(!LANG:Luke Skywalker no. Skywalker Luke ("Звездные войны"): история персонажа. Кто играл Люка Скайуокера в "Звездных войнах"? Борьба с Империей!}

Raised on the remote planet of Tatooine, Luke Skywalker was the adopted son of a farming couple. Fate takes him on a long journey and, having overcome unthinkable trials and experienced a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a true Jedi Knight and a hero of the Rebel Alliance.

Luke grew up on the farm of his uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru Lars. Luke had a very vague idea of ​​his origin - he only knew that his father was a hero who died in the Clone Wars - but behind this lay a dark secret that he had yet to find out. While working on his uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and was desperate to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklighter was already studying. But Luke's uncle, Owen Lars, constantly held him back from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of Luke Skywalker's house in the form of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. Thus begins an adventure that tests his courage and devotion to the light side of the Force more than once, helping him to know himself.

Luke passes tests that would be a test of strength for any mortal: he takes responsibility for the destruction of the Empire's super-weapon, the Death Star, takes a lesson in patience and wisdom from Yoda, mentor of the Jedi Knights; he has to choose between completing his training or trying to rescue his captured friends; he is faced with the horrific truth about his father's fate, and at the same moment he has to decide which side to take. And finally, he takes an incredible risk, going straight into the hands of his enemies, hoping that in the depths of the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains in the Galaxy, there is still a little kindness left.

Jedi son of Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala Naberri and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The older twin brother of Leia Organa Solo.

He was born on April 11 at the Polis Massa Medical Center on the day of the creation of the Galactic Empire. After the death of Luke's mother, he was sent to Tatooine to live with Anakin's half-brother Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the care of his guardians and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood. But one day, two droids fell into Luke's hands - C-3PO and R2-D2 - and the latter told him about his assignment - to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom Luke knew as a strange hermit living nearby. After listening to the message transmitted by the droids, Obi-Wan went to the aid of his comrades and took Luke with him. Luke proved to be a capable student and was able to learn from Yoda himself. Luke learned the terrible secret of his birth from his father, Darth Vader. With the humility and calmness that distinguishes a true Jedi, Luke accepted his fate and continued to fight. And finally, Skywalker came unarmed into a trap prepared by the Emperor himself in order to lure him to the dark side. During the battle with his father, Luke tried to influence him in order to return to the light side of the Force. After Darth Vader was defeated, Luke Skywalker did not kill him and continued to convince him to return to the light, despite the fact that at that time the emperor subjected him to lightning torture, as a result, Darth Vader realized the correctness of his son and threw the emperor into the Death Star mine , after which he died.

The further fate of Luke is described in the Star Wars comics. After numerous adventures detailed in the comics (e.g. becoming a master, teacher, grand master; studying the force; determining the nature of the dark side and the light side; restoring democracy to the galaxy; founding a new Jedi Order), Luke merges with the force, whatever the future instruct future generations. Following Disney's acquisition of the rights to the Star Wars franchise, all main canon events after Episode VI were rewritten, and what was formerly known as the Extended Universe and had varying degrees of recognition from Lucasfilm was collectively called "Legends" .

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it is revealed that Luke did indeed train the Jedi at the resurrected academy, but after his nephew Ben Solo, being one of his students, goes over to the dark side and exterminates the rest of the academy, Luke leaves for exile to a distant planet. At the end of the film, Luke was found by the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey using leftover coordinates found by R2-D2.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker will train Rey in the arts of the light side of the Force and fight the forces of Supreme Leader Snoke and his apprentice Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren. It has already become known that in this film, Kylo Ren (a former student of Luke Skywalker) will change his character to a tougher one.

In the ninth film, he will again become one of the main characters and learn how to lure the Dark Jedi, switch to the Light side of the force.

(Luke Skywalker)

A moisture farmer who did not know his parents, who at the age of 18 became the savior of the Rebel Alliance. He freed Princess Leia from the Death Star, after which he destroyed this huge space station at the Battle of Yavin. Three years later, he led Rebel troops in a desperate attack during the Battle of Hoth, and then risked his life and his future as a Jedi to save his friends from the Imperials in Cloud City. He also developed a plan to save Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. However, Luke's greatest achievement is that he convinced his father to turn his back on the dark side. This feat ended the Emperor's terrible reign and allowed Anakin Skywalker to rest in peace.

Race: human.

Growth: 1.72 meters.

Planet: Tatooine.

Affiliation: Alliance.

First appearance:"New Hope".

Full biography

Luke's past, unlike many of his friends, is surprisingly well researched. The son of Anakin Skywalker, who later became the violent Darth Vader, Luke was separated from his mother and twin sister immediately after birth. To protect the children, Obi-Wan Kenobi entrusted Luke to Owen and Beru Lars, Tatooine moisture farmers, and Luke's sister, Leia, became the adopted daughter of Alderaanian senator Bail Organa. For the next 18 years, Luke worked on a moisture harvesting farm, unaware of his origins, his true father, or the existence of his sister.

Already in his early years, Luke became an accomplished pilot, training on his T-16 hopper in the treacherous Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine, where he shot down womp-rats with stun guns. He quickly became friends with Biggs Darklighter and a group of young people that included Tank, Fixer, Camie, Windy and Deak. The friends spent a lot of time together at Tosche Station in Anchorhead. Biggs and Tank eventually escaped Tatooine and entered the Academy - Luke could only dream of leaving the desert planet.

However, when he was 18, his life changed drastically after meeting the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. The latter kept in mind a holotape of a beautiful princess looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi, a powerful Jedi Knight known to Luke in the guise of the demented hermit Old Ben. At Ben's house, Luke learned that his father was a Jedi Knight who had been betrayed and killed by Darth Vader. Ben also gave Luke Anakin's lightsaber and offered to go on a mission to Alderaan together. Luke refused, not wanting to give up his obligations to Owen and Beru.

Unfortunately, upon returning home, Luke found that his adopted aunt and uncle had been killed by stormtroopers looking for R2-D2 and C-3PO. Luke realized that fate itself had brought him to Kenobi to teach him how to use the Force. Two humans and two droids agreed to travel to Alderaan aboard the Millennium Falcon, a starship owned by smuggler Han Solo and Wookiee Chewbacca. However, when they arrived at their destination, they discovered that Alderaan had been destroyed by the massive Imperial battle station, the Death Star.

Following the capture of the Falcon by Imperial forces, Luke risked his life several times to save Princess Leia. Unfortunately, he also had to see the death of Obi-Wan at the hands of Darth Vader in a fierce lightsaber duel. Kenobi's selflessness allowed his friends to escape, and the Falcon traveled to Yavin 4. There, Luke joined the Rebel Alliance and met up with Biggs again. The blueprints stored in R2-D2's memory were analyzed, and General Dodonna discovered the Death Star's only weakness: a small opening in a ventilation shaft that opened into one of the depressions in the battlestation's surface. Biggs, Luke, Wedge Antilles and other brave pilots flew to storm the Death Star.

In the brutal battle of Yavin, most of Luke's pilot friends were killed. Darth Vader almost killed Luke himself, but Han Solo came to the aid of the young Skywalker. Approaching the air vent, Luke heeded the words of the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, turned off the targeting computer and, relying on the Force, fired two proton torpedoes that destroyed the Death Star.

Over the next few years, Skywalker became an important member of the Rebel Alliance, completing many missions and gaining the rank of Commander. With Wedge, he founded the Rogue Squadron and later held off Imperial troops attacking the Hothian Echo base while the rebels evacuated. After the Battle of Hoth, Luke traveled to Dagobah, where he met Jedi Master Yoda and devoted himself to teaching the Jedi arts under his guidance. The training proved challenging, requiring Luke to develop both body and mind. Yoda feared that because of his impulsiveness, Luke might succumb to the dark side.

During his training, Luke had a vision of his friends in danger on Bespin, Cloud City. Despite Yoda's warnings, Luke left Dagobah to rescue Han, Leia, and Chewbacca. As a result, he fell into a trap set up by Darth Vader. During a desperate duel, Vader cut off Luke's right hand and revealed to him the truth about his parents. Vader invited Luke to join him and rule the galaxy, but Luke refused and jumped into one of Cloud City's seemingly bottomless reactor shafts, preferring certain death to the dark side. Miraculously, Luke survived and was picked up by the Millennium Falcon.

The following year, Luke returned to Tatooine and made a new lightsaber based on notes found in Obi-Wan's house. He was also assassinated by Prince Shizor, head of the Black Sun criminal organization.

In the same year, Luke developed a plan to rescue Han Solo, who was frozen in carbonite and delivered to crime lord Jabba the Hutt by Boba Fett. Jabba did not heed reasonable arguments, and Luke and his friends destroyed the Hutt's criminal cartel. When Khan was rescued, Luke returned to Dagobah to the dying Master Yoda. Yoda confirmed that Vader was his father, but insisted that Luke fight the dark lord one more time. In addition, Obi-Wan's spirit revealed to Luke that Leia was his twin sister.

Luke eventually surrendered to Vader in order to save Anakin Skywalker from the dark side. Vader did not give in and delivered Luke to the Emperor on the second Death Star. Vader and Luke clashed again, and the dark lord learned of Leia's existence. Luke lunged at him and cut off Vader's right arm. However, despite the instigation of the Emperor, he did not kill his father. Enraged by the young Jedi's willpower, the Emperor attacked Luke with blue Force lightning. In agony, Luke called out to his father, and eventually Anakin Skywalker came to the rescue. Forgetting his own wounds, Vader threw the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor. Vader briefly outlived his former master, but before his death, Luke saw his father's face for the first and last time.

After the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the second Death Star, Luke was instrumental in the transformation of the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic. He fought against the Ssi-ruuk reptilian invasion at Bakura, followed Han Solo and Leia to the planet Dathomir, battled Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces, resisted attempts by the Emperor's former aide Mara Jade to kill him, and finally engaged a crazed Jedi clone, who cloned Luke too.

Ten years after the Battle of Yavin, Skywalker attempted to destroy the dark side of the Force from within. He agreed to become an apprentice to the revived Emperor, but gradually succumbed to Palpatine's power on the planet Byss. Fortunately, Leia flew there and saved him from seduction. Together, the twins destroyed the Palpatine clone. Shortly thereafter, the Emperor returned again - and was again defeated.

In his many adventures, Luke discovered that many Force-minded beings were scattered throughout the galaxy. He decided to raise and train a new army of Jedi Knights, and to that end established the Jedi Academy at the Great Massassi Temple on Yavin 4. Unbeknownst to Luke, however, the temple was inhabited by the malevolent spirit of Exar Kahn, a Dark Jedi of old. Kahn killed one of the students, seduced another to the dark side, and almost killed Luke, who was only saved by the combined forces of his students.

In addition to completing numerous tasks for the New Republic, Luke searched in vain for details about his mother. Once he found the Jedi Kallista and fell in love with her, but Kallista had her own destiny. Luke also became close to Mara Jade, his would-be assassin, and now a powerful wielder of the Force.

Luke continues to teach at his Jedi Academy, teaching Solo's children and Chewbacca's nephew Lubacca. He often goes on missions for the New Republic and is always ready to respond to threats to his friends and allies.

Behind the scenes

Like all major characters, Luke went through numerous changes before becoming a farm boy from Tatooine. In the early drafts of Star Wars, Luke Skywalker is a seasoned general fighting the Imperial forces. In this incarnation, the general becomes the protector and mentor of Ennikin Starkiller, the son of Skywalker's friend Kane. In this version, Ennikin is very similar to the character that Luke will become. After several revisions, the young and hairy Ennikin became known as Luke Starkiller, and his teacher and protector - General Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The character of Luke became more and more defined, with each sketch becoming more innocent and fledgling. At some point, Lucas considered changing Luke's gender, but the concept of the character remained unchanged. Finally, shortly before filming began, he revised Luke's name one more time, replacing "Starkiller" with the familiar "Skywalker".

Mark Hamill was cast as Luke in A New Hope, and he also played him in both sequels. Over the course of the trilogy, he speaks 478 lines of dialogue, more than anyone else (Han Solo only has 360 lines, while Leia only has 235). Hamill also represented Luke in radio versions of all three films.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is probably the most famous hero of the Galactic Civil War and the preeminent Jedi Knight of the New Republic. His exploits are legendary, from humble farming beginnings to his role in the fall of the Empire. Skywalker began to fight the enemies of the New Republic and founded the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. His skills constantly forced the rebirth of Force adepts throughout the galaxy.

Skywalker's father was afraid of Darth Vader, a respected and powerful master and at the same time a Jedi. The Emperor foresaw that Vader's offspring would destroy him, and therefore, after the birth of Luke and Leia, the twins were separated and hidden. Luke was raised by Owen Lars on the planet Tatooine and looked after by Ben Kenobi. He eventually found his way to the old Jedi and ancient master Yoda. Yoda was the one who finished his training and proclaimed him a Jedi Knight.

After the last run-in with his father, Luke continued to increase his knowledge of the Force. He was looking for young students for his academy, trying to rebuild the Jedi Order, with very little information about him. In addition, he trained his sister on how to use his hidden but powerful talent to learn about the Force. Luke Skywalker's achievements were honored in the proud tradition of the Jedi Knights.

So, everything goes according to the canon until the sixth episode. But after Luke burned Vader's body, Skywalker accidentally heard what was said in the assembled council of the heads of the Alliance, to which, for some reason, he was not invited. And he learned this: First, it turns out that the Skywalkers were very well known to the Jedi long before Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan found Anakin on Tatooine. Why? Because, although not often in the Skywalker family, there were still Gifted. And these gifted ones were always monstrously strong and talented, each next Gifted of this kind was an order of magnitude stronger than the previous one, and representatives of this family invariably became Sith, so the Skywalkers seem to be hereditary Sith. Secondly, Shmi Skywalker had two twin children - a boy and a girl, tobish Anakin and OZHP (Name of your choice). While the boy lived with his mother, the girl lived with her father. Whether the OZP knew about the existence of a brother or not is not important. But Anakin did not know anything about his sister, because Shmi decided not to injure her son's soul with the news of the existence of a sister whom he would never see anyway, and took this secret to the grave. OZHP is not Gifted. The Jedi thought that the Skywalkers were completely extinct, but Anakin proved the opposite (by the mere fact that he bears this surname and in his blood there were even more midi-chlorians than Yoda, who had previously held the record in terms of the content of midi-chlorians in the blood). So, the Jedi decided to try their luck and raise a real Jedi from a Skywalker descendant. We all know the result - Anakin Skywalker began to bear the name Darth Vader and, accordingly, without knowing it, followed in the footsteps of his ancestors. Padme died BEFORE giving birth and, accordingly, her children and Anakin's children also died before they even had time to be born. And then Obi-Wan and Yoda so fortunately found little Luke, who was born Gifted, and OZHP (Anakin's sister). The last Jedi eliminated, and Luke was sent to Tatooine, to the Lars, and passed him off as the son of Padmé and Anakin. Leia Organa is the daughter of Bail Organa and his wife, for example (but not the daughter of Padme! They had no sexual relations with Organa, because Amidala was completely faithful to Skywalker). In short, the Jedi came up with a plan in which Vader's nephew (Luke), who was married off as his son, would kill the Sith. The grown-up Leia agreed to play the role of Luke's sister and Vader's daughter in order to destroy the Sith and the Empire. Leia, by the way, was also born Gifted, which is why she was offered to participate in the plan. Luke overheard all this and learned the truth. The entire command staff of the Alliance was present at the council (Madina, there. . Mon Mothma, Akbar, Leya, Khan and some others). In general, they decided there what to do now with Luke himself, who is no longer needed. Kill him or put him in jail, or what else to do? But you can’t leave him alone, and you can’t make a full-fledged Jedi either. And then you never know, and in it the Skywalker genes will prevail? Like, we know, they passed, nothing happened with Anakin, which means that it won’t work with Luke either. They decided to kill, and Leia was supposed to restore the Jedi Order, besides, Yoda and Obi-Wan were preparing her for this from a very early age (she’s not a Skywalker, so it’s possible. She supposedly won’t become a Sith). Luke had enough of everything he heard and he quickly dumps to hell, just not to see these reptiles. And he ended up on the planet Korriban. On it, Luke, not only did not die, but he also found teachers from the spirits of the Sith Lords, among whom, by the way, were five to ten former Skywalkers. In general, they managed to make Luke a real Dark Lord of the Sith in seven to ten years and gave him the name Darth (think up yourself). What Luke will do next - think for yourself (But do not forget that the last Skywalker was made into a real Sith and now he is in no way inferior in his cruelty to his uncle, Darth Vader. And also do not forget that I wrote about the Skywalker Force . Each next Skywalker is an order of magnitude stronger than the previous one!). The hatch will take revenge on everyone who used it (that is, the entire top of the Alliance, who by this point quickly revived the Republic and began to do good and inflict justice!). There must be a war. No, not like that, there must be WAR! Republic against Darth (whatever you call Luke). Where Skywalker will take troops and equipment is on your conscience, even though he will grow the same Clone Army. Whether Luke will seize power and re-create his Empire or limit himself to revenge is up to you. But still, I would like him to restore the Empire and become Emperor himself.
Huh! Finally expressed my thoughts on this idea! I hope there is a benefactor who can competently and interestingly embody this idea. And yet, preferably without Slash, this genre is far from being held in high esteem by me. But if it’s impossible without him, then okay, I’ll survive somehow, the main thing is that he doesn’t interfere with everything else.

They have been with us since childhood, for many years. We decided to see how the key actors of the saga about " star wars».

Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill forever remained Luke Skywalker for the audience, although he continued to act in films, worked in the theater and voiced a lot of cartoons. Despite being busy in the cinema and in the theater, Mark is an exemplary family man. When his children were in school, he even went to parent-teacher conferences. Recently, Mark has been drawing a lot, watching movies and cartoons, and swimming. He has a good collection of toys and comics. Princess Leia
Carrie Fisher has a rich filmography, but the best role is still the role of Princess Leia. In addition to acting, Carrie proved herself as a writer and screenwriter. Now she is going to write memoirs about filming in Star Wars. Han Solo
Harrison Ford had the most successful career. In addition to Han Solo, he also has the cool role of Indiana Jones in his arsenal, and the main roles in the films Blade Runner, Witness, The Fugitive and many other interesting films. Chewbacca
Peter Mayhew stayed true to his role and even played Chewbacca on The Muppets. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ewan McGregor is now one of the most sought after actors in the UK. Even before participating in Star Wars, he managed to star in several successful films Trainspotting, Big Fish, Moulin Rouge. And now he has many invitations and interesting projects, although he has not been very lucky with awards yet. Anakin Skywalker
Hayden Christensen's acting career is very uneven, for his role in "Star Wars" he received a lot of criticism. However, now he has interesting proposals, for example, he is preparing for the role of Marco Polo. Emperor Palpatine
Ian McDermid, after the sinister role of Emperor Palpatine, starred mainly in the TV series - "Elizabeth I", "Utopia" and "37 Days". His best films are "Star Wars", "Dirty Scoundrels" and "Sleepy Hollow". Darth Vader
James Earl Jones, best known for voicing Darth Vader, is currently working on The Lion Guard, the sequel to The Lion King. He voices Mufasa, just like in the first 1994 cartoon. Padme Amidala
The role in Star Wars for Natalie Portman was not the most successful, although memorable. She played much more successfully in the film "Black Swan", for which she received an Oscar. In November 2015, a new film with her participation is released on the screens - the western Jane Takes a Gun. Lando Calrissian
Billy Dee Williams acted a lot after Star Wars, but without resounding success. Master Yoda
Frank Oz is not so much an actor as a talented puppeteer. In addition to Yoda, he has a dozen roles in the Muppets. С-3PO
After Star Wars, Anthony Daniels didn't do much other than Star Wars. He mainly voiced C-3PO in various projects. R2-D2
Kenny Baker paired with Anthony Daniels are the only actors who starred in all the films of the movie saga. Now Kenny Baker is 81 years old and the role of a cute robot has remained with him in the new film.