Who won the show “I want to go to Meladze. Winners"Хочу к Меладзе" MBAND: первое интервью и эксклюзивная фотосессия Viva! Победил шоу хочу к меладзе!}

Today is Saturday, and finally, viewers will find out who will take a place in the new group “M-Bend”. Fans waited for the show “I want to go to Meladze”, episode 12, grand final. We will find out very soon who won and whose four will be the best, but for now the guys are rehearsing their last performance.

The first to perform at the show “I want to go to Meladze”, episode 12, grand final were the guys from Sergei Lazarev’s group. Konstantin Meladze wrote a song especially for them, and Artem Pendyura composed a recitative. The composition “She will return” blew up the hall, the girls screamed with delight.

Meladze also came up with a hit for Anna Sedokova’s group. Many people liked the song “We’ll Wait Yet.” Before the performance, both teams relaxed at night in a luxurious penthouse in Moscow.

Polina Gagarina came to the show “I Want to Meladze”, episode 12, grand final with a song and congratulations and sang “I will never forgive you.”
The writers talked about the fate of each and the finalists of the show “I want to go to Meladze”, episode 12, grand final.
Marcus Riva experienced ridicule from his peers since childhood, and at the age of 14 he wanted to commit suicide. Only the love of music helped Marcus return to life. Ukraine gave 54% for the guys from Sergei Lazarev’s group.

Nikita Kiosse entered the theater school, and the guy had to choose, either the group or his studies. Parents believe that a 16-year-old musician should learn first.

Sergey Lazarev performed the song “Into the Heart”.

The story of Vyacheslav Basyul was not easy. While still in the womb, doctors told me to get rid of the child. But the grandfather forced him to leave his grandson. At the age of three, Vyacheslav underwent a complex operation, and now the guy has overcome the disease in order to stand on stage.

Eva Polna and Timati also came to support their students. Belarus gave 73% to Sedokova’s group.
The fate of Artem Pendyura was not an easy one. The young man worked in a strip club and spent all the money he earned on music. At the age of 25, the guy lost faith in himself, but finally luck smiled at him, and he got on the show “I want to see Meladze.”

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov performed in front of the public.
Grigory Yurchenko grew up in a remote Siberian village. Mom didn’t take her son’s dream seriously, but he did everything to make his mother proud of him.

Kazakhstan gave 74% to Sergei Lazarev’s group.

Anatoly Tsoi said that his father was often dissatisfied with his performances, and it was important for him to hear praise from his dad.
Anna Sedokova and Vara Brezhneva performed on stage in support of the guys.
Vladislav Ramm decided to leave his wife. And it was at that moment that she announced her pregnancy. The girl has been carrying a baby under her heart for 6 months. But the guy chose music.

Svyatoslav Stepanov from Tatarstan was left without a dad at 3 months old, and the boy first sang in a church choir, and then created his own group, which ended its existence after the death of one of the participants.

At the end of the show “I want to go to Meladze”, the guys all performed a song in Ukrainian.
The winners of the seriality “I want to go to Meladze”, issue 12, grand final were: Anatoly Tsoi, Artem Pendyura, Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse. They are the ones who form new group producer Konstantin Meladze - “M-Bend”. The final score is 53% in favor of Sergei Lazarev's guys.

On the adult version of “The Voice”, selection takes place very slowly - after the teams of each mentor have gathered in in full force, they are very reluctant to part with each performer. During “fights”, “knockouts” and various stages of finals, the teams are, of course, reduced, but, for example, in “fights” there is even a “rescue” - when one judge can take the losing participant.

The stage of “blind auditions” goes, of course, the same way - all the mentors turn to someone, only one turns to someone, and no one turns to someone. As a result, three teams of fifteen people are recruited, but at the next stage - in the “duels” - the number of competitors is reduced by three times: the whole team is divided into five groups of three performers, and the mentor chooses one of them. There is no “rescue” provided here. But this is not enough - the “duels” of the children’s “Voice” are combined with the “Song for elimination”, during which the contestants perform numbers from the “blind auditions”. After this stage of the competition, only two finalists remain in the team - in general, everything happens very quickly.

However, from the second season of “The Voice. Children”, another stage has been added - “Additional stage” - during which the three losers of the “Elimination Song” from each team can try their luck again - and add a third participant to the final for the mentor.

The judges, of course, are trying their best to soften the bitterness of defeat for their students.

In this episode, this difficult burden fell on Valery - he was the first of the mentors in the fifth season to make difficult decisions.

And, for example, when Aliya Enikeeva and Maria Magilnaya lost to Anastasia Gladilina after performing the song German singer Alice Merton “No Roots”, Meladze went on stage and performed his composition “Limbo” with the losers - Aliya asked him to do this, who had long dreamed of the opportunity to perform with her idol.

In general, Meladze turned his team's performance into a kind of concert -

all three performed in different genres. Enikeeva, Magilnaya and Gladilina, for example, were dressed in the same dresses. The trio, which included Sara Abrahamyan and Emilia Khayrieva, were also dressed in the same style and with scarves - they were perfect for the song “Let's sit and eat.” Olesya Masheiko won here.

The performance of the youngest members of the team - Kira Danilina and Evelina Bolshakova - was funny, as they sang “Vasya” by the group “Bravo” very rousingly. At the same time, they constantly pointed to Basta (real name) while singing the line “Well, who doesn’t know him,” and at the end they even changed the words and sang “Vasya from Rostov-on-Don” together with “Vasya, a dude from Moscow.” Basta himself seemed to really like it, but he was clearly embarrassed.

Vadim Tsagareishvili, Alisa Khilko and David Khinikadze sang “Your Eyes” - David Khinikadze won in this trio. And the troika, in which Meladze gathered his rockers Vadim Yakushev, Tali Cooper and Nikita Belko, very emotionally performed the rock ballad “Cryin”" Aerosmith. From them, Tali Cooper advanced to the next stage.

But Meladze’s team did not remain five for long. Immediately after all those who passed sang their songs from the “blind”, the mentor again had to choose - and he left Tali Cooper.

In the next two issues the same Difficult choice awaits Basta and Pelageya. Then each team will receive one more finalist at the “Additional Stage” - and then in live the final will take place fifth season, following the results of which the name of the new winner of the show “The Voice” will become known. Children".

Eva Polna: “An unexpected, bright (team), still emotionally and visually oriented towards a female audience. Not in the abstract, but in order to touch young enough hearts. Therefore, he must be mischievous, moderately romantic and, of course, definitely charismatic!”

Vera Brezhneva: “They should excite the hearts of people, first of all, of course, women’s hearts. They’re already exciting me, this isn’t the first time they’ve been broadcast.”

Alan Badoev: “This is a very dramatic moment for us because, frankly, there are two bands left that we love very much. And today the audience will decide the outcome of this project, in which we have been living for several months, without leaving the pavilions. And this is very exciting for us.”

Polina Gagarina: “Who, who, who? I'm rooting for all the boys absolutely because they went through big way. They tried very hard, they are very nervous. I wish them good luck with all my heart: no matter how it turns out, no matter who loses, no matter who wins.”

Igor Vernik: “At this moment they are standing on the same plane, one step, one step away from the real scene. But once the viewer votes and the result becomes known, and one of the groups becomes the winner, this ridiculous lead will turn out to be gigantic, crazy, almost unattainable.”

Vladimir Presnyakov: “I’m sure the supergroup has already taxied out. It seems to me that what we have today are two teams, they are absolutely identical, in my opinion, and very strong!”

Konstantin Meladze: “I tried to collect two fours like this so that until the very end it would be difficult to understand who would win. And it seems to me that looking at these two performances, you understand how equal they are in strength.”

Anna Sedokova: "I'm very difficult situation am now, because, as you saw, a dramatic turn occurred in last episode: by the will of the producer, my children, whom I raised, to whom I was attached with all my soul, were taken away from me.”

Sergey Lazarev: “Of course, I really want my team to win. Today, of course, we will try our best. A lot of nerves and energy were spent in order to become the Konstantin Meladze group, the M band.

Konstantin Meladze: “You see that neither one nor the other group is inferior to one another at all, neither in terms of their external characteristics, nor in musicality, nor in the organic nature of their work.”

Let us remind you that the decision about who will become the winner of the project is made by viewers. You can vote using SMS messages. To vote for the team consisting of Marcus Riva, Svyatoslav Stepanov, Vyacheslav Basyul and Grigory Yurchenko, send SMS 01 to number 2325. To vote for Artem Pindyura, Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse and Anatoly Tsoi, send SMS 02 to number 2325. Cost sending SMS 50 rubles including VAT. Reception of votes will end on November 22 at 12:00 Moscow time.

For three months, producer Konstantin Meladze was looking for talented guys for his new group “M-Bend”. Hundreds of young people experienced their happiness on the show “I want to go to Meladze,” but only the most talented of them managed to make it to the finals. The teams of Anna Sedokova - Vyacheslav Basyul, Grigory Yurchenko, Marcus Riva, Svyatoslav Stepanov and Sergei Lazarev - Anatoly Tsoi, Vladislav Ramm, Artem Pindyura, Nikita Kiosse competed in the decisive vocal duel. According to the results of the audience voting, the victory in the show “I want to go to Meladze” went to the wards of Sergei Lazarev. The winners are already preparing for concerts in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, recording songs and filming videos.

"Now the main task- compose concert program, sew costumes, shoot videos and record songs. The work is just beginning. The guys will have a very short vacation, and then there will be a lot of work, without weekends or holidays,” noted producer Konstantin Meladze.

Winners of the show “I want to go to Meladze” (video):

Last Saturday, November 22, the final took place on the NTV channel music show“I want to Meladze”, where the winners were determined and the main boy band of Russia was named.

Only audience voting determined the winners of the project. The performances of all the performers were so fiery that I simply could not choose the best. Calling the battle of the teams in the final “dramatic,” famous producer gave television viewers the right to choose.

So, the winners, and now also members of the pop group “M Band,” were musicians from Sergei Lazarev’s team, who received 53% of the audience votes. The winning song for Lazarev’s boy band was “She’ll Come Back,” which truly ignited the audience of the show. Anna Sedokova's team performed the single “We'll Wait Yet” and were only a few percent behind the winners - 47% of the audience voted for them.

The balance of power during voting in the former Soviet republics was curious. So, in the final “I want to go to Meladze” in Belarus, Anna Sedokova’s team won. and in Ukraine - Lazarev. Kazakhstan also gave 79% of its sympathy to Sergei’s team. In Russia, opinions were divided almost equally: 51% went to Lazarev’s team.

The final composition of the project “I want to go to Meladze” on November 22 was a song in Ukrainian, which both groups performed together.

Based on materials from: www.topnews.ru