Why do you dream of green, lush grass. Interpretation according to Aesop’s dream book. If you dream of green grass - the dream book describes what you should prepare for in reality

Many people are sure that dreams are not just pretty pictures. They believe that these are some kind of messages that can predict the future. That is why in this article I would like to talk about what green grass means in dreams.


If a person dreams of green grass, he needs to remember under what circumstances it appeared. So, even the most insignificant details at first glance are important for clarification: where she grew up, what color she was, who else was nearby. Depending on this, the interpretation of sleep will also differ. However, in general, green grass is a symbol of hope and good health.

Lying on the grass

So, why do you dream of green grass if you dreamed that you were lying on it? So, it is very important to remember exactly what position it was in:

  1. Lying on the grass on your back means a long trip.
  2. Lying on your stomach means relaxation within the boundaries of your native place - city, village.
  3. If in a dream the sleeping person lay on either side, he will have to rest at home.

In a dream you had to fall on the grass - in reality, you may expect a setup or betrayal from a loved one. If the sleeping person tried to get up from the grass, but failed, in this case one should be wary of the meanness of friends and comrades. You also need to be extremely careful as employees may set you up.

Appearance of grass

What else does green grass mean in dreams? To answer this question, we need to consider the vegetation itself.

  1. If the grass is high, then the sleeper may soon be offered a new job or a better position.
  2. If the grass is very low, then most likely you will have to take on other people's functions and obligations.
  3. Why do you dream of green grass with flowers? In that case we're talking about about the personal relationships of lovers. Flowers are picked - there will be a wedding. If they just wriggle their legs, then it’s possible
  4. Why do you dream of green grass with dew? Such a vision indicates that soon the illness that torments the sleeping person or his close relatives will recede. Also, such a dream suggests that in the near future the person will be absolutely healthy.


I wonder why you dream of green grass on which certain animals are found?

  1. A dog on the grass means gossip. If she barks, then someone is slandering the dreamer and at the same time is very jealous. The dog just runs along the grass - to joy, sits - to love adventure, lies - for arrival
  2. A cat on the grass means problems at work. If there are a lot of cats, this means that disputes and friction will arise with colleagues.
  3. If livestock is grazing on a green meadow, the sleeper will receive news from a loved one. If the grass in this case is bright and beautiful, then success awaits in love affairs, while withered vegetation promises separation or quarrels.

Actions regarding grass

If in a dream a person is looking for something in beautiful green grass, in reality it is better for him not to poke his nose into other people's affairs. Otherwise, everything may end badly. Also this dream recommends that the sleeper sort out his affairs and put things in order in his personal life.

A herb that a person admires indicates that in reality something needs to be changed in life. Otherwise, depression cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream about green grass? Tearing it out in pieces, tearing it off indiscriminately means that in reality the sleeper has so many desires and needs that it is very difficult to cope with them. Therefore, you need to moderate your appetites, otherwise there will be trouble.

Why do you dream of green mown grass that still smells? Such a vision indicates that your well-being will improve. It is important who exactly mowed the grass. If you yourself are sleeping, then you will have to make an effort for this. If someone else mowed it down, then material wealth will flow like a river as a result of a successful combination of circumstances.


Why do you dream of green grass? Walking along it, taking a walk - means various changes in life. So, here again it is important to remember the details:

  1. Seeing a clear trace of your steps means that you will soon have a chance to improve your abilities and improve in what you love.
  2. When a clearly trodden path is visible on the grass, complex problems that arise along the way can be solved quickly and without special problems and disappointments.
  3. If one sleeps on the grass man walking towards your loved one, this promises separation. However, it will be short-lived. Perhaps your loved one will have to leave for some time, for example on a business trip.
  4. If there are islands of withered or yellowed grass, you should fear for your health. Some kind of illness may arise.

Opinions of ancient dream books

Various ancient collections of interpretations can tell you what green grass means in dreams. It is there that a wealth of information about the meaning of dreams that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers accumulated was collected.

  1. Gypsy dream book. If the grass is thick and beautiful, then there will be a wedding soon. If it is rare, then difficult times await the sleeper.
  2. Female eastern dream book. If a girl sees beautiful bright greenery, this promises improved well-being. Withered vegetation - to the illness of the sleeping person or his
  3. Esoteric dream book. If the grass is beautiful, tall, bright, then a successful period awaits the sleeper, but if it is yellowed, then illness. You should be wary of mown grass. In this case, death may await a person in reality.
  4. Zedkiel's Dream Book (Old English). If a person admires grass in a dream, success and improved well-being await him in reality. If the grass is ugly and yellowed, this may mean that an unfavorable period lies ahead: illness, trouble.
  5. Dream Interpretation Maya. Positive value: If you dream of grass, the dreamer will soon be able to rest. Negative interpretation: one must be wary of making a mistake in reality. However, to prevent this from happening, the ancient Mayans recommended eating one blade of grass before going to bed for a couple of days.
  6. Old French dream book. The grass itself, according to this interpretation, acts as a warning. You need to be wary of imaginary friends and newly made comrades. They can betray and harm. Eating grass in a dream means poverty and loss. If it is yellow, it means that the person sleeping in reality will face losses and disappointments.
  7. An ancient Chinese dream book. If a sleeping person dreams of a meadow with green grass, then this is a sign of profit, prosperity, and material well-being. If grass grows in a house, the room will soon become empty and people will move out.
  8. According to the ancient Russian dream book, a dream in a dream foreshadows various troubles and obstacles in business.
  9. The lunar dream book foretells health for everyone who dreams of grass.
  10. Dream book of health. If the grass is green, beautiful, it means recovery, or if it is yellow, wrinkled, it means illness.

Interpretations of modern dream books

You also need to consider why green grass is dreamed of, according to modern dream books.

  1. Russian dream book. If you dream about grass, a person regrets the past and hopes for a better future.
  2. Ukrainian dream book. According to the interpretation of this source, the grass symbolizes people and the sleeping environment. The better the vegetation, the more positive and friendly the people around you are. If there are withered places in the meadow, it means that among your acquaintances there are ill-wishers. If you had to mow vegetation in a dream, in reality a person may face serious matters or big troubles.
  3. Ivanov's newest dream book. The grass is a kind of clue. To hear it, you need to do meditation or self-improvement.
  4. Traveler's Dream Book. Generally speaking, grass symbolizes hope and expectation. If it is beautiful, then the dreamer will experience prosperity and success; if it is too tall, difficulties will occur. Chewing it or mowing it is a disappointment.
  5. New family dream book. If you dreamed of beautiful, lush grass in a meadow, it means that prosperity and good luck await the sleeper in his life. For businessmen, replenishment of capital, for artists - fame, for lovers - wonderful feelings and enjoyment of each other. If you dreamed of dried or rumpled grass, you need to be wary of diseases.
  6. Modern dream book. Dreaming of green, beautiful grass promises a person a successful and prosperous life. If she has withered a little, you need to be wary of being set up in business by relatives or friends. If mountains rise above the grass, then this is a sign of approaching danger.

In any case, it is worth remembering that any dream is not something bad. A negative vision is just a warning that real life something to be afraid of.

Green grass - good health/ increase in wealth / successful work.

Dry, yellow - everything is bad.

Cooking grass is a disorder.

Eating raw is a failure.

Looking for medicinal herbs - need / fear / unfavorable course of the disease.

Seeing dry medicinal herbs is a sign of imminent deliverance.

Seeing green turf means success in business / friendship.

They have to post something - there is a road ahead.

Seeing dry is a bad connection that will bring harm and damage

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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For romantic natures, such a dream means happiness and true friendship.

Dry, yellow grass - illness, grief.

But if you see dry medicinal herbs in a dream, it means recovery.

Especially good sleep: The yard of your house is covered with fresh emerald grass. Such a dream promises peace, tranquility and joy in your family. Such beautiful picture: a cozy, clean house, in front of it there is a courtyard - a real lawn. And in the yard... Let's repeat this in tongue twister: “there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.” Again! Clearer. Now it's good!

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with hope for revival, with regret or renunciation.

Seeing grass breaking through concrete in a dream means undying hope that will come true.

To see a person crawling on his knees and looking for something in the grass - you are overly curious, and this will cause you a lot of inconvenience.

To dream of a person walking through the grass, and it withers right before your eyes - there is a selfish person in your environment who makes life difficult for everyone and for you in particular, be honest and do not be afraid to tell the truth.

Admiring the shine of the grass and feeling that it feels silky to the touch is a sign of fatigue and a desire to change the situation; to memories.

The path is overgrown with grass - a meeting with an old acquaintance; resurrection of past events; change in outlook on life.

Seeing a grave overgrown with grass means problems with parents and older family members.

Mowing the grass means profit, prosperity, and troubles.

Feeding an animal grass - searching for a reliable friend, the desire to gain trust good man; to a declaration of love, a frank conversation.

Gather medicinal herb- rack your brains over a long-term problem, look for unconventional way solutions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Grass

if an unknown plant grows in a place where grass usually does not grow, then a family relationship will develop with the owner of this place. Green grass symbolizes piety in faith. And if he sees in a dream that people are holding green grass in their hands, then this is a sign of harvest this year. And whoever among the poor sees himself among green grass, gathering it or eating it, will become rich. Seeing different herbs in a dream means impermanence.

Interpretation of dreams from

Grass in a dream- For more mature women, such a dream speaks of possible infertility or problems in the female part.
Seeing green grass cut but not yet harvested in a dream means that some misfortunes will happen in your home or with your loved ones.
Seeing grass in a dream- a favorable sign. Provided that the grass in your dream is green, juicy and thick. Such a dream promises prosperity, success and happiness in your personal life.
Walking through the dew at night- to find harmony with inner world And surrounding reality.
For young girls this is a particularly unfavorable dream. Since it foreshadows the fading of youth and beauty, it is even possible that a change in character for the worse.
If you dreamed of grass, then such a dream is very favorable, as it foreshadows a life of abundance and great happiness.
If you had a dream about grass- it means a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Yours soon financial situation will reach the point where you will not need anything and can buy everything you like.
If in a dream you see a person looking for something in green grass, it means that you are very curious.
If in a dream you were looking for medicinal herbs- you urgently need to get rid of your fears that are preventing you from acting and moving forward towards your goal.
If you dreamed of green grass, it means that you will live a long and prosperous life. happy life.
If in a dream you mow green grass, then your well-being will increase.
If in a dream the grass is yellow and dry, then such a dream warns of sudden danger. You should be careful in all areas of your life.
If you are an artist or writer- expect unexpected fame and popularity.
If you collect green grass, then you have to decide old problem.
If you are a person who is engaged in trading, then you will be able to quickly accumulate great wealth.
If the path is overgrown with green grass, it means that you will soon meet old friends.
There is green grass- to poverty and illness.
For women, a similar dream foreshadows fertility and the imminent conception of a long-awaited child.
Green grass is a sign of prosperity, hope and pleasure.
Green, fresh grass, on the contrary, means that you will maintain your health for a long time and will receive good rewards for your work.
Feeding an animal green grass in a dream- search true friend, the desire to gain the trust of a good person.
Mow the grass- sleep promises strengthening well-being. seeing mown grass that you cut yourself can be a bad sign and promise death loved one.
eat grass- to illness and poverty.
Lying on lush green grass means the beginning of new love relationship.
Lying on dry grass- health will deteriorate significantly.
For men, such a dream predicts a long sex life, full of adventure and possibly many illegitimate children.
Dreamed of dried grass- a sign of danger that is approaching you, as well as illness and serious failures in business. Therefore, try not to start new things, especially if they are important, and carefully monitor your health.
Walking in a dream through a green meadow and seeing some places where the grass has withered a little - illness awaits you or you may encounter great difficulties in important matters.
Trying to get through tall grass in a dream- obvious obstacles posed by serious competitors.
Tearing green grass in a dream means that you will need something in life.
Rotten, dried grass appears in a dream as a warning of approaching grief and disappointment. you may encounter an obstacle.
For trading people, the dream promises a very rapid accumulation of wealth. For people in love, the dream promises a serene eternal love and marriage.
Grass dreamed of by people in love means that their feelings will only grow stronger over time, and they will be together for a long time.
The grass that entrepreneurs dreamed of promises big profits, which would be best invested in business - after a while you will return everything a hundredfold.
Having seen such a dream, special attention pay attention to your stomach.
Seeing green, lush grass in a dream- a happy omen.
If you see yourself lying on green grass, then expect a new love relationship.

Dreams that occur at a time when the body is resting, but the brain continues to work, help a person to consider the future without the help of a professional fortune teller. Let's take a closer look at what green grass means in dreams.

Green grass can be a dream various reasons

Green– the color of life, the meaning of such a dream – well-being and new hopes in a person’s life.

Green is the color of life, the meaning of such a dream is well-being and new hopes in a person’s life

Grass can be a dream for a person who misses spring and summer, and as if by order, as soon as we fall asleep, we are transported to a picturesque walk along the green grass. And having woken up, we are in a wonderful mood and with great mood. However, if the dreamer did not think about hot days and walks, and he suddenly dreamed of grass, then an interpretation of the interpretation of the dream will be required.

Modern dream books will help you determine why you dream of green grass:

  1. According to Miller's dream book, a dream about green grass means happiness and prosperity. For business people, he predicts material profit in the near future, creative people- creative growth and fame.
  2. According to the interpretation of Vanga’s dream book, seeing grass in a dream means a connection with past griefs and regrets.
  3. According to the interpretation women's dream book a favorable sign foreshadowing prosperity and financial wealth. People in love are promised a boundless ocean of love and a storm of emotions.

Green grass symbolizes success, health and inspiration.

Seeing tall green grass in a dream

Tall green grass in a dream can mean career growth

If you dreamed of tall green grass, then there are 6 meanings:

  • happy and long life without any financial difficulties, moral well-being;
  • good luck in love and vivid sensations;
  • the onset of a white streak in a person’s life, a good period for bringing conceived ideas to life;
  • unnaturally tall green grass is a harbinger of idleness for the dreamer or woman;
  • also means that you should not isolate yourself from the world and spend your life in the solitude of your tiny apartment world.
  • career growth or new job.

As we see, the interpretation of such a dream gives a person only positive emotions and well-being in all areas of life.

Why do you dream of walking on green grass?

When a person walks on green grass, such a dream can be interpreted quite simply - this means upcoming changes in life. For details and more accurate interpretation You need to remember the details:

  1. If during sleep a person clearly sees traces of his steps, there is only one meaning: improvement in his favorite activity and a chance to improve his abilities.
  2. When the dreamer goes to meet his lover, this promises separation. However, you shouldn’t be sad, because it won’t last long; most likely, your loved one will simply have to go on a business trip for a while.
  3. A well-trodden path means solving difficult problems that have arisen on the dreamer’s path, which can be easily solved without any problems or major disappointments.

Lying on the grass

A very encouraging dream for lonely people, meaning that a pleasant acquaintance awaits the person in the near future

A very encouraging dream for lonely people, meaning that in the near future a person will have a pleasant acquaintance and a fairly rapid development of relationships into which he will plunge headlong. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your chosen one, maybe he is your soulmate.

When one of them had such a dream married couple, in which lately There are a lot of disagreements, which means it’s time to sort things out. It is possible that you need to speak out and listen to the other side in order to fix everything in your relationship.

Grass in the yard

When the dreamer is in a yard overgrown with grass, such a dream foreshadows disappointment in the person who was long time ideal for him.

If traces remain on the grass, then the person will have the opportunity to increase knowledge and abilities. Perhaps he will enter a prestigious educational institution or he will be sent for advanced training.

Dreaming of green grass with flowers: what is it for?

Sitting on a green flowering meadow means fidelity in love and family well-being

Seeing a green meadow with flowers in a dream means prosperity family happiness in the house. Sitting on a green flowering meadow means fidelity in love and family well-being. There are also some other interpretations:

  • family harmony and mutual understanding;
  • gives a promising prognosis to people in love - your relationship will last a long time and will soon move to the next level, creating a strong and friendly family;
  • indicates to married people that in the near future nothing and no one will be able to disturb their family idyll and peace;
  • For people who are separated for a long time, this dream indicates a speedy and happy reunion with loved ones.

If you dream of a lot of grass - a whole field

A huge amount of grass (a whole field) often signifies the onset of a happy period in a person’s life. This can apply to any aspect of a person’s life process: family, material well-being, career growth, health. Such dreams are often a symbol of health and symbolize new hopes in life's journey.

Such dreams are a signal for decisive and immediate action; they tell us that it is time to act, regardless of the type of our activity. If you have any ideas in terms of new beginnings, then when you wake up you need to immediately begin to implement them.

Trees growing among a field of green grass promise the dreamer profit.

Mowed green grass

Walking on freshly cut grass promises a series of upcoming failures. There may be some problems at work, so in the near future you should abandon important negotiations and not follow the advice of strangers. To limit yourself to minimal losses, you should avoid getting involved in dubious offers for some time.

However, if the dreamer piles up freshly cut grass, then in reality he will go on a trip - he will soon have an unforgettable trip or work trip.

The meaning of animals that are on green grass

When you dreamed of animals being on green grass, there can be several meanings

When you dreamed of animals being on green grass, there can be several meanings:

  1. When you dream about a dog, it means gossip. Barking means that someone is heatedly discussing the dreamer and at the same time experiencing envy. A running dog is a sign of joy; if he is sitting, it is a sign of a love affair.
  2. A cat on the grass means problems at work; if there are a lot of them, this indicates that there may be disputes and conflicts with work colleagues.
  3. If the dreamer sees livestock grazing on the grass, then the person will receive news from a loved one, and certain success awaits him in love affairs.

See grass in the water

It means that in the near future all conflicts with loved ones will be resolved, everything will happen gradually and will return to the same relationships. For people who want to change jobs in the near future, such a dream promises that the right moment has come to accomplish their plans. A new job will allow you to provide yourself well financially and demonstrate all your abilities.

See grass in a cemetery

A favorable dream for a person who has lost all hope, indicating that he will find it again and will be able to believe in his own strength. It hints that there is no need to be sad and despair, but that you need to take everything into your own hands and achieve your goal. A grave overgrown with grass means that minor problems with parents are expected in the near future.

Why do you dream of a lawn, lawn (video)

Why do you dream of green (video)

As you can see, dreams with green grass promise mostly favorable, encouraging and positive news. This makes you happy, doesn't it?

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