Practices for a lunar eclipse. Meditation on working through a lunar eclipse. New actions in old situations

These are the voices of your ancestors, your Family, real people who once lived, felt, cried, laughed, were rich or not, had large families or were single, gave birth to children or remained infertile, gained a lot or lost everything, were happy or not very happy.

And it doesn't matter how many years, decades or centuries separate you from them. Because they live invisibly in you. Fragments of their lives shine through your life. The puzzles of their destinies suddenly appear through your destiny. Right now. Every day. Sometimes, unbeknownst to you.

If you now think that you are absolutely unique and choose and create the story of your life, try to stop for a moment and simply imagine your daily life.

Are you sure that it’s just your taste preferences to start your morning with a cup of aromatic coffee? Maybe 200 years ago, one of the women of your kind lived in Turkey and this was her usual morning ritual? And your love for coffee is just a small puzzle imprinted into your genetic memory, which preserves and holds the connection with this woman and preserves your unconscious memory of her?

Are you sure that your feelings are only yours? Then why do you sometimes experience feelings that defy any logical explanation? Perhaps you are picking up a signal from someone from the past?

Why sometimes, at the peak of success, do you suddenly decide to start everything from scratch and go into a topic that seems complete nonsense to others? Perhaps at this moment, some puzzle left to you as an inheritance from one of your ancestors decides to be embodied in your life?

Why? Why? Why?

What of what you have considered or considered to be your thoughts, feelings, decisions, habits, preferences, turns of Fate for many years actually belongs to you personally?

  • If now you want to exclaim “Yes, yes, I’m really in last days I think about it and feel this connection.”
  • If in the last two weeks the themes of your Family have begun (sometimes unexpectedly) to emerge through the daily rhythm of your affairs.
  • If you suddenly wanted to turn around and look at this topic for the first time or again in recent days.

Congratulations! You feel subtly present moment and the Solar Eclipse of June 13 has already captured you and won't leave until you do a few very important things.

If it seems to you now that all this has no meaning and none of the above is relevant to you, then you simply did not notice the message of peace to you. And the energies of an eclipse can take you by surprise, unexpectedly, at night or in broad daylight. And just to present you with the fact that this topic is right now in front of you and will not leave you until you do several very important things.

Yes, this Eclipse Corridor is truly a turning point! And it sounds, rings, pulsates, in fact, one single theme.

Your Family and connection with it and you and your Mission and Destination, which will call you on the Path in exactly a month, on the Solar Eclipse on August 11, which will allow you to complete this transformation cycle.

“My dear! I know you have a lot to do right now.

I know that you want to brush off the signs that I have been sending you for two weeks now.

I know that it seems to you that you have already done a lot for your Family and in connection with it.

I know it's summer and your mind may be in a completely different place. And you want to do completely different things.

Trust me. They are absolutely not important now!

Because right now, from July 13 to August 11, your Destiny and I will decide what and how will happen in your life in the future! Right now we will write down in the book of your Destiny what will be in it and what will not! And exactly how this will happen! Right now we are planning the route.

And we need your help.

There is something in your Family that you are not even aware of right now. It shines through your life, but you don’t see it.

It will greatly influence your future, which will greatly depend on what you do right now.

So, just give me your hand now and let’s walk through this Corridor together.”

You could receive such a Letter from Eclipse. And now I will add a few specific details so that you can find out in the bustle of your daily affairs whether you received a “special invitation” from him. And how much does this Eclipse affect you personally!

If the following has happened or is happening to you over the past two weeks, you can safely perceive A sign that this Eclipse will really affect your life and can change it significantly.

You have “strange” dreams in which there are symbols of the Family - your real ancestors, trees, stones, houses, crossroads, women in white or dark clothes, whose faces you do not see and who convey something to you or give parting words.

You suddenly began to often remember people from your Family and think about them.

You were drawn to reconsider family album with old photos.

You made a sudden decision on these days to go to the cemetery.

Or home.

Your children unexpectedly came to you from other cities, or you went on vacation with your children during this period.

In the lives of your children at this time, very important things are planned. important events(weddings, change of housing, birth of a child)

Extraordinary, important events occur in your parents’ lives, or they suddenly demand your increased attention.

The topic of Rod and family constantly arises around you - you come across books about Rod, people unexpectedly tell you stories on this topic, taxi drivers or salespeople suddenly unexpectedly mention their grandparents.

In general, you understand what we mean we're talking about.

If during the period from June 28 to July 16, any of the above (and perhaps several points at once) happens to you, then this Eclipse is yours!

And his Letter is definitely intended for you! And it will definitely have an impact on your life and your future!

And here you need to learn about the most important trap of this Eclipse. Therefore, a little astrological terminology in connection with astrological chart for these days.

This Eclipse Corridor is truly unique! It consists not of 2, as usual, but of 3 eclipses. Two Solar and one Lunar. And they will all happen within the next month! And this is where the fun begins. Look.

In any Eclipse, the main characters are the Sun and the Moon. They, being in some zodiac sign at the moment of the Eclipse, set its theme and task. And every Eclipse always has a ruler, some other planet, which expands the context, adds details and implications. So, in both Eclipses of this Corridor, the Main Characters, the Sun and the Moon, are also the rulers!

Eclipse July 13, opening the Eclipse Corridor will be in Cancer, and this eclipse will be controlled by the Moon. Eclipse August 11, closing the Eclipse Corridor will be in Leo. And the Sun will rule it.

Karma of the Family and your individual karma.

The unconscious and awareness

Karmic experience from the past, left to you by your ancestors and what you will now do with your personal karmic experience, on which your future will be based.

Bright! Clear! A clearly defined task for all of us!

However, there is one caveat.

The Eclipse point on July 13 has a very clear relationship with the Black Moon, Lilith, which will try its best to confuse, deceive you, create a whole series circumstances or your inattention, which will in every possible way lead you away and distract you from all the possibilities of this Eclipse.

You may stubbornly ignore Signs and Clues.

You can misinterpret them, while being absolutely sure that you understood everything correctly.

You may decide that you have already done everything in this topic and that is enough.

You may want to close this topic altogether, burn bridges, cut off tails and deliver tough ultimatums. And this may seem absolutely logical to you.

Or you will put it off until later. When will it come the right time. Some day.

If this suddenly starts happening, remember this trap and don't fall into it.

Because you need to meet this topic right now!

And, by and large, during the Eclipse on July 13, you just need to take the first step and agree to enter this Corridor.

And for this you only have to do A practice that will create the correct flow of energies in and around you. And it initiates deep and beautiful processes that have long been awaiting their implementation.

Practice for a Solar Eclipse

Find time in the coming days (preferably from July 13 to 21) and go to sunset. Seek him and let him find you. Let it overtake you in open space - in a field, in the steppe, at the edge of a forest, on the bank of a large or small river.

Look around, catch your breath.

Give up the vanity and haste of the day to heaven. Breathe and let peace fill your heart with every breath.

Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Take off your shoes. Let your feet feel the earth in all its solidity and fullness.

Turn your back to the sunset. Look ahead. This is where the Sun will appear. Then, when the time of dawn comes. Look there. There is your Future. Nothing has happened there yet, but it WILL happen! Look there for a few minutes, not guessing anything, not expecting anything. Just knowing that the moment will come and...

Turn to face the sunset. Look at the setting Sun. And against its background you will see:

their father and mother,

behind them - their grandparents,

behind them - their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers...

everyone else who stands behind them...

Look at all these people. Look at them. They are your Past. They are all your History. They are the Source of your life!

Capture the main feeling that is born from looking at them. Is it light or dark?

If it is light, bow deeply and say: “Thank you. I will pass this on.”

If it is dark, bow deeply and say, “I feel your pain. This makes me anxious and scared. But I will try to turn this pain into love. I'll try to be happy. I won't pass on the pain any further. I will send love"

Do this several times. Say these phrases out loud several times.

And turn your back to the sunset again. And look towards your Future.

Look forward, straight ahead. And say out loud:

“I am just a part. I received this Life from many, many who stand behind me. I will pass it on to my children, or what I consider to be my “children.” I have no debts, I have responsibility. Responsibility to BE HAPPY. So that there is less pain in the world and more love and happiness. This will be my Good Deed on Earth! I promise this to myself here, in the rays of the sunset, looking towards my Future. And from now on, this will be my main gratitude to all those who brought me into this Life.”

After this, sit on the ground and stay in solitude for at least half an hour. Don't rush back, don't rush to talk. Take your time. Let something very important come true in your soul. Let the connection become brighter. And your faith in yourself is stronger. Let there be less pain, and more love and happiness.

The energy of any eclipse is always powerful energy renewal. The time of eclipses is a period when we can quickly quickly solve “unsolvable” problems, shake up stagnant energies and get rid of recurring events and problems. You can dramatically change the course of your life by using this energy correctly.

Eclipse corridor

In January 2019, the Earth enters Eclipse corridor, in which humanity will undergo an energetic renewal. This is a favorable time to rethink and transform your programs, define new intentions and goals.

Often such high and deep energies arise that it becomes difficult for a person to cope with them. Emotions take precedence over reason and feelings. Be lenient with each other, take care of yourselves! Don't forget that some doors close only for others to open.

So, the Eclipse Corridor will include two eclipses:

  1. Private Solar eclipse January 6, 2019
  2. Total, full Lunar eclipse January 21, 2019

Solar eclipse

Solar eclipse January 6, 2019 will be private, since the Moon only partially obscures the Sun from an observer on Earth. It will take place at 15 degrees Capricorn between Saturn and Pluto, which gives a very serious, dark feeling.

  • The eclipse begins on January 5, 2019 at 23:34 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) or January 6, 2019 02:34 Moscow time(Moscow time)
  • Maximum phase January 6, 2019 at 01:41 UTC or 04:26 Moscow time
  • Ends January 6, 2019 at 03:48 UTC or 06:48 Moscow time

The eclipse is passing in Capricorn, which means it is extremely important not to give in to emotional impulses, to be consistent and to control yourself. At this time, seeds are laid, the fruits of which you will reap before the next eclipse in the corridor.

In fact, everything is already happening in the best possible way for you. All you have to do is make an effort so that the transformation takes place with maximum benefit and in full acceptance.

The following practices will help you with this:

The main theme of the Solar Eclipse on January 6 is business and creativity. The energies are favorable for people with high goals; for those who are planning large-scale actions, for example, opening their own enterprise; carry out a global creative or commercial project. This time is great for starting and expanding a business, its consolidation, implementation creative ideas. Achievement in the business environment and financial independence will come as a result of hard work and perseverance.

The solar eclipse in January 2019 promotes the development of talents. Its energies have a beneficial effect on representatives creative professions: musicians, artists, poets, actors. In addition, Neptune gives vivid dreams, increases intuition and gives the ability to understand people and situations on a deep level. Spiritual practices such as meditation will bring inspiration, greater self-understanding and satisfaction. With a reasonable, realistic approach, your dream can become a reality.

Thus, the eclipse on January 6, 2019 will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your goals and how they fit into the big picture.

Impact of a Solar Eclipse:

  • unstable emotional state,
  • the emergence of new ideas,
  • the desire to radically change and change your life,
  • favorable conditions for external changes, which entails:
  • without acceptance– resistance to change and heaviness in the new space,
  • with acceptance– harmony in the soul, new benefits and opportunities,
  • rapid materialization of plans and desires (including unconscious ones),
  • solidifying what you want to manifest in your life.

Meditations and rituals for the Solar Eclipse

During the eclipse, 3 days before and after, you can carry out a number of practices and rituals to make the most of the beneficial powerful energies eclipses. A solar eclipse also helps to get rid of spiritual problems and moral shortcomings, such as pride, selfishness, selfishness, and conceit.

It is beneficial to cleanse the space by throwing away everything unnecessary - unnecessary things, unnecessary objects. Let your home be clean and comfortable. Light the candles and turn on some good music. Be the creator of an atmosphere of joy and harmony in your life!

Activation of the Inner Sun

“During a solar eclipse, meditation on solar energy enhances our inner Sun(located in the solar plexus area).”

Emmanuel Daguerre

During this practice it is important connect the internal sun with the external.

Any eclipse enhances what we came to it with: our thoughts, mood, state.

With the help of this practice during a lunar eclipse you can get rid of diseases, bad habits, complexes, weaknesses.

To better prepare for the Practice, write down the dates of eclipses in advance. At the beginning of each month, it is enough to devote 30 minutes to lunar planning. This will make your life much easier.
The practice itself lunar eclipse similar to , but there are also nuances, so be careful.

Before you start practicing, think about what you want most right now. Write down your desire briefly but succinctly. Prepare in advance the things you will use for this practice. It's better to wear new things. But if you don’t have new things, take clean ones, just not something you wear all the time.

Take a contrast shower (men start and finish cold water, women – hot).

Lunar eclipse practice

On the night of a lunar eclipse (in an hour before the start eclipses) prepare a mirror, a candle, matches and two glasses of water (not full).
We begin the practice by bowing to all 4 cardinal directions. We start from the East and, clockwise, calling on the Forces of Light for help, we bow to the waist. We do it slowly, thoughtfully, respectfully.
Now you can go to the shower. Take a contrast shower. Imagine how every part of your body opens and straightens for the practice.

After the shower, dressed in clean clothes, light a candle and sit near it. Feel a state of peace. When you are ready, read your wish out loud thoughtfully and calmly.

In 10 minutes before the start eclipses - look at yourself in the mirror, remember your image in it. Inhale, exhale and drink the first glass of water. Lie down on the floor with your head on north(prepare the place in advance: spread a sports mat or blanket, you can cover yourself and use a low pillow).

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and imagine your image as if reflected in a mirror. Think about your image, about what prevents him from living. It is time for Him (your image) to get rid of the disease. It is time for Him to get rid of what hinders happiness. Watch how your image changes, thank Him. Let Him go with the diseases to where they belong. Let Him take care that illnesses do not return to you. Let Him decide how to do it better. It's not your concern. Bless and guide them with your mind's eye.

Lie down for a few more minutes and thank all participants in the Practice. Wish everyone well. You will feel when you can get up.
Stretch and, opening your eyes, slowly rise up. Let the candle burn out. You should not blow out the candle - it is better to cover the flame with a cap (if the candle lasts for many hours).

Bow to all four cardinal directions. Make it easy and joyful.

Take a contrast shower (as before the Practice), then, AS YOU INHALE, slowly and with pleasure drink water from the second glass, consolidating your new joyful, free, clean state.
Let this state fill your later life joy and good luck.

You should not tell anyone about the fact that you completed the Practice and your feelings for the next 3 months.

For three days before the eclipse, you should not eat meat, seeds or nuts.

At sunrise and sunset (or morning and evening) you need to take a contrast shower for 5 - 10 minutes (men start and finish hot water, women – cold).

1 hour before the eclipse and 1 hour after it, a contrast shower is also taken. It's tonic nervous system, reduces body stress and physical fatigue, and also strengthens and smoothes astral body
(contrast douches are 10 times more effective than contrast showers).

Before water procedures before an eclipse and after the final water procedure, you need to drink a glass of energetically charged water (this is either water containing holy, Epiphany water, or structured water - defrosted, or spring water, you can use water infused with flint).

After the first water procedure, which strengthened the astral body, you need to cleanse mental body through prayer in front of a candle or meditation.

10 minutes before the exact time of the eclipse, you need to light a candle, look at your reflection in the mirror, and lie on the ground or floor with your head facing east, completely relaxed.

In this case, the concentration of consciousness should be aimed at remembering one’s own image (seen in the mirror before). You need to convey to this reflection all your negativity: illnesses, failures, destructive situations and events in life. And together with them - compress the visible image to a point, which is then destroyed with a flash of blue or violet.

Then - you can create a new, positive image, formalize your plans and dreams - visualize them as a result, relax, repeat the water procedures and drink a second glass of energetically charged water.

I suggest keeping a diary of eclipses, where you can describe events that stand out from the general context (and there will certainly be such events in the period one day before the eclipse and during the week after the eclipse).

Then you should analyze what is happening in your life. A consultation with an astrologer will help explain the reasons for what is happening and give specific predictions for the future through a joint analysis of the natal birth chart and the eclipse horoscope.

Once again I want to emphasize: what happens during the period of influence of an eclipse and especially on the day of the eclipse is karmically determined. This is an opportunity to correct your personal program. How this correction will take place depends on your conscious attitude towards your life.

Lunar eclipse practice

A lunar eclipse occurs at the moment of the full moon and affects more than a solar eclipse. mental sphere and the astral body of a person, as well as on his social contacts and on working out karma on the social plane.

Everything you do in relation to the people around you during the period of influence of the eclipse - the day before the eclipse, the day of the eclipse itself and the day after - will affect your future life.

Depending on the interaction of your horoscope with the horoscope of the eclipse and how the lunar nodes are located in the latter in relation to the positions of the Sun and Moon, the degree of working off karmic debts in relation to people will be determined. You will pay off debts or develop your basis for development in social terms and spiritual growth.

However, it is possible to develop new negative karma; the psychological situation is often favorable for this.

During a lunar eclipse, as during any full moon, but more strongly, the human psyche, his astral body, is more active, excited and susceptible to outside influences.

The practice described in "30 lunar days“allows you to free yourself from diseases, bad habits, complexes, damage and the evil eye, or simply endure the eclipse itself more harmoniously and calmly.

This practice is similar to the solar eclipse practice with some differences.

So, men take a contrast shower starting and ending with cold water (5 - 7 shifts for 5 - 10 minutes), and women - with hot water.

Meditation and relaxation are carried out while lying with your head facing north.

Manipulating the memory of one's reflection is similar to the practice of a solar eclipse. But there is no point in making plans for the future.

All events that occur during the lunar eclipse (3 days) will predict the development of your relationships with people in the future: partnerships and friendships, family relationships, relationships in the work team and the development of your social activities(if you aspire to take a prominent place in politics or social activities, then lunar eclipses should be used to develop your social connections and influence).

In any case, practices and analysis of the events of lunar and solar eclipses allow you to get your perception of the world, adjust your destiny, change real life(work off karmic debts) and improve health.

L. Zhitnukhina

Source: website

Studying eclipses

Lunar eclipses occur during the full moon, when emotions typically culminate and are released. Whether this creates disorientation or divine insight depends on our individual response. However, the key word here is change.

When a solar eclipse occurs, the Moon becomes an intermediate body, which prevents solar energy from reaching the Earth. Because this always happens on the new moon, which begins monthly cycle, the combination of solar and lunar energy becomes extremely intense and the sensual nature of the Moon predominates. It is absolutely clear that it is not the best thing to make various serious commitments during this period, make a serious decision and make serious purchases that require balanced, sober thinking. General advice is to do something relaxing, such as light exercise, as your immune system and energy levels may be lower than usual. Be especially careful with any alcohol or medicine.

Before any eclipse, it is favorable to undergo a three-day fast (exclude animal foods, seeds, nuts). It is better to spend this period in a calm environment, without taking active actions or important decisions. Half an hour before the eclipse, it’s good to light a candle and walk around the apartment clockwise with it, reading your favorite prayer. Fire cleanses the house well of negative energy. At the very moment of the eclipse, speak on a candle (or better write down on paper) what is preventing you from living, and what you want to get rid of, confess before the Fire.

The practice of a solar eclipse makes it possible to realize and free yourself from internal fears and negative character traits (for example, laziness, irritability, etc.), which slow down the movement of life and interfere with spiritual development. During a lunar eclipse, it is possible to free yourself from diseases, bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), complexes, and mental weaknesses.

During a solar eclipse, which almost always occurs from the 29th to the 1st lunar day, i.e. on the new moon, it is very good to sum up the year, understand your feelings, where you could be wrong, who you offended, what you are afraid of, What are you worried about? Any fear in you can attract unfavorable situations. For example, the fear of loneliness attracts loneliness, the fear of losing stability in a relationship or material security attracts the loss of this particular relationship or money. Thought is material, and like attracts like. And it is precisely these experiences and fears that you can, having recognized them in yourself and thanked them for everything they taught you, simply let go forever.

It is very important to understand here that if you do not have a good relationship with someone, then you do not need to get rid of this person. On the contrary, imagine him in your imagination and listen to your feelings: what in you does not accept this person, where in yourself you feel a barrier, fear or irritation. Write down these feelings on paper and feel why you were given this relationship, what they teach. Try to treat this person as a teacher, thank him for the lesson and forgive him with your heart. And then a miracle will happen - your relationship will be resolved in the best possible way. This will be your reward for the work of your soul.


Take a contrast shower (during a solar eclipse, men should start and end with hot water, and women with cold water 5-7 times, and during a lunar eclipse, men should start and end with cold water, and women with hot water). 10 minutes before a solar eclipse, you need to lie with your head to the east (and, when working on a lunar eclipse, with your head to the north) and relax, close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negative programs that you want to get rid of come out of you. You present them in turn in front of you in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear - like a stone, resentment - like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Look and feel what happens to them, how they change, become light and pure creatures or symbols. And then, be sure to fill the empty spaces in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Know that the moment of a solar eclipse is unique. During this period, you can not only get rid of negative situations and feelings, but also lay down a program for fulfilling your desires for the whole year. After working through a solar eclipse, on the 1st lunar day, sit in front of a candle, take blank slate paper and write down what you want to happen during the year. Just write specifically: what you want, by when. Write a lot of wishes - you will have to work harder. God has no other hands but yours. But Space will definitely provide new opportunities for the implementation of your plans. Don’t rush, think carefully, what if your wish comes true, do you really want it.

Here is the formula for fulfilling desires: to launch a mental image into materialization, you need to thoroughly imagine this image or form, and then forget, let go of the situation.

You can correct your plans every month on the 1st lunar day throughout the year. Plans and dreams of this day come true if your thoughts are pure and correspond to yours true desires and needs, and are really important to you.

Firstly, be sure to include vacation periods in your plans. From our experience, if you forget to plan it, there is simply no time left for it.

Secondly, write very clearly what you want. One woman wrote that she wanted to meet the man of her life, described that she values ​​kindness, sincerity, optimism, etc. in character, but forgot to write his age. Within a year, she met such a man - everything she described came true exactly, but he was 9 years younger than her. It all ended in a formalized relationship and a happy married life, but a valuable lesson was learned.

Thirdly, do not forget to sign and date the plans - you take responsibility for your desires so that there are no complaints against Gene later. And most important rule during the period of eclipses, whether you meet it or not, try to be a source of only good thoughts and desires on these important days for all of us and the Earth. By showing aggression, quarreling and arguing, you only harm yourself by laying down a program for the destruction of your happiness. Remember, truth is not born in disputes. On the contrary, give thanks for everything that fate sends you, wish everyone goodness and light, and then you will see with your own eyes that your thoughts create your life. These days you become magicians of your destiny and lay down a program for your happiness and peace for everyone. When the heart is filled with gratitude, there is no room for problems in the head.

Now let's draw an analogy of what we told you and how the state of the earth is described during the period of eclipses physicists. Unique research was carried out on August 11, 1999, the day of the famous solar eclipse. The Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, which protects all life on the planet from cosmic ionizing radiation. Scientists constantly monitor the state of the magnetosphere, but on August 11, 1999, they monitored it especially carefully.

Based on the results of measurements, scientists came to the conclusion: “At that moment when the Moon blocked the Sun, the Earth experienced strong excitement, its parameters electromagnetic field changed dramatically. Our planet seemed to splash out all its accumulated energy into space. Then its potential began to decline and at some point became zero. Then the Earth began to slowly emerge from the state of clinical death; the electromagnetic heart started working again, but its parameters were different: the field vector changed its direction, that is, our planet was reborn in a different quality.”

Believe me, the same thing happens to us. Before the eclipse, we take stock of what we have lived, realize our experience and cleanse ourselves. We transform our immature feelings into gratitude and love, so as not to pollute the Information Field of the Universe with additional mental garbage. And then we seem to be reborn and pour new energy into our future, having the opportunity to start a new life.

Each of us has the opportunity, starting with ourselves, to bring a piece of Love and Goodness into this wonderful world and leave this priceless gift to our descendants.

Now look at your horoscope. If the Sun or Moon is eclipsed ( if the degree of the Moon or Sun at the time of the eclipse) fall to a certain house, then expect changes in life related specifically to this area:

-to the 1st house- expect personal changes. You may want to change your image, become a leader. You won't have to sit idly by. This house is symbolically associated with the sign of Aries, which means that you will become something of a pioneer, an active creator and an individual. Your potential as the owner of a horoscope, physical body, ability to express yourself, expectation of change in personal terms. It is possible that you will want to change your image and become a leader. One thing is for sure - you won't have to sit idly by. This house is associated with the sign of Aries. This means that you will become a pioneer in something, an active creator.

- to the 2nd house- changes will affect your finances. This area of ​​life can become unstable, and if this doesn’t scare you, you will always find an opportunity to improve your situation. Talents, innate abilities. This house is directly related to finances and resources. This represents what a person can possess on a personal level. Changes will affect your finances. This area of ​​life may well become unstable. If this state of affairs does not scare you at all, then you can always find an opportunity to improve your situation.

- to the 3rd house- the situation may force close relatives (brothers, sisters) to work with problems. There is an opportunity to study, get an additional specialty or improve your qualifications. Business travel can bring new opportunities and useful information. Your contacts with loved ones, distant relatives, information exchange, intellectual communication. You will have to work with problems that arise among close relatives (sisters, brothers). If you have business trips coming up, they can bring new opportunities, as well as information that will be useful to you.

- to the 4th house— the changes will affect the place of residence. You can buy or sell an apartment, a house, or move to a new place of residence. More attention may have to be paid to the parents, especially the mother. This is homeland and security. Karmic memory, an entrance into something subconscious. Family, real estate, household chores. This is where conception and the beginning of life begin. Changes of residence are not excluded. Perhaps you will buy or sell a house, an apartment, or move. Your parents may need your attention, especially your mother.

- to the 5th house- changes can occur in love affairs. Please also pay attention special attention to your children - an important event may occur in their destiny and this will directly affect you. Play and artistry, ability to creative process. You will be able to attract attention to yourself through creation, expressing love in what can bring satisfaction. And also in learning, or more precisely, in its creative consolidation. Therefore, this house represents an increase in creative self-realization and qualifications. Some changes may occur in your personal life. You should pay as much attention to your children as possible. After all, an important event may occur in their fate, which will inevitably affect you.

- to the 6th house- if you were looking for a job, you will definitely find it within a year. If you have worked consistently, there is an opportunity to change your place for a better one.

- to the 7th house- changes may occur in family life, in the life of a marriage partner. It is possible to meet a future partner and formalize the relationship, and for those who want to gain freedom, a long-awaited divorce. Ability to understand each other, formal partnerships. Rivalry and open competition. Changes can affect both family life and the life of the spouse. It is possible that your partner will experience changes in financially. You may have to take risks, but you don't have to worry about it. After all, such experience is necessary for you.

- to the 8th house— changes in the financial situation of your partner (husband, wife) are possible. You may have to risk something, but don’t worry - this experience is vital for you. Material assets others and partner, capital. Critical and risky situations, difficult to control feelings towards others. Sex, passion and its transformation. Psychoanalysis, occultism and death. There may be changes in the financial situation of your partner (husband, wife, boss). You may have to risk something, but don’t worry - this experience is vital for you.

- to the 9th house- you can get another one higher education, go on a trip abroad and further expand your worldview. This is the house of high life aspirations. Moreover, it is spiritual, not material. The desire to overcome personal limitations, to know one’s Self. This is overcoming taboos, as well as expanding one’s worldview, going beyond conventions. Knowledge of other cultures can also be attributed to this house of the horoscope. You can get a second or even a third higher education, go on a trip to overseas countries, which will expand your own worldview even more.

- to the 10th house— the sphere of career and goals is also awaiting transformation. It is possible to change goals and set new tasks. Glory, success in the profession, social status. This house shows by what means you can achieve certain goals and objectives. Perhaps these goals will change and you will want to set new goals.

- to the 11th house- changes can occur in your plans, projects and with friends, as well as in working with groups of people (for example, in network marketing). Friends and informal contacts, humanitarian activities. Ideas and projects for the future, access to new (higher) levels of consciousness. Help (selfless) and patronage. There may be some changes in your projects and plans, working with groups of people.

- to the 12th house- a revolution in your life is possible spiritual world, re-awareness true values in life. And so that the growth of the soul does not occur through crises, it is simply necessary to meet it halfway (for example, attend psychological seminars, trainings, read spiritual literature and think about the meaning of life).Esotericism, mystery. Karma, summing up life. From the collective unconscious a person receives what he deserves through his own actions and personal choice. It can be either a “stick” or a “carrot”. Mercy, impersonal service, asceticism, hidden enemies. A revolution, a revaluation of values, is possible in your spiritual world. To prevent the growth of your soul from happening through all sorts of crises, you yourself must meet it halfway. To do this, read spiritual literature, go to psychological trainings and seminars.

Sources: website
and more
psm 05/08/12 #85 10/30/14
#144 08/03/16

There are esoteric practices for getting rid of personal limitations, complexes, bad habits, illnesses, bad influences, external circumstances that hinder your development. It is especially easy to make such changes in our lives during eclipses using these practices; the eclipse will facilitate and strengthen the changes.

Lunar eclipse practice.

Before the eclipse, you should not eat meat, seeds or nuts for three days. During these three days, at sunrise and sunset (or simply, morning and evening), you need to take a contrast shower (5-7 temperature changes within 10 minutes. Men start and end with cold water, and women with hot water.

To carry out the practice, you will need a glass of spring (or simply clean) water, a mirror and a candle. All practice is carried out in complete silence. An hour before the eclipse time indicated on the calendar (note the difference between Greenwich and your local time if it is not indicated on the calendar), drink a glass of spring water, then take a contrast shower. Sit by a lit candle (meditate on a candle if you know how), thinking about what you want to get rid of.

10 minutes before the eclipse, look in the mirror and lie on the floor with your head facing north. Relax. Imagine your reflection in the mirror. Looking at your reflection in a mental mirror, think that it is it (the reflection) that is sick, smokes, drinks, is shy, has complexes, and so on. Here it leaves you, taking with it what you want to get rid of. It takes away loneliness, love failures, bad luck in business, unfaithful friends and everything else that prevents luck and success from entering your life.

When the reflection shrinks and becomes a black ball, a blue or purple dot will flash inside it. After this, push the dark ball away from you, or mentally burn it.

Lie down a little longer, then get up and extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out).

Take the same contrast shower as before practice. Drink a glass of spring (clean) water.

Changes will not keep you waiting.

Solar eclipse practice.

Before the eclipse, you should not eat meat, seeds or nuts for three days. During these three days, at sunrise and sunset (or just in the morning and evening), you need to take a contrast shower (5-7 temperature changes within 10 minutes. Men start and end with hot water, and women - cold.

To practice, you will need a glass of water, a mirror and a candle. An hour before the eclipse time indicated on the calendar (note the difference between Greenwich time and Moscow, if it is not indicated on the calendar: in winter it is 3 hours, and in summer - 4; to obtain Greenwich time they must be subtracted from Moscow) drink a glass of spring water, then take a contrast shower. Sit by a lit candle, thinking about what you want to get rid of.

Ten minutes before the eclipse, look in the mirror and lie on the floor with your head facing East. Relax. Imagine your reflection in the mirror. Here it leaves you, taking with it what you want to get rid of. It takes away loneliness, love failures, bad luck in business, unfaithful friends and everything else that prevents luck and success from entering your life.

When the reflection shrinks and becomes a black ball, a blue or purple dot will flash inside it. After this, push the dark ball away from you - or burn it. Lie down for a while, get up, and put out the candle with your fingers.
Take the same contrast shower as before practice. Drink a glass of spring (clean) water.
Don't tell anyone what you did. Changes will not keep you waiting.

On the day of an eclipse, it is not recommended to start anything important, since the eclipse enhances the slightest negative vibration factors of the day on which it occurs. Cases that are nevertheless started may be withdrawn even after 18 years. However, if you are confident in success and your thoughts are pure before people and before God, and also if general characteristics The day of the eclipse is favorable, you can act, but remember that for all the actions and even thoughts associated with the day of the eclipse, sooner or later you will have to answer. A lunar eclipse may have an echo within three months, but the full impact of eclipses ends within 18.5 years, and less than most the luminary was closed, the more powerful and lasting the impact.

Eclipses have a strong impact on all people, even those in whose horoscope eclipses are not emphasized in any way. Naturally, for people born during an eclipse, as well as for people who have eclipse points in one way or another affected in their horoscope, the current eclipse will have a stronger effect. An eclipse always has special significance if the degree of the current eclipse affects a planet or other important element birth horoscope. If the eclipse coincides with an important point in the horoscope, changes and important events can be expected. Even if the events that occur may not seem significant at first, over time their importance will certainly manifest themselves.

If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope find themselves in negative aspects to the degree of the current eclipse, then sharp, radical events can be expected; crises, conflicts, complications and even breakdowns in relationships, unfavorable business circumstances, and deteriorating health are likely. If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope are in favorable aspects with the degree of the eclipse, then there will be changes or important events, but they will not cause strong shocks, rather they will turn out to benefit the person.