Chased by the number 4 which means

Among all the numbers, the four is distinguished by decisiveness, values ​​practicality and measuredness in everything, so that, so to speak, everything is sorted out on the shelves. In addition, the meaning of the number 4 in numerology is associated with good manners, excellent manners, sensitivity, compassion, and moral values ​​are at a high level.

As for the negative aspects, these include fear of change, something new, as well as stubbornness, which is difficult to cope with. Those around them are very bothered by pettiness and excessive scrupulousness, as a result of which the number 4 is sometimes called a prude. Because of their conservative views, disputes often arise, and in general, representatives of the number 4 often enter into controversial or conflict situations. The main characteristic features are slowness and seriousness, in addition there is a lack of imagination.

A good color scheme would be burgundy, green, blue, silver and coffee shades.

Despite the poorly developed sense of imagination, the spiritual sphere is very developed. Therefore, the four feel confident when planning various spiritual and material endeavors.

The characteristics of the number 4 in numerology connect it with rationality, so she expresses her thoughts clearly. But, despite such conservatism in behavior and communication, she is able to add the necessary elements to even the most formless things that will give harmony and perfection.

Number 4 can safely realize itself in matters where perseverance, perseverance and attention are needed. After all, realizing even bold ideas is the main purpose. In addition, quitting a business or work halfway, not finishing it and starting to do something else is not at all according to the rules. The Four always brings everything to the end, while trying to achieve the best result, and its established norms and rules will even be used later by other people.

According to life numerology, number 4 is not inclined to dream and be distracted by empty fantasies that will not lead to a practical result or success. One of the main purposes, without any doubt, is work. After all, it is very important to feel important and to see the results of your labors. Thanks to his perseverance, perseverance and work, he can achieve a significant promotion up the career ladder or even head of the company, but this often happens over a long period of time. Because of such dedication to work, colleagues often take advantage of this, because the number 4 gives and helps more than it receives.

Fate number 4, characteristics

To achieve success, it is important for any person to find the right direction in his professional activity, which will not only help him achieve his goals, achieve the desired financial situation, but also enjoy his work. Fate number 4 gives a good mind, so achieving results in science will be quite possible. You will be able to prove yourself well in mechanics and construction. And love for nature can become an incentive to engage in agricultural activities or gardening.

Thanks to a rational mindset, balance and prudence, you can achieve good results in banking, finance and related professions. Therefore, an accountant or economist would be a good choice. After all, according to fate, the number 4 has an analytical mind and the ability to analyze possible risks well.

The religious, spiritual sphere is also quite close, because there is a clear concept and distinction between good and evil.

But discipline, responsibility, and adherence to established rules will help achieve good results in military affairs.

According to the numerology of fate, fours represent people who inspire trust, but at the same time they themselves are in great need of understanding, care and self-love. In addition, recognition from society is very important, and therefore number 4 tries in every possible way to achieve this by taking part in political and religious spheres of life.

Despite its conservatism and seemingly strictness, in fact, in the fate of the number 4 there is a place for love and joy; moreover, it indulges its relatives, tries to please and please them. He loves animals very much and knows how to enjoy such simple little things in life as comfort in the home and delicious food. To maintain balance and stability in life, a happy marriage and trust in your loved one are very important. It is a happy family and a good job that help one to be happy, and for the sake of these two factors one can make many sacrifices.




Materiality, form


What is the psychology of number 4

The number 4 is derived from 2, so it also “lies” everywhere. It symbolizes “all the darkness of things,” or the world of formal Manifestation. The number 4 is a complex metaphysical symbol “Holder of the key of Nature,” as the Pythagoreans said. Pythagoras believed that the soul is a self-moving world, has the shape of a perfect cube and the numerical value of 4.

In contrast to the dynamic integrity symbolized by the number 3, the number 4 is an image of static integrity, an ideally stable structure (although there is a point of view according to which trinity is interpreted as the incompleteness of a quaternary structure). Hence the use of the number 4 in myths about the creation of the Universe and orientation in it: 4 cardinal directions, 4 main directions, four gods or four-hypostatic gods (cf., for example, the four Perkunas in Lithuanian folklore or gods - guardians of the 4 cardinal directions), 4 season, century (cf. Vedic designations for 4 eras and at the same time terms for dice), 4 elements (sometimes they correspond to 4 mythological characters), etc. 4 components are actualized in those geometric figures that have the greatest mythopoetic meaning - the square , mandate, cross.

Number 4 means stability, strength, balance of the elements, living processes, objects and people. This is static and reliable, as opposed to the dynamics of the three, this is a diagram of ordered space: quadrangle, square, cross.

Four is the number of cosmic elements - the creative forces of the Universe: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Four means 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Four are 4 human temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic.

Four is materialization, form, obstacle and development impulse.

Psychology of the number 4. Four is the number of integrity, a lucky number. The sacred meaning of luck for the number four is well known if three previous attempts were unsuccessful.

The number four symbolizes the painful state when the spirit simmers in form. The form does not correspond to the content, the goal is unattainable by the available means. However, the four is an incentive to resolve the problem, and although this goal is practically unattainable, many of the efforts of the four turn out to be constructive. She is aggressive, capable of being unbiased, often not afraid of difficulties, asocial, but with her strength and charm she carries people along with her.

Four tests a person with limitations. She encourages him to concentrate, establish order in his soul and life, and thereby turn limitations, if not into advantages, then into a fulcrum. Often the four have to be subordinate, to serve other people. Fighting restrictions is a typical mistake. We must not fight, but learn to live with them.

Vibrations of number 4


Structure, organization, reliability; service, friendship, equality, brotherhood; insights, revelations, paradoxes; neatness, practicality, thriftiness, loyalty, perseverance, diligence; patriotism, conservatism, pragmatism, practicality; majesty, patience, responsibility, economy, accuracy; seriousness, discipline, patience, hard work, diligence, directness, concentration, ability to perform routine activities, honesty, perseverance, devotion, perseverance, enormous capacity for work combined with the inability to relax and rest.


Vanity, rudeness, narrowness, tactlessness, stinginess, optionality, depression, inexorability, laziness, dogmatism, conservatism, harshness.


Violence, destruction, revolution, transformation, reform, innovation, coups, anarchy, horse racing; cruelty, jealousy, vulgarity, inhumanity.

At the beginning of this century, there was a belief among peasants in some Kama region areas that a chicken could count, but only up to four.

This was based on the following observation. When a brood hen sits in her basket, you can take the eggs out from under her, she won’t notice it. But this can continue until the number of eggs remaining in the nest is less than four. As soon as the number of eggs becomes less than this, as the peasants say, “chicken number,” the chicken begins to worry and cackle. It is enough to put in the missing up to four eggs, and the chicken calms down.

Number 4 in numerology is a mysterious four

The number 4 is shrouded in an aura of mystery and riddles. It symbolizes balance and constancy of being. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the number 4 in numerology has a special meaning. Most scientists identify this number with a square, which in geometry is considered the most stable figure. Religious figures put a slightly different meaning into the interpretation of the meaning of the four.

Symbols and facts

For many centuries, human life has been closely connected with this magical number. Here are just a few examples that confirm this fact:

  • the calendar year is divided into four seasons;
  • a day has the same number of time periods;
  • nature is governed by 4 elements;
  • the compass will accurately indicate one of the four cardinal directions.

Even in the life of any person this number is present - we all go from childhood to youth, then experience the delights of adulthood, and only then meet old age. There are dozens of similar examples that can be cited. A lot of them have accumulated over many millennia. In Christianity, the symbol of the number 4 is the core of the entire religion, the very faith in the Creator.

The Bible contains many facts that, one way or another, indicate a connection with this figure.

For example:

  • both in hell and in heaven the same number of rivers is 4;
  • everyone knows the names of the greatest prophets: Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah;
  • The four horsemen are also harbingers of the apocalypse.

When discussing what the number 4 means, we must not forget about its use in the magical sphere. Most rituals are accompanied by burning candles. There must be four of them. The flame of candles helps a person concentrate his energy and close the aura. Magicians believe that in this way everyone can protect themselves from negative outside influences.

Meaning in destinies

The number 4 also occupies a special position in numerology because it has a certain influence on human destiny. This number, mystics say, invisibly stimulates a person to accomplish important deeds and selfless acts. What is the meaning of number 4 in numerology? It attracts luck and increases potential opportunities. In a word, the four reliably maintains life balance. There is an opinion that those people who often get combinations with a four in life (for example, 44, 444, 4444 and similar numbers) can consider themselves lucky. After all, fate in such an intricate way reminds the lucky one that he is protected and supported by higher powers.

You can talk for a long time about the meaning of the number 4 in numerology, how many common things are connected with it. But one thing is for sure: it has a huge impact on a person.

Those born under the sign of four

People whose birth is associated with the number 4 strive to create something. Like all creators, they are distinguished by their hard work and determination. This category of people has one more good quality - they are reliable friends and girlfriends, and are also very careful in life. Such an individual will skillfully avoid danger, avoid sharp corners and risky transactions.

Typically, number 4 people make good leaders and excellent business partners. They know how to be friends and are always ready to support a friend in difficult times. Among the positive qualities of such individuals, one should note honesty, communication skills, excellent organizational skills, and a penchant for logical thinking. Such people set rules for themselves that they strictly observe throughout their lives. They build very strong family and companionship relationships.

Negative characteristics

Negative characteristics include pettiness, pedantry, stubbornness and the desire to take on everything at once. Of course, such waste of effort often results in problems.

Talents and geniuses

Although people who have this number in their destiny from birth do not declare high ambitions and strictly adhere to the rules, they are capable of making discoveries and creating masterpieces. True, the number 4 in numerology speaks more in favor of the exact sciences. But the desire of such people to necessarily realize their plans expands the space of activity for them. It is interesting that such individuals are absolutely confident in the correctness of their actions. They are consummate leaders at work and at home. Organizing people and setting a specific task for them is a simple and pleasant thing for people born under the Four. Science and breakthrough projects need them exactly. But not only in this area they can show their abilities; the number 4 in numerology for business also opens up interesting prospects.

The ability of “four-students” to circumvent problems and smooth corners brings positive results in the field of entrepreneurship. They are confident in success, and it always accompanies them. It is enough for such a person to have a strong support under his feet, and a clear goal ahead, and he will definitely reach the intended heights. Therefore, among people whose birth is associated with the number 4, there are many prominent politicians and religious figures. But high goals and moral qualities do not prevent them from openly enjoying life, enjoying delicious food, and indulging loved ones.

Culture of different countries and number 4

The influence of the four is palpable not only on human destinies, but also on entire nations. This number can be seen quite clearly: for example, in Scandinavian legends there is a mention of four rivers flowing in Asgard. As we know, in Christian Eden there were also the same number of rivers.

It is no less interesting to find out what the number 4 means in Old Slavic culture. Our ancestors endowed numbers with mystical powers. But the ancient Germans imagined that our world was supported by four dwarfs. The myths of this people tell about this, reminiscent of the Egyptian legends about four elephants, on whose backs there is a flat surface of the globe.

In ancient times, the Chinese associated this number with the earth. The emperor's palace had so many gates, and so many seas washed the state. In Confucianism, which is still considered the main religion in the Middle Kingdom, there are 4 main books. We must not forget that the Chinese and Japanese shunned the number four, calling it the number of death. They missed it in the numbering of houses, like the fatal number 13, because here the sum of two digits still gives the same four. The legendary Mayan and Aztec peoples also highlighted this number in their culture, assigning it magical powers.

Compatible and incompatible numbers

Of course, the number 4 is not the only one in numerology, since there are other interesting representatives in the series of numbers. What kind of relationship did the four have with their neighbors? Let's try to figure it out.


This is what they are like - a mysterious and unpredictable four. The figure is, in general, positive, despite the costs of Chinese numerology.

Numerological meaning of the number 4 in human destiny

In numerology, fate number 4 determines the builder, who is responsible for the stability and longevity of world principles and dogmas. Only determination and belief in their own success, along with planning, will help Fours fulfill their destiny.

Man: reliable and careful

This is a reliable and straightforward person who honors family traditions and attaches paramount importance to family. He approaches the choice of a partner with caution; in a woman he looks, first of all, for a partner who is devoted and practical, just like himself. Far from being a romantic, he is able to conquer the lady of his heart with his persistence and integrity.

In business relationships, he always defends what is right and does not bend under the pressure of others.

With a Four, you can’t count on a cup of coffee in bed and a serenade under the window, but at a difficult moment, he will silently push you aside and solve all the problems that arise himself.

Woman: mercantile owner

The possessive instinct sometimes greatly prevents the Four from building harmonious relationships based on mutual respect. She chooses a partner from a mercantile point of view, paying attention to the presence of a stable income and a foundation for material well-being. Otherwise, she will simply morally destroy her husband for his inability to “make money.”

In life, a woman with destiny number 4 evaluates any undertaking through the prism of possible income.

Fours: introverted materialists

Money. Achieving a certain financial position takes a good half of a four's life. They receive nothing for nothing; only their own constant labor leads to wealth. Money in the life of Fours is quite important and serves as the basis for stability and tranquility. Sometimes they are even able to enter into arranged marriages in order to improve their living conditions.

Compatibility: family and friendship. Numerology defines people with the fateful number 4 as closed and secretive individuals. However, the need for sex and ordinary warmth among Fours is present along with the desire for a prosperous life.

Such people approach the choice of friends very scrupulously, checking the compatibility of each potential friend.

Often, when they get married, they completely give up friendships so as not to be squandered. They are promised good compatibility by marriages with numbers 7 and 8. An excellent union will be between partners who have the same destiny number 4.

Career. Fours are born organizers and managers, but it is better for them not to work for “uncle”, but to start building their own business from scratch. Planning helps these people achieve success in areas that are completely unpromising (in the opinion of others), but this will require finding unity with the right business partners, as well as individuals who have weight in society. Prestige is important for fours, so they work tirelessly to climb the steep steps of financial well-being.

Number 4 people are good at doing monotonous hard work that requires high concentration, methodical, detailed consideration. If they are not in a hurry and are careful about the work they do, success will undoubtedly come, you just have to wait a little.

Video: Destiny number 4

Magically what does the number (digit) 4 mean?

Lady ♕ leo ♕ clear-eyed

Number 4 in magic
White magicians traditionally associate the number 4 with the protective forces of nature, its four elements - fire, air, earth and water. The ancient Slavs “made peace” with space, sending wishes of peace to all living beings from each side of the world.

This tradition was later adopted by the early Christians, who crossed themselves and bowed alternately to the east, north, west and south, thus establishing protection around themselves.

Before performing complex rituals that require the prevention of “rollback”, that is, returning part of the troubles sent to the performer, black magicians draw a square on the floor and place 4 candles - one in each corner.
Inside the square, you can then draw a circle or a pentagram, or any other symbols. The four corners in this case are a kind of fortress that helps the sorcerer protect the ritual from the influence of outside forces.

Four represents the most durable and reliable of all numbers; it is a kind of foundation for building new things and protecting what has already been built.

Number 4 is synonymous with stability and steadfastness. This number is solid and fair. One of the most stable numbers in nature.
Number 4 and the material world
On planet Earth, a lot is connected with the number 4. It denotes stability and strength of being. There are many things in our lives with the number 4:
four Seasons;
four cardinal directions;
four forces;
four suits in cards;
every fourth year is a leap year;
four times of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night);
The Olympics are held once every four years;
four types of temperament (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine);
four periods of life (childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age);
each month has four weeks.
Number 4 in religions
In Christianity, the number four is seen in prayer. “Amen” is the last word - acts as the fourth element that ends the holy speech.
This gives prayer materiality and significance. Four is a number that supports the development of things, provides them with truth, a basis.
There were 4 great and important eras in Hinduism during which humanity developed.
In the mythology of Ancient Egypt, the main god Horus has 4 sons. They are geniuses and protect the peace of the dead. The sons of Horus are protected by 4 goddesses.
In China, according to belief, an enlightened and intelligent person needs 4 items: paper, ink, ink and a brush.
Birth under the number 4
The main goal of the four person is the creation of the outside world. These are hardworking, careful and reliable people. Advantages of the four:
communication skills;
intelligence, the ability to think logically in any situation;
a born psychologist;
eloquence, excellent organizing skills;
reliability, perseverance and hard work.

Each number is unique and has its own characteristics. The number 4 also has its own meaning. In total, the four stands for plans, dreams, ideas, and also symbolizes constancy and stability. This number is considered a symbol of the rational presentation of ideas and plans; it speaks of order, regularity and consistency. This means that for a person it will be evidence that it is time to concentrate on one thing, create a system and move forward according to a clearly outlined plan. This figure has a stable value, providing results that can be seen in the near future. If you are planning to start your own business, then refer to this number. It will help you complete your idea so that its implementation is simple and quick. In addition, this figure will help systematize knowledge and thoughts so that the picture in your head becomes clear and you understand how to bring all your ideas to life. Any idea that is not fully formed and thought out will come to a complete form with the help of 4, which brings not only completeness, but also harmony, beauty, and health. The symbol of the number 4 is considered achievement and development. The number helps to develop determination, activity and activity. And this, in turn, will help achieve material well-being, success and satisfaction from life. Numerology Countdown on number 4 In numerology, the number four has exactly the same meaning; it is considered a symbol of the implementation of ideas and plans. The main thing is to use the power of numbers correctly. This can be done by selecting a phone number with this digit, house number, office number, and so on. In addition, you can apply the image of the number 4 to the inside of the picture. The most powerful effect can be achieved if this number is in your date of birth. This combination will be evidence that all your qualities, also inherent in 4, will only be strengthened. Among the positive qualities are determination, concentration, practicality, and methodicalness. Negative ones include fear of change, stubbornness and lack of imagination and fantasy. This figure has a very capricious character and does not always withstand outside influence. The most suitable colors for the number 4 are coffee, burgundy, silver, blue, indigo, green.

The number 4 is shrouded in an aura of mystery and riddles. It symbolizes balance and constancy of being. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the number 4 in numerology has a special meaning. Most scientists identify this number with a square, which in geometry is considered the most stable figure. Religious figures put a slightly different meaning into the interpretation of the meaning of the four.

Symbols and facts

For many centuries, human life has been closely connected with this. Here are just a few examples that confirm this fact:

  • the calendar year is divided into four seasons;
  • a day has the same number of time periods;
  • nature is governed by 4 elements;
  • the compass will accurately indicate one of the four cardinal directions.

Even in the life of any person this number is present - we all go from childhood to youth, then experience the delights of adulthood, and only then meet old age. There are dozens of similar examples that can be cited. A lot of them have accumulated over many millennia. In Christianity, 4 is the core of the entire religion, the very faith in the Creator.

The Bible contains many facts that, one way or another, indicate a connection with this figure.

For example:

  • both in hell and in heaven the same number of rivers is 4;
  • everyone knows the names of the greatest prophets: Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah;
  • The four horsemen are also harbingers of the apocalypse.

When discussing what the number 4 means, we must not forget about its use in the magical sphere. Most rituals are accompanied by burning candles. There must be four of them. The flame of candles helps a person concentrate his energy and close the aura. Magicians believe that in this way everyone can protect themselves from negative outside influences.

Meaning in destinies

The number 4 also occupies a special position in numerology because it has a certain influence on human destiny. This number, mystics say, invisibly stimulates a person to accomplish important deeds and selfless acts. What is the meaning of number 4 in numerology? It attracts luck and increases potential opportunities. In a word, the four reliably maintains life balance. There is an opinion that those people who often get combinations with a four in life (for example, 44, 444, 4444 and similar numbers) can consider themselves lucky. After all, fate in such an intricate way reminds the lucky one that he is protected and supported by higher powers.

You can talk for a long time about the meaning of the number 4 in numerology, how many common things are connected with it. But one thing is for sure: it has a huge impact on a person.

Those born under the sign of four

People whose birth is associated with the number 4 strive to create something. Like all creators, they are distinguished by their hard work and determination. This category of people has one more good quality - they are reliable friends and girlfriends, and are also very careful in life. Such an individual will skillfully avoid danger, avoid sharp corners and risky transactions.

Typically, number 4 people make good leaders and excellent business partners. They know how to be friends and are always ready to support a friend in difficult times. Among the positive qualities of such individuals, one should note honesty, communication skills, excellent organizational skills, and a penchant for logical thinking. Such people set rules for themselves that they strictly observe throughout their lives. They build very strong family and companionship relationships.

Negative characteristics

Negative characteristics include pettiness, pedantry, stubbornness and the desire to take on everything at once. Of course, such waste of effort often results in problems.

Talents and geniuses

Although people who have this number in their destiny from birth do not declare high ambitions and strictly adhere to the rules, they are capable of making discoveries and creating masterpieces. True, the number 4 in numerology speaks more in favor of the exact sciences. But the desire of such people to necessarily realize their plans expands the space of activity for them. It is interesting that such individuals are absolutely confident in the correctness of their actions. They are consummate leaders at work and at home. Organizing people and setting a specific task for them is a simple and pleasant thing for people born under the Four. Science and breakthrough projects need them exactly. But not only in this area they can show their abilities; the number 4 in numerology for business also opens up interesting prospects.

The ability of “four-students” to circumvent problems and smooth corners brings positive results in the field of entrepreneurship. They are confident in success, and it always accompanies them. It is enough for such a person to have a strong support under his feet, and a clear goal ahead, and he will definitely reach the intended heights. Therefore, among people whose birth is associated with the number 4, there are many prominent politicians and religious figures. But high goals and moral qualities do not prevent them from openly enjoying life, enjoying delicious food, and indulging loved ones.

Culture of different countries and number 4

The influence of the four is palpable not only on human destinies, but also on entire nations. This number can be seen quite clearly: for example, in Scandinavian legends there is a mention of four rivers flowing in Asgard. As we know, in Christian Eden there were also the same number of rivers.

It is no less interesting to find out what the number 4 means in Old Slavic culture. Our ancestors endowed numbers with mystical powers. But the ancient Germans imagined that our world was supported by four dwarfs. The myths of this people tell about this, reminiscent of the Egyptian legends about four elephants, on whose backs there is a flat surface of the globe.

In ancient times, the Chinese associated this number with the earth. The emperor's palace had so many gates, and so many seas washed the state. In Confucianism, which is still considered the main religion in the Middle Kingdom, there are 4 main books. We must not forget that the Chinese and Japanese shunned the number four, calling it the number of death. They missed it in the numbering of houses, like the fatal number 13, because here the sum of two digits still gives the same four. The legendary Mayan and Aztec peoples also highlighted this number in their culture, assigning it magical powers.

Compatible and incompatible numbers

Of course, the number 4 is not the only one in numerology, since there are other interesting representatives in the series of numbers. What kind of relationship did the four have with their neighbors? Let's try to figure it out.


This is what they are like - a mysterious and unpredictable four. The figure is, in general, positive, despite the costs of Chinese numerology.

One of the most unusual and mysterious signs in numerology is the number 4. This number has been closely connected with the world around us since time immemorial. It also contains many contradictions: some people almost idolize the number four, others consider this number an alarming and negative symbol.

How is it interpreted in numerology?

The Bible gives many examples and cases related to the number 4. For example, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (plague, war, famine and death). Many religious people worship this number, others prefer to avoid it.

The meaning of the number 4 is in most cases interpreted as mystical; it is often used to perform various magical rituals. For example, in every ritual there are candles, the number of which should be four. According to legend, the flame of four burning candles creates a kind of shield that protects from the effects of negative energy; this also prevents evil spirits from getting out.

Code 4 has a special effect on a person. Many people consider this number to be very lucky. They say that people who often get combinations of signs 44, 444, 424, 484 are considered the luckiest and good luck accompanies them everywhere.

How does it affect character?

Number 4 affects a person’s character, his actions and behavior. People whose lucky number is four are purposeful careerists. They are very stubborn, but generous and good-natured towards family and friends. They are insightful and check their every action; it is difficult to deceive them or get them into trouble. The number 4 in numerology can affect a person in different ways.

  1. The positive qualities of number 4 include more than just perseverance. Most of these people are resilient and principled. The truth is always on their side. They rarely become bosses, but everything rests on them. They are very punctual, live according to a certain system and love when things are in complete order. Their main advantage is respect and recognition from the outside.
  2. One of the most negative qualities of the number 4 is stubbornness. Even if a person’s actions harm someone, she will still stand her ground. These people are very categorical and not tactful enough in communication. They may point out an inappropriate or sloppy appearance, or directly say that the person is untalented. These people love the truth in its purest form and do not trust society. It follows that because of their over-aggressive behavior, “fours” are disliked.

How does it affect life?

In Asian countries, they believe that the number four in numerology is a harbinger of trouble. In China, this figure symbolizes death.

Contrary to opinions, if your lucky number is four, this does not mean that you are in danger or have a difficult fate. You just need to be prepared for the fact that Fortune will not follow you everywhere. “Fours” do not rely on luck, but only on themselves. We should give credit to such people; they achieve everything with great effort.


When choosing a profession, they give preference to technical activities that have precision and logical consistency. They do their job flawlessly. They have no debts, they are very punctual, but they demand the same attitude towards themselves. They learn from their mistakes and if they make one once, it won’t happen again.

Such people are highly respected, so they usually work in large leading companies in serious and responsible positions. They are trusted because they know that this person will do everything efficiently and accurately. Their rule in life: business first, rest later.


Those with soul number 4 may have problems with their personal lives:

  • these people are not romantics and they are not going to fall in love;
  • the feeling of home comfort is alien to them, so over time they become bored with the relationship and leave;
  • It is difficult to interest such people in anything, much less to charm them.

The number 4 in numerology means that a person must be in constant motion and routine life can greatly slow him down, which will affect relationships with his significant other.

If a person with soul number 4 likes someone, then this is for life. He will show signs of attention, and when the partner appreciates this, they will have a strong union for many years.

Because The number 4 in numerology means stability; “fours” do not tolerate betrayal. Such people can cause pain without even noticing it, not because they wanted to, but simply because what they did is right, in their opinion. If they realize their mistake, they will try to do everything to correct the situation.

If 4 is a sign of fate

There are times when people become afraid of the same number appearing too often. You discover it every time you look at the time or ride the subway or minibus, you even hear it in the conversations of strangers. It feels like the number is following you. Particularly superstitious people may experience panic attacks, thoughts that they have been jinxed or death is following them (especially in Asian countries).

You shouldn’t panic ahead of time, this could be a completely banal coincidence: the more often you meet it, the more you think about it and see this number in everything, although you didn’t attach any importance to it before. The frequent appearance of the same code can be a kind of sign that it’s time to change something in this life.


4 is the number of stability and balance. The meaning of the number 4 in numerology has a tremendous impact on a person born under this sign. It has special magic. This is the most impartial number, the owner of which achieves everything on his own, without relying on luck or just being lucky.

Although in Asian countries this symbol means death, it cannot be said that it carries only negativity. Those born under this sign will have a stable income and profit. By adhering to certain rules, they will always have good relationships with friends, family and personal life.

Motto of the number 4: Creation. Number 4 is an extroverted number.

Positive qualities of a four: Number 4 is very determined and focused, likes to be practical and methodical in everything. Number 4 has exceptionally good manners and diligent behavior, she is very sensitive and respects moral values. Four loves to create.

Negative qualities of the four: Number 4 is afraid of change and is very stubborn. She lacks imagination. She can be very petty and many would call her a prude. Number 4 is argumentative and very conservative, often lacking imagination. He is characterized by seriousness and slowness.

Number 4 colors: The four are characterized by maroon, coffee, blue, green, indigo and silver colors.

The meaning of the number 4 in the spiritual realm.

Number 4 feels confident in any endeavors related to plans, ideas, forms at numerous levels of thoughts and feelings, from material to spiritual. The number four seems to form the basis for the existence of all things.

A person with number four loves and knows how to rationally express his ideas and principles. The number four gives certain forms to raw, unfinished material, which it then brings into perfect harmony.

Favorable opportunities for number 4.

Digit 4 knows how to give ideas form, can find material for them and bring these ideas to life.

Number four always strives to realize everything planned. The Four will definitely find themselves in matters that require perseverance and patience, thoroughness and attention to detail.

Number 4 knows how to bring to completion already formed ideas in which she is confident. At the same time, the number four leaves behind norms and rules that people will follow after completion of work.

Number 4 is never carried away by fantasies that have no practical value, although her mind can often be affected by emotions and imagination.

Number four loves to work, she is a hard worker by nature. Without work, without the ability to do anything, fix or organize, she feels out of place. Due to its ability to evaluate and follow examples and order, the number 4 can rise to the post of head of the enterprise, albeit quite slowly.

Number four rarely works for itself, more often for others, helping them finish their work. So she rather gives more than she receives in return, which her colleagues and even close people can take advantage of.

The inclinations and talents of number four.

Number four– a mechanic from birth and will definitely find himself in any field of activity related to mechanics, complex mechanisms and their manufacture.

Number four has a scientific mindset. The Four is very interested in natural law and order. She is able to prove herself in science.

Due to number four's love for nature, she may well take up farming or gardening. Also, number four may be interested in construction.

Number 4 can succeed in banking and investments, become a good accountant or economist. All this is thanks to her caution in relation to monetary risks and her ability to weigh everything sensibly and assess the degree of reliability. Legal issues and working with purchase and sale agreements are extremely easy for her.

Number four can be attracted to any religious activity, as it can clearly distinguish between good and evil.

Number 4 is capable of becoming an excellent commander in the army, due to its discipline and ability to comply with established rules.

Number 4 is also prone to practical jokes, and, with the right approach, you can also build a career on this.

Number four in human relationships.

Number four This is, first of all, a completely trustworthy, sensible person who loves and wants to be loved. Number four always wants to be recognized in society and makes every effort to achieve this, actively participating in all kinds of political and religious activities. The Four loves their loved ones and friends, knows how to enjoy life, simple joys, a cozy home and delicious food. She loves animals. Often, a person with number four always indulges his close people and his family.

Number 4 may lose confidence in their abilities and become disoriented if they lose clear ideas about right and wrong. For number 4, the following are paramount: reliability in marriage, security in business and the opportunity to be yourself. For these goals, she is able to sacrifice a lot.

Number four cannot be given orders and she does not like it if things are decided for her. This can cause her to become aggressive and stubborn. Number four needs to reach everything in its own way; if you don’t let it do this, then there will be no agreement in the work.

Number 4 always feels great responsibility for their family and friends. And she is always ready to help them solve their problems, even the most delicate ones.

Number 4 is able to achieve such financial security that more emotional and imaginative people cannot achieve.

Number four will be helped to become more flexible and quick by communicating with people who can act decisively, quickly and directly, as well as by participating in competitions and public speaking.