(!LANG:Special and special. Special Special special

    See separate… Synonym dictionary

    special- special characteristic specific specific particular specific specific exact specified specific - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Special, unusual, inimitable; own, different, specific, special, exceptional. Wed . . See extraordinary… Synonym dictionary

    SPECIAL, special, special, special, old. special, psk. special, separate, oprichny, non-local, not common; | different from others, different, different analysis; excellent, ·in·value. excellent, best, especially good. We live in a special, special, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Individual, special. In some cases, in the seventeen-volume Dictionary, the word is given in isolation from its morphological connections and from all its historical roots. So, for example, the word individual with a single meaning is a separate living organism; individual ... ... History of words

    SPECIAL, special, special. 1. Not like everyone else; outstanding from a number of ordinary ones, not like others. "Dinner was served on a special English service." Herzen. "The case was nothing special." Chernyshevsky. "You should have seen how he... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    SPECIAL, special, special. 1. Same as special in 1 value. Without much difficulty. 2. Separate from others, having a special purpose for something. “By special decree, they drove one and a half hundred monastic peasants to the shipyard.” A.N. Tolstoy. This thought... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    SPECIAL, oh, oh. 1. Same as special. There were special circumstances. Looks special (adv.). Especially (adv.) important case. 2. Separate, independent from others. Special room. Special rights. Dissenting opinion (officially expressed ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    App., use. very often Morphology: Nar. special 1. You call special something that is different from others, not like them. There were posters urging people to learn foreign languages ​​in a special way. | He gave me the special features of the criminal. |… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    special- ▲ separate quality (difference) ordinary special feature (# case). special. especially. especially. individual article (simple). special (obsolete). especially. special having a special purpose (# clothing).… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    App. 1. Exceptional in any respect; unusual. 2. Not like others; peculiar. 3. Different from others in the degree of manifestation; significant. 4. Separate, special. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


  • Marriage Myths Revisiting Two Dozen Misconceptions about Marriage, Lazarus A. Marriage is a very special stage in life. This is a special type of relationship between a man and a woman. . For the vast majority of women, this is the most anticipated event in life. But alas, often...
  • Breathing exercises for children, Panteleeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna. The birth of a child is the happiest moment in a parent's life. But young children need constant and special care. The sooner you start doing gymnastics with your child, the ...

See also `Special` in other dictionaries

special, special, special, old. special, psk. special, separate, oprichny, non-local, not common; | different from others, different, different analysis; excellent, i.e. excellent, best, especially good. We live as a person, especially, especially, especially, in a special house, on our own, on our own, separately. Each flower has a special smell, its own, excellent. Today he is especially sweet, amiable. Special respect. Your own special corner. He submitted a dissenting opinion, his own. Special monastery, old. where each of the brethren lived at his own expense. This is an individual article. Go to individual. It features an abyss, its own, strange, different from others. The peculiarity of a conscious personality is given only to man. The peculiarity of concepts requires a special separation of them. Due to the peculiarity of his taste, he is reluctant to dine in people. Mansion, -natsa, mansion, -nyachka, who lives separately, separately, alone, on his own, or moves away from people. | Special, separate possession, land; wasteland, field. He is such a mansion, people are shy, hiding. I live on my own, oh...


SPECIAL oh, oh.

1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual, peculiar. Oh baby. Alexey is a man about.! Oh smile. Oh voice. Oh, laughter. Oh, the style of writing. O. smell. O. handwriting.

2. Unusual, exceptional in some way. relation. O. day. Oh phenomenon. O. case. Oh circumstances.

3. Different from others in the degree of manifestation; big, significant. Oh, excitement, pleasure. Oh joy. O. success. Oh, the expressiveness of the verse. Experience special...


Special, unusual, inimitable; own, different, specific, special, exceptional.

Wed . .

See unparalleled, extraordinary, individual...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999

special, special. 1. Not like everyone else; outstanding from a number of ordinary ones, not like others. Dinner was served on a special English service. Herzen. The case was nothing special. Chrnshvsky. One had to see how he speaks in order to understand the special, inexpressible simplicity of his speech. Maksim Gorky. ? Large in strength of manifestation, significant. Aratov went to bed early, without much desire to sleep. Turgenev. I devoted a whole morning with particular pleasure to surveying the Zoological Gardens. Goncharov. Boris Alekseevich was rich and strong, his mind was especially sharp. A.N. Tolstoy. 2. Separate, special (obsolete). He lived in a special room.

Aya, oh; -benen (rare), -benna. 1. Not like everyone else, not ordinary. Be especially kind. Nothing special (n.; about something simple, ordinary; colloquial). 2. especially, adv. Not like always, not like everyone else, not like usual. Especially a lot of people. Especially important. Looks somehow special. 3. especially, adv. Especially, exclusively. It's especially nice to see old friends. * Not especially (colloquial) - 1) not very much. Tired? - Not particularly; 2) not very good, average. How is the movie? - Not really. II n. feature, and (to 1 value).


special; briefly the form-en, -enna

Russian spelling dictionary. / The Russian Academy of Sciences. In-t rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M .: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .


adj., use Often

Morphology: special, special, especially, special; especially; nar. especially, in a special way

1. A person, object, event, etc. is called special when they are different from others, not like them, have individual traits.

The autumn smell of the forest is very special. | He had a special, rare gift - to understand the language of animals and birds. | Today is my special day - my birthday. | ...

adj. 1) a) Unusual, exceptional in some way. respect. b) not like others; peculiar. c) different from others in the degree of manifestation; significant. 2) Separate, special.

SPECIAL / / SPECIAL * Make up a nest of pairs with paronyms especially / / ‘specially *.
SPECIAL. 1. Exceptional in some respect, original. 2. Separate, separate (obsolete). Special: 1) ~th voice; ~th gait, kindness, tenderness; ~th case, smell; ~th conditions; 2) ~th room; ~th closet; ~th shelf. - And everything in it then - seemed to Elena something special, almost sacred. I.Turgenev. The day before. His chest pressed sweetly, inhaling that special, lingering and fresh smell - the smell of a Russian summer night. I. Turgenev. Bezhin meadow. In your closet, perhaps, my friends, I have a special shelf allotted. A. Pushkin. House in Kolomna.
SPECIAL. 1. Unlike others, different from others. 2. Specially intended for someone. Special | th: 1) ~th sound, imprint; ~th sign, joy; 2) ~th rights, obligations; ~th opinion; ~th room; ~th appliance [cutlery]; ~ courses; ~ wagon. How exactly [to process stone tools] is a special and very complicated question. B. Frolov. What the Siberian Madonna told about. [Famusov:] Take you from head to toe, All Moscow have a special imprint. A.Griboedov. Woe from the mind. He was given a special device in the corner on a small table without a napkin. I.Turgenev. My neighbor Radilov. L Dissenting opinion (an opinion that does not coincide with the opinion of the rest or the majority). Special article (trans. completely different, something that should not be confused with the rest). Note. In the meaning of "unusual, significant", the words special and special continue to be synonymous: special (special) simplicity, courtesy; special (special) desire.

See more words in "

Special, special, special, special old special, psk. special, separate, oprichny, non-local, not common; | different from others, different, different analysis; excellent, i.e. excellent, best, especially good. We live as a person, especially, especially, especially, in a special house, on our own, on our own, separately. Each flower has a special smell, its own, excellent. Today he is especially sweet, amiable. Special respect. Your own special corner. He submitted a dissenting opinion, his own. special monastery, old where each of the brethren lived at his own expense. This is an individual article. Go to individual. It features an abyss, its own, strange, different from others. The peculiarity of a conscious personality is given only to man. The peculiarity of concepts requires a special separation of them. Due to the peculiarity of his taste, he is reluctant to dine in people. Mansion, -natsa, mansion, -nyachka, who lives separately, separately, alone, on his own, or moves away from people. | Special, separate possession, land; wasteland, field. He is such a mansion, people are shy, hiding. I live alone, alone. I have a mansion field. We have divided the entire field into mansions. Person or person. sobina, own, special property; | feature, separateness; | mansion. To live as an individual, for an individual. Give me my personality. Osobennik, -nitsa, osabschik, special person, peculiar, strange person, eccentric: | the chosen one, or himself demanding something special and different. You can't please these peeps. Separate what, separate especially. He doesn’t go into a share, or into an artel, but he singles everything out for himself. Isolate oneself, assimilate; specialize what, assign separately, separate, separate, specialize, specialize, stand apart, separate from others; individual, apart; retire. He is different from people. A particular person, prone to solitude, eager to keep apart. 0 sob indivisible, individual; any single creature or plant. The kingdoms of nature are divided into classes, ranks, families, genera, species, breeds, which are already composed of individuals. Person. person, person, every person in itself. Places are arranged, each for two persons. What kind of person is this? who it? A distinguished person. I am not a person, but a person, answered the quarterly, and the governor is a person.

Word in Literature

♦ Well, it was nothing special.

♦ Only Veen gave me a special look.

♦ It seems to me that he was just special with us.

♦ The duck got used to it for a long time, and now she was worried on a very special occasion.

♦ Not that she was particularly excited.

♦ Did you notice anything special in his voice?

♦ I looked around with some special curiosity.

♦ The tiny creature was a special insect, the cave beetle.

♦ Yes, our family is special, different from others, right?

♦ I will now entrust your business to a special person who has just graduated from a university course.

Special cr. f. -en, -enna, -enno Orthographic dictionary. One N or two?

  • special - -th, -th. 1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual. Natasha taught her family to Prince Andrei for a long time and proudly assured everyone that he only seemed so special, and that he was the same as everyone else. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. Small Academic Dictionary
  • special - adj., number of synonyms: 62 unparalleled 17 freelance 10 outlandish 17 unique 48 overwhelming 4 significant 80 individual 43 exceptional 87 to each his own 6 incidental 22 cool 136 not like everyone else 6 not like ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • special - orff. special; cr. f. -en, -enna Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • special - special adj. 1. Exceptional in some way; unusual. 2. Not like others; peculiar. 3. Different from others in the degree of manifestation; significant. 4. Separate, special. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • special - Special, unusual, inimitable; own, excellent, specific, special, exceptional cf. !! extraordinary, separate see >> unexampled, extraordinary, separate Abramov's synonym dictionary
  • special - adj., use very often special, special, especially, special; especially; nar. especially, in a special way 1. A person, object, event, etc. is called special when they are different from others, not like them, have individual features. Dictionary of Dmitriev
  • special - SPECIAL -th, -th. 1. Not like others, not like everyone else; unusual, peculiar. Oh baby. Alexey is a man about.! Oh smile. Oh voice. Oh, laughter. Oh, the style of writing. O. smell. O. handwriting. 2. Unusual, exceptional in some way. relation. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • special - SPECIAL, oh, oh; benene (rare), benna. 1. Not like everyone else, not ordinary. Be especially kind. Nothing special (n.; about something simple, ordinary; colloquial). 2. especially, adv. Not like always, not like everyone else, not like usual. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • special - SPECIAL, special, special, special, old. special, psk. special, separate, oprichny, non-local, not common; || different from others, different, different analysis; excellent, i.e. excellent, best, especially good. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • special - Special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special, special ... Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • special - ORDINARY - UNUSUAL Ordinary - unusual (see) Klim asked his father: - Why am I - extraordinary, and Mitya - ordinary? M. Gorky. Life of Klim Samgin. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  • special - ESPECIAL, special, special. 1. Not like everyone else; outstanding from a number of ordinary ones, not like others. "Dinner was served on a special English service." Herzen. "The case was nothing special." Chernyshevsky. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov