(!LANG:The mystic power of mandalas. God's Eye Mandala Eye Mandala Circle

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Mandala "Matrix of life"

The Matrix of Life mandala harmonizes family relationships, brings good luck and happiness to the house.

The flower in the center of the picture is a symbol of tenderness and modesty, the heart means love, and an equilateral quadrangle made in the form of an ornament indicates the need to learn to understand each other and the world around.

As you begin your meditation, mentally write down your goals for each area of ​​your life. Remember that they must be mentioned in the present tense, in no case should the particle “not” be used. You will color each target, choosing the desired color depending on the importance of the target - the more important this target is for you, the closer it should be to the center of the picture and the farther from the periphery.

You can choose a place for this mandala intuitively, your inner state will tell you the right choice.

Mandala "Unicorn"

Mandala "Unicorn" helps advancement in business and personal relationships, contributes to the well-being and fulfillment of the purpose of business travel, builds relationships with vehicles, gives clarity and purity to all intentions. The unicorn is a symbol of freedom and knowledge. It points the way and signifies the spiritual life of man.

The energy of the Unicorn is masculine. Contemplation, drawing and coloring of the mandala sets its owner up for good luck through harmony and spirituality.

This mandala must be placed in a prominent place at eye level (table, wall) and contemplated daily for 15 minutes, breathing evenly and avoiding tension. Such meditation brings good luck in business, luck in games, gives the ability to quickly navigate life, easily cope with obstacles and avoid difficulties.

Draw and paint from the center, expanding for yourself the path of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Mandala "Harmony in the family"

The empty center of the mandala is surrounded by stars - symbols of the planet Venus and, accordingly, the goddess Venus (Aphrodite). They are also used as a sign of physical protection, a sign of balancing energies, a symbol of attractiveness and fertility.

The luminous flux of this mandala fills the entire system of our body and thus has a cleansing and harmonizing effect on the body, soul and mind, on relationships with loved ones.

Before starting meditation, choose a comfortable position for yourself so that the image is at the level of your eyes. Gaze at the mandala with slightly defocused vision. Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing oxygen to fill you up.

Fill in the center of the mandala with what you see in your imagination. Color the mandala with the colors that your fantasy and intuition will offer you, and by the same principle, find a place for this drawing in your space, and then its uniqueness will be clear and close only to you.

Mandala "Gathering stones"

The mandala “Gathering Stones” symbolizes the completion of the period of throwing and searching in your life. Awareness of oneself as a mature, formed personality, a period of harvesting fruits, including spiritual and intellectual ones, a new level at which knowledge is transformed into understanding. Joy releases energy, previously blocked by fate and karma. However, new clarity requires a new approach, rethinking. Complexes, ambitions are leaving, old plans are collapsing, because, as you know, without destroying and discarding the old, it is impossible to build a new one.

You will experience freedom, change, innovation, an inner need to get rid of the aggravating problems of material reality, a new, renewed sense of the world.

There are no specific rules for coloring this mandala. You can move from the edge inward or start from the center towards the periphery, go clockwise or counterclockwise, arbitrarily start in several places at once, or follow your own internal system. It is also not necessary to fill with color all the white planes of the paper. Similar conditions can be used when placing a mandala - you choose its location intuitively.

Mandala "Coin"

Comprehension of this mandala allows you to discover in yourself the ability to feel the current and future needs of people and direct your efforts to meet their needs. Thus, grateful customers will allow you to become a wealthy person who has not only money, but also a good reputation as a successful person. The main purpose of the “Coin” mandala is to open up the possibility of realizing the direction to Success, on which you need to concentrate all your energy and efforts today. The main difference and feature of this mandala is its ability to take various forms and versatility.

Sit in a comfortable position with the mandala drawing in front of you, hands with palms up, relax and calmly look at it for 3-5 minutes. Then close your eyes and feel the warmth flowing towards you, filling your body with strength and energy.

While coloring this mandala, gather and concentrate all your energy from the periphery to the center and pay attention to what is happening with your feelings and thoughts.

It is advisable to carry the “Coin” mandala with you in your wallet, in your bag.

Mandala "Magic Circle"

This mandala is a kind of catalyst that helps to significantly speed up the process of achieving success in various endeavors: in the financial sector, in creativity, in studies, entrepreneurship or in household chores. It contains the power that destroys all adverse karmic reactions, that is, it neutralizes the negative consequences of our activities. Also, this mandala is considered a powerful protection against all the dangers associated with our activities that we are not able to foresee intuitively, although their subconscious sensation instills fear in us and hinders our success. In addition, the Magic Circle mandala helps to calm the mind, increase concentration, expand perception, develop the ability to meditate and reveal intuition, and also frees you from harmful, harmful addictions.

Paint it in bright and joyful colors to radiate light, warmth and energy, and hang it on the wall in your room.

magic key

By meditating with this mandala, you can gain faith in yourself and your future. It is considered a sign of the unity of the inner and outer worlds. The center of the mandala is a source of internal energy as a symbol of the union of strength and spirit.

Mandala "My dream"

When working with this mandala, trust yourself, your imagination, your fantasies - this is a projection of your subconscious. Relax, cast away all fears and your dreams will come true. So that nothing prevents you from enjoying life, start realizing your dreams through creativity.

Mandala "My Way"

This mandala promotes fruitful, protected and harmonious cooperation in the multilateral life of a person. The drawing is the center of power, the human spirit in the physical environment, and also symbolizes various forms of physical and spiritual energies.

Mandala "Dream"

This mandala symbolizes the movement of life, associating this process with the movement of human internal energy and the eternal passage of time. Sounds soothe and change the perception of life, helping to forget all the bad things and move forward - towards your dreams and desires.

Mandala "Getting rid of fears"

By meditating with this mandala, you can close your entire past in a circle and begin to observe your fears from the side. When you are inside your fear, it controls you. When you watch it from the outside, it will disappear forever – it will simply be washed away by the flow of life.

Mandala "Potential"

Meditation with this mandala will help you reveal all your hidden abilities, abilities and resources - that which is hidden or disguised. Indeed, often we do not even suspect the potential that we have, and restraint in this process is absolutely inappropriate.

Mandala "Through thorns ..."

Any progressive, positive processes are always preceded by internal purification. After cleansing, strengthening the will and hardening, peace comes, and life opens up new opportunities. Further, the path becomes less thorny and gradually everything harmonizes.

Mandala "Cherished dream"

The main meaning of meditation with this mandala is that in order to get what you want, you need to clearly imagine it and keep a certain time in your thoughts. By learning how to use this technique, you will definitely find what you really want.

Mandala "Intuition"

By meditating and coloring this mandala as you wish, you awaken your intuition. The released creative energy frees us from worries and problems, brings us into a balanced state of mind. The Universe will certainly respond to our desires and turn them into reality.

Mandala "Open Path"

When working with this mandala, the main thing is not how big or small it is, beautiful or not, but what energy and what desire you put into the process of meditation. The mandala pattern is the pattern of your destiny and your well-being. By coloring the pattern in your own way, you can change your life.

Mandala "My Secret"

This mandala acts on the fulfillment of desire, putting its energy into it. But immediately after creating and coloring, this little miracle must be destroyed. After all, by creating a mandala, you inform the Higher Forces about your desire. Destroying it, you confirm your faith in the Higher Forces.

For thousands of years, people have not come up with anything to strengthen their health, heal their soul and body. Recently, art therapy has become increasingly popular - a simple and effective way of healing. One of these most effective and powerful forms is mandala therapy.

What could be better and more pleasant than to completely surrender to the process of creativity, plunge into it with your head, and in return receive not only a lot of positive, but also be filled with the healing energy of sacred circles! The healing power of mandala drawing has been used in many cultures of the East for a long time.

If you have been on the road to recovery for a long time or have not been able to overcome an illness for a long time, if you suffer from depression, insomnia, pick up pencils, paints, paper without the slightest doubt and act.

The result will not be long in coming: after a couple of weeks of regular practice, you will be pleasantly surprised - this is verified!

What is a mandala drawing?

The mandala is a symbol of the wheel of life, the cosmic processes of existence. The surrounding nature is diverse with mandalas: a lacy cobweb, annual tree rings, bird nests, a sunflower flower with mature seeds arranged in a counterclockwise spiral.

Mandala drawing is the creation of an individual sacred symbol in the form of a circle that reflects our inner self. In the process of work, internal conflicts are resolved, tension is relieved. Mandala is a unique tool for self-development and self-knowledge, which allows you to solve important problems.

Mandalotherapy pulls negative emotions out, heals, resolves internal conflicts. But it is precisely negative energy that takes away a lot of vitality from us: a person begins to get sick, weaken.

These are powerful techniques for self-healing. With this therapy, tears appear in the eyes. The subconscious mind releases the accumulated pain.

It is very important in the process of drawing not to forget about even, calm breathing and to observe your body. It can give signals (cold, heat, pain) about where the problem lurks.

In a stressful situation, you can also use a drawing that will allow emotions to pour out - keep paper blanks with you.

It is useful to draw the same mandala every day and then observe the dynamics - what has changed in it.

Create your own mandala drawing

For drawing, choose a larger sheet, for example, A3 format, so that you can safely go beyond the boundaries of the circle. Draw a circle with a simple pencil. You can, for example, circle a large plate with a diameter of 27 cm. At least 3 cm should remain from each edge of the sheet to the circumference.

Find a central point in the circle that would give you a sense of balance. This will help you reach a steady state. Remember those natural forms that develop from the center, for example, about flowers, snowflakes, sea shells.

You are part of nature and you have a center from which you can grow and develop. Start drawing from this center, depicting a certain figure of one color or another, and let the composition build by itself, as if without your direct participation. Trust the unconscious - let it choose the color, shape, location.

With the help of this drawing, you can learn a lot about yourself: when you finish the drawing, you can read your mandala using the meaning of the symbols.

Consider your work at arm's length or a little further. Answer the questions: how do you feel now? How did you feel before painting? How has your condition changed? What feelings does your mandala drawing evoke?

Remember that there is no right or wrong mandala, it is what it is. It reflects your current state. You can contemplate the finished work 10-15 minutes a day in a calm relaxed atmosphere. You need to start from the center and unwind your gaze in a spiral. Try to turn off your brain.

You can say to yourself:

“I want to get the funds that I need to solve this problem. Help me and give me these opportunities."

Numbers in a mandala pattern

Meaning of numbers

1 - individuality, unity and beginning. Can mean a high level of self-esteem.

2 - conveys a state of tension, separation and conflict. If we look at the number 2 as a sacred union of opposites, then it becomes a healing connection, heralding the return of harmony.

3 - vitality, energy. It can symbolize the unity of the family that appears with the birth of a child.

4 - speaks of balance, integrity and completeness.

5 - mandalas, characterized by a five, can open you to the real world, show a sincere desire to give it a piece of yourself.

6 is the number of creativity, perfection and balance. When six appears in your work, you may be in the final stages of some project that required a lot of time and energy. Perhaps you are experiencing a pause during which you can enjoy a sense of satisfaction, completeness, and even pride.

7 - can talk about the completion of a certain phase of life, about a matter that has come to its resolution, or about a wish that has come true. The number seven carries its divine past into our mandalas, where it brings good luck on the path of finding oneself.

8 - the number of stability, harmony, rebirth. You may find that eight in your mandalas portends important changes in life.

9 - can herald the presence of benevolent spiritual energies that will strengthen your desire for personal growth.

10 - expresses your adherence to traditional moral standards or rebellion against them, shows spiritual inspiration, a sense of balance or a practical approach to life.

11 - It is possible that in your mandala the number 11 reflects a conflict that turns into a process that moves you towards a fuller realization of who you really are.

12 - can draw attention to the passage of time and the completion of the cycle. For example, when you complete a project, end a relationship, or close an unfinished business from the past.

13 - When you see thirteen in your drawings, it may be a sign that you have moved into a new phase of life. Thirteen may be saying that the weight of the past is blocking a new direction, especially when you haven't finished what happened before.

Symbolism in mandala drawings

The outer border is represented by a colored line, which is a favorable sign. In the absence of such a boundary, one can assume the loss of mental integrity, since the mandala characterizes the "I" of its author. At the same time, what is outside the circle is associated with the external environment in relation to the personality. If the outer border of the mandala is dense, one can assume the desire to protect one's fragile "I".

Extensive unpainted space indicates the desire of the author of the drawing to hide or suppress his feelings. In combination with a slightly noticeable outer border of the circle, it indicates a readiness for contacts.

The size of the center of the picture: small - indicates reduced self-esteem; completely absent - it is possible that the work characterizes the ego of the author.

Embryo. If the image in the center looks like or resembles an embryo, this may indicate a person's inability to cope with stress. Often a drawing with an embryo is drawn by alcoholics, which reflects their increased vulnerability and weak character. Often, when depicting an embryo, winding lines are used.

Square - in the middle can correspond to the imagination of a garden or yard. One should ask oneself whether it is closed or open. If the entrance to the "garden" or "courtyard" is closed, perhaps the author is experiencing stress or wants to leave stable feelings, sensations. A cube, a square is always something material, physical, this is how the earth is designated. If the square is orange, the person is trying to resist the pressure that is being exerted on him from the outside. If a square has an "entrance" and an "exit", it can be regarded as a door and gate through which energy passes.

Triangle - indicates movement. The top up is a sign of activity, the desire to protect oneself, one's interests. Top down - movement down to the earth, perhaps even to death and destruction.

Eye - associated with the ability to know - to understand. It can mean supernatural ability - clairvoyance. The presence of many eyes in the drawing can have both positive and negative meanings: it can mean the feeling of the presence of an observer behind a person from the side, the feeling that others are looking at you. Then it is worth considering what these eyes see in a person, and then compare it with reality.

Flowers - can be harbingers of spring, revealing a revival or acceleration in the cycles of personal growth. They can mean the fulfillment of a goal or task that required more diligence on your part.

Heart (symbol of love), means a feeling of love or falling in love. And spiritual zeal. In both personal and spiritual love, a heart pierced by an arrow means devotion, despite the conditions of trial.

Heart - associated with courage, sadness, joy. Hearts can talk about wounds and suffering, especially if they are purple; broken, pierced by an arrow, more often symbolize unrequited love, but may indicate the process of separation from the mother and the suffering associated with this.

Spiral - speaks of the desire for growth and integrity. Sometimes it can mean awakening, acceleration of energy.

Drops - associated with human tears arising from sadness, anger, joy, release from emotions too strong to keep them in oneself. Like rain, cleansed tears wash away sorrow, anger, rage, making room for forgiveness. Four drops means that there is something in your environment that seems to interfere with your full potential.

If the drops are red, purple, this is a sign that you have to make some kind of sacrifice. Mandalas containing forms resembling drops of rain or blood are evidence of signs of a natural internal process of purification.

Small circles inside the drawing can protect, protect or release some aspects of the "I". Sometimes the circles intersect, overlap each other, forming an almond-shaped shape (mandorla). Mandorla appears in mandalas when a person experiences a state of grace. A mandala with an empty center suggests that the person is ready for change.

Cross. The combination of horizontal and vertical lines resembles the shape of a human body in perfect balance. Or expresses life's difficulties. The desire to depict a cross indicates that a person is waging a heroic battle. Maybe he is fighting to make the right decision or embarking on a new path.

Star - resembles a person standing firmly on two legs. The appearance of an asterisk in a drawing indicates the ability to realize inspiration in reality. Countless little stars speak of potential competing targets.

Lightning - symbolizes the beginning of a new, powerful spiritual awakening. As you draw lightning, consider if you are experiencing some kind of dramatic change.

Hands can mean a willingness to actively engage with one's life or the health of the body.

Colors in a mandala pattern

Each color has both a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the context where it is used (in this case, we will decipher the finished mandala that we draw).

Black. And it is associated with the denial of life - with destruction. On the other hand, it is a psychological death that precedes a new life. Predilection for black can indicate rationalism, clarity, brevity, conciseness.

Grey . People who prefer gray color tend to have common sense, a sense of proportion and the ability to solve complex problems. In a negative sense, gray can be associated with sadness, depression, illness, and a tendency to criticize. If you prefer light gray tones, then we can assume that a person is ready for a complete and adequate response to the stimulus, dark gray is characterized by increased sensitivity.

White . considered the color of purification and divinity. Able to become a great healing color, as it contains the energy and power of transformation. It has a tonic effect on the human body. Anyone who prefers white (unshaded areas) needs to be freed from unpleasant circumstances.

Yellow . Bright yellow color indicates high intelligence and strong character. Unlike orange, yellow is associated with healthy self-assertion. Light yellow reflects a clear mind and curiosity. He often testifies to a good relationship with his father. Tonic color.

Orange - indicates a strong emotional dependence on a man, which can manifest itself in both a feeling of love and a feeling of hatred. What is said positively about yellow is also true for orange, but to a higher degree. The orange sun may indicate a state of latent aggression in children.

Red - associated with male manifestations and physiology, the ability to defend one's interests. If there is a lot of this color, it may indicate anger and the need to take revenge on someone. Red with black indicates aggression. It is impossible to exclude the presence of problems associated with various prohibitions, as well as blood diseases. This color testifies to the ability to protect one's interests, to defend one's "I". The constant absence of red can indicate passivity, and a lack of ability to get your way.

Pink is the color of reconciliation, it is good in critical situations. A lot of pink indicates emotional fragility and insecurity, the need for protection.

Blue - is associated with the place where a person feels protected and free from any obligations. In women's mandalas, this color indicates a positive attitude towards oneself. If the color is used in large quantities by a man, this may indicate some passivity.

Blue . Indicates intuitive abilities (especially dark blue). A lot of blue signals a state of anxiety and depression.

Green - indicates the ability to take care of others, about yourself. The absence of this color may indicate increased nervousness, excitability, irritability.

Brown - expresses vital bodily-sensory relationships. Gloomy, dull brown speaks of experiencing a conflict situation. Brown can also be a sign of great potential. If this color is slightly in the center of the picture, then this may indicate a low self-esteem of the author.

Mandalas for coloring download

Conclusion: a mandala drawing is a living cell with a unique structure and consciousness.

Sincerely, Olga.

Mandala is an effective method of psychodiagnostics. This is a picture of the inner world of a person, which reflects his conscious and unconscious aspects. When drawing and coloring a mandala, a person relies solely on his intuition and current mental state. The drawing of the mandala gives an idea of ​​the current state of a person, the peculiarities of his interaction with the outside world, personal current problems that may not be realized, and the possible causes of these problems.

Mandala in Sanskrit means "magic circle". The circle is the primary symbol of unity and infinity. The sign of absolute and perfection. Moving in a circle means a constant return to yourself. Only by looking inside oneself, a person can recover and accumulate new strength and energy.

Each mandala is a composition of symbols, geometric elements and colors that cause changes both on the physical and on a more subtle level. Mandalas can contain geometric and organic shapes. They may contain recognizable images that are meaningful to the person drawing the mandala.


Take a sheet of paper with a ready-made mandala template that you like or a blank sheet on which you will create your mandala.

To create a mandala on a blank slate, you can use one of two approaches:

1) Take a sheet of paper, compasses and draw a circle. And then inside the circle, with a simple pencil, draw whatever you want. Let your hand draw patterns. First, find where you will have the center of the mandala (it can be anywhere, as your intuition tells you) and draw any symbol there. You need to draw what is drawn, spontaneously. And then continue to fill the circle with whatever you want, with any images, symbols, patterns, details, if, of course, you want to fill it further. Draw until you feel that the drawing is ready.

2) Find the center of the sheet and use a compass to draw a large circle. Then repeat the action and draw inside the first circle a few more concentric circles from the same center. Using a pencil and a ruler, divide the circles into several sectors, as if it were a cake (from 4 to 24 sectors). Sectors can be made arbitrarily, or you can use perpendicular lines. To do this, draw two straight lines through the center - horizontal and vertical - at an angle of 90 degrees (4 sectors will be obtained). You can draw more lines in each sector at an angle of 45 degrees to the perpendicular lines (you get 8 sectors), etc. Use the resulting lines and circles when drawing a mandala as building guidelines. In each sector, draw symbols (hearts, stars, flowers, shapes, lines, etc.). Start drawing from the center. For a beautiful symmetrical mandala, it is important to repeat your drawing. For example, if you draw a circle on one of the lines, be sure to draw it in the same place on the other line.

Put colored pencils in front of you (at least 24 colors). Focus on your thoughts, questions, or problem. Take any colors you like, you can do it with your eyes closed - these will be exactly the colors that you need at the moment to solve this particular situation.

Start coloring the mandala from the center, moving in a circle or spiral to the outer edges. Give yourself completely to the process of drawing, to what your hand does on paper, driven by internal impulses. Color the parts you want, in any order or disorder, full or partial.

You can finish drawing the mandala at any time when you feel like it, or you feel tired. Sign the purpose or intention of drawing this mandala on the back. Mark the top and bottom of the mandala.

After the process is over, assess the extent of the problem that concerns you. It has remained the same or has changed, has become simpler, lighter, clearer, has lost its sharpness or has ceased to frighten you. Speak or write down all your awareness that you received in the process of coloring. The drawing can be burned or kept as a keepsake. Draw the mandala as many times as you need.

Result interpretation

When performing diagnostics, the dimensions of the circle, the thickness of the connecting lines, the drawn shapes, symbols, and the colors used are taken into account.

When diagnosing a mandala, attention, first of all, should be paid to the location of its center, and then to symbols, shapes, signs, lines and color.

The center of the mandala symbolizes the most important thing at the moment. The structural and color features of the center, as well as its size, reflect different aspects of the Self.

The presence of two centers may be associated with the experience of "I" deep changes associated with the process of development or other reasons. Sometimes it can also be seen as a sign of a conflicting, ambivalent self.

It should also be taken into account that the center in some cases may reflect the spiritual center of the individual. Active manifestations in the center of the picture may indicate an altered state of consciousness, "mystical" experiences that can be observed in connection with the process of mental and spiritual improvement, as well as in some mental disorders. The manifestations of the spiritual aspects of the personality in the center of the mandala, as a rule, are associated with special symbolic and color features (visualization and image of light, white paint, image of an eye, etc.).

The absence of a center is characteristic of deep altered states of consciousness, including pathological ones (developing, for example, due to dementia). In some cases, if the absence of the center is observed only for a certain period of time, this may be due to special circumstances or phases in a person's life (for example, a temporary absence of the center may occur at certain stages of pregnancy and after childbirth).

The outer boundaries of the mandala, like the center, are closely related to the perceived "I" and its functions, in particular, such an important function as the ability to be aware of one's psychological boundaries and protect one's personal space in the process of interacting with others. To a certain extent, the boundaries of the mandala also characterize the degree of the author's openness to contacts with the outside world. So, too dense borders of the mandala can indicate avoidance of contacts and the need for self-defense. If the outer line is barely guessed and at the same time the mandala itself is poorly filled with drawings inside (a lot of white background), then when these two elements are combined, we see in front of us a person who is ready for communication, eagerly absorbing any information from the outside, easily making contact and making acquaintances. The boundaries of the mandala can also be associated with the ability to accumulate psychic energy.

A good connection, as a rule, can speak of high psychological integration, the ability of the “I” to set goals and achieve them, a good development of will and consciousness. However, the way the center is connected to the outer boundaries and different zones of the mandala can also be important. In some cases, the integration of the image is achieved through the image of rays coming from the center, flower petals, crystal-like shapes, as well as the geometric nature of the pattern. This method of communication is more typical for adults who function well in society. In other cases, the connection of the elements of the picture and borders with the center is achieved by depicting a spiral. This method is more regressive.

The ordered nature of the mandalas is associated with the presence of images of geometric figures or well-formed images, including images of people, animals, plants. At the same time, the elements of the drawing are related to each other both spatially and in content (this can be clarified by discussing the drawing, clarifying associations). Such images are characteristic of more mature states.

Chaotic images are characterized by poor communication between the elements of the picture. Observation of the drawing process often confirms the chaotic nature of the mandala. The author draws impulsively, control over visual activity is low. Often, pictorial elements cross the outer boundaries of the mandala. Such drawings speak of regressive states, and are also characteristic of organic brain damage with dementia. In some cases, a certain degree of randomness may be associated with spontaneity or the experience of strong affect.

Symmetrical mandalas, that is, those in which the right and left halves or the upper and lower parts “mirror” each other, may indicate peace, balance, passivity, and the absence of psychological changes.

Asymmetric, on the other hand, are more characteristic of people experiencing a process of psychological change, as well as those who experience internal conflict. Such mandalas speak of active internal dynamics, which can be associated both with the development process and with a number of emotional and mental disorders. Those asymmetric mandalas in which a well-formed center is visible have a more “healthy” character - it speaks of the preservation of the “I”, despite changes and internal contradictions, as well as the active stabilizing function of the spiritual center of the personality (if, however, there are appropriate additional signs manifestations of spirituality in the drawing).

Movement in the mandala often reflects the perception of the movement of various elements of the image at the stage of its visualization (representation). Sometimes the perception of movement is confirmed only through a discussion of the drawing and what the person imagined before drawing or in the process of creating the drawing. Movement can have a different character and direction.

Rotational movement in a clockwise direction (which may be associated with the image of a spiral, vortex or swastika unfolding into the outside world) often speaks of the process of awareness (experience of insight), energy mobilization. The opposite movement reflects the strengthening of regressive tendencies, the displacement of certain material from consciousness.

The movement directed from the center to the periphery of the mandala testifies to the strengthening of ties with the outside world, the need for action. The movement directed from the periphery to the center speaks of the need to conserve energy and avoid contacts.

The upward movement may be one of the signs of "mystical" experiences. The downward movement indicates a focus on bodily sensations, which can be both pathological and healthy.

The problem can be at one of three levels:

1) the level of consciousness, when the problem is solved by reasonable arguments and logical plans, it is enough for a person to explain everything; a person needs specific advice, a plan of action, clear guidance;

2) the level of the unconscious, when the problem cannot be solved using the experience of conscious activity, it is necessary to find out what exactly has been squeezed out of the conscious into the unconscious;

3) the problem lies in the boundary sphere of the conscious and the unconscious, when it needs to be solved at two levels at once, and this indicates the high importance of the problem.

Unconscious level- mandalas: Pure light, Emptiness, Bliss, Labyrinth, Spiral, Whirlwind, Beginning. The color palette is all dark shades.

Level of consciousness- mandalas: Target, Combat with a dragon, Circle circle, Functioning Ego. Color palette - medium shades.

Conscious and unconscious level- mandalas: Crystallization, Gate of Death, Fragmentation, Transcendent Ecstasy. The color palette is light shades.

If the type of the mandala and the color palette matched in terms of level, this indicates the static nature of the mandala, a “strong” and “clear” case. About a stable, rigid long passage through the state. About a quick change. So, for example, the Emptiness mandala is drawn in dark blue, then the problem definitely lies at the level of the unconscious and it needs to be solved there.

If the type of the mandala and the color palette do not match, then the person is in dynamics.

The mandala reflects a momentary drawing. Any symbol or color in the mandala has both a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the surrounding context.

Zero stage "Pure light"

What it looks like: mandala as such - no. Instead of a mandala pattern - a ring, a hoop, a circle. Fire ring. However, any color, on any background. The figure does not have a “circle body”, only a circle is visible.

Decryption: At the moment, you really need peace, experience and the state “pre-birth”, an imitation of being in non-existence, in complete darkness and silence. Condition of grain planted in black soil. A grain that will very soon "explode" with a green sprout. The accumulation of energy necessary for a breakthrough. Strong religious experiences.

The first stage "Emptiness"

What it looks like: a “circle body” appears, but practically nothing else, with one exception. All drawings are of the "Japanese flag" type. Colored circle on a colored background. White circle on a black background. Black circle on a white background. Exception: the first stage "Emptiness" also includes mandalas depicting a web or similar to a web.

Decryption: return "to the earth", a feeling of unity with matter, with the earth, with the mother. The state of "we have reached the land." The soil under your feet, the ability to contact with the surrounding "earthly". Also a feeling of heaviness, rigidity, immobility, earthiness. The state of "nowhere to run, we are on an island."

The second stage "Bliss"

What it looks like: any drawings like "American flag", that is - an abundance of small stars on the background. A field dotted with flowers, a polka-dot print, a coat of arms strewn with heraldic lines, snowflakes, the sky in small curly clouds, fish in the water, freckles. The drawing ripples, dazzles, is a scattering of something, sparks, fireworks, fireworks, sparkles. At the same time, the main feeling of such a mandala is fluidity or lightness, shimmer and overflow.

Decryption: feeling of pleasure, bliss, passivity, regression to childhood. (Regression can be both "good" and "bad"). You are ready for the complete acceptance of the world, you are ready to trust. Attitude: "Everything is connected with everything and is reflected in everything." Craving for mythological thinking, rejection of rationality, being as opposed to "doing".

Third Stage "Labyrinth, spiral, whirlwind"

What it looks like: very simple mandala. It looks like a labyrinth, a spiral, a spring, a whirlwind, a tornado, a spiral thread, a spiral staircase. Umbilical cord.

Decryption: The labyrinth has two exits. One leads deep into the belly of the labyrinth - to death. The second exit leads to the light, to Awakening. ambivalent state. Movement, advancement, search for a path, goals, intuition, uncertainty, slow progress through the tunnel, at the end of which there is no light yet.

Fourth stage "Beginning"

What it looks like: any drawing with a clear symbol located strictly in the center. Any geometric figure inscribed in a circle; any symbol in the center, a triangle, a dot, a comma, a man, an eye, a heart, a flower. Embryo in the womb. Gothic "rosette", rose.

Decryption: a picture reflecting the vision: “Me and the world”, self-concern, narcissism, awakening of the “I”, the need for self-affirmation, the struggle for one’s rights, an attempt to assert oneself, however, in combination with passivity, dependence on others and their assessment. Good for those who "never had a self".

Fifth Stage "Target"

What it looks like: the mandala looks like a target, a funnel, unlike a spiral - the mandala often looks "voluminous". A series of concentric circles.

Decryption: a high sense of helplessness, anxiety, vulnerability. An attempt in connection with this is to protect oneself from accident, misfortune, and error by clear ritual actions. An attempt to overcome chaos with an artificially ordered structure. Search for a strong patron. "Magical thinking", obsessive compulsive disorder, attempt to lead an orderly life, closeness. The outside world is perceived as a threat. The desire to “explain everything”, reduce it to simple formulas.

Sixth stage "Splitting, combat with the Dragon"

What it looks like: the circle of the mandala is divided in half - vertically or horizontally. A clear line divides the drawing into two halves. Heaven and earth separated by the horizon, separated by the sea.

Decryption: it is time to openly declare their rights, time to declare war, open confrontation. "The top doesn't want it, the bottom can't." Active life position. Faith in your own strength. Strengthening of contradictions preceding positive changes. In contrast to the "Beginning" stage, I declares itself, but at the same time it no longer relies on the environment and does not depend on it.

Seventh stage "Squaring the circle"

What it looks like: drawings that depict either a vertically standing cross or a square inscribed in a circle. In the mandala there are almost only straight lines.

Decryption: mandalas with crosses: The feeling that the energy is bursting you from the inside and there is "nowhere to put it." Feeling of freedom, "fetters have fallen", self-esteem - high and not overstated. Pose "arms outstretched, standing on top of a mountain." The beginning of a new positive stage in life. Change of social role, raising status. Mandalas with a square inscribed in a circle: an archetype of an enchanted garden or patio closed from prying eyes, where wonderful fruits grow and the jets of a magic fountain beat. Successful upholding of one's own territorial rights, building the boundaries of one's personality, even one's own home, even buying a "plot of land", "grounding" in general, sometimes a desire and a great opportunity to move to live in a village, in one's room, in one's apartment. Feeling like a “Master”, a landowner, positive home neighborliness.

Eighth Stage "Functioning Ego"

What it looks like: a five-pointed star in a circle, standing "on its feet" (a symbol of a person and his normal physicality - standing upright). Leonardo man. Any image of a swastika and flowers with petals similar to a swastika. Lightning inside the circle, sometimes going beyond the circle.

Decryption:"The Discovery of the Body". The man is surprised to learn that he has... a body. period of physicality. The joy of owning a body, the joy of being able to move, to walk, to exercise the body - even to chop wood. Staying in a dynamic period of life. Exit from a state of rest, sleep. Enjoyment Action and any motor activity. It is shown to start learning to dance, run, take the risk of going on a hike.

Ninth stage "Crystallization"

What it looks like: beautiful, symmetrical drawings (or obviously striving for symmetry and beauty - not everyone knows how to draw). Reminiscent of Kai's snowflakes under a magnifying glass, the Sun, polygons, fruits, cross-sectional fruits, multi-beam stars, multi-petal flowers, "correct" Buddhist mandalas.

Decryption: You are in the moment - in a state of harmony with yourself and the world around you. The social position is stable. However, the stereotypical "looping" on such a mandala is not good. If this "super" mandala does not clearly seem "positive", then it may mean the following. This mandala actually opens the theme "Me and the World", "Me and society", as you feel it at the moment. You are trying to keep "everything as it is", to freeze. You don't want to change anything. Or you are in a dynamically changing unpredictable environment (or a completely new, alien environment) and are desperately trying to adapt to it, to please it.

Tenth stage "Gate of Death"

What it looks like: A “defeated” X-shaped (or diagonal) cross, a crossroads, a circle divided into four (not connected by a center) fragments, a triangle with its apex down.

Decryption: necessary loneliness, feeling of helplessness, masochistic tendencies, desire to sacrifice oneself, willingness to “endure torment for the sake of...”, enjoyment of the suffering experienced or the ability to draw strength from it for new growth, age crisis, dramatic loss of former ideals, reassessment of values, a vivid need for renewal, the death of old masks-Persons, immersion in the unconscious and refusal to cooperate with the former Logic of life.

Eleventh stage "Fragmentation"

What it looks like: mess, there is no feeling of "integrity of the picture." Disharmonious mandala, which almost always lacks a center. The fragments are not related to each other in any way. Chaos of details, lines, strokes. A trap, a toothy mouth, a pit with sharp edges - as a center (such a center is an exception).

Decryption: now you allow yourself to do and say everything that others cannot do and say - boiled. You are a jester, fool. Use this resource state as a chance for growth and self-actualization. Destruction of the old ego. State of "Who am I?". There is an intrapsychic destructive process that you may not even be aware of. Frustration of genuine needs.

Twelfth Stage "Transcendental Ecstasy"

What it looks like: jets of water, fountains, fireworks, explosions, fireworks; green sprouts, stems and shoots, "bursting" out of the ground to the light. Very often the image spills out of the circle. Unlike the "stars" and "sparkles" of the Bliss stage, the Ecstasy stage has a clearly directed, active, dynamic "male" character.

Decryption: You are in the best shape and full of energy. The state of falling in love, falling in love with life. The desire for "natural beauty", the rejection of everything "artificial", "civilized", "limiting", finding one's own Way, style, understanding and finding the meaning of life, triumph.

When interpreting symbols, it is important to pay attention to the context, the general background of the picture. The positive or negative meaning of some symbols depends on this.

Butterfly. Death and resurrection, self-renewal of the soul, reincarnation.

Eye. The eye in the center of the mandala or in the center of some figure in the drawing of the mandala symbolizes insight, sometimes clairvoyance. The function of protection, order, fright, calm, care, guardianship. The need for protection, protection, attention, security, or rigor and punishment.

Wood. Life, growth, rooting, heaven-earth connection, development, death and return to earth (leaves), protection, immortality (coniferous evergreen trees); on the other hand, the inability to change one's position.

Animals. Various images of animals in the mandala drawing are your reflection of the visual representation of the unconscious. Aspects of the unforeseen, impulsive, irrational: signs of your behavior in relation to the unconscious through the forms of animals, ready to help or threatening; each animal has different characteristics.

Star. Inspiration, heavenly providence, ingenuity, enthusiasm. Shooting star: hope, favor of the stars. Four-pointed star: "it", the integrity of the soul. The five-pointed star speaks of self-confidence, high self-esteem, and the ability to implement ideas. Six-pointed star (two interconnected triangles): interpenetration of the visible and invisible worlds: balance, connection of opposites; completion of important work; fulfillment, harmony. Multi-beam stars, wings: on your way there is always the help of higher powers, good luck, and fate; the guiding star always shines on you. Many stars: many opportunities, a variety of goals.

Drops. Droplets are life-giving moisture that revives life; life drips and merges into streams of long-awaited, healing energy. Fertility, purity, cleansing, tears, disappointment, sadness, anger, grief, rage, grief, wound, but also joy, consolation, forgiveness. Droplets go to the center - the flow of energy flows from the environment to the center of the mandala. Droplets are directed outward - from the mandala or from your life a stream spreads to people.

A circle. The circle means integrity and security, the circle is harmony, perfection, infinity, insight.

Cross. The cross indicates indecision. A person does not know which way to choose. The cross is the interpenetration of two opposite spheres, such as heaven and earth, spirit and matter, space and time; the crossing of roads, the union of opposites, the inner balance of a perfect person. X-shaped cross: a special designation of a place. And also based on the context: loss, renunciation.

Square. A square means the movement of energy, a state of openness or closeness. Squares, polygons, rhombuses - a symbol of the foundation, solid, solid, static, fixed, reliable, stable.

If the square is open (if it has symbolic “doors”, “windows”), then such a person is healthy, moreover, in his life he often sees prophetic dreams, receives signs.

A closed square (“no windows, no doors”) means severe stress, a chronic sense of insecurity, the absence of “one’s own” place - in an apartment, at work, in life in general.

Labyrinth. Initiation, ascension from darkness to light; human life with all its difficulties, trials and turns; pilgrimage: searching for one's own center, searching for an exit, the desire to act.

Lines. Wavy lines mean unlimited possibilities and unbridled human energy. In such a person, feelings prevail over reason. The predominance of straight lines in the drawing speaks of a rational person who controls his feelings. The same number of straight and wavy lines means that a person is in harmony, his feelings and mind are harmonious.

Most often, women draw in the center of the mandala - a flower - the embodiment of wavy lines, which indicates femininity. Men place in the center - a star - the embodiment of straight lines.

Moon. Femininity, fertility, becoming and fading, receptivity, unconscious forces, the need for support (on forces, ideas).

Lightning. Destructive or creative Divine power, illumination, light, healing by the energy of the soul, a new phase of growth.

Sea. An inexhaustible force of life, but also an all-consuming abyss; give and receive, unconsciousness, symbol of hidden treasures.

Island. Closure in oneself, inaccessibility; a place where we hope there are no worries, where we aspire to; escape from the world.

Bird. Human soul, reincarnation, imagination, intuition, spirituality. Eagle: power, pride, messenger of God. Owl: misfortune, wisdom, a look that pierces the darkness. Dove: peace, purity, holy spirit. A flock of birds: danger; concentration of forces, the search for self-awareness at the highest level.

Rainbow. Bridge between heaven and earth, rebirth, wealth, return of the sun, integrity, recovery, find treasure.

Shells. Shells are a symbol of retraction, clogging, closing, hiding secrets, storage.

Spiral. The spiral indicates the development and dynamics of the internal process. The spiral going to the center - the movement that draws in, absorbs, like a whirlpool - carries the energy of destruction. A spiral unfolding into the outer world - a movement from the center to the sides - something opens up, liberates, gains momentum. A sign of constantly moving energy, coming and going and coming again.

Heart. The heart symbolizes love, happiness, appreciation, enlightenment, intuition, bliss, courage, the focus of emotions. Depending on the context, curbing feelings, sadness, suffering, parting.

Light/Sun. Spirit, deity, life, happiness, inspiration, spiritual contemplation, illumination, heat, fire, cosmic mind, food, rebirth, renewal, mind, insightful thought.

Arrows. Arrow - movement beyond the edge, consciousness. Arrow of love: sensuality and pleasure. Arrows, spikes, triangles, any sharp corners, zigzags, lightning are male symbols, yang energy, active, aggressive, defensive and attacking. Cuts, points the target, pierces, frightens, excites, irritates, paves the way.

Triangle. The triangle also means movement. If the top of the triangle is directed upwards, this means the desire for creation, if downwards - towards destruction.

Node. Connection, unity, tie - unravel, solution, difficulties, obstacle, energy, problem solving.

Flower. The flower is a symbol of existence, eternal renewal, spring, beauty, humility, self-sacrifice, love. Withering flower: unreliability, transience, impermanence. Flowers, patterns, smooth lines - Yin energy. A symbol of peace, smoothness, fluidity, tenderness, slowness, beauty, craving for beauty.

Of particular psychological importance are the primary colors, that is, yellow, red, blue, which will always be present in the mandala drawing of a healthy person. Therefore, in the diagnosis, great importance is attached to the predominance or absence of a particular color. The colors in a mandala drawing can reflect all the experiences of both the past and the present moment. That is why the drawing of the mandala should not be considered as something unchanging. After some time, it may already be different, reflecting the changes that have occurred.

When interpreting a mandala drawing, it is important to remember that each color has both a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the context in which it is applied, on the general background of the drawing.

First of all, look at what color is located in the center. Then determine the dominant color in the mandala. These colors symbolize the most important, the most important, the most relevant. An even distribution of color means that the energy is evenly distributed between the spheres of life.

Pay attention to the color of the border of the mandala - the outer circle. At the same time, the red color shows the world anger or energy. Green - the ability to educate others. See descriptions of other colors below.

The colors located at the top of the mandala refer to conscious processes. At the bottom - indicates what is happening in the unconscious. In the middle is the threshold between conscious and unconscious content.

Those areas of the mandala where color is used very heavily, a strong application of color is an expression of a strong emotion associated with that color.

Red the color in the mandala design means the energy of transformation, action and purification, as well as love, passion, strength, joy of life. Red adds self-confidence and activates sexual energy. However, if the red color is in excess, then this indicates aggression, ready to result in destructive actions. If the red color is absent in the picture (including the absence of red in complex colors - lilac, purple, orange, pink, etc.), then this indicates passivity, as well as a lack of strength for self-realization.

Negative meaning: anger, aggressiveness, impulsiveness.

When red is mixed with black (this combination can be called dirty red), this indicates the presence of problems associated with various life situations. In some cases, it may reflect the experience of undergoing surgical operations. The psychological meaning of this color is determined by the shape of the figure and the location in the mandala.

Pink color - its predominance in the mandala pattern presumably indicates increased sensitivity, shyness, vulnerability, need for care. It can also indicate softness, femininity, selflessness and altruism. If a woman draws, then pink indicates femininity to a greater extent. If a man - a painful state of vulnerability, sentimentality.

Negative meaning: the need for guardianship, sentimentality, loss of a sense of reality, touchiness, timidity.

Pink is often used by those who are experiencing physical distress. Women can use pink during menstruation.

If the pink color is combined in the mandala with black and, especially if they are located side by side in the figure, then in this case the client will have a high probability of self-destructive tendencies, suicidal tendencies, and deviant behavior. Black and pink - always speak of strong psychological distress.

Peach color (yellow - consciousness + pink - body) expresses sensuality, however, this is not the sensuality of a baby, it is rather responsiveness, responsibility of a mature adult, sexuality. This color is a symbol of the feminine, female organs. This is a reflection of female maturation, the release of creativity within the soul, readiness for a rich sexual experience.

Negative meaning: an absolutely romantic idea of ​​sexuality and its place in your life. Hidden female energy.

Orange color reflects faith in one's strength, will and ambition, activates sociability, the desire to create. It is the color of joy, benevolence and optimism.

Negative meaning: frivolity and thirst for prestige, vanity, carelessness, absent-mindedness.

Sometimes the orange color in the mandala indicates a strong emotional dependence on a man, which can manifest itself in a feeling of hatred and a feeling of love. In the mandalas of women, this color can indicate the problematic nature of relationships with men.

Orange can also indicate high ambition and opposition to authority and the father. In some cases, orange reflects emotional dependence on the father, as well as high self-esteem.

When a woman's drawing combines orange with dark green and black, it can be evidence of sexual identity issues. In men, orange in combination with dark blue can indicate the manifestation of the Oedipus complex.

Yellow color - energy, sun, warmth, intuition. The appearance of yellow in the drawing indicates individuality and independence, reflects the search for inner liberation, the beginning of a new life. The predominance of yellow means the desire of the individual to move forward, in search of a new one that has not yet acquired any form. Yellow also symbolizes intelligence, curiosity. Elevation, energy, the ability to see things clearly, set, set goals and carry out tasks. This color means that you are ready for the appointment of something new, ready to go into a world full of energy and enthusiasm to fulfill some new project. Negative meaning: envy, overestimation of one's strengths, superficiality.

Dark yellow - negative attachment to the father. Difficulties with the authorities, boss, difficulties in matching deadlines, problems. Difficulties in relationships with men and unstable, often low self-esteem.

Green color - renewal, sensitivity and inner harmony. Symbolizes the wise ability to perceive other people, protect them and help them. Its appearance in the drawing of the mandala indicates the desire for inner balance and harmony in the soul.

Negative meaning: Lack of sincerity, dishonesty, over-ambitiousness, lust for power.

Thick dark green color - indicates that a person is focused on providing support to other people and the whole world around. If this color prevails, the person is prone to overprotection, does not allow his loved ones to take a step and gives his life to solve other people's daily affairs and problems.

Light green or pale green indicates cessation of growth and a weakened energy potential.

In general, green is the color of maturity. It also shows that a person is ready to become or has become a parent and experiences only positive emotions from this.

Blue color - the color of peace and peace in the soul.

Negative meaning: inaction, boredom, sadness.

In a mandala drawing, dark blue can reflect life-threatening experiences, and can also indicate adverse psychological conditions in childhood (perhaps an unresolved conflict with the mother).

However, the dark blue color sometimes gives out the ability to empathy and a very well-developed intuition, up to mystical insights.

When dark blue is next to red, we can talk about the struggle for independence and overcoming symbiotic dependence on the mother.

Light blue is a lightening color, radiates reverence and peace, and heals the nervous system. The color of service, unpretentiousness, motherhood.

Blue the color in the mandala symbolizes compassion, motherhood and selfless love.

Light shades of blue are an expression of unconditional love; dark shades - refer to the maternal archetype. The blue color precedes, heralds a psychological rebirth.

The light blue color in the mandala (heavenly (azure) color) symbolizes Pure Waters as the source of life. In female mandalas, this color indicates a positive attitude towards oneself as a woman and identification with maternal functions. If this color is used in large quantities by a man, this may indicate some passivity.

Turquoise radiates friendliness, responsiveness and spirituality free from religious restrictions; the desire to solve their own problems, as well as the ability of the spirit to heal itself.

The turquoise color often appears in the mandala when a person needs healing, it is necessary to distance oneself from events that bring pain, to relieve the pain of loss.

Lilac the color (lavender, lavender) in mandala designs indicates spiritual renewal. When it is present in the mandala, there is a high probability that the author of the drawing is a religious person, and then the lilac color is a sign of spiritual experience. Color is associated with virtue, diligence, diligence, gratitude, as well as precaution and superstition.

Negative meaning: escape from reality, dependence on fantasy (especially if there is little red).

Violet color reflects nostalgia, memories, the desire for spirituality, a penchant for mysticism and magic, a penchant for creative thinking. Used to remove obstacles.

Negative meaning: melancholy, helplessness, regret and renunciation.

The presence of a dark purple color in the center of the mandala may indicate a strong dependence on the mother with a predominance of feelings of love or hate. The latter is more likely if we are talking about a drawing of an adult man whose libido is blocked due to emotional dependence on his mother. If purple changes to red, this is a separation of psychological dependence from the mother.

Fuchsia. Bright purple-red color expresses vitality, excitement, restlessness, lack of peace. Appears in the mandalas of women struggling for their autonomy, beginning to recognize their place in life as they begin to expand their worldview. These women act while remaining rooted in their true feminine nature. This color is associated with emancipation. In the mandala, this color indicates our readiness to undertake some kind of research, start a creative project, or begin to express our creative judgment.

White- spirituality, purity, light, innocence, perfection. A protective color that helps thoughts and feelings stay clear of negativity.

Negative meaning: excessive striving for perfection, coldness, isolation, emptiness, indifference.

When too much white is put on a sheet, it means that we are hiding something, suppressing it. This is a flight from strong feelings, a flow of libido, or an unwillingness to accept an instinctive nature. But if the unshaded area in the mandala is left in the center, this indicates our readiness for big urgent changes.

A pearlescent shade (when white is superimposed on other colors) speaks of tremendous value hidden in darkness, ignorance. Mother-of-pearl color indicates the readiness or approach of a shock experience. This particular use of white in the mandala speaks of heightened sensitivity to spiritual changes. As if everything changes inside us in a new way, the perception of the world changes.

Grey- neutral color, the ability to combine opposites.

Negative meaning: indicates the absence or suppression of emotions, indifference and inertia.

The frequent use of gray in mandala drawings is common among drug addicts, as long-term use of heroin leads to emotional emasculation.

Sometimes gray can indicate feelings of guilt, and can also indicate apathy and fatigue from life.

The abundance of gray in the mandala pattern may indicate a loss of the ability to experience joy from it and receive satisfaction from food and sexual intimacy. It can also be an indicator of "emotional blindness" and an inability to see life's perspective.

Brown color - calmness, love for simple things, motherhood, modesty. Brown indicates the importance of roots, hearth, home, company of one's own kind, and a sense of security.

Negative value: indifference, sadness, poverty, a reflection of the need for emotional security.

The use of brown, especially in the center of the mandala, can indicate low self-esteem, but sometimes reflects a revision of the usual valuable ideas. The appearance of brown most often means a message from the unconscious to analyze old wounds that still require attention, have not yet been healed and need to be reconsidered.

Black- the color of darkness, intuition and rebirth. The black background in the mandala is especially conducive to the disclosure of spiritual resources, besides, unlike white paper, it encourages the use of lighter colors, which on a black background seem to glow and appear as if from darkness. Black is associated with self-denial, the destruction of egocentrism through self-flagellation and various vows. Black can also mean concentration on something specific, aggression, a destructive impulse.

Negative meaning: death, emptiness, destruction, gloom, menace, despair, loss, fear, disappointment, pessimism.

The abundance of black in the mandala pattern can be a sign of depression.

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I begin to outline the stages of the Great Circle of the Mandala that the current drawing reflects, in Joan Kellogg's order. Please pay attention to the fact that any symbol or color in the mandala is ambivalent, twofold. It can mean both "good" and "bad". Interpretation in one direction or another depends on the context surrounding the controversial symbol, experience, intuition and ... the common sense of the interpreter.

Now that you have a drawing of your first mandala in your hands, we begin to “read” it. Further, you will create mandalas, starting not from this description (which you will forget anyway), but from the inner need - to draw in this way and not otherwise, so that “it becomes easier and clearer”.

Among other things, you can deliberately "enter" one of the 13 archetypes. Then you will try to create a "conscious" mandala based on its archetype.

Zero stage "Pure light"

What it looks like:

There are no mandalas as such. Instead of a mandala pattern - a ring, a hoop, a circle. Fire ring. However, any color, on any background. The figure does not have a "circle body", I repeat, only the circle is visible.


At the moment, you really need peace, experience and the “pre-birth” state, an imitation of being in non-existence, in complete darkness and silence. Condition of grain planted in black soil. A grain that will very soon "explode" with a green sprout. The accumulation of energy necessary for a breakthrough. Strong religious experiences.

The first stage "Emptiness"

What it looks like:

The “body of the circle” appears, but practically nothing else, with one exception. All drawings are of the "Japanese flag" type. Colored circle on a colored background. White circle on a black background. Black circle on a white background.

Exception: the first stage "Emptiness" also includes mandalas depicting a web or similar to a web.


Return "to the earth", a feeling of unity with matter, with the earth, with the mother. The state of "we have reached the land." The soil under your feet, the ability to contact with the surrounding "earthly". Also a feeling of heaviness, rigidity, immobility, earthiness. The state of "nowhere to run, we are on an island."

The second stage "Bliss"

What it looks like:

Any drawings like "American flag", that is - an abundance of small stars on the background. A field dotted with flowers, a polka-dot print, a coat of arms strewn with heraldic lines, snowflakes, the sky in small curly clouds, fish in the water, freckles. The drawing ripples, dazzles, represents - a scattering of something, sparks, fireworks, fireworks, sparkles.

At the same time, the main feeling of such a mandala is fluidity or lightness, shimmer and overflow.


Feelings of pleasure, bliss, passivity, regression to childhood. (Regression can be both "good" and "bad").

You are ready for the complete acceptance of the world, you are ready to trust. Attitude: "Everything is connected with everything and is reflected in everything." Craving for mythological thinking, rejection of rationality, being as opposed to "doing".

Third Stage "Labyrinth, spiral, whirlwind"

What it looks like:

A very simple mandala. It looks like a labyrinth, a spiral, a spring, a whirlwind, a tornado, a spiral thread, a spiral staircase. Umbilical cord.


The labyrinth has two exits. One leads deep into the belly of the labyrinth - to death. The second exit leads to the light, to Awakening.

ambivalent state. Movement, advancement, search for a path, goals, intuition, uncertainty, slow progress through the tunnel, at the end of which there is no light yet.

Fourth stage "Beginning"

What it looks like:

Any drawing with a clear symbol located strictly in the center. Any geometric figure inscribed in a circle; any symbol in the center, a triangle, a dot, a comma, a man, an eye, a heart, a flower. Embryo in the womb. Gothic "rosette", rose.


A picture reflecting the vision: "Me and the world", self-concern, narcissism, awakening of the "I", the need for self-affirmation, the struggle for one's rights, an attempt to assert oneself, however, in combination with passivity, dependence on others and their evaluation. Good for those who "never had a self".

Fifth Stage "Target"

What it looks like:

The mandala looks like a target, a funnel, unlike a spiral - the mandala often looks "voluminous".

A series of concentric circles.


A high sense of helplessness, anxiety, vulnerability. An attempt in connection with this is to protect oneself from accident, misfortune, and error by clear ritual actions. An attempt to overcome chaos with an artificially ordered structure. Search for a strong patron.

"Magical thinking", obsessive compulsive disorder, attempt to lead an orderly life, closeness. The outside world is perceived as a threat. The desire to “explain everything”, reduce it to simple formulas.

Sixth stage "Splitting, combat with the Dragon"

What it looks like:

The circle of the mandala is divided in half - vertically or horizontally. A clear line divides the drawing into two halves. Heaven and earth separated by the horizon, separated by the sea.


It is time to openly declare their rights, time to declare war, open confrontation. "The top doesn't want it, the bottom can't."

Active life position. Faith in your own strength. Strengthening of contradictions preceding positive changes. In contrast to the "Beginning" stage, I declares itself, but at the same time it no longer relies on the environment and does not depend on it.

Seventh stage "Squaring the circle"

What it looks like:

Pictures showing:

  • or a vertical cross
  • or a square inscribed in a circle.

In the mandala there are almost only straight lines.


Mandalas with crosses: The feeling that the energy is bursting you from the inside and there is "nowhere to put it." Feeling of freedom, “the fetters have fallen”, self-esteem is high and not overstated.

Pose "arms outstretched, standing on top of a mountain."

The beginning of a new positive stage in life. Change of social role, raising status.

Mandalas with a square inscribed in a circle: an archetype of an enchanted garden or patio closed from prying eyes, where wonderful fruits grow and the jets of a magic fountain beat.

Successful upholding of one's own territorial rights, building the boundaries of one's personality, even one's own home, even buying a "plot of land", "grounding" in general, sometimes a desire and a great opportunity to move to live in a village, in one's own room, in one's apartment. Feeling like a “Master”, a landowner, positive home neighborliness.

Eighth Stage "Functioning Ego"

What it looks like:

A five-pointed star in a circle, standing “on its feet” (the symbol of a person and his normal physicality is standing upright). Leonardo man.

Any image of a swastika and flowers with petals similar to a swastika.

Lightning inside the circle, sometimes going beyond the circle.


"The Discovery of the Body". The man is surprised to learn that he has... a body. period of physicality. The joy of owning a body, the joy of being able to move, to walk, to exercise the body—even to chop wood. Staying in a dynamic period of life. Exit from a state of rest, sleep. Enjoyment Action and any motor activity. It is shown to start learning to dance, run, take the risk of going on a hike.

Ninth stage "Crystallization"

What it looks like:

Beautiful, symmetrical drawings (or obviously striving for symmetry and beauty - not everyone knows how to draw). Reminiscent of Kai's snowflakes under a magnifying glass, the Sun, polygons, fruits, cross-sectional fruits, multi-beam stars, multi-petal flowers, "correct" Buddhist mandalas.


You are at the moment - in a state of harmony with yourself and the world around you. The social position is stable.

However, the stereotypical "looping" on such a mandala is not good. If this "super" mandala does not clearly seem "positive", then it may mean the following.

This mandala actually opens the theme "Me and the World", "Me and society", as you feel it at the moment.

You are trying to keep "everything as it is", to freeze. You don't want to change anything. Or you are in a dynamically changing unpredictable environment (or a completely new, alien environment) and are desperately trying to adapt to it, to please it.

Tenth stage "Gate of Death"

What it looks like:

  • "defeated" X-shaped (or - diagonal) cross,
  • crossroads,
  • a circle divided into four (not connected together by the center) fragments,
  • downward facing triangle.


Necessary loneliness, feeling of helplessness, masochistic tendencies, desire to sacrifice oneself, readiness to “endure torment for the sake of...”, enjoyment of experienced suffering or the ability to draw strength from it for new growth, age crisis, dramatic loss of former ideals, reassessment of values, a vivid need for renewal, the death of old masks-Persons, immersion in the unconscious and refusal to cooperate with the former Logic of life.

Eleventh stage "Fragmentation"

What it looks like:

  • Mash, there is no feeling of "integrity of the picture." (A disharmonious mandala, which almost always lacks a center. Fragments are not connected in any way. Chaos of details, lines, strokes).
  • A trap, a toothy mouth, vagina dentata, a pit with sharp edges - as a center (such a center is an exception).


Now you allow yourself to do and say all the things that others cannot do and say - boiled over. You are a jester, a holy fool, a servant of the cult of Shiva, smeared with human ashes. So be foolish.

Use this resource state as a chance for growth and self-actualization.

Destruction of the old ego. State of "Who am I?" "What kind of miller am I? I am a raven!”

There is an intrapsychic destructive process that you may not even be aware of. Frustration of genuine needs.

Twelfth Stage "Transcendental Ecstasy"

What it looks like:

  • Water jets, fountains, fireworks, explosions, fireworks;
  • green sprouts, stems and shoots, "bursting" out of the ground to the light.

Very often the image spills out of the circle.

Unlike the "stars" and "sparkles" of the Bliss stage, the Ecstasy stage has a clearly directed, active, dynamic "male" character.


You are in the best shape and full of energy. The state of falling in love, falling in love with life. Striving for “natural beauty”, rejection of everything “artificial”, “civilized”, “limiting”, finding one’s own Way, style, solving a koan riddle, “aha-effect”, understanding and finding the meaning of life, triumph.

At the end of our conversation (in the next article) we will talk about some "remaining little things" necessary for reading a spontaneous mandala or constructing a mandala of purposeful entry into the archetype.

See you!

Elena Nazarenko