(!LANG:Who plays the role of Luke Skywalker. Skywalker Luke ("Звездные войны"): история персонажа. Кто играл Люка Скайуокера в "Звездных войнах"? Потеря руки и ужасная правда!}

The first main character of the famous space saga that the audience gets to know is Luke Skywalker. All the epic battles and cosmic events taking place around Luke are, in a sense, just a backdrop against which the hero's inner struggle is played out. Many adventures fall to his lot, but no matter what fate sends, the question always lies in choosing between the light and dark side of the Force.

Origin (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, 2005)

Luke Skywalker was born along with his sister Leia in Polis Massa in 19 BBY, the son of Senator and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The birth of children was kept secret because the Great Jedi Purge was taking place at that time. Emperor Palpatine, with the help of an army of clones, achieved absolute power. Most of the Jedi were killed, and those lucky enough to survive were forced into hiding. During childbirth, Padme dies, entrusting the fate of the children to Anakin's mentor and friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. In order to protect Luke and Leia, he decides to separate the children and hide them. Leia is sent to be raised by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, while Luke is sent to live with his uncle and aunt on Tatooine, where his father grew up.

Early Years (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977)

The first meeting of the viewer with the main character takes place on Tatooine, where he lives with his uncle and aunt. Despite the kindness of Owen's adoptive father, the young man often does not get along with him, because he dreams of being a pilot and spends a lot of time preparing instead of working on a farm. In addition, Luke loves to listen to Obi-Wan Kenobi's stories about the exploits of the Jedi, who own an energy called the Force. Kenobi does not live on Tatooine by chance: he flew to look after young Skywalker. Communicating with Luke, Kenobi became friends with him, leaving, however, secretly his belonging to the knightly Order.


Uncle Owen's purchase of two R2-D2 and c-3PO droids changes everything. In one of them, Luke discovered a message from Leia Organa to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke realizes that the old man appeared in his life for a reason, and goes in search of Ben along with the droids to send a message and get answers to his questions. In the process of searching, the young man is ambushed by sand people. Obi-Wan Kenobi comes to the rescue. It's time for answers.

Van Kenobi tells the story of the clone army, the destruction of the Jedi Knights, the Rebels, the Death Star, and Emperor Palpatine unleashing endless star wars. Luke Skywalker learns that his father Anakin was a Jedi Knight and fell to the sword of the dark lord Darth Vader. Obi-Wan Kenobi encourages the young man to join him and begin training in the use of the Force, but Luke does not want to upset his uncle and rejects the offer.

Returning home, he finds his loved ones dead: they were killed by imperial stormtroopers. Nothing else keeps Luke on Tatooine, and he accepts the offer of old man Kenobi.

"Millennium Falcon"

In company of droids, they travel to Alderaan to deliver a message to the rebels with plans for an Imperial space station called the Death Star. Thus, Luke was also drawn into the struggle of the rebels. Star Wars is now part of his life. Tatooine is crowded with stormtroopers, and it is not easy for the wanted Kenobi and Skywalker to leave it. Captain Han Solo takes over. In debt to the galactic underworld, he needs money, so despite the risk, Solo and Chewbacca, his aide, agree to take passengers on board their ship, the Millennium Falcon, and fly to Alderaan. During the journey, Obi-Wan began training Luke, giving him his father's lightsaber and a training droid.

"The Death Star"

Upon arriving in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were trapped in the Death Star's gravity beam. The heroes were able to get out by hiding in the contraband compartment on the ship. There was a chance to escape, but one of the droids found Princess Leia on the ship. Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the cell block where she was. After freeing Leia, the entire group headed back to the Millennium Falcon, only to be confronted by Darth Vader. Obi-Wan dueled him on Impaled by the Dark Lord's blade, Ben Kenobi became merged with the Force and disappeared. Saddened by the death of the teacher was Luke. Star Wars kept taking people close to him. After leaving the Death Star, the heroes headed for the rebel base of Yavin IV.


After instructing the rebels on Yavin on how to destroy the Death Star, Luke decides to join them and join the fight. Befriending Han Solo, young Skywalker invites him to take part in the battle, but he refuses. The day of the battle arrives, and Luke, who has the skills of a pilot, along with other rebels, prepares to strike at the weaknesses of the Death Star. Many rebels die in combat, Luke realizes: Star Wars won't be easy to win.

The initial plan does not work, but in the end, Han Solo comes to the aid of Skywalker. Luke manages to concentrate the Force to aim a proton torpedo into the narrow fuel channel of the station and destroy the Death Star, which was the Empire's main superweapon. Upon the return of Luke, Han Solo, and even Chewbacca, the Rebels and Princess Leia are celebrated as heroes. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader sense a huge disturbance in the Force field and a real threat posed by young Skywalker.

Episode V ("The Empire Strikes Back", 1980, "Star Wars")

The second time the viewer meets the grown-up hero three years later in a new episode of the Star Wars saga. Luke Skywalker by this time had already participated in many battles and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander of the Alliance forces. On the rebel base of the snowy planet Hoth, Luke could have died during a reconnaissance operation, but a friend, Han Solo, came to his aid.

When Skywalker was unconscious, the spirit of Obi-Wan appeared to him, who insisted on continuing his training in the art of the Jedi. Luke was supposed to find Master Yoda on the planet Dagab and become his Padawan.

Meanwhile, the Alliance is defeated in battles with the Imperial forces for Hoth. Luke understands that it is necessary to change tactics, and decides to fly to Dagab. Despite his age, Yoda senses great potential in the young man and becomes his mentor. Luke is working hard. Finally, the time comes to meet with and Yoda sends Luke to a cave where her influence is great. There, Skywalker has a vision in which he sees himself as Darth Vader. Yoda explains to Luke that the dark side will always tempt him, so Luke still has a lot to learn to become a true Jedi.

The first battle with Darth Vader and the terrible truth

Anxiety for friends and constant visions in which Luke sees Leia and Han captured prevent him from completing his training. He goes to help his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City, it was already too late: his friends had become prisoners of the Empire.

Trying to save Han or Leia, he gets involved in a lightsaber battle with Vader, in which he is defeated and loses his right hand from the dark knight's sword. Darth Vader encourages Luke to turn to the dark side and become an ally of the Empire, revealing the secret of who is his father. Luke chose death over going to the dark side, and threw himself into the shaft of the space city, where he survived thanks to the antenna he grabbed.

He was rescued by Princess Leia, who managed to escape with Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon. Since Khan was captured and handed over to Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian became the ship's new pilot. The friends had to come up with a plan to save Solo, but first, Luke had to replace the severed hand with a cybernetic prosthesis and comprehend the truth he had heard.

Episode VI ("Return of the Jedi", 1983, "Star Wars"): The Force

Three more years pass, and the viewer meets his favorite hero again. Now busy rescuing Han Solo's friend Skywalker Luke. Star Wars, meanwhile, continues as the Empire builds a second Death Star. Following Leia, Chewbacca and the droids to rescue Han Solo, who is languishing as a prisoner of Jabba on Tatooine, Luke finds them captured. To free his friends, Skywalker has to fight monsters, discovering the extraordinary abilities of the Jedi.

Sister and father

With the friends rescued, Luke decides to continue his training with Master Yoda. Returning to Dagab, he finds his teacher dying. Before his death, Yoda gives Luke the last instructions and tells another secret. It turns out that Princess Leia Organa is Luke Skywalker's sister.

After Dagab, Luke goes with friends to Endor: the rebels have discovered that the Empire is building a new "Death Star" in the orbit of the planet. To disable the station, it is necessary to turn off the generator of its protective field. Luke senses Vader's presence in the Force field and decides to face him, surrendering to Imperial forces. Leia tries to dissuade Skywalker, then he tells her that they are brother and sister, and meeting with his father is fate.

Surrendering, Luke meets with Emperor Palpatine, who tries to tempt him with the power of the dark Force. The hatch does not give in, and the battle with Vader begins, during which everyone wants to persuade the enemy to their side. After the dark lord threatens to turn Leia to the dark side, Luke fights with ferocity and cuts off Vader's cybernetic arm.

The Emperor no longer needs Dart, and he orders Luke to kill his father, but is refused. Then Palpatine decides to destroy the young Jedi himself, using the full power of the dark Force, but Vader, turning to the light, does not allow him to do this. Now he is Anakin Skywalker, who, saving his son, throws himself under the mortal blows of the streams of the Force and destroys the emperor in the space station reactor. Before dying, Anakin asks Luke to take off his mask so that he can look at his son through the eyes of a man for the first and last time. After that, Anakin merged with the Force. The Empire is defeated and Luke returns to his friends.

Episode VII ("The Force Awakens", 2015, "Star Wars"): Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker

More than three decades passed before the viewer again met with the beloved characters. After the victory of the Alliance, it seemed that the darkness was defeated, but evil does not sleep, and the Universe is again in danger. The dark forces, controlled by the leader of the "First Order" Snoke, have formed a new Empire that captures and subjugates the planets. Snoke's goal is the entire universe, and the dark lord Kylo Ren helps him. The Republicans are once again organizing a resistance led by Princess Leia. It is almost impossible to fight an enemy who has the dark Force and the powerful weapon "Planet of Death" in his arsenal. Jedi Help Needed: Star Wars cannot be won without mastery of the Force.

Luke Skywalker is the only Jedi left in the universe. He lives as a hermit, and no one knows where. After defeating the Empire, Master Luke rebuilt the Jedi Order and began training the Padawans. One student, who was very dear to the mentor, went over to the dark side of the Force and killed all of his students. Luke blamed himself for everything and went into exile. The rebels find an information carrier with the coordinates of Skywalker's location, Kylo Ren finds out about this and begins hunting for the map.

By chance, the droid, in which the information is hidden, falls into the hands of a girl named Rey. Helping the droid deliver information to the Resistance leadership, she becomes embroiled in the rebel struggle. Along the way, Rey meets former stormtrooper Finn, who becomes her true friend, and Han Solo and Chewbacca. Together they go to Princess Leia.

Kylo Ren learns that Rey has seen the map, and at the first opportunity captures the girl in order to extract information from her. Han Solo, Finn and Chewbacca go to save Rey on the planet of the Empire, in addition, they have the task of destroying the enemy's superweapon.

With the help of the energy of the Force, Kylo tries to subjugate Rey's will to himself and feels a strong rebuff: the girl has energy much more powerful than Ren. It turns out that Kylo lacks the ability to control the Force field and wage star wars. Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker and her powers are great, she just didn't know it yet. Now the girl felt in herself the full power of this energy, which Ren himself awakened in her.

Taking advantage of the opened abilities, Rey escapes from captivity. By this time, her friends manage to disable the protective shield of the Planet of Death, but the final victory is still far away. In the midst of Star Wars, Luke's daughter goes to her father. He again must help the universe get rid of evil.

Who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

The role of the brave Jedi in all three episodes was played by actor Mark Hamill. Before participating in the film "Star Wars" he did not have significant roles in the cinema, the actor mainly worked in the theater. Interestingly, George Lucas immediately approved Mark for this role. Hamill's open face and demeanor appealed to the director: that's how he imagined the young Skywalker. Luke performed by Mark Hamill liked the audience so much that the actor instantly became popular. After the first film, the question no longer arose of who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.

But, unfortunately, the role of a young Jedi became the only significant one in Hamill's career. Unlike Harrison Ford, who, thanks to the role of Han Solo, has become a constant favorite with directors. After finishing work on episodes of the saga, where the main character was Luke Skywalker, Hamill practically disappeared from the screens. Trying to get rid of the stamp of the image of a space hero, he played in musicals on Broadway. He acted in serials and was engaged in dubbing cartoons, tried his hand at TV shows.

Thirty years have passed, and the public is having a hard time remembering who played Luke in Star Wars. And finally, a new movie came out - "The Force Awakens". For the audience for a long time the plot of the film remained a mystery. The studio kept it a closely guarded secret. Various options for the further development of the saga were discussed in magazines and social networks. Shortly before the show, information appeared that the hero, disillusioned with the Force, decided to go into exile forever. Therefore, the very presence of Luke Skywalker's character in the frame was the biggest intrigue.

Until the last moment, kept the secret of "Star Wars" 7. Who plays Luke? When the film was released, fans devoted to the hero finally breathed a sigh of relief. Luke is back, now a powerful Jedi, as ever, played by Mark Hamill. Let's hope that the hero has many more adventures ahead, and that Hamill has acting work. Moreover, the universe is again in danger, which means that the history of the Jedi continues. After all, when according to the plot of the film it became clear who Rey from Star Wars was Luke, the audience realized that they would meet their favorite characters more than once.

Lucasfilm President Caitlin Kennedy stated that, after the end of the third trilogy of the Star Wars space saga, the characters of the Skywalker family may be excluded from the plot. It is known that in the film “Rogue One. Star Wars: Stories" Luke Skywalker assigned a cameo role. Spin-off Rogue One. Star Wars Tales opens on December 15th.

The history of the Skywalkers in fictional George Lucas The universe includes four generations - starting with the Tattooine slave Shmi Skywalker and ending with her grandchildren. Members of this family contributed to the Jedi Order and the ranks of the Sith Lords.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker was born in 42 BC. b. His mother Shmi refuses to talk about the boy's father and claims that Anakin did not have a father. The film says that Anakin is the great focus of the Force in a living being. He first appears in the first part of "Episode I. The Phantom Menace" as a nine-year-old boy. He and his mother were slaves to the junk dealer and parts dealer Watto. In the 10 years since Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Anakin has matured and become a Padawan. Meanwhile, Palpatine dreams of making him his apprentice, turning him to the Dark Side of the Force. After turning to the dark side of the Force, he took the name Darth Vader. It is revealed in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi that he is the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is one of the main characters in the Star Wars universe, a Jedi, the son of Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala Naberri and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The older twin brother of Leia Organa Solo. He was born on April 11 at the Polis Massa Medical Center on the day of the creation of the Empire. After the death of Luke's mother, he was sent to Tatooine to live with Anakin's half-brother Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the care of his guardians and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood.

On Tatooine, Luke grew up unaware of his origins, but his life changed completely when his uncle acquired two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, carrying blueprints for the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star. After his aunt and uncle were killed by Imperial soldiers, he embarked on a perilous journey to deliver the blueprints to the Rebel Alliance. As a member of the Rebel Alliance, Luke fought numerous battles against the Imperial forces led by Vader.

Ben Skywalker

Ben Skywalker is the son of Luke and Mara Jade. Named after Luke's first mentor, Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi. He fathered Kol Skywalker and his son Cade, who was the last living Skywalker of his time.

Leia Skywalker

Leia Organa (born as Leia Amidala Skywalker) is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala Naberri, and the twin sister of Luke Skywalker. Upon birth, she was adopted by Bail Organa and Queen Breha, making her the Princess of Alderaan. An excellently trained Senator, she became a staunch leader during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, and one of the galaxy's greatest heroes. She later married Han Solo and had three children: Jane, Jacen and Anakin.

A timekeeping system in the fictional Star Wars universe, based on the Battle of Yavin.

In this article you will learn:

Luke Skywalker Jedi Master and Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. The main character of the Star Wars universe. Luke's story consists of Canons (original movie story) and Legends (book story written prior to 2014). In this article, you can read about both one and the other.

Mark Hamill as Luke

Revenge of the Sith

The first time we see Luke is in Revenge of the Sith, where he was just born. His role is insignificant and it is played by some little dude.

So Luke was born at Polis Massa Medical Center, just before his twin sister Leia, in 19 BBY., in the year of the formation of the Empire and the extermination of the Jedi. His mother was a senator, and his father was a fallen knight.

Luke's mother died after giving birth, and in order to hide the children from the Empire, the Jedi decided to separate them. Leia became the adopted daughter of Senator Bail Organa, and Luke ended up on Tatooine with Uncle Owen Lars and his wife.

Obi-Wan personally delivered the child to the Lars, after which he settled on Tatooine, becoming to look after the little boy.

From an early age, Luke began to manifest his powers of the Force. His uncle Owen was against it, so he often scolded the boy.


At the age of twelve, Luke dreamed of going to distant stars, but his uncle tried to make him forget his dreams. He told the boy about the Clone Wars, lying that his father was just a cargo pilot. Despite this, Skywalker continued to seek adventure, developing his skills in piloting and repairing the various gadgets he inherited from his father.

In his youth, Luke had the nickname "Worm". The boy had few friends, with some of them he dreamed of entering the Imperial Academy to become a pilot. Luke's best friend was Biggs Darklighter., who left him in 1 BBY to follow his dream.

To all his uncle's persuasion to let him go, Luke received the strictest refusal.

New Hope

The second time we meet adult Luke is in the 1977 film A New Hope. In this and subsequent parts, his role is played by Mark Hamill. From this moment, the Canonical story of the hero of the universe begins again.

Skywalker's adventures began when his uncle bought two droids and R2-D2. In one of them, Luke discovered a message addressed to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Going in search of the hermit Ben, the young man learned another story of his father, who, according to Kenobi, was a Jedi who was killed.

Returning home, Luke found his uncle and aunt dead. Skywalker had no choice but to follow along with Ben and the droids to Alderaan in order to deliver the R2 droid, which contained the plans for the Death Star, to the rebels.

To get out of Imperial-occupied Tatooine, Luke and Ben hired the brave captain of the Millennium Falcon and his assistant. To pay off Khan, Luke sold his flyer.

On the ship, Ben gave Luke his first strength lessons, which he struggled with.

Arriving in the Alderaan system, the team found the planet destroyed. Trying to get away from the fighters, the Falcon was pulled by the Death Star. The team successfully hid from the enemies, and when they found out that Princess Leia was on the ship, they decided to save her. Luke, accompanied by Han and Chewbacca, went to rescue the princess while Ben abandoned them.

After freeing Leia, the friends were able to escape from the Death Star only thanks to Kenobi, who sacrificed himself by merging with the Force in a short fight with Vader. Luke was saddened by the loss of his teacher.

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Battle for Yavin

Traveling to the Rebel base on Yavin with Leia, Luke was immediately drawn into the war with the Empire. He offered Khan to stay with the rebels and help them in the battle against the Empire, but he refused.

Luke became a pilot with the call sign Red-5 and the final battle against the Death Star, with the help of Han Solo and the Force, who came to the aid, destroyed the Empire's superweapon.

Palpatine: « I sense a great disturbance in the Force.»

Darth Vader: « I feel it too.»

Palpatine: « We have a new enemy: a young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt that the boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.»

By destroying the Death Star, young Luke became a hero of the Alliance, along with his friends Han and Chewbacca.

Luke and Leia

Fight with the Empire

Skywalker continued to fight the Empire, aiding the Alliance. He participated in many battles, was promoted to lieutenant commander and led some missions. Among the fighters in space, Luke felt at home, so he often made sorties with the Red and Rogue Squadrons. He also took part in the battles on earth, seeing all the horrors of war.

In one of the ground battles, Luke met an old friend, Sunber, who was an Imperial officer.

First encounter with Vader

The hero's first encounter with Darth Vader took place in 2 ABY on the planet Mimban. Then, in the fight, Skywalker won, cutting off the Sith's mechanical hand. This victory was only due to the spirit of Kenobi and the Kaiburr crystal, which gave Luke strength.

The Empire Strikes Back

Vision of Skywalker

In 3 ABY, the hero arrived with Rogue Squadron on Hoth, where the Alliance base was located. In one of the reconnaissance, Skywalker disappeared into the endless snows of the planet. He was dying when he saw the spirit of Kenobi advising the young man to become a student of Yoda, on Dagobah. Luke could have died, but his faithful friend Han Solo came to the rescue.

During the battle for the planet, the Alliance was defeated, leaving the base on Hoth. Luke left friends on the advice of Ben, he went to Dagoba, where he found Yoda and became his student.

Since Luke was already old, learning the Jedi arts was difficult for him, but his potential was huge.

One day, Yoda sent a hero into a cave where the Dark Side of the Force languished. Luke saw himself there in Vader's armor. In the cave, Skywalker witnessed the capture of Solo and Organa in Cloud City. Without finishing his studies, he decided to go to the rescue of his friends.

Yoda and Luke

The Loss of an Arm and the Terrible Truth

Luke arrived at Cloud City late. Khan was placed in carbonite and given away, while everyone else became hostages of the Empire. Sensing Vader in the Force, Skywalker found him and fought. This time, without outside help, Luke expected defeat. The Dark Lord cut off the hero's right hand and tried to incline him to the Dark Side, revealing the terrible secret that he was his real father.

Darth Vader: « Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father?»

Luke Skywalker: « Quite enough! He said you killed him!»

Darth Vader: « No. I am your father!»

Upon learning the truth, Luke rushed into the mine, refusing the sieve. He caught on the antenna of the floating city and was soon picked up by Leia on the Falcon, who contacted him through the Force. The crew of the Falcon lost Solo, but acquired a new legendary pilot, Lando Calrissian.

Like his father before, Luke lost his right arm, which was replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis.

Superweapon "Tarkin"

A new mission for Luke and his team on the Falcon was the destruction of the Tarkin superweapon. Vader, who was at the station, was waiting for the arrival of the Jedi and wanted to grab him, but the attempt on his life spoiled the plans of the Dark Lord. The Falcon successfully completed the mission, leaving the station when Vader followed them in his personal fighter. After the destruction of the Tarkin, Vader was the only survivor. To remove the sieves from the tail, Luke poured a coolant into space, which turned into an ice wall and into which Vader landed.

Shira Bree

After becoming commander of Rogue Squadron, Luke fell in love with a pilot named Shira Bree. But in one of the battles, he accidentally knocked her down, for which he was removed from the post of commander. Taking on the investigation of this case in order to be reinstated, the hero learned that Shira was an agent of the empire. (The girl survived by becoming a half-cyborg known as Lady Lumiya).

In order to make himself a sword, Luke went to Tatooine to the old Kenobi hut, where he assembled a sword with a green blade.

Return of the Jedi

In 4 ABY, Skywalker learned that Han Solo was on Tatooine with Jabba. Luke arrived at the Hutt's palace when half of his team had already been captured: Leia, Chewbacca, and two droids. To free his friends, the hero had to fight a terrible rancor. The hero almost died in the mouth of the sarlacc, yet he showed everyone his abilities as a Jedi.

Saving Leia

After rescuing his friends, Luke returned to Yoda to complete his training, only to find the old master dying. Dying, Yoda declared Skywalker a Jedi Knight and told the secret of whose twin sister Leia Organa was.

Returning to the rebels, Luke went on a mission to Endor to disable the field generator protecting the second Death Star that the Empire was building in orbit around the planet.

Sensing Vader's presence, Luke himself surrendered to the Imperials, after which he stood face to face with himself. They tried to seduce Skywalker into the dark side of the Force, but the young Jedi held on, trying to bring his father back to the light. Vader, reading his son's thoughts, began to threaten the conversion of his sister Leia, after which Luke showed the prerequisites for the dark side by starting the battle and cutting off Vader's hand. Skywalker stopped the fight when he saw his father's mechanical right hand like his own (the vision on Dagobah when Luke saw himself in Vader's armor). The Emperor ordered Vader to be killed, but Luke refused.

Palpatine used Force lightning to kill the Jedi, but Vader couldn't watch his son die. Returning to the light, Anakin Skywalker sacrificed himself and threw the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor.

Luke granted his dying father's wish to remove his mask by looking for the first and last time at his burned face. Anakin merged with the Force, and Luke took his body, which he cremated on Endor, after the victory of the Alliance.

The Force Awakens

As you already know, Diney canceled the entire written Star Wars story and continued to make “similar” films. So, Luke Skywalker appeared in the 7th movie The Force Awakens.

After the Emperor's overthrow, Luke reportedly began rebuilding the Jedi Temple and recruiting Padawans. One of his students was Ben Solo, the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo.

Over the years, he taught his students the art of the Jedi, until Ben, who was captivated by the history of his grandfather Darth Vader, decided that this path was best for him. He became a member of the Dark Knights of Ren, taking on the name and joining the First Order, the remnants of the Empire, killing all of Luke's Padawans.

Skywalker was disappointed by such an oversight that he decided to go into exile.

For many years, Luke stayed at the first Jedi temple on an island on a distant planet, until the Millennium Falcon arrived on the island, with a young Force-sensitive girl who returned Luke his sword lost on Bespin.

After the war

Legends begins after Return of the Jedi Part 6, before Disney purchases the studio.

After the death of the Emperor, Luke continued to cleanse the universe of the remnants of the Empire. His first student was Kiro, an Iskalonian whom he met on the planet Iskalon.

Meeting Mara Jade

The Empire was not going to give up its positions at all, so the war with the remnants continued even after the death of Palpatine.

A new problem was Admiral Thrawn, who tried many times to capture the Jedi and often succeeded. So, running away from Thrawn, Luke met smuggler Talon Karrde and his assistant. Unknown to Luke, Mara was the Emperor's right hand and wished to kill the Jedi. Despite a strong desire to defeat Skywalker, Jade had to work side by side with Luke.

A crisis in the galaxy has forced Luke and Mara to take on many missions together. Little by little, they began to form a friendship. Skywalker saved the girl from death more than once and even taught her the Force.

Return of Palpatine

In 10 ABY, Luke flew to Coruscant while being attacked by Imperial forces. While fighting on the surface, Luke ended up on a Jedi prisoner ship that transported him to the planet Byss, where Skywalker was surprised to see Emperor Palpatine alive. Palpatine's spirit survived and was infused into the copy's body.

Feeling the boundless power of the Emperor, Luke agreed to become his servant. With no chance of victory, Skywalker set out to destroy the evil from within. Luke neglected the main instruction of Master Yoda - he underestimated the power of the dark side.

Leia did not allow Luke to completely go to the dark side. Having learned some secrets of the dark side, Skywalker fought Palpatine and won.

New Order

The Republic needed the Jedi Order, and Luke became the founder of the Praxeum on Yavin, starting to accept small yurlings for training.

Among the talented students, Luke singled out Kyp Durron, who had great potential. However, Kyp was soon influenced by the spirit of Exar Kun and turned to the dark side by attacking Skywalker. In this fight, Luke's spirit was severed from his body, sending the Jedi into a comatose state. Only after the destruction of Kun, Luke managed to bring himself to life.

Returning to the light, Kip was given into the hands of Skywalker, who was to judge him for the destruction of Karida, but Luke left the young man alive. Durron went on to become a prominent Jedi of the New Order.


Skywalker had many affairs, but not one went as far as marriage. It seemed that Luke was destined to be alone all his life, but a new joint assignment with Mara Jade brought the Jedi and the former Imperial agent closer than ever. Skywalker offered Jade a hand and a heart, to which she agreed. Ten years after the first meeting, the couple got married in the capital of the Republic.

Yuuzhan Vong War (Legend)

In 25 ABY, the galaxy was engulfed in a brutal war with a previously unknown Yuuzhan Vong race. The Jedi were the first to take the hit...and lost.

At the very beginning of the war, a friend of the families of Luke and Han, Chewbacca, died.

The birth of a son

Another problem for Luke was the illness of his wife, infected with an unknown virus. Despite the illness, Mara still gave birth to a son named Skywalker, in honor of Obi Wan Kenobi..

dark times

The Jedi once again became a central figure when the Yuuzhan Vong demanded their surrender in exchange for peace. Many simply turned their backs on the defenders, wanting to send them to their deaths. So, the Senate issued an arrest warrant for Skywalker and his wife. However, Kyp Durron tricked the Republic fleet by destroying the Yuuzhan Vong worldship, ending the truce.

The Yuuzhan Vong understood that they could control the galaxy only after the destruction of the Jedi, so they created voxyn - predators designed to kill the Jedi. To destroy the voxyn, 17 young Jedi went into battle. Luke's nephew, Anakin Solo, died in this struggle.

Although the voxyn were destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong captured the capital city of Coruscant.


Soon the Republic was transformed into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Luke and his son went on a journey to the Unknown Regions, in which he was supposed to find a solution to the conflict with a hostile race. So, Skywalker and Ben found the intelligent planet Zonama Sekot, which they persuaded to help in the war.

Zonama Sekot made a direct jump into the Coruscant system, where she caused confusion and chaos in the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong warriors and priests, and stirred the heretics into rebellion.

In 29 ABY, the final battle for Coruscant took place, which the Jedi won by convincing the Yuuzhan Vong to surrender.

After the victory, Luke gathered the surviving Jedi and set them on a path to serve the Force.

After Zonama Sekot departed, Luke heard the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi for the last time.

The war was over. Luke founded the Academy on Ossus, and a few years later accepted his son Ben, whose teacher was Jacen Solo.

New War (Legend)

By 40, the Galactic Alliance began to resemble the Empire, forcing the Jedi to work for them. To show their power, the Alliance started a war with Corellia. This war divided the Skywalker and Solo families, who found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.

At this time, Jacen Solo fell to the dark side, lured by Lady Lumiya. Luke felt it in strength, however, did not yet know that it was his nephew. Skywalker suspected that the person from his visions was Jacen and worried about his son, who was still his student, but Mara convinced her husband that Solo was the best teacher. To make sure that there is no dark side in Ben, Luke fought him in a duel.

Luke and Mara began to take better care of their son, whom Lumiya had her sights on. More and more they began to suspect Jacen, wanting to separate him from Ben. But every trap that his nephew set for the Skywalkers he could deftly explain.

Luke and Mara wanted to find Lumiya and destroy her. Luke met with her in more than one fight, but she always slipped away.

Mary's death

Soon, Mara learned that Jacen had given Ben a mission to kill the head of the Corellian rebels, which he completed. For that, Jade wanted to kill Solo. She met him in a duel in which she was killed by a poisoned dart. After her death, Jacen proclaimed himself Darth Caedus.

Luke was mad with grief. He believed that his wife was killed by Lumiya, whom he soon found and executed.

Mara was buried on Coruscant, where her killer was also present, afraid of being discovered. During the time Jacen stood next to Luke, Mara's body merged with the Force. Skywalker did not take this sign correctly, deciding that he should make peace with Solo.

The reign of peace

In the end, when another crisis began to brew in the Galaxy with the participation of the new Sith Lord. Jacen Solo revealed his true identity as Darth Caedus.

Luke is back on a mission to free the world from a tyrant. But defeating Caedus was destined for Jaina Solo, the sister of the Sith Lord. The Galactic Alliance of the new tyrant was defeated. Peace has returned to the galaxy.

Skywalker was not immortal. In extreme old age, the Grand Jedi Master merged with the Force, leaving his mortal body.

Raised on the remote planet of Tatooine, Luke Skywalker was the adopted son of a farming couple. Fate takes him on a long journey and, having overcome unthinkable trials and experienced a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a true Jedi Knight and a hero of the Rebel Alliance.

Luke grew up on the farm of his uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru Lars. Luke had a very vague idea of ​​his origin - he only knew that his father was a hero who died in the Clone Wars - but behind this lay a dark secret that he had yet to find out. While working on his uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and was desperate to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklighter was already studying. But Luke's uncle, Owen Lars, constantly held him back from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of Luke Skywalker's house in the form of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. Thus begins an adventure that tests his courage and devotion to the light side of the Force more than once, helping him to know himself.

Luke passes tests that would be a test of strength for any mortal: he takes responsibility for the destruction of the Empire's super-weapon, the Death Star, takes a lesson in patience and wisdom from Yoda, mentor of the Jedi Knights; he has to choose between completing his training or trying to rescue his captured friends; he is faced with the horrific truth about his father's fate, and at the same moment he has to decide which side to take. And finally, he takes an incredible risk, going straight into the hands of his enemies, hoping that in the depths of the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains in the Galaxy, there is still a little kindness left.

Jedi son of Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala Naberri and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The older twin brother of Leia Organa Solo.

He was born on April 11 at the Polis Massa Medical Center on the day of the creation of the Galactic Empire. After the death of Luke's mother, he was sent to Tatooine to live with Anakin's half-brother Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the care of his guardians and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood. But one day, two droids fell into Luke's hands - C-3PO and R2-D2 - and the latter told him about his assignment - to find Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom Luke knew as a strange hermit living nearby. After listening to the message transmitted by the droids, Obi-Wan went to the aid of his comrades and took Luke with him. Luke proved to be a capable student and was able to learn from Yoda himself. Luke learned the terrible secret of his birth from his father, Darth Vader. With the humility and calmness that distinguishes a true Jedi, Luke accepted his fate and continued to fight. And finally, Skywalker came unarmed into a trap prepared by the Emperor himself in order to lure him to the dark side. During the battle with his father, Luke tried to influence him in order to return to the light side of the Force. After Darth Vader was defeated, Luke Skywalker did not kill him and continued to convince him to return to the light, despite the fact that at that time the emperor subjected him to lightning torture, as a result, Darth Vader realized the correctness of his son and threw the emperor into the Death Star mine , after which he died.

The further fate of Luke is described in the Star Wars comics. After numerous adventures detailed in the comics (e.g. becoming a master, teacher, grand master; studying the force; determining the nature of the dark side and the light side; restoring democracy to the galaxy; founding a new Jedi Order), Luke merges with the force, whatever the future instruct future generations. Following Disney's acquisition of the rights to the Star Wars franchise, all main canon events after Episode VI were rewritten, and what was formerly known as the Extended Universe and had varying degrees of recognition from Lucasfilm was collectively called "Legends" .

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it is revealed that Luke did indeed train the Jedi at the resurrected academy, but after his nephew Ben Solo, being one of his students, goes over to the dark side and exterminates the rest of the academy, Luke leaves for exile to a distant planet. At the end of the film, Luke was found by the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey using leftover coordinates found by R2-D2.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker will train Rey in the arts of the light side of the Force and fight the forces of Supreme Leader Snoke and his apprentice Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren. It has already become known that in this film, Kylo Ren (a former student of Luke Skywalker) will change his character to a tougher one.

In the ninth film, he will again become one of the main characters and learn how to lure the Dark Jedi, switch to the Light side of the force.