(!LANG: Irina Allegrova's last husband. Irina Allegrova's ex-husbands. Irina Allegrova's ex-husband - Vladimir Blaher

The biography of Irina Allegrova as a singer began in the early 70s, when she went from her native Baku to conquer Moscow. The result of hard work on herself and her repertoire is that now the singer bears the honorary title of Empress of the Russian stage. Her songs, performed with anguish and slight hoarseness in her voice, are understandable for millions of women, she is their idol and favorite. But what happens in personal life of Irina Allegrova? As it turned out, it was the private life of the beloved singer for some reason that does not always work out the way she would like. It can only be described with words from one famous song by Irina Allegrova "And we are like on a swing ..." Quiet family happiness next to husband of Irina Allegrova was replaced then by loneliness, and so not once.

For the first time, Irina Allegrova married at the age of 19 for the most enviable groom in Baku. But at a time when all the girls around sighed furtively for her young husband George, and he dragged baskets of flowers to his beloved wife, the newly-made wife herself felt that she had made a mistake. Therefore, to wait for the birth of her first child, she went to her parents' house, from where she never returned to her husband. In 1972, a daughter, Lala, was born, and a divorce took place in the same year. When her daughter was six months old, Irina Allegrova decided to conquer the capital and finally become famous.

In the photo - Irina Allegrova with her daughter Lala

The next husband of the singer Vladimir Bleher, by the way, had a positive impact on her creative biography. Thanks to him, she turned from a singer in a restaurant into a soloist of his Young Voices ensemble, which gave her the opportunity to show herself on the professional stage. And although the marriage of the music director and his ward soon broke up due to disagreements about living together (her husband wanted Irina Allegrova to pay more attention to everyday life, and she only wanted to sing), but, nevertheless, for the singer’s career, this union was extremely beneficial. Apparently, her own inexperience or gullibility pushed her into the arms of another producer - Vladimir Dubovitsky. He managed to charm Irina Allegrova so much that their successful professional cooperation grew into a family. However, the singer very soon became convinced that her husband loves to surround himself with many beautiful women, with whom he has a far from professional relationship. One of these muses was Tatyana Ovsienko, who is still considered the culprit of the separation of Vladimir Dubovitsky and Irina Allegrova. The singer, disappointed in her marriage, tried to find peace in the arms of her bandmate Igor Talkov, but he, in addition to being married, had many affairs on the side. Therefore, Irina Allegrova wisely translated the emerging relationship into the category of friendly ones.

The last, and fourth, husband of the singer was the dancer of her ballet Igor Kapusta. The story of the development of their relationship is told by the song "The Hijacker". At the time of the acquaintance, the guy was not free, but Irina Allegrova does not know what a loss is, and confidently beat off her betrothed from another. Their marriage lasted 8 years and became the longest in the history of the singer. However, it also ended in a traditional divorce. The ex-husband blames the singer's daughter for everything and Irina Allegrova's dependence on the advice and opinions of strangers who whispered all sorts of nasty things about her husband, trying to break up the family. But, at the same time, Igor Kapusta also does not deny his guilt: at a time when his wife went headlong into creativity, wandered around concerts and was not at home for a long time, he found solace in the arms of other women.

Photo Starface/Evgeny Rakhmakov

Just yesterday, the whole country was discussing the "obscene proposal" made by the oligarch to one of the country's most popular performers.

According to rumors, a foreign businessman offered to marry Irina Allegrova, but not just like that, but with one condition.

In particular, in order to bear the proud name of the mistress of the house and enjoy all the benefits and privileges that accompany her, the performer of the song about the crazy empress must leave the stage forever. Well, he doesn’t need an artist in the house, but he wouldn’t refuse a housewife. What are you going to do here?

It would seem, why not agree? The 63-year-old artist managed to be married four times in her life (she divorced her last husband in 1999 and has not officially met with anyone since), and who better than her to know “female longing for a strong shoulder.”

But Irina has a different opinion on this matter.

“The man I would marry has not yet been born!” - the singer sharply answered reporters about her marriage before her performance on the New Wave and was even a little offended by the valiant media workers for trying to once again get into her personal life.

It is worth noting that a few years ago, a popular performer herself said that she was thinking of leaving the stage, but then the singer changed her mind.

“I wanted to radically reduce the number of tours, filming, recording, slow down the frantic pace of life in which I have been living for the last 25 years. Then thoughts began to come to leave the stage altogether ... I began to miss new songs, I was tired of the old image, - later Irina Allegrova explained. - Now I understand that it was a creative and emotional depression: at some point it simply worked out. Each person has his own supply of batteries, but any supply, even the largest one, will eventually run out.

Former husbands of Irina Allegrova

Husband No. 1: Georgy Tairov, basketball player.

Married– from 1971 to 1972.

  • Name: Irina
  • Surname: Allegrova
  • Date of Birth: 20.01.1952
  • Place of Birth: Rostov-on-Don
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Eastern horoscope: The Dragon
  • Occupation: singer, actress
  • Growth: 172 cm

Her talent is admired not only by millions of fans and rising stars, but also by the luminaries of Russian show business. She has long and deservedly bears the title of "Empress" of the national stage and her name, of course, commands respect. She is the magnificent, cheerful, charming and radiant Irina Allegrova.

Photo by Irina Allegrova

early years

Until the age of nine, Irina Aleksandrovna lived with her parents in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Father and mother were directly related to the stage and art. Papa Alexander Allegrov became famous as an actor and theater director, his contribution to art was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR and the RSFSR. And Serafima Mikhailovna (mother) was the owner of a luxurious operatic voice.

After moving to Baku, the mother and father of little Irina came to grips with the development of their daughter's creative abilities. In addition to the music school, the girl took ballet and drawing lessons. The future people's artist demonstrated her talent already at that time, and performances at various competitions and festivals gave her the opportunity to draw attention to herself. So, she managed to take second place at the jazz festival in Baku.

From childhood, the girl was surrounded by the masters of the Soviet stage. Muslim Magomayev, Mstislav Rostropovich and other great artists were frequent guests in the Allegrov family's house. In Irina, the desire to perform on the big stage flared up more and more, so after receiving a school certificate, she intended to enter the conservatory. But illness intervened in her plans, she failed to become a student at the conservatory. Soon, Allegrova was already touring with the troupe of the R. Behbudov Theater, and later worked in the Orbelian Orchestra in Yerevan.

The beginning of the creative path

Irina Alexandrovna's next attempt to get an education was to enter GITIS in 1975, but she also turned out to be Unsuccessful. The 1970s and 80s were busy for the artist in terms of work. During this time, she was a member of various musical groups, toured the USSR, later worked as an accompanist, and gave private lessons. In 1976, Irina Allegrova was lucky enough to get into the orchestra under the direction of L. Utesov. In search of herself and her place on the stage, she changed several groups, including the soloist in the ensembles "Inspiration", "Young Voices" and "Torch". By the way, it was in the "Torch" that she met a man who became close to her for life - Igor Krutoy.

Until the moment when the singer became really famous and popular, a lot happened: there was a creative crisis, and work in musicals, as well as participation in restaurant and hotel variety shows. Fortune smiled at Irina Alexandrovna when she met Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was this young producer who became the link between Allegrova and Oscar Feltsman.


1985 marked the beginning of a great career for the singer. Acquaintance with Feltsman determined the further stage life of Irina Alexandrovna:

  • with the song "Voice of a Child" Allegrova first gets on the "Song of the Year";
  • the singer becomes a soloist of the ensemble "Moscow Lights";
  • the collective "Electroclub" is formed;
  • in a duet with Igor Talkov, Allegrova becomes a laureate of the Golden Tuning Fork competition (1987);
  • recording several songs for films;
  • participation in "Song-89" and "Pugacheva's Christmas Meetings";
  • solo performance of such songs as “Toy”, “Wash away the gentle and gentle beast”.

In 1990, the departure of Irina Allegrova from Electroclub-2 became inevitable, but this fact launched a truly solo career as an artist.

Solo by Irina Allegrova

In the nineties, Allegrova's fame and popularity skyrocketed with extreme speed. New songs, videos, new creative unions, tours, standing ovations, millions of fans - all at once "surfed" Irina Alexandrovna. That period of creativity was remembered by the hits “Wanderer”, “Hi, Andrey”, “I will win you back”, “Hijacker”, “I will part the clouds with my hands”.

In the mid-nineties, the singer fruitfully collaborated with Igor Krutoy. In addition to solo compositions, the composer also writes songs for their duet. Performed jointly "Unfinished Romance" literally captivated fans. By the beginning of the new century, Allegrova had several solo albums, concert programs, and tours on her account. Also, various festivals and "Songs of the Year" could not do without her participation. And if in the early nineties the singer was still in the image known from the Electroclub, then she entered the new millennium already in the image of a stately experienced woman.

new time

Not a single year in the work of Irina Allegrova passed without a trace. It is her talent, desire and ability to give all one hundred percent that catches the viewer, and how much work has been spent and how much work has been done simply cannot be counted.

In addition to the solo performance, the fans also remembered the creative unions of the singer with I. Nikolaev, M. Shufutinsky, and Grigory Leps. Among the numerous prizes, awards and merits:

  • in 2002 - the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation";
  • awarding a commemorative medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs";
  • award "Chanson of the Year";
  • Order "Ruby Cross" for charitable activities;
  • appointment as Advisor to the EurAsEC Secretary General for Culture;
  • MUZ-TV and Golden Gramophone awards for a duet with Leps;
  • Diploma of the laureate of "Songs of the Year".

In 2010, Irina Allegrova was awarded the title of "People's Artist of Russia".

The empress of the Russian stage sang for fans at the largest concert venues in Russia, including the State Kremlin Palace, the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, and the St. Petersburg Ice Palace. With tours, Allegrova traveled all over Russia, and also collected full houses in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, Monaco, and the Baltic countries.

Russian TV channels are trying to tell the story of a strong and strong-willed woman, documentaries are devoted to her biography. Not represented without the participation of Irina Allegrova and concerts dedicated to public holidays. She is also an indispensable guest of creative evenings of Russian pop stars, an invited guest of the festival "New Wave", "Slavianski Bazaar", "Christmas at Rosa Khutor". Often she participates in various television projects:

  • "Property of the Republic";
  • in the project "Main Stage" she sat in the chair of a jury member;
  • was a guest of the program "Alone with everyone", etc.

In 2011, the People's Artist announced a tour that would mark her departure from the stage. As part of the farewell tour, she gave concerts in 2012, 2013, and 2014. However, in 2015 Allegrova announces "Reboot": she releases a new album and goes on a big tour with the same name.

Currently, the Empress of Russian show business is preparing for the anniversary program, which is scheduled for March 2017.

Family life of Irina Allegrova

Irina Alexandrovna has her only daughter, Lala. She was born in 1972, when the artist got married for the first time. Her husband was Georgy Tairov. The marriage lasted only a year, now Allegrova speaks of him as a mistake of youth.

The second marriage took place in 1974, the artistic director of the Merry Fellows, Vladimir Bleher, became the chosen one of the singer. The union broke up in 1979, but good relations remained between the former spouses.

With producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, the artist legalized relations in 1984. After their divorce, in 1990, Allegrova left the Electroclub group.

The fourth husband of Irina Alexandrovna, but unofficial, was Igor Kapusta. The dancer worked in a team with Allegrova, and in 1994 the couple decided to get married. But this union did not pass the betrayal of the spouse and broke up in 1999.

In 1995, Irina Allegrova became a grandmother. The grandson was named after the singer's father - Alexander. Her daughter Lala is happily married to judoist Artem Artemyev.

Singer Irina Allegrova is considered one of the most famous and popular. Her star has long been shining in the pop sky. A few years ago, then young people came off under her incendiary hits. Possessing excellent singing and artistic abilities, she fell in love with a huge number of listeners of her songs. She rightfully bears the title of People's Artist of Russia and still pleases fans with her work.

What Wikipedia says

The Free Encyclopedia gives out: Allegrova Irina Alexandrova is from Rostov-on-Don, her birthday is January 20 of the middle of the last century. Her parents are creative people: her father is an actor and theater director, and her mother is an actress. Father Sarkisov Alexander Grigoryevich - an Armenian by nationality, in his youth he officially took the name Allegrov. This is the musical definition of "allegro", translated from Italian - "frisky, cheerful." Mother's name was Sosnovskaya Serafima Mikhailovna, an actress by profession, she served with her husband in the same theater.

The girl lived in her hometown for 9 years, and then the family moved to Baku. They were invited to work in the theater of musical comedy. The girl went to a regular school and continued her studies in music. The creative family attracted stars - singers and composers, they often visited the house of the girl's parents.

In addition to compulsory studies, Ira goes to circles, ballet was important for her, she independently designs fashionable clothes.

For the first time she performed from the stage at the Transcaucasian Jazz Singing Festival, where she took second place. This circumstance prompted the girl to take vocals seriously.

In the late sixties, Irina Allegrova graduated from a regular school, but did not get into the performing department at the conservatory, because she fell ill inopportunely and did not come to the exams. But she did not lose her head, she participates in the dubbing of Indian cinema at the festival. And then he enters the song theater under the direction of Rashid Behbudov and immediately goes on tour with them.

First steps to success

Until 1975, she wandered from one musical group to another. He goes on tour with them, actively performs at concerts. But the dream of higher musical education does not leave her, and the artist makes an attempt to enter GITIS in Moscow. But the attempt failed, although this did not stop her. It was the perseverance that the leaders of the orchestra Leonid Utyosov liked and she was invited to work with them.

But she did not stay in the orchestra for a long time, she was looking for herself and wandered around in different groups. She sang in the Moscow ensemble "Inspiration", the Tambov "Young Voices". It was with him that she won the All-Union Song Contest in 1978. But the musicians were divided into two groups, in one of them the singer Irina Allegrova remained, and in the "Torch" she meets with the pianist of this team Igor Krutoy.

He sings in a group until the early eighties, but then he leaves it and does not perform anywhere for a whole year. He earns extra money by baking various sweets and is already thinking of quitting his musical career. But the stage pulls her and already next year she works at the Terekhova Musical Theater and, together with the popular Talkov and Senchina, travels with concerts all over the country.

Then she works in several restaurants at the same time and sings in Raymond Pauls' musical "Sister Kerry". During that period, a meeting took place with Vladimir Dubovitsky, it was he who brought her to an audition for Oscar Feltsman. This was the beginning of the flowering as a singer.

Star takeoff

Only for her, Feltsman creates the hit "Voice of a Child". With him, he appears at the maestro's creative evening, and then at the "Song of the Year 1985". The performance on the big stage was noticed, and she was taken to the Moscow Lights group as a soloist. After a short period, the head of the team changes, he became David Tukhmanov, who creates the rock group "Electroclub".

Singer Irina Allegrova becomes the second soloist of the group, where Igor Talkov already worked. The hits of the group were "Clean Prudy", "Old Mirror".

After working for more than 5 years, Irina leaves her for free swimming. She has a super-hit by Igor Nikolaev "The Wanderer", with him the love of the public is won. After a month of solo career, she was named the best in the audience voting. Songs that the listener loves are written for her, she is often invited to television and active tours begin. Over time, she got a producer and creativity went up. She starred in videos, hits come in succession, frequent participation in big concerts, on tour gathers full halls and stadiums. She won the title of the best singer for several years and was awarded the Ovation award.

Star biography

Since 1996, a creative alliance has been created with Krutoy. He writes her fresh, unlike other songs. She changes her image, the broken girl disappears and an elegant woman, wise by experience, appears to the world. The artist sings at Krutoy's creative evenings, writes new songs on CDs in his studio in America. Joint creativity lasts 3 years, and it gave great popularity. She got even more fans, which prompted the creation of a full-length musical film about creativity.

In her work, the singer Irina Allegrova has never been out of tune. Her rhythmic and soulful songs always sounded sincere and beautiful. She did not just sing, but played on stage like an actress, so the songs were perceived as a small excerpt from life about love and fidelity, happiness and separation. It is an adornment of any concert, festival, competition. The opinion of the pop diva is considered and rightfully called the "Empress of the Russian stage". The government appreciated the creative activity of an already accomplished woman and awarded her the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Personal life

The singer entered into an official marriage twice. The first time it happened was when she was 19 years old. A year later, a daughter was born, who was named the beautiful name Lala. But in the speed of the couple decided to leave, and after many years, the woman calls her first marriage a mistake, she jumped out for a basketball player in spite of her first boyfriend, whom she really loved.

Since 1972, she began to live with the head of the Cheerful Guys group, Vladimir Bleher, and formalized the marriage. The union lasted 5 years and broke up by itself. The husband performed the hit “Flood” for Irina, 30 years later it was performed by the ex-wife on “Song of the Year”.

Then for a short time she worked in the ensemble "Moscow Lights", where she met with bass player Vladimir Dubovitsky. Women liked him a lot because he was not afraid to take risks, he was desperate and resembled a White Guard officer from films. The singer fell in love with a musician and producer, and the result was living together. But this did not last long either, in 1990 the singer Irina Allegrova, already a soloist, leaves the group and at the same time breaks up with her husband.

But Irina was not alone for long and, after a short time, she married a dancer from her team, Igor Kapusta. The guy at that time had a girlfriend, but the celebrity, like the "hijacker" from her song, took him away easily and irrevocably. They began to live in Irina's country house, but the union ended only with a wedding in the church, the trip to the registry office never took place.

The joint life also did not last long, after 6 years, after returning from the tour, she finds the guy in the arms of his mistress. She could not forgive this and broke up with the guy, although it gave her great bitterness. In 2012, Igor was accused of drug trafficking and placed in a pre-trial detention center.

During the period of life with Igor, the singer's dad dies, as a result of which she interrupted the tour. Her grief did not break her, and she returned to the stage with a song dedicated to her beloved dad, “I will win you back.” In 2012, her mother dies, and Irina is left without parental support.

The family now consists of her, the daughter and grandson of Alexander, named after his grandfather. She no longer plans to meet with men, because from these unions she receives only bitterness and disappointment. But Allegrova Irina never considered herself lonely. She has an excellent relationship with her daughter, has a beloved grandson and a wonderful son-in-law. The son-in-law is an athlete - a sambo wrestler and judoka, works in his wrestling school. The daughter works as a director of mass spectacles. Greater happiness, according to the singer, is hard to wish for. And this is true, judging by the photos that are circulating on the net, she is happy in her family.

Some facts from the biography

Many are interested in the real name and nationality of the singer, and other individual details. Irina Allegrova is her pseudonym, which she took when her singing career began. True, the surname is the pseudonym of the father, which he issued as an official surname. Real name and surname - Inessa Klimchuk. Nationality taken from the father - Armenian.

The singer has a beautiful figure, which she managed to maintain throughout her life. The most important thing for a figure and health, according to the celebrity herself, is to fully relax, that is, get enough sleep and not overload yourself with work. I must say that her height and weight are respectively: 172 cm and 65 kg. Ballet has contributed to the formation of correct posture and the preservation of harmony.

How is life now

Every year, the singer Irina Allegrova gives birth to fresh albums, her songs become hits. Often sings in duets with famous singers: Leps, Shafutinsky, Nikolaev. In 2011, she suddenly announced a farewell tour that lasted almost 3 years. She traveled all over Russia, the CIS countries, visited America and Europe. After a short rest, she announced her "reset" and return to the stage, where she returned with great triumph. In the fall of 2015, her concert was held at the Olimpiysky, and it was called "Reboot", with songs by new composers.

She sings at the anniversary concerts of the great composers Raimonds Pauls and Oskar Feltsman. Her solo performances are successfully held in the cities of Russia and Belarus. She visited Sochi, where at the festival she offered the audience fresh songs.

In the spring of 2017, her anniversary concerts were held, first in the St. Petersburg Ice Palace, then in the capital's Olimpiysky. The singer is among the first involved in the production of video clips. She started filming back in the 90s and produced a large number of interesting clips, some of which can be shown under the heading “under 16”.

Now the celebrity is 66 years old. She began to appear less often in public, take part in concerts and festivals. Agrees to custom-made concerts, but the fee is set too high. He has two houses, one in the Moscow region and a second home in Italy in Tuscany. Rumor has it that Irina fulfilled her dream and acquired a bakery in Italy. In her youth, she was engaged in the fact that at night she baked chic cakes to order and always dreamed of having her own bakery.

A beautiful woman and a successful singer, happy no matter what. Although she did not find her beloved and the only one for life, she has everything that can make a woman happy.

Celebrity biography - Irina Allegrova

Popular pop singer in Russia.


On January 20, 1952, a girl was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don, where her childhood years also passed. Irina's family was intelligent and musical. So the girl absorbed all this from childhood. Her father was an Armenian by origin, worked as an actor and theater director. Even in his youth, Irina's father officially took a different surname. He was Sarkisov, and became Allegro. So his new name seemed to him more sonorous. Mom, Serafima Sosnovskaya was also an actress.

In 1961, the family decides to move to live in Baku. Parents went to work in the theater of musical comedy, and famous people often visited their house: Muslim Magomayev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Galina Vishnevskaya.

Parents of Irina Allegrova: mother - Serafima Sosnovskaya (10/26/1923-04/12/2012); father - Alexander Allegrov (04/15/1915-05/24/1994)

Before leaving for Baku, the girl managed to finish 2 classes, she studied at a general education school and 1 class at a music school. In Baku, Irina was immediately taken to the third grade of the Central Music School, which worked at the city conservatory, where she played the work of Johann Bach at the entrance exams. After graduating from school, Irina prepared the Second Concerto of S. Rachmaninov for the final exam.

Also in her childhood, the girl was fond of ballet and attended a special circle. And since childhood, she liked to draw sketches of clothes.

Ira Allegrova was a creative child

In 1969, the girl graduated from high school and wanted to enter the Baku Conservatory, but she missed the entrance exams, at that time she was sick. In the same year, she was offered a job - dubbing Indian films at a film festival. A year later, the girl begins work in the Yerevan Orchestra.

The beginning of the creative path

We can say that the path to glory was a long one. In the 70-80s, the singer had to work in different groups in search of her place in life. She traveled a lot with tours of the cities of the Soviet Union.

In 1975, Irina decided to enter GITIS, having arrived in Moscow. However, she failed the entrance exams.

Like many talented people, she had to pass certain tests. To earn a living, the girl gave private music lessons, and then got a job as an accompanist. And a year later she was lucky, the girl got a job in the orchestra and met Leonid Utyosov there.

Then there was work in several ensembles, all this time the search for oneself and the use of one's talent continued. So, working in one of them - "Young Voices" the girl managed to become a laureate in the All-Union competition "Sochi 78".

Since 1981, Allegrova has performed in the Fakel ensemble, where the girl met pianist Igor Krutoy. And a year later, the singer even thought about quitting her job as a singer, she settled at home and did part-time work at home - she baked cakes and sweets.

In 1983, Irina worked in the variety show of the largest restaurants in Moscow, where she was lucky to meet producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was he who helped to audition the singer with Oscar Feltsman, he was the author of the hit "Lily of the Valley".

After some time, Feltsman opened the Moscow Lights group, which was soon headed by David Tukhmanov, and with the participation of the latter, the group was renamed Electroclub, Irina Allegrova and the young and very talented Igor Talkov sang in it.

Allegrova in Electroclub

In 1990, the singer decided to leave the group, even then she sang the song "Wanderer", which Igor Nikolaev wrote for her. Thanks to this song, Irina was named the best singer of the year. Then new hits were written and tours around the country began, as well as appearances on television. These were the years of her glory. The halls were completely filled, the songs became hits one after another, and the singer herself was loved and recognized throughout the country.

In 1992, the singer released her first solo album, My Wanderer.

In 1995, the second solo album "The Hijacker" was released, and the concerts were held under the name "Empress" - these were bright, costumed shows that attracted the viewer like a magnet.

In 1996, joint work with Igor Krutoy began, which lasted for 3 years, as a summary of the joint work, albums were released - "Table for Two" and "Unfinished Romance".

At present, he actively performs and engages in charitable activities. Many albums have been released.

"Empress" of the Russian stage!

Happiness is when you are happy to rush from home to work, and after work you are happy to return home. If you measure it like that, then yes, I am happy. As for women's happiness... Probably, my happiest marriage has already taken place - with my beloved Spectator.

Personal life

In an official marriage, the singer was married four times. The first time she married in 1971 was Georgy Tairov. A year later, a girl was born in marriage, a daughter - Lala. It is not known what influenced this, but the marriage broke up with the birth of a daughter.

From 1974 to 1979 she was married to Vladimir Bleher, led the ensemble "Merry Fellows".

Irina Allegrova and her second husband Vladimir Bleher

From 1985 to 1990 she was married to Vladimir Dubovitsky, he also worked in the Lights of Moscow ensemble, was a musician and producer.

The third husband of Allegrova - Vladimir Dubovitsky

From 1994 to 1999 she was married to Igor Kapusta, also worked with her in the same team - a dancer.

The fourth (as the singer herself says - "extreme") Allegrova's husband - Igor Kapusta

The daughter followed in the footsteps of her mother and became a stage director. In 1995 she gave birth to a son, Alexander.

Irina Alexandrovna with her daughter Lala and grandson Alexander

By the way, one of the singer's hobbies is cooking - Allegrova cooks a lot and deliciously!