Sun worship in the modern world. Sun worshipers are people like the sun! Sun worship is a planetary religion

It's a busy pre-election time for politicians. And, as always, the main thing in the struggle of the power system for the sympathy of voters is to alienate them from competitors at any cost. And the price of black election PR is off the charts. It is available only to those who have money with cosmic zeros in their hands. So what are the topics of experienced hacks these days? And what competitors of the “space zeros” are they fighting against?

Here is one of the contenders for the seats in which United Russia has so far held an overwhelming majority: the non-Kremlin party VOLIA, which has been hushed up for many years. Everything happens to her as described by the barefoot leader of the colonized Hindus, Mahatma Gandhi: “First they don’t notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win." The party has successfully passed the first two stages: the strict multi-year administrative ban on all media in the country to mention the party and its leader is already behind us. Ridicule of them is pouring in in the media, obviously also due to the go-ahead from above. This means that the third stage is already close - victory! And those who have long divided our common home into their zones of influence and absorption cannot allow this.

So numerous criminal cases fell on the heads of active human rights defenders of the people. By the way, the party has already gone through quite a few of them, and all of them, as one, fell apart at the stage of investigation. And this, as the officials themselves say, is a sign of the inconsistency of the charges, that is, the cases were clearly ordered. Are the same, apparently untenable, black PR themes for this party? Let's think about it, after all, it is the citizens who should judge, those for whom the accusers are trying.

For example, in one of the NTV reports, party supporters are called “sun worshippers.” Prior to this, the media persistently called the leader of the party “the prophetess of reptiles.” And not a word about the fact that there is a series popular on the Internet, “Deceived Russia,” where a variety of topics are analyzed deeply and completely, and citizens themselves can decide what the views of the party and its leader are. As in the joke: “I heard your Caruso, nothing special!” - “Where did you hear him?” - “Yes, the neighbor sang.”

According to this principle of transmitting rumors, repressions of leading scientists and public figures have long been carried out. It is very difficult to get to know these people personally - Lada-Rus (Peunova), for example, has not only been not allowed into the media for the past ten years, she is not even given halls - what if people see... So they accuse the people's educators of practically heresy.

The methods of combating progressive views are as old as time. Tsiolkovsky was called by his contemporaries a schizophrenic for his “delusional” ideas, Vavilov was called the leader of an anti-Soviet organization (which never existed), Chizhevsky, nominated for the Nobel Prize, was declared an enemy of the people. And their whole fault was that they carried advanced scientific ideas.

Vernadsky developed the doctrine of the noosphere - a term similar to the concept of the earth's information field. Chizhevsky brought to the world the doctrine of the role of the Sun (the degree of its activity) in the social life of the planet. Apparently, citizens were not supposed to know this both then and now. After all, such knowledge should be in the hands of those who use it to subjugate these very citizens, right? Just as priests in ancient times ruled the unenlightened, so now - the principle remains the same, only the level of knowledge is higher...

So what does Lada-Rus (Svetlana Peunova) and her supporters bring us? Let's get a look. First of all, a full analysis of what is happening in the country and the world from the perspective of society and ordinary citizens, and not of politicians and oligarchs. They substantiate all their opinions with facts that cannot be argued against. The screen of supposed concern for the people on the part of the powers that be is pulled back, and the principle “judge them according to their deeds” is included. Lada-Rus showed that the country is being destroyed according to plan, systemically, and not simply due to the greed and corruption of officials. And this system was developed overseas long ago, and now they are simply implementing this plan, called the Harvard Project. And so that the public does not guess about this, it is led by the nose with performances of a quarrel between Russia and America. And it is obvious to specialists that not only psychological methods are used on the people, but also esoteric ones.

After all, all world politicians, for example Stalin, Churchill, Hitler, possessed esoteric knowledge. Apparently, today's politicians also own them. And esotericism, as we know, has a scientific basis (and, by the way, it is studied by military psychics). And this means that people need at least a minimum of this knowledge in order not to be a crowd under hypnosis, as they are now. And so that our people do not pay attention to vital information, they simply ridicule it. This technique of contempt for the enlightened has a thousand-year history. Who likes to be included in the category of ridiculed and despised? It’s better to disown the new, it’s calmer... So what are they trying to ridicule today in the views of Lada-Rus and its supporters? And even ban it with the Yarovaya amendments, as it turns out.

The “WILL” party was founded by ordinary citizens who had previously been members of a simple public organization for a healthy lifestyle for ten years. And they studied the ideas of Chizhevsky, Vavilov, Tsiolkovsky, as well as “Agni Yoga” for general development, applying them in their life practice. For example, they contain something that our ancestors also used: a conversation with the Sun... This is not a religion, as they are trying to pretend. This is science. And practice.

There is no blind faith, postulates, rituals or prayers in the ideas of Lada-Rus and its supporters. There is communication with nature, conscious and proven by practice. After all, we are accustomed to simply not noticing our magical luminary, like a light bulb on the ceiling. But it, this luminary, gives us life. And if a person does not see the sun hidden behind the clouds for a month, he develops depression. Television enlightened us on this topic a few years ago, showing Muscovites falling into depression during pathologically long periods of cloudy weather. They were treated... by introducing pure ultraviolet radiation into the blood, that is, artificially introducing solar energy into the blood. Is it esoteric or science?

If children do not get enough sunlight, they develop rickets. The sun disinfects many things, even dishes, and people deliberately put their things in the sun. Is it esoteric or science? Plants in winter, without ultraviolet radiation and in winter light, even in greenhouses, refuse to grow and become pale and frail. Is this science or esotericism? So why are they trying to declare the idea of ​​the direct influence of the Sun on the human psyche - and therefore on the entire society consisting of people - nonsense?

Apparently, this simple knowledge in the minds of the people is very dangerous for those in power. Living on the moon is generally accepted and not shameful. Everything is tied to the lunar cycle: health, gardening, and various forecasts... Although the Moon shines with reflected (stealed) sunlight. But how dare you go to the original source? Live according to the solar calendar? Notice the Sun in your life? Who knows what about this? And they, this knowledge, have already been tested by thousands of citizens over 20 years. And citizens have the right to pass on their life experience to other fellow citizens. Moreover, as representatives of one people, we have the same problems, and we must find one common way to solve them. There is no other option. If everyone goes their own path, we will scatter like a people into nowhere, we will scatter like dust. And here, as always, the historical experience of our ancestors helps. And it was also based on the connection between the consciousness of Russians and the Sun.

And the experience of organizing a healthy lifestyle suggests the following. When the entire organization begins to intensively turn to the Sun, its activity increases noticeably. Numerous spots, plasma emissions, and prominences appear. And it is they who are the energy directed to help a person solve the problems named when addressing the Sun. After all, it is alive. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. By the way, a film was made about this in the USSR - “White Dews”. The main character of the film is an old man who has lived his life in communication with the Sun. He asked him for help, thanked him for his help - and for some reason no one called him a sectarian or saw any religion in it. It’s just a conversation with the Sun in your own words, that’s all.

And Chizhevsky clearly showed that the Sun “speaks” to all people, that is, it influences the masses of people. He examined the cycles of solar activity and compared them with all known periods of human history. The findings are amazing. The activity of society - wars, revolutions - exactly coincided with the activity of the Sun. The exchange of energy is obvious.

But the only problem is that solar activity has dropped sharply in recent years. Instead of the peak of activity expected according to the schedule, there was a sharp decline. This means that social activity is suppressed and people are sleeping. And at the same time, their train is rushing into the abyss; it would be necessary to respond to the danger of a third world war, famine, sudden climate change... But both the Sun and the people are sleeping... Did someone try to organize this? After all, it is known about weather generators, HAARPs, according to some sources, capable of causing rainstorms, hail, droughts, fires, and earthquakes... But the mass media are silent about this. Everything seems like natural disasters. So it is with the Sun. The isolation of people's consciousness from contact with the most important source of life for earthlings is amazing. People do not understand the role of the Sun in their personal and public lives.

And everything is being done to ensure that humanity remains an orphan. If it had turned to its cosmic parent for help, you see, the Light would have responded. In the meantime, the Moon, the planet of the dead, triumphs. And facts are gradually emerging that the Moon itself is an artificial satellite of the Earth, filled with UFOs and representatives of other civilizations. And no one calls such sources of information sectarian, mind you, either. Why? Yes, because they have nothing to do with politics and do not threaten the retention of power.

Or maybe our Rus' was happy in the past because it was sunny and grateful to the Sun? And all our misfortunes are due to ignorance and unbelief? Is it difficult for us all to raise our heads to the Sun and ask him for help for the whole country and the whole people, and not just for ourselves? Ask us to reveal the deceptions and holes that politicians have dug for us over many years of perestroika and reforms? Show people who are truly decent and honest, who care not about the interests of foreign oligarchs, but about the entire people? Help put them in power through fair elections? And so that the impulse of the request is stronger and the Sun hears it, should all the people shout to it at the same time, at noon, for example, or at sunrise and sunset? It is not hard. Extremism will not be punished for this. This is not a picket or a rally. But it is a colossal spiritual work to force yourself to believe the Sun. We were led into disbelief. But they force you to believe - it’s a lie.

Our ancestors, like the population of the entire planet in ancient times, professed Mithraism - belief in the Sun. And the faith of Mithra - the Sun - was professionally replaced by other religions. Nothing remained of Mithraism - no postulates, no rituals, no prayers. But science picked it up. The role of the Sun in both the mental and physical health of people is undeniable. But in public life they try to hide this role from us. And we must prevent this. Dark, unenlightened people are easy prey for enlightened oppressors. And an organized one is invincible.

I believe that it is the Sun that gives Lada-Rus and its supporters the strength and courage to expose the secret levers of murder of the country. But people cannot enter heaven on the shoulders of others. Isn't it time for us to take our destiny into our own hands? Will it be worse if we hear Lada-Rus and start looking not at our feet, but at the sky, at the Sun? Of course not. Will the Sun hear us? No matter how loudly and en masse we shout, so it will probably answer. Will it be worse from talking to the Sun? Don't think. It rarely gets worse than what we live in.

So I look at the persecution of Svetlana Mikhailovna philosophically: there is an example of heroism and service to one’s people. And the people should see and appreciate it. And it’s even more sensible to understand that if she is being persecuted by those who brought us into the crisis, it means we need her. And protecting it is our duty as a people. Geniuses have always been persecuted. Copernicus, Galileo, Bruno, Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky, Chizhevsky, Lada-Rus - from the same cohort.

And woe to the people who do not protect the messengers who bring them the truth. And - glory to the people who follow their heroes. So where do you go?

Personally, I have already started my conversation with the Sun at dawn, noon and sunset. And you?

When discussing sun worship in the ancient Russian tradition, it is important to imagine the place and role of solar cults among speakers of the Indo-European family of languages. I wrote about what for a name Cola there are parallels in Sanskrit, and it is among the names for the sun, referring to the reasoning of the famous Indologist N.R. Guseva that the ancient Russian solar colo similar to the Sanskrit name for the sun khala, and also – with Goal- “sun globe” and goals- “circle, sphere.” Indicated by N.R. Gusev and on the identity between Sanskrit khala and another ancient Russian solar deity - Khors. She reminded that the name Khorsa is associated with good - circle and with kolo – ring, wheel. Hence the word round dance, the Bulgarian circular dance horo, as well as the ancient Russian kolovrat - a sign of the rotation of the sun.

Consideration khala as the Sanskrit equivalent for Old Russian colo and Khorsa represents a good basis for a comparative analysis of the solar tradition, since the presence in the Old Russian culture of sacred elements and theonyms similar to the Aryans is logically explained by the fact that the Old Russian ancestors had a period when they entered the same cultural area with the Aryans or had direct contacts, being at the same time with them within Eastern Europe, perhaps as a group of speakers of Indo-European languages ​​that separated from the general conglomerate and penetrated into the Paleo-European north.

In this context, names and words of solar meaning Kola, Khala and Horse are united by a genetic connection and reflect the ancient tradition of sun worship, which probably united the most ancient speakers of the Indo-European languages ​​of Eastern Europe before the collapse of their community in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. and the beginning of the great migrations of speakers of Indo-European languages. During these migrations, the female and male hypostases of solar deities were determined, which does not at all contradict the logic of the development of cults. In connection with the migrations of speakers of Indo-European languages, the question of the fate of their solar cults becomes interesting.

Let me remind you that according to existing ideas, if presented in the briefest and most schematic form, the speakers of the Indo-European family of languages ​​were localized in the 4th-3rd millennium BC. in the south of Eastern Europe, presumably from the lower Volga to the Southern Urals, possibly with adjacent areas of the Asian steppes. From the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. this community entered into a process of disintegration, which in turn marked the beginning of extensive migrations of speakers of the Indo-European family of languages ​​in Asia and Europe. 1

Migrations of speakers of Indo-European languages, which occurred from the south of Eastern Europe for almost a millennium, brought significant groups of new populations to the gigantic expanses of the Iranian Plateau, Central Asia, southern Siberia, and the Indian subcontinent. During these migrations, representatives of the Indo-European family of languages ​​brought with them many elements of their spiritual culture, which developed during the period of a single community in Eastern Europe. These elements of the ancestral culture were preserved from generation to generation by its Indian and Iranian heirs, but also had a great influence on the development of the spiritual culture of those peoples with whom they connected during migrations.

In particular, researchers of the traditional culture of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East found that the penetration of the sun cult into Southern Siberia, Western Mongolia and even China was associated with carriers of the Indo-European tradition. The cult of the Earth was initially decisive in the worldview of these areas. One of the archaeological monuments characteristic of the peoples who bear this worldview are the so-called tiled graves, a characteristic feature of which was their shape: a rectangle or square, which was a symbol or archetypal sign of the Earth. 2

The study of the traditional culture of the peoples of Central Asia and Southern Siberia (Turks and Mongols, first of all) led researchers to the conclusion about the heterogeneity of their culture even within the boundaries of one ethnic group and allowed us to talk about the existence of two types of cultures on the territory of Southern Siberia and Central Asia, which can be defined as East Asian, where the supreme deities are Earth and Sky, and South-West Asian (Indo-Iranian unity), where it is celebrated triad of deities, including the solar deity who headed this pantheon. 3

These differences among the peoples of the Altai language family are not a random factor, but are determined by their complex ethno- and cultural genesis associated with the ongoing migrations that determined the modern ethnolinguistic map of Eurasia. Already at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. The emergence of the Tazma culture of Caucasian pastoralists was noted, which was characterized by sacred images on steles and rocks associated with the cult of the sun. The next wave that came to Southern Siberia from the west were the Afanasyevites (mid-III-II millennium BC). The third wave of the Caucasian population were the carriers of the Andronovo culture (XVI-XIV centuries BC), with whom the appearance of two-wheeled carts and war chariots with a pair of horse teams was associated. By the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. This also includes the emergence of the Great Jade Road, which connected the Baikal region with the Volga-Kama region in the west and Shan-Yin China in the east. 4

Sufficient material has been collected to confirm the hypothesis that the aboriginal, more ancient population of Central and East Asia at an early stage knew only the cult of the Earth. Ideas begin to change with the appearance of peoples who came from the west in this territory. Under the influence of aliens, solar cults and a rich solar mythology are developing in the gigantic spaces of Central Asia. For example, in Chinese mythology, this is the image of Mother Xi-he - the mother of the suns, ruling the solar chariot. In the western part of Central Asia, the cult of the Sun was symbolized by deer stones, which were placed, as a rule, on the eastern side - the most sacred in the Aryan tradition, the bearers of which were also some Turkic-speaking tribes. 5

So, the Turkic term kun – sun even in the Drenetürkic language it was a borrowing from Tocharian. V.V. Ivanov connects it with Protocharian käun – sun. In his opinion, in the second half of the 1st millennium BC, if not earlier, the Tocharian traditions of worshiping the Sun influenced the ancient Turks 6, as well as other peoples of Southern Siberia and Central Asia. Influence of Khors, whose name is preserved in ancient Iranian khors – sun, seen in the name of the Western Buryat circular dance exhor, the semantics of which is to be a symbol of the sun. 7

However, we also know Russian round dance, and Bulgarian good, which also symbolize the sun and carry the name of the solar deity Khorsa. Thus, Old Russian round dance, Western Buryat exhor and Bulgarian good find themselves in the same semantic series, expressing solar symbolism. Buryat exhor is the result of the influence of Indo-European solar cults, lexical confirmation of which is found, for example, in ancient Iranian languages. The Bulgarian horo most likely came from the Volga along with the Turkic proto-Bulgarians, as the ancient Indo-European heritage of the ancient Turks, who are believed to have experienced the Tocharian and ancient Iranian traditions of worshiping the Sun. Round dance is a symbolic dance in Rus' in honor of the solar deity, one of whose names was Khors (a deity unknown to other Slavs outside of Rus'). But unlike the Buryat echor and the Bulgarian horo, the Russian round dance was not brought into the ancient Russian tradition from somewhere outside, but is connected by an internal connection with the name of the sun deity Khorsa, born in Eastern Europe at that distant time when the ancestors of the ancient Rus and ancient Aryans were part of a single community speakers of Indo-European languages ​​and coexisted within the framework of a cultural-sacral community that they created in the vastness of Eastern Europe to Siberia.

At the same time, at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and the Slavic states of Pomerania were subjected to forced Christianization. In the 12th century their fate was shared by the Polabian Slavs. Nowhere in the world was Christianization associated with such difficult and bloody events as among the northern Slavs. Their devotion to their paternal shrines was unusually great, and it was they who resisted the crusaders for the longest time.

The religion that originated on the shores of the Dead Sea, “in the stunted and stingy desert,” was organically alien to the Slavs - the children of the forest. Forest- the cradle and patron of the Slavs - became a curse for their enemies. Helmold wrote about the Slavs: “There is no other barbarity under heaven that Christians and their priests fear more.” (book 1, chapter 6, see Karamzin N.M., vol. 1, chapter 6, notes).

In 1168, Arkona, a sanctuary on the island of Rügen (Ruyan, Buyan of Russian fairy tales), which was once a single pan-Slavic sanctuary, was destroyed to the ground. The temple of Svetovit, the solar temple of all Slavic tribes, collapsed in fire. It was burned by the Christian Danish king Valdemar 1, again nicknamed the Great. So, the last, northernmost stronghold of the Slavs was wiped off the face of the earth. The insatiable Jehovah drank from the sacrificial blood of the Baltic Slavs - “idolaters”. But there were also Eastern Slavs. There was a mighty people of Rus. And there was Holy Rus'...

Yes, Rus' was Holy precisely before its bloody “conversion” to Christianity. Saints means Light (sunny), the meaning here merges consonantly.

Language is a manifestation of the moral and spiritual aspirations of peoples: Luminary, Christmastide, Svet-Father, Svetogor, Svetloyar - all these words are from the same family nest, they are Russian, not Christian. Sun-worshipping Russians knew their light origin (light brown means light). They also knew their sacred destiny - to resist and defeat the darkness approaching from the south.

The Slavs were the largest family of related tribes in Europe. The Slavs raised their good name high. Slavs are a glorious race. Slav means illustrious, famous. The Slavs glorified their Motherland, just as they glorified their Family, which is why they were called “glorifying” or Slavs.

For Christianity, man is a creature created by a creator. The Slavic-Russians traced their ancestry to the Sun-like ancestors; hence the relationship between the Russians and the Saints - Spirits - Ancestors is completely different. Honoring the Higher Powers, the Russians were aware of their natural similarity with them. They are of the same kind, consubstantial and half-blooded.

Native Spirits did not demand either self-destruction or bloody sacrifices. The Russians did not buy them off with prayers; trading was alien to them; everything that can be begged or begged for is worthless... All veneration among the Slavic-Russians was based on the highest purity of relationships, on a joyful outpouring of will - hymns, singing the glory of the Light.

The Kahal saw the special danger of Rus' in its solar spiritual power, in its bright destiny, in the secret knowledge of the Magi - the guides of the Will of the Family. Sorcerers are magicians, whose knowledge meant a formidable and silent act, how different they are from the Christian “saints” who performed miracles to prove their closeness to God! The epic Magus and the Prophetic Bayan, powerful werewolf sorcerers, friendly with Vikhory and Div, protected the Russian clan from the destructive enemy obsession and the comprehensibility of their historical destinies. They guessed that much more significant forces of a spiritual nature operate in history and at a deeper level, where action is carried out with the help of Ideas; Ideas are not abstract concepts, but Ideas are Forces.

In our speech, the idea of ​​a special spiritual essence belonging to each people, called Spirit - Soul, has taken root. These ideas are so significant and strong that writers in different ways use expressions such as “the spirit of the people remained unshakable,” or “the nation has lost its spiritual power,” being unable to find other phrases that are equivalent to them.

What can be understood by the extinction of the National Spirit? Do these plums really have only a vague meaning? No, here the meaning is direct and literal, originally put in by the ancient sages, who amazingly penetrated into the essence of deeply hidden phenomena.

Every nation has its own invisible protector. Guardian Spirit.

Genius (from Latin - “genus”) in Roman mythology originally designated the Deity of the Progenitors and the Patron of the Genus (hence genetics and its insoluble problems: the elusive essence of the gene and the great mystery of heredity).

The Slavic-Russian tribes were protected by Rod or Shchur (i.e. ancestor, ancestor). The veneration of the Ancestor Spirits, associated with their reincarnation among their relatives, united the Russian community. The sacred ceremonies of parental days and especially Rodonitsa (Radunitsi) ensured the integrity of the Family.

Even before his birth, every Russian already constituted an integral link in the hereditary chain. The meaning of the Rodonitsa festival itself was the union of the Ancestor Spirits with the unborn (not incarnated) offspring. It was then that Rod realized himself as a single indissoluble entity. Continuity connected generations into a closed Magic Ring.

In Russian there was another name for the clan (tribe) - knee. Hence the generations. The words “knee”, “ring”, “wheel”, “kolyada” have one root, indicating that the Rod was understood as a ring (rotation - the primary power of the Universe). The Sacred Will of the Family does not rule from the outside, the Will of the Ancestors lives inside, it is consubstantial and half-blooded with the Family - the Magic Ring. She is the Spirit of the People.

That is why the most terrible curses fell on the head of the traitor of the Family, because he was a schismatic and tore the Magic Ring. And the effectiveness of these curses was recognized by everyone even in later times, for here they turn to forces so ancient and so powerful that even the almighty Christian god and his angels cannot protect the degenerate.

Arab travelers said that the Russians were invincible in battle until they became Christians.

Russ was not afraid of death, because the dying person only left earthly Reality, but did not leave Rod; he joined his Ancestor-Spirits, continuing to exist, now as a generic Power-Power. Only the black souls of traitors to the Family must die along with the body and fade away forever.

The people are a totality united by the Will of the Family. The spirit of the people is strong as long as it is nourished by the glorious exploits and memory of their comrades-in-arms. And a people exists only as long as the Spirit of the Ancestors lives in it, either openly or covertly. The connection here is direct and reverse. People who idealize their people awaken the most powerful Spirit of the Family, and they themselves draw from this spring. (With)


Ivanov J. The cult of Perun among the southern Slavs. // IORYAS IAN. T.8. Book 4. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Froyanov I. Ya. The beginning of Christianity in Rus'. Izhevsk, 2003. P. 35
Polak did not rule out “...that the mentioned Slavic monotheism in the 6th century had already arisen under direct and indirect pressure from Christianity.” Polak V. Slovanske nabozenstvi. // Vznik a pocatky Slovanu. -1/1956. S. 128.
Hilferding A. History of the Baltic Slavs. St. Petersburg, 1874. P. 153.
Rybakov B.A. Paganism of ancient Rus'. M., 1988. pp. 248-250. In our opinion, Rybakov was too carried away by his hypothesis about Rod as the Slavic Pantocrator (“giant god”). Even in the Zbruch idol, the respected scientist saw a phallic image of this deity. Right there. P. 245.
Bruckner A. Mitologia slowianska. Krakow, 1918. S. 108.
A collection of the most ancient written information about the Slavs. T. 1., M., 1991. pp. 221-222.
Lovmyansky G. Religion of the Slavs and its decline. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 82.
Eliade M. Dictionary of religions, rituals and beliefs. St. Petersburg, 1997.
Agathius of Mirinea. Book IV. 20 // Agathius of Mirinea. About the reign of Justinian. M., 1996.
Ivanov J. Decree. Op. P. 170.
Sreznevsky I.I. Materials for a dictionary of the Old Russian language. T. 2. St. Petersburg, 1895. P. 919. with reference to the Collection of the 15th century. // Temporary journal of the Imperial Moscow Society of History and Russian Antiquities. XV. P. 91.
Ivanov V.V., Toporov V.N. Decree. Op. pp. 75-180.

  • Books about the Slavs and the Slavs in all Slavic languages ​​from 1666 to the present day.
;1. An overview of this kind of monuments can be seen in the following work: I.V. Yagich. Question about runes among the Slavs. // Encyclopedia of Slavic Philology. Department of Russian language and literature. Imp. Academician Sci. Issue 3: Graphics among the Slavs. St. Petersburg, 1911.

2. ML.Seryakov. Russian pre-Christian writing. St. Petersburg, 1997.

3. E. Georgiev. Slavic writing before Cyril and Methodius. Sofia, 1952.

4. V.N.Tatishchev. Russian history. T.1. M.-L., 1962.

5. ML.Seryakov. Quote op.; A.V.Platov. Monuments of the runic art of the Slavs. // Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 6, 1998; E. Georgiev. Quote op.; and etc.

6. M.L. Seryakov. Quote op.

7. I.VLgich. Quote op.

8. N.Pennick. Rune Magic. L., 1992.

9. D. Zunkovic. Die slavische Vorzek. Maribor, 1918.

10. As an example, the Runa river flows into the Upper Volga lakes on the border of the Tver and Novgorod regions.

11. E.A.Makaev. The language of the most ancient runic inscriptions. M., 1965; A.V.Platov. Runic magic. M., 1994.

12. E. Kpassen. New materials for the ancient history of the Slavs. Vol. I-III. M., 1854-1861.


14. A.V.Platov. Quote op.

15. From the point of view of linguistics, in most cases, we really have nothing - the existing corpus of inscriptions, scattered and representing different styles, is currently not sufficient to carry out unambiguously reliable decipherment work. This, of course, does not in the least prevent us from stating the very fact of the existence of the Slavic runic culture.

16. M.A. Tikhanova. Excavations at a settlement of the 3rd-4th centuries. near the village of Lepesovka in 1957-1959 // Soviet Archeology, 1963, No. 2; Hers: Runic inscriptions from the territory of the USSR. Elder runic inscriptions. In the book: E.A. Melnikova. Scandinavian runic inscriptions. M., 1977; Hers: Traces of runic writing in the Chernyakhov culture. In the book: Medieval Rus'. Sat. M., 1976.

17. Slavs and their neighbors at the end of the 1st millennium BC. - first half of the 1st millennium AD In the series: Archeology of the USSR. Ed. B.A. Rybakova. M., 1993.

18. D. Zunkovic. Op. cit.

20. J.Ruzicka. Slovanska Mythologie. Prague, 1924.

21. The most ancient states on the territory of the USSR. Vol. 1980 M., 1981.

22. A.V.Platov. Monuments of the runic art of the Slavs // Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 6, 1998.

23. A.V.Platov. Cult images from the temple in Retra//Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 2, 1996.

24. V.P.Petrenko, Yu.K.Kuzmenko. Runic inscriptions from the territory of the USSR. Younger runic inscriptions. In the book: E.A. Melnikova. Scandinavian runic inscriptions. M" 1977.

25. J.Leciejewski. About runah i runicznych pomnikach slowianskich. Lwow, 1906.

26. An elementary analysis was carried out on the increase in the number of characters with an increase in the serial number of the position in the text - A.V. Platov. On the question of the alphabet of the Mikorzhin runic inscriptions. M., 1993. Author's archive.

27. A. G. Masch. Die Gottesdienftlichen Ulferfhumer der Obotriten, aus dem Tempel gu Rhetra. Berlin, 1771.

28. Some time after the publication of Gottlieb’s book, some more objects allegedly related to the Retrin temple appeared, but these new monuments were recognized as fraudulent by the absolute majority of researchers. The fate of these items is unknown to me.

29. J.Potocki. Voyage dans qudques de la Basse Saxe pour la Recherche des antiquites Slaves ou Vendes. Hamburg, 1795.

30. It is necessary, however, to remember the testimony of Thietmar, who claimed that on the images of the gods in the Retrino temple their names were written in runes. In addition, Etruscan sculptural images come to mind, sometimes painted in no more elegant way.

31. The assumption that the “Retrino” style could have been obtained by a conditional forger by mixing Danish and Mikorzhin runes must be rejected: Mikorzhinsky stones were discovered only in 1836, i.e. half a century after the 1771 publication.

32. J.Leciejewski. Op. cit.

33. See: A.V.Platov. Monuments of the runic art of the Slavs. //Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 6, 1998.

34. L.E. Maistrov. Runic carved calendar of the Petrozavodsk Museum. //Historical and astronomical research. Vol. XVIII. M., 1986.

35. E. Lazarev, Runes of the White Sea. // Myths and magic of the Indo-Europeans, issue 4, 1997.

Sun Worship - Planetary Religion


The sun is the star around which our planet revolves. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun, i.e. The semimajor axis of the Earth's orbit is 149.6 million km = 1 AU. (astronomical unit).

The Sun is a star that shines fairly evenly over millions of years. The fact that the Sun has been shining with approximately the same intensity for a long time is also evidenced by traces of organic life that scientists find in very ancient geological layers. These remains of organic life show that the Sun has been shining so brightly for a long time that living beings were able to arise and develop on Earth. In the rocks of the geological stage of Onferwacht (Transvaal, South Africa), the remains of relatively highly developed single-celled living beings were found. These living creatures are almost as complex as blue-green algae that exist today. Thus, the earliest signs of life on Earth appeared 3.5 billion years ago. This means that even then the power of solar lighting should have been approximately the same as it is today. If the surface temperature of the Sun were to change by just 10%, life on Earth would likely be wiped out. But our star evenly and calmly radiates the energy so necessary to support life on Earth.

The sun is the main deity

The central role of the Sun for the Earth was noticed in ancient times. In the religions of all peoples of the world, myths and fairy tales, the Sun has always occupied the main place. For all nations, the Sun is the main deity, for example, the radiant god Helios among the ancient Greeks, Dazhbog and Yarilo among the ancient Slavs. The worship of the Sun is also evidenced by the following historical fact: when the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th century BC. began to assert that the Sun is not the god Helios, but a fiery clot, he was immediately accused of blasphemy and was forced to leave Athens. Probably traces of Sun worship are the cross and the swastika. These are stylized images of the Sun with diverging rays. The swastika reflects the ancients' understanding of the annual movement of the Sun along the ecliptic. The sun rolls along the ecliptic from right to left, as confirmed by observations made from the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The materialized rays of the sun are curved in such a way as not to interfere with this movement (otherwise the rays would dig into the ecliptic more strongly). A person’s life and well-being depended on the Sun.

The cult of the Sun was characteristic of many peoples, but it was most widespread in Ancient Egypt. One of the most important and revered Egyptian deities was Ra, the sun god, who was considered the first ruler of Egypt. It was also believed that all pharaohs are the sons of Ra and his governors on Earth.

In Mesopotamia, the sun god Shamash was also considered the main deity and his image was associated with justice.

The ancient history of the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Russia, especially its circumpolar regions, remains a mystery. The fact that these places were once favorable for living, characterized by fairly comfortable climatic conditions, is evidenced by both archaeological finds, in particular the remains of mammoths, and geophysical studies, which do not refute the hypothesis of a change in the inclination of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to the Sun. In other words, many thousands of years ago in the polar regions the Sun could have been at its zenith, as it is now at the equator, and, naturally, there could have been a hot climate...

According to the assumption put forward by the writer Barchenko A.V. (early 20th century), Earth civilization arose in the North (in Rus' this is the region of the Kola Peninsula), but after a certain cosmic cataclysm occurred, which caused a flood on Earth, and then a cold snap, the peoples who inhabited these circumpolar territories began to leave their places and move to the South. This ancient civilization on the territory of Rus' was called the “Country of Hyperborea”... Whether this is so remains a mystery, but there is another evidence base, at least not refuting Barchenko’s hypothesis.

The fact is that if in the country of Hyperborea there really was a hot climate, the Sun was at its zenith for a long time (overhead!), then the thought of... sun worship inevitably arises! Convincing traces of religious buildings and temples testifying to sun worship have not been preserved, however, what has been preserved is... the language!

Sun Ra in Russian

If you listen and think about it, the sun god Ra is present in the Russian language in great abundance:
joy (Ra - will give!, the state of mind that God Ra gives),
dawn (Ra - light!, light that comes from the god Ra),
rainbow (Ra - light!, arc),
punishment (punishment consisting of bringing him to trial before the god Ra),
theft (an act for which they are brought to trial before the god Ra),
yell (call out to the god Ra: O! Ra!, later U! Ra!),
it's time (time to call on the god Ra),
mountain (a place, a hill from which one should appeal to the god Ra),
red (visited before the god Ra),
pockmarked (Raboi - influenced by the god Ra),
parade (demonstration of devotion to the god Ra),
holiday (an event associated with the demonstration of devotion to the god Ra).

Natural phenomena may also be associated with the name of the god Ra: hurricane, hail, thunderstorm, thunder (roar), rainbow, heat... etc. and so on. And finally (or first of all!) the word “paradise”! The given examples of mentions in the Russian language of the sun god Ra indicate the fairly strong roots of sun worship in the way of life of the peoples of ancient Rus'.

It is impossible not to notice that similar mentions of the god Ra can be found in other language groups:
Arabic (Rahmani - merciful, Rahimi - merciful),
Hebrew (Rabbi - master),
English (Red - red),
French (Rapier - feather, beam),
Greek (Radius - ray)...

Thus, sun worship at one time was truly a planetary religion, widespread in most countries of the world.

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In the Moscow Kremlin, on the Great Assumption Bell, a cast inscription was placed, on which, in particular, it was: “In the year from the creation of the world 7268, and from the incarnation of God the Word 1760, this bell was cast.” After the loss of the bell in the events of the “Napoleonic Wars” it was cast new, it already had different dates: “In the year from the creation of the world 7325 from the incarnation of God the Word 1817.” - Pushkin was born before the baptism of Rus' into Christianity, which is a Jewish sect.

Originally posted by svetlanasuhova at Fraud of meanings! Or...

In connection with Patriarch Kirill’s trip to Cuba to meet with the Pope, who recognized Catholicism as the younger brother of Judaism and the intention to sign “some kind of” joint and pre-agreed documents, kept secret from a wide circle of believers, the topic is very relevant.

O official religion in Russia - Left Orthodoxy! Orthodoxy remains only among the Old Believers and Old Believers!

Original taken from blagin_anton in The official religion in Russia is Left Orthodoxy! Orthodoxy remains only among the Old Believers and Old Believers!

Are you surprised, reader, soapplication?!

I myself am shocked by what I found out! How many lies have been written and said regarding the origin of the word "ORTHODOXY", which is used in the title, but the truth turned out to be different!

With the discovery of this truth, all nonsense fell away for me at once (like bad plaster from a wall!) NEOPAGANS(claiming that Orthodoxy = glorify Prav!), and nonsense NEO-CHRISTIAN(claiming that Orthodoxy = straight, correct).

If we talk about the origin of RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY (and our Russian Church is called exactly that - "Russian Orthodox Church" or ROC), then the origin of the word ORTHODOXY all linguists should have looked not in the Greek scriptures, which are called "Gospels" , and for some reason translated into Russian as "Good News"(although in the word "Gospel" the roots are clearly visible Eva - life And Helios - Sun), and one should look for it in old Russian traditions! This is at least logical and correct! After all, Christianity, when it came to Rus' in the 10th century or later, actively absorbed (absorbed) folk,"pagan" (from the word pagans "peoples") traditions, and one of those borrowed by Christianity Russian traditions that's exactly what happened ORTHODOXY.

So this is the origin of the term "RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY" directly related to the ancient folk ritual, which is also called differently SALON.

This Old Russian word, if adapted to the modern Russian language, means "According to the Sun".

Salting(or "according to the Sun") is circular movement committed clockwise. In the old Russian tradition this is Roundabout Circulation was indicated graphically by a four-pointed symbol, which was called "Salting":

This is not a swastika! ThisSalting!

On the theme of this old Russian symbol I already wrote an article once "How the Swastika was invented and what it means - "Salting"" , however genuine epiphany it came to me just the other day when I looked at, perhaps for the fifth time, swastika icon, photographs of which are available on the Internet.

For some reason I thought (probably like many) that this "someone's joke". Well, people decided to make a joke, so they made themselves an icon in the form cross-swastika! And when I finally asked what kind of “joke” this was and who created it, it turned out that it was 18th century icon, which is called "SYMBOL OF FAITH"!!!

That's when it "clicked" in my head that the sign SALON, which is now commonly called in Eastern SWASTIKA- this is true SYMBOL ORTHODOX FAITH. This is where the name “RIGHT-glory” comes from, in the sense that people glorify God the Savior and Giver of Life, making movement according to the Sun, or in other words, moving clockwise, V right side!

What means “to glorify God the Savior and giver of life, moving along the Sun, or in other words, clockwise” ???

And now you will understand! I understand, and you will definitely understand too!

Imagine that you live without electricity, without central heating, in a wooden Russian hut somewhere in the center of Russia or in the Russian North. And around you other people live in exactly the same conditions.

On whom will your life directly depend?

Of course, from the Sun! It is associated not only with the change of day and night, but also with the change of season. Summer is undoubtedly the most fertile time of life, in the fall we need to prepare for a severe test - to store food for winter, when it will be cold, hungry, and there will be snow all around. Spring is the time of nature's awakening from winter hibernation, and then the blessed time comes again - summer. Like this - summer after summer and man lived, and the Sun was truly a “Heavenly Father” for him, on whom the lives of people directly depended.

And people, people, of course, understood this. They also understood that the Sun "goes in circles", and as a result of this happens change of seasons.

At the same time, people began to distinguish when summer solstice day when it happens winter solstice when it comes day of spring and autumn equinox.

Rejoicing at the Sun in the sky, our ancestors began to arrange folk, "pagan"(from the word pagans- "peoples") holidays, praising the Sun.

In the photo: modern celebration of the Sun Festival in Murmansk after the end of the Polar Night.

During these national holidays, our ancestors laid out on the ground cross, symbolizing four seasons , in the center of this cross they lit a fire, symbolizing the Sun, and then performed the so-called "Code of the Cross" around the fire and the cross (this is the meaning of the phrase "procession"), moving "in the course of the Sun" , the way it moves across the sky.

That is why the symbol appeared in Russian culture"Salting", symbolizing movement"according to the Sun", clockwise, orright-hand rotation.

Now I will tell you the real story that happened in Orthodox Rus' in the 15th century. Let me remind you that by that time Rus' had already been for several centuries"Christianized".

Although in the same Gospels it is black and white about "pagans" literally the following was written:

“These twelve Jesus sent, and commanded them, saying: ye shall not GO INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES, and ye shall not enter into the city of the Samaritans; but GO FIRST TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL..." (Matthew 10:5-6).

“For when the pagans, who do not have the law, by nature do what is lawful, then, not having the law, they are a law unto themselves: they show that the work of the law is written in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness...”(Rom. 2:14-15)

“The law is not made for the righteous, but for the wicked and disobedient, for the wicked and sinners, for the depraved and defiled, for those who insult father and mother, for murderers, for fornicators, homosexuals, predators, (slanderers, bestialists,) liars, perjurers, and for everything that is contrary to sound doctrine..." (1 Tim. 1:9-10).

This is why Jesus Christ, when he came to "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" , told them: “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance...” (Mark 2:17).

Do you understand the difference between pagans And "the sons of the house of Israel" which today teach everyone morality and culture ?

And now several centuries have passed since the sacrificial feat of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, which among the “pagans” was a symbol of the Sun, and Rus' was invaded some priests, "who considered the Slavs to be barbarians, second-class people, almost beasts..." ! It’s not hard to guess who it was... Especially if you know the words of Christ the Savior: "Beware of the SCRIBES, who love to wear long robes, and love to be greeted in public assemblies, to preside in the synagogues, and to preside at feasts,who devour widows' houses and hypocritically pray for a long time; they will receive all the more condemnation..." (Luke 20:46-47).

But in the role of “Christianizers” it was these very people who came to the holy Russian land "scribes" ... They had a cross in one hand, and a Bible in the other! Despite the fact that teachings of Christ the Savior was verbal..., exclusively pagan, which could only be transmitted living language.

What did they start doing?

They became "church paganism" !

What is this meant, said the famous Soviet and Russian philologist, semiotician, historian of language and culture Boris Andreevich Uspensky.

"...It is necessary to recall that a number of rituals and symbols of the Christian Church have a completely obvious and undoubtedly pagan origin... According to a modern historian of the Church, Christianity adopted and made its own many forms of pagan religion because all The idea of ​​Christianity is not to replace all forms in this world with new ones, but to fill them with new...content.

Baptism with water, a religious meal, anointing with oil - the Church did not invent or create all these fundamental religious acts; they all already existed in the religious practice of mankind. The Church converted many forms of religion that were common to paganism into the service of Christianity.

How the pagans celebrated December 25th birth of the invincible Sun so are Christians to this day coincided with the celebration of the Nativity of Christ who taught people to worship "To the Sun of Truth". The same date became the date of “Epiphany”. The church cult of the unmercenaries, as is known, has much in common with the pagan cult of the Dioscuri.

Speaking about the adaptation of Christian holidays to pagan ones, we can further point out that the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist on August 29 was established by the Alexandrian Church in contrast to the Alexandrian New Year festivities.

The holidays of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, September 8, and the Conception of the Virgin Mary, January 12, were established in Asia in opposition to the Olympic Games.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, August 6, is of Armenian-Cappadorian origin, established in Armenia in contrast to the pagan holiday of Ross.

The Day of the Archangel Michael, November 8, is of Alexandrian origin, replacing the ancient holiday of the Epiphany, established by the Egyptian Church as opposed to celebrations in honor of the Egyptian goddess.

Thus, the Church, as it were, gave Christian illumination to folk festivals, naturally at the same time, certain pagan rituals had to be preserved, which, however, received new content, being rethought in terms of Christian ideas.

And in exactly the same way, churches were erected on the site of pagan temples, and pagan priests, as Christianity spread, became (replaced) by Christian clergy.

Practice churching of paganism, which, as we have seen, dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, was preserved in Byzantine, and then in Russian Church. Accordingly, a whole series of rituals, both general and local, and in general a number of aspects of cult behavior reveal in Christianity an undoubted pagan origin..." .

Practice "churching paganism" , as history has shown, came down to Christianizers to the fact that they distorted all folk Slavic traditions and beliefs, filling them not with the true (as they convinced everyone), but with an unnatural meaning. And what had at least some natural-scientific component in the faith of the Slavs was made completely meaningless and ugly by them.

Let me give you a simple and very clear example. I will retell the true story, which is included in all encyclopedias.

On August 12, 1479, Moscow Metropolitan Gerontius consecrated the main cathedral church of the Russian Church - the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Moscow. During its consecration, the Metropolitan performed a religious procession antisalt, that is, he led the people around the cathedral against the movement of the Sun. When Grand Duke Ivan III found out about this, he was dissatisfied with this and was angry with the Metropolitan. Naturally, a dispute began between the prince and the metropolitan. To resolve the dispute, the priest-scribes began to look in their books for a record of how to correctly perform the movement during worship, however, they did not find anything in them. Then the archimandrites and abbots came out in defense of the metropolitan. One abbot, justifying the metropolitan, said that he saw the religious procession take place antisalt on Mount Athos in Greece.

The prince, to support his opinion, called Archbishop Vassian of Rostov and Archimandrite Gennady of the Chudov Monastery, for both were of Russian origin. In contrast to their opinion, Metropolitan Gerontius cited the fact that the deacon performs " censing" around the throne "against the sun". The archbishop and archimandrite invited by Prince Ivan III said the following to confirm their point of view: “The righteous sun is Christ, come to death and hell, and free souls, and for this reason, they say, they come to Easter, they also represent it at Matins.”.

So, with the support of two priests, the prince remained unconvinced and forbade Metropolitan Gennady to consecrate the newly built churches, of which there were quite a lot in Moscow by that time.

After the invasion of Akhmat in 1480, the religious dispute was resumed in 1481, on July 22. There were only two people on the side of the Grand Duke: Archbishop Joasaph of Rostov (Vassian had already died) and Archimandrite Gennady. Everyone else was on the side of the Metropolitan.

The prince stubbornly stood his ground, which is why the metropolitan left for the Simonov Monastery and announced to the prince that he would completely leave the metropolitan see if the prince did not submit...

Further, according to the narrative given in the encyclopedia, "Prince Ivan III reconciled himself, sent his son to the Metropolitan with a request to return to his throne. The Metropolitan did not return. Then the prince himself went to the Metropolitan, declared himself guilty of everything, promised to obey the Metropolitan in everything, and as for driving directions, then he gave it to the will of the Metropolitan, as he ordered and as it was in the old days..."

In the middle of the 17th century, the church reform undertaken by Patriarch Nikon affected all churches in Rus' and unified all rituals according to Greek models. However, Nikon's innovations were not accepted by part of the Russian people. A church schism occurred. Those who continued to honor the old Russian traditions and walk during “religious processions” in the direction of the movement of the Sun ( "salt") and stayed that way Russian Orthodox, those began to be called "Old Believers" . A "new believers" become obediently follow the priests during “religious processions” against the movement of the Sun, that is, counterclockwise, and thus became...Left-Orthodox.

Why is it necessary? walk against the sun? Who are they this is how they glorify? - believers no longer understand, but, as they say, they are told to go, so they follow the priests... without knowing why!

So the natural scientific meaning of this folk ritual was replaced by meaninglessness! So it turns out thatThe official religion in Russia is Left Orthodoxy! And in the title "Russian Orthodox Church"just deceit and deceit.

Well, on the other hand, what did you want, comrades?!

This is one of the manifestations "Yoke of the Jews" ...

It's true, it's true "Jew's yoke", not forever, very soon it must be overthrown...

Have you read my previous post? "The world is on the eve of great changes" , in which I provided wonderful analytics from a blogger from St. Petersburg Doktornica?

He gave in this analysis his explanation of why suddenly in January 2016 "The Pope called for the unification of Christians, Muslims and Jews: “All who are from the Abrahamic religions, now is the time for unity, for the end of times is near”, “There is time left... until the end of this year”" ?

Blogger Doktornic explained the essence of what was happening this way:

"Sharp changes in the foreign policies of different countries towards Russia have appeared at the end of the first half of 2015. Then it happened some event that changed the future. At the same time, “strange” steps of some countries began, unnoticed by political scientists. At the same time, the “dark leaders of the expelled” took the first steps to change the “master”. And the events that are happening today and will happen in the near future speak about one thing - “The entire top of the lackeys of the “dark forces” learned that their “master” had been deprived of strength and power over people. And lackeys always go to the winner.”

The heads of Muslims are walking because their main shrine is Tabut Sakina is located in Russia. The owner of this shrine owns the minds and hearts of Muslims.

The Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church decided to save themselves together, forgetting about all disagreements and claims, because the entire “Christian Church” is at stake!

The Jews decided, as usual, to bypass their colleagues, directly to the new winner - the owner. Closer to the feeder. But alas. All three religions will be destroyed!

In their place will appear a completely new one, without any church deception. Pure, new FAITH in the FATHER.

All this might seem like complete nonsense, if not for one thing...

There are too many facts that confirm my words. Then, in the second half of 2015, I began writing the chapter “The Day the Future Changed.” It contains, in chronological order, significant and not so significant events that SUDDENLY began to happen in the world. Moreover, what is very strange, most of these very important events for some reason went unnoticed by political scientists and experts. It's as if their eyes were blinded.

I don't know when this chapter will be finished. Too much needs to be connected into a single and unbreakable chain for people to see that the future has changed. And it changed one beautiful sunny Divine day..."

I can complement the blogger's chapter Doktornic the missing "puzzle" event, which is really went unnoticed from political scientists and experts.

At the end of the first half of 2015 in the Russian North, in the cradle of RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY, the Russian prosecutor's office for the Murmansk region and the Center for Combating Extremism in the Murmansk region suddenly learned about the existence of my book in the global information space, the title of which speaks for itself "APOCALYPSE COMES TOMORROW". When these two powerful Russian government agencies got acquainted with its contents and immediately made a decision recognize the book as extremist according to the court, that's what changed future...

On "biblical scribes" there was a man withcorrect a book!

The first person who understood, literally felt, that this was not just an ordinary book, but a Sign from Above, foreshadowing a close"end times"for all the so-called "Abrahamic religions" under the global control of the Jews, there was, as befits his position, Pope Francis I. He also realized that the Procurator of the Leninsky District of the city of Murmansk, being a completely incompetent person in the Divine sphere, started the timer with a reverse countdown, which will ultimately cause the Apocalypse throughout the world and everything that follows...

I am sure that this is why the head of the Vatican raised universal nix calling for "unification of Christians, Muslims and Jews" as part of an emergency convocation... "Pan-Orthodox Council".

The last one, of course, made me smile!

"Pan-Orthodox Council" with left-Orthodox "processions of the cross"!

This circus the end will really come soon!

By the way, the word circus very interesting etymology - it comes from Latin circus "circle, lists" and from Proto-Indo-European kirk "turn around, turn around".

Here "turn And wrap up"- the most accurate meaning of what awaits "power of darkness" .

This term, by the way, was not invented by me; it came to us from the same Gospels:

“And Jesus said to the chief priests and rulers of the temple and the elders who were gathered together against Him, “As if you had come out against a thief with swords and staves to take Me?Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now your time And "power of darkness". (Luke 22:52-53).

And now the time is allotted "power of darkness" , ends... At hour X, known only to God, the HARVEST described by Jesus and retold by the evangelists must take place:

"38 The field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; but the taressons of the evil one;

39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.

40 Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age.:

41 The Son of Man will send His angels, and from His kingdom they will gather all temptations and workers of iniquity,

42 and they will be cast into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;

43 Then the righteous will shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”(Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13).

Post scriptum

Concerning left-handed swastikas, whom he chose as symbol of Nazism Adolf Hitler then from the point of view of Orthodoxy, This symbol of the movement of the Sun what happens in "other world" (as they used to say!), on the opposite side of the Earth, that is, in the southern hemisphere of the planet.

This is not difficult to understand if you pay attention to the poles of our planet and the direction of their rotation:

And if in addition left-handed swastikaalso take into account thattreacherous attackAdolf Hitler's Nazi army attacked the USSRon the brightest day of the year- June 22, 1941 - and set as its goaltotal destruction of the Slavs, then it becomes clear thatfake Aryanacted in concert with"biblical Jews", Christianizers Rus'.