How to get rid of an inferiority complex. Signs and manifestations of an inferiority complex. To do this you need to perform three simple steps


An intelligible, everyday interpretation of the concept of “complexes” boils down to the fact that a person, finding himself in some harmless situation, suddenly becomes tense, revealing an unaccountable fear or timidity incomprehensible to others. He sometimes fails to explain his behavior, but if you look into it, the origins will certainly be found - in events that happened a long time ago or in the peculiarities of his upbringing.

Not many people are unconditionally satisfied with their appearance, so it is not difficult to imagine that a certain individual, looking in the mirror in the morning, discovers a physiognomy that is not at all similar to the ideal. For some, this will only be a reason to mentally grin and, leaving the thought of their own imperfection in the same mirror, calmly go to work. But there are also individuals in whom such a thought does not disappear over time, but goes deeper and is repressed into the subconscious. In this way, “repression,” the psyche protects itself from irritation. It would seem that the trouble is over and already forgotten, but in the subconscious the thought itches like a fly in a jar, trying with all its might to escape. The psyche, which is constantly in tension, plays the role of a jar with a lid, which has to withstand the blows of the thought beating inside. How long can this last? internal conflict when a person is not friends with himself, depends on the number of hidden fears or, as they are also called, complexes driven into the subconscious.

Over time, the tension increases, and when the boiling point is reached, there is always a victim on whom the flow of fear that has accumulated in the subconscious spills out. If the complex that has brought the psyche to the point of explosion concerns problems with appearance, then one’s neighbor will have to find out that he is disgustingly ugly. If a person is not confident in his professional competence, and the thought of this does not allow him to live in peace, then the poor fellow’s colleagues need to be prepared for loud accusations of unprofessionalism.

The steam comes out, showering other people, and the person who has relieved the tension feels better. He rises in his own eyes by humiliating others. He is wonderful, but the world around him instantly becomes black and white. AND internal problems people are transformed into interpersonal conflicts.

This is also a kind of technique for protecting the psyche, when a “projection” of one’s own complexes onto others occurs.

From such outbursts, from projections, one can judge the nature of fears hidden in the subconscious in order to realize and begin to free oneself from them.

Do you need to get rid of complexes?

It is simply necessary to do this, because complexes can significantly limit both life priorities and the available living space.

First of all, complexes greatly reduce self-confidence, and subsequently the quality of life. It is difficult for a person to decide on any actions, suspecting the environment of hostility. And the more internal contradictions, the more difficult it is to be at peace with yourself, the more black there is in the world. Enemies literally surround you.

Unconscious fears of the person himself can be perfectly recognized by others. And, often, there are manipulators who use other people’s complexes, like levers, to control a person.

How to recognize that you have complexes

To successfully fight the enemy and win, first of all, it is important to know him. To do this, you need to try to recognize all your own complexes and try to understand them.

After analyzing your way of thinking and existence, you can make your own list of complexes that interfere with your life.

How to deal with complexes

The result of the above is that if you have fears towards yourself and complexes in your subconscious, you should not push them deeper and wait for emotional explosions that will not bring anything good. In exchange for short-term mental relief, interpersonal conflicts flare up. Both the emotional repression of fear and its projection onto other people are the causes of quarrels with loved ones, mutual accusations and manipulation.

Understanding the cause and ways to combat the manifestation of complexes is the beginning of the path to liberation from them. And you need to start moving along this road immediately.

Common complexes

With all the breadth of the palette human qualities The most common complexes are not as numerous as one might expect.

  • Victim complex. When faced with an unpleasant situation or trouble, people choose different paths. Some people mobilize all their strength to overcome difficulties, while others find it easier to blame their loved ones or the whole world for what happened. Such a defensive reaction is expressed in a stream of negativity in order to shield oneself and force others to recognize the person as an innocent victim and arouse pity for themselves.

    Sometimes such behavior, which causes others to suffer, gives pleasure to the imaginary victim. The psychologist must resolve this conflict and help the “victim” overcome the complex.

Where do psychological complexes come from, how do they affect a person’s life and how to overcome them? It is important not only to get a competent answer to these questions, it is more important to find your own ways of getting rid of the complexes that prevent you from living and developing, enjoying life and getting pleasure from it.

What is psychological complexes, where does it come from and how to get rid of complexes? Many classics of world psychotherapy, in particular Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler, studied various complexes of the psyche.

Viennese psychiatrist A. Adler first introduced the term “inferiority complex.” Freud considered it a product of the unconscious, having a sexual nature. In contrast to the teachings of Freud, A. Adler derived this concept as a feature of the human psyche, which arises under the influence of the characteristics of upbringing and originates in childhood.

Childhood fears and grievances, fears and concerns associated with psychological trauma received in adult life - all this becomes the reason for the development of an inferiority complex.

No one is immune from this, and the development of the complex can begin at any period of a person’s life. Some people come to adult life with ready-made complexes, carefully “raised” by parents, school and peers, for some they develop after a series of failures related to work or personal life..

Is it necessary to fight

Do you need to fight complexes? If you feel that they are interfering with your life, it is advisable to get rid of them. Methods of overcoming depend on their type.

The complex of an excellent student, a loser, a victim - they all lead to a feeling of inferiority, a feeling of being a flawed and unworthy person:

  • There are often cases when a person in the eyes of society looks quite successful, active and happy - a good profitable job, a comfortable home, a prestigious car model, loving wife or husband, talented and well-mannered children, true friends, understanding bosses and devoted subordinates. But inside, such a person may still feel not worthy enough and lose the sense of fullness of being.
  • The concept of worthy or unworthy should not be considered by you at all when assessing yourself. You, like other people, have exactly 24 hours a day and an endless ability to improve yourself. Your ability to improve your own skills may be assessed, and only you can rate yourself.
  • Someone else's opinion about someone's merits or demerits should not be a heavy burden on your life path. You are not obliged to strive to conform to other people's ideas about what is beautiful or ugly, successful or unsuccessful, worthy or unworthy.
  • Even if some difficult or unpleasant moments happened in your life, they were sent by fate or God in order to teach you something and make you better. Besides, they are already in the past anyway, these negative moments. And you yourself carry the memory of them from your past into your future.

How to get rid of complexes

The more difficulties and troubles you have had to endure in life, the more unworthy you consider yourself, allowing the development of various complexes within yourself.

In fact, under these conditions you most deserve to consider yourself worthy of happiness and successful life, which means it’s time to overcome any complexes.

To decide how to get rid of complexes, first of all it is necessary to find the mechanism of their occurrence and the way they act on a person’s thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions. Then you can take specific actions to eradicate the influence of a particular complex.

To a man

In men, limiting complexes are most often associated with work, power or sexual activity:

  • Fear of poverty coupled with an excellent student complex - pushes a man to desire to earn more and more, to achieve steep career rises, to differ from those around him by the coolness of his car brand, the luxury of his home environment, the size of his bank account and other attributes of a successful person.
  • Fear of impotence in bed, which a man tries to overcome in all possible ways - frequent changes of sexual partners, the use of various stimulants, and the intake of increasing amounts of alcohol.
  • Victim complex begins to oppress a man whose attempts to achieve amazing financial success do not bring results. Such a man begins to blame his fiasco on unfavorable circumstances, the political and economic situation in the country, an unsuccessful marriage, dishonest partners, etc.

The following will help you get rid of typical male inferiority complexes:

  • a sober analysis of the current situation;
  • revision of the dominant life position;
  • if necessary, a series of conversations or therapy sessions with a psychologist, sexologist or business coach, which will help a man increase self-esteem and gain new skills for successfully running a business.

To a woman

It is believed that women are several times more likely to be influenced by various complexes than men. Women most often have complexes about their appearance, although in most cases there are no objective reasons for lack of confidence in their own beauty and irresistibility.

Most often, a woman does not like the parameters of her body, the length of her legs or breast size, the length of her hair, and the culprits of such complexes are the notorious standards of beauty, inspired by the trendsetters of changing fashion.

The victim complex is another psychological flaw developed in many women, and it develops against the background of a failed marriage or troubles at work.

The rules for exemplary behavior of a wife, mother, and daughter-in-law that are familiar in many families contribute to its development. According to these unspoken rules, a woman is obliged to create best conditions for the well-being of all family members, do not contradict your husband, respect and honor his parents and relatives.

Trying to please everyone, a woman often forgets about herself, or she simply does not have time to think about her desires and aspirations:

  1. To get rid of most female complexes, a woman must first learn to love herself and understand that a woman is worthy of love and admiration simply by virtue of her feminine nature.
  2. Fitness classes, swimming, going to proper nutrition, regular sleep, getting rid of habits that destroy women's magic.
  3. Even one good habit - regularly visiting a hairdresser, beauty salon or spa can do wonders for a woman's appearance, boost her confidence and help her blossom.
  4. A woman can get rid of the victim complex by discovering the source within herself. feminine power, which will make all her relatives look at her with new eyes. The advice of a psychologist, books and seminars of famous personal growth trainers will help her with this.


Personality complexes that develop in adolescence are the most difficult to correct. The teenager has not yet completely gotten rid of childhood fears and insecurities, and parental upbringing and years schooling, which so often creates low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, can turn him into an insecure, fearful and downtrodden creature.

The influence of the street with its strict laws and rules adds its own touches to the portrait of the teenager's inferiority complex. The most common types of teenage complexes:

  • excellent student complex;
  • loser;
  • Quasimodo;
  • momma's boy or daddy's daughter.

To get rid of these complexes, it is necessary first of all to increase the teenager’s self-esteem. It is also necessary to understand when and in what ways the parents were right, and when they clearly went too far.

A teenager’s critical view of the world and himself is usually not well developed; the young person largely thinks in street stereotypes or adapts to the opinions of parents and other authorities.

Therefore, if complexes are caused by a school or company, parents should help the child develop correct self-esteem, confidence in his own strengths and abilities, motivate him to play sports, and correct defects in appearance.

  1. The first thing parents can do to help their child get rid of complexes is to stop comparing him with other children or demanding that he satisfy their ambitions.
  2. The help of a psychologist, if necessary, may consist of consultations regarding the right choice future profession, skills development proper motivation, developing the ability to set goals and get results.

Working with a mirror is the best way to overcome complexities

Extremely simple, but very effective way getting rid of an inferiority complex - working with a mirror.

To do this you need to perform three simple steps:

  1. Go to the mirror.
  2. Look at your reflection.
  3. Sincerely confess your love and respect to him.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about saying to yourself in the mirror “I love you”, “you are the best”, “I am proud of you”. However, for a person who is squeezed by an inferiority complex, admitting good feelings towards himself can be very difficult, especially at first.

Tears, anger, resentment, malice, rejection of appearance - this is a list of feelings that people can experience towards themselves. The first few days are especially difficult to confess your love to your reflection. However, after a while, the image in the mirror begins to be liked more and more, the appearance features become attractive and do not cause the same rejection.

Working with a mirror greatly helps to overcome complexes caused by obvious or imaginary flaws in appearance, develops confidence and feeling self-esteem.

Art therapy against fears

Art therapy is the ability to express your emotions and feelings with the help of artistic images, often comical or grotesque:

  • depict your offender in the guise of a funny animal;
  • express long-standing childhood fears in the form of abstract characters;
  • Write a funny tale or satirical poem about your failures or worries.

To do this, you don’t have to have the talent of an artist, writer or poet.

Modern psychology recommends art therapy as an art-based, specialized form of psychotherapy. The visual or literary creative process is the therapeutic mechanism that, in a special symbolic form, allows one to realize and rebuild a traumatic situation, to find new uniform resolve conflict or dispel old grievances.

A successful method of getting rid of a complex is immersing yourself in the past and finding those traumatic moments that are not completed and that do not allow you into a confident and happy future.

Formula for success = internal potential - internal barriers

What you know about yourself and about people determines what actions you take and, ultimately, what results you get. And this knowledge about yourself is formed in your past. Free yourself from negative emotional charges, change your accepted attitudes, decisions and judgments.

Important point! Often when people reach their past, they ask themselves the question “why?” and they answer it as follows: because I am ashamed, because it hurts, because I feel bad, because I am offended. This way of asking the question leads to a dead end. The right question to ask your “past” self is “why?”

Why do you need to change everything, why get rid of the burden of the past, how do you want to live on. Before you start changing something in your own past, answer the question of what you want to achieve in the present and in the future.

Video: Expert Speaks

Complexes... They appear from nowhere and ruin the life of their owner. They depress, cause depression, make a person perceive himself distortedly and believe that others perceive him the same way. How to get rid of complexes, erasing them from your life forever? The secrets of success in the fight against these enemies of the human psyche are in our article.

In order to get rid of complexes, you need to take the following steps:

1. Find out the cause of the complex.

Do you know where the legs of our complexes come from? It often seems to us that others don’t like us in some way. It seems that the boss is not satisfied with the quality of our work. It seems that the opposite sex does not like you because you are ugly. It seems that friends are whispering about something behind their backs. Notice what the key word is here? That's right - it seems to us. Therefore, there may be indirect reasons large number, But real reason There is only one thing - we ourselves are to blame for the emergence of complexes. Low self-esteem, suspicion, lack of self-confidence - these are the qualities that serve as good soil for the appearance of complexes. This means that the only way to deal with complexes is to change yourself!

2. Soberly assess the situation.

Do you think there is a person in the world for whom everything in life is perfect: appearance, career, marital status, and friends? It is unlikely that there will be such a lucky person. Everyone has shortcomings - accordingly, a reason for complexes. However, if some people do not focus on their shortcomings, others only think about them. And at the same time, they draw the attention of others to their weaknesses. Therefore, you should honestly admit to yourself: “I’m not the only one, all people have shortcomings” - and it will immediately become much easier!

3. Get rid of fear.

An important step towards overcoming complexes is the ability to overcome fear, first of all, fear of public opinion. Do we really have to do everything in our lives with an eye on the opinions of others? And is it always as reprehensible as we think? In any case, don’t be afraid to express yourself, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and finally, don’t be afraid to be funny! Try to relate more simply to the world around you, stop thinking about your every step, don’t try to please everyone around you (after all, this is simply impossible!) - and the burden of complexes will gradually fall off your shoulders.

4. Believe in yourself.

“I can, I can!” - should be your motto. Inspire yourself that everything in this life is achievable. A simple psychological training will help with this: take a piece of paper and write on it a list of qualities that you do not possess, but would really like to acquire. Reread this list every day, saying it out loud. We guarantee that over time you will acquire these qualities. Also eliminate the particle “not” from your life: “they don’t like”, “they don’t understand”, “they don’t appreciate”.

5. Take active action.

Psychological training is good, but the fight against complexes also requires active action. The extra weight won't go away unless you start going to the gym, and your inferiority complex won't go away unless you try to connect with others. Put specific goals, the achievement of which will help overcome complexes.

6. Think about your strengths.

Focusing on our shortcomings, we often forget about our advantages, of which we undoubtedly have much more. The same training with a piece of paper can be repeated here - this time write your positive qualities. Are you too self-critical to make a list like this? Seek help from your family and friends. Rest assured, they will tell you a dozen or two of your advantages. At the same time, you will learn that you do not look like such an insignificance in the eyes of others.

7. Love life.

Life is beautiful - remember that! Smile at every new day, at the people around you, at your own reflection in the mirror. Remember - life is too fleeting to waste it on despondency and sadness. Fighting complexes should be a pleasant and easy task - then they will recede forever.

We wish you success in the fight against complexes!

Do you have any complexes? Do they interfere with your life? We have tips for you on how to get rid of complexes! Destroy your complexes and be happy!

Welcome, dear reader on the useful site Success Diary! 😉

We all live in a constantly evolving world.

The earth is a huge organism living its own life.

Every day thousands of people are born on Earth who live, suffer and...

No matter how different people are, they all have the same trait - some kind of complex.

Some are successful get rid of their complexes, others just can’t cope with them.

In this article we will look at what complexes are, where they come from and how you can cope with complexes!

Complexes are a person’s thoughts that limit all his actions and actions.

In other words, in the head of every person there is an invisible limiter on some of his words or actions.

While this limiter is in the “on” mode, a person is not able to do some things.

Where does this limiter come from?

Yes, you just create it for yourself!!!

For example, a teacher at school criticizes Petrov’s essay and comments on the mistakes to the whole class.

What is Petrov thinking at this time?

Instead of taking notes and correcting mistakes, he thinks: “That’s it, I’m stupid, I don’t know anything and I can’t do anything.”

This is how the first complex appears.

However, there is good news!

Reflecting how to get rid of complexes, each person can independently switch his limiter to “off” mode and remove all restrictions from himself.

To do this, you only need to take 5 extremely simple steps.

So let's get started.

How to get rid of complexes: instructions!

  1. Before you get rid of complexes, understand the problem

    First, sit down and in a calm environment think about all your complexes.

    On a piece of paper, write down all your thoughts without concealment.

    Once your list is ready, prioritize it, starting with the most important.

    This work must be done, first of all, in order to identify all existing problems.

  2. We identify the cause of the problem and begin to get rid of complexes

    When the list is ready, we take the most important complex and analyze it.

    In most cases, it seems to us that those around us do not like us, look askance, friends whisper behind our backs, etc.

    However, what is the key word here?

    That’s right – “it seems to us”!

    What should we do when it seems to us?


    All these logical chains take place only in our brain, but not in reality.

    There's nothing you can do, but that's just how people are - some people worry about a bad haircut, while others think that the whole world is looking at their pimple on their nose.

    Let's think together...
    Do you know that sick and depressed people become the most important people in the family? Why?
    Yes, because all the attention of family and friends is focused only on this one person! Therefore, the inferiority complex is the source of his strength.
    This depressed person constantly complains that he feels bad, that he feels weak, and despite all this, he is the strongest among us all. No matter how rude it may sound, they suppress healthy people!
    This should not surprise us, since in this case it is the disease that can give a certain power!
    And if you ask yourself the question: “Who are the strongest among people?” I’ll tell you right away - babies! Why?
    Yes, because it is babies who rule us, but they themselves remain uncontrollable...

    That's why analyze real facts and find out the reason for your complexes.

    In most cases, any complex appears from fear.

    And having conquered fear, you can easily get rid of all complexes.

    For example, you are afraid to meet girls.

    Having found out the reason for such fear, you will gradually...

    Often, when meeting a girl, the following thoughts arise in a guy’s brain: I’m poorly dressed, I don’t know what to say, I don’t have money with me, etc.

    Having understood the real reason fear, you can easily remove the internal barrier.

    After all, before meeting someone, you can dress up, take some money and think about the topic of the conversation.

  3. Cutting out fear

    As you already understand, fear is the cause of all our failures.

    If we obey fear, then all our lives we will be afraid of the opinions of others.

    Fear will never allow us to change a job we hate, expand our social circle, sign up for a cancan, etc.

    We will live our whole lives in fear and worry about public opinion.

    But answer the question: do you care how your neighbor from next door is dressed, but how she wears makeup?

    Or maybe you are worried about the capillary network on her buttocks?

    Then why should she care about you?

    Don’t try to please absolutely everyone – that’s not possible.

    The main thing is that you must like yourself and be individual!

    Appreciate your strengths, get rid of your weaknesses

    Usually we think about our shortcomings, talk about them, harp on them over a bottle of beer, but completely forget about our own merits.

    We always downplay our strengths and exaggerate our weaknesses.

    Do you agree?

    Tell me, do you know at least one person with ideal appearance, career, marital status and friends?

    Personally, only Iron Man comes to mind, but he’s not real, and therefore doesn’t count.

    No person is perfect.

    Some people have protruding ears, some are not very intelligent, some are bad at sports.

    But why shout about it at every corner?

    Protruding ears can be covered with hair, the absence of intelligence can be replaced with strength, and the absence of strength with intelligence.

    Therefore, from this day on, try to remain silent about your shortcomings and talk about your advantages.

    Within a few days you will notice positive metamorphoses taking place in your mind and you will easily get rid of complexes.

  4. Take action and you will understand how to get rid of complexes

    No matter how many books you read on a similar topic, they will not help you if you do not act.

    Naturally, acting can sometimes be oh so scary.

    After all, it’s much easier to crawl under the covers, curl up and be angry at the whole world.

    But this won't help!

    When you start doing the exercises, you may feel that it is stressing you out.

    You immediately start looking for reasons why you shouldn’t do these exercises.

    This is absolutely normal!

    Starting fight complexes, you step out of your comfort zone and fear starts to nip in your heels.

    Don't be afraid of this condition.

    Show your body who is boss and don’t stop, go towards your goal!

simple but very effective advice how to overcome your complexes:

Don't let your complexes take power over you.

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— What are complexes?
— Is it necessary to fight complexes?
The best way overcoming complexities
— A successful method of getting rid of the complex
— How to remove a weak point? Seven steps to success
— Getting rid of doubts: action plan
- Conclusion

The concept " complex"introduced by Joseph Breuer, an Austrian physician and physiologist.

Complexes- these are suppressed or repressed thoughts, words and ideas that are in one way or another connected with the qualities of your personality. Because they are important to your ego, they are usually accompanied by strong emotions that have a powerful influence on behavior and reactions. Complexes appear as various fears, aspirations, neurotic reactions and attitudes towards the world around us.

The complex causes fear, anxiety, shame. It seems to you that you are worse than others, that you do not deserve happiness, that you have no place in decent society. Due to the inability to satisfy his ambitions, dreams and desires, a person feels that he does not live up to his own ideal.

Sometimes the source of complexes is negative comparisons. Comparing ourselves with others, and especially hearing such comparisons from loved ones, we feel inferior.

Complexes usually cause Bad mood and depression. Concentrating on flaws and weaknesses affects our self-esteem and destroys self-esteem. Imperfections instantly become a lifelong problem that cannot be solved.

Complexes are very dangerous. In his work “Psychology of dementia praecox,” Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung even explained the occurrence of schizophrenia with them.

A complex is a separate personality within a person. Those desires that seem morally wrong to us and are condemned by society are repressed into our subconscious and form, as it were, the other, shadow side of our Self.

Sometimes these desires come out and we hate ourselves after satisfying them. A harmless example is a girl on a diet who finds herself at night with a half-eaten mayonnaise sandwich.

The complex owns a part of the body that you hate. Therefore, complexes cause psychosomatic diseases- the stomach becomes upset, skin diseases appear, etc.

Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and creator of the system of individual psychology, argued that the inferiority complex is the driving force behind every action and the source of every other motivation.

By feeling bad and unworthy, we take away our right to happiness, love and pleasure. Complexes poison life and do not allow us to achieve our goals, because we do not believe in the possibility of their implementation.

Is it necessary to fight complexes?

If you feel that they are interfering with your life, it is advisable to get rid of them. Methods of overcoming depend on their type. The complex of an excellent student, a loser, a victim - they all lead to a feeling of inferiority, a feeling of being a flawed and unworthy person.

There are often cases when a person in the eyes of society looks quite successful, active and happy, but inside such a person can still feel insufficiently worthy and lose a sense of the fullness of being.

The concept of worthy or unworthy should not be considered by you at all when assessing yourself. You, like other people, have exactly 24 hours a day and an endless ability to improve yourself.

Your ability to improve your own skills may be assessed, and only you can rate yourself. You are not obliged to strive to conform to other people's ideas about what is beautiful or ugly, successful or unsuccessful, worthy or unworthy.

The best way to overcome inhibitions

An extremely simple, but very effective way to get rid of an inferiority complex is to work with a mirror.

To do this you need to perform three simple steps:

  1. Go to the mirror.
  2. Look at your reflection.
  3. Sincerely confess your love and respect to him.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about saying to yourself in the mirror “I love you”, “you are the best”, “I am proud of you”. However, for a person who is squeezed by an inferiority complex, admitting good feelings towards himself can be very difficult, especially at first. Tears, anger, resentment, malice, rejection of appearance - this is a list of feelings that people can experience towards themselves.

The first few days are especially difficult to confess your love to your reflection. However, after a while, the image in the mirror begins to be liked more and more, the appearance features become attractive and do not cause the same rejection.

Working with a mirror greatly helps to overcome complexes caused by obvious or imaginary flaws in appearance, and develops confidence and self-esteem.

A successful method of getting rid of the complex

A successful method of getting rid of a complex is immersing yourself in the past and finding those traumatic moments that are not completed and that do not allow you into a confident and happy future.

Formula for success = internal potential - internal barriers

What you know about yourself and about people determines what actions you take and, ultimately, what results you get. And this knowledge about yourself is formed in your past.

Free yourself from negative emotional charges, change your accepted attitudes, decisions and judgments.

Important point! Often when people reach their past, they ask themselves the question “why?” and they answer it as follows: because I am ashamed, because it hurts, because I feel bad, because I am offended. This way of asking the question leads to a dead end.

The right question to ask your “past” self is “why?” Why do you need to change everything, why get rid of the burden of the past, how do you want to live on. Before you start changing something in your own past, answer the question of what you want to achieve in the present and in the future.

How to remove a weak point? Seven steps to success

Complexes... They appear from nowhere and ruin the life of their owner. They depress, cause depression, make a person perceive himself distortedly and believe that others perceive him the same way.

In order to get rid of complexes, you need to take the following steps:

Step 1. Find out the cause of the complex.
It often seems to us that others don’t like us in some way. Notice what the key word is here? That's right - it seems to us. Therefore, there may be a large number of indirect reasons, but the real reason is one and only - we ourselves are to blame for the emergence of complexes.

Low self-esteem, suspicion, lack of self-confidence - these are the qualities that serve as good soil for the appearance of complexes. This means that the only way to deal with complexes is to change yourself!

Step 2. Assess the situation soberly.
Everyone has shortcomings - accordingly, a reason for complexes. However, if some people do not focus on their shortcomings, others only think about them. And at the same time, they draw the attention of others to their weaknesses. Therefore, you should honestly admit to yourself: “I’m not the only one, all people have shortcomings” - and it will immediately become much easier!

Step 3. Get rid of fear.
An important step towards overcoming complexes is the ability to overcome fear, first of all, fear of public opinion.

Try to relate more simply to the world around you, stop thinking about your every step, don’t try to please everyone around you (after all, this is simply impossible!) - and the burden of complexes will gradually fall off your shoulders.

4. Compete.
Uncertainty in the face of new life challenges and fear of defeat are common consequences of complexes. Due to lack of faith in own strength we often refuse to participate in competitions and fight for the best. However, it is better to do and lose than not to do and have no chance at all.

Try to visualize your own fears, imagine the worst, and come up with a Plan B. Make a list of gains and losses that will result from your participation in the event. Once you put everything on paper, you will see that fear has big eyes.

5. Be in tune with your inner world.
If any criticism paralyzes you and forces you to stop trying, remember that you do not have to satisfy everyone. It is important that you live in peace with yourself.

Remember that criticism may be about your ineffective performance and not about your personality. Someone may notice that you are behaving immaturely or irrationally, but no one can say that you are an immature or irrational person.

6. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
Complexes hinder creative development and a creative approach to life. A person withdraws into himself and does not take initiative for fear of being ridiculed. Remember that only those who do nothing avoid mistakes. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

7. Don't compare yourself to celebrities.
Don't compare yourself to people in show business. Firstly, you do not know the whole truth about their life, about their complexes and shortcomings, if you can only judge them from the pages of newspapers and magazines. Secondly, every woman could become a model and look just as amazing if a whole staff of people took care of makeup, hairstyle, choosing costumes and creating an image.

8. Take care of your inner beauty.
There is no other person like him in the world, and that is your beauty. Develop softness and femininity, good nature, generosity and others. good qualities character. Be yourself and people will be drawn to you.

9. Contact a specialist.
If you can't cope on your own, seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. Psychologists use many different methods to work with complexes. Once brought out of the unconscious into consciousness, the complex will disappear.


Many people are haunted by complexes and obsessions. Almost every person has some kind of mental defect or defect in appearance that makes him feel inferior. The saddest thing is that sometimes we are the only ones who consider them shortcomings. While those around us envy this trait of ours.

Complexes prevent us from achieving success and destroy our personal lives. In addition, they cause low self-esteem. And with such self-esteem it is impossible to find happiness.

How can we get rid of the complexes that prevent us from living? First of all, you need to change your thinking and reassess your values. Perhaps some of your shortcomings are actually your strengths.

This article will help you get rid of your complexes and live a completely different life.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site