The main historical achievements of the culture of Belarus. Belarusian culture. Traditions, customs, rituals and holidays The main historical achievements of the culture of Belarus

National culture Belarusians have their roots in ancient times. It contains colossal spiritual riches, reflecting moral, aesthetic, intellectual existence Belarusian people.

Over the centuries-old history, the Belarusian people have formed a rich and original cultural heritage. Belarus has significant historical and cultural potential, represented by objects of architecture, art, and museum collections. The masterpieces of Belarusian art that have survived to this day are under state protection. They are kept in the collections of the largest Belarusian museums, library collections. Most significant material values included in the State list historical and cultural values Belarus.


The first cities on the territory of Belarus arose during the period early Middle Ages. The oldest of them are Polotsk (862) and Vitebsk (974). IN X-XII centuries the foundations of urban planning were formed, monumental architecture developed (Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral, Polotsk Spaso-Evfrosinevskaya Church, Vitebsk Annunciation, Grodno Boris and Gleb (Kalozhskaya) churches).

In the 13th century, defensive architecture became most widespread in Belarus. IN different time There were at least 150 castles on Belarusian lands. The restored and restored Kamenets Tower, the palace complex in the urban village of Ruzhany, Pruzhany district, the Old Castle in Grodno, the castle in Lida, the castle complex in the urban village of Mir, Korelichi district, the castle in the urban village of Lyubcha, Novogrudok district, the palace and park ensemble in Nesvizh can tell a lot about Belarusian history.

The architecture of Belarus is characterized by a close relationship with Western and Eastern European art. The main directions are Romanesque style, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque (Nesvizh Church of the Corpus Christi, Glubokoe Church and Carmelite Monastery), classicism (Grodno Royal Palace, Gomel Palace of the Rumyantsev-Paskevichs).

Today, monuments of ancient architecture are preserved and exhibited in archaeological museum"Berestye" (Brest), folk architecture - in Belorussian state museum folk architecture and life (near Minsk).

During the Great Patriotic War Substantial part architectural structures was destroyed, about 80 percent of buildings in Minsk alone were destroyed. Since 1944, much work has been carried out to restore cities and villages. New cities grew - Novopolotsk, Svetlogorsk, Soligorsk.

In the post-war period created memorial complexes Brest Hero Fortress, Mound of Glory Soviet army- liberators of Belarus near Minsk, “Khatyn” and others.

One of the striking examples of modern Belarusian architecture is the building National Library Belarus is a “diamond”, which has no analogues in the world.


You can see works of art in art museums in Belarus different eras. The most large collection painting and sculpture is located in the National Art Museum of Belarus.

Over the centuries, monumental painting (frescoes of the St. Sophia Cathedral, Belchitsky and Spaso-Evfrosinevsky monasteries in Polotsk, Boris and Gleb (Kalozhskaya) Church in Grodno) and book miniatures developed in Belarus. A masterpiece of ancient Belarusian enamel art was a cross made in 1161 by the jeweler Lazar Bogsha, commissioned by Euphrosyne of Polotsk. In the 15th century, secular painting arose, around the 16th century - the Belarusian school of icon painting. With the spread of printing, book woodcuts began to develop.

Of the weaving manufactories of the 17th-18th centuries, the most famous were Korelichi, where tapestries of a high artistic level were made, and Slutsk, famous for its belts woven from silk, gold and silver threads.

At the end XVIII-XIX centuries Belarusian painting developed in line with romanticism and classicism, and later realism. The works of J. Damel, J. Sukhodolsky, A. Romer, I. Khrutsky, K. Bakhmatovich, V. Vankovich, S. Zaryanko, I. Oleshkevich, N. Orda, A. Bartels and others belong to this period.

The cultural field of the twentieth century includes such names as M. Chagall, K. Malevich, Yu. Peng. Artists M. Filippovich, R. Semashkevich, V. Byalynitsky-Birulya, V. Tsvirko, G. Vashchenko, V. Gromyko, M. Danzig, P. Maslenikov, M. Savitsky, sculptures A. Brother, A. Grube, M. Kerzin, Z. Azgur, P. Belousov, A. Bembel, A. Glebov, S. Selikhanov and many others made a great contribution to the development of Belarusian art.

In the decorative and applied arts, tapestry occupied a leading position. “Tapestry of the Century” by A. Kishchenko is officially recognized as the largest tapestry in the world and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Modern fine arts Belarus is characterized by diversity. Photography art, art design, action art, computer graphics, the genre-species spectrum is expanding. In the 21st century, the art school of Belarus has proven its ability to develop, retained its integrity, and continued to master progressive elements of world culture.


On December 17, 1924 Belgoskino was created. National cinema has been counting its history since this day. The first Belarusian feature film was the historical-revolutionary film “Forest Story”. It was staged based on the story “The Swineherd” by Mikhas Charot in 1926, directed by Yuri Tarich. He is considered the founder of Belarusian cinematography. Tarich's students - Vladimir Korsh-Sablin and Ivan Pyryev - became famous filmmakers.

In 1930, the production of sound films began. In 1939, the studio received its own production base in Minsk.

In the pre-war period, the comedies “Lieutenant Kizhe”, “A Girl Hastens to a Date”, “Seekers of Happiness”, “My Love”, film adaptations of A. Chekhov’s stories “The Bear”, “The Man in a Case”, shot at the Belarusian film studio, were very successful.

In 1954, the first color film was shot at the film studio. Feature Film- “Children of the Partisan”, in 1970 - the first wide-screen “Collapse of the Empire”. National cinema reached its peak in the 1950s-70s. It was at this time that films were created that were included in the golden fund of Belarusian cinema: “Konstantin Zaslonov”, “Red Leaves”, “The Clock Stopped at Midnight”, “A Girl is Looking for Her Father”, “Moscow - Genoa”, “I Come from Childhood” , “Alpine Ballad”, “The Third Rocket”, “City of Masters” and others. Then films were made for children and youth, which became classics: “The Bronze Bird”, “ Last summer childhood”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “About Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev”.

The Belarusian television series “Ruins Are Shooting...”, “Long Miles of War”, “State Border”, “Fathers and Sons” received wide recognition among the audience.

Documentary films, which were created in the creative association “Chronicle,” also developed fruitfully.

Modern masters successfully continue the creative relay of previous generations. Totally agree last years The films “Anastasia Slutskaya”, “The Guide”, “Dunya”, “In August 1944”, “Brest Fortress”, “In the Fog”, created in Belarus, were awarded prizes and awards at various festivals. In line with global practice, Belarusfilm is increasingly carrying out creative projects on joint creation of films with filmmakers from Russia, Germany, Israel.


Belarusian literature achieved its main successes in the 20th century, but without the ascetic activity of writers of previous centuries, these achievements would have been more modest.

The origins of Belarusian literature lie in oral poetry and folklore. Literature began with the advent of writing in the 10th century. The largest center the spread of writing was Polotsk, where local chronicles appeared in the 12th-13th centuries. The master of oratorical prose, Kirill Turovsky, lived and worked in Turov. In the 14th–15th centuries, the Belarusian language received the status of the state language in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; the Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1529, 1566 and 1588 were written in it. The 16th century was marked by the activities of the Belarusian humanist-educator, founder of East Slavic printing, writer and translator Francis Skorina. The first Renaissance poem Latin O native land“Song about the Bison” was written by M. Gusovsky. Publicist and translator S. Budny published “Catechism” in Nesvizh - the first book in the Old Belarusian language in the territory modern Belarus. Defender native word V. Tyapinsky was the first to translate the Gospel into Belarusian. Simeon of Polotsk made his contribution to the development of Belarusian book poetry in the 17th century.

The formation of new Belarusian literature took place in the second half of the 18th-19th centuries. In the 19th century, the Belarusian land was glorified by the poet A. Mitskevich and playwright V. Dunin-Martsinkevich. The era of realism is associated with the flourishing of the creativity of F. Bogushevich, A. Gurinovich and J. Luchina.

An important role in the development of Belarusian literature was played by the first legal newspapers in the Belarusian language “Nasha Dole” and “Nasha Niva”, around which the most famous authors of that time: Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas, E. Pashkevich, M. Bogdanovich, Z. Byadulya, M. Goretsky, Yadvigin Sh. and others.

Belarusian literature of the 20th century is represented by outstanding names folk poets Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas, R. Borodulin, P. Brovka, N. Gilevich, A. Kuleshov, P. Panchenko, M. Tank, folk writers V. Bykov, Y. Bryl, K. Krapiva, M. Lynkov, A. Makaenka, I. Melezha, I. Naumenko, I. Chigrinov, I. Shamyakina. Their works, as well as those of many other poets, writers, and playwrights, in a relatively short period, put Belarusian literature on a par with the leading literatures of the world.

In 2015, the National Literary Prize was established. Founders literary competition- Ministry of Information, Culture and Education of the Republic of Belarus, Writers' Union of Belarus.

The organizing committee of the competition consists of representatives of three ministries: information, education, culture, as well as the Union of Writers of Belarus, the Zvyazda Publishing House and the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The works are selected by an expert commission and the competition jury. The award ceremony for the laureates is held during the celebration of the Day of Belarusian Literature.


The musical art of Belarus originates in folk music Eastern Slavs. Significant role in everyday life Belarusian village has been playing for a long time instrumental music. Among my favorites folk instruments- pipe, pity, whistle, lyre, violin, cymbals.

Church liturgical music has received great development in Belarus. Musical monuments of the 15th-17th centuries are the collections of vocal and instrumental works “Polotsk Notebook” and “Chimes”.

In the 18th century the centers musical culture private theaters and chapels of the magnates Radziwill, Sapieha, Oginsky and others became. Among famous composers- J. Holland, E. Vanjura, M. Radziwill.

In modern Belarus, the work of the country's leading musical groups is very popular: Presidential Orchestra Republic of Belarus, State Academic symphony orchestra, State Academic Choir named after. G.Shirmy.

Artists of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State Academic musical theater, Belarusian State Philharmonic captivate audiences with their original talent and highest performing skills.

Belorussian musical art glorified by outstanding composers S. Monyushko, G. Wagner, V. Mulyavin, I. Luchenok, E. Hanok, D. Smolsky, O. Eliseenkov and others.

Significant work on the development of musical culture is carried out by the National academic orchestra symphonic and pop music under the direction of Mikhail Finberg. Organization of festivals chamber music in small towns of Belarus is one of the most important areas orchestra activities.

Business card The vocal group “Pure Voice” and the vocal and instrumental ensembles “Pesnyary” and “Syabry” can rightfully be considered in Belarus.

Every year more than 30 international, republican and regional events are held in Belarus music festivals, among them “Belarusian Musical Autumn”, “Minsk Spring”, “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, “Muses of Nesvizh”.

Belarusian performers regularly participate in prestigious international competitions.

Contemporary Belarusian musical art strives to preserve rich national traditions.


Belarusian performing arts originated from the ancient folk rituals, the creativity of wandering musicians and buffoon actors. In the 16th century there arose puppet show- Batleyka, who gave performances at fairs and squares in cities and towns. In the XVI – XVIII centuries School theaters began to spread, and in the 18th century - court and city theaters. Some of them eventually transformed into professional troupes.

Founder national theater called the Belarusian playwright of the 18th century V. Dunin-Martsinkevich.

Revival of Belarusian performing arts happened at the beginning of the 20th century. The foundation was laid by playwrights K. Kaganets, Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas, K. Buylo, F. Olekhnovich, L. Radevich and others. Theater work conducted by I. Buinitsky, A. Burbis, F. Zhdanovich.

In 1920, F. Zhdanovich organized the Belarusian State Theater (BGT-1; now the National academic theater named after Y. Kupala). In 1926, BGT-2 began work in Vitebsk (now the National Academic Drama Theater named after Y. Kolas).

There are 29 professional theaters for residents and guests of the republic, of which 20 are dramatic and musical, 8 are children's and young viewer, 1 - opera and ballet. Their repertoire includes works by Belarusian authors, Russian, Soviet and foreign classics. Four theaters in Belarus have the status of “national”: these are the drama theaters of Y. Kupala, M. Gorky (Minsk), Y. Kolas (Vitebsk) and the Opera and Ballet Theater.

Among the stage masters who fruitfully worked and are working in Belarusian theaters are G. Makarova, S. Stanyuta, Z. Stomma, G. Ovsyannikov, L. Davidovich, Z. Belokhvostik, A. Klimova, R. Yankovsky, G. Garbuk, M .Zakharevich, V. Tarasov, A. Milovanov, V. Manaev, A. Pomazan, directors V. Raevsky, B. Lutsenko, N. Pinigin, V. Mazynsky, V. Maslyuk, set designers B. Gerlovan, D. Mokhov, 3 .Margolin and many others.

Festivals, competitions, and performance art shows are regularly held in Belarus, including “Slavic Theater Meetings” in Gomel, “White Vezha” in Brest, “Panorama” in Minsk, “[email protected]” in Mogilev. In 2011, the National theater award Belarus.

Talking about the history and cultural development of Belarus is the same as trying to tell a long and fascinating story. In fact, this state appeared quite a long time ago; the first mentions of it appear back in 862, when the city of Polotsk, considered the oldest, existed locality. The culture of Belarus developed over many centuries and was intertwined with a variety of events of that time. Perhaps that is why it is so bright and varied.

Emergence of culture

If we talk about how the culture of the Republic of Belarus appeared, and what particularly influenced it, it will be difficult not to mention such trends as the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment. The Renaissance period for Belarus was marked by such a prominent representative of this time as Francysk Skaryna. He was not only a famous printer and humanist, but also tried to convey the values ​​of spirituality to society as much as possible, and also tried to reveal such concepts as “society” and “man” in as much detail as possible. It was he who created the first printing house in Belarus.

The culture of Belarus in the 18th century is remembered for the period of Enlightenment, when the elite European countries was preparing for the onset of the “kingdom of reason.” During this period, Belarusian literature was actively developing, despite the fact that terrible, ruinous wars were in full swing. According to historians, the most productive period for the development of Belarusian culture occurred in the 17th century, when the population’s level of individual self-awareness increased to the maximum.

Over the entire history of its existence, the current lands of Belarus have been part of a variety of principalities and possessions. Today, this country is a separate and at the same time completely self-sufficient state. But once upon a time, like many other countries, Belarus was considered part of the BSSR and the USSR. During this period, the development of culture in Belarus was especially vibrant and unusual. According to experts, the culture of this state manifested itself most clearly during the February Revolution in 1917. Experts also note that this period of time can be safely called the period of Belarusization.

Even during the German occupation, active figures in this country were able not only to restore the Belarusian Publishing House, but also to begin publishing the newspaper Gomon. At the same time, activists achieved the opening of 200 Belarusian schools, which once again confirms the people’s desire for development and self-improvement. However, historians believe that during this period statehood sought to consolidate the people with the help of the creation of a wide variety of parties and the promotion of the most active figures. Those who were especially able to express themselves prominent representatives Soviet modernity, like M. Goloded and A. Chervyakov.

Modern culture

During Soviet period Belarusian culture has been able to achieve a lot. For example, linguistic values, identity, as well as the Belarusian ethnicity have increased. But all this quickly fell under the pressure of Stalin’s policies. The views of the Bolsheviks almost completely abandoned the process of nationalization, which had just begun its successful restoration in these territories. This period of time is remembered by Belarus as a time in which there was one ruling and indivisible people. Therefore, it is quite difficult to talk about the development of culture in this country.

However, by 1991 the situation had completely changed, the change in power and order took its toll, and Belarus again began to restore its traditions and nationality. A state program for the development of the Belarusian language was adopted, and the Belarusian Cultural Foundation was revived. The restoration process has had a serious impact on all areas, but it is especially noticeable in literary works that time. Today Belarus differs from other countries not only in its originality, but also in the diversity of styles, forms and trends in its culture.

National costumes

It is not surprising that historians, studying the peculiarities of the culture of Belarus, especially note the uniqueness. Indeed, almost all the ideological ideas of this people are collected in a seemingly simple attire. But in fact, there is something more than just clothes hidden in colorful embroidered shirts and spacious outfits. Belarus, as already noted, is intertwined with other countries. Thus, bright embroideries on simple shirts and flared skirts of the fair sex, which were customary to wear in old times, are often found among other nations. At the same time, Belarusians have always treated with trepidation what is depicted on the fabric. Each ornament protected or helped in in a certain sense the owner of the clothes. Therefore, women have always tried to decorate not only their outfits as much as possible, but also to create some kind of amulet on male clothing. You can often find National Costume Belarus, where bright headdresses are present.


It is not at all surprising that today almost all Days of Culture in Belarus are celebrated in a bright and popular way. National music sounds in the cities, and on the streets you can see a wide variety of Belarusian costumes. If we talk about what kind of music the representatives of this people like, then we can definitely highlight ritual songs.

The development of music in this country dates back to ancient times. The main instruments that can rightfully be called national are the Belarusian dulcimer and the pipe.

In ancient times, the peoples of this state most often sang ritual songs: carols, wedding motifs, harvest songs or Maslenitsa couplets. The amazing melodies of unusual Belarusian instruments can make you fall in love with the first sound, and catchy motives and simplicity of performance make you fall in love with the music of this country forever. However, the lyrics are also distinguished by their ambiguity. Sometimes in the simplest verses lies deep meaning, which conveys certain information that is invisible to outsiders. Every year, a huge number of song festivals open in this country, where you can not only watch a colorful show, but also listen to national music!


Those who have at least once visited the Belarusian theater will forever remember this event, because this direction of art in the state is especially different from what can be seen in other countries. The culture of Belarus has always stood out for its brightness and unusualness, but theater is something special and unique that can be found exclusively among this people. As is known, professional theater in the country dates back to the times of ancient folk rituals. Perhaps that is why it is unlike any other theater in the world.

In ancient times, wandering musicians, court troupes, and, of course, amateur groups were often found on the territory of Belarus. It's no secret that Belarusians - creative people who always strives for self-development. Today there are about 28 operating in the country state theaters, who work in a variety of areas. In addition to drama and music, you can also find puppet theater in Belarus, which is distinguished by its brightness and unusual productions. But the most famous in this country is considered Grand Theatre opera and ballet of Belarus, this is where you need to visit at least once in your life!

Literature and art

Science and culture of Belarus have always differed from similar areas in other countries. Literature can even be called a separate direction, because world-famous authors described events in their works extremely colorfully. In general, Belarus has a huge number of famous names that still arouse interest among the modern reader. For example, the names Kotlyarov, Ragutsky, Anoshkin and many others won the hearts of true lovers of bright works. Also in Belarus there are a huge number of scientific figures who have contributed to the development of world science.

These people are also not deprived of artistic talents. The Belarusian state has many artists who have become famous throughout the world thanks to their works. Most often they depicted national landscapes and beauty native land, but often among famous artists you can also find the most talented portrait painters.

Cuisine and national dishes of the country

The cultural history of Belarus simply could not do without. Those who have at least once tasted the delicious beetroot soup will never forget its taste. Many people believe that the main dish of Belarusian cuisine is potato pancakes, but this is not true at all. Of course, in ancient times, the cuisine of the people was distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility, and for cooking they used mainly potatoes, which could be easily grown. But today historians have found out that, first of all, the people of Belarus preferred to eat first courses. On the other hand, it is not surprising that meat delicacies often appeared on the tables of ancient Belarusians. For example, veraschaka, a variety of sausages and meat prepared according to special recipes with the addition of herbs and spices. But Belarusian drinks and sweets are most famous. For example, sbiten, kulaga, beer stew and krambambuli. There is even a recipe for special Belarusian sourdough bread, which is distinguished not only by its high taste, but also by its beneficial properties.

National characteristics

Among national characteristics The people of Belarus can definitely highlight the desire to preserve statehood and develop. At all times, the people of this country have strived to preserve the most important thing - their uniqueness and originality.

Despite the fact that wars and revolutions often took place on the territory of this country, people managed to preserve not only greatest monuments culture of Belarus, but also in general to preserve the history of its people. Historians note that national idea You can’t just come up with something like that, and in order to express it, peoples have to not only develop their culture for centuries, but also do everything possible to preserve their roots. Belarus is a striking example of a state that, despite many difficulties, managed to preserve the most important thing.

The future of Belarusian culture

As you know, Belarusians are very hospitable and good-natured people. In character they are very similar to their Slavic brothers. It is no secret that today almost all states strive not only to preserve their culture, but also actively help it recover. The culture of Belarus has been preserved for centuries, and today the most important thing for the country is to continue to actively protect and love its history.

However, the forecasts for the culture of Belarus are the brightest, because to this day new artists, writers and scientists are creating on the territory of the state, who instantly win audiences with their works. Theatres, museums and galleries are still full of people, which means that the people themselves strive for development and honor the history of their region.

The rich culture of Belarus - originality, diversity of styles, forms, directions...

History of Belarusian culture

Original artistic culture of Belarus has been formed over centuries. There were original architectural and art schools, unique musical and literary works were created.

All that have survived to this day masterpieces of Belarusian art are under state protection. They are stored in the collections of the largest Belarusian museums and library collections. Classics of Belarusian music and drama are demonstrated on theater stages and in concert halls.

Modern cultural life Belarus is dynamic and diverse. The country is hosting a bunch of art exhibitions, music, theater and film festivals.

All this is interesting and accessible both for Belarusians and guests of the country.

Fine arts of Belarus

Fine art of Belarus diverse in styles, directions and genres. The most interesting works Belarusian painting and sculpture from various eras can be seen in the country's art museums.

It has the largest collection of works of art. He actively promotes national art. Exhibitions of works by Belarusian artists are constantly held here.

Interesting collections of works of Belarusian art in the Vitebsk Art Museum, Mogilev Regional Art Museum, Polotsk Art Gallery.

In many regional centers of Belarus there are art galleries , where you can see the work of local artists.

Music in Belarus

Modern musical art of Belarus strives to preserve national traditions, while simultaneously developing styles and trends that are popular in the world. Works Belarusian composers, world classical and pop music are performed by both professional and amateur musicians.

The presenters gained great popularity musical groups countries:

    Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus

    National Orchestra symphonic and pop music conducted by M. Finberg

    State Academic Symphony Orchestra

    State Academic choir chapel them. G.Shirmy

    National Academic folk choir Republic of Belarus named after. G.I. Tsitovich

    vocal and instrumental ensemble "Syabry"

Belarus hosts annual festivals, representing various directions and genres of musical art:

    "Belarusian musical autumn"

    "Minsk Spring"

    "Golden hit"

    "Muses of Nyasvizh"

The symbol of the festival movement in Belarus has become, in which popular artists from different countries peace.

Theater in Belarus

Belorussian professional theater developed from ancient folk rituals, the creativity of wandering musicians, court troupes of Belarusian magnates, the activities amateur groups turn of the 19th–20th centuries There are currently 28 state theaters in the country, a large number of amateur folk groups, including:

    puppet theaters

    drama theaters

    musical theaters

The most famous theater in the republic is. His productions have won tremendous success among both domestic and foreign audiences.

Theater life in Belarus full of vibrant festival events. Permanent residence in different cities countries received prestigious theater festivals, which attracts groups from all over the world. Among the most famous forums:

International theater festival"White Vezha" (Brest)
International festival theatrical arts"Panorama" (Minsk)
International festival student theaters"Teatralny Kufar" (Minsk)
International youth theater forum "M@art. contact" (Mogilev)
International Forum of Theater Arts "TEART" (Minsk)
Belarusian International Festival of Puppet Theaters (Minsk)

As part of the International Arts Festival "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", the public-favorite program "Theater Meetings" is taking place.

Cinema in Belarus

The art of cinema has been developing in Belarus since the 30s of the twentieth century. In 1924, the Belarusian public administration for cinematography and photography - Belgoskino. In 1928 it opened in Leningrad studio"Soviet Belarus", which produced feature, newsreel and popular science films. In 1939 the studio moved to Minsk, and since 1946 it has been called "Belarusfilm".

The first Belarusian feature film"Forest Story" was created in 1926 by the director Yuri Tarich. During the Great Patriotic War Belarusian documentarians were among the first to film reports from the front.

The theme of the tragedy of the people became one of the main post-war creativity directors of Belarus. Domestic filmmakers have occupied a special niche in children's cinema. World recognition won the Belarusian Documentary film.

Contemporary Belarusian cinema continues the traditions of previous generations, looking for new ways of development. Domestic films win awards at prestigious film festivals around the world. Drama "In the Fog"(director Sergey Loznitsa), filmed by an international group based on the story, was awarded a special jury prize by the International Federation of Film Press at the 65th Cannes Film Festival in 2012 FIPRESCI.

In Belarus it is carried out a lot of joint projects with filmmakers from around the world. Films by Nikita Mikhalkov, Pyotr and Valery Todorovsky, Dmitry Astrakhan, and Alexander Sokurov were shot at Belarusfilm.

Its events and facts, and its development are directly related to the formation of the Belarusian people. Historical figures and Belarusian figures who made their invaluable contribution to the achievements of the history and culture of the Belarusian state are known far beyond the borders of the republic. Famous Belarus and its attractions: many cities and villages to this day keep countless perfectly preserved, full of unsolved secrets of Belarusian history!

Belarusian traditions, customs, rituals and holidays.

Cultural and historical heritage of Belarus closely related to Christian motives, but at the same time, pagan rituals preserved by the people remain relevant. That is why a huge number of Belarusian cultural traditions have survived to this day, as well as ancient pagan rituals, such as Kupala, Kolyady, Dozhinki, Maslenitsa and others. Let us note that to this day people are sensitive to these events, follow the calendar, and many still honor the knowledge of their ancestors and their holidays.

The achievement of our culture is the preservation of cultural and folklore, which perfectly conveys the character of the Belarusian people, its zest. Here we can include songs, games, dances and fairy tales, legends and riddles, proverbs and sayings of our ancestors. They are reverently protected by the population and passed on from generation to generation, preserved in books and films, and honored at holidays.

Belarusian embroidered shirt is the cultural heritage of Belarus.

Vyshyvanka- this is Belarusian national clothing, which is gaining popularity again in our time. Now embroidered shirt has reached the international level and has become known to the public.

Our ancestors did not wear beautiful embroidered clothes every day; they were reserved for special occasions. Clothes in patterns were kept for weddings and other festive events, was a “day off”. The red pattern had a special meaning for our ancestors; it was a talisman that was applied along the edges of clothes in the form of patterns. These patterns protected a person from everything bad.

Embroider a pattern on an outfit - painstaking work, the work could take many months, but the result brought a lot of happiness and benefit. Each craftswoman tried to make her outfits the most beautiful. At the same time, embroidering on fabric was a common household activity for every woman; embroidery was applied to clothes and towels, but these products were not put up for sale.

National Belarusian ornament – this is not just an outfit decoration, but a whole story. Each symbol embroidered on such clothing had meaning and sacred meaning. All patterns can be “unraveled”; they are connected with the earth and are a special code for the Belarusian people.

Certainly, modern embroidered shirts Most often they are clothes with prints. The main thing is the meaning of the pattern itself applied to the clothes.