    1. Rita Osyanina, heroine story by B. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet”, lost her beloved husband in the first days of the war, leaving her with a small son. But the young woman could not stay away from the general grief; she went to the front, hoping to avenge her husband and protect tens of thousands of children from the enemy. True heroism was to go into an unequal battle with the Nazis. Rita, her friend from the department Zhenya Komelkova and their chief, Sergeant Major Vaskov, opposed the Nazi detachment and prepared for mortal combat, and the girls actually died. But it’s impossible otherwise, it’s not just traveling behind us, it’s the Motherland behind us. Thus, they sacrificed themselves to save the fatherland.
    2. Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, hero of the story A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» , showed heroic qualities during the defense of the Belogorodskaya fortress. He remains steadfast and does not waver, he is supported by the duty of honor, the military oath. When the commandant was captured by rioters, Ivan Kuzmich remained faithful to the oath and did not recognize Pugachev, although this threatened death. Military duty forced Mironov to undertake the feat, despite the fact that he had to pay for it with his life. He sacrificed himself to remain true to his beliefs.
    3. Moral feat

      1. It is extremely difficult to remain human after going through blood and bullets. Andrey Sokolov, hero story “The Fate of Man” by M.A. Sholokhov, not only fought, but was also captured, taken to a concentration camp, escaped, and then lost his entire family. It was the family that was for the hero guiding star Having lost her, he gave up on himself. However, after the war, Sokolov met the orphan boy Vanka, whose fate was also crippled by the war, and the hero did not pass by, did not let the state or other people take care of the orphan, Andrei became a father for Vanka, giving himself and him a chance to find a new meaning in life. The fact that he opened his heart to this boy is a moral feat that was no easier for him than courage in battle or endurance in the camp.
      2. During military operations, you sometimes forget that the enemy is also a person and, most likely, was sent to your homeland by war out of necessity. But it’s even more terrible when the war is civil, when a brother, a friend, or a fellow villager can turn out to be the enemy. Grigory Melekhov, hero novel by M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don» , in the new conditions of confrontation between the power of the Bolsheviks and the power of the Cossack atamans, constantly wavered. Justice called him to the side of the first, and he fought for the Reds. But in one battle, the hero saw the inhuman execution of prisoners, unarmed people. This senseless cruelty turned the hero away from his past views. Finally confused between the parties, he surrenders to the winner, just to see the children. He realized that family was more important to him than his own life, more important than principles and views, for the sake of it it was worth taking risks, giving up, so that the children could at least see their father, who was always lost in battles.
      3. Heroism in love

        1. The manifestation of heroism is possible not only on the battlefield; sometimes no less of it is required in ordinary life. Zheltkov, hero story by A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet» , committed real feat love, laying life on its altar. Just once he saw Vera, he lived only for her. When the husband and brother of his beloved forbade Zheltkov from even writing to her, he could not live and committed suicide. But he even accepted death with the words to Vera: “Let it shine your name" He committed this act so that his beloved would find peace. This is a real feat for the sake of love.
        2. The heroism of the mother is reflected in the story L. Ulitskaya “Daughter of Bukhara”. Alya, main character, gave birth to a daughter, Milochka, with Down syndrome. The woman devoted her entire life to raising her daughter with a then rare diagnosis. Her husband left her, she had to not only take care of her daughter, but also work as a nurse. And later, the mother fell ill, did not receive treatment, but arranged for Milochka better things: work in a workshop gluing envelopes, marriage, education in a special school. Having done everything she could, Alya left to die. The mother’s heroism is everyday, unnoticeable, but no less important.

For him, flying is the meaning of life, like wings for a bird. But they were cut off for him by a German fighter. Despite his injuries, Meresyev crawled through the forest for a very long time; he had neither water nor food. He overcame this difficulty, but there was more to come. He lost his legs, he had to learn to use prosthetics, but this man was so strong in spirit that he even learned to dance on them. Despite a large number of obstacles, Meresyev regained his wings. One can only envy the heroism and dedication of the hero. “Not on the lists” Since we are interested in the problem of courage, we selected arguments from the literature about the war and hard fate heroes. Also, Boris Vasiliev’s novel “Not on the Lists” is dedicated to the fate of Nikolai, who had just graduated from college, went to serve and came under fire.

Bank of Unified State Exam arguments in Russian

Danko is the embodiment of selfless, sublime and sacrificial love for people; he accomplished a feat by sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: feat means not only saving the lives of others, but also help and self-sacrifice.
(No ratings yet) Loading... The problem of feat, heroism and dedication (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)
  • The problem of misunderstanding Lviv Often in a loved one- son, daughter, husband, wife - suddenly shows interest (Unified State Examination in Russian)
  • Image of the Pugachev movement based on the story The Captain's Daughter (Pushkin A.

The problem of feat, heroism and dedication (USE arguments)

This is confirmed by the example from of this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave.
He - real man who does not put his financial situation first.
Without sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic act.


You can also turn to the image of Captain Tushin. At first he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots.

But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, without cover, sparing no effort.

And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.


I.A. Bunin “Lapti”. In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home.

Solver and Unified State Examination

The problem of courage, heroism, self-sacrifice in war according to the text by V.

M. Bogomolova Many great poets and writers talked about duty in war.

Millions of people died defending native home. Yes, they died, but they are alive in our memory.

In his text, V.M. Bogomolov raises the problem of courage, heroism, and self-sacrifice in war.
Reflecting on this problem, the author turns to the facts and tells us the story of what happened during the Great Patriotic War: Sergeant Smirnov was tasked with transporting a longboat across the river.

It turned out that the Nazis were nearby. The bombing began.

A mine hit the barge and a fire started. The fire was near the ammunition.

But no one could even think about escaping.

The fire burned our hands and faces. It's stuffy. During the day. It’s hard to breathe,” writes Bogomolov.

Sotnikov sacrificed his life, but did not betray his Motherland, as Rybak did.
Sotnikov even tried to save the lives of other people. He stepped towards his own death with high feeling dignity and pride in one's own country. Such an act is heroism and self-sacrifice. And in the story B.

Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet” the girls act heroically.

A women's anti-aircraft battalion arrives to see Captain Vaskov. He goes on a mission with 5 girls. They learn that fascist scouts are approaching to detain them, the girls had to die. Rita Osyanina, Lisa Brichkina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak died defending their homeland.

One drowned in a swamp, the others were shot. But, one way or another, they detained the enemy.

The girls accomplished a feat. Having analyzed this problem, I came to the conclusion that there is a place for heroism in war.

This problem is reflected in fiction.

For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living according to " yellow ticket"to feed his stepmother, sick with consumption, her young children and his drunkard father.

Sonya helps Raskolnikov overcome himself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor.

Throughout the entire novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is the story of Maxim Gorky “The Old Woman Izergil”, in particular, the legend of Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, to prove his love for people, tore open his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of the dark forest.

Essay on the Unified State Exam (USE) arguments on the problem of heroism and selflessness

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However, the heroes were sure: they couldn’t retreat, they had to fight to the end: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap...

No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...” These are the words of a true patriot.

All the characters in the story are shown acting, fighting, dying in the name of saving the Motherland.

It was these people who forged the victory of our country in the rear, resisted the invaders in captivity and occupation, and fought at the front.

Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man." Everybody knows immortal work Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man". At the core dramatic storyreal facts biography of fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev.

Shot down in battle over occupied territory, he made his way through secluded forests for three weeks until he ended up with the partisans.

Having lost both legs, the hero subsequently shows amazing strength of character and adds to his tally of aerial victories over the enemy.

  • Self-sacrifice does not always involve risking one's life
  • commit heroic deeds a person is motivated by love for his homeland
  • A man is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves
  • To save a child, sometimes it is not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing a person has - his own life.
  • Only moral person capable of performing a heroic act
  • Willingness to self-sacrifice does not depend on income level or social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in actions, but also in the ability to be true to one’s word even in the most difficult life situations
  • People are ready to sacrifice themselves even in the name of saving a stranger

Arguments by L.N.

Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic act.

In the text proposed for analysis, Yu. Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of feat, heroism and selflessness. This is exactly what he is thinking about. This problem of a social and moral nature cannot but worry modern man. The writer reveals this problem using the example of a story about one history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but having learned that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their dying hour, so that they would not it was so scary and softened the picture of horror that unfolded before them: “He was afraid of being late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could barely stand on his feet. He found his class and gathered all his students. And many more children joined this fifth grade, because when the teacher is nearby, it’s not so scary.”

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    V.F. Myasnikov, a participant in the round-the-world Antarctic expedition that sailed the course of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, talks in the book “Journey to the Land of the White Sphinx” about the courageous work of hydrographers beyond the Arctic Circle.

    Yuri Modin is one of the successful Soviet intelligence officers.

    His memoirs about the heroic work of the famous spy group “Cambridge Five” in the book “The Fates of the Scouts. My Cambridge friends."

    In B. Vasiliev’s novel “Don’t Shoot White Swans,” Yegor Polushkin was not afraid to go against poachers, saving birds, because he felt responsible for them.

The problem of selfless labor

    * Osip Dymov, hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov's "The Jumper", fully aware of the danger and the risk he is taking, decides to save a boy suffering from diphtheria.

    The patient recovers, but the doctor dies. The author believes that the ability to follow one’s professional duty even under dangerous circumstances is a gift without which society will not survive. In the story “Photograph in which I am not” V. Astafiev talks about young teachers

who made repairs at the school, found textbooks, etc. One day one of them rushed to save children from a snake. Probably, such a person will become a worthy example for his students.

The problem of heroism during the Great Patriotic War

*We learn about the heroism of soldiers from A. Fedorov’s book “Nightingales”.

*The cruel truth of the war is shown in B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.”

*Looking back, we have no right to forget the countless sacrifices. E. Yevtushenko was right when he wrote in the story “Fuku”:

The one who will forget yesterday's victims,

Maybe tomorrow's victim will be.

    The problem of heroism of people of peaceful professions during the Great Patriotic War Breeders besieged Leningrad

    in conditions of wild famine, they managed to preserve priceless varieties of selective wheat for a future peaceful life.

    E. Krieger, a famous modern prose writer, in the story “Light” tells how during the hostilities the power plant workers decided not to evacuate with the residents of the village, but to work. The “light-emitting power plant,” as the author called it, not only generated electricity, but also inspired the soldiers and helped them remember what they were fighting for.

    The cycle of stories by A. Krutetsky “In the steppes of Bashkiria” shows the hard work of collective farmers living with the slogan “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” F. Abramov’s novel “Brothers and Sisters” tells about the feat of Russian women who spent best years

    his life on the labor front during the Great Patriotic War.

Teacher Ales Moroz, the hero of V. Bykov’s story “Obelisk,” in occupied Belarus, risking his life, instilled in his students hatred of the invaders. When the guys are arrested, he surrenders to the fascists in order to support them in a tragic moment.

The problem of courage, heroism, self-sacrifice in war according to the text by V. M. Bogomolov

In his text, V.M. Bogomolov raises the problem of courage, heroism, and self-sacrifice in war.

It turned out that the Nazis were nearby. The bombing began. A mine hit the barge and a fire started. The fire was near the ammunition. But no one could even think about escaping. “The fire burned our hands and faces. It's stuffy. During the day. It’s hard to breathe,” writes Bogomolov. The soldiers extinguished the longboat, and the ammunition did not catch fire.” All the longboats and boats of the Volga flotilla had so many such voyages that they couldn’t be counted. Heroic flights,” writes Bogomolov. Indeed, every day spent in war is already a feat. Sacrificing a lot, not sparing themselves, these people did everything to save their Motherland.

The author's position is clear: war is the strangest thing that can happen on Earth. Preserving and creating a face is a huge feat and heroism. The future depends only on us. If we preserve and increase the “feat”, then we will preserve peace on Earth.

I remember the main character of the story of the same name by V. Bykov “Sotnikov.” It so happened that he and Rybak were captured by the Nazis. Sotnikov sacrificed his life, but did not betray his Motherland, as Rybak did. Sotnikov even tried to save the lives of other people. He stepped towards his own death with a high sense of dignity and pride for his own country. Such an act is heroism and self-sacrifice.

And in B. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” the girls act heroically. A women's anti-aircraft battalion arrives to see Captain Vaskov. He goes on a mission with 5 girls. They learn that fascist scouts are approaching to detain them, the girls had to die. Rita Osyanina, Lisa Brichkina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak died defending their homeland. One drowned in a swamp, the others were shot. But, one way or another, they detained the enemy. The girls accomplished a feat.

After analyzing this problem, I came to the conclusion that there is a place for heroism in war. After all, they are able to sacrifice themselves, be courageous and strong. Such people are capable of much, and everyone who defends honor and independence with arms in their hands native land, can be called a hero. The writer admires the feat of Soviet soldiers. And at the same time, talking about this story, he shows it as something taken for granted, a common thing in war.

Updated: 2017-05-23

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