(!LANG: Read the Mouse and Pencil Suteev. Fairy tale Mouse and Pencil. Vladimir Suteev. Who said "MEW"? - Suteev V.G

The Tale of the Mouse and the Pencil is about the stupid Mouse and the smart Pencil. Read the fairy tale to the kids and offer to draw everything that the Pencil drew. Children will enjoy listening to the story and drawing.

Fairy tale Mouse and Pencil read

The little rodent wanted to gnaw the Pencil, because his teeth were very itchy. The pencil tried to cheat: he asked permission to draw the drawing for the last time. The mouse agreed and watched as different images appeared on the sheet. At first he liked drawings. But a cat appeared on the sheet. The Mouse was frightened and rushed to his hole. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Mouse and Pencil

In this fairy tale, kids are attracted by simplicity and bright characters, one of which embodies good, the other - evil. A short story can be used to teach a young child to retell, develop his imagination, thinking and instill an interest in drawing. Very young children are interested in just listening to a funny story, expressing their attitude towards the impudent Mouse, worrying about the Pencil. This is how the ability to listen attentively, to comprehend what has been heard, to retell is formed. What does the fairy tale Mouse and Pencil teach? The tale teaches empathy and shows that evil must be resisted. Older kids will understand the moral of the story.

Moral of the fairy tale Mouse and Pencil

The pencil did not panic, but found a way to fight back a small arrogant predator and saved his life. You always need to look for a way out of a difficult situation, showing resourcefulness and courage - this is the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale Mouse and Pencil.

Short bedtime stories for children

Once upon a time there was a Pencil on Vova's table.
Once, when Vova was sleeping, the Mouse climbed onto the table. He saw the Pencil, grabbed it and dragged it to his hole.
- Let me go, please! Pencil pleaded. - Well, why do you need me? I am wooden and cannot be eaten.
- I'll bite you! - said the Mouse. - My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time. Like this! - And the Mouse bit the Pencil painfully.
"Oh," said the Pencil. “Then let me draw something for the last time, and then do whatever you want.”
- So be it, - the Mouse agreed, - draw! But then I'll still gnaw you into small pieces.
Pencil sighed heavily and drew a circle.
- Is it cheese? - asked the Mouse.
- Maybe cheese, - said the Pencil and drew three more small circles.
- Well, of course, cheese, and these are holes in it, - the Mouse guessed.
“Perhaps there are holes,” the Pencil agreed and drew another large circle.
- This Apple! - shouted the Mouse.
- Maybe an apple, - said the Pencil and drew a few of these long circles.
- I know it's sausages! - shouted, licking, Mouse, - Well, finish soon, my teeth itch terribly.
"Wait a minute," said the Pencil.
And when he began to draw these corners, the Mouse cried out:
- It looks like a co... Don't draw anymore!
And the Pencil has already drawn a big mustache ...
Yes, it's a real cat! - squeaked the frightened Mouse. - Save! - and rushed to his mink.
Since then, the Mouse has not shown his nose from there. And the Pencil still lives with Vova, only he has become so small.
And you try to draw such a cat with your pencil, at the fear of mice.
Tales of Vladimir Suteev. Text of the fairy tale
Mouse and Pencil. We read for free online.

Once upon a time there was a Pencil on Vova's table.

Once, when Vova was sleeping, the Mouse climbed onto the table. He saw the Pencil, grabbed it and dragged it to his hole.

Let me go please! Pencil pleaded. - Well, why do you need me? I am wooden and cannot be eaten.

I will bite you! - said the Mouse. - My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time. Like this! - And the Mouse bit the Pencil painfully.

Oh, said the Pencil. “Then let me draw something for the last time, and then do whatever you want.”

- So be it, - the Mouse agreed, - draw! But then I'll still gnaw you into small pieces.

Pencil sighed heavily and drew a circle.

- Is it cheese? - asked the Mouse.

Maybe cheese, - said the Pencil and drew three more small circles.

- Well, of course, cheese, and these are holes in it, - the Mouse guessed.

Maybe holes, - Pencil agreed and drew another large circle.

- This Apple! - shouted the Mouse.

Maybe an apple, - said the Pencil and drew a few of these long circles.

I know it's sausages! - shouted, licking, Mouse, - Well, finish soon, my teeth itch terribly.

Wait a minute, said the Pencil.

And when he began to draw these corners, the Mouse screamed.

An educational fairy tale that not only entertains the reader, but also teaches how to draw! So the mouse wanted to gnaw the pencil. However, the pencil asked to draw the last drawing and depicted a cat. Seeing her, the mouse ran into his hole. At the end, the author encourages the little artist to draw a cat...

Mouse and pencil read

Once upon a time there was a Pencil on Vova's table.

Once, when Vova was sleeping, the Mouse climbed onto the table. He saw the Pencil, grabbed it and dragged it to his hole.

Let me go please! Pencil pleaded. - Well, why do you need me? I am wooden and cannot be eaten.

I will bite you! - said the Mouse. - My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time. Like this! - And the Mouse bit the Pencil painfully.

Oh, said the Pencil. “Then let me draw something for the last time, and then do whatever you want.”

So be it, - the Mouse agreed, - draw! But then I'll still gnaw you into small pieces.

Pencil sighed heavily and drew a circle.

Is it cheese? - asked the Mouse.

Maybe cheese, - said the Pencil and drew three more small circles.

Well, of course, cheese, and these are holes in it, - the Mouse guessed.

Maybe holes, - Pencil agreed and drew another large circle.

This Apple! - shouted the Mouse.

Maybe an apple, - said the Pencil and drew a few of these long circles.

I know it's sausages! - shouted, licking, Mouse, - Well, finish soon, my teeth itch terribly.

Wait a minute, said the Pencil.

And when he began to draw these corners, the Mouse cried out:

It's like a co... Don't paint anymore!

And the Pencil has already drawn a big mustache ...

Yes, it's a real cat! - squeaked the frightened Mouse. - Save! - and rushed to his mink.

Since then, the Mouse has not shown his nose from there. And the Pencil still lives with Vova, only he has become so small.

And you try to draw such a cat with your pencil, at the fear of mice.

(Illustrated by V.G. Suteev)

Published: Mishkoy 19.01.2018 17:02 24.05.2019

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