Portrait of a girl in a chair. Description essay based on the painting by V.I. Khabarov “Portrait of Mila. The interior of the room and the general composition of the picture

Khabarov - Portrait of Mila, 7th grade

Essay 1 option

Drawing a portrait is not just a difficult, but also a responsible task. Therefore, for artists, drawing a portrait is a kind of challenge to their skill.

V. Khabarov in his painting “Portrait of Mila” tries to convey not only the appearance of a handsome teenager, but also her inner world. The picture was drawn in dark colors, but Mila herself wears light ones.

This is how the artist shows that the girl is better than most of her peers: more educated and well-read. A large chair stands in the corner. With this, V. Khabarov conveys Mila’s loneliness, which is most likely due to the fact that she prefers the world described in books to the real one.

7th grade.

Essay option 2

Valentin Khabarov is one of the best Russian portrait artists. He very skillfully conveys the facial features of his models, thanks to which the viewer can guess their thoughts, understand their feelings and emotions.

When drawing his paintings, V. Khabarov pays a lot of attention to his surroundings. Looking at the environment in which the artist places people, you can feel the spirit of the era during which the portrait was painted.

In the painting “Portrait of Mila” Khrabrov depicted a girl reading a book. It’s hard for us to understand, but if we let our parents or grandparents look at the reproduction, they will understand that the painting was painted in the 70-80s of the last century. They are familiar with the wallpaper that covers the walls and the parquet, although not of the highest quality, but attractive. From the furniture we see a chair that was fashionable at that time, which the owners of the apartment undoubtedly found difficult to obtain. Behind the girl's back is a sconce lamp. These can still be found at dachas, where things that are not needed in the city are often taken.

We no longer see such a situation, but it can be seen in Soviet films, which have already become classics of cinema. These are “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” “The Irony of Fate,” and “Afonya,” so beloved by adults.

Mila, the main character of the film, is about 13-14 years old. She is dressed in simple home clothes. She has soft slippers on her feet - probably the floor is cold, so she put them on so as not to freeze. This and the skates that lie under the chair indicate that it’s winter outside.

But this harsh time is not capable of bringing inconvenience to Mila. From the picture you can understand that she is comfortable. She is not distracted by either the snowstorm outside the window or the sounds that come from other rooms where households are busy with their business. Mila is enthusiastic and focused; it’s clear that she came across a very interesting book.

The blonde girl most likely loves to read. The chair is in the corner so that no one can accidentally touch it. On the wall behind there is a sconce, the light from which falls exactly on the book. All this creates the most Better conditions to sit winter evening with a book.

The girl's face and pose expresses extreme enthusiasm for the book. Her mouth is slightly open, she probably moves her lips and silently pronounces the words written in the book when she reads.

I really like this picture. Looking at the clear face of the main character, you involuntarily understand that in the evening you can spend time not only at the computer or TV. It’s a pity that nowadays no one reads with such incrimination as Mila.

7th grade.

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Essay 1

Many artists painted portraits. Someone chose as a model famous people of their time, and others simply asked random passers-by to pose, but the value of any portrait for posterity is very great. Through portraits we see our past, distant and close, which comes closer - and becomes familiar and understandable.

Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila” seems quite interesting. The picture shows an ordinary girl who is enthusiastically reading a book. The process completely absorbed Mila's attention, so she climbed into the chair with her legs. Skates lie carelessly next to the chair, which indicates that the girl has recently returned from a walk. She just managed to part with her skates and immediately sat down to her favorite book. A small lamp hangs above the chair, illuminating the book with light rays.

The artist painted the girl with lighter colors, but tried to highlight the surrounding objects with dark colors. This technique helps to more fully convey Mila’s touchingness and defenselessness.

I really liked the picture for its originality, but the girl with a book in her hands is already exotic. Today we read books more often on a monitor, so a regular book is a little impressive.

Essay 2

In V. Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila” a reading girl is depicted. Mila sits in a chair, legs tucked up, and looks at the book with interest. Let's take a closer look at her face. It is focused, thoughtful. The reader has a beautifully shaped nose. Lips slightly parted. Brown hair, scattered over the shoulders. Mila sits in a round blue chair, near which there are skates. She probably came from the skating rink. The girl is dressed in a white T-shirt with yellow and blue stripes on the sleeves. Blue trousers. Looking at Mila’s portrait, I felt how warm and comfortable she was at home. Undoubtedly, her friends find it interesting to be with her, because she is a well-read girl. I even wanted to write a poem about her:

Mila managed to do everything in a day,
After all, she is smart:
Made friends with the cat Sima,
I sat by the window.
I called all my girlfriends,
She invited me to dance
Play, have fun
And don’t get tired at all.
Clean the house, cook dinner,
Wait for mom and dad.
Our Mila has not forgotten
Take a book and read it.

Essay 3

One Sunday winter day I went to visit my friend Mila. Opening the door to her room, I saw that Mila was sitting in an unusual position. I even involuntarily froze for a while, looking at my friend. She was sitting in a large, completely round, dark blue chair on four wooden legs.

Mila's figure skates lay next to the chair. On the wall to the left of the chair, the switched-on sconce was burning, and its soft light was reflected in the dark brown portrait of the room, polished to a shine, falling on the light yellow walls of the room, giving it warmth and comfort. Mila, a tall and thin girl, in brown jeans and a white T-shirt, completely fit in a huge chair. She sat with her knees bent. There was an open book on her lap, and Mila seemed completely immersed in reading. Her blonde hair They were not, as usual, tied up in a ponytail, but lay loosely on the shoulders. Mila's face with delicate regular features was slightly turned to the right, towards the book, and the gaze of large brown eyes was focused on open page. She was so absorbed in reading that she didn’t even notice my arrival. It seemed surprising to me that Mila, usually active and unable to sit in one place for a long time, now seems to have grown into the chair and does not notice anything around her. I became very curious about what could interest my friend in this book, that she didn’t even notice anything around her. I greeted her: - Hello, Mila! - A? What? – she looked like a person who was woken up in the middle of the night. I have never seen my friend withdraw so deeply into herself.

Mila looked at me, smiled, put the book aside and said: - Hello! Sorry, I was a little lost in thought. It's good that you came. - I wonder what you’re thinking about, that you don’t notice anything around you, if it’s not a secret, of course. - Of course, it’s no secret. I read A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Flower”. The poem reflects the author’s thoughts about the meaning of human life, happiness and love, as well as the transience of time. The flower the poet found between the pages of a book represents to me human life. I think that the person discussed in this poem did not live his life in vain. And Mila read me the lines of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Flower”. I agreed with my friend that this was a really good poem, and said that there are many beautiful poems. We spent the rest of the day reading a collection of poems by A.S. Pushkin. This activity turned out to be very exciting. Alexander Pushkin FLOWER I see a dried, scentless flower, forgotten in a book; And now my soul was filled with a strange dream: Where did it bloom? When? what spring? And how long did it bloom? And torn by someone, a stranger, or a familiar hand?

And why was it put here? In memory of a tender date, or a fatal separation, or a lonely walk in the silence of the fields, in the shade of the forest? And is he alive, and is she alive? And now where is their corner? Or have they already faded, like this unknown flower?

The artist's story about the girl Mila Which image in the painting is central? How was the girl positioned in the chair? Why? What can Mila’s sportswear tell the viewer? Why is the girl sitting in a chair with her feet up without taking off her slippers? What do the skates thrown by the girl under the chair say?

What can her face tell about Mila? What does Mila look like? Hair: light brown, reddish, sand-colored, straight, long, short-cropped, smooth, combed, curly, tousled, dyed, styled, luxurious, thick, braided, thin, tied in a knot….

Let's talk about color. Artists very carefully select colors for their paintings. Often the combination of colors in a painting helps us, the viewers, understand the attitude of the author of the painting to what he depicted. What colors did the artist choose? Which color is more? What natural image does this color correspond to?

A little about the shape Mila sits in a round chair on long ray-shaped legs. Why did the artist choose this particular shape of the chair? It can be argued that Mila, along with the book and her cloud-chair, flew away far from..... What meaning does the lamp near Mila’s head carry?

Let's read the received story about Mil. Using what was written down, we will voice the received story. Story plan Where was Mila before coming home? Why was she in a hurry? What did the girl do as soon as she returned? Is it possible to distract Mila from reading? How do you see her eyes? Why?

For the first time when I saw the painting “Portrait of Mila,” painted in 1970, I was amazed at how accurately and clearly the image of the girl was conveyed on the canvas.

This painting can be attributed to the merits of the famous Soviet portrait artist Valentin Iosifovich Khabarov. In his collection of works there are a lot of paintings depicting people, but it was this painting that attracted me the most.

This work was written quite recently, but over such a period of time a lot has changed, and now it is quite difficult to see a teenager reading a book.

In the center of the picture is a girl of about fourteen years old. She sits in a large, round chair, of blue color and enthusiastically reads the meaning of the written book. Her passion for reading this book is evident throughout. She tucked her legs up, settling completely into the chair. She seems to be completely oblivious to what is happening around her.

Skates lie carelessly next to the chair. Most likely, the girl rushed back from her sports practice, took off her sports clothes and immediately sat down behind the pages of her favorite book.

A small lamp hangs above the chair. It illuminates the room in the best way for reading. From its light, the room is filled with soft and calm tones.

Looking at the wallpaper in bed colors, one can assume that main character paintings sitting in her girl’s room.

Using the play of colors, the artist did an excellent job of highlighting the main details of the picture. The bright image of the girl, against the backdrop of a dark blue chair, harmonizes and balances the atmosphere so much that, looking at the canvas, you just want to enjoy the harmony, comfort and tranquility of that homely atmosphere.

A carefree, defenseless girl just spending time for her own pleasure. She is not yet framed by adult, complex problems and is simply doing what she likes best. IN AND. Khabarov truly talented artist. He created a magnificent masterpiece of art.